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Official Paper of P remont County WOOD D. PARKER , Publisher THURSDAY, MAY 14. 1S.ÜH. Entered «t the PoBtofflce at St. An thony, for transmission through the mails, 88 second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year Six Months Three Months Advertising Hates on Si.' oo : 1 OO BB (i(3pri(.*atii>n. HK KANT IM) IT. It will not bo strande if Hie prediction proves true that the opposing candidates for the presidency next year will be President Roosevelt and ox President Cleveland. There Inis been a drift, toward tin* latter in the democratic party of late and lie would receive strong sv.pport from larye interests in fltc east. On the other hand, President Roosevelt, is si rony wit h 1 he peo ple, and there would be little doubt of his securing' the e!ec torial votes of every state west of the Mississippi ri\a r with the exception of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas a nd possibly, Missouri. The oppositions of Mr. 1 try an and his friends to the candidacy of Mr.Cleveland would endanger Missouri to the democracy, and it Would not lie strange if the republicans should carry that state. The hope of the democrats would be in New York, Connect icut and New .Jersey, but it is im probable that tin 1 voles of these states and those of the south, which Mr. Cleveland might be able to hold, would overcome the strength of practically all the remainder of the union which President Roosevelt would carry.—Pocatello Tri bune. The Teton Peak. a The day is coining and that right soon, when the business interests of the country will be just as closely watched and under government control as the banks and the postoftice de partment. This may be social ism, and doubtless is what many socialists desire, but it is the comingthing. and it is going to he brought about by the repub lican party. The money power that the old fashioned populists used to scream about will not support the republican party with Roosevelt at its head and he is sniv to be the nominee of the party unless Wall Street defeats him. With Roosevelt in the White House till 1 !«>*.) this country will have a turning over and gamblers and loafers who claim tube financiers will lia veto go to work. This is as sure us sunshine. The merger business seems to be the entering wedge. It will stop cock gambling and I raudulent trusts and iniq u it nous combinations and give the man who works with his hands ami his head a chance that he has not had against the "high finance'' fellows in a generation. If this is treason what arc you going to do about itr Boise Clipper. ____ The St. Louis Republic con tained the following concerning Gov. Morrison's visit, to the dedication ceremonies of t lie World's Fair: "Governor Morrison, who de parted on the morning of May it, spent the greater part of his lajrt night in St. Louis in com pajpy with .Julius.), Schotten and Jonathan Rice, discussin for the construction of Idaho's bqttdliig at the world's fair. ■"It is planned to have a first class exhibit from the state farthest north in the tier of Lou isiana Purchase states and the site,upon which the Idaho budd ing will stand will be made one of tile most interesting spots the,group all the members of the partv were well pleased with their re ceptjon in St. Louis, and ex pressed their pleasure at having coioé lurtlier than any other plans l:llm 's in 1 1 he governor and Negation to attend the dedi cation. "If everybody in Idaho is not a visitor to the world's fair it will not be our fault," said Gov ernor Morrison. "We will have them here to see the sights and we will have some sights for everyone to see at the same time. " "While the Idaho party was in St. Louis its members received many attentions from prominent citizens and were entertained with numerous receptions. One of the most enjoyable events of the governor's stay was a car riage drive about the city which afforded him an opportunity to sec the greatness of the world's fair city." Or; hex has the first co-operat ive store ever esiablislied in Utah. The plan of the concern is the same as that of the old English co-operative store. The basic principle is an equal dis tribution of tin' dividends to all its patrons. Every purchaser o! the store when the dividends are declared gets his proportion of I he profits, according to the amount which lie has expended. J. S. Holland is the manager of the store, J. S. MeLaehlan is the man who will have charge of tile book's o| the concern and will keep track of each man's proportion. At first they will start out with a line of groceries, later adding t he other various departments, as the patronage warrants. The United States will enter tain more royal visitors within the next year than in any pre vious fifty years of its history. There a re four reigningmouarclis in the list—the king of Belgium, the king of Siam, the king of Abyssinia and the sultan of Jahore. The crown princes of England, Germany, Japan and Bavaria, President Loubet of Prance and England's greatest living soldier, Lord Robeits, complete the list of the most renowned. Among the other noted guests will be the sultan of Jolo, the Duk de Richel ieu and possibly Prince Henry of Russia for the second time. Ordinance No. 85. An ordinance providing for the licens ing of Village Scavengers anil fixing the amount thereof; and the maximum chin ge for such work. Be it ordained by the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the village of St Anthony. Section 1. That there is hereby levied, and there shall be collected as ether village licenses are collected, a license tax of Ur00 per quarter, from all persons following the vocation of scaavengers within the village of St. Anthony. Sec t!. That in the cleaning and re moval of the offal from all privies or ' Insets, the maximum charge shall lie $2 DO for a single box, and fill 00 for a double box. Sec. 0. That any person who shall follow the vocation of scavenger, with in the limits of the village of St. An tliouy, without first procuring a license from the \ il läge Clerk, shall he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined in any sum not less than ten nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense, re coverable with costs, together with judgment of imprisonment at the rate of*l 50 per day until the amount of such judgment and costs shall he paid ; anil any scavenger who shall charge more than tin* maximum price herein set forth, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and subjected jo the same penalty above set forth. Passed and approved this 12th dav of May. 1003 Attest M E Jamison, < has. < Bowerman. Chairman Clerk. Take Notice. That t he stock of t he Fremont < ounty Oil. Ons & Coal Company, Limited now on the market for 10c per share after June 1st. 1003, will h e sold for 20c. Operations will actively begin June t, 1903. h All persons desiring to bn v stock can secure the same by calling in person or by sending check to the office of the company in King & Millsaps' law office Koss-Hainer building, St. Anthony Idaho, or at the office of Probate Judge John Donaldson, in the court house Business promptly attended to, and stock forwarded at once upon receipt of ,UO,lf '- v or check W. E McDonald, President. I lie Wastes of the Body. Every seven days the blood, muscles and bones of a man of average size loses two pounds of worn ont tissue ibis waste cannot be replenished and the health and strength kept up without perfect digestion When the stomach 0, f'" s ,ail t" perform their touchons, the strength lets down hyajth gives way. and disease sets up.' Eodal Dyspepsia Cure enables the st.nn ach . anil digestive organs to digest and assimilate all the wholesome food that may he eaten into the kind of hlooil that rebuilds the tissues and protects the boilv ' mind and oh Koili.l cures Indigestion. Dys pepsia and all stomach troubles lt'is Ä; ,,n,, * u ...... .. 1,1 i,v '• Vius,> " rr\T umnvinu OF THF. County Auditor of Fremont County, State of Idaho, foi the Fiscal Year Beginning Janu ary, 1902, and End ing January, 1903 . Assessed valuation of all property for the fiscal year 1902. Original assessment roll -total valuut on 1992 $2,952,609 35 Subsequent assessment roll total valuation 1902 13.555 uo Grand total $2.971,164 35 Revenues from property taxes for the fiscal year 1992. Total taxes due from original assessment roll 1992 $105,593 97 Total taxes due from subsequent assessment roll 1902 Poll luxes, lr.81 (<1 $2.00 Grand total of gross revenues from property taxes 1902 3.392 00 $109.413 39 Deductions to be made from gross property tax revenues. Double assessments, errors, etc . $ 357 67 Double assessments, error, 36 polls (0 $2 0 U 72 00 Uncollected taxes (delinquent roll 1992) 16,249 79 Uncollected taxes (delinquent roll !9u2»493 poll* at ({>, $2 00 99*5 03 < irand total of deductions to be made from property tax revenues $13,175 46 expenditures asillcalion of levies, gross and net revenues, ami balances. Gross property tax revenues classified. > State (general) $15.371 J » •* w agon road 1.691 i Schools und Villages, special 22.316 I • County current exp $2.',417 37 1031 polls 3,362 00 25,779 \ school 20.316 ) ** road 3.202 - ) bridge 6.404 ! ) •* redemption 9.607 ; i sinking 3.342 \ Lev ies classified. State(general " wagon road County current expense school road *• bridge redemption sinklug Total levy 82 69 State (general) $ 754 94 Ï 11,589 75 State general $ 795 17 " wagon road l 454 00 Polls 114 7 (a $2 im» 2.-91 uu County current exp 5.783 !1 11.359 51 County current expense 6.235 1)2 school 17,319 39 24.373 32 school 1 17.474 13 •• road 2.726 93 •• road 1.311 '* bridge 5,386 52 sinking 3,603 4U redemption 12.756 23 Redemption 2,721 46 Schools and villages 12.224 77 Total net revenues from Total net revenues from property taxes $91,268 43 other sources $28,146 33 Expenditures classified. Cash on hand in each fund. State(general $15,138 72 State (general) $ 911 Ul wagon road 1.359 IU wagon road 94 90 County current expense 26.015 12 County current exp 161 52 " school 40.870 8 > school 13,296 Ul *' road 3.269 76 road 768 17 ** bridge 5.195 B bridge 257 36 sinking 3,252 IK) sinking 2,119 06 '* redemption 12.11U 28 Redemption 7.983 91 Schools and villages 12.234 37 Total expenditures $119,44!» 11 Total cash on hand $ 30,592 03 Estimated value of property belonging to the county Court house $ 2,300 0U Court house site 500 00 Bridges 92.709 *HJ Jail and cells 2.100 00 Records 4.402 ou Road implements 5oo 00 Total value of property belonging to the c îunty $102,502 09 Current expense Warrants drawn April $6,17.» 76 July 6,ol6 12 October 4,9.53 72 November 2.803 19 January 5,570 50 April 8559 13 July 951 10 October 555 55 November 653 33 January 773 64 April $ 329 96 July 2.560 16 October 1.169 H3 November 343 23 January 798 71 Current expense all paid. Road—All paid Bridge Warrants paid. < Current expense School Road Road Warrants drawn but not paid. Outstanding warrant indebtedness. 1893 1894 1896 1992 $12.911 32 7.395 37 5,653 68 1 038 59 $2.005 55 6.636 74 1.474 85 2,064 76 3.467 89 $26.993 96 11.600 UP 72,1*00 00 8111.493 96 Items Totals 100 00 8 00 2 50 557 00 $ 667 00 Total outstanding warrant Indebtedness Amounts due various funds from delinquent roll of State, general $2.359 73 Wagon road $ 245 82 County Current expense 3,41127 School 3,195 47 • Bridge 983 23 Road 491 62 '• Redemption 1.474 83 Sinking 539 93 Special School 2,838 94 Villages 628 95 Total amouut due from various funds from delinquent roll of 1992 $ 16.219 79 Araouut and character of county indebtedness. Floating debt Bonded debt—First series Second series Total indebtedness of the county Description of each bond issue. July 1st. 19J0, $11.690.00, 4 per cent, 10 years. July 1st, 1901, $72.900 00, 4 per cent, 10 20 years. Complete detailed statement of expenditures chargeable to the current expense fund, itemized. District court Hall rent s Drayage of court furniture Stenographer's note books Juror's certificates Justice courts Justices of the peace Juror's certificates Constables County commissioners. John E. Pincoek, salary $500 00, livery $s oo Marion J. Kerr, *• 5uo uu, stationery 3 00 Kli McKntire, - 500 oo. expenses 16 05 , Auditor and recorder. Freight, etc., paid from fees $ 29 » 4 « Salary Deputy salary $1,080 00 , special help $60 09 Blanks 340 40, records 7C 50, stamps, etc. 21 40 Book writer and ribbons Sheriff. Expenses paid from fees *>15 ^ Salary Deputy salary 960 00. special help 52 00 Board prisoners, clothing, etc. Livery 61 uo, supplies 14 25, laundry 16 00 . Treasurer Hal y Stationery Office rent , , Assessor and tax collector. Salary Telephone, postage and express Team hire 485 00 , records 17 1 50, trip to Boise 35 60 Probate judge. Salary Juror's eeitilicaies Constables Blanks, etc. . County Attorney. Salary Office rent Livery and horse feed Car f ure |*jo 15 , stationery 12 00. box rent 2 00 Stamps 9 U0, sign 2 50, book case 4 50 Superintendent of schools. Salary Express 2 05, stamps 39 05, car fare .76, livery 39 90 Blanks and records 211 35, hectograph 7 uo institute 193 00, examiner 12 00 „ Coroner. Salary Court house. Janitor Telephone rental 72 00, electric wiring 32 70 Light rental 12 6). jail repair 93 oo, lin»leutn35 25 Wood til 75, coal 92 1 i. oil 22 59, ice 14 69, ga Rue 2 4) Sundry supplies, pens, etc. Surveyor. Salary 200 00, expenses 9 o* Quarantine marshals Indigent temporary aid County physician County livery 199 H) 125 50 282 85 508 50 * 503 00 516 05 2,000 0*1 1,140 00 43 S no 191 3J 1.5U0 UO 1,012 00 121 09 300 UU 10 00 120 UO UU! 00 101 70 110 85 193 39 107 40 209 0U 1.081 25 HÖ9 33 037 1*9 219 09 1,U81 25 359 38 Ini* rants Dull I*.mi proi'iv * 1111 ' \h.imet lnml 11,111 s * Suii'lry cximmi--" . Klivt ion ............. L,,i rolliiU-' plm'i's t ''" 1 r ' 1 KeKlslrnrs i'IitUs of I'lfi' 11 "" .lii.R-i-suf rU'i'tiim » 'unstable^ , . , Expense of roads i ou b. el II drliU'.'ieiil list [• , bonds .2 » tira nd total c!un IT able to curr-Mit exp 'iio- rund 'capitulation of current expei: By District court expeu*»es Bv I'otimy commissioners cx;>cum Bv Auditor and recorder s By Sheriff'« expenses Bv Treasurer's , 5 v Assessor and collector s e\|"'i Bv Probate judue'.s expenses By I'mintv attorney s By Superintendent ot sell >o. i Bv * '.»roller ' expenses B\ Surveyors Bv Miscellaneous " 60 s 1.5 1,527 55 3.769 60 2.724 s', 93c 60 3,197 91 »8« 0 i '938 9 • I.3M In Total ree.ipit ultttion. , total receipts tr. » n all > it.tal expenditure-' for all t v I, • I i * * i * * 11 1 • V 1 houlil 1 hell- I* To ul ey) ; 190 2 enues other than property taxe unco *»* v ioni'M t total expcmiilure- f«)r year It»!« r applyia ,r rev other i :un prop taxes $'»1.26.8 1:1 stale or Idaho, j Fremont county. ^ , .. , , . Victor H *gs'.e I. Hem g nr 0 *1 i • " >> d 0 s • 1 1 ' i\ • Lu. I ,.' m „tv auiîii i" »;• s ml From •:*' e mntv. an l th it Hi * lor • >,n • ;s a j-,, 11 vt-itciiient *»I t hr* e »mi'uoii *»i ■> i. 1 connty for tli - it, • j year bekinniiig on t'u* s '«• * ul Monday J:in.r..v, A D 1902 an I . ini the second Mo-idav in'ury. A D. loo. \ I * i. » .< ! 11 : . ■ * '.»tint y A'iditorof Freni »m co.ih' , Subscribed in mv pr. --in**- by the 'aid Victor liegst »*.| . ,w .rn to before me this ist u day of April, A. D. 1903 I.K N ». 1 llllAMHl I bun WI NES & LIQUORS In Splendid Variety and the Lowest Priées, in Bottles, Masks, Demijohns or Kegs We eater in particular to those who want a drop of something pure foi- home use. K i Fine Sample Room in Connection The Largest stock in the County w. h. Buhl and Williams Huildinu. The Riverside J. W Mooke, Proprietor. Wines, Liquors Cigars. 1 The ('elebrateil John C. Fremont' \\ hiskey, Anheuser Bnseh, Pul ist anil Schlitz Beer. Fine Imported and Do \ mestic ( 'igars on Hand......... Main Sued, st vnthony,. j —-- jSt. flnüîooy * Harness G oippapy. 4 (Wv ^)\/| ^ (,m,J * n and look at our Harness. 4 • We. m;uiuf;icture everything. \ f. bridles, Collars, Sweat Pads, Whips, Bitse MOST W1AGIM1FICENT LINE OF i '(ll'PP hVbp ----- ^ " * I ry our Easy payment plan for PIANOS & ORGANS Wii|i| Fünjiiare Co m