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The Teton Peak Official. Raff* of R a am ont County WOOD D. PARKER. Publisher THDRSDAY, MAY 21, 1903. Entered nt the Postoffice at St. An thony, for transmission through the mails, as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION One Year Six Months Three Months : Advertising Hales on RATES ' $2 OO : 1 OO SB application. J. A. Noggee, of Soldier, organize a stock company for the purpose of puttin'? in a 70 barrel flouring mill at this point. Mr. Nogyle is tile owner of a 65 barrel mill at Soldier, and is a thorough mill man in every re spect and is well qualified to build up and conduct a success ful business at this point if the people of St. Anthony and the surrounding country desire to take advantage of this oppor tunity. Mr. Noggle informed a Peak representative yesterday that the prospects for organiz ing the company and raising the necessary means looked very favorable to him. This is one of the many opportunities tliu? lias come to St. Anthony in the last three years and if the busi ness men and farmers of this section ever expect to obtain a flour mill, they must necessarily lend some assistance and co operation. We need not expect that anyone will thrust an enter prise of this kind upon us, neither will outside capital be invested here in spite of hold-up prices on mill sites and rights of way for canals, etc., as past experience proves. If a flouring mill is a good thing for this place, then our citizens should encourage its location here by seeing that a fair opportunity in in seeing tnai a iair opportunity in the way of a desirable location . ? and rights of way for canals, at reasonable prices, is tendered the parties who are willing to invest their capital for the good and upbuilding of the commu nity, and, furthermore we should show our faith in our own'town to the extent of taking as many shares of the capital stock as each for himself feels able to take. If this is a good place for a flouring mill, we must still bear in mind that natural ad vantages alone do not make a prosperous, flourishing commu nity, but the natural advantages must be complemented by the united efforts of an energetic people, working in harmony for the good of the whole community. We have been taught by precept and by experience that "the Gods help those who help them selves,''and if St. Anthony ever expects to bask in the sunshine of the Divine smile, now is the time for a united effort to help ourselves. If you "can not help this very laudable enterprise, for heaven's sake and for the sake of the community in which you live and the people off whom you make your living, don't run the price of your lots up to $1,0()0 per front foot (if you happen to be one of those who were lucky enough to drift inhere when lots could be bought for about one dollar each,) and then hang around like a Chinese boxer with a knife up your sleeve for the "foreign devils." Let us get together, by all means, and not - only make 't possible, but invit ingly pleasant for this nroDosed 7 F . , tins proposed enterprise, and the Peak will ---------— 4.U-4 guarantee that within a year from now we will all be willing to pat ourselves on the back and quietly and modestly admit that "we did it." Governor Morrison has named James Russel Harrison for lumber inspector of district No. 2, which includes Coeur D'Alene lake and all streams tributary thereto or flowing into tributary streams. Mr. Harri son is a resident of Kootenai county. Wool, sales in Idaho have in Weiser the past two weeks, and there has been a great hus tling among them to see who could get the largest portion of the clip. Joe Streng, represent ing Eisemann Bros, of Boston, appears to have been the most successful. He secured 1,250, 000 pounds for his firm. The ruling price was 13 cents, al though some sales are reported to have been made at 14 cents. The wool clip of Washington county, it is estimated, will make nearly 3,000,000 pounds. Sales so far will make nearly 2,000,000 pounds. It seems to be quite fashion able these days for governors who are attorneys to follow the pursuits of their profession. Gov. Chamberlain of Oregon and other western governors are us ing this method of making a little money on the side. Gov. Morrison of Idaho, has recently formed a partnership with Jos. T. Pense foi' the purpose of practicing law in Boise. With the influence of his official posi tion in his favor, His Excellency should have considerable influ ence with His Honor, the judge, and the very presence of -'Dread Majesty" would no doubt have a hypnotic influence on the aver age juror. However, it is well enough for governors to keep in touch with some method of mak ing a living as a private citizen, for they are invariably sent back to private life at the expiration of their term of office, the good that they have done being straightway forgotten and their sins becoming a part of the his tory of their state. Why don't Mr. Carnagie build a home for ex-governors and quit "foolin" away his money on libraries? Ordinance No. 85. umaiitc mu. on, A ? n L< r nf\'uw?s >viding for th 5 'l 06 -" 8 ' "H? ot \ Iliade Scavengers anil fixing --------- the amount thereof ; and the maximum charge for such work. Be it ordained by the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the village of St Anthony. Section 1. That there is hereby levied, and there shall be collected as other village licenses ate collected, a license tax of $0.00 per quarter, from all persons following the vocation of scaavengers within the village of St. Anthony. Sec 2. That in the cleaning and re moval of the offal from all privies or closets, the maximum charge shall be $2.00 for a single box, and $3 00 for a double box. Sec. 3. That any person who shall follow the vocation of scavenger, with in the limits of the village of St. An thony, without first procuring a license from the \ illage Clerk, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined in any sum not less than ten noi more than twenty-five dollars for each offense, re coverable with costs, together '■'with .ptdgment of imprisonment at the'' rate of $1.50 per day until the amount of such judgment and costs shall be paid; and any seavenger who shall charge more than the maximum price herein set forth, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and subjected to the same penalty above set forth. Passed and approved this 12th day of May, 1003. Attest: m. E. Jamison, ( has. C. Bowkrman, Chairmuu. Clerk. Take Notice. 1 hat the stock of the Fremont County Oil, Gas & Coal Company, Limited, now on tlie market for 10c per share after June 1st. 1003, will be sold for 20e. Operations will actively begin June 1, 1003. All persons desiring- stock, can secure the same by calling in person or by sending check to the office of the company in King & Millsaps' law office Koss-Hamer building, St. Anthony, Idaho, or at the office of Probate .1 udgé John Donaldson, in the court house Business" promptly attended to, and stock forwarded at once upon receipt of money or check. VV. E. McDonald. President The Wastes of the Body. Every seven days the blood, muscles bones of a man of average size ti"?! " orn . °. n î * i88Ue This waste cannot be replenished and the health and strength kept up without pe ü fe i : - t: < ^? P8Lion w *'en the stomach and digestive organs fail to perform lheir functions, the strength lets down health gives way, and disease sets up, T . J , n ..... y Sees lip, Kodal Dyspepsia Cure enables the stom ach aud digestive organs to digest and assimilate all the wholesome food that may be eaten into the kind of blood that rebuilds the tissues and protects the health and strength of the mind and body. Kodol cures Indigestion, Dys pepsia and all stomach troubles. It is an ideal spring tonic. Sold by Watson & Moore. Notice for Bids. Nolice Is hereby Riven that sealed bids will be received for the construction of certain , '"Jm VII, ;*X" Of St. Anthony, bj-the °t the V illage Hoard. Said bids to he bv width Vsonw Ut! è V 't- lk i U ' ,>e 4 feet s inches in width. ,1 sit Ingers Jxt, plans, to be c,r No. I one meh lumber to be used, all boards lo be nailed " ithI two ter. d. nails to the stringer. All bids must be in by the 12th day of June The rieht Is reserved to reject any and all bids, utils will Stank' th '' UUders,snea tbe T. U. ÜOWEUMAN, Village Clerk, IT ' OF THE County Auditor of Fremont County, State of Idaho, foi the Fiscal Year Beginning Janu ary, 1902, and Elid ing January. 1903. Assessed valuation of all property for the fiscal year 1902. Original assessment roll - total valuat.on 1902 Subsequent assessment roll total valuation 1902 oo Grand total #2.971,101 H;i Hevenues from property taxes for the fiscal year 1902. Total taxes due from original assessment roll 19 >2 $105.r>9^ •>. Total taxes due from subsequent assessment roll 1902 -Oy- •* Poll taxes. 1081 (ft $2.00 3 ,' 36 l tAl Grand total of gross revenues from property taxes 1902 $109,443 39 Deductions to be made from gross property tax revenues. Double assessments, errors, etc , I 67 Double assessments, error. 36 polls (ft $2.00 Uncollected taxes (delinquent roll 1902) 10,249 .y Uncollected taxes (delinquent roll 1902)498 polls at (ft $2 00 990 09 Grand total of deductions tobe made from property tax revenues $18,175 40 enues, expenditures Levies classified. State(general wagon road County current expense school " road " bridge redemption " sinking Total levy j $ 3 60 Net revenue from property taxes elassi!U-il Ktate (general) $ 754 94 814,589 75 *• wagon road 1.454 00 Polls 1147 (ft $2.00 2.291 00 County current exp 5,788 11 11.859 5! school 17.319 39 24.373 32 " road 2.720 93 " bridge 5,386 52 sinking 3.603 49 " redemption 12.756 23 Schools and villages 12.224 77 Total net revenues from ! property taxes $91,268 43 Expenditures okcisMed. State (general $15,138 72 wagon road 1,359 10 County current expense 26,015 12 " school 40.870 85 " road 3,209 76 " bridge 5,195 41 sinking 3.252 00 " redemption 12,110 28 Schools and villages 12,234 87 Total expenditures $119,446 H Estimated value of property l Court house Court house site Bridges Jail and cells Records lioad implements 48 State (general) $15,371 90 05 •• wagon road l 001 24 Schools and villages, special 22,810 90 70 County current exp $22,417 37 1ÜS1 polls 3,302 00 25,779 37 Of: " school 20.816 13 10 " road 3.202 49 20 " bridge 6,404 97 30 " redemption 9.007 35 12 " sinking 3.842 98 Total gross property tax revenue from all other sources classified, general $ 705 County current expen ** school road Cash on hand In each fund. •• wagon road County current exp " school ** road •* bridge siuking 911 04 94 90 101 52 18.290 Ot 70S 17 257 30 Total cash on hand elonging to the county. Total value of property belonging to the county $ 2.300 00 500 00 92,700 00 2,100 IX) 4,402 00 500 00 $102,502 00 Current expense Warrants drawn. April $0,175 76 July 6,010 12 October 4,953 72 November 2.803 19 January 5,570 56 April #559 13 July 951 11) October 555 55 November 65s 88 January 773 61 April $ 320 90 July 2,566 16 October 1,169 83 November 848 2s January 798 71 Current expense -all paid. Road — All paid. Bridge Warrants paid. Warrants drawn but not paid. Outstanding ( 'urrenl expense School Road Road varrant indebtedness. 1893 1891 1896 1902 $12,911 3.* 7,395 37 5.653 68 1.038 59 Total outstanding warrant indebtedness Amounts due various funds from delinquent roll of 1902. State, general $3,359 73 County Current expense 3,411 27 Bridge 983 23 " Redemption 1.474 83 " Special School 2,838 91 Wagon road $ 215 82 School 3,195 47 Road 491 62 Sinking 589 93 Villages 628 95 $2,005 55 0,636 74 1,474 85 2.064 70 3,467 89 current Totals Total amount due from various funds from delinquent roll of 1902 $16,249 79 Araouut and character of county Indebtedness. Floating debt #26,998 96 Bonded debt—First series llleoo U> Second series 72!900 00 Total indebtedness of the county $111,498 96 Description of each bond issue. July 1st, 19.K), $11,600.00, 4 per cent, 10 years. July 1st, 1901, $72,900.00, 4 per cent, 10 20 years. Complete detailed statement of expenditures chargeable to the expeose fund, itemized. District court Items Hall rent $ wo 00 Drayage of court furuiture g 00 Stenographer's note books ■* •> 50 Juror's certificates 557 00 I Justice courts Justices of the peace lyq «q Juror's certificates 125 50 Constables i*S2 85 Counly commissioners. John E. Pincock, salary $7>00 00, livery $8 50 508 50 Marion J. Kerr, ** 500 00, stationery 3 00 f»03 00 Eli McEutire, " 500 00, expenses 16 05 516 05 Auditor and recorder. Freight, etc., paid from fees $293 48 Salary 2,900 00 Deputy salary 11,080 00, special help$60 00 J,J40 ou Blanks 340 40, records 70 50, stamps, etc. 21 40 438 30 Book writer and ribbons lyj 3q Sheriff. Expenses paid from fees 215 05 Salary , 1,500 00 Deputy salary 9Ö0 00. special help 52 00 1 012 00 Board prisoners, clothing, etc. 121 00 Livery 61 00, supplies 14 25, laundry 16 00 w 25 Treasurer. £ ul 'y sou 00 Stationery l0 qq Office rent qq Assessor and tax collector. Salary l>,4uo 00 Telephone, postage and express 105 «j Team hire 485 O0, records 171 50, trip to Boise 35 60 692 10 Probate judge. Salary 900 oo Juror's certificates 5350 Constables 2 95 Blanks, etc. 33 50 County Attorney. Salary «00 00 Office rent 22 50 Livery and horse feed 26 25 Car fare 120 15, stationery 12 00, box rent 2 00 134 15 Stamps 9 IX). sign 2 50, book case 4 50 10 00 Superintendent of schools. Salary *00 00 Express 2 05, stamps 39 05, car fare .75, livery 39 90 72 75 Blanks and records 244 36, hectograph 7 00 251 35 Institute 193 UU, examiner 12 00 205 UÜ Coroner. Salary loo 00 Court house. Janitor qqo 00 Telephone rental 72 00, electric wiring 33 70 194 70 Light rental 12 00, jail repair 93 00, linoleum 35 25 140 85 Wood 61 75, coal 92 14, oil 22 50, ice 14 60, gas'ne 2 40 193 39 Sundry supplies, pens, etc. 1U7 40 Surveyor. Salary 2u0 00, expenses 9 00 209 00 Quarantine marshals 1,081 25 Indigent—temporary aid 859 38 County physician 687 00 County livery 413 22 1,329 10 loo 00 209 00 1,081 25 859 38 Miscellaneous. 496 77 on „'"'"'J HI. delinquent INI I"- •« ÄS EminvsB .-o. premium bonds lia ..... ÏÂŒEry Polling places rent. u*p ii«-. ft« I'll'Vtl»" JuilV.'-nf.■U'vtio" ilnimt tot ul oimtyeuble to current expens IteonpUillation of curron t court expenses fund expens :W2 if» 507 7» 302 73 129 2o 137 19 770 7<> 046 00 703 0 .» 153 75 4.219 #25,519 sionor xpen ' Bv l» -ti Bv Justice Bv County 1 Bv Auditor anu remi-ut-. - By Sheriff'* expenses ^^r;ram,, V .llcct ;; rNcvpensei By Probate judge s exp« um s Bv s u pc r in ten Î \ « * n t '« > f school's exp.ue B\ Coroner's expense*. By Surveyor's By Miscellaneous " Total General récapitulait Bv loial receipts from all sources of rcxen.i To total expenditures for all purposes By deficiency »should there ho a deficiency) Total Deduct revenues other than property taxes I Balance Lev> necessary to meet total expenditures for ye: Levy " after applying rev other than prop ta xe s. Dr. $ 667 5o O' »8 15 1.527 55 .3.709 0 » 3.721 85 U3o 0o 3,197 91 989 9.5 998 9.1 1.339 lo lo.) 00 2o9 00 8,460 21 $2.\ 519 35 119,446 II 3 .»,592 o l $150,088 14 •150,011 58,759 61 $91,278 53 ( drawi r lo lo- oui ba -----I last v #91. *368 43 State of Idaho. ^ Fremont county. S Victor llegsted. being first duly sworn ilep 1* •< and ,says tbit lie j. the county auditor of sa:d From ml county and that th * foregoing is , full statement of the financial condition of said county for Hi*» llsea vear beginning *m the second Monday in Jauuay, A I). 1902. and eadlu on the second Monday in Jauuary, A. I>. 1903. Vioroii FIeigted. t'oimty Auditor of Fremont countv Subscribed in my presence by the said Victor Hegst ed, ami by bin sa mi to l.fioie me this isih day of April, VP. I9.G. Funkst Buamvvij.i . Notorv Public WIN ES & 1 L IQUORS In Splendid Variety and the Lowest Prices, in Bottles, Flasks, Demijohns or Kegs We eater in particular to those who want a drop of something pure for home use. Fine Sample Room in Connection The Largest stock in the County W. H. Bueland Williams Building. The Riverside <=> J. \V Mooiie. Proprietor. Wines, Äas!= Liquors & Cigars. The Celebrated John C. Fremont] Whiskey, Anhenaer Husch, and Schlitz Uecr. Fine Imported ana Do Uuestic Cigars on Hand....... .lain Street, St. Anthony......... Muh« ♦A. A. A jSt. Anthony il| j Harnes s Gompan y. 4 1 (J})l/1 iu and look ;it our Harness. k 4 g We manufacture everything. \ j ÿ Till! best Saies in the Market ! \ ^ Bridles, Collars, Sweat Pads, Whips, Bits etc. ^ THE MOST magnificent line of Ever Shown in the County. 1 1 your Easy payment plan for PIANOS & ORGANS Wipp Fürnitüre Co.