The Teton Peak OFFICIAL PAPER OF FREMONT COUNTY. THURSDAY, AUG . 25, 1904. Entered at the PostofTiee at St. Art thonv, for transmission throuijh the mails, as second-class n tatter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $2 OO Six Months 1 OO Three Months 50 Advertising Hates on j application. For President, Theodore Roosevelt. For Vice President. Charles W. Fairbanks. Republican State Ticket: Congressman BURTON L. FRENCH. Supreme Judge I. N. SULLIVAN. Governor FRANK R. GOODING. Lieut. Governor B. L. STEEVES. Secretary of State WILL H. GIBSON. Attorney General ROBERT BRAGSAW. Treasurer HAL. N. COFFIN. Supt. of Pub. Instruction MAY SCOTT. Inspector of Mines ROBERT BELL. Preside ntia 1 E lectors : H. W. KEEFER, F. J. HAGEN BRATH, E. W. OLIVER. i oo 1 ! I ,j ! 1 i j ! ! MAY POINT WITH PRIDE. President Roosevelt's reply to the notification committee was a plea to "stand pat." It was a moderate, sensible talk, pointing out what the Republican partv has done in the past seven years and asking for its continuance in power on the ground of its record. The party's strong hold on the nation is due to the fact that it does things; and the President is able to urge what it lias accomplished on the currency, the Tariff, the trusts, Cuba, the Isthmian canal and the Philippines as a reason why it should retain the confidence of the country. This record is one to which the party may properly point with pride, as the President does, and to offset it in the minds of the peop'e is the difficult task liefore the Democratic party. That this mav be clone is the hope of some of its members, but even the most enthusiastic must admit that it is an arduous under taking. —Ex. WONT HAVE NOMINATION. W. H. Stufflebeam who was nominated by the Democrats at their Lewiston convention for State Auditor, lias declined to accept the nomination and lias notified Chair-j man Jackson of the Democratic State Contrai Committee of his I ' ^ inuring the hours of 3 o'clock p. m., to 6 o'clock p. m in the country precincts, and from p. m. The various precincts are entitled to delegate representation as follows : 2 o'clock p. m. to 7 o'clock in the town precincts. ; I A-rangee Archer Bates Birch Creek Camas Chapin Driggs Dubois • Edmunds Fall River Grant Haden Henry Highland Howe Independence Island Ward Kilgore I Label le Leigh I Lewisville Lyman ! Market Lake j Marysville [ Medicine Lodge Menan ! Ora 1 Parker Rice I Rigby Rexburg Rudy Salem Spencer St. Anthony Teton Vernon Wilford Total 254 I I : J J I : I _ " ! * „ ' 1 1 ' 1,1 ; j! j Notice is also hereby given that there will be a meeting of the County Central Committee at St. Anthony, Sept. 29th, at 7:30 p. m., for the purpose of transacting such business as may lie brought before it. John Donaldson, Chairman. H. G. Fuller, Secretarv. I : j j iristrict and Notice ot Hearing Petition. Notice is hereby given that Ben. F. Gillett and others have filed a petition with the Board of County Commissioners of l^reiiiont count} praying for the organization of certain territory into an Irrigation said Board has fixed the hearing of said petition tor September 12, 1!*04, at one o'clock, p. m., at the county commissioners room at St. Anthony. The boundaries of said proposed district arc particularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the South bank of the Teton river and the east line ot section 24, in township 7 north of range 41, east, Boise Meridian, and running thence south on section line 21 chains to station 1 : thence south 46 degrees, U> minutes west, Id chains to station 2 ; thence south (10 degrees west 24 chains to station .1 ; thence south 89 degrees west 4 chains to station I ; thence south 14 degrees 40 minutes west 21 chains to station 5; thence south SO de grees west 14 chains to station l> ; thence south 44 degrees west 14 chains to station 7 : thence south 13 degrees 30 minutes west 9 chains to station 8 thence souht71 degrees east 11 chains to station 9; thence south 54 degrees west 14 chains to station 10: thence south 14 degrees west 3 chains to station 11 : thence south 41 degrees west 22 chains to station 12; thence south 3 degrees west 9 chains to station 13; thence south 52 degrees west 14 chains to station 14; thence south 15 degrees west 3 chains to station 15; thence south 72 degrees 40 minutes west 4 chains to station 1(1 ; thence south 17 degrees east 2 chains to station 17 ; thence south 40 degrees west 20 chains to station 18; thence south 11 degrees 30 minutes west 1(1 chains to station 19; thence south , , . . . . •___ 2 degrees WcSt o2 chains to Station 20; thence SOllth 15 degrees east 9 . . grees 30 minutes west 1 / chains to chains to station 21 : thence south 58 degrees 30 minutes east 12 chains to station 22 : thence south 26 de ^tgtioil 03 * flieilce SOllth 24 decrees „if u . ° ' InenL « »until uegiecs ->(pminutes west b Chains to Station 24 ; thence north 86 degrees west 6 chains to station 25 ; thence south 5,4 decrees west 18 chains to station . - —h, tllCllCC SOllth 1*> degrees CRSt t chains to station ; 2 thence south SO degrees 30 minutes west 82 chains to station 28; thence north •S(i degrees west 6 chains to station 29; thence south 41 degrees west 19 chains to station 30; thence south 5 degrees 30 minutes west 9 chains to station 31 ; thence south 70 degrees east 19 chains to station 32; thence south 5 degrees east 51 chains to station 33; thence south 88 degrees east 6 chains to station 34; thence south 21 degrees west 15 chains to station 35; thence south 24 degrees east 7 chains to station 36 ; thence south 85 degrees 30 minutes west 12 chains to station 37 ; thence south 25 degrees 30 minutes west 10 chains to station 38; thence north 52 degrees west 9 chains to station 39; thence south 45 degrees 30 minutes west 9 chains to station 40; thence north 37 de grees west 13 chains to station 41 ; thence south 17 degrees 30 minutes west 6 chains to station 42; thence I north 87 degrees west 7 chains to I station 43 ; thence south 26 degrees : west 6 chains to station 44; thence J north 26 degrees west 10 chains to station 45 ; thence north 34 degrees 30 minutes west 7 chains to station 46; thence south 60 degrees 30 minutes west 9 chains to station 47 ; thence south 36 degrees west 52 chains to station 48; thence north 73 degrees 30 minutes west 53 chains to station 49 ; thence south 74 degrees 30 minutes west 12 chains to station 50; thence south 10 degrees east 13 chains to station 51; thence south 72 degrees east 6 chains to station 52 ; thence south 37 degrees west 15 chains to station 53; thence south 5 chains to the J North bank of Moody creek, as I appears by the surveyor's line of : the "Enterprise Canal'' on the I accompanying map, striking said Moody creek on the east and west quarter line of sectiofi 7, township 6 north, of range 41, Plast, Boise Meridian ; thence following the said north bank of Moody creek westerly to the easterly bank of the east Teton canal, said canal being a well-known land mark; thence following along said easterly bank of said Teton canal in a ! general northeasterly course to the south bank o' the Teton river afore said thence following along the said 1 river northerly and easterly to the place of beginning. Said map being hereby referred to. Dated July 15, 1904. ; Victor Hegsted, j County Clerk, j Do You Want to File On Government lands? Home-1 stead, desert or timber lands. 2000 I acres of fine timber lands; 5000 : acres of desert lands; 10,000 acres of homestead lands. Estimates on standing timber. GKO. C. PORTER. For further information call on j or address, The Teton .Peak St. j Anthony, Idaho. • A. K. Stcunenberg, G. E. Bowci n, President. Lashici F | First National Bank ^ ( Charter No. . r »7Ui-L. ) 4 We want your banking business and offer you , 4 facility consistent with good business methods. J Money to loan on approved security. Liberal ad made to those wish to put chase cattle or she, .. Office hours from 9 o clock to^-l. Ho! Wlio lias ft Boggy or Vehielo of any kind, your Tiros Reset on one of Henderson's Tire Setting Machine A Patented August 13th, 1901. Patented March 1 1 tii, 1901 . It sets them Cold and does the work in a few minutes time. It keeps the dish of wheels just right. It does the work perfectly. It is a wonderful improvement over the old method. No more guess work. 'Fires reset accurately and quickly without any chance of giving too much dish to the wheel or in any way injuring it. Have your tires set by this machine. All Work Guaranteed. JAS. SMITH. St. Anthony. x x \ \ v\ \ \ x:x \ \ x : x x V. \ v x \ x\\ v T onsorial P arlors W. HOOPS, PROP. Clean easy Shave : : Good Hair Cutting Bathroom in Connection X X \ X X . X X X X . X X \ \ A X X XX /X. X X X McCormick Binders, Mowers and Hay Rakes. Champion Binders, Mowers and Hay Rakes. Tiger, Triumph & Hollingsworth Hay Rakes. Why buy other makes which may be on the market this year and off the market next vear, and for which you will always have trouble in gettin;-i extra parts- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Consolidated Wagon & Machine Company .G. G. WRIGHT, Local Manager. R EMEMBER We are sole agents for He Tag Binding Twine. Don't let other deceive you. ("John C. Fremont" i Sour Mash. Whisky And Milwaukee Beer. Leads the Work For Sale by I* "PAP" BRAINAKh MAX (IX MAIN' STREET."