Newspaper Page Text
The Teton Peak OFFICIAL PAPER OF FREMONT COUNTY. TFIL'RSDAV, SEPT. 15. 1904. Entered at the Postoffie© at St. An thony, for transmission through the mails, us aeconci-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $2 OO Six Months ; 1 OO Three Months : 30 Advertising Ratos on . pplication. For President, Theodore Roosevelt. For Vice President. Charles W. Fairbanks. Republican State Ticket: Congressman BURTON L. FRENCH. Supreme Judge 1. N. SULLIVAN. Governor FRANK R. GOODING. Lieut. Governor B. L. STEEVES. Secretary of State WILL H. GIBSON. Attorney General ROBERT BRAGSAW. Treasurer HAL. N. COFFIN. Supt. of Pub. Instruction MAY SCOTT. Inspector of Mines ROBERT BELL. Presidential Electors: H. W. KEEFER, F. J. HAGEN BRATH, E. W. OLIVER. BOILED DOWN. As a condensed form of Parker's speech of acceptance the following is about as good as any yet issued : "I am for Tariff reform, but I couldn't do anything to reform it during the single term I should remain in office, because the Re publican Senate wouldn't let me. I am against the trusts, but I think that there are enough of anti-trust laws now and the common law is sufficient to meet any new require ments; therefore, don't worry over the idea that I would disturb busi ness conditions. As for labor dis turbances, they are all right in one place and wrong in another; capital is also right and wrong; therefore, capital and labor have no reason to worry over my election. In regard to the money question, I sent a tel egram, and really that's all there is to say about it. " We understand that J. H. Wal lis has published the first issue of his Sugar City Times. We were not fortunate enough to be consid ered among the "elite" who re ceived the initial number. The way it looks at present there is a large bunch of candidates for each county office to he filled at the fall election. They are all confident of the npmination, which of course means election this year. The Nampa Herald says: "The anti-Mormon resolutions, as origi nally reported to the Democratic convention at Lewiston, condemned the crime of adultery, as well as that of polygamy. During the night Dubois, Flenner and others got together and decided to strike out the word "adultery" and thus the "high moral plane" was reached. "jj Preventing Rust of Machinery. For preventing the rusting of machinery take one ounce of cam phor and dissolve it in one pound of melted lard ; remove the scum ; then mix with the camphor and lard as much fine graphite as will give it an iron color; clean the machinery well and smear with the mixture. After 24 hours rub off : then clea n with a soft clo th. Wanted. 170 Head of Hogs. Call on or address ROBERTS & HUBBARI), St. Anthony Ida. intcr-P4ountain Fair Association. The Managers of the Idaho Inter Mountain Fair are out with their announcements for the coming fair which will commence October 17th and last to October 22nd in clusive. This sixth annual exhibition will he the greatest ever held under the auspices of the association and by far the best ever held in Idaho. No pains or expense will be spared to make this fair the most entertain ing and instructive and also the i most profitable from the standpoint I of advertising the resources of the ■>tate that has been held, j Special attention and prominence has been given to the matter of I exhibits in all of the departments, j In all $1.7.01)0 will be given away I for premiums and purses. Broken China. If your house wife breaks a plate or cup don't let her erv hut give lier the following receipt: "A capital cement for broken china and bric-a-brac that can be made at home is obtained by mix ing half an ounce of gum arahic with half a teacupful of boiling milk and adding enough plaster of paris to produce a creamy paste. To use successfully have the pieces that are to be mended warm and apply the cement warm with a small brush. Objects repaired with this cement have 'to be set aside for a week before they can be used, hut after that they can he washed in either warm or cold water with asfety. Soaking, however, they will not stand. " The Idaho Inter-Mouuntain Fair Association has signed for the appearance of the Nat Reese Car nival company in Boise during Fair wee 1 '.. It is said to be the greatest aggregation of fun makers in the world and will furnish harmless and rip-roaring fun the entire week. An effort is being made by prom inent citizens of the county to have a court house erected. Fremont county is one of the largest and richest counties in the state and our court house buildings are a frost to the stranger who comes in to our country looking for a loca tion. To look upon those "shacks" is enough to disgust the average man looking for investment. This county can afford a $50,000 court house a<>d the bonds should he voted this fall to erect it. Should fire get into those old wooden buildings and destroy the county records no estimate could he put upon the loss to the county. There are many records that money could not replace. Two Boxing Matches. Last Friday evening a boxing match came off at the St. Anthony opera house between P. J. Summers and Rube Oakey of this place. The contest lasted only five rounds but was a hot one from start to finish. Rube was outclassed in the fifth which ended the fun. About 200 people witnessed the "bout." On Saturday evening another contest came off between Mr. Summers and "Tug" Wilson of Rexhurg. This was a little more interesting owing to the fact that Wilson was in much better shape to box than was Mr. Oakev. This contest lasted six rounds, Wilson getting his "dues" in the seventh. The hall was crowded and everyone one was satisfied with the contest. Summers is un der the management of Wm. S. Ayers and is in very good training for light weight work. He is neat and handy and the way he puts in those left uppers was no trouble to anyone but the other fellow. Sum mers works easy and takes his time sparing for the weak points of his opponent and he is not long in finding them. These are the only two real box ing matches we have had in the county iii late years. Another contest is being "fixed" for next Saturday evening. FOR SALE 240 acres, 77 in cultivation, good water right, proved up on, 20,1 acres of tillabIe la ud. 'J head j of cattle, .'> head horses, hogs and ; all farming machinery, fair build-! ing. Enquire at the Peak office. 1 DAIRY NEWS "The fact that the fat tilings the j highest price in the market does not make it the most valuable part of the milk. That part can be re placed in cheaper form and with equal value as a food. ' The skim milk is made by and with the con sent of the cow, foi the wobbly fragment of the cow species that is represented by the new born calf. ! As the calf lias neither strength, i vigor nor robustness, weak in its I stomach as well as its legs, its food must he correspondingly suitable. It must he warm, that the new calf J be not chilled easily assimilated i and digested, to give strength and j rapid growth ; also containing the proper nutriments in the propel I proportions. All this is found in warm skim milk, and it would j continue to be there if the average ! man in his wisdom and by an un expected display of ignorance and neglect did not allow the ideal food to change into an equally ideal poison, with which to shorten the lives of the young stock. "The place for the utilization of skim milk is the one where it is produced, namely, on the farm. It finds there all the conveniences for its handling and its conversion into concentrated products, that have none of the objections of the original skim milk. If this is done on the farm, then all the objections to skim milk as a commercial pro duct are done away with, but be fore it can he done there must be more or less provision made and foresight exercised in the methods of handling and feeding milk. ' 'The one great foe to the success flu use of skim milk is dirt, in all its forms and varieties. From a strictly chemical standpoint, there is but little difference between pure milk and dirty milk. The milk contains the same amount of protein nearly as much milk sugar, and the same amount of fat and ash as when it was fresh and sweet, but it also contains what the chemist's tests do not show, except after a long and tedious examination and then but imperfectly. These are the products of the growth of the various forms of bacteria. It is these products of bacterial growth that play the mischief with the digestion and health of the calf. Fortunately most of them are harmless, as in case of lactic acid, which comes from bacteria of the same name, but there are others, each producing after its kind that takes but a short time to generate enough poison to quickly destroy the strongest animal. It is useless to inquire where they come from; sufficient to know that every milk utensil that has been allowed to become dirty contains bacteria in numbers beyond the power of fig ures, and that every one of them is busy reproducing its kind. Over the door of every calf farm should he the motto: "Leave dirt behind, all ye who enter here," and the legend should he enforced to the utmost, if a profit is desired." The San Francisco Call says: The most important discovery that has ever been made for the benefit of horticulture is announced. The parasite that destroys the cod 1 in moth has been found in South America by George Compere, who is employed jointly by the state of California through Horticultural Commissioner Cooper and by West Australia to find beneficial insects that are born to'prey ujipii those that are injurious. The genuinness of the discovery is vouched for by the fact that the apple orchards that are the habitat of the newly found parasite bring 95 per cent of their fruit to matur ity. In California and in all other j portions of the world hitherto the ! product of the world's apple and j paer orchards has not been more j than JO to 35 per cent of the prom j ise at setting. Mr. Compere has (sailed from West Australia, acting .under the direction of Flwood j Cooper, to forward to this city the j first colonies of the eodlin moth's j tiny but invincible foes. Drawing Notice. No. 17 won the silverware at Hie drawing at Felix Burgess' store at Chester, Ida. I he person holding abo\ e number call anti get prize FELIX BURGESS! Oregon Short Line st. anthony Branch & Connection T l M /•; T A K /> IC Southward Sfoont First F ist Second Class ( ass Class No. 53 No. 51 N 0. 32 No. 31 ST \TIONS a. in 15 . 1 DA Ht > F \ LLS .8:30 4:10 23 . LINCOLN S: 10 .4:80 35...... F.LYA . 8.10.4:15 5D .......RIGBY . ..7:55 ..3:50 LOKF.N/jO 7:43 3:38 (IS . ..TEXAS 7:37 3:30 .REXBHKG ......TETON...... .......7:15 2:50 Ijirn'M 15 ST. ANTHONY 7:00 .2:30 Nos. ■>:! iincr: mixed, daily except Sunday. D. E. Burlev D. S. Spencer, Gen. Pass & Tkt. Act. As> 11 îcn* Pass. salt Lake City. am Tkt. Agi. For further information regarding tiiiu* « nd connection with nil trains call on 1 ;. T. Dkollini nu. Af<t. T R F A S U R F R ' vS R K r O R T. St. Anthony, Idaho. Sept. 1. 1904 Victor Hcgsted, Auditor: I have the holier of reporting to you the following receipts and dis bursements for the month of Aug ust, 1904. . RECEIPTS. Cash on hand last mo. $15671.33 Reed on acet Z. T. Clay 3773.41 ...... fees 1276.05 ...... State of Ida. 360.00 and G; 190-T 13.50 '04 155.00 Fines 45.00 ......Institute fund 29.00 " " " Red. tax sales 482.91 Total receipts 51806.20 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid on act. school dist. 1606.56 " " " Court orders 3.75 " " " Bounty fund '03. 1.50 " Citv of Rexhurg 172.00 ......Village of St. Anthony 712.00 " " " Ind Sell No. 2 512.50 " " " Fish & Game '04 117.80 " " " Fees 44.00 Cash on hand 48636.09 Total Disbursements 51806.20 Respectfully submitted. Lee S. Borrows, Treasurer. DELINQUENT NOTICE. The Butte and Market Lake j Canal Co., Principal place of busi ness, Market Lake, Fremont Co., i Idaho. Notice is hereby given that there I is delinquent upon the following ; described stock of the Butte and Market Lake Canal Co., on account of an assessment levied on the 15th day of June, 1904, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders as fol lows : Names. Cert No No Shares :\mt. F.Pechnec 115 12 6 88 Lavina Cucshaw 139 28 70 IX N. J. N. Adams 215 8 18 25 Chas Schmidt 256-262 20%, 51 87 Louifc Linenmnn 255 10Î* 26 87 D. D. Chidester 243-252-253 41 80-100 104 50 s. Hart 62 21H 53 12 Wm, Hayden 1 ?*» 15 37 5ll P. H. Moreland 238 55 00 F. E. Ere id a y 126-127 14 35 00 C. S. Smith 84-146 21J6 53 42 VV. A. P.vke 205 li 9-10 29 75 Geo. A. Green 66-152 21S 53 42 Hudson Cattle Co. 208 28 70 Ot) E. F. Holmes 42-55 119-10 29 75 J. P. Mallett Estate 38-46*154 io>„ 25 31 N. Miller 135-227-237 8 7 fl 9 02 John L. Wegner 254 64 160 00 l 171-219-235 M. Patrie Estate - 123-124-125 1 76-77-78-79 51V, U6 26 And in accordance with law so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may he necessary will be sold at public auction in the Patrie Hotel, at Market Lake, Idaho on the 15th day of September, 1904, at 2 o'clock, p. m. of said day to pay the delinquent assessment thereon together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. S. W. Laythe, Secy. First date Pub. Aug. 25, 1904. No. 7230. Report of the Condition of the Commercial Nat'I. Bank, St. Anthony, Idaho, at the Close of Business Sept, ith, 1904. RESOURCES. Loans anti discounts ...................*50.017 17 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 1.507 69 r. S. Bonds to secure circulation 6500 00 Premiums on TJ. s. Bonds 355 g;} Furniture and fixtures ............... 770 00 Expenses pa id.............................. l .986 57 Duo from National banks (not reserve agents)..........*.................... 359 60 Due from state banks and bankers 219 10 Due from approved reserve agents 3,165 52 Checks and othej cash items........ 201 12 Notes qf other Natioual Banks oßtj 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels ;lU(î ...................... 50 65 Specie...........................j|H,60 Legal-Tender notes ............... 15.00 2,960 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. (5 per cent of circulation).......' 325 0U TotuI ..... #69.558 K6 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $25,000 00 Undivided profits, ..................... t 421 23 Due to other National Bunks.......... |,S6s 5o Individual deposits suhjeet to check lT.mso 58 Time certificates of deposit........... (8,694 fir, Circulation......... 0,500 00 Total ................ «60.55:1 8« Statk ok Ida ho. , County of Fremont. 1 K - s - I. John D. C. Kruger, cashier or the above named hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JolIN D. C. KHUGEtt, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of Sept . 1004. U. C. Uaker. Notary Public. Correct—A ttest: M. J. tiRAY. I Thoh. K Hamkk. - Directors __Frank U r . Rons. \ BRICK FOR SALE. 25,000 good brick for sale. In quire of C. S. Walker, Reform School building, or Riverside Hotel. ORDINANCE NO. 97. An ordinance relating to the laying ot a plank side-walk on Wash ington Avenue and Seventh streets; also relating to making and establishing crossings at all places where said sidewalk may intersect streets; and relating to the levy of an assessment against the lots and owners of lots in front of w hich said sidewalk may be laid, to pay for said side walks; also providing for the width and material to be used in the construction of said side walks and crossings. BE IT ORDAINED: By the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of St. Anthony, county I of Fremont, State of Idaho. Section 1. There shall be laid I and constructed a plank sidewalk S commencing at a point and being the Northeast corner of Block 60 thence running West on the South of Washington Avenue, to the Northwest corner of Block 77, and from the Northeast corner of Block 77, thence North on the West side of Seventh street to the North east corner of Block No. 27, in accordance with the Plat of said Village now on file with the county recorder of Fremont county, State of Idaho. Section 2. The sidewalk as herein provided for and as above described on said Wsahington Avenue and Seventh streets, shall be 6 feet wide to the Opera House on said Washington Avenue, and said side walk to said point, the Opera House, shall be constructed of two inch plank, laid on three stringers two by six inches, with necessary mud sills and securely nailed. After said saidewalk is built to said Opera House, accord ing to the specifications mentioned, beyond this point mentioned, on said Washington Avenue and Seventh streets, the sidewalk shall he constructed of inch hoards laid on three stringers, with necessary mud sills, and securely nailed. Said sidewalk from said Opera House to be four feet eight inches wide, on said Avenue and streets, as above described. Section 3. There shall he laid and constructed plank crossings at all the places where the above de scribed sidewalk shall intersect or cross any of the streets, alleys, or avenues of the Village of St. An thony, at the expense of said vil lage, and said crossings shall he constructed three feet wide, with two inch plank, with necessary cross stringers and securely nailed. Siction 4. The owner of lots in front of which said sidewalks shall be laid and constructed are hereby required to build and construct said sidewalk in conformity with this ordinance, and have the same com pleted not later than the 15th day of October, 1904, and they are hereby notified that upon failure so to do, the Village Board will cause the same to be laid and constructed and levy a special tax upon the lots in front of which said sidewalk will be built to pay for said- sidewalks. Adopted at an adjourned meeting called for the purpose of passing this ordinance, by the Board of Village Trustees of said Village held on the 12th day of September, 1904. All ordinances or parts of ordi nances in conflict wi>h this ordi nance are hereby repealed. W. W. Youmans, Chairman. Wm. D. Yager, Clerk Pro Tem. \ \ n n V \ \ \ \ v:x vfvatt, Zt ? iMiTErs . \ N VL.V N ,v... v: \ \ \ / I onsorial j P arlors / W. HOOPS, PROP. ' Clean eas >' Shave : ; Good Hair Cutting X Bathroom in Connection ^ X X V S - N \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , V \ x X \ \ \ SALT ti wt- ji and "> ^ Scenio Line of the World." The Direct Through Route to the World's Fair Via Salt Lake City, Colorado Sprigs,! Denver, aijd tl)e Ma^ificept Scenery ol j COLORADO, Stopovers Allowed. Cheap Rates. Fast Tim 1 1 or full particulars, call upon or address r , A G - W. FITZGERALD, General Agent, 51 E. Broadway, Butte, Montana _J ; ORDINANCE NO. 98. An ordinance relating to the ing of a plank sidewalk on [. jj;. Fast Street, and Riverside Avenu! Also relating to making and i iq, lishing crossings at all p], where said sidewalks may intersect streets; and relating to the levy an assessment against the lots ail( owners of lots in front of wfij, said sidewalk may be laid, to ,. for said sidewalks ; also providing for the width and material to used in the construction of sidewalks and crossings. BE IT ORDAINED: ]; v i!k Chairman and Board of Trust' the Village of St. Anthony, (j,, Un ty of Fremont, State of Idaho Section 1. There shall he Lj,] and constructed a plank sidev,ail beginning at the Southwest . of Block No. 86; thence mania' North on the East side of 1 i,,(. Street to the Northwest corn. ■ Block No. 8; thence running \\', on the South side of Riverside Av enue, to the Northwest cornu Block No. 7, in accordance with the plat of said Village now on ill., with the County Recorder of i' K mont County, Idaho. Section 2. The sidewalk herein provided for and as above described on said First East Street and Riverside Avenue, shall be made and constructed four feet eight inches wide, of one inch lum ber, laid on three stringers two In six inches, with necessary mud sills, and all securely nailed. Section 3. There shall be laid and constructed plank crossings all the places where the above de scribed sidewalk shall intersect or cross any of the streets, alleys or avenues of the Village of St. Anth ony, at the expense of said Villege, and said crossings shall be made and constructed three feet wide, of two inch plank with necessary cross stringers all being securely nailed. Section 4. The owners of lots in front of which said sidewalks Shall be laid and constructed are hereby required to build and con struct said sidewalks in conformity with this ordinance and have tile same completed not later than the 15th day of October 1904 and they are hereby notified that upon their failure so to do the Village Hoard will cause the same to be laid and constructed, and levy a special tax upon the lots in front of which said sidewalk will be built to pay for said sidewalks. Adopted at an adjourned meet ing called for the purpose of pas sing this ordinance, by the Board of Village Trustees of said Village held on the 12th day of September, 1904. All ordinances or parts of ordi nances in conflict with this ordi nance are hereby repealed. W. W. Youmans, Chairman. Wm. D. Yager, Clerk, Pro Tem. PATENTS Guaranteed at Cut Prices We promptly obtain U. S. and foreign Patents, Trade-Marks, Etc. We report free on patentability, immediately on receipt of model, drawing or photo of invention. We return entire attorney's fee we fail to get patent. Best bank reference. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS Opposite U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D.