Fall and Winter 1904 .
An Opening Sale to Astonish
the Natives.
eroic efforts to put this sale on a par with the best in the
All that time and energy backed by ample cash can do
jen accomplished by ns for the benefit of our patrons.
stocks of any previous season, bought under the most
ble conditions and to be sold most liberally, assures our
s the newest and the best in mens and women's and child
PParel, at prices as low or even lower than the same
can be obtained in the largest establishment on earth.
New Fall Dress Goods
We have purchased this season in larger quantities, in order
to obtain the best prices direct from the makers and the mills.
W'e have spent more cash and we have gone into deeper debt
than ever before, and we will be honest enough to confess that
the sales must lie doubled in order to meet our obligations
promptly. W e are prepared to cut prices from the beginning of
the season and make buying here so tempting that our ambitions
must be realized.
Ladies' Furnishings and
In such elegant abundance that prevailing upon customers
to buy will be a thing of the past with this store. A mere
inspection will convince all, that there is pleasure and profit in
buying here; a new policy of underselling will tempt the most
ardent bargain hunter.
JAMES HUGHES, Proprietor.
You need not
they are made and
Read the List and Match it if You Can.
lain and fancy striped ; a host of new fall patterns from
to select; very best current 12be and 15c tallies for IOc.
anisli Cloth Heavy weight, worth 25c for It I-2c.
11 wool Cashmere Crepes and a beautiful line of fancy
in the choicest patterns, which all the big stores in the
rice from 50c to 75c a yard here 55c.
lanite Suiting 44 inches wide— $1 values for 7 5c.
illiantines, Mohairs, Etc.
. magnificent showing in plain and novelty; satin finished
these we will warrant to be 85c to $1 values. They are
1 on sale for your kind consideration at 75c and (iOc,
les Plain and satin figured absolutely new OOc.
Vi 11 be much in demand this season here you select from
utiful line of rich shades, which we will warrant $1 values
at 7
Storm Serges.
hi delicate and rich shades. $1.35 and $1.50 qualities for
Hack, in satin and wool twine weaves and Persian \ oile.
$2.50 qualities for $1.75 and the $2 qualities for SI.25.
•lannels and Zibolenes—-Worth $1.25 a yard for t oc.
Silks and Satins.
Here's where this store shines this year, sure enough. Ihe
st and richest in designs flowers, plaids, stripes and plain
s, at a uniform saving of 35 per cent at least.
I i ââ
Satin finished broadcloth, imported the most elegant and
ble ever shown. Nothing to surpass it in the market any
ei a splendid quality for 81.25.
Velvets and Plushes.
The fashionable world are seeking velvets and plushes for
dreises and for trimmings. A fortunate purchase gives us a
limited quantity of $'2.50 grade for $1.50, and o- $1.50 grade for
Mercerized Sateen and Spun Glass—25c quality for 20c.
Ducks, Coverts, Fleece lined goods for 12 Ac.
Here you will find a splendid line of all the newest dra
eries—Rosalind Silkolenes, Wildwood Art Draperies the
ti^hton Draperies—some handsome designs as low as 1 ,, 1 -æc.
Four times the stock we have ever shown before, unhmit
i ieties; Outing, Shaker and Canton Flannel in light and dark
lades ; we start the season with a sale price that has never een
dialed on such staple goods.
Regular 8 l-3c quality for t> 1-4**.
Regular 10c quality for 8 l-3c.
Regular 12J^c quality for IOc.
Regular 15c quality for 12 1-2 c.
Our line is complete with the newest and most table
rsets. Wc sell the Fremont & Co.'s matchless line, paniers
inorside, Carolina, the H. C., the J. F., the ■ ' -.i
the Loomers, price any where—price every where A
d ours are uniformly 25 per cent lower than duplicating price..
>c to 81.50.
Ready to wear but custom tailored throughout,
not a house do to become famous, and the Crouse &
concern have given us cash prices on condition that v
to cut our profits, and bring these goods prominently
St. Anthony public. It would be presumptious on o
compare them with the best merchant tailoring at $40
$75 a suit, but we tell you most emphatically, that t
to wear garments surpass merchant tailoring at double
What will
e promise
before the
ur part to
or $50 or
lese ready
the price.
Genuine All-Wool Worsted Suits
That have never before been priced under $12.00, we are
offering now at 89.00.
Elegant Suits in Homespun Worsted and theviot
Which we will compare with any shown in competition at
$15.00 are here at 810.00.
In Good, Better and Best
We are offering lines in all the new weaves up to 83<|.00.
Boys' Clothing,
The toughest wearing—the best fitting the clioic
and the lowest prices. Could you possibly want a better o
The nobby, cute, fancy styles for the little chaps of 3,
(i years and so on, and the more manly styles for I
Plain weaves and fancy weaves.
Good at 81.95.
Better at 82.95.
Bent, as High as 815.00.
;st patterns
4, 5, and
igger boys.
Our Millinery Department.
Is teeming with all the newest, and swellest ideas. Model hats
from Paris, model hats of America's best workers side by side tor
your criticism, inspection and selection.
Men's Shirts.
The Elgin brand in negligee and stiff bosoms; the patterns
this season are the handsomest we have ever seen. We will fit
you better than ever before, for we have all lengths of sleeves as
well as all sizes. The tall man -the fat man the regular built
man—all can be suited. The Elgin Shirts sell at 8 1.*25.
W'e start the season will a sensational sale. From Cutter «.T
Crossette Neckwear Co., we secured a grand lot of neckwear
made of their silk and satin ends; one or two or three of a kind
only, but all 75c and $1. values, which are here for your inspec
tion at 35c.
Men's all-Wool $3.00 Underwear, Bought underpriced, to he
sold for the suit, 82.25.
Men's Mission Flannel Double Breasted Overshirts, $2.50
qualities, we are offering at 81.50.
Men's and Boy's Sweaters, our $1 grades for <»5c.
Men's Heavy Wool Fleeced Underwear, worth $2. a suit,
we are offering at 8 1.25.
Men' ; best 50c grades of Hand-knit Heavy Wool Socks, we
are selling for 35c.
Men's best Blue $1.25 Flannel Shirts, we have on sale at
Men's best 50c Golf Gloves, per pair, 85c.
Our Men's "Champion Hats "
An agency hat which lias sold all over the country at $3,
stiff and soft, all the uewest shades and black, Our price 82.50.
In mens' Shoes we have the famous F. Meyer the Rice &
Hutchins, and the Watson Plummer lines. Prices range from
81.25 to 82.50.
Bovs' and Youths' Shoes.
The "Hard Knock" and the "Rock Bottom" made for solid
wear, 81.25 to 82.00.
Special mention should he made of the John Sturteuian
shoes for womeu and misses. The foot-form shoe, shoes made
for style and for wear, the best oil earth at their respective prices
Women's. 82.50, 83.00 and 83.50.
Misses', 81.50 and 82.00.
A Grand Display of Ladies' Fall and Winter
Coats, Suits, Waists and Skirts.
The best to which we have ever invited inspection. We
ask you to call and criticise and try on—to buy if you are tempt
ed, but you need not buy because you look nor keep because you
buy. After comparison you can return and money will be re
funded without argument, if you believe you have not fared as
well or better than elsewhere.
Notions and Fancy Goods.
This department is almost in holiday attire; such a gather
ing of the small things needed by every woman, has never before
been exhibited under any one roof in St. Anthony.
Bags—The popular hand and wrist hag, 25c to 87.50.
Collars -Embroidered linen, silk, lace and chiffon. Evers
new fad is included in our great showing, 15c to 87.50.
Belts—Kid, leather and silk. There are many new and
charming ideas in the belt exhibit, 35c to 81.50.
Pompadour hack and side Combs, Hair Pins, Shirt Waist
sets, in the cowboy style—Japanese fads, pearl, gun metal and
rolled gold. It would require the entire advertisment to enum
erate prices; again we tell you, there are some glad surprises in
store for you.
Fascinators. Hoods, Circulars, Wool Caps, Infants' jackets,
etc., tells another chapter in this store's preparation for the fall
and winter season of 1904.