Newspaper Page Text
The Teton Peak OFFICIAL PAPER OF Pi&tMONT COUNTY. TÄL rsday. SEPT. 29. 1904. Entered at th« Postoffice sit St. An thony, for trantt. lia&ion through «he mails, ns sooond-c lass matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $2 OO Six Months 1 OO Three Months : 30 Advertising Rat as 011 application. Nil For President, Theodore Roosevelt. For Vice President. Charles \Y. Fairbanks. Republican State Ticket: Congressman BURTON L. FRENCH. Supreme Judge I. N. SULLIVAN. Governor FRANK R. GOODING. Lieut. Governor B. L. STEEVES. Secretary of State WILL H. GIBSON. Attorney General J. J. GUHEEN. Auditor, ROBERT BRAGSAW. Treasurer HAL. N. COFFIN. Supt. of Pub. Instruction . MAY SCOTT. Inspector of Mines ROBERT BELL. Presidential Electors: H. W. KIEFER, F. J. HAGEN BARTH. E. W. OLIVER. | THIS IS TOO BAD. Ex-Senator Heitfeldt, now run ning for governor on the Dubois ticket,plaintively wails because his meetings in the Southeast are a frost and says the Mormons, not content with staying away them selves, bulldoze Gentiles into doing the same thing. Just how these Gentiles are being "bulldozed" to stay away from these meetings the genial gentleman from Lewiston does not say. Whether it is by moral suasion, a baseball bat or a galling gun is not apparent, only they are -'bulldozed" to refrain in participating in the hilarity of one of Mr. Heitfeldt's speeches. Now laying aside all inopportune levity, this is a serious thing. Those Mormons have no right to "bulldoze" Gentiles who want to hear Mr. Heitfeldt ;.speak. And those Gentiles should refuse to be "bulldozed." The whole matter is entirely un-American. The Gentiles of that section, who are so anxious to hear Mr. Heitfeldt, should be firm and courageous in this crisis. Where church inter ference is offered they should form a "flying wedge" as is done in football, and force their way through the opposition. Surely some way can be devised which will allow those so eager to listen to Mr. Heitfeldt that precious pri vilege. Those down-trodden Gen tiles must be allowed to enjoy their constitutional rights. Pocatello Tribune. Mr. Heitfeldt spoke here last Sat urday evening, the attendance was very, very small, but it hasn't got ten out yet as to just what means was resorted to to prevent the Gen tiles from hearing this great man. When the industries of the coun try prosper coal is in demand and miners get their full share of the general prosperity. When the ™ 1 . u a _ nd : fact0 1 rles , cl ° se wr uork on short time lor lack of orders, railway traffic falls off and thé mining industry suffers. Miners are as much interested in maintain of iug the Republican policy tection as any other class of work ingmen. pro It is reported that the Democrats of Oneida comity will not hold a county convention at all. Yet Sen ator Fred T. Dubois' anti-Mormon question originated there as foster ed by that uoted statesman. The way of the transgressor is hard, but the ways of the anti-Mormon Dem orcat is a d— sight harder. OO OO 30 The Nampa Herald says: Nota single leading democratic paper of Idaho remains with - the Dubois Heitfeldt faction in the present one issue campaign. Some of those still professing a loyalty to the for sakeu cause are not even respecta hie, and their editors persist in vio lating even - ethic of decent journal ism. Should the attention of the publications they would be exclud ed from the- United States mails ns obscene literature. This especially applies to one lithe sheet published very near Senator Dubois' own home. It is truly a sorry spectacle when journals of this character are numbered among the most ardent advocates of a ''reform - ' movement in which "purity of the American home" is laueled as the leading is sue. It is a pitiable exhibition of the desperate straits In which the loaders of the new movement find themselves when such disreputable publications are allowed to repre sent them for a moment. As a matter of truth they arg unfit to go into any American home—pure otherwise. The Democrats of Bingham county held their convention Mon day. The assemblage was any thing hut harmonious. Two fac tions—the Dubois and anti-Du bois— having seats in the conven | tion. The Dubois element liacj control and worked everything ac cording to the designs of "Fred die. The meeting became so hot that the anti-Dubois, or Mormon Democrats, bolted the convention and walked out, leaving the anti-land Mormon contingent a monopoly, j Copps A straight Gentile ticket Mormon : "was nominated lows : Senator -Geo. Chopin. Representatives— L. M. A. A. Dewey. Treasurer- -Frank Hitt. Assessor and Collector Smith. Sheriff—Geo. Rohoder. Attorney D. Worth Clark. Probate Judge Judge Chatman. Commissioures—Frank Just; H. C . Dippie. Superintendent of Schools- .Miss Gillespie. Coroner— O. F. Smith. I ! ! j : I : Robert j j ! "State politics in Utah is rather mixed up this year," said Mr. Fos ter." The election of Senator Smoot to the United States Senate first made the people realize the control that Mormon ism had over politics in the State, and when this was followed up this year by the nomination of Cutler as Governor by the Republicans, a serious split in the Republican party was caus ed. The Salt Lake Tribune im mediately bolted the ticket, not only refusing to indorse Cutler, but repudiating the entire partv. It regarded Cutler's nomination as a move of the Mormon church, and the fact that he is a prominent member of the Mormon church added fuel to the flames that were already breaking out in the minds of the Gentiles. "The old Liberal party, which had been formed years before to fight the church and then had died out, has been revived and called the American party, and a ticket will be placed in the -field which will have for its avowed purpose the keeping of the church out of politics. "The effect of the formation of ^ lis new P art >' is bard to conjec u,re- although it is believed that it will largely reduce the Republi can majority, if it does not defeat The new party will Dhe ticket liYKCl. x ilCA IJclIlY Wllj probably have little effect on the éounty elections outside of Salt Lake county. The State generally mous in Salt Lake City itself, the Mormons have the balance is strongly Mormon. There are doubtless more Gentiles than Mor but of 1 «wer throughout the State, and any candidate that they w ished elected or defeated would go as they dictated. Roosevelt will car r >' tlle State, and the onlÿ fight that is being made is on the question of Cutler and his party." i ue political pot has begun boiling in Fremont county. f . j j I MILLSAPS AND JACKSON DON'T AGREE. ll«f'Kxcl)iiug(* of Lot tors—Stair IVnt ral Coiiimll Imnsui lirfusrs to Advertise DuHois Campaign Speaker* in Fremont County--Is Called a "Jack" Mormon. ! i j ns are is of the a go Following will be found the en • "* ' anti-land ___ _____ j such expenses. tire controversy which arose tween Hon. J. I). Millsaps rtf St. Anthony, Democratic State Central Committeeman and State Chairman Jackson, on the "billing" of Henry Heitfeldt to speak in Fremont county: On September 14, Mr. Millsaps received a telegram from Chairman Jackson as follows: Boise, Idaho, Sept. 14, 1904: Hon. J. D. Millsaps, St. An thony, Ida. Can you engage hall and make all arrangements for Heitfeldt speaking St. Anthony and Rex burg next week? Answer at once. Charles H. Jackson. Chairman. Mr. Millsaps answered the tele gram as follows: St. Anthony, Ida., Sept. 15,1904. C. H. Jackson, Boise, Idaho. Don't bill Heitfeldt for Fremont county. See letters. J. D. Millsaps. Immediately after sending the foregoing telegram, Mr. Millsaps wrote to Jackson as follows: Hon. C. H. Jackson, Boise Citv, Ida. Dear Sir : Your telegram asking me if I could arrange for hall and make all arrangements for Heitfeldt to speak at St. Anthony and Rexburg next week at hand and in reply will sav that there is no money here with which to pay such expenses and I will not make such arrangements guarantee* or stand good for . If the State Com mittee desirestheir State speakers to I campaign in Fremont coluity this ! fall they will have to pay the ex ! penses of halls, advertising, etc. j The only way that we have here : of raising money for campaign pur I poses is by asssessing our local can didates and in view of the fact that : no nominating convention has been j fold jj ere there is no money w ith j w hich to do anything and it does ! not look now as though there w ill be any money at all in this county for the campaign as it is now very doubtful as to whether we will be able to find candidates who are wil ling to go upon the county ticket and put up any money and there is no dead sure tiling that there will be any county ticket at all hi Fre mont county as it seems useless for us to spend our time and money in ! this campaign under present con- ' ditions. I am very sure that the ' County Central Committee will not be willing to use their money, if they ever have any, for the purpose , of paying the expenses of the state speakers and for this reason I am not going to contract any bills un less I have the money with which to pay them We were told at Lewiston by some of the advocates of the "anti ~ ~ w «'4 * V/V.UIV.O vu Lite dlJll** Mormon" plank in the Democratici platform that the party would -not need any assistance from the Deni-, ccrats in this part of the State this! fall and that they could win out without our votes so we do not now think that we should be called upon or expected to pay the expenses of your campaign in this county. You will understand that fully 90 per cent, or more of the Democrats of Fremont county are members of the Mormon church and we cannot help but feel that the resolution of the State convention is a direct stab them and I for one would not blame them if they refused as a unit to in'»» iv.lll.-jtu (13 a mill LU support the ticket that has been nominated by the Democratic party for if I were in their place and the party had made a direct stab at me as the parfy in this state has made at them, I would not only refuse to vote for the nominees but would do everything in my power to de feat them and I would take pains to see that not one cent of the money that was raised to pay local campaign expenses was used to as sist in the election of men who were running upon such a platform. I know myself that the resolution was aimed directly at the Mormon people and that the same was wrong, unjust, uncalled for and undemo cratic and that such a resolution does not represent the sentiment of . .................... the majority of the Democrats in the State of Idaho but was carried | f 11 1* A tliu . -, m , ... ..1 *11 I through the convention bv jobbery and trickery and even said Senator Heitfeldt whom you now ask us to' advertise with our own money was | - - said that lie would not take the nomination on the ticket at the hands of the convention unless such ; a plank \vas inserted in the plat form. We do not consider that we are indebted to or under any obli gations to him and are not willing to put up our money to arrange for cr advertise his meetings and fur thermore we do not intend to do so. Yours verv truly, J. D. Mi lisa ps ' ! j I I ! , ! ' The following letter, which is self-explanatory, was sent Jackson later the same day : St. Anthony, Idaho. Sept. 15, 1904. Mr. C. II. Jackson, Boise City, [Idaho. ; Dear Sir : Since writing you this fore noon and.talking with \ou over the 'phone, 1 have seen some of the Democrats here in St. Anthony and talked with them about Heitfeldt coming here and making some speeches in this county, and I have not yet found one that is willing to put up any money for the purpose of pacing the expenses of such a meeting, for the reason that we do not feel that it would do our local situation any good. We feel that situation anv good. We feel that it woiild only he adding fuel to the flame to have him here. At Lew - flame to have him here. At Lew iston during the convention, you people did not seem to have any care, concern or consideration whatever for the Democrats of F re mont NCI 1U1 me LA.111UC1 «in ui A 1C ______. countv or what the results might be to them and it strikes me now as it did then that you did not care one iota if it did disorganize, | breal disrupt and entirely Democratic party i Idaho, so long as a few men the up the southeastern ' could ratify their own personal ambi-1 tions and desires, and we now feel that you will confer a favor upon us by keeping your campaign j speakers out of here and letting us work out our own destruction or I salvation as the case may be and more especially those who favor and helped to place that iniquitous "Anti-Mormon" plank in the Deni; octatic platform and who would ad- , vocate the election of a ticket which in sympathy with the same. Yours very truly, J. D. Millsaps. On the 17th., the Salt Lake Trib une came out with a "hot" special from Boise, under the caption "Jack Mormon is Hit Hard," and "Red Hot Letter Sent Committee man", etc. The special which follows reached St. Anthony about 24 hours before Mr. Millsaps re ceived Jackson's ''red hot letter:" Boise, Ida., Sept. 17.-—Some in ' Cresting correspondence has passed between Chairman Jackson of the Democratic State committee and J. , H - Millsaps, committeeman for Fre mont county. Jackson wired Mill-i. sa P s to make arrangements for: meetings to be held by Senator Heitfeldt at St. Anthony and Rex burg next week Millsaps replied by letter saving the Democrats of that county would halls ---- yji. mut v_vj il U I \ n °t furnish money to pay for _______, ?etC- > a »d the State committee would have to pay all expenses if >t sent speakers in there. He says: "You will understand that fully P er cent or mort of the Denio ! cra ts of Fremont county are ment - bers of the Mormon church, and we j cannot but feel that the resolution i of the State convention is a dircet stab at them, and I for one would |not blame them if they refused as a I to support the ticket that has I been nominated by the Democratic at|P ar t>'-'' Further he says: "We!P I now feel that you will conféra fa i vo f upon us by keeping your cam I • v.jiwh uo \ our caill-l j paign speakers out of here. " : I' 1 his reply Chairman Jackson ! quotes the plank from the Demo _____ cratic platform as follows: ' "We demand the extermination of polygann and unlawful cohabi tation within the State of Idaho and the complete separation of church and state in political affairs. We pledge the Democratic party to enact such legislation as will effec tually suppress such evils.' - ' Continuing, he gays: "You, I beliete, claim to be an American citizen and a Gentile. It is sur prisingly strange to me that the Mormons can find such men as you I .......... -'*«'-** ct.-5 YOU I to put forw ard to write such letters I as the one I am now answering. "! Mr. Jackson states that all good ■ ________________ KUUU . people, whether Mormons or Gen-i | tilc s, can have no objections to the ! I «-» 1 f-. •-% 1. . , T / ! , • % - '-'J*- Cl IVlll.l LU lliv. * plank. "If it is a stab at the Mor- ! nl °» church," he says, "then the I Mormon church ought to lie stabbed ■ | t0 death. " _ j ------------ uuc.1 IIUl practice polygamy and unlawful cohabitation, and does not under ; tal ÿe to dictate in political affairs, ibis piank is harmless. If it does do these things, this plank is ne cessary." Continuing, he says the speakers "ill go into southeastern Idaho, nevertheless, and expresses the be ! lief th. it the rank and file of Mor i 111011 D «■mocrats will not vote the Repub plank. lican ticket because of this The next thing that came along j was tl e "red hot" letter, looked for af ,-r the Salt Lake Tribune had s read the news around he couutr Bo ise, Idaho, Sept. 17, 1904. J- n Millsaps, St. Anthony, Ida. 1 Deal Sir : 11 .ave vonrs of September 15th 1 and ha ve read the same carefully, ; and in ist confess that I am utterly ! amaze; u itli the contents of your coramt nication. The jilank to which you icier in { venr etter, which you say will i cost u the votes, or ought to cost | 1 its the votes of all Mormon Demo-1 !crats 1 i Idaho, is as follows: I "Wi demand the extermination of poh gamv and unlawful cohabi tation within the State of Idaho, and t îe complete separation of and State in political Cliurci affairs We pledge the Demo cratic iartv to enact such legisla tion a will effectually suppress such e ils." You I believe, claim to be an Ameri. an citizen and a Gentile. It 1S surprisingly arrange iu me mar the Mormons can find such men as you to put forward to write such letters ing. The the go risinglv strange to me that put as the one I am now answer Democratic party of Idaho, ad people of Idaho, the good ---- Ö ■ t ---r... ..... ' *--- O--" people of your section of the State, whether they lie Mormons or Gen tiles, dan have no objection to the plank Sn the Democratic platform. H it 11 it is a stab at the Mormon church, then the Mormon church ought to lie stabbed to death. If the Mormon church does not prac tice pc dation dictate plank these tilings, this plank it ary lygamy and unlawful coliab aud does not undertake to in political affairs, this harmless. If they do is necess - -• — candid , feldt. Our e asten stand form. Mr. Cl Idaho thing. before file of speakers w ill go into south Idaho just the same. Our ate for Governor, Mr. Heit vill tell your people that lie on this plank of the plat Our candidate for congress, ay, will go into southeastern and tell them the same You and such as you may vote the Republican ticket on ac count of this platform, but I will wait until the ballots are counted I believe that the rank the Mormon Democrats ,-vn t ] le << - . r " S" lal comes and will vote the Republican ticket on ac count if it. I assume that vou want the Mormons to Know gener ally that you have written such a letter,and therefore I take the liber publishing your letter and ly. Yours truly, ries H. Jackson, Chairman, r being stirred up, first by iccial to the Tribune," and ard by the receipt of the ori bot letter," Mr. Millsaps back at the State Chairman, lois suckling, with the fol comniunieation : or Du lowin * - : P ly - ■ can,e i ? ne > I ' n K e ' ty in a P er 20; i l locrati k tak to he cracy P !t w Anthony, Idaho, Sept. Mr. C. H. Jackson, Boise Citv, Idaho. - Sir: surs of the 17th iust. at hand 'Vas not amazed or surprised least at the contents thereof; not even amazed or surprised fact that I received your re early a day before the letter through the Salt Lake Trili he accredited organ of a boit ement of the Republican par in adjoining state and which is now not only supporting itional Republican ticket but 0-Sm g ai 'd fighting the Dem : party of our sister state of This I apprehend and take modern "Jacksonian Denio ' of the purest type. \ oji need not have quoted that littk innocent looking plank in the Jacksonian ''Democraticplatform as I am perfectly well acquainted with t ami there is nothing there urts or applies to the Mor mon people of Fremont county but the psint and purpose of its adop Vuü.T 1 ? the thi,l S -s that were said them both at the Weiser and ton conventions by the peo bo were responsible for the I the N is opf about Lewi a( °P^° n °? said plank and what i the ) sanie resent tllem letter fiiwl fll,d P lauk tlle -V but said was the purpose of the is what the Mormon people i"I their friends join with , you will examine mv a lut e more closely, you will t lat I did not say that this would cost us the votes of all ornmn Democrats in Idaho did say that I would not blâmé them if it did cost ns their I »Pt only claim to be an Ameri can c both never letter 1 . - « H.lir, itizen and a Gentile t 1M1( 1 Xf CIlllie » ,)l lt I am dlKl tile Morilioil nennle li« mit tup. , l )CO P^ have I or me torward to write such as the one Written hut flip co.« i ri ™kll tO voll I iu tpe same was done of tm- num 1 free will and vnlitirx., - OU U ^ . "tion Without anv I p consultation with anv nf »» - mnn tmnl* 01 the Mor- I P people or any request from anv 1 m Hum anj { | ing strange at a l! t i,.^ re > such men as 1 am tl, , them when tliev au , ", ! tacked in the" maim, r "- 1]Us, l some men at Weiser ' "! did. 1 have lived aim!, mon people for six;,' tile have been inv frien-. hors, my clients and eu yea. nts, the) right, and them uprigl loyal, and ave alw I have it, honen - , law-abid , * 1 eaitil duays "s -V '"luliiot fend them when tin. igned and mistvpu , , and others? 1 shall !,!,,'; more that I have seen j,, ., 0 sixteen years before 1 l ' le the Mormon people : : ,l it quire more than the ■' " others to be 'voids nf ion, Faim, n„ _ convince me y at things that they said about I Lewiston are true and until r have seen more that l have been convinced of u,' fulness of the charges 0 r' them that were made against I will ever stand readvamUj to defend the Mormon'people I must thank von for ta y n pains of making nn letter n so that the Mormon people P know that I had written < letter, but you might have yourself the trouble as I feel dent that the Mormon people me well enough and have deuce enough iu me to know t would not say anything t ) lat not true and right, and had h ed them to have known the tents of that letter certainly w have had it published in so our local papers and would like the Chairman of the De» tic party (?) in the state ot'ld have sent the same to the Salt Tribune, an opposition pat» our sistef State of Utah. A ours very truly, }• D. M ilhai When we increase our u tion we increase our national en ties in proportion. I '«less reduce the rate of taxation would double our national revet if we doubled our population. President Roosevelt s.ii j n message: "The western half the United States would sustai population greater than that of whdîe country today, if the w: that now run to waste were s and used for irrigation. The price of railway share the New York stock exchang steadily advancing, which is a indication that railway truth good. It also is a sign that 1 ers of stocks are confident t w ill lit- no change in the nut: policies which have made ; times for the whole country. ASHCRAFT, the jeweler. ru 4 RAGE FOR LIFE. Spurring his jaded harre to r efforts when the animal should ! with proper food and rest, is .d i t dible as prescribing nerve tonic', i compounds, coca mixtures id which only spur on the already w nervous system. Neither dot it the nerves to sleep with narcotio you feel worn-out, broken down, jail feel the effects of brain tire as \v 1 j weakness, sleeplessness and f.itigu Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical I>w' tonic which will do you lasting j ■ ■ you up, increase your appetite ami - and improve the condition <>t tin When the h!ood is impoverished t!r fet t the effect. Nervousnes.-> in mti aut of ten is the ''cry of the starved for food." Feed the nerves on riel and all nervous manifestations will "It hits been seven months since m Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery n use.l three bottles of the medicine when me feel like a new man," writes > A Fsq. (care of Mr. Amos livre. R. !>. Ohio. f *I had doctored with two ' ! cians without benefit. I felt all w had an awful misery itt my back t - r but noticed a change for the It'' began using your 'Golden Medical !>'• . T ° pain knowledge of your own tn sickness and health—send for & le's Common Sense Medical Advi ook of 1008 pages. Send 21 0 stamps for paper-cove red. <>: for cloth-bound copy. Address I>r Pierce. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N Assessment .Notice. Salem Union Canal Co., u,.,, - of business, Salem. Fremont (.'•>. l There is delinquent upon tin* ' scribed stock on account of asse the iiuih day of August, 1901. w .. cer. shans M. H. Anderson 1 Guy C. Bowerman It) ü S®* 8 J Comstock 21 T T h ?. m ? s JoU »' m * b Dprson .y» t ^ Miller f >7 :t DUlard Roberts And in accordance with law s - > Of each parcel of such htoek U.s may ^ury will be sold at Oscar Ander Fremont County, Idaho (HI ' of ° ctobe r. IÖW. between the hour' • p * 7Î: 10 delinquent assessmeiu aether with the cost of advert.' P c ' Qs « Of sale, etc 1 Oscar Location of oillce at Salem, Ida 1 -