St. Anthony Druggi st l
LS-ng. ^ -C ^ L t S- g g C-:g-C-4t
g~~8~g~~S~~SL~3 -^L g ~ S - g &:r
Long Time Loans
With Options
John D. C. Kruger
Commercial National Bank
St. Anthony
J. H. McPherson, Dentist.
Ed Edlifson, of Haden, was in
the city Wednesday.
G. R. Hitt, of Idaho Falls. Sun
dayed at the Riverside.
Hy Johnson, the new barber,
says business is picking up.
Janies Tibbies, of Chester, is
seriously ill with pneumonia.
James Chandler was over from
Howe the fore part of the week.
Jensen Bros.' photograph gallery
will be open for business March 1.
O. H. Barber left Tuesday morn
ing for Salt Lake. Boise and Twin
The youngest son of Emery H.
Seymour died Tuesday night °f j
stomach trouble. j
Nobody would wish for more
pleasant weather than this vicinity
has enjoved the past week. |
Miss Pearl Fisher will entertain a |
number of her friends in the Ath
letic Club room Friday evening.
Miss Kate Ternes left last Friday
morning for Portland, where she
has taken a position in a dry goods
C. B. Wheeler, of Pocatello,
Sundayed in this city. C. B. has
quit insurance and is now traveling
for a cigar house.
The John S. Lindsay company
will appear at the opera house
March 2 and 3 in the great melo
drama, "The Two Orphans.''
Mrs. J. Jensen went to Ogden
Mondav and will return Friday !
with Mr. Tensen, who has been in j
Ogden for about three weeks.
Miss Geneva Harris, daughter !
of our assessor, G. H. B. Harris, ;
who is attending Ricks Academy, j
was in the city last Saturday visit-j
ing her father. j
Farm Orchard Jackson, chairman 1
of the Democratic state committee, j
was over from Boise the latter part ■
of last week in the interest of the !
Prudential Insurance Co. j
Wo.,.,, rvw 1
• . Hal " y . ?, HaUlan so d 1 out his j
interest in the Brewery saloon last;
Monday to the Brewery company.
We understand he will interest
himself in the Marysville saloon.
Dr. Middleton was badly shaken
up Tuesday night by falling upon
the ice and he was laid up for re
pairs for a day. _____________ __
attend to professional duties again. !
...---- „„ .
He is now able to !
cW I . », i
day lohn McC^oîhmweceived^a '
vicious^ kickonthe baTofhis ^
ucioub KICK on tile back of his|
right hand, which laid him un for '
repairs a few days. It was a nain
ful injury.
Mrs. L. M. Lewis entertained
the Jolly Twelve last Friday. The
afternoon was pleasantly spent j
playing High Five, Mrs. Wm.
Vanderveer being the lucky winner !
nf t In o fircf r»f Gr, , 1 It If Xir it
of the first prize, and Mrs. Wylie
capturing the consolation.
A partv consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. Walt Green, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Sheffield, Mr. Ripley, Nephi
Secrist, Henry Jenkins and Mrs.
Jenkins, Ray Jenkins,the two Miss
es Jenkens,Miss Davley, and several
others whose names could not be
learned, went to Island Park. Mon
day, where a dance in their honor
was given by Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
T rude.
.for nun Yho toil
Attorney Ben L. Rich and wi
are visiting in Washington, D.C.
There will be services next Sun
day morning and evening at the
Episcopal church. Rector McPher
son of Idaho Falls will preach.
Washington's birthday passed by
very quietly in St. Anthony. Many
of the business houses were closed,
and, it being a beautiful day, many
were out sleigh riding or on a.short
hunting trip.
Rev. Barnes, of Idaho Falls,
preached the dedication services of
the M. E. Church at this place last
Sabbath morning. Presiding Elder ,
Van Dusen did not come owing to
the illness of his wife.
Mrs. Redman, of Jackson's
Hole, who spent most of the winter
in California, departed from St.
Anthony, accompanied by her hus
band for their home Tuesday. They
visited a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Patton.
Rev. Jones, of Melrose, Mont.,
preached in the Presbyterian church
last Sunday. The congregation
was highly pleased with his ser
mons and a strenuous effort is be
ing made to secure his permanent
services for that church.
The order has gone forth to the
deputy game wardens throughout
the state of Idaho that all shipping
permits to ship fish during the
closed season, held by those own
> n g private fish ponds, must be
cancelled immediately. The new
? ttorn f ey K®"™ 1 ^ decided that it
l ° la "' f ° r anyone to
ship fish during the closed seasons.
This will work a hardship on those
owning private ponds and fish
hatcheries, but it will be mighty
nice for those who enjoy the sport
of fishing with hook and line.
Cheap feed—CORN—Miller Bros.
Typewriter paper for sale at the
Peak-Chronicle office.
At the home of his parents,
f ^ik and Agnes B. Reno, of Reno
Idaho - Seav ^- A. Reno, aged 18
ye £®' ® T"? 8 ? days \ ■
t to t A '
at Little Lost River, Idaho. Mav 4.
1886, and left us to meet his Crea
tor early Sundav morning. Fehrua
ry 12, 1905. Seaver's departure
from this life in his early manhood
grieves many hearts and the sym
P atb '' of neighbors and friends goes
ou *- *° * be sorr °wing familv
Pneumonia set in
out to the sorrowing family
Pneumonia set in when he was
w ^ ab f r p m a spell of measles, and
this assistant of grim Death more
than matched his youthful vigor,
thus terminating his earthly career
after an illness of only seven days.
^ • 1 - - - 3
------ —and
Drs Bridges and LaRue of Idaho j
Falls, gave continued attention and ;
loving hands ministered to his !
needs. !
He goes to join an elder brother ;
who preceeded him by four years ; I
j--------------- iour vears; I
and he leaves to mourn his loss his ;
two brothers and two ^
sisters. j
A '° Ved one from Us has gone ' j
° n earth we shaI > Hee bi «> more;
UoI ,„,----- ->-•-■ ■ - !
a t0 hi f. hon5e in Heaven -
And 3,1 blS affl,ctlons ar e o'er,
. _______________ _
auspices of the M. E. church. Ad
|mission, reserved seats, 50 cents
general admission, 35 cents.
r it •
J. Frank Fouche. the famous !
dramatic artist, will appear at the !
opera house, March 3rd, tinder the j
The following are a sample of
the press notices which have been
published - wherever he has ap
peared :
He is certainly an artist. Re
publican-Journal, Belfast, Me.
„ „ - , ■ ....... j
Mr. Fouche s recital of "Ham- \
ion of
let was a master's presentation of
masterpiece. -The Union, Man
ehester, N. H. |
Mr. Fouche possesses what un- :
fortunately many of our public
readers do not—a beautiful voice,
rich, musical, and manly over I
which he has perfect control.—j
The Morning Telegram. Provi- '
dence. R. I. |
One of the liest of dialect readers. |
1 he J itnes, Burlington. Vt. j
His appeal is to the intellect and !
the heart. He held his audience
enthralled without twistins? his
- twisting
hair or contorting his face. Tlie
Madisonian, Madison., Wis.
In his portiayal of Hamlet and
Macbeth. Prof. J. Frank Fouche
was simply immense. Ht also
proved himself to be an impersona
tor of exceptional ability in his
dialect stories, keeping his au
diences in continual roars of laugli
*L r - Borf. J. ]•;. McCartney, Supt.
City Schools. Valley City, N. D.
Pioneer Manufacturers & Dealers in §
vm. I
Wood, Wenie Edge Lumber, Slabs, S
dust, in car lots, Pickets, etc. Special bills
filled on short notice Mill run the )
round, Sawingfor farmers and ranchers
especially solicited. Mills located at Isl
Park, Warm River and Rattle Snake Crt
Good timber handy to either mill, Fa
ers can get their logs sawed as soon as
livered at the mill. Prices reasonable.
L* We meet competition.
J. E. FOGG, Manager
CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! For 25 to 50« on the
and Qui
to 35 cents
We bought a shipment of Ladies', Misse
dren's Cloaks that were delayed in transit for 20
on the dollar. We want to sell them out quick and are go
ing to sell them at 25 to 50c on the dollar. Thesfe garments
have good style and are of the best goods. If you can use
any of these beautiful cloaks it will be the best
you can make to buy at once as you may never 1 get an op
portunity to buy goods at so low prices again.
$2 00 Children's Cloaks for 50c.
$5 00 Children's Cloaks for $2 00,
$6 00 Misses' Cloaks for $2 50.
$12 00 Misses' Cloaks for $5 90.
$7 00 Ladies' Cloaks for $2 50.
$12 00 Ladies' Cloaks for $5 90.
Come in and see these wonderful low prices whether
you want to buy or not.
All hats, feathers, childrens'
bonuets, etc., now left will be sold ;
at a big reduction.
The only shoe store in town is
the St. Anthony shoe store. Bet
ter shoes cannot be had.
5 H. Lidyard, prop.
Rock for Sale:
We have a large quantity of rock
at our rock quarry two and one
half miles east of Chester at very
reasonable prices.
tf. Wilder and Day.
LAND near Sugar Factory.
C. C. Moore Real Estate Co. |
WANTED: Partner with $1.000.
Business guaranteed to clear $250.
Address Teton Peak-Chronicle. i
FOR SALE:—One good team !
one good mountain wagon. \
j This is a bargain for some one. j
; Snake River Lumber Co. I
! „ ---I
! The Broadhead Dress Goods are
; ^ le ver - bnest and best goods
I made - Their cloths are fine, soft
I rnade ' ' "7Y " 4V - ,iuc - oulL
; and agreeable io wear, beautiful ;
^ lllster ' and bear tbe mark of dis- i
j tinction. Their colors are correct !
j and fast dye .styles are new and |
fresh as ' vorn by the best dressed
! women from San Francisco to New
| York. Sold exclusively bv Skalet
I & Shell.
! Immigration Commissioner's Report,
! The biennial report of Immigra
j tion commissioner Egleston is the
most comprehensive and important
presentation of the resources of
Idaho that has ever been issued.
Every resident of the state may
feel new pride at the showing
made. A great deal of time and
labor has been expended in its
preparation, but the good it will do
j is incalculable. Commissioner!
\ Egleston has earned the gratitude'
of every resident of the state for
of every resident of the state for
the commendable showing that is
| made.
: • '
WANTED: Capable men and
women for CENSUS WORK and
I t0 act , aa Representatives in this
a P d ad i°' n > n g territory for maga
zine and music business of old Es
tablished House. Onr catalogues !
°Y er 3 >°°° magazines and 5,000
selections of music at CUT
PRICES. Salary $18.00 per week,
L-xperience unnecessary, but good
reference s required. Address
270 \\ abash Avenue, Chicago, 111!
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
St. Anthony Camp,
Meets every first and t
nights at 8:00 p. in. in A
Ross-Hamer block.
Wm. Vandeki
Wii.i. Youman
ML W. A.
iird Thursday
;asonic hall in
FOR SALE.—500 c
wood, east of St. Anti
per cord (128.)
Fogg a
EE UK. V. C.
s. Clerk.
ords dry slab
lony, at $2
ad Jacobs.
Special Bargains, pear Sugar
C. C. Moore Real Estate Co.
Ashcraft, the jeweler, has some
bargains in clocks this
in this county and adjoining terri
tory, to represent and iidverti.se an
old established house of solid finan
cial standing. Salary
weekly, to women $12
fnd Women
to men $21
to $18 week
ft "J* expenses^ advanced each
lIonda > b > check diredt from head
i S v H ° rSe a " d , ggV f . ,,rn '
ished when necessary ; position
! permanent. Address,] Blew .Bros
\ & Co., Department B. Monon Bldg.
j Chicago, 111.
I VA „,„ T , —
. «UUCP,.
Notice is hereby given, that there
> s money in the treasury to pay the
^blowing Fremont County War
; rants :
Current Expense 1!)01 No. 383 to
! 789 inclusive,
| Bridge, '04, No. 86 t|o 94 inclus,
Bounty ''
If the above
warrants are not
within ten
; presented for payment
I days from date of this ijotice, inter
est shall then cease.
A. Heath, County Treasurer.
, By W. A. Davis, Dep.
'Ti— **
!. by Charlle Baker. It is written
maeasystyle and can be played
0 . 11 eitber . P>ano or o^-gan. The
tltle P?S e *
"Sapphire Waltz."
We have just rceeived a copy of
the most popular piece of music
ever published in this country,
called "Sapphire Walt/.,'' compos
. „ *s very handsome in four
colorsA This piece of music should
be found in every household
throughout the entire country.
Price 50 cents per copy. Upon
receipt of 15 cents in postage
stamps, a copy of this beautiful
waltz will be mailed to any address
the United States by T H E
CO., 44 West 28th St.. Yew York
---— 1 --—-—
Long Time Loans
Willi Options
John D. C. Krliger
Commercial National Bijink
St. Anthony.
All Winter Goods at
Cost or Less * S*
V ;m> dot«*rinim*d to dispose of all of our
heavier goods and prepare for a splen
did Spring ami Summer trade, and in order
(o do this we shall close out everything in
Winter Goods ai Cost or Less.
This Great Sale
Means a Positive Saving to the Alert Buye
who will (let Rosy and examine our
Unusual Offerings.
Please Remember that when you buy of us
you get First-Class Reliable Merchandise
that is as Hood as Hold.
UiS Y*
Snake River Lumber Co.
Yard and Office North of Miller Bros Klevator.
St. Anthony, Idaho. 'Phone, 10.
We Sell as Cheap as Anybody.
!"John C. Fremont"
Sour Mash Whisky
And Milwaukee Beer,
Leads the World, i
For Sale by "PAP" BRAIN ARD, ►
O II AN LAN & CO., Props.
Finest Line of LIQUORS &
CIGARS in St. Anthon:
Courteous treatment for all.
C<dl and see us when you want the best there is.
It's a Pleasure to Drink It.