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Commissioners Proceedings. «St. Anthony, Idaho, Mar. ti, 05. On this da\ as per adjournnient of January 12th, the Hon. Board cf Commissioners convened. Present. R. J. Costley.E. S. Little, Clerk \'ictor Hegsted, County At tornev O. P. Soule, when the fol lowing proceedings were had to wit: In the matter of the organi zation of The Enterprise Irrigation District. The board having here tofore established and defined the boundaries of said District, and having ordered ait election therein for the purpose of determining whether or not such District be or ganized, and for the election of Di rectors therefor : And it appearing by affidavit that due notice ot said election has been published as re quired by law, and returns having be n received and canvassed by this Board, showing that said election was held on the 20th day of Feb ruary, 1005. That at such election thirty votes were cast upon the question whether or not such District should be or ganized, of which thirty votes were Irrigation District YES, and none j are Irrigation District NO, and für tlier that for Directors of said Dis rict, John R. Allen of the First Division received 19 votes. Janies Siddowav of the Second Division received 24 votes, and Jas. W. Mc Kinley of the Third Division recei ved 14 votes. Therefore it is or dered that the territory within the boundaries so established and defin ed be and the same are hereby de clared duly organized as an irriga tion district under the name and style of "The Enterprise Irrigation District,'' and John R. Allen. Jas. Siddoway and James W. McKinley are declared elected Directors of said District. I The boundaries of said District are as follows : All lines running parallel with section lines and com- ; meneing at the center of section 15 in twp 7 north, range 41 east, b m and running thence east 4620 feet south 660 feet, east 660 feet, south 660 feet, east 660 feet south 1320 feet, east 1660 feet, south 1320 feet east 660 feet, south 1320 feet, east 660 feet, south 1980 feet, west 660 feet, south 690 feet, west 1320 feet, south 660 feet, west 660 feet south 660 feet, west 1320 feet, south 660 feet, west 660 feet south 1980 feet west 660 feet, south 660 feet, west 660 feet, south 1320 feet, south 660 feet, west 660 feet, south 1320 feet, west 660 feet, south 1960 feet, east 660 feet, south 660 feet, west 660 feet, south 660 feet, west 660 feet, south 660 feet, west 660 feet, south 660 feet, west 1320 feet, south 660 feet, west 1320 feet, south I i J i L>200 feet. east 1320 feet south 5940 feet, south 660 feet, west 1320 feet, . north 6b0 leet, west 660 feet, north 660 feet, west 1980 feet, south 1980: feet. west 2640 feet, west 1320 feet, ( south 600 feet, west lo 20 feet, south i ^ eet ' l . S2 9 to t l lc i S\\ cor. of NW L of section 18 m 660 feet, north 1320 feet feet north 1320 feet, east east 660 teet ' north 3960 feet, east 660 teet, north j 600 feet, eaM. 1.>20 feet, north 660 feet, east ->2S0 feet, north 1320 feet, west 660 feet, north 2610 feet, east 660 teet, noith 660 teet, east 660 feet, north 1680 feet, west 660 feet, north 66 > teet. east 660 feet, north 660 feet, east 660 leet, north 660 feet, east 660 feet, noith 660 feet. east ..--O feet, north L »20 feet, east r>.>o leet. noith 1980 feet, east 660 feet, north 660 feet, east 1320 feet. north 660 feet, east 660 feet, north 1980 feet to the north-west corner of sec 27 twp 7 north range 41 east b. in. thence east 660 leet north 264(1 feet west •>.«(! feet north 1320 feet west 330 feet north 1320 feet east 660 feet north 1320 feet east 660 feet uorthHUO feet ea.-.t 1320 feet north 660 feet to the place of begin ning it being understood that each measurement it is from the last pre ceeding one : reference being had to the amended map of said district on file with the Clerk of said Board. Ordered that this Board do now adjourn until Mondav, March 13, 1905, at 9, A. M. R. J- Costley. Chairman Pro tern. Victor Hegsted .Clerk. St'. Anthony, Mar. 13th, '05. On thL day as pei adjournment of Mar. 6th, the Boatd of County Commissioners convened; present, Geo. A. Cordon, Chairman, R. J. Costley and Edwin S. Little, Com missioners, Victor Hegsted. Clerk, and (). P. Soule County Attorney. I'he following proceedings were had to-wit : 1 he bids for the construction of certain bridges in Fermont county were on this day opened. rhe bids were as follows Across Snake river near Phi! Spratling's, Slat cry & Spratliug. $525.00. Across Ball river at Darling's mill, A B. Johnson. $500.00. Across Snake River at Wilson's Ford, Egbert, Barrett & Drollinger, $525.00. It aptiearing that each of said bids are best for each proposition, it is or uere< ihut cscli hid he accepted and-the contract for such construe tion is hereby let to each bidder as above, and the payment thereof be tnade after the completion and ceptance of said work by the Board. 1 On petition of John Crouch and 42 others, M. Crouch is appointed Road Overseer of Marysville Road District No. 12. - On petition of R. F. Jardine and others. Albert JTaylor is hereby appointed Justice of the Peace of Lewisville, and his official bond is hereby approved. On petition of Albert Taylor and others, R F Jardine is hereby ap pointed Constable of Lewisville precinct and his official bond is hereby approved. On petition of Albert Taylor and others, Bash L. Bennett is appoint cd Road Overseer of Lewisville Road District and his official bond is hereby approved. On petition of J F Jessen and others residents of Highland pre cinct, A C Langley is appointed Road Overseer of Highland Road District. The application of sonic of the residents and taxpayers of Lewis ville Road District for an appro j priat j on G f $500.00 with which to | I repair the said roads is hereby de nied. The petition of J \V Day ley and others for the appointment of J B Saunders as Road Overseer of Marysville Dist. No. 12 is hereby denied. The liquor bond of Charles H Herritage for the sale of intoxicat ing liquors in St. Anthony is here by approved. The following official bonds were carefully examined and are hereby approved : ; g yp Nelson John Crawley, Road Overseer. E B Jones, " " Howe. Wm. Naylor, Constable John Borrowtnan " W E Anderson " Simon Saunders, " I W O Campbell, J. i D W Grover ' ' J G Williams " Harry Randall " i Sam'l Swanner " Wm Sauer. " P. Teton. Driggs. Salem. Highland. At rangée. Highland. Salem Salem. Lyman. Haden. Grant In the matter of the division of Bingham county : It appearing that 70 votes were cast for and sev en against the question ofthedivis ion of Bingham county, and the annexation thereof to Fremont county, as provided by House Bill No. 144 approved March 6th, 1905, aud a majority of the qualified electors voting on said question having voted in the affirmative, it is ordered that the following de scribed territory, to-wit: Commencing at a point where the Bingham and Fremont county p nes pj sec j ti )e t D p or CO mb of Big -- - - - Hole Mountain range, thence fol lowing along the top or comb of i sa j(j mountain in a southeasterly I ( direction to the Wyoming line. i thence North along said Wyoming i state line to the dividing line be tween Bimrham and Fremont c-onn [ j tween Bingham and Fremont couu the same is hereby stricken off from j ' Bingham county and annexed to j Fremont county, State of Idaho, ! County of Bingham, SS. ! p (y eo F. Gagon, Clerk of the District Court and Ex-Officio Clerk Q f *i lt . Board of Countv Commis sioners, in and for the Countv and State aforesaid, do herein certifv that foregoing is a full, true anc f correct copy of the original order of the Board of County Com niissioners of Bingham county, Idaho, made and entered Monday, November 21st, as the same appears of record, Book "C" at page 131, records of said county. In witness whereof, I have here and affixed my of Janu mito set my hand J. within one official seal this 21st day 4 ry, A. D., 1905. Geo. I-. Gagon, Clerk of Board of County Commissioners, By H. B. Curtis, Deputy. In the matter of the establishing of an Independent .School District at Market Lake, Idaho. It appearing that School District No. 50 at Market Lake, said coun ty and State, has within its limits taxable property to the amount of $150.000.00 as shown by the last assessment roll of said count} : and tliat more than one-fifth of the qualified electors of said District petitioned said Board at the last regular meeting thereof, for the establishment of an Independent District therein, and there being no remonstrance thereto, and it a]>]tearing also that the said Board did, at said meeting, by its order oi record clearly define the bound aries of said proposed Independent School District and order that month thereafter, the question of so establishing said j Independent School District, be submitted to a vote of all the elec-, tors of said District, authorized to vote thereon, and it further appear that pursuant to said order, such election was held in said Dis of such trict. and that the return election is on file with the Clerk of iinorj h.«* a,,.. —a- r « this Board, that due notice of the time and place of such election was given, and that a majority of those voting at said election voted in dent District v '"*' favor of organizing such Indepen Now, therefore, it is ordered that such School District be and the same is hereby declared establish ed, same to be known aud desig nated as Market Lake Independent School District No. 3. and the fol lowing jiersons are learned Trustees thereof : C. L. Harwood, \V. J. N. Ad ams, Samuel Hart, S. \V. Laythe, Geo. T. Adams and Anton Yvstr cil. It appearing that the following bridges, to-wit: Market Lake bridge, Lewisville bridge, South Fork bridge across Snake river. Bannock Jim bridj. and Teton bridge at Rexburg, are in need ohrepair, It is ordered that the contract for i across the North Fork of Snake river at Parker, has been damaged j by an ice gorge, It is ordered that the contract for | repairing the same be let to H. W. repairing all of said bridges be let to R. H. Row for the sum of $225. It appearing that the bridge Perham. On petition of Jed Earl aud others residents of Parker Road District Isaac Wardle is hereby appointed Road Overseer of Parker Road Dis trict. i It appearng that in the year 1903 . lot 2, block 29, of Lewisville was assessed and the taxes thereon paid by C A Smith, and it also appear ing that said lots were also assess ed to D C Walker, and sold to Fie mont county for the delinquent tax, it is hereby ordered that said taxes be cancelled. It appearing that the tax on the improvements on lots 1 and 2 block 10 Rigby townsite assessed to Geo E Hill, Jr., for the year 1904 is an erroneous assessment and that the same was sold for tax as delinquent the said tax and the penalties on the same and the sale thereof is hereby cancelled. Whereas in 1902 lots 17 and 18 block 21 South St. Anthony, were assessed to G C Baker, who oaid the said tax, and whereas the said property was assessed to Thos M Hodgens, and sold for said taxes, the said sale is hereby cancelled be ing a double assessment. Resolution No. 101. Declaring the municipal corpora tion of the village of St. Anthony, to be a city of the seconck class, and changing the corporate name of the said village of St. Anthony to the City of St. Anthony. Be it ordained by the chairman of the board of Trustees of the Village of St. Anthony : Whereas the Village of St. An thony is a Municipal corporation . ^_____ r _______ organized and existing under aud bv virtue of the laws of State of Idaho. And whereas the village of St. Anthony contains more than one thousand inhabitants, and a number by the last preceeding Generaf elec- j tion held in said village, have peti tioned the Chairman and Board of j Trustees of said Village, praviug ike said Board to declare the said Village of St. Anthony, to be a city of the second class, and Its corpor ate name changed from the Village of St. Anthony to the city of St. Anthony. Therefore be it resolved that the prayer of said petitioners he grant ed, and hereby declare the said municipal organization of the vil lage of St. Anthony, a citv of the second class, and hereby change the name of said village of St. An thony to the city of St. Anthony. Passed and approved at a meet ing of said Chairman and Board of Trustees held on the 6th day of February. A. D., 1905. V. W. Youmans, Chairman. Attest: Chas. C. Bowerman, Clerk. State of Idaho, County of Fremont, SS certifv the foregoing to he t rl,e and correct copy of the origi " al resolution No. 101 entitled "Declaring the Municipal Corim ration of the Village of St. Anth ou >5 to he a city of the second class, and changing the corporate name of the said Village of St. I, Chas. C. Bowerman, Clerk of the Village of St. Anthony, hereby Anthony to the City of St. Anth ony, which was passed and ap proved by-the regular meeting of the chairman and Board of Trus tees, of said village held on the 6th day of February, A. I)., 1905. and the same was by me recorded in book "A of Ordinances 95. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed the full, at page official seal this 6th day of Febru ary, owerman. Clerk. jbioc'k 7, Rigbv' Tv « . . ■ ' 1905. Chas. C. Bo Seal. It appearing that the tax on lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 block 4; lots 7 to 12 i the year 1904 assessed to J H Savers, who has paid taxes on said lots but through an oversight of the asses delinquent, , ,, , , ! sor tile said tax was allowed to go . The said penalties and this de- ! ,. * , . ti 1 i linqiient tax are hereby cancelled. It appearing that Lots 5, 6 and 7 block 2 of St. Anthony were sessed to R. E. Hopkins in 1903, and the tax paid, and it appearing that through an error of the asses sor the payment was not credited on thé tax roll, and the property as- t ' sold for delinquent taxes, the said i ,, , ! sale is hereby cancelled. Ordered that the Board of Com missioueis now adjourn until March 18th, at 1 P. M. Attest Geo. A. Cordon, Chairman. Victor Hegsted, Clerk. St. Anthony. Ida. Mar. IS 1905. Ou this day as per adjournment of March 13th the Honorable Board i of County Commissioners convened. j Present R. J. Oo'tlev and Ed S. Little Commissioners Victor Ileg sted Clerk and O. P. Soule County Attorne The following proceedings were had to-wit: The application of The Last Chance Canal Company to con struct a drain and irrigation ditch .on the public highway along the South side of the S W )/\ and Lot 4 of Sec. 31 Twp. 8 N. R. 40 B. M. is allowed, i Provided that the ditch is con . structed and maintained by the Company at their own expense and without injury or damage to the abutting land owners; said ditch is to he, constructed under the super vision of the Road Overseer of the District in which it is located. The Credit List of Z. T. Clay Assessor and Collector was on this day submitted, checked over and is hereby approved, and authority is hereby given the Auditor to credit the said amounts therein given on the accounts of Z. T. Clay upon the Taxes as per Roll of the vear 1904. Ordered that this Board do now adjourn sine die. Attest : Richard J. Costley, Chairman Pro tern. Victor Hegsted Clerk. CALL FOR BIDS. St. Anthony. Ida., March 15, 1905. Notice is hereby given, *lrat the Board of County Commissioners of Fremont County will receive sealed bids for the repair of the bridge across the Dry Bed of Snake River near Labelle. Flach bidder to furnish plans and specifications for said repairs, the same to become the property of Fremont countv upon the filing thereof. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Geo. A. Cordon, Chairman of Said Board. Victor Hegsted,.Clerk. j * j Don't Forget The Mack Swain Theater Com ress "Eva King S\v opening bill will he West " am.' The the "Golden The prices are reduced to I oc j C-/X , . . . 2o, 35 and o0 cents, giving each and every one a chance to enjoy these productions. Don't forget the prices—25, 35, and 50 cents. Special Notice to Sheepmen. To whom it may concern : That I have this day established line which shall be known as the Inspection Line; commencing at the Bingham Countv line where it crosses the Snake River, following down the river north and west un til it reaches Market Lake, then up the river north and east until it reaches Fall Rivet and north and east to the mouth of Sand Creek and up the creek until it reaches Lem Steele's farm, then north to the Montana line. Any person or persons, company or corporation owning or having sheep iu charge, who shall drive or cause to lie driven any sheep across said line without first obtaining a certificate!!! of inspection shall he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be dealt with according to law. By order of State Veteruary Sur geon. By Deputy S. F. Bariett. STATE LANDS. Any parties desiring to buv State or School Lands should make ap plication immediately at our office, so that their application can he sent to Boise prior to the 15th inst. Land sale to take place after 30 days advertisement. C. C. Moore Real Estate Co. lireatly in Demand Nothing is more in demand than a medicine which meets modern requiremens lor a blood and system cleanser sucli as Dr. King's New Life Bills. They aie just what you need to cure stomach and liver troubles. Try them. At Watson's drug store. 25c., guaranteed. INSURANCE THAT INSUR ES, both Fire aud Life. THE C. C. MOORE REAL ESTATE CO. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that the regular un nU ul general City Election, of the City of St. Anthony. Comity of Fremont, State of Idaho, will be held on the 1st Tuesday of April, A. 1* IWW. for the purpose of electin« a Mayor, a Clerk, a Treasurer, a City Engineer, a Police 1 — Judge and two Couneilmen from each ward, at which election the qualified voters of the LMy of St. Anthony may east their ballots bé t ween the hours of 9o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m. of said day, in their respective wards, at the following voting places, to-wit: In the First Ward, in the building of Mrs. L. C. Rice, situate on Bridge street, about the center of block No. 3«, as per the recorded plat of the town of St. Anthony, in the office of the County Recorder of said County and State: in the Second Ward, in the rear room of that certain rock building of Ci. C. Baker, situate on i the northwest neruer or block No. m. iisprr ! tho recorded plut of the Town ot St. Anthony j County of Fremont, Suite of Idaho, now in the * office of the County Recorder of said county und State; in the Third Ward, in the Boston Store building, situate in the northeast corner of block No. is, or the Flat of So. St. Anthony us is recorded in the office of the County Re corder of said County and State. II. ! 1ARSHBaRC«HR. Attest: Chairman Pro Tern. Chas. C. Bowerman. Clerk. NOTICE. j In the Probate Court of Fremont County, State of Idaho. In the matter of the estate of Henry A. Tee pies, deceased. It appearing to this court, by the petition this day presented and Hied by Jacob E. 'fee pies. the administrator of the estate of Henry A Teeples. deceased, that it is necessary to sell the whole or some portion of the real state of said decedent to pay the debts of de cedent and the expenses and charges of ad ministration. It is therefore ordered by this court that all persons interested in the estate of said de ceased appear before the Probate Court on Monday, the 17th day of April. A. I>.. 1905, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. in., of said day. at the ourt room of said court, at the court house in the city of St. Anthony, Fremont County. State of Idaho, to show cause why an order sh ould not be granted to said administrator to se'l so much of the said real estate as shall tie ____essary and that a copy of this order be pub lished live successive the Teton Peak Chronicle. a newspaper printed and published in said county. Dated March, Irt, 1905. JOHN DONALDSON. O. P. Soule, Judge of Probate Court. Attorney for Administrator. 47-51 NOTICE. To the Honorable James M. Stevens. Judge of the District Court of the Sixth Judicial Dis trict of Idaho: to O. P. Soule. County Attorney of the County of Fremont, and George A. Cor don. Chairman of the Board of County Com missioners of Fremont County, State of Idaho: You and each of you will please take notice that R. D. R. Adams, having been convicted at the March term. 1904. of the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District of Idaho, in and for Fremont County, of the crime of presenting a false claim to the Board of County Commis sioners of Fremont County, and sentenced to serve a term of one year at hard labor in the Boise penitentiary will, upon good cause shown, apply to the Board of Pardons at their regular meeting in Boise. Idaho. April 5. 1905. fora pardon, a discharge from custody and a restoration to the privileges and immunities of citizenship. hamer & McConnell. Attorneys for Applicant. In SHERIFF'S SALE. State of Idaho, » County of Fremont, j By virtue of an execution in foreclosure issued out of the Honorable Probate Court for Fremont County, in said State, on the 24th day Jof February. 1906, by the judge thereof, in the case of Harrigfeld Brothers, Plaintiffs, vs. Ulrich Loosli, Lundy Bowman. Elizabeth Gill, Thomas Gooch. Thom as E. Gooch, Londu Gooch. Bo und. v E. Loosli. Diamond Loosli. Ed. Loosli. Andrew Loosli and Joseph Loosli, and to me, as Sheriff, di rected and delivered. ' cash at the hour of 10 o'clock a. ra.. on Friday the 24th day of March. A. D., 1905. at the court house in St. Anthony, in Fremont County, State of Idaho, the following described prop erty. to-wit: The southeast quarter (se**> of the northwest quarter (nw 1 *) of section twenty-Hve (25) township nine (9) north of range forty.two (42) east of Boise Meridian in Fremont County, Idaho, levied on as the prop erty of the said defendants to satisfy a judg ment amounting to $312 25 in favor of Harrig feld Brothers, und costs of sale Given under my hand this 24th day of Febru ary'- 1905. 1. N. COREY. Sheriff. By E. R. Dayley. Deputy. H. D. Kelly and J. B. Jennings. Attorne vs for Plaintiffs TI ill proceed to sector j ALIAS SUMMONS. I in this count a bandoned the plaintiff and ever iontinued to live separate and upart J In the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District, County of Fremont. State of Idaho. Este 11 a Thompson, plaintiff, vs. Melvin Thompson, defendant. The State of Idaho Sends Greeting: To Melvin Thompson, defendant. You are hereby summoned and required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff, in the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District of the State of Idaho ' in and for the County of Fremont, to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service» after the ! of this summons, if served with- ! or if served out of this countv. j but in this district within *ju days, or if served i elsewhere, within 40 days. The said action is brought to obtain a judg- ; ment of this Court dissolving the bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff and you upon the grounds that on or about the 23d day of I April, 1903, you willfully and without cause de. ! serted .at tince hav from her without cause and without he. ..... sent, and that you have not at any lime since the said marriage provided the -aid plaintiff with the common necessaries of life, you hav I ing the ability so i<> do. all of which more fully appears in plaintiff's complaint on Hie herein ! which ishereby referred to and made a part ) of this summons. And you are hereby notified that if you fail I to appear und answer the said con.plaint, as above required, the said plaintiff will apply to . the court for the relief demanded in plaintiff s I complaint on Hie herein. Wnnes-. my hand and the seal of the District court of the Sixth Judicial Distri.-t of the 'täte of Idaho, in and for the County of Fre mont. this 1 st dav of March. 19)5 seal! VICTOR HE.STED Clerk. By Rose D. Miller. Deputy Clerk. o. 1*. Soule. Attorney for Plain tiff. Notice to Creditors. of [lie County in the Probate Court mont . state of Idaho. In the matter of the estate of Levi Curlier deceased. Notice is hereby given, by tin* undersigned administratrix of the estate of L<*vi Cartier deceased to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the .said deceased to vliinii them, with the nqeessar.v vouchers within It) months aftei the lirst publication of this notice to tiie said administratrix, at th»* Thomas Elliott, in . A. Anthony. County Da B.\ 2 ÏUOM. State of Idahi ed at »st. Anthony, Idaho. thi»2l> t djv Sheriff's Sale. antiiioti< •ouuty. s 1 | ! U un affidavit und notion dt-ned l.v ...... Humilie of Itavulli oounly Wate or Mini lunu. oi Urn foreclosure ;.t certain elmtiel mortnare triven nv s .1. TiUniun o! Fremont connu, state of Idaho, to the said .I I, Hum ide, dated Hecemhcr 111 . Hue and due Heecm ne! I.' h..|, I have levied mo. allihe riirht. unci interest that the >aid s .1 Tillman t had on the 19th clay of » the following de Jluuted in said Fiv- ' ). viz: Six hundred ht side, rang said i by hti December. 1993. scribed personal property, mom county, state of Id ah head of sheep, branded H ing on or near M Frei Lodge ounty. Idaho together ...... wuv wool and increase. Thu amount said tobe due on said mortgage is s(.y*M)u with interest there on at the rate or 10 per cent, per annum from December 1 «, 1903. together with attor ney fees. Notice is hereby given that « 25th day of March. 1905. at 12 said day. at the shearing corn west of the Small post ofti county, Idaho, I will sell all th interest of the said s. j. Tillman may have had on the 19th day of_______ I90.j, in and to the said above described prop erty, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in lawful money of the United States to satisfy the said mortgage ami all costs Given under my hand this luth dav of March »I Saturday, the » clock, noon, of 1 7 miles north '«*• iu Fremont ight title and that he By K. R. Dayley. Deputy I N T . GORKY, Sheriff. SUMMONS. In the District Court of the Sixth i trict, County of Fremont, state of \ \ '? 1 Daniel F. Harding. Plaintiff. \ s i. ,*■ Spori. guardian of the person and V*, ' the minor heirs of Jacob Spori < 1 ,.,.,.. ,,l . u ' Jacob R. Spori, Louise Spori. Eliza bôu, M . and Annie Spori. minors, and p,...... ■ ,9 Defendants» ' I,s < The State of Idaho Sends Greetings To Jacob R. Spori, guardian of th, and estate of the minor heirs of | a ,. » deceased, and Jacob R. spori Lohn!. Elizabeth Spori and Annie spori nm.o Perry J. Anson, Defendants. You are hereby summoned and n* ( i, appear in an action brought against v <,, above named plaintiff, in the Dist riet i ' the Sixth Judicial District of tin* stat. ho, In and for the County of Frem,,. , answer the complaint Hied therein u i* days (exclusive of the day or sert ivi i ,, service on you of this summons, if J in this county: or if served out of'ihe but in this district, within 20 days «, elsewhere, within 40 days. The said action is brought to um, to the plaintiff to the following des,- , situate, lying and being in the i m,, / mont, State of Idaho, and bound- <i scribed as follows, to-wit: Tin* quarter (se' 4 ) of the northwest iin a • *. ot section thirteen'(13). township - , of range thirty-nine (39>, east of n,, bin. And to require you and each .q sei forth the nature of your righ claim you and each of you have in ,, said described land and fo. a d -,m court declaring and adjudging ilia; each of you defendants have no, t itle or interest in or to the said descivi or premises and that the title of tin \ is good and valid, and that you am , you said defendants be enjoined ami in from asserting any right, tiile, im, , taie in or to the said lands or premises cancel and annul one oertain mon m ,. * cuted and delivered by said Jacob s,, (l| j' ceased, to the defendant. Perry .1 \ IIMl| | the 17thday of December. ih» 2 , coverin'' 1 said described land, and recorded on q,,? day of December, 1892, in book gages, page 95 of the records County, Idaho: and for such other and fun relief as to the court may seem equitaiii». just and for their cost of suit, al! ot w| more fully appears in plaintiff s complaint Hie herein which is hereby referred u made a part of this summons and hurt served upon you. And you are hereby notified that if V o„ U\ appear and answer the said complaint above required, the said plaintiff will appi'' said court for the relief demanded in y[ ie complaint,. Witness my hand and the seal of the trict Court of the Sixth Judicial Distrie the State of Idaho, in and for the Count Fremont, this 1st day of March, 1905. (sRal] victor hegsted By Rose D. Miller. Den O. P. Soule. Attorney for Plaintiff of m ESTKAY NOTICES. y ranch at Kaufman, Idaho, on or about t, 1905. the following described animal: One seven year old bay horse branded on right shoulder. Owner is requested to prove properly, charges, and take said property away. I : claimed within forty days from the date ing this notice, the said animal will be sol cording to law. C. B. Wat Filed Mar. 9. 1905 Victor Hegsted. Auditor. a brockled fact on left hip. Spencer. Idaho, Feb. 27. Notice is hereby given that there our ranch at Camas, on or about Jan the following desc ribed animals: One red. steer, branded ^ One black cow. branded G on right hi TI on right thigh. One red veurliug hej blotch brand on left ribs, half under or left ear. One two year old red heifer, face, with blotched brand on left ribs ha der crop in left ear. One three year ol j steer branded M on right thigh, half crop in right ear. slit in left ear. One two old brindle heifer, branded PC on left crop in left ear. One white cow brande left ribs with and PJJlunder slope in ear and half 1BI undeilaU slone in left. The owner is requested to prove prop pay charges, aud take the said property i If not claimed within ninety days fror date of Hling this notice, the said animals be sold according to law. The Wood Livestock Company Witness: F. J. Hagenhi Frank Allen Filed March 13th, 1905. Victor Hegsted, Auditor. NOTICK. Notice is hereby tflvea that the Am inn of The Highland Ranch linp'ovemcn Ltd . will be held on the 19th day of April, : in the Village of St. Anthony. Fremont Idaho. At this meeting there will elect< the coming year, a President, a Vice Pres a Secretary, a Treasurer, a General Ma and a Board of Directors. J. A. Dunlap. Pres Warren Jenner. S ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Butte and Market Lake Canal ('<>. Principal place of business. Market Lake mont County. Idaho. Notice is hereby given that at a meeti the Board of Directors of sain company on Tuesday. March 7th. 1905. an assessine $2.50 per share was levied upon the i stock of said corporation and 25 cents pc on all deeded water, to be paid in caj secretary on or before the 10 th day 1905, after which time it will becor quent. If not paid on or before the M d J July. 1905. all delinquent stock will be public auction or so much thereof as 1 necessary trt pa> said assessment to? with costs of advertising and expense o S. W. LAYTHE S Dated at Market Lake. March 7. 1905. ' ! ! j i ; I ! ' Our Harness / Arc made of select» stock aud by skill* workmen in our ow shop. We give On Year's Quarante with every set. Cali and see on Leader for ' $3 Our Guarantee pote» our customers. The St. Anthony Harness Compan PAGE THE BEST WOVEN WIRE FENCE. ,1. T. B. MASON, 'K Barker,