The St. Anthony Druggist]
Long Time Loans
With Options
John D. C. Kruger
Commercial National Bank
St. Anthony
J. H. McPherson, Dentist.
Cheap feed—CORN—Miller Bros.
Best hair ut in town at Hy
Johnson's shop.
The Winn Furniture Co. has a
new ad this week.
Read the ad of Janies Hughes on
another page of this issue.
Best Alfalfa seed 14 cents at
Do you know Boylen? Well he
hasn't any ad in this issue.
March weather is very' much in
evidence at the present time.
There will be a city election
here next Tuesday, and that's no
Some of the street crossings on
Bridge street need attention very
Neal McMillan of the Falls, was
in town yesterday on business mat
J. M. Cook, of Rexburg was up
yesterday on business at the court
Large line of Ferry's garden seeds
at Thompson's.
Miss Margaret Moreton has been
added to the large force of clerks at
Thompson 's.
C. A. Langley and James Chris
tenson, of the Yellowstone Ranch,
were down to'the citv Tuesday.
Landlord Heise, of the Heise
Hot Springs, was in the city the
first part of the week, a guest at
the Riverside.
The Peak family have been liv
ing pretty high the last few days
on speckled trout, brought in by
Bob Osborn, of the O. W. Ranch.
It is predicted that St. Anthony
is to en joy a real estate boom this
summer in the way of residence
and business buildings. Let her
Typewriter paper for sale at the
Peak-Chronicle office.
Miss Maloney came in from
Butte Monday evening to accept
the position of trimmer in the mil
linery department of the Thompson
Mercantile Co.
Dr. Lester Blevins has rented
rooms recently vacated by At
torney E. M. Holden in the
Bowers-Walter block, and will
move there the last of this week.
Messrs. Clark & Houghton were
out to their Wilford ranch the first
of the week looking after their
spring plowing. They are prepar
ing to put six hundred acres into
hay and grain this season.
Latest novelties in silk and orna
mental laces at Thompson's
J M. Givens, superintendent
of the Blackfoot asylum, James
Stephenson, state engineer, M. B.
Gwinn and Joseph Pence of Boise,
have lieen named by the governor
to select the site for the North Ida
ho Insane asylum which was
authorized by the last legislature
6 CO'J
for men who toil
Dress MakiiiR and
All work First-Class and Up-to-Date.
Prices Reasonable.
Opdosite Bis Boston Store So. St. Anthony.
J. T. B. MASON, ArL,
Parker, Idaho.
5 gallons Headlight oil for $1.40
at Thompson's.
Mark Bigler of Teton was doing
trading in St. Anthony Monday.
Forest ranger, O. H. Burton, of
Squirrel, was in town Monday
after supplies.
Ladies of the Methodist Aid
will meet at the home of Mrs. W.
W. Hoops, April 6th.
Best line of California Buck glov
es at Thompson's.
Pasture for Horses only.—Over
600 acres, good shade, running
water. Atiplv Peaceful Valley
Ranch or C. W. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Moreton left on
Monday morning's train for Butte
to visit with Mis. M s. sister for a
couple of weeks.
All parties wishing to purchase
Moline Plows or extras therefor
can secure the same of J. G. Lewis,
of St. Anthony, or the Fremont
Implement Co., of Rexburg 2t.
Z. T. Clay, former assessor, has
traded his city property for the
Ernest Chase ranch, southeast of
town one mile and a half, and
moved his family out last week.
L. M. Earl has iust sold 80 acres
of land down at Hibbard to Alma
E. Rovlance. who will in future
make his home on his new pur
chase. The consideration was
New line of trunks and valises at
U. S. Land Commissioner. Thos.
Elliott made a flying business trip
to Blackfoot the forepart of the
week, returning Tuesday. He left
this morning for Spencer to be gone
a couple of days on land business.
J. Sherwood, who ownes a gen
eral merchandise store and a large
fish-hatchery at Henry's Lake, was
down yesterday. Mr. Sherwood
says he will hatch 4,000,000 trout
this spring. He is also hatching
for the government.
Wm. McMinn, of Salem, was a
caller yesterday. He says they
are busy replacing the North Fork
bridge, which was carried away
last winter by the ice. The county
commissioners are going to replace
the bridge above town which was
carried out by the ice.
J. H. Richards, special agent
for the Pacific department,
Traders Fire Insurance company,
was in the city several days last
week. He is very much impress
ed with St. Anthony as a business
center, and noted with much in
terest the large iiunitier of teams on
the streets during his business
Jno. W. Kvle, one of Fremont
county's oldest settlers, a staunch
republican and a leading stock
man in the southern part of the
county was in the city Tuesday,
for the first time in two years.
Mr. Kyle says things are looking
good down in his part of the county,
people are plowing and getting
readv to seed.
D. P. Digan, managing the
Utahna Stock Co., was in the city
yesterday, making arrangements
with Manager Bartlett, to play hi*
company here two nights each
month. According to Salt Lake pa
liers this is a very strong company.
They have been playing Ogden and
Salt Lake for several months, to
crowded houses. The Utahna
Stock Companv is deserving ol
good patronage and Mr. Bartlett is
to lie congratulated upon securing
a monthly contract with them.
1 FOGG <£ JACOBS , f
jg Pioneer Manufacturers & Dealers in J
p ------ S
Wood, Wenie Edge Lumber, Slabs, Saw- g
jü dust, in car lots, Pickets, etc. Special bills g
filled on short notice Mill run the year g
îâ round, Sawingfor farmers and ranchers g
especially solicited. Mills located at Island
Park, Warm River and Rattle Snake Creek, g
^ Good timber handy to either mill, barm- g
ers can get their logs sawed as soon as de- g
livered at the mill. Prices reasonable. g
j 1:-*. We meet competition. g
8 J. E. FOGG, Manager, g
\'\ \ vx
We bought more than 6.000 pairs of Men's |
Women's and Children's Shoes direct from /
the Manufacturers before the recent ad- ^
vance in Shoes and are now selling some of /
these Shoes for less than it would cost to -
make them at the present price of leather. ,
Children's Shoes 25 cts- to $175. /
Men's Shoes $1.00 to $6-50. <
Women's Shoes 90 cts. to $5.50. <
Our customers say that our Seamless /
Shoes are the best Shoes they have bought. /
Try a pair of them and favor us with your /
verdict. /
SKalet (EX Shell. Î
\ \ \ v \ : \ N X x x x x x x x x x.x x x x x rx x xN
Mr. Rodgers of Murray, Utah,
is in the city. He is being shown
the country by the C. C. Moore
real estate company and has de
cided to locate near St. Anthony.
Epworth League Sunday evening
at 7 o'clock, subject: "The mak
ing of a Christian; His Food. 1 '
Leader. Mrs. E. M. Hopkins. All
young people are most cordially in
vited. Come with us and we will
do thee good.
M. M. Mackey, who has been
down at Twin Falls, returned
Saturday. He has been down in
the lower country in the interest
ot the C. C. Moore real estate
The Capitol Building Commis
sion who were authorized by the
legislature to expend ^550,000
from the proceeds of the sale of
certain lands for the purpose of
erecting a capitol building at Boise!
Citv, have advertised for designs
, ' , I
ography will be inflicted upon the
innocent public in original style
without alterations. Cassie should
be more consideiate as she will
for the building.
Mrs. Cassie Chadwick's
have "ten years'' in which to j
study ouj her originality.
Other Congresses, one of which
is to be in the interest of Universal '
peace, another is to be known as 1
the Econome Congress, Educa- !
tional Congress, Congress of__Re-l
ligions. then a Philanthropic j
Congress, and the Congress of i
Peychic Research, will follow in 1
the order named, at which speakers
of world-wide fame and varying
views will lx- invited to speak and
give expression to their conflict
ing opinions.
Braliaiu Pens gain in favor. Get
'utn at drug stores. p4—t.
Conference Salt Lake, April I» to It
For this occasion a rate of $9.70
for the round trip will be made.
Tickets on sale April 'Ird to 8th in
Lon£ Time Loans
With Options
John D. C. Kruger
Commercial National Bank
Si. Anthony.
Dated at Teton. Ida.. March 28,
R. C. Winslow of Kmulgee. I.
T.. is looking over the country
with - he C. C. Moore real estate
company. He is here with a view
of locating in the great Snake River
The only shoe store in town is
the St. Anthony shoe store. Bet
ter shoes cannot be had.
H. Lidyard, prop.
LAND near Sugar Factory.
C. C. Moore Real Estate Co.
We will loan you money on your
faim propertv. THFI C. C.
"°°d, east of St
I per cord (128. )
Fogg and Jacobs.
Ashcraft, the jeweler, has
500 cords dry slab
Anthony, at $2
bargains in clocks this week.
Taffeta. Egyptian and silk tissue
for summer suits at Thompson's.
7 J
Millinery Opening'.
The Thompson Mercantile Co.
Cordially invite the ladies of St. Anthony and Fre
mont County to attend their Spring Opening of Fine
Millinery on Saturdays, Mondays and Tuesday-,
APRIL ist, 3rd and 4th.
A competent Trimmer from one of Butted best
millinery stores will be in charge. All new goods, cor
rect styles and in great varieties.
A Large Line of
Pattern HATS.
All Winter Goods at
Cost or Less f *
W e are determined to dispose of all of our
heavier Roods and prepare for a splen
did SpriiiR and Summer trade, and in order
to do this we shall close out everythiiiR in
Winter Goods at Cost or Less.
This Great Sale
Means a Positive SaviiiR to the Alert Buyer
who will Get Busy and examine our
Unusual Offerings.
Please Remember that when you buy of us
you Ret First-Class Reliable Merchandise
that is as Good as Gold.
Building Material
Of all kinds always on hand.
A portion of your trade
Respectfully Solicited.
Snake River Lumber Co.
Yard and Office North of Miller Bros Elevator.
St. Anthony, Idaho. Phone, io.
We Sell as Cheap as Anybody.
The Winn Furniture Co.
Now occupies a room in the Ross-Hamer building.
We have just received a fine line of
Our line of Lace Curtains are the finest ever carried in
the city.
Our Carpet line is the largest and most complete in
the city.
It will pay you to see our line before purchasing for
house cleaning.