Newspaper Page Text
V ' >' >. The De Lamar Nugget S v '■r%t I VOL. I. NO. 1 DELAMAR, OWYHEE COUNTY IDAHO, TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1891. PEICE TEN CENTS THE DE LAMAR NU33ET. V, Issued every Tuesday. LAMB A YORK, Publishers. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One copy, per year, One copy, six months, One copy, three months, jHP~ Advertising rates made known on ap plication. 13 00 1 7Ô OWYHEE COUNTY DIRECTORY. County Cmmaiuleaen— lat Ölst.— W. H. Tewoaend, Silver City. Ü Diet.—Was. Houtl, DeLamar. 3d Dlst.—W. S. Herlty, Brttneau. Bherisr— Jehu McCabe. ■Clerk Diet. -Gaart— R. H. Leonard, Jr. Probate Jadfe- 8. Lewis. Assessor—A. B. Crochemn. Treasurer—«. T. N. Smith. Coroner—Dr. C. Richter. 4 CUTLERY j .4 K. F. S. HE EU, DENTIST D Office next to P. O. All work warranted. DeLAMAR, IDAHO. ■Julius Isay. O j l> ® <a DE LAMAR, IDAHO. " Full Line of Tobaccos, Imp r'e,l rjgu and Smokeib' anicl a. FRESH FRUITS AKD GÂ G Onlcn taken for any paper or periodical . puolkmed. WALL PAPER j . STATIONERY, JEWELRY, And a great variety of other articles. J5w5"Clnfc Room in Conn . ction. MTHICE i BLACK 'MkiüHlk k BUMi T \ 151jxU^lVOiVll I no I DeLAMAR, IDAHO. Are prepared to do everything in the Blackxmilh Line. Wagon Work and Repairing. Sf^..Mine , s' Tnolsmade and sharpened. Drill sti-e and pick eyes kept in stock. Thi - 9 Space Reserved I for liioo. Philipp's SHYER CITY TINS HOP. OU ÛAMAR Blacksmith Shop ! j P. MAHNICEX, Proprietor. Horse shoeing and Blacksmith!ogin all its branches, done promptly. I j j Carriage & Wagan Rop;iiril]g. b. \ ! I 1 Drill steel always 'Tools made and sharpen'«). Miners' j ban- 1 . I Sjf. Here We Are, Shake! We are with you and have come to stay. We are not as handsome and attractive as we expect to be later on ; but we hope you will good naturedly overlook any imperfections in our make-up. We want you to like us, and we will do our best to be pleasant. This is all the promises we have to make. Lamb & Yobk. It is reported that English capitalists have bargained for nearly all the mines in Atlanta, Alta county,. The price agreed upon is a large one, and, if con summated, would make the biggest sale made in the state. I ■, , . ... p.cug the mine while Ca„t. De «r was negoiiating for its purchase. ill 'in-in is of dollar w tl f S i oggets have si ■„»'been" taken oni and it is safe to sav that for many rears to come, the mines will cominue to pro j,..,, .. |K , . nnce fne*n, hut there cau b* only one Hl . u , • , , , . . hrst one, and this belongs to the only l4J1 iij i , • .nun nrittpM M-r pnbliehed in tbe camp. AS 800,1 as t he Nuckjet's new building completed, it will find a resting place. The Seven Devils is sure to come to the front this summer with a whoop and a jump. That district is soon to have a brewery and a newspaper. The paper is to be named "The Devil's Owu."—Idaho World. There are many dwellers ii and ajonnd tiiis liappy now until next October tent life under the bright skies of fdaho is very pleas ant. Sleeiiing out in the open air is quite a common among the occn pants of comfortable dwellings. We lie murky atmosphere Mi.-.-icsippi Valley could only r al j- I fie unmfortuf having a nights tents in camp. From « isti people i I of ! 1 1 e under onr ^k ips. The Nugoet office is now in proud f the first silver n ngket ««ton en nut of the great De Lamar Tins nugget was found over .*1 P" Ln -I ■ la« far When the n*xt présidentiel election routes nil, D- Lunar will have a bigger v *- ,i,a " " la »«"""ceof the county. ,, ie Nu(i(JKr don , t carB . continental whether that vote be Republican, Demo cratic, Alliant e or all of them. One j tiling is certain, it «ill be sound on the l8ilver question. Tlie parly showing ! rliannailinn » .1.. .1 II j , ; disposition to give the wheat and stock wu ioAi-a 1 1 « \i; . 1 . .. , raises of the W est, tlie cotton producers ,,r ti.o j l », _• I . of the south and the silver miners of. ,i 1Q nil \ 1 ! tlie country an honest deal in spite of ,l„ U.,,). . the H all btr- et and interest gathering influences of the East, will get every honest vote in the camp. ^ . . A . .. _ . On last Saturday the Nampa, Boise , T. f , . . ^ and DeLamar Land and J o vnsite Com . , pany was incorporated with a capital . r... stock of $1,000,000. 1 he directors are „ __ ^ Nathan Mernman, of Omaha, F. M. Per-! T . * T singer, Jas. A. McGee, of Nampa, J. F. r, . , T 1 r T» • Curtis and Judge Weir, of Boise. The, . t , „ „ . last named gentleman are all well and . ,, , ^ , favorably known in this section of the . ... , . country, and if push and energy counts, i is ea e to s tv t ist t iis company will oa arge vo ume o usiuess, am t îat . arnpa wi receive er portion o t ie " ne t8 . 1 lat wl 8ccrue r0 ' n 1 ie, as tins point will be the main ofiice of the company. Nampa eal er ' . , „ ,, A man hastily entered a La Salle street , , , .. , ,, , bunk recently and, approaching a teller's . , , , ,r j , , window, carelessly threw down a check with the remark, "I would like to de-|. posit that ; please credit the amount to my account." The teller glanced at the check and winked verv hard and vigor ously to convince himself that his eyes were still all right. The bit of paper called for $463,000, and bore the signa ture of one of the most powerful syndi-, I cates in this country. It was accepted without a word, and the depositor left the bank within one minute of the time he entered it. The man was Iia in Idaho. I —Chicago Mail. As neither of the editors of this paper have been in Chicago lately, and as Cap-j *sin DeLamar has, our readers can read ily guess who deposited this check. j ■ The stages nil come in now-adays over loaded with passengers. MINING NUGGETS. Indications Point to a Season of Un precedented Prosperity. The new manager, in assuming con trol of the great De Lamar mining prop erty, has not, as some feared he would do, made any radical changes in the employes. Naturally enough, he has selected chiefs of some of the depart ments from among men whom he has personally known before coming here, ana each of these have made some few changes among those working under them, but the old men have very few of them been let out. Mr. William Rick enburg has been placed in charge of the mill: He is an experienced amalga mator, whom Captain Plumer has for merly employed in. Montana. Thomas H. Oxuam, who has also for several years past, been employed by Plumer bas been appointed foreman of tbe mines. Some few of tbe old employes quit work on the 1st inst., when tile changes were made, some to go prospecting or to work mining claims, and the places of these have been filled by new men; and in a very few instances men have been let out. ground consists of a full sized claim, the j Manhattan, and the Howe, a fractional i£! a,m ' W "»«««* of T , tW ° rtf > w ed the Howe ' | 'Luhattan to distingaiHh them from an-j «*« same mountain, also !*! Ied th , C r a . ^»rtli of, an<l j jiiih un tl.i side line of the Wilson. 1 he Howe (frac .. . 4l tional) adjoins the north end line of the ..... \ Wilson. . . . . . . . , f There has been a tunnel six hundred f» t ^ ng 1 nm fr °T ne * r * he f? 8t u ° f the Manhattan almost directly south,the of k round Mr. Captain Mr. Robert McAfee, who has been run j ning the tram way from the time it was completed, has Deen put in general charge of tlie machinery at the mines and mill. Mr. Win. Houlz, as formerly, remains in charge of the carpenter and construction work, THE MANHATTAN. The Nugget mining engineer and ex pert, on last Saturday, paid a visit to the Howe-Manhattan mines, owned by Wil ]j aul 0 av i es a ,,j others. Their surface : . J 11l ' lis a * 1,lH ' H L11 \°J eet ""«"ü 8 ? u h Center end8 Jf?; At th ' 8 de ' ,,h the led * 8 '^ 8 Pea ' :h f 1 ' 1 oro PI Hn S out some dlatan ae etisi liut f tC,UÜ « "' est ' , So " e otber * ork , has '* tn ^ ne 011 t 18 ( aims mt tit a o\e 8 1 1 e ges i e\e ope . TllC tliniiel llieiltlOned EDO Ve llUS de _ _ . . . . , .... veloped three ledges neither of which are ! , 1 _ Æ . the same, but lie west of the one cut in _ the shaft. The first ledge was cut 2oJ . , , . ® . , . feet from tlie mouth of the tunnel, it is . . our | ;ee11 efc e , ut o\\ gra» i, pros * 8 " nd u P w « d P, er ton - Th , e ond was cut 250 feet further in and . , . . . tunnel run on it a short distance. This . . . , . , , , ... is a big talc, ledge, showing very rich in . . . . .. -, fi . ; , streaks in silver. Jbrom this ledge the , , , t .. , tunnel was turned west and run l(.K)feet, . • when the third ledge was encountered. A drift has been run on this ledge 1/0 , . , . ri ! feet. The ledge throughout this drift va . . . . r „, nes from four to seven feet. The ore is .. . . . . ... white decomposed talc clav mixed with , , , , , a white, slightly honev-combed quartz, carrying bf)th gol<1 and ailver; is easily wor ^ e d, and. varies but little in charac throughout the length of the drift, ^ has good walls and every indication of : continuing south into the adjoining prop j ertieg j The ore taken Ironi the shaft on the Mantattan south end line is a white, hard quartz, with iron stains in it. It , , , . looks and prospects well. The distance, ' . . I , . east and west, between this shaft and .. , , . ' , .... ie °'! " 111 1 , , 7/'.'if I ! s f slima 1 * a 8 1111,1 " c ' '7 n ls "''f a .°" " ll ' 11111 1 r K 8111 ac ?' | 1 18 1 11 1,1 c 11 1011 aB soon as a sunev !s , t 0 ,« 088 ®"*; 1[ ™ m tb ' 8 dnft t0 «'e. led 8 e un der the shaft and to connect the Î' W ° 0 P emngs - °" r Laders can infer 1,0111 1 ' e a K> " la cnoug i < i,e^^opment work has baen done to prove this a very valuable property. Its location, adjoin ing one of tlie richest propert ies ever dis covered in Idaho, makes it the more at tractive. i I* now quite aliv« prospectors. ! The float picked up [ii; " !. i fall, in, several place?, assaybig that pros- j pector 8 have been im«' nn "mly waiting ■ that it is gone, «take* si location no TIIE COW OttKKK iISTBiCT the disappe arance of i 1 ! fepnow. Now tiees are appearing rapidly, is the north end of the belt on which the great DeLamar mines are located is quite certain. The float is of the same character, but richer than that of which so much has been picked up and milled from DeLamar mountain. The claims owned by Mr. Seaton, by the twin broth ers and by Dave Farmer, located last fall, wi 11 be developed at once, owners all think they will turn out big. Samples of ore assayed from their sev eral claims ruD away up. The Ndgqet will keep its readers fully posted on the development of this new district. That it w ill develop into a prosperous camp is now quite certain. That it The FLINT. Tbe experimental work done at the Flint mill with concentrators last fall, was sufficiently salisfactory to warrant its continuance. Mr. Leech has ordered that the mill be started up again at once, and will add ten more stamps and more concentrators to double ttie capa city. Miners will in a few days be put to work on the Last Chance tpine, which, it is expected, will be able to supply the mill with better rock than that worked last fall. notes. Messrs. Jones & Ready, in the Alta mine, just north of the Louis Wahl, one of the DeLamar group, have a shaft down one hundred feet. It is a good, double compartment shaft, well timbered and perpendicular. When completed to this depth they started a crosscut on the ledge and run fourteen feet without reaching the opposite wall, when the wa ter came in on them faster than they could hoist it out with a bucket and they have been compelled to suspend work for a time. This water is probably only from the surface snow and will not last long- The ledge is in red porphyry with about two feet of red clayon the foot wall They have a good looking honey <,on,b gold 'l uartz wluch asaa >' s u P ward uf twenty dollars in gold and carries some silver. The ledge has been pros \ , pected and found for nearly the whole , /. length of the 1500-foot claim and is so . ® 4 , ... situated that it can be cut at a depth of !fj eral humlred feet by a crosscut tunnel. They have an excellent prospect of de The wondrous wealth of Idaho's gold and silver treasures wereseen daring brief visit in Boise City a few days ago, and wïre more tha „ a revelation t0 tbe eyes or one unaccostumed to the varietv 0 f choice specimens, as shown from tbe DeLamar mines. Senator DeLamar I • ,1 • J . . - .. kindly invited us, with a few friends to . . ,, . inspect some specimens, that he was . . . T , getting ready tosend to London in a r ... fev; days. £so one, not versed in min . ... , t , . , t ng lite, attire, can give but a crude idea Q f tbe great slabs of native silver, weigh ing from five to thirty pounds, and al the_. ^ . - r . most pure. Gold in all sorts of fantas . . . . , , tic shapes, seamed and threaded masses . - . , , .. pieces of quartz rock, and Nature's Ä « c . , wonderful work was seen in many piec „ . es of curious and beautiful designs. ,p, . . , 1 his great mine, with many other val ,, liable ones, lies in Owvhee county, and , ns rapid development will soon-place it . ' t . . . . among the greatest producing mining . .. , , x , 7 . b camps in the world.—Nampa Leader. Ike Hale. Ed. Mills and John Reede discovered a vein of bituminous coal last fall on Succor creek, about two and one half miles east of Fort Lyons. They opened it in five different places last win ter, and now have a vein of about two and one-half feet of an excellent quality for blaeksmithing,coke or gas coal. They are using it for sharpening tools, and a _ _, Ui . . load is soon to be brought here for one ti.o the blacksmiths. If the ores in tbe Flint and Mammoth districts can ba worked into concen lrates successfully, and it is now pretty we |l demonstrated that this method of working t hem will be a success, and important mining field added to the already prosperous camps 0 f Owyhee County. There is lots of rich ore over there, hut it is slightly hase, a new ill he Tiic DeLamar lumber company now have their crew ol men at their mill on ! Pediculus creek, and are about ready to ! start up. They have a big supply of logs at the mill and w il! soon begin de own. Tliev have a iivering li.-nber in large number of orders on hand from I parties proposing to bu'ld business j houses and dwellings. , Electricity In Mining. This question is exciting a very lively interest in mining, i. e., from points where the power is generated to where this power is required for the propul sion of machinery. In Colorado, tbla power has been extensively employed and attended with great succès* and satisfactory results, as well also aa in California, viz., at the Dalmatl mine, El Dorado county. This mine is situat ed on the Georgetown divide, one mite east of Keisay's diggings, noted for its richness in the early daysof placer min ing. The property beionga to an En glish company who formerly worked their mill by steam power, but finding it to oexpeosiveabandoned steam power the ore being of such low grade as to yield scarcely more than two dollars per ton. Manager Pearson thought by nsing electricity the ores could be treated to a profit. He carefully inspected all the conditions of this system and became convinced that by introducing tbe same on thia mine it would prove highly ad vantageous to the interests of stock holders, and consequently adopted it. lbe power is generated from Hock Creek ditch, carrying 400 inchea of water for tbe American river. This water is delivered on a seven foot Pel ton wheel under a pressure of a 112 fee» connected with an electric generator of 126 If. P., by a belt. The power thua generated is carried by wires to a rooter located in the mill, by w hich all the machinery is operated, consisting of a Dodge rock breaker, three pulverizer«, two batteries of five stamps each and a set of Challenge ore feeders. Thia electric power has been in »se eight months, during which time 30,000-iona of ore have been crushed without any interruption of the generating power, at cost of about fifty cents per ton.— N. Y. Mining Record. ;■ m kiss v,. ' >f ' ■ •>: m tiff Nampa Lumber. We are pleased to assure our business men that their facilities for procuring lumber will be greatly improved from this time on. The following item from the Nampa Leader explains the improv J the best Mountai tj er man L f ac t that it ed situation. Mr. C. R. Shaw has been the foremost citizen of Mountain Home for several years, at tbe head of every move for the improvement of that town, and v ill be found by pushing citizens of Nampa always up close to the head of the procession in public affairs. Owyhee people can now get all the lumber they require without going the rounds of all tbe saw mills between Payette and the Blue Mountains. "C.R. Shaw,one of Idaho'slive lumber merchants, is in town looking after the interests of the Nampa Lumber Co., and before leaving Nampa he made some ar rangements for much needed improve ments in the concern at this place, in the way of sheds, offices, sash rooms, etc. He will also enlarge the stock, and p pare generally for the season's t which promises to lie large. ' lyis just completed the of the Idaho Falls Lc Falls, Idaho; a jr composed of R. A Caldweil, and 0 Mountain H« oago part ; has so! movec to tak that ; of the yard a sûmes at Nan the Nampa euarantee conducted si faction of the Cowden has c business and ri Nampa bnsines: versation with .V that he was inter development of tl valley, and that icy of concert of good, will make rich in natural i feel proud of. hiyvill make 1 p*.