Newspaper Page Text
g 4> # Ô « fOL. I. NO. 26. DELAMAR, OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1891. PRICE TEN CENJS fHE D, LAMAR NUGGET, Issu^u mehCluy. LAMB & YORK, Publishers. Entered in the postofitce ut DeLamar. Idaho, a a secoud-elusa matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 'One copy, per year, One copy, six mouths, One copy, three mouths, gtfBF" Advertising rates made known on ap plication. ? ? 29 1 GO OWYHEE COUNTY DIRECTORY. •County Commissioners— 1st Uist.—W. H Townsend, Silver City. 2d Dist.—Win. Houtz, DeLamar. 8d Dist.—W. S. Harley, Bruueau. Sheriff—John McCabe. •Clerk Dist, Court— R. H. Leonard, Jr. Probate Judge - E. Lewis. Assessor—A. B. Crocherou. Treasurer— S. T. N. Smith. Coroner—Dr. C. Richter. J. PLUMER, J. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Idaho. DeLamar, «^-Office next door to Postoffice. RICHTER, c. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. SILVER CITY. - IDAHO. Calls from the surrounding country answered •promptly, day or night. R. F. S. HEER, DENTIST. D Office next to Knapp & Richter's. IDAHO. DeLAMAR, JOHN LAMB, NOTARY PUBLIC. IDAHO. De LA MAR, J. DUVAL, W. ß JUSTICE OF THE PEACE DeLAMAR, - IDAHO. TINSHOP ! THEO. PHILIPP, Prop'r. SILVER CITY, IDAHO. STOVES TINWARE, KITCHEN HARDWARE, GRANITE IRON WARE! STOVE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 2 . Satisfaction guaranteed. Your patron age solicited. Washington St., opposite Heidelbergers LEWIS W- WALKER'S ■ DcLAMAE, IDAHO. HAIR CUTTING , SH A VING, SHAMPOOING. I VERYTHIN G CLEAN & NEAT. NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS BAR.H33S.S EMPLOYED. CALL -^Vm.QTU'KTIO. E. E. BUKLSä)äCÄR3E'S ' A CHEMSCAL, b LABORATORY i t Established in Colorado, 1866, Samples bv malt or express will receive prompt and careful attention. Gold & Silver Bullion k Address, 1736 ft 1738 Lawroaco Denver. Cclo. note heaffs, envelopes, cards, bill heads and state Get your letter heads. merits printed at the Nugqict office. We will give you good work and living prices. MIKING NUGGETS, Mr. M. Jordan, while auay a few days ago,visited the Neal district, over w Inch the Mountain Homo people ere j siderably excited a year ago,and brought home with him a number of^ainples from different claims, which tie lias trad assayed. If these are average samples, an believes them to be, they speak well for that district. We give tire result of the assays, witli the names as Mr. Jord; of the claims : Hidden Treasure, $35.70 ; Alice Mine, $63 30 ; Mountain Boy, $138.60 ; Gran ger. $178 10 ; Jordan, $18.10. Tin* last assay was merely from croppings, nut little work having been done on rlie vein. The assays were made by Ju mes Freehurn, the company'« assayer here, which is sufficient guarantee of their accuracy. The second quarterly dividend of »he DeLamar mining Company, Li suited, has been declared ami is payable on the 28th instant. The dividend is nine pence per share, or at the rate of fifteen per cent per annum, the same as the former one. It. iu now predicted by the manager t hat i he next quarterly divi dend will tie one shilling, or at the rate nf twenty-five per cent. The heavy ex penses incurred hy the c»t.,p«n> since j spring for wooil, supplies, freight • tc., will be very consul ,ably curtailed for some mont lis to cone. • i* us making the net receipts from the property maten- j ally greater. The increase,I capacity of j the present mill, « !.<-,■ the i,nprov. - | ments are completed, will further Swell , I*'« value of the bullion shipments. | ! ! ! • A gentleman Si.v> r C tv this, Monday, morning, re ported that made in the Poorniun, ho came down from ! immense strikt- had been a„,l that they i were taking nut ra-st-iv- peines of a |'_ ! tivittt pine silver. 1 lie Nugget at mice »Silver City for confir as informed matiou of t fie d eport that such was a current rumor there, but t hat the manager firm or deny (he report, on account of the absence of Mr. Kemp van Ee, who in B »ise City, rumor sivs. closing a deal f«»r lb»* Phillips & Sullivan mine. vou Id not con DeLamar Resigns. The surprising news reach« d us on Sunday that. Capt. DeLamar had sent to Fair Commissioner for Idaho. This is inde-d a misfortune for Idaho, as Capt. DeLamar's energy a public Spirit , , , i . , r , were largely counted upon to make Ida . , il. r i Iid's exhibit a success so far as advents ing the resources of the State is c cerned. As the position is notsnported bv a salary it will he verv difficult, to find another competent gentleman with enough interest in the State to induce him to donate the necessary time to cundnct- the affairsof Idaho at the Expo sition in a creditable manner. Capt.De Lamar has already devoted considerable time and money to Exposition interests and to his credit he it said he has spent only his own money propriation remains intact. d the State ap Last Monday the first stage from D*- Lairiar over the new road arrived. It left DeLamar on Tuesday morning and j arrived in Caldwell in ample time to ; catch the 6 o'clock mail going east. This! line fias just bten put on by the C. O. & I. stage company, and with a tri-weekIv I service. The managers say it be increased to a daily. 'This is news. Caldwell would rather work with than fight him, and if we re ceive decent treatment, he will find that Caldwell people are not unappreci ative. Our immense trade and close | business relations with DeLamar, Silver City and Flint demand a direct daily i mail and express line,and the company, j realizing the fact, are taking steps to j give it.—Caldwell Tribune, I will soon j good ; B „ om ,. r ; j i I ; To Governor \V » 1 v : j Permit the Nuggkt to suggest, that M. f Nampa, would make a most G. KnrlZ. excel eut and officient Worlds'Fair ('em • i j missioner. He is an able amt energetic I i gentleman, fall <>f public spirit, full nfj »spect- 1 I j r»«' 1 « o f I,l « ho - i"f'"-""-ff ir, - r llHr r, ' sonrreB> subject of her ln »gnific»mt •mhusiastic on tin ea pa hi lii i * s fly represent her j splendid aud manifold attractions. ! "P** can mo-t intnlli}; PH03 PERDUS OWYHEE. Interview With Julius Steinmeier. ^om the Nampa Loader.] A reporter of ihe Loader called at the more of the Fa!k-Block Mercantile Co. vesterdav, and found evidences of an immense business going on in everv de partment. The store was crow ded w ith customers and ori the track some five nr six men were unloading cars. The w arehouses seemml packed with goods and tile yard and platforms were all covered with mining machinery, and some half dozen teams ''lading with freight for tire mines. * Catching hold of Julius Steinmeier, we asked him if lie could give us some information as to the outlook across the river. Mr. Steinmeier gave us a look from all ' over his countenance, which you all know' covers a great deal of ground, and evidently much gratified, sai-l : entire Owyhee county is just comme ne i "g u peiiod o / development and pros perity that is astonishing, and when the merits of that country is k diet t hat it v\ ill c nia! mu 'The |llaCl . llas j„ fllH „,| n ,. w llfe inlo , hat por . j,,,, of , „„ ry Messrs. Affama & A lien, of Silver City, : al „, from tK0 tlun(Ir8 ,i pe0 . ajl| b „ , there in the ru xt few ,„„ nt | l8 . Silver Citv has taken upon if lltw Mié> al „| e vi,ie„ces of prosperity an . Bei ,„ on every si.le, and don't vou /„ rge , th „, socially the Silver Citv men are the prinee of gentlemen ami Mr. Kemp van Ee , I pre 1 1 a I n tile largest pop* ff anv mining ramp in Idaho. I have just had the most -ticces.sfnI trip ill s«»on t hat I ever F iut iade. e a husi ness t late sale at that I. The sfarting a new i j varm fiends of our tow n. is making ext ve improvements on he Leonard mill, which was recently purchased and will ship to this point a lrtr b' H ff" al "'. v ol macht nery,ainl we will ha. e it. » few .lay.» car load* nf machin ' ,,M * .ruffe I) fflar ant! Jim Blai mines, of which F.H. Dewey is rI»«- able and efficient superintendent. Del a great camp Through the courtesy Capt Plummer I was shown all over this great property, and I wish I could tell you, not onlv of the fabulous wealth i the mine, hut what a perfect svst* m enters into every t hi ng connected with I v\ as hospitably I I Mrs. Mills, hr re. itertaine l * y Mr. T had a good business I took from the DeLamar every Co. one order for 100 tons of sab, and good orders in all lines of goods. Yes ! pa is all right, too ; we have now j | N» aiting f r shipment over 300 tons of d as many more to d ail kinds, a g«'Ods * , IoIp w. Look at (best* hills for this week : and that will answer the question as to , 1 how business is getting along this fall. Received — One car-load of candles, one car-loads gram, one one car-load oatmeal, Julius said some* | ijdr * oa< FU ^ ar ' car-load flour, two car-loads salt, tiling and we took a walk. R- v. George Buzzelle has ahont com puted arrangements for building a young i,i, lies' seminary at Nampa. Tht citizens nf the town have donated five acres of ground in a convenient ami elli gihle locality at d sufficient funds have been raised to insure the construction of a building. It. is proposed to con 8'ruct a house 50x80. three stories and basement, t-o planned that wings can tn* added. With the ampin grounds sur rounding the building if can be made a very attractive place. Such an institu tion ;n that enterprising town will fie a hieb w ill ; ttr.iCt t-* it many de ^ el11 ll1 e BirablB » ,e °l ,Ie - The Nampa Leader, last week, made re m ark v\ hie h based Wh do loilleff f-i kind anff Di Lamar hosit-ess a very about we are confident most have liee-n man, upon some misrepresentation, not copv the paragraph for tin* reason that it should not he given further cir dilation. That paper was «dited last week by an amateur—the editor being nwaÿ* —who probably lias never vet learned that lh- true principle <»f con rife anv ln«*t i ng a paper is to in v< hing hi« li «•u Id mak » ior tn sptMik ill nf a man wirlmtr positive proof that he deserve« it. w as One 1 v I Just 118 we arc has reached theotlic" that Fn d Tvark« 1 a tiinl erman at th** DeLamar mine hndly liuit by a cave in the mine. 1 one arm were broken. No par ticulars ascartaiuod. to going fir* ss, news leg Anaconda Resumes Operations. There is rejoicing at thp great camp at Anaconda, Montana, again. An was received from J. B. Haggitr on the! 21st inst. w hich said : "Start the works j as soon as you can." To tire three thou sand people in Butte and Anaconda de pending on fliese great mines and smelters for a livelihood, tiffs is roost .cheering news. The mines were closed down and the m.ners discharged on March 21st on account of a disagreement with the Montana Union Railroad Coin-j pan y which hauled the ore. It has been reported that the Anaconda Co. would build a new road and only a week ago the people of Boise City thought they saw in this proposed undertaking a fac tor which would assist them i t he const rue* ion of seen ri ng road from Butte to I B'.ise ami thence to the coast. | Jo give an idea of the magnitude of the company's operations, the Auacon-j «la Standard states that at the time the works shut tlowtt, the Montana Union railroad was hauling for the Anaconda company every twenty-four hours near ly 4000 Ions of ore, 500 cords of wood and about 520 tons of coal. i ! Additional Locals. Did Not Have His Other Britches. A young county official came down from Silver City to attend tjie dance | Friday evening s 1 then did not go. He packed his dress suit in a grip and j with him—all except his j He overlooked this bifur- | cated portion of his equipment and, be- j ing short ami fat, was unable to fit him- ! self in brought it panta loons. Therefore a graceful dancer and a popular young gentleman | town. j as missed. Mr. Pat Kellev; the stone and brick j ma-on, brought an elegant, emhroid-li ered, frescoed nod decorated white li , garment to niis office, which, he being j a married man, whs .able to inform the Nugget was a ladies' night-gown, which be had found on the mad leading to Silver. He said that he had laid it un- j der his pillow for a couple of nights be- j rore giving it up, hut that that had bet-j ter not he mentioned as his his paper. tide by calling at this office. ife read I he owner can have the ar- , Messrs. M. AI. McGregor, one of the i owners of the Vendôme hotel at Weiser F. S. Jenne, a brick manufacturer at the same place, accompanied by F. M. St. Clair, of Silver City, visited DeLamar last Friday. Mr. McGregor was not vben it many years ago an 0« \ he business man and was last, in this camp was disolution and not w d « hstandi ng all he had heard about, our tow pressed astonishment at the extent and charac - X ter of the improvements. When the work now being done at the Companys mill is complété.! the up-| per town w ill have excelleni fire protec tion. A pomp is being put in at the! mill which will he connected with the! fire plugs and also with Che tank hill, and a second hose cart and hose the will be added to the one already band. the buildings. vith sufficient hose to reach all The stage company has discontinued the Caldwell route, bv wav of Succor , , , 4 ; creek, and has put on a hack to run tn , , t ,, . . „ ,, n eeklv from Revnolds to Caldwell.over the new Wilson creek road, leaving Reynolds Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays. The hack leaves Reynolds upon the arrival of the stage from Silver City, thus giving passengers a «li rect - route to Caldwell, three times a week, from both DeLamar and Silver City. - - . , t winter apples, for sale cheap, at Knatip & R'chtet's ffnig store — A consignment of 4001) non -ds of fine X'îotico oi Applicat cm to Cut Simbcr From the Fab lid li anäs. ! Notice is hereby given that I intend to in ike application to the honorable I.s niissioner of th« 1 United States, in accordance with the act of Con n-ess of March li, 189], for peroiiHRion m out, limber on th unsm-v« >ed public lands, situated in Owvhee County, Id lu>. and described ns fo lows: On the Sham'd 1 on sMcnï j"cks'm"-rwk' about four inim* cast 01 t in* < u"_r<>n state line, f land is ' bout two mip s square. a point on .lack-on .-reek, bout .qve the mouth of thermo^trna miles ; tCom '-'aid true B ginning a I two in lies a* running east of said c h two miles; thence v i hence north two miles to pi s,li <l is of mountaio mahogany ugtl gate about, two ihousaa I cord« * f w J COB W A DISH. DeLamar, Idaho, October27, 1891. rest !«? of beg I nn r S put li ('reft with scatter <tr*d egg re al For Sale. The Fnqna Restaurant, building and Inquire at Nugget office. * j orderoutfit. I Gents good quality Congress shoes only $3.00. DeLamar M. & B. Co. Kusel, the taiior, has just received som e fine suitings and a nice lot of sam | ples of shirtB ami underwe ar. Call and Subscribe for the Nugget and send it to vour friends in toe E^t. see them. For Sale. A large quantity of liquors, cigars &c. for aale by private contract. Apply to the DeLà nar hotel. Gents woolen underwear at $3.00 per 8 „ it at , he DeLamar M. & B. Co., can't ^ b eat * S> ottr new line of gents hats at $2.00, $ 2.50 anti $3.00, and you will buy no DeLamar M. & B. Co. * ot tiers. Notice. Anyone knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned will please settle at once ns the accounts will be put in the hands of art attorney for-collection. Con'tancin & Mitchell. The DeLamar M. & B. Co. are now carrying the biggest, stock and greatest assortment of goods in the county. Call and price goods. They don't keep every thing, but they come reasonably near o it. * Particular Notice. All persons knowing themselves to lie indebted to the undersigned will please •all and Settle at once and thereby save ■osts. We must have money and.mean hat v\e say. | just Trbvethick & Black. quantity and price considered, delivered to all parts of town and on the hill, free of charge. D. M. <fc B. Co. We ill nut be undersold. Quality, Goods Now' on the road from Chicago, Or fall and winter dresses; plush and surah silk trimmings; new line of kid gloves; new line of lineey dress goods, etc., etc. wait aud see them before buying. D. M. & B. Co. Just arrived from the eastern market a full and complete line of ladies gents i and childrens shoes; ladies muslin and | underwear; ladies woolen underwear; ! gents woolen underwear; crockery and glass ware; dry goods and notions; a fall ! line of stationery, consisting of paper, pens, led pencils, slate pencils, inks, I ! note books, pass books, etc. Give us a call . See the goods and you are sure to ; be pleased, , We will not be undersold. De Lamar M. &. B. Co. ! $10 Reward. I will pay ten dollars reward for the return of two gray mules. One of them is blind i n one eye. October 26, 1891. Ah Tie. . . Eli, t be best China cook in the county, . , has starte dad read and pastry bakery . . , , J in town, and will supply bread, cakes and pastry to persons giving him orders. He will also serve lunches at night iu the stores and saloons. Lost. Thr e small oil paintings from the ho- tel at Boonville : One, a basket of pan- - -i one, Yosemite Valiev and one ,, Mount Shasta. 1 he finder will confer a favor on the owner (a lady) by leaving them at this office. S1 es The DeLamar Mercantile & Banking Company, since completing their new fire-proof warehouse, have much more space in their salesroom and have put * in a much bigger stock of clothing and , . , . . . , „ furnishing goods than they have for ,nerlv <;arri ' ' J - The y dlJsil ' e lo call the attention of the public to their immense , . , . . dh«I improv' d stock. I rices have been pHt away d own . * Como up, hoys, and settle. I must have money. I have accommodated Jim Brown. >u, now square up. DeLamar, Oct. 20, 1891.