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A Royal Baking Powder Hot Biscuit is the luxury of eating -MADE AT HOME — EMMETT NEWS. Fire insurance see W. W. Wilton You can get the new Mason jar lids at John & McGowan's. Attorney Van Duyn of Boise was in town yesterday visiting friends. Use our home-cirred hams and bacon and lard. Steward & Burkhard Miss Anna Campbell returned Fri day from a two week's visit in Port-1 C. F. Fels made a week-end trip to Boise valley to visit relatives near Middleton. We are booking orders for storage -coal. .Dont delay. Emmett fruit A® - sociation. will be here. Program will be pub-1 lished later. Everybody will be wel come. Mrs. Glass and Jessie McCauley were guests of Mrs. Cruickshank at Straun Hill on Thursday. For bugs on your rosebushes use Nictone applied with our sprayer. H. T. Davis drug store. Mrs. Homestead of Topeka, Kans., is visiting at the H. Hollar home, She is on her way home from Portland and other coast points. Mrs. Ross Drake of Horseshoe down to visit her father, Allen She attended her brother's Any skin itching is a temper-tester.j The more you scratch the more vr itch. Doan's Ointment cures piles, drug stores. came Gatfield. wedding at Montour Wednesday. , We are making special prices on storage coal this month Save money by sending in your orders at once. Emmett Fruit Association. pleted a course in a business college at Grand Island, Neb., returned home Huston Hitt, who has just com Huston made Thursday of last week, a splendid record in his studies and leader in the student activities was a of that school. Which side of the face do you us ar. inquisi uallv lather first?" ask tive customer of a tonsorialist not addicted to the use of exuberant and epigrammatic utterances during his. operations upon an unsuspecting vie tim. "Outside," replied the shaver. he accidently jabbed the lather brush into the customer's mouth. He looks as tho as Jack Irwin returned from his sum mer outing Monday, the trip had done him good. He spent of his time at Smiths Ferry and caught quite a string of trout while there—nearly. A party was getting off the stage with a nice catch in his creel and accidently dropped the creel, most Jack caught the creel. We are booking orders for storage coal. Don't delay. Emmett Fruit As sociation Kreso will rid your chicken house and fowls of vermin, drug store. H. T. Davis No. 6145. Report of the Condition of The First National Bank Idaho, at the close of business. At Emmett in the State of August 9, 1913 RESOURCES $114,900.98 566.65 50,000.00 3,000.00 903.65 31,788.08 S20.67 11,817.33 15,139.38 684.27 15,Sä6.18 972.40 2,965.00 16.30 Loans and Discounts.- ... Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. U. S. Bonds to secure circulation ... .. Other bonds to secure Postal Savings. Premiums on U. S Bonds . .. Bonds, Securities, etc... Banking House, Furniture, and Fixtures . Other Real Estate owned ... Due from National Banks (not reserve agents ) . . . . Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers, Trust Com panies, and Saving Banks .- - Due from approved Reserve Agents . .. Checks and other Cash Items . Notes of other National Banks --......... Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels, and Cents .. Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie . Legal-tender notes .•. Redemption fund with U.S.Treasurer (5 per 10 , 121.00 10.00 10,131.00 cent of circulation >2,500.00 $262,101.89 Total LIABILITIES .$50,000,00 . 7,000.00 3,382.63 50.000.00 . 106,158.04 _ 43,694.03 '_ 1,867.19 Capital stock paid in . Surplus fund. • .. Undivided Profits, less Expenses and Taxes paid National Bank Notes outstanding. Individual deposits subject to check . Demand certificate of deposit . Postal Savings deposits . $262,101.89 Total . ■ State of Idaho, County of Canyon, ss: , I. R. B. Shaw, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnn swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. B. SHAW, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before "*• NofaryÆc Correct—Attest: John McNish, A. F. Isham, Walter Knox. Directors. Ground bone and oyster shell at Reilly's. Call and see our lumber. John & McGowan. Jasper Newman went to Middleton last Thursday to visit relatives Fleischmann's compressed yeast at Reilly's. Mrs. Housel of Eugene, Ore., was the guest of Mrs. J. L. Reed last week, Lee's Germizone makes healthy chickens at Cash Grocery. D. L. Roades was an Emmett visitor over Sunday. ! All kinds of repairing done right at Easton's the reliable jeweler. Cort Pyle and family left Tues day for California for the benefit of Mr. Pyle's health. Alex Ballentyne and wife nassed through town Saturday on their way home at Caldwell. They have been j visiting and rusticating for some time j around Ola. Christopher Cooor.rod who has been ' acting as salesman of fruit in the ! Boise market for Geor * e Hal1 ' has [ e ' t,lrned home - and was wlth hls I clarinet assisting in the bann concert ! Monday evening. E. S. Blayden, the popular rural route carrier will take his vacation, starting Monday next. He and his wjfe and Miss Bertha Canady will i eave f or the wilds of Idaho to fish and hunt. Rube Eaton held the lucky number that won the suit cf clothes at the Keith & Sons clearance sale last week. R u be will look pretty good in a new su jj 0 f clothes. Of course there are a lot of grouches that didn't win who !are sore. Chas. A. Sias. Superintendant of Missions, Southern Idaho, has ar ranged for a series of "Efficient Garn paigns" to be held in all the Churches 0 f Christ in southern Idaho durinsr September. The church and Bible Emmett have decided to hold such a campaign on Septem Mr. Sias, with Professor her 20-22. Billington of Spokane university, Bible school specialist, and Miss Q race pau^ o. E. secretary, of Parma, j Through an oversight the entertain-1 ment of the Ladies Aid, Church of j ! Christ, by Mrs. W. C. Langroise on Thursday, July 31,was omitted last'd ! week. A It was the monthly tea. | large number was present. Mrs. j Rambo continued the reading on Ja- , pan Mrs. Carpenter gave a discrip- ; ^ ^ wedding costume of a Jap ., h . ivjng pers onally inspect- j ed the* same at one of our Japanese j The lighter vein took the homes. form of exercises in horoscopy. The Mrs. committee served refreshments. Langroise spared no pains tess in her pleasant home. as hos W. E. Rambo enjoved an outin«'- to Fruitland bv the cour tesy of Mr. E. J. Johnson of ' that p i ace . Bee Inspector of distrjct No g The trip was by vja South glope B ramwell, Le. thfc Falk and New pi ymou th, through country Mr. Rambo has not before He reports a fine time. He found Mr. Johnson a hustler in his seen. apa iry of 250 colonies lyith a fair show of producing from 400 to 500 cases of comb honey this season. Mr. Johnson's reports show that over 10 per cent of the bees inspected were dying or dead with American Foul Brood—a condition which will, if per mitted to go unchecked, make the bee business impossible in the Payette valley, although there is perhaps no more favorable place in the world for said business. Mr. Rambo returned by train on the P. V. Friday afternoon Ground bone and oyster shell at Reilly's. Everett Henderson was down from Horseshoe Bend Sunday. Try our canned dill pickles. John & McGowan. Take your bicycles to the Wells re pair shop for treatment. _ _ Deputy Sheriff Carmacheal was in town Tuesday to take in the circus. Include a loaf of Hersh's Bread in your order. John & McGowan's. . K. T. Davis and wife, Mrs. D. L. Rhoades and Miss Jaen Laravea made a trip to Pearl on Sunday. Use Lee's Lice Killer and have chickens free from mites at Cash Grocery. Andy Kelley 's threshing outfit pass ed through town last Friday, having threshed Anthony Peterson's grain, was on its way to the next job. Our line of Hills Bros, coffee is al ways good. Once used, always used. John & McGowan. J. F. Littooy of Boise was in town Saturday. Mr Littooy is an expert horticulturist and was here looking over the orchards in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs J. E. Johnson and two | sons of Waterloo. Iowa, arrived Fri : day to visit Mrs. Johnson's sister, : Mrs. B. S. Wright on the east slope Don't think that piles can't be cur Thousands of obstinate cases ed. have been cured by Doan's Ointment 50 cents at any drug store. Mrs. Ed Waring and children and j Mrs. Geo. Zimmerman and children returned from an outing in the hill returned Sunday from an outing in the hills. When y-ou buy- a wagon, buy one that will last a lifetime. That's the kind of a wagon the Webber is. Hawkins, hardware. Victor C. Rambo was called to Hunt ington, Oregon, on August 4, to nurse a patient. The duration of his ab sence from Emmett is uncertain. A complete line of Golden State Mason fruit jars at the Emmett Mer cantile. A valuable trade coupon giv-j en with each purchase of a dozen jars ' 1 Miss Newland of Boise spent Sat urday and Sunday as the guest of Mrs. Fairchild. Judge Steward and Judge Sullivan poise were visitors at the home of Mrs. p- a ; rc hild on Sunday. ^ rs - Price's Canning Powder for canning beans, com, peas, etc., in their natural state. Contains nothin^ injurious. For sale by H. T. Davis drug store. Alvin Meyers broken collar bone has so far recovered that he is abie to carry his arm out of the sling. We handle the Benj. Mooore and Made for Bradley-Vrooman paints, all purposes and guaranteed under the government requirements. Haw kins, hardware Outside of the circus Tuesday was a lot of kids wanting to get in- ; t , , , ' j the Henney buggies and carnages nave no supenor. Inspect the fine line in our warehouse before you buy. Hawkins, cheapest hardware store in , Idaho. side. For style, comfort and durability ! Chas. Bosman of Boise came over to Emmett Sunday and enjoyed a trip down the river bass fishing with a party of town fellows consisting of E. O. Mech. Harry Hersh, Sam McMillan and Frank Chapin. Frank had fish erman's luck. The rest caught 6. An automobile carried them to-and-from the fishing grounds near Letha. Built of the very best material by experienced workmen, the Webber wagons will last a lifetime on any kind of work. They are the best on the market. D. A. Hawkins, sole dealer in Emmett. Frank Holbrook and young son were in town this week from their Just a little business ranch near Ola. trip after a load of supplies—took in the circus Tuesday. Butter Wrappers Neatly Printed Good Paper as Pre scribed by Law. OR ! ! i , $1.50 300 2.00 - nn ! ! , 500 1000 Mail Orders Promptly Filled THE SENTINEL New Plymouth, Idaho Schram jar caps at John & McGow an's. Walter Stokesbery arrived yester-1 day for visit with his parents. Try a package of Velvet coffee, 30c at Reilly's. Hawkin: has wheat for sale. Rip Proof overalls, the best made ! at j ohn & McGowans. Jack Wallace is spending a week in the city visiting friends, Films developed and printed at the jj. T. Davis drug store. For coffee and tea you can't beat us. John & McGowan. Sewing machines for sale or rent at Easton's the reliable jeweler. Increase your egg production by us ing Lee's Egg Food. Cash Grocery. Fleischmann's compressed yeast at Reilly's. Mrs. Ed Hayes and daughter Irma, returned Monday evening from Balti more, Md., Ed went to Nampa Mon day to meet them. Chick food 4M cents per pound at John & McGowan's. John Conway and H. O'Brien were Emmett visitors Saturday, they are both from Pocatello, Use Phoenix-pure house paints af Reilly's. Place vour orders now for storage coal at the Emmett Fruit Associa tion. Tuesday. Dr. Barnes was a Payette visitor and ; A full line of ladies', gents' boys' tennis shoes at John & McGo wan's. The Webber wagons and the Hen ne V buggies are the best. Hawkins, Hardware, Margaret Brenner arrived this morning from Boise for a visit with her s * ster > Mrs. George Knowles, Dr. Clark and Dr. Cummings per- ! formed an operation on Mrs. Chap Try a package of Velvet coffee, 30c a t Reilly-'s. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tellers and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Estes of Boise, were %isitors at the Dr . Clark's heme Wed They made the trip over and back by auto. Use Phoenix pure house paints at Reilly's. . An operation for appendicitis was ^-formed upon Cecilia Knox, daughter of Clate Kncx, on Monday gt the home of Mrs Hewitson. is g etting along nice ly. a She Diamondfield Jack" Davis whose Mexico, called death, reported in forth such a string of comment and reminiscence from the Idaho and in Salt Lake, Utah press, is now laughing over the joke. The Mexi cans were really after his goat and he welcomed the report of his death t( throw them off his trail Wonder what all the fellows that paid 15 cents to get into the side show at the circus the other day paid 25 cents more to go into that place par- j titioned off with red curtains where ^ iHs with ink tifrhts on were at, where they wouldn't let the other women in. For Gem flour gc to John & Mc Gowan's. Use Phoenix pure house paints at 3 - y Per Line 5c Each Insertion. WANTED—Wheat and barley. Will j pay market price. Steward & ; Burkhard. WANTED. 44 !---j WANTED—By man of experience, three or four hours work a da y as , bookkeeper. Inquire at Index FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Two business rooms on [ Main street. Inquire at First Na 44-3t tional Bank. FOR RENT—Or will sell or trade, the Steinbower rooming house. See W. W. Wilton. 29. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Two Percheron brood Mares, both in foal, weight 3200. Two milch cows, 4 brood sows, one 2-year-old Percheron colt, Chadwick. H. P. It FOR SALE—Milk cows and stock cattle. J. W. Cook. 44-3tp poR SALE—1913 Model. Motor Cy-; Cycles and Motor Boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand new machin es, on easy monthly payment plan. Get our proposition before buying or you will regret it, also bargains in used Motor Cycles. Write us today. Enclose stamp for reply. Address : Lock Box 11 Trenton, Mich. 42-10t A. F. TAKEN UP—Two small pigs. Hopkins. 45 Summer Helps For the Home Now is the Time to Think of Touch ing up Your Buggy Beds House Bam Floors Porches Screens Closets Chairs • Tables Wash Stands Dressers Bath Tubs We Have the Goods A Good Washing Machine is a Comfort You Can't Get a Poor One from Us. Aluminum Ware Is growing in daily favor. Buy one piece for a starter. We have it. Screen Wire only costs 2\ cents a square foot Dan't be bothered with flies and Mosquitoes E.M. Reilly & Co Hardware Groceries EXCURSIONS EAST Via Union Pacific System Very low return trip fares to Denver, Kansas City, St Louis, Omaha, Chicago, Minneapolis and many other points. DATES OF SALE: Mav 7, 8, 10, 17, 24, 31; June 3, 7, 13,' 14, 21, 28: July 2,5, 10, 19, 23, 31; Aug ust 1, 9, 10, 11, 16, 22, 28; September 10 , 11 . LIMIT: October 31st, 1913. See Any OREGON SHORT LINE Agent For Further Details. 'THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM ft Reaches Omaha and Points East. "The Direct Way •• Terrors of Wash Day If you leave it to us, wash day will be re lieved of its'terrors. Besides, your washing will come home to you clean, sanitary, nicely starched and ironed. Besides it will save you work, worry and the good wife back-breaking and unhealthful labor. Our wagon will call for and deliver all work. Mail Orders by Parcels Post Given Our Prompt Attention. Emmett Steam Laundry W. D. McFARLAND, Proprietor. Notice to Attorneys We are prepared to print Law Briefs, Transcripts, etc., in the best possible manner on short notice. THE INDEX, Emmett, Idaho