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The Emmett Index Official Paper Official Paper of of Gem County Gem County PUBLISHED IN THE GARDEN VALLEY OF IDAHO y EMMETT, GEM COUNTY, IDAHO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1922. TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NO. 46. Democrat Delegates Favor Moses Alexander as Candi date for Governor NAMED DELEGATES TO STATE CONVENTION I 1 The Republican, Democrat and Pro gressive parties held their county con in Emmett Tuesday and elected delegates to the state conven tion, which will convene next week. The Republican party held their convention at the Court house with 31 delegates present. V. T. Craig was elected permanent chairman of the organization and Fred Amsbaugh, sec retary. Joel Brown, George C. Heub and F. C. Berry were-elected as ventions ener delegates to tRe state convention which meets at Wallace next week, and V. T. Craig, Geo. Haley and D. H. Van Deusen were elected alternates. Geo. C. Heubener was re-elected state central committeeman. Resolutions were passed commend ing and indorsing the acts of the Re publicans in state and national ad ministration also those of the state's representatives in the senate and the house at Washington, also a résolu tion pledging the party to work for the lowest taxes possible necessary to carry on the business of the country without detriment to existing institu tiQns and necessary improvements. The Democrats also met at the court house with 22 delegates present.Frank Knox was elected chairman and Mrs. Robert Holbrook, secretary. Frank Knox and Dave Murray were elected delegates to attend the state conven tion at Hailey and Joe Tyler was elected state central committeeman While the delegates go uninstructed, they asked for an expression from the convention as to choice for governor. Moses Alexander receiving 16 votes, W. M. Morgan 1, and Van Hoesen 2. dopted, but the No resolutions were a sentiment of the convention favored a repeal of the present election law in favor of a state primary, and also a nor -partisan judiciary. ' The Progressive party held their ineeing at he tCo-op. exchange of fice, with the result that J. Loe Reed elected chairman and L. Dresser A Shorten received the was secretary, nomination to act as delegate to the state convention at Nampa and J. , Loe Reed was elected as a member of the state central committee, resolutions were adopted. The Republican county central com mittee held a meeting at the court house Saturday at which time a per manent organization was effected by the re-election of Joel Brown as coun No ty chairman, R. R. Coon as secretary and D. H. Van Deusen, treasurer. The Progressive party perfected their organization Tuesday' evening by the election of J. Loe Reed chair men, and L. Dresser, secretary. Harper Eligible for Office Howard Harper, who was elected at the recent primary for the office of county commissioner from the second district on the Republican ticket, is eligible for the office, even though he does not live in the district at the present time. The law provides that| a county commissioner must live in the district 30 days previous to the time of taking the oath of office. When Mr. Harper filed for the of-1 fice he intended moving to another place in the second district, and on less his plans miscarry he will be « resident of that district inside of 30 days, and therefor eligible to the of ^ ce be seeks - _ Commissioners Will Ask for Bonds for Bridges. The County Commissioners will ( hold a special session next Monday at which time they will probably call an election to vote on bonds to build [ and repair Gem county's bridges. A short session of the commissioners was held Wednesday, at which time they received the report of the bridge ; engineers of the Oregon Short Line railroad, who have examined the ; bridges at Letha and Emmett. i The report on the bridge at Letha is practically the same as that submitted by Mr. Newell a couple of weeks ago: ! That the river bed should be turned back into its old channel and the bank on each side protected. If this is done, an approach can be built to the present spans and the bridge used ' But the Short Line engineers con sider the bridge at Emmett in poor ' shape and say that it will be unsafe again. , for travel after this year. The tim bers are checked and seamed and the wood is probably rotted on the inside. By tighening the bars and strengthen ing the timbers by bolting planks on each side, it will be strong enough for this year's travel but they state a new bridge should be built before another year. Public to Blame Dr. H. C. Darrah, of near Falk was I in the city Monday. For the benefit 1 of the traveling public, he stated that he was forced to close the road through his pasture by the carlessness of the traveling public. Travelers refused to close the gates of the pasture with the result that Mr. Darrah's stock was running loose and a horse and cow were cut by wire fences, and he was forced to close the pasture in seif protection, the carelessness of the public are en tirely in sympathy with his action, so Mr. Darrah states, Neighbors who observed E. I. D. LEVY FIXED AT S3 Andrew Little Advances Money to Pay District's Employees. At a special meeting of the direc tors of the Emmett Irrigation district held Tuesday afternoon the levy for the assessment for maintenance, oper ation and repairing the works of the district was fixed at $3 per acre, for the current year. Lands above the ditch, which are not irrigated were assessed at 50 cents per acre. Andrew Little made the irrigation district an offer to advance the money necessary to pay the employees of the district for the balance of the irriga tion season, at a- discount of 10 per cent. This offer was accepted after the wages of the employees were raised 10 per cent to allow for the discount, a t a rapid pace. The first of the we ek the office building was eomplet d and the offices were moved from The railroad company has had The work at the dam is progress town, force of men busy putting in a switch for the spur and the roadbed for the s P ur » graded. The wagon road is practically completed with t exception of one short stretch, unk houses and warehouses are go g up at a fast rate and will be com pleted in a short time. The River Low. The water in the river has fallen rapidly during the past week or so. Tuesday it became necessary for the Last Chance Ditch company to throw out a temporary dam in order to get enought water to fill their ditch, and it is rumored that the Farmers Co-op. will have to do the same. The first 1 of the week the Emmett Irrigation district lowered their dam at the Pay ette lake outlet, and quite an increase in water sent down. This will reHeve the water stringency considerable, and will probably tide the irrigation com panies over the season without them cutting down the supply. ' RepuIar meeting of the Board of E. I. D. Proceedings Directors of the Emmett Irrigation District held in the office of the Dis trict Emmett, Idaho, August 1st, 1922, at 2 0 ' c ) 0 ck p. up the Warrant and j udgment indebt _ ; of the District was Iaid on he teble for further consideration m. A resolution to issue bonds to take Mr. Tom Martin, attorney and ad : ministrator for tbe John Little <. Es . täte" appeared before the Board in re grard to getting a settlement and clearing up the title of ^ j M Bur . lingham ranch now owned, by the John Little "Estate" on account of Tax Sale Certificates and back a$ The above claim was re sessments. ferred to the attorney for the Dis trict as to his recomendations for settlement and it was moved that his recomendations be followed. It was moved and carried that the board have an adjourned meeting on Saturday. August 5th, 1922. at 8 o' clock p. m. and that the attorney for the District be notified to be present, The question of the bank giving bond to secure the Treasurers depo sits to be taken up at that time with the attorney. It was moved that the Secretary be instructed to hand in the Treasury derived from the special toll levy among the ditch riders. It was moved that the Board of Directors go over the ditch on Tues day, August 8. 1922, and that the manager go with them to see what is necessary to be done to put the ditch in condition to deliver water for the next irrigation season. Carried. TRI-STATE PICNIC BIG Two hundred families were repre sented at the big Kansas-Missouri Iowa state picnic held Friday at De J • , wey grove, and it was voted one of the big successes of the season. As a direct result of the picnic two permanent organizations were per fected, one an Iowa association and the other a Missouri-Kansas organi zation, and annual picnics will be held Committees had arranged long ta bles in the grove for the accomoda tion of the picnickers, but it was ear ly foreseen that these would not ac commodate the large crowds arriving SUCCESS Estimated Over 600 People in Attendance-Iowa Joins State Association in the future. and the overflow spread their lunch on the benches and seats and even on the grass in the grove. Registrations , , . . , ... showed tnat .amines were repre sented from Iowa, 65 from Missouri and 62 from Kansas. After the pic nie dinner the large crowd assemble.? ,. ... , , . in pavi.ion w ere an excellent program was given as follows: Vocal Duet—Mrs. R. G. Newcomer Reading—"Hullo" and "Goin' Fish in'" by Mrs. Maxûeld. Vocal solo—Mrs. Kenkle. Kansas—Ed Skinner. Duet—"Poet and Peasant" Ovep ture—violin and piano, Misses Ruth and Janet Hawkins. Iowa—Miss Katharine Mann. Missouri— Dr. N. B. Barnes. and C. L Gama.-e. Piano duet—Mrs. Motz and Miss Motz. Our Adopted State—Mrs. Ancy Sullivan. After the program the crowd min gled together and spent a delightful Each Dienicker town and made it a fine time for one to become acquainted with his neigh time it was decided to form a per manent organization and to join the Iowa State Association of Southern , A committee was appointee to attend the state association picnic at Weiser on August 24 and to invite afternoon visiting, was tagged with his name, state and bors. Durine the afternoon the people from Iowa held a meeting, at which Idaho. the association to hold the 1923 ^ , ... . . The Kansas and Missouri people made tentative plans to form a per mananent organization and will hold rooms on Monday night, August 21, at which time officers will be elected, and plans made to hold an annual picnic for Idaho people from these forks, glasses, etc. were left at the picnic orniinHs. and those losing article« can 1 - " ■ arl - ,c e - can inquire about tnem by calling 20-R4. With an estimated production of nic at Emmett. a meeting at the Commercial Club states. Quite a supply of dishes. FRUIT NOTES 242.900 bushels, Idaho's peach crop for 1922 promises to break all pre vious records, according to the month ly 'report of the agricultural sUtis tician of the Idaho crop reporting ser Of this Emmett's share will be Due to the falling of prunes, the tonnage has been reduced in the past vice. about one-fifth of the whole, or 125 carloads. . „ , , , , , ... pecially the older ones, there will hardly be 40 per cent of a crop. The younger trees are holding the fruit , .. , , , . . better, and some orchards report only a slight dropping. The prune crop in the entire state is affected by fall ing fruit. Steila Moulton added to the Index cufio collection this week a vegetable that closely resembles a baseball bat, only larger around, and weighs over few weeks to about 50 per cent of a normal crop. In some orchards, es six pounds. It is supposed to be a New Guiana bean, and was grown on Mrs. Mary Knautz added to the col over 26 inches long, and some boys left a freak tomato. the Moulton farm. t- » u -. »1 . ,, Fred W hitseU, who recently sue cessfully passed the state dental ex amination, has decided to locate in Emmett and is opening up offices in the Bank of Emmett building, in the . , rooms formerly occupied by Dr. Alien. lection a string bean that measures New Dentist ADVENTURES OF "TOM AND ME XOTE Ed Skinner and T. B. Hargus left Saturday for a two or three weeks vacation at Knox and Johnson creek The following article was re cejv £j t ^ av Them ' Drake's Lodge at Knox—In a talk at the Kansas-Missouri-Iowa picnic i , a * ew days ago. Miss Mann quoted a verse or two from "Out Where the West Begins." Here is where the West ends, and "the handclasp," we «re sure is much warmer than where tbo ^ en begins, for these people ba ''e no equal for warm-hearted hos pitality and honest-to-God qualities °f manhood. And Dan Drake and his Out Where the West Ends Na lure is in Her Primeval Moods. . . ?°o<l wne are princes of them ah. But I notice that these men of the " oun " iM have *- he same fail in that , they nave m the more settled por t ions of the lower country—the best trout and the most grouse are to be found ju-t up the other fork of the Salraon or ovf,r ° n the other ridge, and so Tom and Me are chasing the will-o'-wisp U p the ragged mountains and along the boulder strewn streams As a result both of us are laying off today-—the fourth day out—giving sore muscles and stiff joints a chance to recuperate and nursing blistered heels and soles. Tomorrow we will fare forth again to another spot where trout are said to be so thick that the waters of the lake are kept in continual commotion. We arrived here at 5 o'clock Sat urdav evening and impatiently wait ed for an opportunity to get our feet under Mrs. Drake's oining room table. Whiie she has not notified vis yet, we are expecting her to charge us double price for board. If sbe does nt . tbe nouse will sure lose money. The "table" of Drake's lodge is fam ed throughout this entire section, and every traveler, be he a tenderfoot from the lower country or a native hese regions, will stretch his day's rdor to put Up at Drake's »Chile the food is of a substantial character, cooked as the old-fa3hioned housekeeper knows so well to do, the delicacies are not wanting. For in sta --^ * n Emmett cantaloupes, waaed through two heaping big plai ters of trout olanked with bacon, li beral quantities of potatoes, delicious "gems", fruit and Lord only knows what else. Tom, who says he never :e;, for breakfast this morning we what else. Tom, who says he never could stand more than a piece toast and a small portion of breakfast food, loosens his belt three times, on e 0 f the last to leave the table and ar. hour later takes out his watch *o calculate if he can stand it until the triangle on the porch clangs out a summons to dinner (lunch they call j t j n town.) I'm afraid he will have to be sent home in a high-powered truck, as , ^ f çar the Dodge, sturdy as ^ the^levef stretches of road Tot to speak of the Big Creek summit. Reverting back to the menu, no salad has been served yet, thank heavens, even ..hough Dans garden is full of beaa lettuce, and Tom has thrown out manv a hint that he is very fond of t j, e ' £T ^. eIi stu ff. jj ut how far do you thir.k a fellow would get in climbing ,hese mountains or chambering over boulders in these dashing streams on a diet of salad and head lettuce? hot Yesterday, we found some 5 P nn 8 s the woods, with a wooden dated"^ cabiT O^course Ä rb^h ? Tom suggest^ that theTat was big enough for two, but I balked, as he declared he intended to soak for 30 minutes. But I am accustomed to taking a bath every Saturday night, when I am home. I concluded five minutes was long enough for us, and a: the conclusion our skins were red as lobsters, for the water is real hot. but Gee how it stinks. How ever : :n s P*. te tbe °d° r - we drank until our diamphrams were as tight as drums. There are hot springs everywhere, and suggests that here is not omy the top of the world, but {hat ;jr . d / rneath £ ell is i ocated and Ole Nick is running his furnaces three shifts a day. Perhaps one of these days tie will poke a hole through to the top, stick in a great big funnel and throw in all the bolsheviks, pro fiteers. moonshiners, hypocrites and - be rest of the scrum of the earth, Knox has an interesting past. It wes in its heyday 20 years ago when pr0 spector. Eastern millionaire, min er and freighter trekked over the rough trails and improved roads to the^go-d diggings of thunder Moan tain. This was one of the stations on the route, and the dozen or more log houses that still remain standing could tell tales that would stir the blood if they could speak. Strolling through the old town the other after noon with Dan Drake, he pointed out: thp poimf of jnter< , st in th ; old days . « n « ba t building a saloon, another in that cabin over yonder: in the out skirts Big May, a later denizen of had her sporting house; m that once pretemtous building one ^ou] d find any game of chance he de sired. Of course, there were si enormous livery bam.- and feed rals and a hotel, are f cor All the buildings down and going to decay Three years ago Dan Drake vacated the old hotel when he had completed his new building where this rambling î sketch is being written. It is built •of logs, with walls and ceilings of lumber. This lumber, by the way, vas bought from the Citizen* Lum ter company of •Enrmett. The walls of the lobby are covered with trop hies of Dan Drake's hunting expedi One of tnem is a goat skin, immaculately unite, and another is cougar, botn magnificent specimens. On a shelf is a set of scales, used to " ei, i b £°*d dust when that was a of exchange. This hotel is a /fL hanter * anJ fishermen. Some of them come f ' om back Ean - When th * •*** season opens, every room will be fiil «1. deer are plentiful and the aP^ndid new ru f d built b >" the service makes travel by automobile a j leature. Mrs. Drake is a daughter of Mrs. and a _««*«' of Wilbur of s £T£rg a portion of the summer here A stage, carrying mail, with Harold Gorton as driver, makes daily br 'P s l!Cm Cascade, ■ ions Mother Wilbur has been Those wealthy oil men from Okla ' homa, who came in here sometime ago with a pack of dogs to hunt big game. B is said their dogs have dwindled to half the original number—probably the result of the feeling engendered that such forays on the best game preserve in the west should be sanctioned by the state game department. It is also said that these hunters have had poor luck and have not bagged a single bear. - Speaking of bears, Roy Roper, who is herding sheep near here, killed a big one a few days ago. At the first shot the bear was wounded and came straight for him. Roy never flinched but pumped the lead into the enraged beast. The bear dropped dead within five feet of Roy, with six bullets in his body. , T /\ , ,,. . . '\ rJ I » ry J\ () LAI Heavy Casualties in Hauling sends cans of channel catfish fingerlings f or pitting in the sloughs west of hopes were blasted by another mes - 1 sage announcing that Emmet's quoto of rish had died in transit and con-, j I ■ FOR EMMETT Sportmen's Hopes Glimmering Ed Mays had "hi* hopes raised to the zenth power Monday by the re ceipt of a message stating that two j would arrive in Emmett Wednesday town. But the next morning all his ! of rish had died in transit and con-, of "• " ' P is ea here this y ear - The fingelmg or fry, consisting )0 cans were secured from the feder a ] burea ,j of fisheries from Montana. ling and shipping, the original con signment dwindled to three cans xhese were planed in the Boise river near Boise and at Buttermilk slough near Pay«e. Ed Mays was probably the most dis appointed man in town over the non arr j va ] 0 f tbe fish for Emmett waters , , , , . .. He has worked hard to secure the fish, which come from the govern ment hatcheries and was jubilant over prospects of receiving them. Hp , , ^ . , had ***" over lhe Seven Ml!e slough and had picked out nice places in which to plant the fish. But he says but owing to heavy casualties in hand that he has been promised another shi P menî thi * fa!1 or 5 P rin *- a '* 1 stil > has h °P* s that — da >' 6 e ab ' e to full a three pound channel cat out of the Payette. On Squaw Creek Boys Scouts Camp Twelve boy scouts under the super j vision of Vem Munday and Harold Brt>wn spent the week near Squaw uvju and they declare they had the swell est time of their lives, c am P when they returned some. Fisn ing and scout work occupied their time. \Vilkerson Creek ranger station above Gross The party was taken up Sunday by auto and spent until this morning in Those in the party were: Budd Merton Bladder, Percy Moore. Roy White, Karl Salskov. Bucknum, LeRoy Lytle, Billy Soule, Howard Munday. Junior Knowles, and Ralph Mundav Vern Munday was scout master and u D s ~ ut mast - Will Teach at Bend Carleton Lathrop has accepted a position to teach in the schools at Bejuj. Ore., for the coming vear, and ha? resi d his jtjon as ' jnci , . , . , , _ . of the high school at Ontario. Ore. The new position carries with it the position of athletic coach and was ten der?d b j m on accoun t of meritorious twq years. work in the Cfntario schools the past I OIL EXCITEMENT ON BIG j j ( | ; Oil Company Organized at Pay WILLOW ette—Big Willow Lands Leased That there is great excitement over prospects for oil in the Big Willow creek country is evidenced by the activity in filing on government Land in that territory in the land office at Boise and the organiiaion of an oil company at Payette to drill on Little Willow creek. A company with a cash backing of {250,000 has been incorporated un der the name of the Southern Idaho Oil Company, with headquarters at Payette and is composed of Payette stockholders. These men have made a thorough examination of the Little Willow district and they are convinced that oil is there in pay ing quantity. They have already secured leases for quite an area of land and are get ting more. They have already hauled lumber for bridges and culverts for a new road to be built to the point where active drilling operations are to be conducted. They are buying a drilling outfit and will move it. on their leased land as soon as possible. It is expected to have the derrick set up and begin actual drilling inside of two to four weeks. A prominer.' geologist from Texas has been going over the field for seme time past and it is under his direction and advice that the well will be drilled. Coinciding with the announcement of the organization of this company at Payette, the Boise land office re ports the filing on over 6000 acres of land in the Big Willow creek country. 14 miles north of Emmett. The ap plications were filed Monday for ap proximately 3800 acres, Hammond of Payette and U. P. Ste vens of T' ants„ Mr. Stevens filing on 2460 acres and Mr. Mammond on 1320 acres. Arthus S. Hincks of Payette was the third applicant to file for oil land, his filing being for 207 4 acres. Amos C. Falls were the apph According to reports, the well is to be drilled in section 18 township 9 _ north, range 2 west. Und office re j cords show that all lands adjoining -heir section are patented and the of more tbar acres are as Gustaf D. Amen died Saturday af temoon at Blackfoot, where he has been for several months receiving treatment for trouble resulting from severe attacks of rheumatism. The body was shipped to Emmett and the funeral was held at Bucknum chape! T D c C, j Tuesday. Rev. Elmer Grant Keith preaching the funeral service and the Moose lodge haring charge of the service at the grave. Gustaf David . , „ . >• w 1 Amen was bom m Buckiin. Mo.. June 15, 1878. and was 44 years old. He was a member of the Swedish Luth eran church, and died a faithful mem ber of his belief. He came to Emmett over twenty years ago and up until a few years ago, when he was taken sick, he was closely identified with the to be drilled in section 18 township 9 near this section as they can get. DIED business and social life of the city. He was a partner of A. P. Peterson in ice business for several years. and also in the livery stable business. On the 12th of June. 1907. he united in marriage to Eliza Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Miller, now of Landax. Ore. To this union four children were born, three daugh ters and one son. all of whom survive to mourn his loss. He is also survived by the three sisters and one brother. He was a charter member of the Moose and Yeoman lodges of this city. Mr. Amen became the friend of ail who made his acquaint ance. For many years he was prom inanee in lodge circles, and will be greatly missed and mourned by a large circle of friends who held him in the greatest esteem. was Grouse Plentiful The Emmett sportsmen who took advantage of the opening day of the grouse hunting report the birds plen riful and most of the parties had the limit before noon and were home ear ly in the afternoon. Dr. Byrd reports that he got the limit by 10 o'clock. Sam McMillan. H. D. McVean. John Barbour and Andrew Little went to Crane Creek, and report hunting fine in that locality.