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in a most charming manner Thursday! afternoon of last week, compliment-1 ing Mrs. Harry Burton, who before her marriage was Mias Leona Camp belL The girls, school mates and se perated the past year spent a happy afternoon sewing and chatting over the school days. Late in the after noon a moat delicious luncheon was served. Those in the party were Mrs. Harry Burton, Miss Alta Atkina, Miis Viola Creswell, Mias Ins Wil-, eon, Mias Ruth and Janette Hawkins 6 6 6 Ji Miss Ida May Flagler entertained Mr*. Carlson was honor guest Thursday evening of last week, for : a delightful little surprise party. The gueets, friends and neighbors num- ! bering 25 spent the evening in merry fashion with games and the delicious refreshments. ê • * Tha Eastern Star Club will hold a scrambled lunch and watermelon feed Friday evening nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Clay on the Lou Ober raeyer place west of town. • * • Miss Marie Johnson was a delight ful hostess to a dosen of her girl friends Monday evening. Great de light was shown among these inti mate girl friends when it became known they were to have the Privi leg« of seeing the hope chest and the many shower gifts of the hostess who is tha fiancee of Mr. Robert White. The wedding news was given out by the hostesa, concealed in walnut shells with only a letter in each which fin ally worked out to read "Sometime ! 1 The Church of God will commence a three weeks meeting at the Christian Church, Emmett, Friday, Aug. 18 at 8 p. in. All come with your questions, they will be answered with a Christian spirit. If we do nat agree, let's reason scriptures together. All welcome. I I LEAD & ZINC PAINT We Guarantee: It means actual cash in yamr pocket to take advantage of this offer! - CD XI NT * Lto a ,/a ■altom and will main no char|* I for Dtvoa. If Dwo* •t o y—r or two or throo ) *an Jonc*r —kwi^ar mnd km tt m r —w* wUi Or, paw half your houoa Wad-and -öd; tha Mbar half Dwo *. In thraa yuan tha l a a4 and-ml half wifi bo hungry for man panu. *11 gtva you »(touch for ihn whah Davoa Product« ora tima-tattad «Ml praaan. baohad by l ha 16S yaaro' n»irtaara of th# oidaat pawn manufacturing m tha »a. Pioneer Furniture Store : v«7\ MUMOMia 1 mm &>■ Spraying Time IS «ERE AGAIN A thorough coating of Arsenate of Lead will insure you clean apples. We have the arsenic and the spread er that will give you the desired re sults. And Our Prices Are Right Call and see us or phone 46. Emmett Fruit Growers Assn. EMIL E. DEAN, Manager thia week". Several musical number* were given, followed by a dainty luncheon. « * * The Creecent Club were entertained Friday by hostesses at the club houfe A good attendance marked the aftes noolli an( j committees were nemed and p| ana made for the next big meeting, a ft ern oon was closed following a d e |j c f oua lunch, and watermelon feast • • • The Christian missionary society was held Wednesday afternoon at the church. The meeting opened with the regular order of business, follow ed by an interesting program. DM Albert Heed Liggett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Liggett ot Emmett died at a Boise hospital Thursday morning : of last week. He wss S years snd 6 months of nge, and death followed an ! operation for appendicitus. The body was taken to Middleton lor burial. NEWS OF RECORD Instruments Filed fur Racurd far the Week Reading Augrat 14. 1*22 Warranty Deeds Chris and Etta Keagard of Emmett, to A. E. Schmidt of Weiser. 100 by 162 ft in Lot 18 Wsshbasn Add Em mett. Con 1476.00 Vet M and Delia Coangera of Cas cade to George Schaffen of Emmett. N. 132 ft of Lots 22, 24, 25, D and C Add Emmett. Con |10ML E. A. and Rinds DeB MUftnstrom, to W. F. Sinclair sll of Bmowtt. Lot 75 Hopkins Add to Emmett. Csss $540. J. N. and Anna Thomason, to A. R. Veston, ail of Emmett. NÉ% NE 14 NW 14 Sec. 8-6-1 W. loss 1 acre ia NW part. Con *10.00 A. R. and Nellie Testen, to J. N. Thomason. W% of Lot 1. .«fee. 31-7-1 W. *10.00 FOR SALE—6 chairs. 1 rocker snd oil stove. Phone- fe-J 1 i. ,, , ,, r, i tt , lo Mr. and Mr*. Pearl Hughes, oli August 16, a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Zimmerman, August 12 a boy To Mr "'and Mrs. den Kaiser on wr. »uu JWT». uwn meiser, on August 15, a girl To the. owners of record and par sons in. actual possession or occur ancy of tha following described lands:. Notice is hereby given that the County ot Gera. State ef Idaho., ia the owner and holder ot the Tax Da. linqueticies, hereinafter named, bear ing data. tha. 5th day of January, 1926, on which date the County of Gem, State of Idaho, became the owner, of said Delinmienciea on aacount of un paid anddslinquent taxes levied. in. k the year 1919, to. and b S authority, of said County,, upon the lands heremsf ter described, said lands, being assess in 1919, respectively., in the same of the persans hareinaftnr mentioned; that said dalinquancies have not been redeemed; that the legal time foe the redemption, of said delinquencies, will. expire on tie 5th day ot January, 1923, that unless redemption there from shall be made on. or before, the 6th day of January, 1922. a Tax. Deed , will be isaaad ta said County, reepec- I tively, on said Delinquencies for the lands upon which said taxes are de linquent; and that tha following is » To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, August 19, a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. SL R. Fob ;e3 of Fearl, August 20th, a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. Lew Msaaman ef Star, August 20th, a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. David McGee, Aug 16, a bey. Notice I wish to express my appreciation for the nomination for sheriff an. the Republican ticket. WiU say that I am fox the enforcement of all laws, and if elected to this office will en deavor to enlacee the law to the best of my ability. WALTER. M. BROWN Notice at Expiration of Time foe He' drmpuoa on Tax Daiinquency ed true list of the said Delinquencies, setting forth the number thereof, the name of tha person to whom the pro perty therein described was assessed, respectively, in the year 1919, the re cord owner of the saune, and- the name of the persos in possession or occur ancy, sa far as known, to w*;. Delinquency No. 46; ease used to Chas. M. Wilmot. in care of A. A. Bonnie; record owner. A. A. Bornney; person in possession, Unknown.; des eription; SEti of the S£kL Section 20. Township 6 North, Range l East of the Boise Muridian, Delinquency No. 47; assessed to Chas. M. Wilmot. in care of A. A. Bonnie; record owner. A. A. Bonney; person in po«se«sion, Unknown; des Option; SW\ of tlw SWt*. Section., 21, Township 6 North. Rmnge 1 East of the Boise Meridian. Delinqueucy No, 58; assessed to Chas. M. WUmot, in care of A. A. Bonnie; Record owner, A. A. Bon nay ; person in possession, Unknown; des eription: NW>4. Section 28, SM- of the NEU, N4 «f the NE>4, Section 29, Township 6 North, Range 1 East of the Boise Meridian. Delinquency No. 178; assessed to Burt Bair; record owner, Burt Bair; person in possession, Unknown; des eription: Lot 42. of Circle Subdivision, Section 7, Township 6 North, Range 1 West of the Boise Meridian. Delinquency No. 200; assessed to J. H. Ellis; record owner, J. H. Ellis; person in possession. The Bank of Emmett; description: Tax No. 4, Sec tion 8, Vownship 6 North. Range 1 West of the Boise Meridian. Delinquency No. 221; assessed to A. F. and Elizabeth Myers; record own er. Alexander Cruickshank; person in possession, Alexander Cruickshank; description: Lot 1 of Block 2. Butte subdivision, Section 8, Township 6 North, Range 1 West of the Boise Meridiun ' Delinquency No. 383; assessed to F. H. Hogue, in care of C. P. Hartley; recoru owner, Charles P. Hartley. Warranty Deed. F. H. Hogue, Tax Deed; person in possession, C. P. Hartley; description: Part of the SWti of SEV4 Jietween Canals, Tax « Range 1 West of the Boise Meridian, except that part of the land includ ed in description recorded in book 8 of Deeds, page 328 and 330. Delinquency No. 429; assessed to F. H. Hogue, in care of C. P. Hartley; record owner. Charles P. Hartley, Warranty Deed, F. H. Hogue. Tax iDeed; person in possession. C. P. Hartley description: Tax No. 9. Tax •Mo 10, Section 30, Township 6 North, Range 1 West of the Boise Meridian, 1 except that part of the land includ '{£ rSr" ,n book 8 IMinque^y No 430; assessed to C P Hartley; record owner, (Tiarles P. Hartley; person in possession, C. P. Hartley; description: Tax No. S, Tax No 11, Section 30, Township 6 M 0 Hd'.n R " n * e 1 WeSt ° f the BOiS • Delinquency No. 438; assessed to Jesse B Roup; record owner, Jesse B Roup; person in possession, Un known;^description: of the vex. qwiw; of the NE >4 SEV of the NW S V NE>4 of the Swl. Sec tion 32. Township 6 North, Range 1 West of the Boise Median. Delinquency No. 449; assessed to O. L. Co. to; record owner. Olive L. Coat«; person in possession. Un IÄ ,!tS; . E 8« 2 West of the Boise Meridian. Delinquency No. 643; assessed to C. * H. Blom; record owner, 'Charles H. Blom; person in possession. Un known; description: Tax No. 8, Sec tion 17. Township 6 North, Range 2 ; West of the Boise Meridian. I Delinquency No. 661; assessed to A. E. Well«; record owner, A. E. Wells; I person in pessession, Unknown; des ! eription: EV4 of the NW* of the SE14, S»ction IS, Township f. North. Range 2 West of the Boise Meridian. Delinquency No. 702; assessed to ÏÆwis Obermyer; record owner, John W. Clay; person in possession. Un- [ Known; description: NWL of the! : NW>4, Section 25y Tomlup • North, Sane* 2 West ot the Boise Meridiaa Delinquency No. 706: assessed to Lewis Über my er; record owner Mil brey Obermyer; person in posses-i sion, Unknown; Description: EH of, the WH o 1 the SE14. of the NEÎ4, Section 26, Township 6 North, Range 2 West ot the Boise Meridian. Delinquency No. 70S; assessed to Lewis Obermyer; record owner, John : W. Clay; person in p o sse s sion, Un ! known; description: NE14. of the NE 14, Section 26, Township 6 North, Range 2 West of the Boise. Meridian. Delinquency. No. 735; assessed to ^ra. Schultz; record owner, William Schultz; person in possession, WÜ ham Schultz; description: S% of the NW14, NV4 of the SWÎ4, Section 2,1 Township 6 North, Range 2 West off the Boise Meridian. Delinquency No. 743; assessed to Gust. Fred Johnson; record owner. Lot 3, Ray Delmar Ward, Lot 4, Carl M. Berglund; person in possession. Unknown; description; Lot 3, Lot 4,;, Section 3, Township 6 North, Range 3 West of tha. Boise Meridian. Delinquency No. 916; assessed to J. R. McConnell; record owner, V. T. Craig Trustee; J. R. McConnell; pex " a kHS **"H ^ i->cU«n 22, Township^ 7 North, Range 1 F*? 1 ?îô^ lan ' _ j No - 103 . a ; •*""?*.*? ^ Ulot Tennyson; record owner. Elhot Tennyson; person in possession Kl *"t lenny.on«, da.cnj.tion: BUcka 7 «J d T 8 *-J OW n rU,h,p J . N " rth - 1 West ® olse Matidian. _ üelmquencyN 0 . 1U8;, assessed to D ' Howaad; record owner, Ben .^Howard; parson in jKissessmn, Un ^? wn / o? SC v^v n '°^an* S "* ,C V' 2 "> T . a *^ îpT ®" n lf e - West ot the .Boise Mendmn, . WiwMMr No. 1163;, assessed to A- 'Y - Darling, recar d owner, A. W. »«ling; person in ^session Un jtoown; deampLon; SEW. of the ^fFK. 3 ?' Township 7 North, ***% - Wrat ° f B°*m Meridian, „ Delinquency No. 1240, assessed to Ephram Hansen, record swner, Eph «*>? Hansen; person, m possession, ML mf!/' 1^?°" }?' „ E 4, 7 North, * West of the Boise Meridian 1 ^ 1 ^ e *? ncy j°l a3a * a3 * d l ° S. N. Bucher sad D. Zachmen; record owner,_ Daniel Zachraan and S. N. S UC u er * Pf rso P ' n ß' Bucher; description;. SW1H of tha ^ E '^> " b ° ve „ C W* Canal, Section «• ^ w " sh '' > I N( \ rth ' K "* e 3 W<utt <>*** Boise , , „ delinquency No U43: assessed to S. N. Buch« and D Zachman; record ° w «" r . darnel Zachman and &. N. Bucher; person ux P^smn, S. N. Bucher; description: SW'% of the botow Canyon ^nal, Section J°'£* 8hlp J N j >rth ' Ran * e S West «° lse ^'«mency No- 1266; assessed to A. O. Oberlin; record owner, Albert p- Oberbn; person in possession, U» known; description; Lot No 7, Sec turn 21, Tow^hip 7 Nor«, Range 3 ; W ^ft°^ ttle Boise Meridian, Delinquency No. 1311; assessed to Hampton D., in care of W. F. Sinclair; record owner. Hampton D. Swing; person in possession. Un kqown; description: Lot No 4, Sec twn 27. Township 7 North, Range 3 w est of the B «>se Meridian, Delinquency No. 1363; assessed to dawei A. Chase; record owner. Dan A- Chase; person in possession, Cnlniown; description; SEU of the SWIVx, Section 10 Township 8 North, «ange 1 East of the Boise Meridian, „ Delinquency No. 1381; assessed to P? n ! e *-hase; record owner, Dan *«> A. Chase; person in possession, mw£° W M r 'Äw v® c ß N" > Section 15, Township 8 North, Range 1 East of the Boise Meridian, Delinquency No. 1506; assessed to Geo. T. Pennington; record owner, George T Pennington; person in pos session, George T Pennington; des eription: Lots No. 3 and 4, Section 5, Township 10 North, Range 2 East of the Boise Meridian „ delinquency No. 1565; assessed to Geo Perkins; record owner. George Ferkina; person in possession, Un k'mw n ; description:^ Part^of the N^WA of the N'Vy,, Section 2o, Township 10 North, Range 1 East of the Boise Meridian, Delinquency No. 1597; assessed to Geo. T Penmngton; record owner, George T Pennington; person m pos session, George T Penmngton; des ^ lp i lon: ?> ,? f M th in S u^*' 32 Township 11 North, Range 2 East Boise Meridian. Delinquency No. 2019; assessed to Hodges F urmture Company; record owner, Hodges Furniture Company; P^on in possessmn Unknowji; des ^iption: Lots 61 and 74 of Hopkins wai— .. Hazel «.Campbell; record owner, Hazel M. Campbell, person in poases fmn. Unknown; description: Lot 62 less the East 50 feet of the ^«t 233 Teet, of Hopkins Addition to the City T Deïinquëncy No. 2143; assessed to I F. H Frost, in care of F^ A DeClark; record owner, Emma B. DeClark; per *?" in possession Unknown; desenp-, t*on: Loi « 3() aiad 37 of S»«nn>- 81 ^ope Addition to the City of Emmett. ^ Delinquency No. 2190; assessed to Hodge. Furniture Company; record owner, Hodges Furniture Company person n posaession B B Davis, 3escr, P. t ' 0 " i 9 .^ ritv of Fm' burn Addition to the City ot Em "&!-»««,». »U » Florence Douglass, in care of A. C. Douglass; record owner. Florence Douglass; Person m possession Un known; description Lot 8 of Block 10, Original Townsite of Uetha | Delinquency No. _272, assessed to Florence Douglass, in care of A. C. ; Douglass, Douglass; person in possession Un known; description: Lot 7 of Block 17. Original Townsite of Letha. Delinquency No. 2273: assessed to R. A. Stewart; record owner, R. A. Stewart; person in possession, Ln known; description: Lot 8 of Block 17, Original Townsite of Letha. J; Delinquency No. 2288; assessed to | F. record owner, Florence to fhe Send it aundry I Perhaps you, too, dread wash day with its monotonous, never-seemingr-to-end grind. Perhaps, you're undergoing all the tortures that accompany the average "Blue Monday. If that be the case, we believe you aren't getting out of life what you should. Let us be your messengers of cadre. Let us carry away your weekly bundle and return it to you spic and span. There's one thing certain; we will handle your finest wearables as carefully as you do yourself. Such a service is to be desired. And the Tuesday's work is cut down too, for the laundry comes home with many of the pieces ironed, a service you don't get outside of the Laundry. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention >y Gem City Steam Laundry in Emmett. Plan Now to Properly Take Care of the Harvest! It casts far more money not to have good buildings on your farm than it costs to have them. When your crops are ripe you must have a place for them. Before Winter sets in you should provide adequate protection for your stock and good sheds for your machinery. Keep your feed where you can handle it conveniently.. There's no better place for succulent crops than in a B. P. Frost-Proof Silo. Now is the time to build New Barn, Granaries, Machine Sheds, Silo, etc. a The architectural department is at your serv it will supply you with plans and specifi cations that simplify your building problems and enable you to build economically. Men who have had years of experience are ready to help you and their services are FREE. We own our own forests, cut the logs, mill the . lumber and sell it direct to you. Ask the manager 'of the nearest B. P. yard. ice. Bnicp Poyotto I Iimhor Pn maw ■ UJVIIV hUIIIUUI VU. Emmett Yard. H. D. MAC VEAN, Manager FOR SALE Good Dairy Business Including Cows, Milk Route and Equipment Reason for selling, ill health of wife. This is a good paying proposition. For price and terms apply to AL WESTERVELT I mile East of Town. Phone 406-5. Delinquency No. _443; assessed to J; , W ' ' Vllt °n; record owner, James F. Lanman; person m possession, Un Dean Perkihs; record owner. Dean Perkins; person m possession Un re°n n -' . <ies . cr ' ptl0n ; U ot Block 18, Original Townsite of Letha. known; description: Lots 10 to 16 of Block 13, Original Townsite of Letha. Dated and first published August 17th, 1922 M s S. O. ZACHMAN, Ex-Officio Tax Collector of Gem County, Idaho.