Newspaper Page Text
EMMETT NEWS Silver Leaf Dairy, phone 54- J. 3. Sale—Cut flowers, If. Mrs. H. Titus. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Nicol and fami ly were visitors in Boise Saturday. Miss Mary Van Duesen and Miss Ruth Hawkins apent Monday in Boise. For Sale—8-horse gas engine, al-| most new. Cheap. Corner Grocery. Six large rooms to rent for house keeping- See Cochran, phone 57 W. L. A. Wheeler's father left Tues day for her home at Fairberry, Ne braska. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Harris enjoyed outing on Harris Creek over the week-end. Miss Mary Gamage is spending the week in Boise visiting at the home of Mrs. June Crossin. Miss Bernice Johnson, who has been attending summer normal in Boise was a home visitor Monday. Patnonixe home industry by de manding butter made by Gem Cream ery, an Emmett institution. Mr. Lyle Stilson arrived Monday from Gooding to visit at the home of his sister, Mrs. Robert Burlingame. Jason Kelley drove to High Valley Sunday to join his family, and Mrs. Oscar Ivy and family who are camped there. Mrs. Kirk Landers who recently underwent an operation at the Hewit son hospital was moved to her home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dion and Mrs. Walter Emard left Wednesday for Knox where they will spend two -weeks m camping out. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Madden and daughter Louise, Mrs. Marrs and Mrs. Merlin Nefzer left Friday for seve ral week's visit at John Day, Oregon. Dr. Allen arrived home Tuesday from Boise, where he has been under a doctor's care. He will return in two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Newcomer en joyed a visit Sunday from Mrs. New comer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hough ton, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Miller from Boise. Mr.and Mrs. Jim Barry left Tues day for Grassy Flats to join the Hol verson camping party. ■daughters, Thelma and Margaret -went up Saturday. Cteumbers for pickling, dill or sweet pickle size, 25c gallon; jer hone 84 For t £ an Their two per Çcins, 50c per gallon; 2% cents off on 10-gallon orders. Mrs. James Strang Boute 2, Emmett, or phone 90-J 4. Harold and Marion Coulter rived Saturday evening from Rose burg, Oregon to visit their mother, Mrs. A. Bird. The trip was made overland in two and a half days. ar All Men's and Women's bathing suits, special $1.19 A1I Misses and children's bathing suits, special 59c, 98c and $1.50. Fancv dress voiles to close, 7 yds 3for S1.Ô0 Printed dimities, 7 yds. for $1. 36-in. white skirting, 7 yds. for $1. Everfast suiting, pink or lavender, 7 yds. for $1.00 Lot 1 curtain scrimes to close, 5 yards for $1. Lot 2. curtain scrimes, to close, 7 yards for $1.00 Ripplette, Friday and Saturday special 19c. Glenkirk 32 in. percale, Friday and j ■Saturday 12c. At Golden Rule this week. , WEEKLY PROGRAM AT IDEAL THEATRE THURSDAY-FRIDAY, AUG. 17-18 Stranger Than Fiction featuring Katherine McDonald From Society girl to Carmen. Then to a gangstress Crooks, Police Raids, Aerial chases, yy u of the underworld, romance, thrills and laughter wniri an uie ume m a cya «ue of surprise. The Greenhorn"—Comedy Prices 10c and 25c. a SATURDAY, AUG. 19. ' The Silent Vow yy featuring Wm. Duncan and Edith Johnson In a thrilling photo-drama of the Northwest in which the star-director performs new feats of daring. Pathe News. Matinee 5 and 15c Aesop's Fables Night 10c and 25c SUNDAY-MONDAY, AUG. 20-21 The Golden Snare yy a Another thrilling James Oliver Curwood Production. Wonderful mystery prevades it; the stirring adventure of Royal Northwest Mounted police sergeant will grip you and then too, there is one of the strangest love stories world of snow and peril and you've ever seen, set in a wolves and fighting huskies. Two-Reel Mack Sennett Comedy Prices 10c and 25c TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY, AUG. 22-23 Roads of Destiny yy u featuring Pauline Frederick Do you remember "Madame X"? Here is another pic Pauline Frederick does some of the A soul stirring drama of the ture just as great, finest acting of her career, tragic forces of fate—with a great star and a great cast. Also "Ch urns" - Century Comedy Prices 10c and 25c Sawing and dressmaking at 518 Lo cust Ave. 32-6p. tf. 56-in. all wool fall skirting, $1.69 at Golden Rule Store. Jack Perry was visiting in town the first of the week from Weiser. Ed Sliman was here the first of the week from Gooding on business. Allen Cronk was taken to a Boise hospital Sunday and was operated on Monday. Cut flowers for sale. Gladioli 10c to 20c a flower stalk. Mrs. Ancy Sulli van, phone 7-R 5. F. D. Bowen returned the last of the week from Portland where he at tndede the Buyer's convention. Don't paint that car till you try the auto polish sold at Larkin Auco Co Makes 'em shine like new. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Sutton and daughter Helen Ann of Payette, were visiting Emmett friends over Friday. Thorning's Ford Repair Station ia making special rates for overhauling Ford cars. Call and learn particul ars. 45-4p. Hemstitching—Cheapest place ia Idaho. Satisfaction or no thing for 8c and 10c. Shane. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Mays, Mrs. Max Guenther and brother, Sam Reed left on Friday for Gross for a few week's outing. A marriage license was issued at Boise this week to Arthur Bowles of Emmett and Catherine McDaniels, Boise. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lathrop and family, who have been spending their vacation at the Lakes returned home Monday. Jensen's pure ice cream in any quantity for family use, delivered to your door. Phone 56-J 4, or call personally. Mrs. C. B. Polly is spending a couple of weeks with her parents in Nampa, while Mr. Polley is in Salt Lake on business. Remember to visit Golden Rule Ready-to-wear Dept, on balcony. New hats, coats and dresses arriving daily by express at Golden Rule. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Darrah and C. L. Burt and son Dallas, left Monday for the C. P. Hartley mine at Alpine to enjoy a few day's grouse hunting. Mrs. Evans who has spent the sum mer visiting at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. J. J. Dickson left Tuesday for her home at Knoxville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Scott, who have been visiting at the home of their sister, Mrs. T. J. Coonrod left Tues day for their home at Columbus, Kans Mrs. J. I. Hitt, who has spent seve ral days in the city visiting at the home of her son, Houston Hitt, re urned Saturday to her home at Hammett. We are busy, so come in and we will ir'.ve you a date, just like a deij t st does, fir3t in, first served, ail work guaranteed. Joe Kelly, mechan ic, Larkin Auto Co. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Riggs returned Monday morning from a three weeks trip to northern Idaho where they wen j. to a ttend the Langroise-Park , ... hurst wedding, Mr.and Mrs. Lawerence Dunn and children, and Mrs. Dunn's mother, Mrs. Miller arrived last week from Burley, and spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lyman. Max Guenther, painter and decora tor. Phone 172-W. SATURDAY SPECIALS AT THE GOLDEN RULE STORE 3 pkgs. Kora Krisk, 25c. Golden Rule Store. Jiffy Jell, 3 pkgs. 19c. Green Valley catsup, 2 bottles for Monogram pink anlmon, 2 for 25c. Sun Kist pork and beans, 3 cans for 40c. 45 c. • C. C. Wright left Monday for his old home at Craig, Colo. W. H. Terwilegar was up from Payette on business Tuesday. Gossard corsets for sale by Mrs. Kinsey, 212 4th St. Phone 269J. 61 Mrs. G. A. Warden and Frank Hut ton were Boise visitors over Monday. For Sale—8-horse gas engine, al most new. Cheap. Corner Grocery. Miss Alta Atkins left Monday for several days visit with friends in Boise. The Gem Creamery pays 4c mium for sweet cream delivere station. rti Mrs. P. W. Polly leaves Friday for a visit with her son Howard at Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Durham were over from Boise Sunday visiting at the Ed Modin home. Painting, paper cimining. Walter 206 Second street. Mr. and Mrs. Rube Shaw returned hanging and cal and Harold Brown, Sunday from a visit with the Carl Hiatt family at Driggs. Mrs. Thomas Beatty arrived home Monday, after a weeks visit with her husband at Payette Lakes. Have you seen the U. S. red tubes They are a real tube with real stuff in them. Larkin Auto Co. Mrs. Reub Eaton and children, Harriet and Howard went to Placer viile Sunday to visit friends. Miss Nora Johnston returned Sun day from Boise where she has been attending summer normal school. Dr. Minnie Trexler returned Satur day from a two weeks visit .at the Canady ranch in Upper Squaw creek. Jack Perry was in town Monday from Weiser visiting his parents, and his brother and wife, who are here from Iowa. Mrs. Thomas Maddock left Wed nesday evening for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. H. Madsen of the Em mett bench. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Carmichael, and and Mrs. Carmichael's sister, re turned Tuesday from several days camping trip. Those of our patrons who do not wish to churn, we will give a pound of butter for each pound of butter fat. Gem Creamery. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Young left Tues day evening for Brownlee where they will spend a week or ten days on their nephew's ranch. Misses Josephine Wilson and Mar garet McKie who attended summer school are visiting for a few days be fore returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Flagler and fam ily left Tuesday for their home at Spokane, after spending the summer on their fruit ranch east of town. We are busy, so come in and we will give you a date, just like a den tist does, first in, first served, all work guaranteed. Joe Kelly, mechan ic. Larkin Auo Co. The W. F. M. S. of the M. E. church will hold a cooked food sale at the Pioneer Furniture Store Saturday afternoon a* 2:30 o'clock. Come and buy your Sunday dinner. Miss Margaret Casper of McCall spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Walter Emard convalescing from a tonsil adenoid operation which she under went in Boise last week. t , , Mr. and Mrs. Clayt Knox and fan.. ly. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wilhelm and family, Dr. and Mrs. Woods and daughters and Vern Meyers returned Sunday from an outing in Grassy Flats. Mrs. Hazel Begeman and son who were here from Ann Arbor, Michigan, to spend the summer with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Flager left Wednesday. She will visit Seattle and coast points before returning home. Mrs. W. T. Nelson, who lives near, Bramwell, was in town Saturday on business, and left a three year paid in advance subscription with The In dex, stating that they couldn't get a long without the family guide. Buy your new fall blankets now. New Wool nap blankets. 60x76. $3.48 New Woolnap blankets. 66x80. $3.98 New Woolnap blankets. 72x80, $4.48 Finest all wool 5 pound blankets $8.95 Finest all wool S >% lb. blankets *10 95 Extra quality 72x84 wool blankets. $12.75. At Golden Role this week. Dr. and Mrs. B. O. Clark drove to Boise Monday evening to take Mr. Purday of the reclamation service to * l . . j the hospital where he was operated on for appendicitus. Drs. Clark and Pittenger performing the operation. The circus in Boise Monday at tracted quite a number of Emmett, both young and old to its doors. A mong those attending were Mrs. T.B. Hargus, and two daughters, Helen and Frances Hope, Miss Adele Rund strum, Miss Emma Louise Durham, Merton Cook and daughter Maxime, Dr. Reynolds and daughter Lois, and Miss Sarah WWis, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Murray and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Newcomer, Mrs. McLain and brother Mr. Randall and the fami lies of Lester Case and H. D. Buschke, Don't paint that car till you try the auto polish sold at Larkin Auto Co. Makes 'em shine like new. Buy sweet pasteurised cream at Gem Creamery. Do you need practical nursing? Call 31 R 3. 28-tf. Earl Rinker and Leonard Manley left Saturday for a weeks visit in Salt Lake. Auto Livery service, as cheap and convenient as owning your own car. Phone 92-J-3. Dressmaking done by the day. Mrs. Georgia Sexton, box 125, Colonial Rooming house. Feed your chickens Prepared Dry Mash and you will get good returns. Co.-op. Exchange. Mrs. Guy Dayton was operated upon at the Hewittson hospital this morning for appendicitis. Dr. A. N. Gaebler of St. Louis, is in the city this week looking over his orchards on the bench. Ed Vahlourg was m town on busi ness Wednesday. He reports his wife as seriously ill at Cascade. Have you seen the U. S. red tubes They are a real tube with real stuff in them. Larkin Auto Co. Miss 'Louise Kelley left this morn ing for Cascade, where she will spend a few days at the Hot Springs. Mrs. Jason Kelley and family re turned home Wednesday from a ten days camping trip in High valley. Early Harvest Red, Transparent, Early June and Duchess apples for sale at 50c per box. Phone 31-J3, Miss Charlotte Parrish returned Saturday from McCall where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Huff. Miss Inez Norwood is enjoying a visit this week from Miss Ethel Nor dell, who arrived Sunday from Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dion and Mrs. Walter Emard left Wednesday spend several days vacation at Knox. Shaves, haircuts, shampoos, Yes, you can get anything in the barber line at Foster's, Bank of Emmett building. If you want to receive the highest cash price for cream, poultry and eggs bring them to the Gem lee Cream Company. Mrs. L. V. Kenkle of Caldwell was a guest at the homes of Mrs. Herb Haylor and Mrs. Ancy Sullivan the past week. Miss Florence and Doris Parrish left Saturday to spend a few days at their brother Paul's home in Cald well. P 45. to Mr. and Mrs. Adams, traveling for the Winchester company, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cammerer. The H. C. Wones and G. F. Wolfe families,' from Boise, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ancy Suliivan. For hemstitching, button hole and button making call on Mrs. M. L. Murray, opposite postoffice. Hours frm 1 to 5 p. m. R. D. Hubbard, federal land loan appraiser has been in this vicinity this week on business connected with the federal land bank. The Primary Department of the Christian Church will give an Ice Cream Social on the City Lawn on Saturday evening, August 19, 1922. Everybody welcome. Dr. and Mrs. B. O. Clark and Mrs. E. C. Panton and children drove out to the dam Tuesday evening, to look over the work that is being done there. Mrs. George Fisher was in town Wednesday from Garden Valley. Mrs. Fisher is looking for a house for the winter, and will put the children in school here. The W. F. M. S. of the M. E. church will hold a cooked food sale at the Pioneer Furniture Store Saturday afternoon at 2:30 0 . clcck . C ome and buy your Sunday dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knox and family and Mr. and Mrs. James Bar nard and family left Wednesday for R^'^ôx^drovë'themüp'in his truck, ^ Go8gard Corget8 , ßrassiers, ; Combinations G irdlettes, Children's KWdie whisU At home Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Will call at ! vour horn* if desired, 'see Mrs. J. L. K - nsev , 12 4th phone 269J Mf and F 0rr of Payette were ?uests gt the home of Mr . and Mrg _ 0n , s arents , Mr . and Mrs. G. f . Church gundgy Thev were aC - compan i ed by Mr. Orr's brother, An , ~ v drew , of Kansas * l0 ' , . Ad Simons is spending the week in Boise. The store is being managed du ring his absence by his son. Lloyd, who will leave at the end of the week ,, . . for Portland where he has accepted a position with the M. Seller Company. Men's Elk tan outing shoes, $2.45 JJ en . s J 1 ? 11 *? outing shoes SL95. Men s black cruiser, 10 in. top $o.4o hgnly tan made for wrvic(< gt $3.45. Men's Goat akin work gloves, 45c. M *"' s Horse hide work gloves, 95c P *" U ' ,l ' 5 °' * 1 ' 95 ' ,nd Men's khaki shirts, 95c, *1.50 and $2.45 at Golden Rule. Mrsi F. C. Popham and two sons, R. G. and Donald arrived this week from Iowa, and have joined their hus band and father at this place. Mr. Popham recently purchased the Nina Jotson ranch southeast of town. Popham will soon leave for Parma where he has, for a number of years, held a position in the city schools there. Get an Atwater Kent ignition sys ten; put on that Ford, saves gas oil and cuss words. Larkin Auto Co. Mr. The Cash Grocery Groceries. Tobacco and Candies ✓ Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. Mason and Economy Fruit Jars, Caps and Rubbers OUR SPECIALTIES WILL EXTEND THROUGH SIX DAYS IN EACH WEEK. Service the best we can obtain and extend to our patrons. Give us a trial. CHAS. L. MARTIN, Prop. Dodge Cars Reduced Due to the recent reduction in freight rates, Dodge Bros.' vehicles are selling for the following price f. o. b. Emmett: _$1065.00 _1015.00 _ 1655.00 _ 1170.00 _ 1030.00 _1155.00 _ 888.00 Better get your order in for that new car as they are hard to get. Touring ..... Roadster - Sedan___ Business Coupe - Screen _ Panel __ Chassis_ —t. Larkin Auto Co Texico Motor Oil, Gas and Accessories. Joe Kelly, Mechanic Walter Larkin, Proprietor. ■ a 4. ®* , -sL ..Si. Ttisafisnx. For the Golden Days of Sport A day in the fields and woods with a good dog and a gun—a whir of wings in the thicket—the thrill of a well-placed shot. What true sportsjnan can forget these memories 1-I 9 Winchester shotguns with their perfect balance, smooth-working, never-failing action are the choice of seasoned sportsmen everywhere. For upland game you are sure of a hard-hitting, evenly-distributed shot pattern. Maybe you're one of the men who has been saying for years, "I'm going to buy a Winchester. Now is the time to get your new shotgun. Enjoy it the whole season. White-Cammerer Hdw. Co. TV/\Cff£ST£R s tor* Emmett, Idaho Phone THE 201 Make Your Outing a Time of Perfect Rest and Relaxation. This can't be done except you are properly equipped with spare tire, patching material, extra gasoline and oil and those things that insure a way out of every difficulty you are liable to encounter with your car. We can show you a great number of these necessities, also ad vise you concerning roads, routes, etc. GEM CO. VULCANIZING WORKS Did you see the bobbed heads in You can get one at Frank town this week? the Overland Barber shop. Foster, prop. C. R. Bingham and son of Guthrie. Okla.. arrived in the city Monday for a visit with Mr. Bingham's mother, Mrs. Joel Brown. Mrs. Luke Rinker and Mrs. Laur I ence Polly returned from a Boise hos ! pital last week. Both are recovering nicely from their operations. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bingham, Mrs. McReynolds of Boise, and Miss Rice of Los Angelos made up a party of j sightseers in Emmett Wednesday.