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ft 8 -ym International Bible Students The International Bible Students af Emmett have their Bible study in {b, G. A. R. hall at 10:30 a. m. every Sunday. Also prayer and testimony meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. All are invited to attend. Seats free; no collections. Latter Day Saints. Services every Sunday as follows: Sunday school at 10:30 a. m., services ^ 12:20. Mutual at 8 p. m. All are invited. Geo. F. Smith, Bishop. Catholic Church. Father Dwyer: Nampa, Phone 515 Services on the first, second and fourth Sundays. Mass during the summer at 8 o'clock, followed by Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Confessions are heard on Saturday evening. Christian Science Society. Meets every Sunday morning in the Moose hall at 11 o'clock. A cordial welcome extended to all. Methodist Episcopal Church. Elmer Grant Keith, Pastor. The outing Sunday services were very helpful and pleasant, and en joyed by a large number of people. The socialibility of the after service was a very pleasant feature. The Sunday School will convene at 10:00. It is very gratifying that des pite the vacation time the attendance has been well pas tors theme at the 11:00 o'clock hour of worship is to be "Changing Needs and Changing Creeds." A study of the question of revising ideas of some things fundamental. At 6:30 p. m. the Junior League will be conducted . Mrs. R. E. Shaw is the efficient superintendent. The Epworth League will hold their de votional meeting at 7:00 and the Evening hour of worship will be at This is a Union meeting with the Rev. A. C. Lathrop preaching the sermon. The services will be held at the Methodist Church. 8 : 00 . Baptist Church A. C. Lathrop, Minister Sunday services are as follows-10 m. our Church School, 11 a. m. Morning worship, 7 p. m. Young peo ple's meeting, 8 p. m. United service in the Methodist church. The regular mid-week service on Wednesday at a. After a pleasant and restful vaca tion in Idaho's beautiful hill country, the pastor and family returned home this week. Pastor Lathrop announces that he is ready for full service and invites all the community to call on him for any help he can render. He is always glad to be used for every possible ministry. For the information of recent ar rivals in Emmett we desire to an nounce that the doors of the Emmett Baptist Church are open to you and a hearty welcome awaits you to all ser vices and use of the church. Ours is a home church desirous of doing every possible service for the good of the community and people. Make it your community center and use our building for all reasonable purposes.! The pastor resides just outside the city limits North East of Emmett, ftis phone number is 78w. | 8 p. m. I ANNOUNCEMENTS Emmetts ville Lodge I. O. O. F. meetings are held Monday night of each week, beginning at 7:30. Visiting brethren invi.ted. A. L. HETHERINGTON, N. G. H. HAYLOR, Secretary. "The Wonder City." London radiates from two main points—first, the city of London, the center of which Is the Royal exchange und the Bank of England ; the city of London, the birthplace of the commer cial life of the Anglo-Saxon race, and still the greatest financial and commer cial city In the world ; and, second, Westminster, the center of which is the houses of parliament—the birth place of free Institutions which have been followed in every part of the globe.—From Editor and Furnisher, New York. The Everyday Sine. I have heard men. In family prayer, confess their wickedness and pray that God would forgive them the sins that they got from Adam, but I do know that I ever heard a father hi family prayer confess that he hud a had temper. I never heard :t mothei confess In family prayer that she I never beard which are of the not was . irritable and snappish, liersons bewail those sins and artificers the engineers moral condition of the fatii.I.v. Tim to d< "Lord. Th "I •old."— Henry •hat angels would not know with a prater that began, L no west that 1 am a sc 'Yard Beecher. Neon's Peculiar Property. elements of Neon, one of the rarest the air, has the peculiar characteris tic of glowing bright red electric current passes through it. sa > s Popular Mechanics Magazine. This has been utilized in a new spark plug hard rubber small glass tube sealing hen an tester, consisting of « shell that contains a When the metal cap. of neon. the tube, touches a spark plug, the ac tion of the neon quickly shows whetli •orklnz or not. •r the nine Is Infection Confer* Immunity. was assistant the Zeitschrift Dr. F. Neufeld, who to Koch, reviews in filer Tuberculose (Leipzig) all the e forts that have been made to produce Immunity l'rom tuberculosis, and as serts that there is no method of vac The only clnation applicable to man. Immunity attainable is that from mild j lnfection. comes to a similar conclusion. Wnssennann ; Dr. A. von I A FAMILY AFFAIR By CORA E. CRAWFORD. ((£), 1921, by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) ''Aren't they lovely !" caressing the blottis that had Just ar rived via messenger. ''Who's the nut?" sardonically in quired her brother. Betty was "Robert, do you think that's nice?" remonstrated mother, as Betty's face took on the deeper flush of temper. They were at dinner. Betty was dressed in readiness for that cavalier who would shortly follow his floral of fering. Bob had been silent and no ticeably downcast during the meal. Just then the phone rang and put an end to any further bickerings. Bob arose with alacrity and flushed eager ness, not unrolxed with hope, and dashed to answer the call. His vibrant voice was quite audible in the dining room. "Yes—yes. It's Bob wasn't going! . . . You—you mean It? . . . Oh. I say, don't. You needn't he sorry ; It wasn't your fault—It was all mine! . . . Well, let's forget It! . . . Forgive you? 'Course! When wlU you be ready? ... Be there? You betcher! . . . Am I glad you called ! Say. I'll tell the world I'm tickled silly! And I'll tell you to night!" lowering his voice. But the very Intensity of his whisper burned No, I Its way to the ears In the dining room. Rather sheepishly Boh resumed his seat at the table. The fond sympathy In his mother's eyes did not make the mocking raillery In Betty's • any the easier to hear. "Who's the nut. Bobble? That fluffy Kitten that has been purring little round you lately? Imagine a girl an* swering to the name of Kitten ! You've rubbed her fur the wrong way, have you? That's why he couldn't eat his dinner, mother!" jeered Betty, provok in ply. "Betty, dear, don't. You know Kit ten's very sweet. And she likes Boh, I'm sure." mother hastened to soothe with a fond glance at her son. Then Betty hastened to put on those few necessary finishing touches, and Both Bob dashed upstairs to dress. were verv happv and satisfied with P= w i solved. Mother sat dreamily on at The table. She „„„ deal of laughter, and some sigh there were six Romeos and Juliets! (When will this romantic tale cease to Intrigue the heart of youth?) hat tragedy had one Romeo The sighs of relief . •as smiling quietly and enigmatically to herself. F or she had a thought all her own! later the grand of the Literary club "came •as the unique ell veeks Three masque off." The masque max of the successful season. r , ,, __ ao „ h Following announcement, each char aeter. made Immortal hv some famons author or poet, was obliged to walk the full length of the hall, the or chestra playing proper accompanying strains. Appropriate applause greeted each presentation, hut it was when Romeo and Juliet were announced that the "house canie down." so to speak. •as much applause, a great For S,T There But by been .Tulletless! to the God of Chance, who went up had thus ordered an even number! It was an absolutely perfect eve It was an n ) ni r—"the best ever." hoth Romeo and Juliet thought to themselves. "You dance divinely!" breathed Ro meo. once, emerging from his assumed character. "And you !" she murmured, giving his hand a responsive pressure. Again, just before unmasking time. "Who ARE you?" demanded Romeo, Intensely. a ] wa y P hq—Romeo, hut who will YOU : H | s vo | PP trembled a little, ; . pvnded j,| s Pln hrac P and he followed her Into the hall again, for well he knew that there were five other Ro He was quite sure she was he had ever known. no one "Why. Juliet, to be sun o'clock^' demurely. -'.Ill 12 "T shall "And then?" leaning closer. Juliet!" She skillfully "Mayb meos that had cast covetous eyes up on his Juliet, and many other youths who evidently forgot that only Romeos should he ellglhle to Juliets. As for Juliet, she was not averse to her cavalier's Insistence. Almost before, they knew It. un masking time was upon them. They thrilled through and through! verp removed and were Palpitatingly masks eager eyes sought eager eyes. Then, ncross their faces, there chased In rapid succession many, many emotions. Eagerness gave place to blank astonish ment, swift and startling, not nnmlxed Then •omler and incredulity! with unbelief, wild denial, eold horror, a great deal of sheepishness and embar rassment ! But n keen' sense of humor finally asserted Itself and there came a twin kle of amusement, followed by a burst of healthy, hearty, appreciative laueh Admlratlon was the final expres hole-heartedly con ter. slon In the eyes of hoth. "Some Juliet!'' ceded Bob. "Some Romeo!" echoed Betty. Then, ns both caught mother's merry and satisfied eye in the balcony, "Some schemer!" they murmured. A Bad Beginning. "Your new salesman didn't la*t long." "No brains." "Eh?" "The first thing he did was to call on one of our best customers and park „ lighted eigarotto on a $300 ma desk."—Birmingham Ag» nogany Herald. I , "Bulldozing." The bull-whack, also called bulW Whip, Is a terrible whip, with a short handle, and a long heavy lash. In Tex?,* and Louisiana it Is used by drovers to intimidate refractory cattle. It Is said that the \:ae of this weapon gave rise to the term "bulldozer." The term first found Its way into print Just after (he Civil war. whe* t *nme to mean Intimidation for poMtfrt. pur poses hv violence or threats of vio lence. Since that time lise won! .''as acquired a wider sign flounce and natty v : th reference to int mhlatioi he used ij any Hail to the Chief. "At one moment." an afternoon vis Itor to the lounge of a London hotel writes. "I counted five women powder ing their noses; three were attending was tactfully brushing her cheek with rouge, while the majority were puffing away at cigarettes of various shapes and sizes.'' Did he expect them to be singing made his entrance, or what?—West to the intricacies of manicure; another >f welcome as he chorus minster Gazette. The Purpose. Proportion Is almost Impossible to human beings. There Is no one does not exaggerate. In conversation, men are encumbered with personality and talk too much. In modern scul|s ture, picture and poetry, the beauty is miscellaneous; the artist works here and there and at all points, adding and adding, instead of unfolding the unit of his thought. Beautiful details I,. we must have, or in must he means and never other, eye must not lose sight for a moment artlsi ; The j of Ute purpose. Einer; m. The Hope of Middle Age. reached middl h«s After mini ®k re fi p finds riuit all the bright am bitions of youth have degenerated and merged Into the one uncertain hope that he can keep his stomach and al lied organs functioning with reaaona ble efficiency and regularity from day to day.—Ohio State Journal. Serial 022602 Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Boise, Idaho, August 14, 1922. Notice is hereby given that Frank A. McConnell, of Montour, Idaho, who, on September 18, 1919, made Addi fmJSSLfg 1 si an( j f or the County of Gem, State of Idaho, and having been by the judge of said County in the month of Jan uary, 1917 sentenced to serve a term of life imprisonment in the State Penitentiary of the State of Idaho, will make an application for commu tation of sentence, the same to be NW%, SWÏ4, Sec.4; SM>SE>4, NE><tSE14, Section 5, Township 6 North> Ra n g e 1 E., and SV4SW14, Section 33, Township 7 North. Range l East, Boise Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to make 3 year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before W. T. Crouch, . . , . United States Commissioner at his offics> >t Emmettj Idaho> on the 20th day of September, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: J. Samuel Wilson, Orville C. Mc Connell, J. T. Joines, and David R DeGraw, all of Montour, Idaho, BARTLETT SINCLAIR, Register Notice for Publication. Notice is hereby given that I, Nick St. Clair, having been convicted for the crime of murder in the District Court of the 7th Judicial District in tation of sentence, the same to be pre sented to the Honorable Board of Par dons at its next regular meeting. NICK ST. CLAIR, P. O. Box 58, Boise, Idaho. Notice to Creditors. Estate of Charlie Maxwell, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned administratrix of the es tate of Charlie Maxwell, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said de ceased, to exhibit them with the nec essary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this no ice, to the said Administratrix at Room 16, Bank of Emmett Building, in Emmett, County of Gem, State of Idaho, this being the place fixed for the transaction of the business of said estate. EUNICE M. MAXWELL, Administratrix Dated August 10th, 1922. Geo. C. Huebener, attorney for Ad ministratrix, Emmett, Idaho. Notice to Creditors. Estate of Sterling P. Bane, Deceased Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned administratrix of the es tate of Sterling P. Bane, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons hav ing claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within ten months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administratrix, at the law office of J. P. Reed, in Emmett, County of Gem, State of Idaho, this being the place fixed for the transaction of thr business of said estate. Dated and first published August 17, 1922. Notice of Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an execution in my hands, issued out of the District Court of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the NELLIE L. BANE, Said Administratrix Notice of Sale of Estraj. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at | barn in Emmett, Idaho, on Saturday, September 16, 1922, at 2 o'clock p. m„ the following described property, towit: One bay mule, brand Hat TJB on left shoulder, shod in front, has sad dle marks. Unless said property be sooner re deemed by the owner paying all ac crued costs. Bird's LYNN M. NOLAND, Sheriff. Sheriff Gem County, Idaho. First publication Aug. 10, 1922. County of Gem in the suit of P. H. the 28th day of July, A. D. 1922, I have levied upon all the right, title and interest of the said Lou Ober meyer in and to the following des cribed property, situated in Gem County, Idaho, viz: The NW!4 of the NW1» of Section 25, Township 6 North, Range 2 W. B. M. And the NVz of the SW!4 of section 25, Town ship 6 North, Range 2 W. B. M. To satisfy a judgment of Four Hundred Sixty-eight and 88-100 dollars, inter-, est and costs. Notice is hereby given, That on Saturday the 9th day of September, A. D. 1922, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door of the County Court house in the City of Emmett, Idaho 1 will sell all the right, title and interest of the said Lou Ober rr.eyer in and to the said above des cribed property, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in lawful money of the United States, to satis fy said execution and all costs. Given under my hand, this 10th day of August, A. D. 1922. LYNN NOLAND, Serial 022731. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Boise, Idaho, July 25, 1922. Notice is hereby given that Samuel Y. Wright, of Ola, Idaho, who on July 30, 1920, made Additional Homestead Entry Act. Dec. 29, 1916, No. 022731, for N%SW*4, Section 8, Township 9 North. Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make 3 year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office at Boise Idaho, on the 8th day of September, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Florence R. Davis, Edward L. Davis and Edgar White, all of Ola, Idaho; and Virgil C. Douglas, of Boise, Idaho BARTLETT SINCLA IR, Register. Notice to Creditors. Estate of Tycko Sedin, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned Administrator of the Es tate of Tycko Sedin deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouch ers, within 4 months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administrator at his office located in the basement of the Emmett Bank Building, Emmett, • County of Gem, State of Idaho, this being the place fixed for the transaction of the busi ness of said estate. Dated August 8th, 1922. W. F. SINCLAIR, Said Administrator. Serial 021628. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Boise, Idaho, July 25, 1922. . Notice is hereby given that Silas G. Smidt, of Horseshoe Bend, Idaho, who, on September 17, 1919, made Additional Homestead Entry Act Dec. 29, 1916, No. 021628, for SE^SE^ Sec. 19; S«SW>4, NEViSWU, SE%. S Vi NE VA, NE >4 NE Vi, Section; 30, Township 7 North. Range 3 East,; Boise Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make 3 year Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above des cribed, before Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office, at Boise, Idaho, on the 12th day of, September, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Martin Olsen, Frank A. Greer, 1 Miron A. Eastman, and Frank A. Noland, all of Horseshoe Bend, Idaho. BARTLETT SINCLAIR, Register. Notice. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Notice is hereby given that the State of Idaho on the 28th day of July, 1922, filed in this office a list of lands No. 026562. selected by its State Board of Land Commissioners for School Indemnity Purposes under Section No. 4, Act of July 3rd, 1890, as follows: NV4SWVI, NW'i SE'4, SEV4SEV4 Section 32, Township 6 N., Range 1 E. WVéSWVi, Section 33, Township 6 N., Range IE. Copies thereof by descriptive sub divisions have been posted in this of fice for inspection by any person in-, térested, and the public generally. Within the next sixty days from the date of the first publication hereof, protests or contests, aginst the claim of the State to the tracts, or sub-div herein described, on the ground ismns that the same is MORE VALUABLE FOR MINERAL than for other pur poses; will be received and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure to protest, or contest the claim of the State within the time specified, will be considered sufficient. evidence of its non-mineral character, and the selection being otherwise free from obligation, will be recom-j mended for approval. BARTLETT SINCLAIR, Register F. B. KINYON, Receiver. First publication Aug. 3, 1922. Last publication Aug. 31, 1922. Serial 021953—Orig. Serial 024597—Addl. * Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at Boise, Idaho, July 18,; 1922. Notice is hereby given that George M. Clevenger, of Horseshoe Bend, who on June 21, 1917, made Homestead Entry No. 021953, for NE44NWi4,j Lots 1 and 2, Sec. 27; SE14 NE 14, Sec. 28; T. 8 N. R. 3 E., and on Feb.! 20, 1920, made AddL Enlarged Hd. j Entry No. 024597, Act June 17, 1910, for SE % SW14, Sec. 22; SW>4 NE%, 1 SE%NW>4, and NE%SW*M, Sec. 27,j T. 8 N. R. 3 E., B. M. has filed notice j of intention to make three-year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiv er at the U. S. Land Office, at Boise, Idaho, on the 28th day of August, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank N. Prout. Harry M. Mcln tire, Julius Anson, and Andrew i Thompson, all of Horseshoe Bend, Idaho. BARTLETT SINCLAIR, Register. | / \ Of Interest to Motorists [ J ] 1 .. .... . — — ■ |~ : ! — ! — i M. & M. Garage STUDEBAKER — Dealers in CARS FORD CARS and FORDSON TRACTORS Emmett Garage PHONE 11 First and Washington Street* Auto Painting Shop at 114 South Washington St. Gem County Garage OAKLAND CHANDLER OVERLAND | and CLEVELAND CARS E. H. STRANG Residence Phone 166W Phone 12 Emmett, Idaho « THE PASTIME CIGAR STORE' Cigars, Tobacco, Candy and Soft Drink* Pocket BiliiaiJjs A nice comfortable place for gentlemen to enjoy themselves. 4 v J. McNISH General Merchandise The Store of Quality and Service ; Emmett Meat Co Phone 24-J BEEF, FORK, VEAL AND MUTTON SAUSAGE AND BOLOGNA A SPECIALTY ; Home Cured Hams and Bacon j Valley Meat Market F. A. Stewart, Proprietor -All kinds of FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL AND LAMB of First Class Quality. Cruickshank Building Phone 204 HETHERINGTON & CO. ELECTRICAL SUPPLY HOUSE We are especially equipped for armature and motor repairing of all kinds, tractors for all classes of electrical work. Fans Con Fixtures Motors Phone 37W Emmett, Idaho BERRY & CAMPBELL H. W. TITUS Contractor and Builder Contractors and Builders All Kinda of Job Work Shop on Boise Avenue on Ditch Bank Shop on Washington St., north of canal.