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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
[ jfEWS OF GEM COUNTY Bf Hm lades'* Oomapoadwte C o Mrs. D. Seaton of Brownlee spent last week visiting her mother Mrs. Wood, on Boise highway, returning home the first of the week. Mrs. Frank Shelly foiwwly a resident in the Lincoln school dis trict, spent Saturday the guest of Mr*. F. A. Katenmeyer. Miss Flora Carter returned the last ,f the past week from Normal »chool The*nielons' ara being hustled off, mont of the growers making daily, SOUTH SLOPE WUI trip now to market. Mrs. Tucker and Nadine spent a few days this week in Nampa. Wm yS H^rt'Ipent' Suöday"'at the! Joe Hanson and wife visited at the Henry Harpt home. Henry Harpt home Monday. Mrs. J. 1. Hitt, Ja m«H, Mary and Mrs. Houston Hitt and children spent Sunday at the G. P. Hall ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Faris of Wilder were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dunn and children and Mrs. Dunn's mother Mrs. Miller came laet Thursday from Rup ert to visit at the Lyman and Flagler homes. They returned home Monday of laat week. Miss Ida May Flagler entertained a party of friends Saturday compli mentary to Mra. Leona Campbell Bur ton. A most delightful afternoon was spent. _ ,, , . The tri-eUte picnic on Friday last brought out a large crowd, big lunch baskets snd a general good time had. , Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Flagler, Mrs. Bege ma At Mr n L Hnd M M r r Rabh U F l 'ag I fe r r' and Mrs. Dunn and Mr. K w made a call Sunday at the C. W. Cook home. , , . j left early Monflay morning for a rest ,n the mountains. They went direct j sâkjWîâïs i wife are located, and expect a fine WHS vacation. CENTRAL MESA Mrs. Jess Buzzard and Maude came over from Nampa Tuesday and are visiting with friends this week. Mrs. Waite Hunter entertained a dozen little folks Monday afternoon in honor of her daughter Loree's sixth birthday, Mrs. Hunter served ice cream and cake and candy to them. : Those present were. Margaret and Goldie Spear, Dorothy and Harvey Hubbard, Dorothv Koonlz, Guy and Boyd Wallace, f'earl and Marjorie Schoening, Mrs. Marilyn and baby, lna Fay, Mrs. W. E. Buck and Inez and Mrs. Maude WillÎMiTiH. Mrs. Maude Williams of Wilder is spending this week with her parents Mr ami Mrs. Brogan. Maude Buzzard spent Wednesday evening with the Spear girls. Mr. and Mrs. Waite Hunter and children were Sunday afternoon vis-1 Hors at the Robt. Gordon home. Mr. and Mrs. George Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. L. Brogan and Fred Brogan and Raymond Davidson went to High valley Saturday noon return ing Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Aston and chll dren went for an outing up above Horseshoe Bend Sunday. Mrs. George Martin was a dinner guests at tne Ward Fuller home Thursday. Mm. Jeaa Buizard and Maude spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mrs. Ward Fuller. (Too late for laat week) Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Aston and chil Fred Brogan and Ernest Buck wen? dren spent Wednesday evening at the J. A. Will* home. dinner guests at the P. A. Limhaugh home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Murray was an all day visitor of Mrs. Ward Fuller Tues Emmett Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Aston and children and Mrs. Murray helped Ward Fuller eat his birthday day. j Mr. and Mrs. Waite Hunter and J children spent Wednesday evening at 1 dinner Tuesday, August 8. ! : GemCountyPicnic Held Under Auspices of Progressive Party AT DEWEY GROVE 1 2 Mile East of Emmett on i Thursday, Aug, 24 EVERYBODY INVITED BASKET DINNER Bring Your Dinner; ! Speaking by Prominent Speakers at 1:30 P. M. COMMITTEE. the Robert Gordon home. Delmere Slor<e celebrated his birth , Augur.t 10, by having a number of his friends with him at his parents home, Mrs. Slone served ice cream and a , OV cly angel food birthday cake hj , 3ntima Hill, ' * Bert Hunter returned from River side, Utah, Saturday and is helping ^ brother J. W'aite Hunter with his rutt|ng thiH w „ ( , k 1 • Brogan has rented the P. A. Line baugh place, he gets possession Sep t ember 1. The Linebaugh family ex pect to go to Oregon then. Mr. and Mrs. George Davidson and son Raymond spent Sunday at the j>„ n <l home in Boise. Wayne Robinson went to Parma Tuesday for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Martin and Mrs. Brogan were Sunday visitors at the Charles VanFleet home. Regina Conrad and Martin Lubcke of I'arma were married at 2:30, Au gu»t 8. They will make their home at Apple valley. Woah Lansing and Gladys Gray were visitors at the Walter Buck home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lusty were Sunday callers a the Tenney were home. John Holtz came down from High valley Monday and visited at the L. Brogan home. Waite Hunter and family were Sun day visitars at the Clarence Rynear *°Mra? Ernest Kroush and Aileen Kroush were Wednesday evening vis ^ the e Jett home . j^j r an( ) Mrs. Thos Slone and chil dren were Tuesday levening visitors at Evening the Wells family -j ■ s'il;;,iïÂr '*"• has purchased the Walter Buck twenty acres and f?eta possession November 1. LETHA . . A1 . Bismark Y oust 1er took Ed Allen across the river Thursday, where ne joined Mr. Newell and Mr. Rinker and together they looked about and talked over the bridge situation and tried to formulate a plan by which could be made possible by the time the fruit from the bench needed mov ing. R. L. Rattan went oyer also. Painters were busy Friday making Co.'s local plant. Other painting is also being done about the buildings. Watermelons were shipped from I^tha Friday, Mr. Mortensen superin tended the loading. Mrs. Wilson went to Emmett Thursday to see her physician. She has not been well lately. . The Ed Rott and James kiggins families took dinner at P. i*. Rotts bio session Friday, fishing and bathing and later had a fine supper at Mrs. Emerson's. > S.D. Riggs called at his brother's home Monday afternoon. Irma Wilson entertained at a birth day party Tuesday. The guests were the Pollvwogs. A pleasant afternoon was passed with delicious refresh ments served at the close. Mrs. Og den, Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Emer Sunday. R. L. Rattan took Mrs. Wilson to Boise vallev Sunday. Mr. Youtsler helped Dan Hansen in his haying Friday. The Polly wog Club held an enjoya They enjoyed son helped entertain. ... ... The Youtsler family visited with the Riggs family Saturday afternoon. Robert Miles made a business call a t Henry Riggs Tuesday evening. Emory Ogden did some leveling for D. F. Bott last week. Mr*. Scott called on Mrs. Riggs Wednesday afternoon. State-Wide Welfare Meeting The Idaho State Hygiene and Wel fare campaign are holding a corn munity welfare meeting to the in oitizen, Sunday, terest of every August 20th. 8p. m. at the Methodist church. Subject: ''Human Waste, Its Came and Cure." Speaker, Dr. Theo. Hanaon of Denver, Colo. This is a national movement to secure state laws to check the vicious commer cializiijg stimulation that is creating criminals and thus save our homes and schools and churches, in short our youth life, hence civilization. No civic or religious organization can af ford to ignore this great program, with teeth, for ferreting crime, our urged to come and get the facts on conditiona presented by a master speaker, and the organized remedy used in five states for their correction. All Pionet-rs to Hold Picnic at Dewey's Grove The Payette River Pioneer asso ciation have made arrangements to hold a picnic and get together meet ning at Dewey's Grove on Sunday, August 27, and it is expected that a large crowd will be present. Many old pioneers who live in other parts of the state will be here and it will be a genuine re-union of Idaho pioneers. All pioneers who came to Idaho prior to 1891 are cordially invited and urg ed to be present. A fine progrom will be given in the afternoon. Progressive Party to Hold Picnic The Progressive party will hold a picnic at the Dewey Grove on Thurs day, August 24, at which time promi nent men in the party will be present and will deliver addresses. Every body invited. Bring your own lunch. Dewey's Grove next Thursday. See the ad elsewhere in this paper. New Church Organized The Church of God, a new organi zation ns far as Emmett is concerned will open a series of meetings, start ing Friday night at the Christian church. The meetings will be held every night at 8 p. m. and the public is cordially invited to all the services. : Tile Factory Gets Contract The Emmett Cement Tile factory has been busy the past week manu facturing tile to be used for a sewer system at the Black Canyon dam The system calls for 3000 feet . , * Miss Flora ( arter arrived home Saturday from Albion where she has been attending school. She is vis camp. of 6 and 4 in tile, and it was a rush job, being completed in three days. EMMETT NEWS tI her gister M rs. Marvin Hutton. Miss Laura Koup was over irom Boise Saturday visiting at the home 0 f Mrs. G. A. Warden. Miss Roup is home from Portland visiting her I [ e tte and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Albert j 0 f Keinbeck, Iowa are visiting at the Mr. and Mrs. George Plaehn of Pay home of Mrs. Plaehn's and Mrs. Al bert's sister, Mrs. J. Creswell. Mr. Mortensen sustained painful, alhough not serious injuries to his eyes Tuesday morning when n tire which he was putting air into blew up sending a lot of sand ^nd dirt into his eyes. Jim Howard, an employee on the dam was brought into town Thursday morning to receive medical treatment for a bruised and lacerated jaw, the result of having been hit with a John son bar. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Goddard and daughters, Helen and Irene returned to their home in Baker, Oregon the last of the week afer a few days visit with Mrs. Goddard's mother, Mrp. T. P. Liier. Melotte separators will advance 26 per cent when new tariff bill passes. A. Snriunie. G< Order at o IP agent. The post office department is ad vertising for bids for a five or ten year lease for post office quarters. The present lease runs out in Jan uary, and the department is desirous of obtaining a new building lease. Earl Snyder and family of Boise and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Huber of Us tick were Sunday guests at the Joel Brown home, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, per formed a remarkable feat this sum mer, when with a girl companion they walked from Chicago, III., where they had been attending school to their home in Boise. They were four weeks completing the journey. The news have been received this week of the marriage of Miss Ruth Wilson of this city to Walter Hall of Boise, the wedding having taken place Saturday in Boise. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Wilson, arid has lived here since child hood. Since graduating from the pub lie school here, she has been engaged in teaching school. Miss Lilas ,Snyder ANNOUNCEMENTS. As candidate for sheriff on the Democratic ticket I seek the support of the voters of Gem county at the November election. BOISE G. RIGGS, Jr. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE—Four-room house with bath, plenty of shade, outbuilding and large lot. Terms F. J. Charette. \ 312 N. Boise Ave. tf FOR SALE—Horse, small wagon and johnfav!L 8rness ' Inquire at i p " d 4 Wigß ;r'5r. *8f-|I rjïti* :ÿî •Srf 1 - He Uses only His Hands ♦ « sr U i: CHIROPRACTOR'S onlv instru ments are his hands—hands that are trained and sensitive as those of a skilled musician. Right to the seat of your trouble they surely find their way, and with scien tific adjustment of your spine, which controls the entire system, restore normal, healthful function. Chiropractic treatment is so safe and sure that positive relief and cure are certain. A f fc V Dr. Minnie E. Trexler Treatment of Children's Diseases a Speciality. Room 4 and 5, Monroe Bldg. Phone 240 Emmett, Idaho. of Sample Merchandise At the building just South of Hawkin's Hardware, Emmett, starting NO tllS>d A 19 uaiui uajr, nllg % at 10 a. m. and continuing each day. Consisting of All kinds of Remnants. Ladies'Wool Dresses Men's Clothing. Army trousers 500 pair Knee Pants. All kinds of Boy's and Men's Underwear. Ladies' Waists Men's Shoes Army Coats BUY YOUR WINTER'S NEEDS AT THIS SALE AT UNHEARD OF PRICES FOR SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE. Col. Jas. Barnard, Auctioneer SALE BILLS AT THE RIGHT PRICE—INDEX Index for butter wrapper*. All kind* of ink* at The Index.