. .... Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wtfls and child ran were Sunday dinner goeats at the Elmer Aeton home. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Johnaonand Mrs. Ed Johnson and two children took supper at the Frederick home on Monday evening. The Johnsons re turned to Indian Cove Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Conrad and children and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Con rid wwi dau|fht#r were dinner gutnt* at tha Richard Kraut horn« Sunday. Cleo Goodman attended a f«j' e « , *' 1 1 party given for Dwight Shaw at Em-, mett Monday evening. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon ***** j sons attended a shower for Genevieve | Gordon Monday evening. Mrs. Heber Beutler ami Loi* Mias Josie Aston spent F ridaj with: Mrs. Elmer Aston. »Ä-n^.^Fmm^ \ W Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schadt spent ; Sunday at the Frit* Schadt home. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hewth ami children spent Sunday with Mr. and ! Mrs. John Hereth at Apple Valley, j CENTRAL MESA ■ 51 Mr You Cannot Duplicate Our price« or obtain the same degree of satta/action that you will derive thru the use of a Tha'Stay Satisfactory (Unfa VITRIFUSED Glass Coated Flue Lining« in the MONARCH restai ruat and corro aion —The DUPLEX DRAFT insures per fect combustion of fuel und the MIRCO PROCESSED top require« no polishing. Come in now and LET US DEMON STRATE THESE FEATURES. T. B. HARGUS Hardware. Furniture and Glass OPPORTUNITY FOR EMPLOYMENT Oregon Short Line Railroad Tk* Ortçw Short Lino Railroad Company announce« Its mUutMm to give preference to young men raiding on its **Paying men. am far as possible, to All places in all of the railroad aerrice and advance* the following therefor. FIRST—It will éliminât« th« *'Floater" naetltute local citizens end taxpayers. f S ^NU- l t will create a mutual intereet and a common under ïîk !fi 'k* ™ jlro * d * and the people they serve whereby I,, e .W- .v 1 " "•de'-stand and appreciate the problems and dif araiuea of Uie other, and work to a common end, vis: the welfare of lntl OU ^î?7 **""•"> ** the interesta of the railroad and the eommu * ** r '* ,r * Went lea,. To thia end they extaad a special invitation to young men who live in the country and towns along their ItMa to tntor th« railroad service. * *' m# their greateat need ia for rough carpenters and •tpanenead ahop men ami mechanics, and while they prefer men who rVv~ "**• mechanical experience that would enable them to ftn training at an early date, they are willing to employ, to a earte Ui eite at. young men who are ambitioua and willing to learn, and "•* **• carious trades or professions which eater into railroad . J'**rr* r * • number of advantages which railroad employes *y* J** obtain In other lines of work, and employment «me nst will b e glad le explain theaa matters by personal interview w, *a prae partie» employee. jjte^mlîîJeye»* '*** po<,it ' on * *nd rate* of pay now in effect r»rr<*W IUmIIoiIw i among ear employee and ; i Bate ft ■>. I 71 PwrdB IUt* R«u r r. Hr. r. Hr NI«ekuiiU> Heavy Fire liMhsmltk Joar C*r iMp«otor»— Ftirtuht _ Car Im p orter» - nw AiF Brak» In«r*rtom (3 Air Brak» K « firvra 68 Caar K«t>a*rer« rrWrM G hr lUualrrr»— M mmd r*4 — .n .13 i .TH : - 70 l^ tRM» Oi»«rmtor .70 Fur« In# Mm ht»« Optra tor Ht» HeaUr fel*rk«*»tth H.ip* r 47 Cvuvreinith „ ,tr T to — into _ Jttkt f*i|i*4U#ra Jack*tm«n . .68 lUtotol»* At»U«r—iknra 3t—k—ih»t Worker« Hn l r t ikiM m4 Cm hi « . .TO .68 Op«rator • f p»v« *r 'O I.hvht R»»j'« lrm«n Wrwklttg DtrrkA «3 - . 7 $ 76 66 A .68 70 Loto. l'r*at In OHk Itratka JtW - * Short Mr to) Worker« 70 >'H#»t Mvtt? Worh»r Hrlptr« Hktilrr Ulfari Armatur* Winder« „ JDtttrkkiM Hr« Fit« Borvr Front End Pain tara .8$ rm 6 maaaiha . .to I tKlttlt. M mlfm Api>r*attaaa %t 47 *; 61 .70 70 Macktniat« H^Wraa.k. ,70 TO ;o 4 lOvn 40 It« 6 To«) Iht-,4T t (Undrr If 4« .^8 Ton) M Kirr trie tan Hr liens .47 l^ninltrt - l^*v«i .61 ? ■ s : i* • — .68 _ .88 . .3^ 5* lie* *7 — .70 Pain tom Cot«h _ _ .70 Tnintora- Freight IfetKptrt .. . Attoadnat .47 Fmi M»r O^T>M ltfa_ 47 Rentier H«!p*ra - iMkW Car it 47 .47 ~ .68 Lubricator FllJtrt... .88 Sand l>rv*r* .66 SupjWvtnvn I tint Car pa »tor* lx««(.m,v tie* .47 70 CTarptntora Oach .70 Car pan tor» Freight 47 -tat .1» _ .ss Supply wta - Cabo — .8« S«*»iwr« Wiper» .. Car 63 Carpenter« Foundry f.i Pittoi ■—h— ■ .70 . .38 Pr. Day DnbofcUeer Mmrnen .. Triple VaK« Be _Tf .7« 76 .76 W- — •" i IV* Ü«6pee . .IS Stationary Emrfneer* A Firemen 64-M to 66.16 Hon tier Helper*. Outride Pump« re Pumper* .76 .Tf Ca T k* 64.4# .68.6126 _6.61*6 Aiy additional information desired may be obtained by writing to, a* paraeMally calling on the undersigned. Coach Tnnhnw Etoctro Plater .47 .76 .70 L. E. HALBERT ipervjsor of Employment, Room No. 209, Union Depot, Salt Lake City, Utah. 'TTi Su J PLATT, TF Mr, And Mrs. Bari Seaman and son Wendell and E. J. Teerfnk left for Portland^ and other Oregon towns pridas to be ÿ r and Katherine were Tuesday evening via jtorl at tha Henry Conrad home. Mr and Un William Duberke and and Mr and Mri WH )i am Mar t , n Ncw piymooti, and Rev. Fish er of p^taji« spent Wednesday at the RJc hard grau» home, Mr and Mri w E Cox apent jjor ^ay evcn j n « a t the Goodman horn#-, Mr*. L. Toot.hman wa* a Tuesday afternoon caller at the Elmer Aston home. Lome Hunter was a beginner at school Monday morning, John Burde || B r. and Mary and grandpa Burdeli were Sunday visi tors at the Walter Buck home. Lucy Wells waa^t Saturday night (tuest of Inc* HuclC Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roger, 4- tighten apsmt Sunday evening at th '' fieo - M " rtln home. wth her sister. Mrs SUIker in Lm mett. £ >ne for two weeks, ra. Jake Conrad and and Mrs. I. O. Hankini spent Tuesday Waite, Kay and Bert Hunter spent Sunday at Bramwell with relatives. Mrs. Maude Williams spent. Tues day at the Fred Rogers home. Mrs. Ward Fuller, Phillip, Marilyn and Ina and Fay spent Friday after noon with Mrs. Thcs. Slone. Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon expect ; to leave for Provo, Utah, in a few 1 days. They have been visiting with their sons Robert past month. Henry Schoening end Ward fuller made a business trip to Sweet and Montour Saturday. Charlie Hoops was a Monday morn ing caller at the Ward Fuller home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Aston children were Sunday evening visitors at the J. A. Wills home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Larsen Mr. and Mrs. Blake were Sunday af ternoon callers ut the Waite Hunter home. K. I. Perky and Will Langroise were looking over their ranch Sunday. Mrs. Ward Fuller and children were Thursday evening supper guests at the Elmer Aston home. Miss Francis and Miss Ax*ier of Boise are teaching the Central Mesa school. I and Lou Gordon the ! and and Mr. and Mrs.- Ward Fuller and children spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schoening. Mrs. Will Yergenson and children of Knowles, Calif., are visiting rela tives and friends in Emmett this week They leave for their borne Friday. Mrs. Harvey Tracy and sons return ed from Bear valley Tuesday even ing. Mr. Tracy will come later. Parley Yergenson and his mother and sister, Mrs. Campbell of Sweet were in Emmett Wednesday. i LETHA The f'ollywog Club met Friday at Mrs. Emersons and left almost iui mediately lor a horse ji k ude. Thay made straight for the w tter, as true pellvwogs elways do, an ' enjoyed a swim. I ater a fire wrts tuilt and a weinie i'.ti>! furnished lun and re freshment for all. On thg way home they stopped at Seven Mile Slough and hud a boat ride. Ethel Spaulding, Olive Adams, Josephine Bertha Schrccengost and Grace New man made merry with the club. Joe Henderson visited the Pitts boys Monday and Margaret Pitts >ent Monday at her Uncle Hal's on le slope. Mr. Moudy came in last week from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Bott entertained Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rey nolds, who are the house guests of Mrs. Ed Bott. A large number en joyed their hospitality. A party of Lethaites went to the river bridge Sunday to enjoy the bath ing facilities, and others who were followers of ike Walton spent the af ternoon at Pomeroy's slough. Bismark Youtsler went to Ben Ba ker's on the Slope Sunday for peaches. Fellman and Dewey are unloading peach baskets. They will begin pack ing peaches Tuesday. Mr. Feaster has been hauling lum ber from Letha this week. He build a small house for Mr*. Feaster in the Falk district, where she will teach the coming year. The Bauer family and some friends made a trip to Arrowrock Sunday. Coal is being hauled out rapidly these days since the threshing ma chines have appeared in the land. Wilson, will Friends from the bench spent Sun day afternoon with the Youtsler fami ly Mrs. A1 Wilson came in Wednesday by stage from Boise, where she went seeking medical attention. We are sorry to report that she is still far from well. Josephine Wilson made a business trip to the bench this week and also went to the slope Wednesday on a like mission. UPPER MESA Mr. and Mrs. James Little, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Whiteside. Grandpa and Grandma Fuller and Mrs. Whiteside attended the pioneer picnic held in Dewey's Grove. Frank Carpenter took the Fullers in his car and neighbors oiiy I his is the first trip the old folks have made off the place this summer. Mrs. Little's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hasye. had the distinction of being the only one of the pioneers with thiii family intact. Olive and Helen Cox spent Friday with friends in town. William Little returned Saturday from a three weeks' vacation spent in the hills. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Whitsell took Mrs. Helen Griffin to Payette Friday, where she will visit friends and re latives and then go on to Walla Wal la, Wash. W. H. Basye visited a few days at the James Little home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cline from Ok:u homa spent several days visiting at the Cox home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cline are on a sightseeing tour and by the lime they again reach home the latte.- part of Octobor, will have covered nli but five of the siaits Canada and Alr.'ka. They are > 1 riv iug an Overland car and the entire trip, except to Alaska, which was hy boat, has been made with this car. Mr. and Mrs. Preble, son Taylor and Mrs. Mills returned Saturday from their trip to the hills. The Talbot family from the Bip Butte spent Sunday at the Frank Graham home. Mr. and Mrs. Graham were Sunday guests at the Gus Hall home. Mrs. Guenther called on Mrs. Down ing Mondav afternoon. Little Blanche Smith is .-.pending a week with her grandparents in Fruit land. Mrs. Kraus was a Monday after noon caller at the Sherwood home, Mr. Tennyson left Saturday for a few days in the upper country looking i after his interests there. j Mrs. W. H. Y'ergenson and child -1 ren from Knowles. Calif., were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nephi ! Yergenson. | John Mathias and family were Tues day dinner guests of Emmett friends Mrs. Covington called on Mrs. More, house Tuesday. j Mr. and Mrs. Lyons spent Sunday at the Antone home. : ; 1 Eagle Shirts Varsity Hats I * V / S, A, Bnf ? 1 y 'P I ft t I U' V n Announcing The First Flash of Fashions in i / / MEN S FALL CLOTHES $25 to $50 Just out of the packing cases—ready for your review —come the new Suits and Topcoats for Fall and Winter service. As fine a display as you've ever seen, with style at its best, and workmanship never better. Of particu lar interest are our feature lines at $32.50 to $38.50. Others from $25 to $50. E. C. KEITH & SONS Florsheim Shoes Interwoven Sox Mr. and Mrs. McProud spent Sun day at the Batoy home. Mrs. W. H. Bills and children went up to the dam Sundax The condition of Mrs. Baisch, who has been ill of heart trouble for some time, remains unchanged. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherwood and daughters were Sunday guests at the Bert Wright home. Mrs. Blsoni and children called on Mrs. Loe Reed Saturday. Mrs. J. H. Mathias was a Wednes day afternoon caller at the Covington home. Mrs. G. G. Ellis presented her pu pils Thursday afternoon in a piano re cital at the Chas. Kester home. There were lt> numbers on the program, all splendidly executed. Mrs. Tennyson returned Saturday from a visit with Boise friends. The Claude Barnes and Ewing families returned Saturday from their camping trip. They went by way of Weiser, thru Midvale, Cam bridge and Council and back by way of the Lakes. They report a mighty fine trip. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Conrad and family, Grandma Conrad, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Conrad and daughter were Sunday dinner guests at the Richard Kraus home. The Chas. Smith family left Friday for a camping trip. The ladies of the U. A. club and Woman's Betterment club were de lightfully entertained Thursday after noon by the ladies of the Crescent Im provement club. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Williams. Mrs. Kinsey and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J/.*>in ; fton and children were Sunday dinner guests at the Goodman home, the occasion being Mrs. birthday. .Mr. and Mrs. James Heath nr.d children spent Sunday at the Edward Her.th home. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Gordon were Sunday guests at the Lou Gordon home. Robt. Kinsey's BISSELL CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Emil Johnson and Mrs. Ed Johnson and two children spent Sunday night at the Bruce Ross home, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Head drove to Payette Tuesday afternoon to bring Thelma home, Mr. and Mrs. Jett Hill and son left Thursday for Portland to spend a week with Mrs. Hills parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brushwood, Bruce Ross and wife and Robert Howard and the Cooper families at tended the funeral of Ed Johnson, which was held Monday afternoon in Emmett. We have the largest and most modern equipped packing house in Southern Idaho. We have all the necessary equipment and material to handle your fruit carefully and quickly. We are in a position to make you a guarantee on your fruit. Our packing will start September 5th. If you need boxes to pick your fruit we can sup ply you. It will pay you to call on us. Emmett Fruit Growers Assn. E. E. DEAN, Manager. Phone 46. Big Cut in Tire Prices "Gip" tire prices now hold on terrors for us with the prices on standard makes at their present level. 30 x 3 Fabric casing_.'... 30x3 */j Fabric casing ...... 30x3 Vr Cord casing . Other sizes in proportion. t Wè handle Firestone and Kelly-Springfield tires and tubes, also all kinds of accessories and supplies. Call and see us. ..$7.99 ..$8.99 ..$12.45 Gem Co. Vulcanizing Works