NEWS I quality rubber» at Keith'», your milk-made bread at the Bakery. >» for *ervire- Overland Trans 'bone 282 or S9-J. emplwll ha» been reafined to ne thi» week by illness. I 6 Kinsey will do your hem iy, make your button» mle«. Henry U Haan went to Boi*e lursJay fur a week'* visit arith her. Pugh of Montour (pent test a the home of Mr. and Mr*. Church '» Breath. S ha» ta dauere, peon, e«, shrubs and perennial» for Mr* Bit»»' fltf. John Orr of Payette »peat, days la»t week wiling her l Mr and Mr* lieor*e Church and bi-U and Mr*. J. M- Shaw went ta I yesterday for a few days* 1 th their daughter. Mrs C. C. *» Herald* will meet Saturday I at the church September y Box. id girl*. t ontest bet »sen the r having Ice cream contain ging to the Gem Creamery, not fy us and we will gall foe Phon» MS lag« 'irense was issued la« lay m Ada county to John H of Emmett and Hand Belle aon of Meridian MHes left T u asd s y foe hia old la Minnesota in vtsil his mo nd asst« her In settling ep the of be» father, who died recent per laxflaw ra s ws»k fr f m the « Us I la the first tbs' * »«♦« ciMsetry, whuh to • kdestsa of aa iwi'f • thfvu B e«rs. fornsvr l;« fruit w and Uniasss asx, hut as* a NH of Gianda • » allf . arrtwd burtday for a vsd't wall with * and Ik Iss l aft*r his buslnoas i»te» E Maclmaa. formes super Sen! of the Emmett (rrlgalsaa * l,k * M eng-«»»»* fas a largu rompway d Caltforaia. was aa 11 *i»itor Friday C A w—r »t. far railroad mss of Emmett, states be an<) b "i J*K IMnwd < *Uf. »• is engaged la the real sotaie Mr family ate p l amsantly and to doing well '•them Picken, for many ter of the log >ammev ( Ik» tea that ualands togsi at th« B- .»* «te mtu. left last wvek far Kel *'w*K, la accept a similar post that» l>an Usntoa ha« i«msd. lr. Picbert. and Al Pmitb takes Job. te Guenther, pal Phone ITt-w, WEEKLY PROGRAM AT IDEAL THEATRE THITRSDAY-FRIDAY, OCT. 4-5 Exit the Vamp feoturinp Elhd CUrlon xtorT of • wife more vamped afplnat than vamping. Third episode of THE OREGON TRAIL" The Big Historical Serial Story Prteoe 10c 44 «è Me SATURDAY, OCT. 6 Stormswept 44 99 featuring Wallace and Notüt Beery A amaahing drama of the nea. Pathe News. Matinee Sc and I Sc Comedy Night 10c and 25c. SUNDAY-MONDAY. OCT. 7-8 'Back Pay* featuring Sena Owen and Matt Moore. fir! with a chiffon soul who went to New "back pay" for the life ahe thought «he miaaed while teaching a village school. Come and aee collect—with interest. The career of a ork to get her TWO-REEL COMEDY FHcm 18c aad Me. TUESD A Y-WEDNESDÀ Ÿ, OCT. 9-10 'The Sin Flood* featuring Helene Chadwick and Richard Dix. The; "t°ry of thia picture in no unuaual, no startling, that o**#i not ,,po ** y° ur pleasure by dincloning ita nature. ».Ufficejt to nay that It contain« a noble meaaage to man kind and is tremendously thrilling in every foot of action. Alao another round of "THE FIGHTING BLOOD" Prkm 10 c art Me. •pragwa hIIi Ibldt* l*|*ntan Four buckle, all rubber overshoe* at Keith'». John Verb of Boise I» in town this Week on t jelliru Ora. The Be of ist Ijeürs* Aid wi I hold their aim si holiday bazaar Dec. 15, place enounced later, Mrs. G W Me « field »as a Boise visitor for the week end. Sew hats just arrived and prices to suit every one. lively hats for » > and >5. Loyd 4 Kinsey. New honey for sale bring your own rontsjtefi, llr a pound. I. | Powers, Gordon Blur* building. Kelway peaches. exrrilent for can nuig for sale M ill be ready in fe* day*. Geo, Cuu'son, phone sry H r in tu« la frvrti He*/ Vi! ey lit «in. Mi* JtibO* Will liter ttDJkr to Kmihril for the winter. Mr» Kirk Lander» u enjoying a visit from hair slater Mrs S J Kab inaun who arrived last week from Kensington Kan. Rev and ?:,rs A C lat .r«p a:, spending Tuesday and M'ednesday la M'eiser attending the d-»lil»t rail) and Thursday and Friday al Mm>a-s day from Beattie to visit her parents Mr and Mrs ( lay-toe Knox 1 er». Mrs Bm KeSdei and Miss Min nie ktKi met her at Payette Mrs Knox McDosrell arrived Tues Her «a K A Gutlliams mad« hi* week!) visit to Mr» Guilllam* at Hot 1-ah» »*> liar Ism. ( Hegtm. Uavtag ber» Monday *fte«n<«r. Sfu! rwturalng Tue» H« reports the pat.«at day night » ... the '«'P'»' *■* *k<*!) p r . y ^ Ha.'owvll and Rev E A Camp of Bo.»« the Um «f X« O M Hum phi ey* Thor also vlcited I w-vrv visitors at tail Ftsday BUck aeyue prwjsx-t la tha interest •< •**"«! w«. k C W Aibertaoa of Parma, «rho is tosfU of eus! music in the city sc So-, lx making a trip here cm T ye» days <4 each u-esk. stalaw that he I« g-«s!)y r -easo-i o»«v Ito »p mdid ***' <1 * 1 «atowt among tha pupils la *** ''•**" ' • hsl »«o k Is U, .^1 xi,. M» and Mrs «TU!!*« W,|! of Mur phyrshun». UL. arriimd Thursday M Visit his uncle. R B MTilaua sad her unde. J. M Dwtuaoa tins# hero a year ag» and the acquaintance wHh Mis* Ms Mm: s p e n t _. ,T '"* **•* " their marrtag» thro* months ago. thv young lady > SI ,.r > • ? & I 'i-jp Copyright by Underwood A Underwood, N Y. FIRST PHOTOGRAPH OF PRESIDENT COOLIDGE AND HIS CABINET. Pirat photograph of Pdwldenl Coolldge mad* w,th hia cabinet, known a» the executive family, since the became chief executive of tiie United States. The cabinet picked by the late President Harding ha* remained intact, each member standing by the new ptesidenl. Photo shows lieft to right! seated: Postmaster General Harry » New. Secretary of Mar John M\ Meek», Secretary of Stale Charle» Evan» Hughes. President Calvin Treasury Andres W. Mellon. Attorney General Harry Daugherty. Secretary of the Navy Edwin Denby. Standing lieft to right): Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover, Secretary of the In terior Hubert Work. Secretary of Agr.euliure Henry C. Mallace, Secretary of Labor James L. Davis. Photo- I graph »»» made on tha M'hite House lawn folle» ing a cabinet meeting. i t oolldge, Secrets r> of the SATURDAY SPECIALS AT GOLDEN BULK STOKE Albers I lap-)*rk Hour. 2 pkg*. 4?r A. H Ginger *Mps (barrel) 2 lor Sir htc. la (« lb ba^) 47c. Americas Beauty spaghetti, 12 phga \ »truss Beaut) egg Boodles. 12 pbgs ttSr. Nee dale*, rtlrua. orsage and le M heal and Kubber boots at Keith's. Doughnuts. Saturday special 15c; Palm Bakery. Miss Ids Hughe* return«! M<-«iday f'ua a few days vtsil in Nampa co *fee .-skr» 15c. Mr and Mrs Jay McDoa-nal! Putin«»* ruiturs in Nampa Saturday 1 **\r Murray and Jest Blurtoe re » Mr and Mrs Rriph Reed »ere „ , . .. . . .. „ Baa gue.,. over Satutda, and Sun w M.„ . G.U -» ,K.„ as al Chrxstma» baaar Saturday. IVk turned ye«erday from a trip to Silt day Th«»* s i 1 to a meet ing of the M R C. Friday afternoon at Mooes ball »< J *0. Call Dan Moody for your wood hauling, either by wwguo or truck Ä . « Cn ,„ t f.»,- > Mich „ , . 1 , , , ... xc I.i-Vw, president of the Michigan-Idaho Lumber Company of this city, arrived test evening to look after his bu.inaas «V, . I Mr and Mrs. F M' Sitrrr will leav* by autonsobfls for Ix>» Angeles, Calif« as soon aa the roads recover from the present rainy spell. They will spend th* winter there. : ( »if John Gamagv arrived Tuesday from Bend. Or*., for a f*w days' vis it will« home (dix Mr. (lamage n«n» one of the be«t barber shops in that city. H* wfll soon move into new quarters and is fitting up his shop in palatial style, with marble wa.nscoting and stands, tiled floor •nd 16 baths—Turkish, shower and tuba. let th* Over land Transfer do your hau ing. Phone 282 or 89-J. New fall suits for men at Keith's. Rant mag* Salai. You doubtless have hoard th* old aong, "Any Rags. Any Bonaa, Any Bottle* Today T" Star Club ia going to have that kind of a sal* on Friday and Saturday of next week, only the list of article* offered wi'l be many fold. Their ware* will Include everything from , clothing and shoes to dalaty ladies' wear, book, and pictures. In short. : It will be an old fashioned rummage sale. Th* Club i* raising fund* to buy a carpet for Masodic hall and the,' proceeds of the sale 4-ill be applied to th* fund. Don't fall to patronise tha sal*. There I* sere to be some thing you have long iranted. Wall, tha Eaatara ' At Tha GoMaa are or Mis. guaranteed, W. H- Shane. AU Old papers for sale at The Index . _ T. U Hagru* vialtod in Boise R. B. Ayer» U a huâmes» visitor at Cascade this seek. Mr*. Friday. 1 Friend* wi ! be sorry Ui learn of (he illneas of Tom M'hit lock of Ola. Hr is confined to h.s bed with pneumonia L. J. Phelan is in town this week front the government road work for x short visit with ht» family. See Dae M'oody for your hauling . : *j Index the other night. One thought •*Advert tw gsncBt» Alone Wor!h Price," Sais Subscriber Two cit ixen» were discussing The the t»(>er had too many advertise -Tn .-. .- _ ,, __ .- — - my aptnion. the advertiaemenu are f " r brm * ***• l ** rt **'1 «M1HC part of it. ! look the«« over careful ^ ^ many times the cost of the [>* per nach week, through the . . . . „ busxie»» advantages I gvt from them " ldon't know but wrhat you are rigkt." said the trrxmd. I know they W« ~ «U - m «-■ nat * w<1 tad* lo ' n<1 fault with the adver-usenwwu after alL" meats in It. The other replied: . Those ttiest have thv right ujoa of, ,, lt ^ niaa , H _. ._. ^ _ a family U take a goad local P*P*T *** th *' "** * ^ w^*«**«»*«* & nothing «non». !f business men fail to gtrv farmer* a chance to read ad "You never trade with me." said a bus me«» man to a prosperous farmer . ... , . place of business, and I never go where I am not invited, because I j might not be welcome." was hi* rep y. ' ... _ _ . _ Aa , ••<>»•«• touring Europe. «hH, in Italy loaned a traveling com I Au^n mlJI. it requiring a million kronen (8190. obOl to pay tha trifling debt, j vertiaemente in th* local paper, they »n» blmd to their own hiterest*. ». You have never invited me to your Effect of War am Corme? of Europe j . Just vria r to the world war a Ger I man insurance company leaned tePO, "" *• »"'« hul1 ^ «rth *L A few months ago the lean ,, ^ i_ ^ " A »«r*c*n mo *'«> r r"* •»*■«». j A leading Austrian surgeon Just be for* the srar, inherited $60,000 ia money, from the estate m t Ml ÉlhAI* a St. Ixiui* burine*» Plan. He placed the money in a savings hank at 3 cent interest, and ha* never drawn a cent of principal or interest. In ._. .. , , . Americ*n monev the deposit it now worth just $3.15. Of the Emmett Index, published weekly at Emmett, Idaho, for Octobar 1, 1923: publisher*. Ed Skinner A Sons. Statement of Ownership. E'c. Emmett. Idaho. . Editor. Ed Skinner. Emmett. Ida ho. Business Managers. C. M*. Skinner and R. E. Skinner. Emmett. Idaho. Known bondholder*, mortgagees other security holders owning I ner cent or more cf bonds, mortgage* or other eecurities : None. or ED SKINNER. Editor Subscribed and sworn to before me this Oct. I, 1833. FOR SALE—A tent, 12x14, 3 ft. wa'l Breaking cart and harness. Bird's *** rw ~ FOR SALE—Pressure tank. 2x8 feet, Walter Iwrkin. South Boise av*„ l' hono M * w * FINLEY MONROE, Notary Public TOO LATK TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT—3 svwi unfumi'hod. Call at 1024 Washington Av*. g. lp ip i. FOR SA LE— 1922 Ford touring. Many extras. Fquipped for camping. F. Sanders. Tel. 388 evenings. 1-Sp. FOR SALE—1 Overland 85, 1 Over land •0. 1 Maxwell truck and 1 Ford truck. Will trade for town lota. Lar .. „ . . kin Auto Co. Notice The fir« weekly sales day htl