Newspaper Page Text
* VOL. XI.--N0. 42. HAILEY. IDAHO, FRIDAY. AUGUST 19 , 1887 . {TWELVE AND ONE-HALT 1 CENTS PEB COPY WOOD RIVER TIMES HAILEY. IDAHO. OFFICE: TIMER BUILDING, 8. E. CORNEB MAIN AND ORGY STREETS. Published Every Evening, Snndayi Exerpted. Subscription Rates : One copy, one year, oy mail...............$10 00 One copy, six months, by mail.......... 5 00 One copy, three month* by mall.......... 2 60 One copy, on* month, by mail............. 1 vlO One copy, on* week, delivered by carrier;. 26 Single copies.............................. 12H Advertising Rates Furr.lnhed on application at the office, or to any of onr Agents. T. E. PICOTTE, Publisher. P B. TRUE, County Surveyor, U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, And Mining Engineer. Hailey,.....idaho. B . B. KIHBE. N. J. BROWN. KOWN & K1BBE, (Successors to Brown k McKay), Physicians and Surgeons, HAILEY. IDAHO. Office: Bullion St., between Main and River streets. Residence: Dr. Brown's, northwest corner of Bullion street and Second avenue. Dr Kibbe's—at Oitico. pPH. DAFT, Assayer, HAILEY. .... IDAHO. Samples from a distance promptly attended ta. R7*A11 returns warranted. A WOI.TERS, Assayer. Office—Carbonute afreet, bdweon Main and River, Hailey, Idaho. r. E. ENSIGN. HOMES STULL. TENSION & STULL, Attorneys and Counselors-at Law, SHOSHONE, .... HAILEY. pntANK P. CAVAN AII, Mining Engineer —AND— U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, HAILEY, - - IDAHO. J AMISS H. HAWLEY, Attorney and Counselor-at-Law —AND — U. S. Dist. Attorney for Idaho. Office ana Residence: Hailey, Alturas County, Idaho. Jl J YTTLiri'ON PttlCE, Lawyer. Office : Coffin k Co.'s block, up stairs, HAILEY,......IDAHO. P. M. BRUNER. OEO. M . PARSONS. A. J. BRUNER. J>Ul!.\EU, CARSONS Hi BRUNER, Attorneys-at-Law, HAII.EY, IDAHO. OFFICE : Over Coffin k Co.'s Store. jqr. i>. w. FIOOINS, Physician and Surgeon. HAII.EY, IDAHO. T. HALL, Real Estate and Collection Agent Real property bought and sold; rente collected, and l«ana negotiated. Desirable bargains in town and country. MoComick & Co., BANKERS, HAILEY', IDAHO. Transact a general banking business. Buy and sell drafts on the principal cities of the United States. Draw exchange on Gj;t at Britain and Ireland, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal. Norway and 8we den, and all the German States. Advance* made on ore*, gold and silver bullion. Careful attention given to collections, snd re mittances made on day oi payment. CORRESPONDENTS l Chemical National Bank................New York First National Bank.....................Chicago OniHha National Bank....................Omaha Crocker, Wool\v»>rth k Go ...........San Francisco McCorniak & Go........................Halt Lake sO JOS. M. BURKETT. Cashier. Notice. To Whom It Mat Concern: I will not be r*»ponbible for any debts oon tricted or lUb;)iti.*» incurred, by Piero* Dorgan «r any one else, iu connection with the Gal«»re Btoruiy-West Richmond group of mines. In Little Smoky Mining District. „ . T. E. riCOTTE. Haiiey, Idibo, June 11. 1887. THE "OLD RELIABLE," And one of (he Pioneers of Wood River m:. h. lipman, The LEADING CLOTHIER, Will Open on or About September 15, 1887, With a full and complete line of MEN'S YOUTH'S, BOY'S, AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHI 1 TG-, For Stouts and Leans. Furnishing Goods, Huts and Cups, Boots and Shoes, Blankets. Rubber Goods, Etc., Etc., Etc. UNDER NEW MERCHANTS' HOTEL. Hold your orders. It will pay you. M. H. LIPMAN. SICKED HEART ACADEMY, OGDEN CITY, UTAH. CONDUCTED BY The Sisters of the Holy Cross. The course of Study is thorough, embraoitig all the branches of a solid and accomplished education. Languages, general, vocal and drawing les sons, free of charge. Special rates for two or more of the same family attending the Academj at the same time. . School will open September 1, 1887. For terms and full particulars address THE SISTERS OF THE HOLY CROSS, jv25d&w Ogden, Utah. "F. E. SALOON" GERMAN LUNCHES. Constantly on hand: PIGS' FEET, PIGS' TONGUE, RUSSIAN CAVIAR, HOLLAND HERRINGS, SWISS CHEESE, RUSSIAN SARDELS, GERMAN PICKLES, BOILED HAM, TRIPE, BOLOGNA, SARDINES, PRETZELS. Come and get a nice Picnic Lunch to take home Q. A. FRENCH, Proprietor of P. K. Saloon. IA k I Ketchum, Idaho. Fa; tbe Highest Market Bates, ia Cask, for all Kinds af Lead: Silver, and Gold Ores. Smelting, Roasting, Sampling and Assay Works Complete in every particular, and of ample capacity to reduce all the or* 1 . a 'it' - r>• i • : *«!.. * •.» _ produced on \\ ood liivcr anu vicinity. Address either I. I. LEWIS, oe First National Bank, Ketchum. JeMmfi H. J. HARDESS, Gen. Manager, Ketchum, Idaho. THE DOLLAR COLUMN. f Advertisements not exceeding an Inch (or ter tines of small type) In length will be Inserted tu this column for one dollar per week, or fifty cents the Aral insertion end twenty-five cents eech ad. ait ion si Insertion—payable In advance.] For Sale, Cheap. Two Billl.rU T.ble.—. carom and a pool table. Inquire at 8. J. FRIEDMAN'S, or Ul31 WM. RABJOI1.N 8. Taken Up. A BAY MULE, with saddle-marks, but no visible brand, lame iu right fore leg, came to my corral, near the Camas Mill, on the 30th of December; ta spry, and young-looking and weighs about 760 pounds. The owner la requested to call at my place, pay charges, and take tae mule awav. JAMES RICHARDSON, At Rauch n?ar Camas Mill. Matrimonial Agency. JANSEN A CO., 9, Station Road, Plaisted, Lon don. England. Established to supply Settlers in the States with the addreases of respectable young womeu who are willing to communicate with bona fide Tradesmen, Farmers, and others deairou s of meeting witu useful wives. They will be sup r lied from the Agricultural Districts of England, reland, Scotland, and Wales, as well as the Con tinent of Europe. Applicants should state their f 'articular requirements and preterencea, eucioa ng Postal Order for 60 cents, to meet preliminary expanses. au:ldAw Ranch to Rent. A Ranch on Gamas Prairie is for rent for one year from date. The said ranch is a timber culture, and situate along Soldier creek, which runs through it. Some 80 acres of it are under s lawful fence, and 60 acres have been cultivated. The owner wi.l rent it to any Industrious indi vidual who will agree to plaut 10 acres to trees, the first thin* in the spring, as aoon as they arrive, and who will agree to keep the fences up. No other rent will be charged. Apply at the Times office. The Baxter Hotel, Ketchum, PAUL P. BAXTER, proprietor. Is the oldest and beat kept hotel oil Wood River. The dining room ia tbe largest In the Territory, snd tbe tables are supplied with ever) thing the market affords. Tbe room, are large, airy and well furnished. Charges very moderate. This Is s HOTEL, snd when in Ketchum don't ferget the fact,or the leca Ion Main street, below First National Bank. s2t Money to Loan On three to five years' mortgages, on good agricul tural land, after final proof is u ade. E. B. LEMMON, *Pl3 Hailey, Idaho. Horse for Sale. An iron gray horse, weight about 900 pounds, perfectly gentle and aoun i, and thoroughly broke to ri-le or drive single or double. Is a first-class hunting horse. Can be had cheap for rash, of F. O. HARDING, Jl® Hailey, Idaho. Strayed or Stclen~$50 Reward. A bright sorrel HORSE, 8 years eld, 16 hands high, weighing about 975 pounds, with 4 four white teet and white atrip iu face, and branded G8 on leit hip (the G Indistinct and looking like C). A reward of Fifty Dollars ($50) will be paid for the horse's return to me at Halley or Bullion. WM. WELCH. Halley. Idaho, June 30, 1887. tf Hailey and Gold Belt Stages.— Daily Trips. GOING—Leave Hailey at 9 o'clock a. m., arriving at Gilman at 9;30; Kelly gulch at 10:30; Rich ardson's at 11; and Camas No. 2 mill at noon. RETURNING—Leave Doniphan at 3:30 o'clock; Richardson's at 4; Kelly gulch at 4:30; Gilman at 5; and arrive at Hailey at 5:30 o'clock. Fare each way. $1.50. ■plH CLAWSON A NELSON, Prop'rs. HALLIDAY III MILLS -AND ALL BEST MAKES OF PUMPS LIVING PRICES. Write for rate* and terms to J. K. LOVELACE, Glenn's Ferry, Idaho HAILEY-KETCHUM-SMOKY STAGE LINE. TUI - WEEKLY. WARREN, NEWMAN & CO., Proprietors. GOING. Laavaa Ketchum Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days sn arrival of train from Shoahone, Belie vue and Hailey, arriving in Smoky at 6 p. in. on tboae days. RETURNING. Leaves 8moky at 8 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving In Ketchum in time to connect with south-bound train. Haxlkt, July 14, 1887. tf EPEE TUT AT, SKIIVITA qnickiy ■ a liinija citrus the effect! «*f I Youthful Errors, Nervous Debility, Involuntary Restores Lost MhuIk*o<L f a packai/e: 6 con.ulutJon port ^ fr ~ " ..flic on >11 Chrome »nd i'rt ▼at* Dimaw* Free. KB. A. 6. OllN. 11* Kaat Van Buren at., cor. Clark. J.ltdkwly Chicago, 111. directory -OF TUK LEADING MANUFACTURERS Importer* and Wholeialt Sealer* ST. LOUIS, MO. THE MacMURRAY-JUDOE ARCHITECTURAL IRON COMPANY. Manufacturers of all kinds of Architectural Iron Work, Bank, Jail, and Store Doors, Vaults, etc. Ornamental Railing and General Foun dry and Blacksmith Work. Works—Southeast corner 21st snd Papin streets. Branch office— No. 902 Chsrtuut street. CRACKERS. If you want the finest Crackers made tn the States, order the Parrot Brard, of the DoZIE* Wxyl UaiCUA Go., St. Louis. :iT. LOUIS MOULDING AND FRAME FAC TORY. Manufacturers of Picture Frames and Mouldings, Pictures, Looking Glasses, Etc. J. R. WkBUKB A Co. Office and Factory, No. 2080 North Broadway. Send for illustrated catalogue. GERST BR08. M'F'G CO.. Manufacturers of all kinds of Stove Repairs a id Special Castings, Gratings, and Iron Railings. Columns and House Work. Send for cata logue. Nos. 800 to 800 Cass avenue. Geo. F. Towxb, Prop'r. A. 8. W. Goodwin, Supt. Established 1840. GOODWIN M'F'G COMPANY. Manufacturers of Candles, Glycerine and Red Oil, Chemically Pure Glycerine, also Glycerine for Nltro-Glyoerine and other purposes. Works, Nos. 1922 to 1938 Poplar street. POND ENGINEERING CO., St. Louis and Kansas City, Mo., Engines, Boilera. Furnaces, Grates, Pumps, Pump, ing Engines, Atr Pumps, Condensing Appar atus. water Heaters. Injectors. Gauges, Valves, Packing, Pipe, and Fittings. Be Mil for new Illustrated Catalogue. FULTON IRON WORKS, (Late Gerard B. Allen k Co.), Founders and General Machinist*. (Incorpo rated.) Corner Second and Carr streets. GENERAL MINING MACHINERY. Inqxbsoll. Rock Dull Co. Southwestern office. No. 811 North Second street, Ht. Louis. Charles W. Melcher, Mantger. Rock Drills, Air Compressors, lloiaticg Ma chinery, Boilers. Albert B. Bowman, Manager St Louis Branch Erie Engine Works. No. 823 North Second street. TODDS A STANLEY MILL FURNISHING CO.. Manufacturers of and dealers in every description of Mill Furnishings. Building of Roller Mills a Specialty. Office, No. 917 North Sec ond street. Established 1845. Incorporated 1872. PLANT SEED COMPANY. Alfred Plaut, Pres't. Importers and wholesale and retail dealers In Garden, Grass, Field aud Tree Seeds. Nos. 812 and 814 Nertb Fourth street. ROHAN BROS. BOILER M'F'O CO., Manufacturers of Boiler and Sheet Iron Work, for Mills and Steamboats. Nos. 1100-1120 Collins street. A. A. SPEEE. OEo! ». JONES. SPEER, JONFS k CO., Manufacturers of Fine Machinery Oils, Greases, Etc. Nos. 709 and 710 Ncrth Main street. THE DEANE STEAM PUMP CO., Manufacturers of Steam Pumping Machinery of every variety. Holyoke, Mass., aud No. 616 North Main street. WIRE ROPE. A. Leschen A Sons Rope Co., Manufacturers of all kinds of Steel and Iron Wire Rope. Office, 903 and 906 North Main at. MOUND CITY TENT AND AWNING CO.. Wm. Rowe, Proprietor, Manufacturer of and dealer iu Awnings, Tents, Wagon Covers, Ore Sacks, etc. Nos. 200 aud 202 North Commercial street. Established 1856. GRAHAM PAPER CO., No. 217 North Main street. News, Book, Card Board, Envelopes, Writing, Grocers' Wrapping, and Building Paper Paper Bags, Flour Sacks, etc. WILLEM8EN BELTING CO., Manufacturers of Rawhide Belting, Rawhide Lace and Picker Leather. Factories. Nos. 206-219 Destrehan street. Branch, No. 172 High street, Boston, Mass. WINN'8 VEGETABLE BOILER COMPOUND. It remove's scales in boilers aud prevents their formation. D. B. BOOGHEU, President Winn Boiler Compound Co., Noe. 106 aud 108 Olive street. A. P ERKER, Practical Optician. Spectacles and Eye-glasses in gold, steel, etc. Field Glasses Telescopes, Microscopes, Min ing Compasses, Artificial Eyes, etc. No. 204 North Broadway (5th street.) Established 18G6. Incorporated 1884. D. Avde, Pres. W. Peters, Vice Pres. O. Audi, Seo AUDE FURNITURE CO . Manufacturers of Furniture, street and Cass avenue. Established 1847. JAMES A. WRIGHT k SONS CARRIAGE CO., Manufacturers of first-class Light, Medium Weight and Heavy Huggles. All styles of Fine Car riages Correspondence solicited. Washing ton avenue aud 19th street. E. V. Hull, President. NATIONAL HARDWOOD LUMBER CO., Dealers in Walnut, Poplar, Osk, Ash, Yellow Pine, Cherry, Mahogany, Red Gum, Hickory, Wagon Material. Railway Lumber and Bridge Tim bers. Office and yards. No. 3136 North Broad way. THE MOUND COFFIN OO.. Manuf Lirira of Fine Cloth Caskets. Wood Bui i.ii uses and C&aketa, Robe*-. Lliiuge, etc., and dealer* in Mt-tulLL Casket*. Zinc and Copper-Lined Air-Tight Caakets. aud General Undertakers* Bupplies. Bend for catalogue Factorv and Office, Noa. 2000, 2002 and 2004 North Second street. gT. LOUIS DIRECTORY—COT PHILIBERT k J OH AWNING MANUFACTURING COMPANY — (Established HOT). Manufacturers of 8ash, Doom, Blinds, Frame*, Glased Windows, Moulding*, Star Railing, Balusters, Newal Posts, Lumber. Lath and Shingles. Office and factory IMS Market St. THE JOS. HAFNER MTO CO., Wholeaala Doors, Blinda, Glaaad V Mouldings, ate. Dock street. A. R. FLEMING, Book and Job Printer, Make* a specialty of Pamphlet Work. CartlAeats* of Stock, etc. No. 905 North Third afreet. HANPETER k ECKHOFF, Manufacturers of Wardrobes, Sideboards, Bacrata rles, Glaas Cupboards, Tables, Tin Saras, ate. Oatalogua and Pries List mailed to the trad* only on application. Factory, 11th and Palm streets. _ J. D. 8TREETT k CO., Manufacturers and daalara in Lubricating. Engine and Railway OMe and Greoaea, Baiting, Pack* ing, and Mill and Mina Suppllaa. Mo. SIS North Main street. SCHAEFFER BROS, k POWELL. Noa 326 and 327 North Second street. Manufacturers of Star. Stearic Add, Mining, 6ai ~ ~ " " - - - Ltfd. and Railroad Oandlss. Soapa, Oils. We guarantee all our goods equal in qualit to any mads In the United State*. F. L. Blakely, Pree. H. Rkibembk*#, See. k Tleed ST. LOUIS PLANING MILL CO„ Manufacturer* of Door*, Saab, Blinds, Moulding* Brackets, and Stair Work, and Dealers in Building Paper and Window Glass. Seventh and Mullanphy streets. CURTIS k CO. MANUFACTURING OO. Engines, Boilers, Sawmllla, Circular Sawn Planing, Shingle and Heading Machinery Send for catalogue. W. H. Qcebnhexm. Louxa Queenksxm. W. H. QUERNHEIM k BBO„ Galvanized Iron Cornices, Skylights, Metal Roof ing Guttering and Spouting. Noa. 1624 and 1626 North Fifteenth street, between Casa avenue and Mullanphy. » Established 1868. WM. WALTKE k CO., Manufacturers of all kinds of SOAPS, St.l Send for samples and prices. Established 1870. WITTENBERG A BOBBER, Designers, Photographers, and Engravers on Wood. The oldest and largest Wood Engrav ing establishment in the West. Plaaaa sand drawings or photographs for estimates. No 319 North Third street. Established 1844. KINGBLAND k DOUGLAB MTG 0©., Manufacturers of Six Sixes of Sawmllla, Read Blocks, Threshers, Horae Powers, Coni ShalW era. Steam Engiuea. Baud for catalogue. ST. LOUIS STAMPING COMPANY, F. G. Nxedbinohaus, President, Manufacturers of Granite Ironware, Sheet Metal Goods, Fine Black and Galvanised Sheaf Iron New York House, 96 Beckman street. W. H. PR1EBMEYER. Dealer in all kinds of Balt. Bel Bods, Saltpeter„ Glauber Balt, Alum, Whiting, Ven. Rad, etc Noa. 1001-1013 i arr street. English and Do. meatlc Fine Table Salt, put up in any site bag from 2 lbs to 10 lbs. Filling salt In bags and boxes a specialty. Manufacturers of Cane, Wood and Read Chairs.. Mall orders receive prompt attenfien. Rand for new Catalogue. FAIRBANKS k OO., Fairbanks's Beals*. Eclipse wind-MlUa, Boilers, Heaters, Hteam Pumps, Pratt k Cady Valves, Hancock Inspirators, Warehouse Trucks, eta. 302-304 Washington Avenue. * HALL k BBOWN. Manufacturers of Wood Working Machinery. Wood Workers' Supplies of all kinds. Offian and factory, 1915-1917-1919-1921 North Broad* "•J. _ H. OAU8 k SONS M'F'G CO., Manufacturers of Doors. Frames, Bash, Blinds,. Mouldings, Packing Boxes, and General Plan ing Mill Work. Southeast corner Main and Clinton streets. CI.EMENS TENT AWNING CO. Tents, Wagon Covert, Waterproof Oiled Clothing, Horae Feed Bags. Corner Main and Market streets. 8T. LOUIS METAL CO.. C. A. Lawton k Co., Proprietors, Manufacturers of Babbitt Metal and 8older, Bar Tin and Bar Lead. Corner Broadway, Seventh and Howard streets. Amos U. Mann, Metallist. BOABU OF EQUALIZATION. Notice is hereby girea that the Board of County Commissioners of Alturas County will meet at the Courthouse, in Hailey, at 10 o'clock, a. m., on the Fourth Ionia; ii Aipst, 1887 as a Board of Equalization. Dated July 29, 1887. JOHN M. CANNADY, a Clerk Board of County Commiasion IHKaor AWT ASE HATIKO Al* any Nervous or Secret DiHe;is<v | Unnatural Loss. Diabetes, Bright* 1 . 0 BT MAWB 009 . Nerrou* Debility. Spermatorrhea, Nraalaal !■-*.—a . M—a—I B— e—y. Falling Memory. Weak Eye*, Dock of Kuergy, also mood au>d Skin Diseases, syphlllls. Eruption,. . Hair Falling, Bow ■*—laa. Swell. _ _ lugs.Sore Throat, L'lc*ra v CANMto of Serrary, Kidney* and Bladder Trouble*. Weak Back, Burning Urine, Gonorrhea, QlaoU Btrlo ture— prompt relief a id cure for Ufa. LA DIEM. By his treatment u pure, lovely eompl— - loi>, free from sallowness, freckle*, blackne — - —— aiv/ta* noi.unncM, 1ICUAIUB, Ul.H.EUeHU.1, aptlona, etc., brilliant eyes and perfect health-can heliad. When It lalnconveuleuttocome to tiw city, by describing your dlaeaae, on receipt of ltd, m—n clne will be aant yon fro* from gas., to anil tfc. ana -------addreaa Dr. D* ~ . **MB I