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WOOD RIVER TIMES HAILEY. IDAHO. FBIDAY.........................AUGUST 18. 1887 BOW TO IXPROYE OUB CITY. Lawlaton Tsllar.) There are all sorts of men in the world; selfish, semi-selfisk, meanly-sel fish and genditrtfs: A selfish and meaoly-selfisb man does nothing for a community tbit ha does not get pey ftor or that be does not .expect to get pay fort Ha is without a generous impulse. A semi-selfish mail does many things for a town in an indif ferent way, beoause it is easier (o do them than not. It ia easier to give a half dollar, whioh a good-natured man Can easily spare, than to refuse a per son who asks assistance. A gettefbus man ie always helping somebbdy; not always with money, more often, perhdp*, with good deeds; many times with an eneouraging smile and often with 4 sympathetic word. We saw a Specimen of a generous and a selfish man in our city a dsy or two ago. They both professed to be teachers of morals and Christianity. Both nave been employed in one of otot literary institutions that was not toell able to pay its way. One bad worked hard, got 4 little pay; the other had filled Mil engagement and reoeived all his pay. Tba oiiei tfcho had not reoeived all hia pay was hard at work improving tha grounds and buildings around him. The other a younger and Slrbngar man had nothing to do, did toothing. Exercise would have beCto 4 benefit to him. He Stid he Wal 4n experienced hand St the work heeded to be done, but he oould see nothing in Sight and therefore Sat idle. He knew that others were giving time without iny pay, raising money to pay him for labor done, but he was too meanlV-Selfish to donate a stroke of work to benefit the world or the town which supported him. These two tilen represent a class. Every man has now and then time to give an hour or dsy to benefit the city when there is no one to pav him. The generous man does. The svlfish man refuses to do so. If our town ever grows its growth will be greatly aided by the generous men in it. Why not all take a hand now and then as leisure affords opportunity, in driving a nail or SfnootHing a walk, 6r improving a public builditog? Let's build up. TRfi (LOTHfen THAT KILL. i'tlo advice to women to promote their health by out-door exercise is never wanting. But no amount of fresh sir exeroise can save women from the evil effects of their present style of dress. It is their clothes that kill them. Every step a woman takes, her foot contends with her skirt. She lifts it on the itoatep, and she lifts it on the Heel. The weight may be ounces or pounds, but it ia taken up at every step. The heavy skirts, with flounces, overskirt, bustle, braid, beads, and other trimmings, bang their many pounds and many yards; flapping around the feet and legs of the wester. The oorset does not allow space to take a full breath, apd the tight sleeves causes the muscles to cry for room. Dressed in this fashion, the wearer comes back from her walk for "fresh air and exercise" tired through and through, and is the worse for it, be <aua she has lifted and earned hun dreds of pound*. Stand al any city street corner, and (54ttih tho women as they pass. How tired tHfe)> look ! How their dresses flap around them! Contrast them with men. Men's feet lift no Weight of clothes. Men's step contend with nothing. Every muscle has its nat ural exercise. Out door air and ex* eroiae are good for them. The advice women need ia for shorter, lighter and looser dresses. Mra. Jenness-Miller has not come a day too soon with her better costume, if the health of women is to be im proved. M?4. Celia B. Whitehead has shewn "What's the matter." Be fore her, Mrs. Amelia Bloomer, nearly 40 years ago, set the example of abott, loose dresses. The style was adopted bv many women, Among them Mrs. Elizabeth Cady StattXoo; Miss Susan B. An thony, and the present writer. How light and oomfcrtsble and neat it was! How easily we went up stairs without Stepping on ourselves! How we came down stairs without fear of being stepped on! A walk on ■ rainy day Or in * muddy street had no terror, hi* there were no yards of draggled skfrts to clesu. We hsd room to breathe, and freedom for nur feet. But this healthful dress was "deipiSed and Rejected" by the great public. On one Occasion, Miaa Anthony, in company With me, started to go to tha postofBoe in New York, in the Bloomer eosttime. Bot we were aur rounded and feedired in bv a crowd ! . . * __ r Which hooted Ma jeered. We eaoed only by a sent by a | friend who saw our dilemma. i U , ,, , . . , I wa» so ilimcult to wear this dress, 1 wiih the odium that was cast upon it, that we leturned sorrowfully to the bondage of our bodies for the sake of freedom to live unmolested. Thsi was long ago. Now women might accept the light, sensible dress which Mrs. Jenness-Miller wears and com mends, without fear of unpleasaut comment. In it they may take fresh air and exeicise, and gain in health. Lucr Stow*. -The platform just adopted by the Pennsylvania Republicans ar raigns the National Administration for general imbeoility. It also advo cates a protective tariff, favors boun ties on imports in AmerioSh bottoms, declares in favor of a dependent pension bill, and indorses Jsttoes G. Blaine for President in 1888; LETTER LIST. List of Latter* remaining In th* Bailey (Idaho) Poatoflce for the week ending Augnat 11, 1MT. Peraona calling for any of tkeee Letter* will pleaea aey "Advertised." Batee, J W Fretnthlok, Phil Brace, Ale* Heller, John Brace, S S Kilby, 0 C. 1 Clark, Nettle McKean. J Devine; James bteward, Dofa OUT HAMMER. Poatmastt*. Most Excellent. J. J. Atkins, Chief of Police, Khoxville, Term., writes: "My family And I are beneficiaries of your most excellent med icine, Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption; having fbUnd it to be all that you claim fbr it, desire to testify to its virtue. My friends to whom I have rec ommended it, praise it at every oppor tunitv." Df. Ring's New Discovery for consumption is gnarauteed to cure cougha colds, bronchitis, asthma, croup and every affection of throat, chest and lungs. Trial bottles free at J. A. Rupert's drug store. Large size $1.00. Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! The following blank forms are for sale, for cash only, at the TiSxs office: Px* Dotm Marriage certificate ;$1 00 Execution and bill of coats..;. 1 00 Jurors'summons............. 50 Warrant ot arrest............ 50 Writ of attachment.......... 50 Affidavit for attachment....... 50 Undertaking for attachment... 50 Summons............ 50 Criminal complaints.......... 50 Venire..................... 50 Constable's Sale............. 50 (The above are for Juaticea' and Constables' uae.) Proof of Labor.............. 50 Db&d of , Trust............... 1 00 Mining Deed................ 1 00 Quit-claim Deed............. 1 00 Location notice.............. 50 Lease................... 100 Special Power-of-attorney..... 1 00 Chattel Mortgage............ 1 00 By the pieoe, 7£ and 15 cents each In lots of 100, one-half of above prices For twenty years Dr. William* Indian Pile dintment has been (he standard Pile femedv of the world. wn on Tu.ed.y, m* -nt day «r September, I!* 7 -** 'J o'clock in tn. forenoon of raid day. at the Oonrirooifc «f ctid Court at th« Curthoo**; to es-|tb*towu of Haltey. County of Alturae, Territory & ■»*<• r «*i **t»tc h*t.-ngint<sotaiii <]« eased; And that a copy of thia order b» inrbtmferd at! l«aat four ante, eelve week* lr the Wood luvar and ewbtmbnd I>at*d Aaguet mb. 1 SS 7 . », 7 r.ak.w jndg* and «!* oirtJouvk. NEW TO-DAY. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. It appearing to the Judge of Bald Probata Court, by the petition thia day presented and filed by Banmel Martin, the Administrator of the estate of Jamea Dll linger, deceased, praying for an ortlbt of sale of real estate, that It is necessary to sell the whole cf the real estate to pay the debts but standing against the d«reaflftt3, and the debts, ex penP^I And chtrges of administration* It Is therefore ohdet-ed by the Judge of said Court that all persona interested In the estate of said deceased appear before the said Probate Court on the 22d day of September, ▲. D. 1887. at 11 o'clock In the forenoon of aald day, at the courtroom of said Probate Conrt in the town of Hailey, County of Alturas. Territory of Idaho, to show cause why an order should not be granted to the said Administrator to aell so much of the real estate of the said deceased is shall he necessary; That a copy of this order be published at least four successive weeks in the Wood Ritfh Daily Dated August 17th, 1887. E B. LEMMON, el8 Probate Judge And ex-officio Clerk. elrma Meat market Main atraet, bet. Cubontle led Galena. HAILEY, - - - - IDAHO, MENAS fc MATTHE8, Proprietor*, Dealers In premium Beef, Teal, Mottos, Port, Corned Beef, Etc., Etc. A apeclalty of Tianna, Bologna, and aU kind* of Bausagea. Everything of tb* bait, and aatiafaction guar an teed. MKNA8 k kUTTHKS, Jylfdil Proprietor*. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE; In the matter of tha EaUte of Banry Frost, da caaaad. It appearing to tha Jndire of said Court by tha petition presented and filed on tha 18th day of August. 1887, by J. H. Hague, Public Administra tor and Administrator of tba aetata of Henry Froat, deceased, praying for an order of aala of roal estate, that it ia necaaaary to aell the whole of tba real estate to pay tha debts outstanding againat the deceased, and the debts, expanses and charges of administration: It to therefore ordered by tha Jndga of said Court that all persona to tares ted in tha aetata of said deceased appear before tha aald Probata tsday. the 20th day of September. FAIR -re* Benefit of the Pabllc School Librarr -WILL B* HELD IN— HAILEY THEATER, Moi Wednesday Evelina OCTOBER 4th and Sth. PARTICULARS WILL fiX ftlVXW HERXAFTXR. MORTGAGE ASSESSMENTS. According to law all mortgages— real and chattel—will be assessed All mortgages on the records will he assessed to mortgagees, unless other wise provided in the mortgage; so if any mortgage baa been redeemed and not cancelled, the interested parties are hereby notified to have their mortgages cancelled, otherwise they will be assessed. Hailey, July 29, 1887. to. W. YEATES, Assessor and ex-Offlcio Tax-Col lector of Alturas County. De Land & Cl's BAKU POWDER m The Best. It go,* H to h farther, with H lea* abort anlog than any other brand In tb* mark*!. It la ABSOLUTELY FREE of any lapnrltia*. and constate ENTIRELY OF PURE GRAPE CREAM TARTAR AND BI-CARBOMATR OF SODA. tttttaal Asalyits. UNIVERSITY OF DESERET. 1 Salt Lata City, Blab. Jan* t, 1*87. j By cerrfully examining DeLand'e Chemical Baking Powder with tb* mlcroacop* and with chemical magenta. I And that It la fra* from ALUM, STARCH, FLOUR, BONE ASH, AMMON. IA AND WHITE EARTH; and that It eonalat* aaaanttally of Craam of Tartu and Bi-Carbonate of Soda. Tb* Baking Powder ax ami sad I pure baaed at Barn a* k Darla, la tbleeity. J. T. KINQ8BUBY, Cbamlat. Maattfactsrers, Chemists, Severs steals, Principalities or Powers, Ike nnable te dt, prove tha Statement on every can of DeLand'a Cuemieal Baking Powder "MADE OP PURE GRAPE CREAM TARTAR AND BI CARB. SODA ONLT. No Sllla« whatever." CAUTION—Baa ona fourtb laaa of thia Baking Powder, and on#.half laaa ahorteaing with all raoalpe* than with other Brenda. *Mf Dissolution ot Co partnership. Tba co-partnanblp heretofore existing la thl* city, between tb* under Igned. under tba name and atyla of Brown k McKay, la this day dtaeolvea by mutual couaent, br. McKay retiring from tba Arm, and being aucceaded bp Dr. A. B. Klbba. of Shoshone. Dr. Biown will collect all aacneata die tks late f rm. and pay all Mila against tba earn to tb* practla* of nadir fee and awrgaiy. N. J. BROWN. M. D. W. V MCKAY. M. D. RUBBERS. W E WANT TO SAY TO DEALERS IN Bitter Bub, She*, Arctics, M Bub, SUcien, Slicker lab att Pam, fell Bibber Mat, lien' White dab all Ladies' Gossan, That we are exclusively wholesale dealers and keep in stock at all times large quantities of above-named goods, and DUPLICATE CHICAGO PRICES AND TERMS every day in the year. We have many new things for Miners' Wesr. Remember, we give you exact sixes wanted on receipt of order. Writs for Illustrated Catalogue. jy6m6p2 Z. T. LINDSEY A CO., OMAHA. Nebraska. LUMBER. Having fitted up a complete Lumber Yard at the Comer of Main and Croy Streets, HAILEY, IDAHO, I have on hand and am prepared to furnish on demand all kinds of Rough and Finishing Lumber, Sash, Doors, Moldings, Cedar and Native Shingles, Lath, Pickets, Glass, Screen Doors and Window Screens, Ltc., Etc, MINING TIMBERS A SPECIALTY. Terms—Cash. H. Z. BURKHART. ii ca, Hailey, Idaho, Keeps on hand a Well-Selected Assortment of Groceries and Provisions, Gentlemen's furnishing Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps* Eto*f Etc., Etc* A FULL LINE OF MINING SUPPLIES. hay and okain, RV Sola Agents on Wood River fot GIANT POWDER; also, agents iaf Milwaukee, St. Louis, and Sslt Lake Bottled Beer, ALBERT KIESEL, Manager. SPRING ANNOUN CEMENT. I offer the following Goods at Very Low Prices: SUITS OF GLOTHlNG from $8 to $25. FULL LINE OF NECK WEAR from 50o. to |1.25. CALICO SHIRTS, 75e. PERCALE SHIRTS, $1 to 12. FRENCH FLANNEL OVERSHIRTS (warranted not to shrink), $4. FRENCH BALBRIGGAN UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, per Wit, #3 to $5. v FANCY STRIPED UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, per suit, $3 KNIT WOOLEN UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, plain attd fancy Striped, from |2 to $5. STIFF AND SOFT HATS, 75e to 16. LARGE ASSORTMENT OK STRAW HATS, 25o to $2 50. WORKING GLOVES, tfle to II.7». FINE DRIVING GLOVES, 11.50 to $2.25. THREE JUMPERS, $1. Fill Stock of Minin Supplies, Provisions, Tinware ail Garden Tools Fine Stock of Boots and Shoes, California Make, Ceorce kroec, Knag's New Brick Block, opposite McCornick's Bank WOOD RIVER MARKET, Main Street, opposite Idaho' Forwarding Co.'s, Haller, BIAKEf * IE5NELLY, mwuiTou. Finest Beef, MAGti ai Fork Wholesale mod Retail* BIRKIN ft KENNELLT COFFIN & COMPANY, Hailey, Idaho. We offer (Icllewue or Bailey delivery) Mekiker, Mittler, or Lanin Steel Sskeio Fam Vaions: 8-inoh - - - $105.00 3%-lU6h - - - $112.50 3Vlnch - - - $120.00 Terms—Net Cash. These are the Best Wsgnns in the World. All Agricultural Implements ott Same Low Basis. Correspondence invited. COFFIN ft 00. PETER MEVES, LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES, Upper Main Street, Hailey, Idaho. Fine Turnouts to Order. Hay, Grain and Feed far Sale. REDUCED PRICES THE RULE. Having bought J. L. O. Smith'# back lln* to tb* Hot Sprtnga, I am abla to acrommodn* lb* public at xnj bour of th« day or night. PKTKB MEVES. GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE, DONIPHAN (Gold Belt), IDAH0 r THOMAS HUGHES, Proprietor. A Full Ufa* of FAMILY OBOCESIEB tlvay* n band. Fin* Win**, Ltgaoia and Cigar* * specialty. m3 THOMAS HUGHES. NOTICE. Notice io hereby given that tl assessment roll has been completi and turned over to me by the A sessor, shd that the Board of Coun Commissioners will meet on the four Monday in August, To equalize the Assessmei of Taxes for Alturss County for Territorial tr County purposes. JOHN M. CANNADY, Clerk Board Coun tv Commissioners Hailey, August 16,1887. A DR. JORDAN'S Mm of Aiatn;, 761 Mark*! St . Kan Franciai a.Cat. S vl learn bow to avoid dla****« and bow wonderfully yaa *r* mad*. Private office, 111 Gaary atnrt. Oan •ultatloe on Lost Manhood and *U diaaaaoa of mas. Sand fot bank.