THE \V* VOL. IV NO. 7 BLACKFOOT, BINGHAM COUNTY, IDAHO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1911 $2.00 PER YEAR NEW OFFICERS TAKE OATHS ASSUME DUTIES OF POSITIONS The January sqfsicn of the county commissioners convened Monday morning. T. R. Jones, the new com missioner, was sworn in and took his seat as a member ot the board. Af ter the re-organization of the board, other duties were taken up, chief of which was the administration of the oath of office by the county clerk, the,acceptance of the bond of the var ious officers, and the ratification of the appointment of the various depu ties H. C. Bucklin, as sheriff, assum ed the duties of office, immediately, and made public his appointments for deputies. John T. Danilson, whom H„ C. Bucklin succeeded', was appointed by that gentleman as chief deputy of of in the south end of the county, while ! Bob Oley, of Idaho Falls, was appoint ed to perform the duties of deputy in the north end of the county. F. S. Fackrell will retain his position as turnkey. , Miss Alice Beach is now a full fledged county superintendent, an F. W. Jordan succeeded himself as county clerk, and states that he does not intend to make any material change in the clerks under him Moses Wright, the new assessor, will appoint his son, Earl Wright, as a deputy. County Attorney Good, of Idaho Falls, who has not entirely recover ed 'from his attack of paralysis, con tracted while campaigning last fall, was brought down to Blcakfoot, by friends, he being compelled to sit in a wheeled chair. The oath of office was also administered to him. Miss Mary Thompson, elected county treasurer as successor to Geo. B. Wintle, was also another officer sworn into office. Miss Thompson made the best campaign of any of the candidates for she did not have the support of a newspaper in ehe coun ty, all the editors having pledged j themselves before the annuoncement of Miss Thompson's campaign. She ' is a capable lady, who will perform the duties of the office in a manner creditable to herself and constituen cy. J. H. Anderson, the new probate judge, was not long in mastering the duties of the office, and assuming a dignifide air, sentenced his first prisoners, two vags, to sixty days in t'u basement The voters of Bingham county are to be congratulated upon their choice of officers as all are good men and capable of performing the duties falling to them in a manner credit able to the county. A Forty Year Old Dress. Last week Mrs. Agnes Just Reed of Presto, visited sojne friends in Black foot, being accompanied by her son Eldro, a young man of three months. While In the city Mrs. Reedi had the picture of her son taken inadress that is forty years old and which hasfigur ed in the lives of several of the sub stantial citizens of Bingham county. To the writer the stcry of the little white frock appeals quite strongly for we have been intimately acquainted with several of the persons wearing it, and that at great distance from where it was made. Mrs. N. A. Just presented the dress to Mrs. Fred S. Stevens, her girlhood friend, when the latter's first baby was born. Fred Stevens, now dead, wore the dress when he was a little bahy, and we were given our first story of Idaho, by Fred Stevens, when he and other gentlemen, were in Findlay, Ohio, with ai herd of horses twenty years ago. The dress was worn by Judge J. M. Stevens, on the Sixth district bench today, and last by young Eldro Reed., a boy whose advent into the world was met with as much joy by all of the large circle of friends of the Just family as the coming of a young prince. Another Bad One Come« In. Persons who attended stated that the Joshua Simpkins company that played at the Auditorium last w«ek, were nôt deserving of the patronage received, they being very much on the punk. Iu one touching scene, where a man was being carried to certain death on the carriage of a circular saw, the heroine forgot her part and let him ride, until Uncle Josh grabbed him and saved his machinery from a disastrous entang lement with that of the improvised mill. BANNOCK INDIANS WAR DANCE SONGS "CANNED" Washington, Jan. 9.—Three graph ophone records of rare value have been received by First Assistant Commissioner Abbott of the bureau of Indian affairs. These records contain genuine reproductions ot the war dance songs of the Bannock In dians of Idaho, and were made by Ralph W. Dixie, an Indian rancher of the Fort Hall reservation. "Dixie,'' said Commissioner Ab bott, "went to one of the dances and made the records unbeknown to the participants. Indians as a rule are somewhat superstitious about such matters, and it would have been almost impossible, o get them to carry on their dances for 'canning' purposes." ! Cottage Hotel Changes Hands j ' And Brings A Handsome Figure A deal was finished last week that has been pending for several months. Reference is made to the change of ownership of the Cottage hotel, on the east side of Main srteet, near the depot. This hostlery has been the home of the commercial traveller for many years, and within the last two years has been materially improved, since the proprietorship of the Boyd family. Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ashton, of Moore, made a deal for the property through A. O. Prouse, of the Lost River Develope ment company, and will take possess ion on the 15th inst. The property and furnishings sold for $28,000, and the hotel and store rooms of the Ocumeril-Hart company of Moore, were a part of the consideration. Mr. and Mrs Boyd and the family, will occupy the house recently vacated by Charles L. Hart on South Shilling avenue, but will spend much of this winter in. California. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ashton have had much ex perience ini the hotel business, Mr. Ashton once having been in the din ing car service of the Rock Island railroad. Mrs. Ashton has success fully conducted a hotel for several years in Moore. While disliking to see the Boyds withdraw from busi ness circles, the Optimist extends a welcome to the new proprietors with whom we have had many pleasant business relations For A Centralized School R A Wf rd, A. Y. Satterfield, and L. A. Nugent, representative citizens of Stirling, were in conference with the county commls'isoners Monday, relative to a centralized school to be located in the embryo city named. There was a well signed petition pre sented, and there was also many com munications from residents of other parts of the same territory, object ing to the schools being located at Stirling. Miss Beach, county superin tendent of schools entered several objections of one kind and another. There seems to be a desire down in that territory for a centralized school a but the participants in the affair seem inclined to want it in their res pective yards. Stirling is centrally lo cated, there seems to be a number of the residents of that community, who have purchased lots in the town on the strength of the school being built there, and from a general point of view of the subject it seems the logical point for a centralized school ibuilding. No Election Held Mopday Night. The election of officers of the Commercial club, called for last Mon day evening was not held .owing to a lack of attendance on the part of the members of the organization. In terest in the club has not been as great as the residents of Blackfoot might desire. There is a feeling a mong some that the club has been operated from the start, too much for the advantage of a certain few and this feeling evidently exists at the present time, judging from the lack of interest in the proposed el ection. This is a deplorable state of affairs for the city, as a commercial club is its back bone, mouth piece and life. President Thomas has signified his Intention of making a personal canvass among the memb ers in an effort to increase inter est, and as attendance grows, the present officers will tender their resignations and the vacancies fill ed by appointment. Mrs. J. W. Scott returned Monday from a ten days visit to her old home in Millville and Logan, Utah. H. W. KEIFER RE-APPOINTED REGISTER. Indorsement of Virtually All. News paper Men of Eastern Idaho Press Club Carries Much Weight in Wash ington. A telegram was received by H. W. Keifer, register of the land office, Wednesday, from Senator W. B. Heyburn, at Washington, to the ef fect. that the nomination of the former had been confirmed by the senate. This is a compliment to a man of true worth, who has through fair dealing won* the regard of all people having business with him dur ing his incumbency of office the past four years. The indorsement of the Eastern Idaho Press club, with but few exceptions, one of which was tha of the Idaho Republican, cut quite a figure in the re-appointment of Mr. Keifer. Mr. Keifer has used the members of the press In a most bon orable manner during his term of of fice and all, from President James H Wallis, down, have shown their ap-, preciation of his unbiased distribu tion of patronage, by giving him a splendid endorsement. An effort was made by a few per sons to secure a successor to Mr. Keifer but it had no weight. New Cash Grocery Changes Hands A deal was consummated last week whereby Roy DeKay, brother of F. E. DeKay, and John Davis, gained the proprietorship of the New Cash Grocery on North Main street, open ed about six months ago. by Fred T. Hines. The stock was invoiced Sunday and the new proprietors took possession on Monday morning. Both are young men, and have been in the Model grocery as clerks lor some time. They hardly need an intro duction to the grocery buying people of Blackfoot as their courteous treat ment and ability to mix has won for them a large circle of aquaintances whose trade they will control. They will enlarge the stock carried by Mr. Hines, adding many articles to the assortment. Mr. Hines has land west of town, to which he will devot his lime for a few months. It is a pleasure to see the young men .of Blackfoot engaging in business and we wish them every success in their r.ew location. Is The Youngest Lieutenant Colonel W. Orr Chapman, of this city, has the honor of being the youngest lieu tenant colonel in the state. Mr. Chapman, who will not be twenty cue years of age until next March, was teceutly appointed on the staff of Governor Hawley, and bears the title of Lieutenant Colonel. He is a capable young man, one who has made himself valuable to the demo cratic party of Idaho, and with the rapid strides he is now making in things political, is destinedi to fill a place fo prominence In the state be fore he passes his fortieth year. Gov. Hawley is to be congratulated upon having on his staff a man of Mr. Chapman's capabilities. We Raise The Rate This Issue. With this issue of the Optimist the rate of local advertising is rais ed from five cents per line of six words, to ten cents per line. Our extensive circulation, covering al most the entire field tributary to Blackfoot justifies us in making this change. The advertiser who wishes to get returns on his advertising has demonstrated that this paper is the adiertising medium through which to reach the greatest number of peo ple. At the present time the Opti mist is received into almost every home where there is trade drawn. Has Been Home On A Visit Montie Kirkpatrick, manager of the Keogh Cattle company, with head quarters at Moulton, Idaho, has been visiting his parents during the hoi idays in this city, and incidentally making arrangements to ship a car of fine draft horses down to the cow outfit's home ranch. Mr. Kirkpat rick is one of the old school of cow men who are fast fading away, giving place to the man with the irrigation shovel. He is a good old scout, who comes into Blackfoot with that air of freedom that characterized the dry land pirates of the olden time. N. E. Montgomery, of the Blackfoct'and Auction company. goe3 to Idaho Falls to day to assist his brothers in con ducting a ranch sale. ^ ARRANGEMENTS FOR SHOW. Enthusiastic Meeting Held Wednes day Evening In Commercial Club Rooms, And Final Details Made. A meeting o f the Southeastern ! Idaho Poultry association was held j i:t the Commercial club rooms last j ' Wednesday evening and final arrange ments made for the holding of the first annual show in Blackfoot. The printing of the premium list was a warded to the Optimist office and ready for distribution. All poultry fanciers who have fowls they wish to advertise, should send their ad vertising to this office at once for the premium list. At the meeting Wednesday evening the constitution and by-laws of the association were adopted. Super i intendent Max Smith will have U'l.r. go of all exhibits and attîiid to the of all exhibitors. M f. j Smith has had a large experience I n the'ing of poultry and no better qian could have been secured, Drop a card to the sec rotary, Karl P. Brown, Optimist of iic?, Blackfoot for a premium list, containing the by-laws and all infor mation relative to the exhibit. It can be secured for the asking and we want : on to have one. DEATH OF MRS. McLEAN A sad death occured at Springfield qn Saturday morning, Jan. 7, when Luetta, beloved wife of George Mc Lean, departed this life in the very prime of a beautiful womanhood, to gether with tlie babe that was to have meant her joy. Mary Luetta McLean was born at Burkes Mills, Va., Feb. 14th, 1884, and was the beloved daughter of Jr mes and Sally Claypool. Her's was a beautiful life, radiating sun shine, love and goodness wherever £he went, and she died as she had lived, ah obedient daughter, a kind mother and sister, aa loving wife and a true Latter Day Saint. Complimentary Luncheon. Mrs. George Holbrook was the charming hostess Tuesday afternoon at a perfectly appointed course lunch eon in honor of Mrs. Jessie Wooden and Mrs. F. W. Mitchell, who will soon leave for California to spend the remainder of the winter. The guests were the members of the Embroidery club, the oldest so cial club in the city, so a very con genial company gathered around the beautifully decorated table, the col or scheme being yellow. Dainty fav ors were presented each guest. Af ter luncheon bridge was enjoyed, Mrs. Millick receiving the prize. An Eight Pound Boy A baby boy weighing eight pounds, was born to Mr. and Mrs. HiarryBen nett, at Boise, on January 6th. A card from Mr. Bennett informs this office that all are doing nicely, Look ing backward to the ancestry from which the young man comes one can not help but feel that the prediction that he will make a good citizen of the Gem state, will come true. He is a grand son of Mr. and Mrs. A.N. Anderson an-d Mrs. A. Whitten, sub stantial residents of this city and county. Residence Property For Sale After the completion of my new residence, my property at the corner of Francis and Fisher streets, will be for sale, It consists of a nine room house, all modern conveniences, good basement, barn, coal and wood house hen • house, buggy shed, 110 fruit trees all good varieties. Terms to suit purchaser. R. E. Hansen, Red Bari:, Blackfoot, Idaho. tf Hurrah For The Girls The basket ball game at American Falls Friday of last week proved to be a very interesting game. The home girls getting away with their game by the score of 13 to 19, but the boys were not so fortunate. They lost their almost won victory by loos ing their heads. The score was 19 to 20. , 1 EX-GOVERNOR GOODING CHOSEN. IS Portland, Ore., Jan. 7.—Frank R. Gooding, former governor of Idaho brother of Fred W. Gooding, the retiring president, was elected pres ident of the National Wool Growers' association today. ASK PROTECTION FOR THEIR LIFE AND PROPERTY Aiming to offer needed protection to the citizens, of Mackay as well as the settlers upon 'the land surround ing that city the first bill introduced in the senate asks that the state land; board immediately be given authority *o expend moneys for the protection of life and property on Carey act projects through the prop-I er construction and enlarging, if v nec- ' cessary, the spillways on, dams in u. - - j der that the flood waters cam be tak- ! en care of. The measure calls for an •appropriation of $10,000. It was in- j troduced jointly by Senator Ravenal j Macbeth of Custer county and Sena- | tor George T. Coates of Blaine county The importance of the measure j warranted the senate sending it im- j mediately to the printing committee. I To Senators Ravenal Macbeth, dem- j oerat, of Custer county, and George ! T. Coates, republican, Blaine county, ; is given the honor fo introducing the I first bill in the senate.. Arises From Mackey Dairi j The bill aims to provide for the , construction cf a proper spillway on tlie Mackay dam, which during the | fall campaign was made an issue. It, | is the claim of both Senators Coates and Macbeth that the spillway on th f dam is not large enough to carry off j the flood waters, hut instead should ! sudden flood come down the Salmon ' river the water impounded behind the dam would sweep away that struct ure, destroy the town of Mackay and flood all of the agricultural lands, causing unestimated damage to life and property. It is alleged that the spillway on all dams and that const-ruction work on al! Carey act projects should b prop-erly inspected by the state land | board, and where it is found that any' of tlie structures are unsafe they should be immediately repaired by the board through the fund the bill seeks to create. The title of the bill and its provis ions are as follqws: "An Act Authorizing the State Land Boaild to Expend Moneys for the Protection of Life and Property, or Either of them, in Carey Act Projects,—and Granting a L|en for Said Expenditures. "Be it enacted by the legislature of the state of Idaho: "Section 1. That whenever it rhall appea-r to -the state land board that the life andi property of settlers or owners in Carey act projects are or will be endangered by defective or insufficient spillway construction works, the said beard will give notice to the contracting company having charge of the project in which the said defective spillway is situated to at onceproceed 1 to provide for the necessary and proper changes tmd corrections of said defective spillway under the direction cf the state en gineer and the approval of -the state land board, and if the said work be not prosecuted with reasonable dil igence and to- the satisfaction of the board, the board may withim ten days from the date of the service of raid notice take charge of the said defective ar.d unsafe spillway and w 'ks appurienant thereto, and mak ths tame tale at the tjxense of u.o state. Carrie Appropriation. "Sec. 2. The expenditures so made by the state shall be primarily a charge against the contracting Carey act company, and should! be a first lien against its construction works, water rights and all its other real and personal property situated within the state. If said property be not su ficient to pay the -amount expended by the state, then the remainder due the state shall be rayable as a lien against the lands included in the pro ject. "Sec. 3. There is hereby appropri ated for the purposes of this act, out of money in the state treasury > he sum of $10,000. "Sec. 4. An emergency existing, therefore, this act shall take effect and be ini force from and after its approval." On roll call following Senator Mac beth's motion the bill was sent direct to the printing committee. Linen Shower For The Hospital Last week the . I S. gave a linen shower for the benefit of the hospi tal and it was held over at Mrs. Neil Boyls, where many useful things were taken. Miss KUlingsworth made a short speech. Refreshments were served and everyon spent a pleasant time. will be In Boise on January 19. Ex {peris on agricultural, horticultural ITINi :ry given out FOR AGRICULTURAL TRAIN The Itinery of the agricultural train to be sent out of Salt Lake by the Oregon Short Line and which will visit many Idaho cities, has beeni an nounced by the r:ad. The train leaves Salt Lake January 9 and and stock raising. subjects will ac ' company the train, delivering lect j lires in the various cities, ! The traim passes through this immediate section of Idaho on Jan j uary 15, going lrom Blackfoot over j the Morela-nd-Aberdeen, branch to | Aberdeen, Springfield and other points along the new line of railroad. j Arrangements should be made for th< j stopping of the train at Thomas, I where a large per cent of the agri j cultural residents reside. An at ! tempt will be made to do this as ma ; ny prominent ranchers of the diat I riet are working with that end in view j There will be seven cars in the , train, leaving Blackfoot at 3:55 p. in., and stoping a half hour at Pin | gree and Aberdeen, instead of at | Springfield. The time schedule of the train is limited and therefore on f ly these two stops will be made on j that branch. O. S. Osborne, chief ! engineer of the road received word ' Wednesday morning to that < fleet, New Man In Connection With The Optimist Mr. anu Mrs. W. C. Kester, of Helena, arrived in Blackfoot Satur day morning, and will make their future home in this city. Mr. Kes ter will take the business manage ment of the Optimist for a time, suc | ceeding t0 a certain extent the pres ont manager, Karl P. Brown, who will devote a part of his time to farming near Pocatello for the next year. Mr. and Mrs. Kester have a partmer.ts over tlie Oak Cafe at pres ent. Mr. Kester was connected with this paper for a short time about one year ago, coming here to oper ate the type setting machine. He fell in love with Idaho at that time and returned to Montana to close out his business interests there with a determination to return to the Gem state. Our acquaintance with him has been so pleasing that we heartily commend him to the business men of Blackfoot during our temporary absence, and hope that they will con tinue to accord the paper the liberal patronage in the future that has been given In the past. To social Black foot we present Mr. and Mrs. Kester, knowing that to know them will be to like theniQ ASK FOR BIG APPRORIATION Boise, Jan. 5.—The University of Idaho will ask for an appropriation at the coming session of the legislature of $107,000 to be used by that institu tion! in the agricultural school -s-nd experimental station. Approximately $3,000 of this amount is required for livestock work and $40,000 for the sub-stations at Gocdir.g, Caldwell and Clagstone. This is the information that comes- to Boise with the arrival of senators and representatives from the north. ' | 1 ' I The appropriation is divided in or der that all departments may receive substantial financial assistance. A bout $48,000 is to he used in the erection of new- buildings ■ and the purchase of lands on w'hich to co*. struct -them. The Humbird! Lumber company has offered to donate 40 acres rear Sandpoint to be used 1 by the university while the Latha Real ay company offers 20 acres -near Deary. Theodore Turner, a wealthy attorney and realty owner of Bancrof agrees to deed 160 acres near Ban croft where sub-stations buildings can be erected. Notice to Live Stock Growers Bingham County. All persons nterested in the graz ing lands in Eastren part of Bing ham county, are hereby notified that, there will be a meeting held on Sat urday, January 14, 1911, in the rooms of the Club of Commerce at Idaho Falls, Idaho, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of organizing a comp any to take over lands selected by the state, and for any other business that may properly come before the meeting. By order of the committee, , F. C. BOWMAN, Secretary.