OCR Interpretation

The Blackfoot optimist. [volume] (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1907-1918, January 26, 1911, Image 2

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091195/1911-01-26/ed-1/seq-2/

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Blackfoot, Idaho, Monday, Jan. 9, 1911.
State of Idaho, County of Blackfoot—ss.
The County Commissioners elect met
on this date in the office of the Board
of County Commissioners at the court
hou^e in Blackfoot, the county seat of
said county, pursuant to law; present
John Empey, W. D. Huffaker, and T.
R. Jones, the duly ejected county com
missioners for said county for the term
beginning; on the second Monday in
January 1911. The oath of office was
administered to each of said commission
ers by F. VV. Jordan, clerk, when the
board proceeded to organize, and on
motion of Commissioner Jones, seconded
by Jno. Empey, W. D. Huffaker was
elected as chairman of said board for
the ensuing term. Now came the
county officers elect, to each of whom
was administered the oath of office of
his respective office by the chairman
of said board, viz.: Moses AVright, as
sessor and ex-officio tax collector; J.
H. Anderson, probate judge; Antone E.
Christensen, surveyor; Mary A. Thomp
son, treasurer and ex-officio public ad
ministrator; Alice Beach, county super
intendent of public instruction; Harry C.
Bucklin, sheriff; Joseph E. Good, prose
cuting attorney; Joseph Moreley, coro
ner; and F. 'AV. Jordan, clerk and ex-of
ficio auditor and recorder.
Hereupon the official bonds of the
various county officers were examined
and approved by said board, as follows,
VV. D. Huffaker, county commissioner,
bond executed by the Title Guarantee
and Surety company in the sum of live
thousand dollars.
Jno. Empey, county commissioner bond
executed by the Title Guarantee and Sur
ety company in the sum of five thous
and dollars.
T. it. Jones county commissioner .bond
exp^uted by the Fidelity and Deposit
company of Maryland, in the sum of
five thousand dollars.
» F. VV. Jordan, clerk, bond executed
by the Title Guarantee and Surety com
pany in the sum of five thousand dol
lars. *
F. W. Jordan, ex-officio auditor and
recorder, bond executed by the Title
Guarantey and Surety Co., in the sum
of five thousand dollars.
Hairy C. Bucklin, sheriff, bond exec
uted by the Title Guaranty and Surety
company in the sum of ten thousand
Alice Beach, superintendent, bond ex
ecuted by the National Surety company
in the sum of two thousand dollars.
Mary A. Thompson, treasurer, bond ex
ecuted by the National Surety com
pany in the sum of sixty thousand dol
Mary A. Thompson, ex-officio public
administrator, bond executed by the
National Surety company in the sum of
two thousand dollars.
Antone E. Christensen, surveyor, bond
executed by the Title and Guaranty and
Surety company in the sum of one thous
and dollars.
Joseph E. Good, prosecuting attorney,
bond executed by the Title Guaranty and
surety company in the sum of five thous
and dollars.
J. H. Anderson probote judge, boml ex
ecuted by the Fidelity and Deposit com
pany of Maryland in the sum of five
thousand dollars.
Moses J. Wright, assessor, bond ex
ecuted by the Fidelity and Deposit com
pany of Maryland, in the sum of five
thousand dollars.
Moses J. Wright, ex-officio tax col
lector, bond executed by the Fidelity
and Deposit company of Maryland, in
the sum of twenty thousand dollars.
Joseph Merely, coroner, bond execut
ed by the Title Guaranty and Surety
company in the sum of two thousand
In the matter of the bonds of pre
cinct officers. The following named per
sons having filed their bonds as pi.#
einet officers, the same were on this
day examined and approved:
Justice of the Peace
James C. Fisher.. .
Robert T. Quinn.. .
Win. Anthony.. ..
W. J. Stephens.. ..
W. H. Hall......
C. H. Breach......
Laudon J. Rich.. ..
Heber Andrus.....
H. R. Kirk ha m.. ..
Edgar D. Hale.....
H. F. Hanson......
M. D. Yeaman.....
Isaac Daniels......
Squire G. Crowley..
Lewis A. Lee.....
Carl Erickson.....
James M. Brown.. ..
Hyrum Grimmett.. .
Godfrey Eruekson.. .
Frank L. Brown.. .
William A. Crawford
Lorenzo Martin..
Joseph Cook..........Willow Creek
John Johnson....
Brig Mathew*..
J. R. Jones.. ..
F. A. Randall.. ..
Josiah Godfrey.. .
Isreal Butt..
Thos. H. Weekes.
Jacob A. Miller..
John Wheeler..
Arth* Lundblade.
.. ..Fairview
.. . .Groveland
. . .Idaho Falls
. ..Idaho Falls
. .Jack Knife
.. . .Jack Knife
.. ..Moreland
..New Sweden
J H. Ha
Jol »
H. T. Child.. ..
E. A. Huntsman,
Road Overseers.
A. C. Anderson..
Frank I>:lcher..
Geo. VV. Parrish.
.Willow Creek
.. .. Woodville
.. ..Fairview
. .Gro»'eland
.. ..Higham
.. .Jack Knife
.. ..Moreland
..New Sweden
. . ..Riverside
. . . Woodville
District No.
Nugent.. ..
tn Burton. .
ra n
i Hatch.. ..
B. Anderson.
Nielson ....
Tracey. .
Geo W. Wetzel.. .
, Bailey.. ..
Ja i
S. Miller.. .
tl Nelson.....
I ..ivingstone..
Edwards.. .
it ton......
The following bonds of precinct offi
cers were on this day returned for cor
F. D. Harmon, justice of the peace
for Iona precinct.
D. N. Johnson, justice of the peace
for Presto precinct.
Hans Johnson, constable for Basalt
Arthur Judd,
Coltman pre
prcclr. _.
.1 1' Kelley, road overseer district
No. 30.
Tiie official bord
justice of tiie peace
einet was denied.
in tlie matter of the road petition of
Jt son MeO»rroll, et al.:
The petition in tiie above entitled
ipatter coming on tills day for hearing
:* f t- -1 consio ration it is ordered that
A K Christensen, George Davis and
V n, Woodl-oo- V»o and they are here
by appointed vieweis.
in the n fAfi l- of tin- road petition
of Jabos Nowlin, et a].:
Tlie petition in tin- above entitled mat
ter come i'ii this day for hearing; after
consideration it is ordre.-d that A. E.
Chiistersen. Georg Davis and Wm.
Woodlouse tie and they are hereby ap
pointed viewprs
In tl « matter o f tlie petition of the
Idaho Falls Dry Farm company for a
herd district:
The time heretofore fixd for tlie hear
ing ot seid p litioi. having arrived, tl'ie.
said petltioi I nine n-gularlv on to be
heard, d: and legal notice of said
lie -ring havii g been given by publica
tion pi,,] posting as required by law, j
and parties interested for and against !
tiie granting of said petiti -n being pres- |
ent before said board, and after hear
ing tim evidence for and against the
«•resting if seid proposed district, it is
ordered that said rotition be and tlie
same is hereby denied.
In the matter of tlie petition of P. C.
Felstead, et al, for the organization of
a herd district:
The petition in the above entitled
matter coining on this day for hearing,
due and legal notice having been given
as required by law, by publication and
posting, the parties interested for and
against the granting of said petition
being present, and after hearing evi
dence for and against the granting of
said petition, it is ordered that said pe
tition be and the same is hereby de
in the matter of the petition of M.
I.. Haines, et al, for th eorganization
of a herd district:
The time heretofore fixed for the
hearing of said petition having arriv
ed, came said petition regularly on to
he heard, due and legal notice of said
hearing having been given as requir
ed by-law, and parties interestd against
tiie granting of said peition being pre
sent and no person or persons appear
ing to represent said peittion; after due
consideration, it is ordered that said
petition, will be heard on the 11th day
f April, 1911, at the hour of 2.00 o'
clock, p. m.
In the matter of the petition of
Sarah Nelson for the consolidation of
School districts Nos. 13, 36, 56 and 42,
and the remonstrance thereto:
The time heretofore fixed for the heal
ing of said petition and remonstrance
m the above entitled matter having ar
rived, came said petition ami remon
strance regularly on to be heard, the
county superintendent having filed her
written disapproval of the granting of
said petition, and parties representing
said petition and remonstrance being
'resent, and after hearing evidence for
and against the granting of said peti
tion, it is ordered that the peittion be
and the same is hereby dnied.
. t . , ' e „ niatter of tlie toad petition of
H. W. Wood, et al.:
The petition in the above entilted mat
ter coining on for hearing, and after
consideration, it is ordered that A 10
Christensen, It. X. West and Henry AIc-
Donaid be and they are hereby appoint
ed viewers.
In the matter of the election for a
uural High School distiict in disti lets
.No. ib, 25, 9, 31 and 11.
The clerk of the board of county com
missioners having received certificate
nom the election Held in the above nam
cl- districts on December 5th, 1910,
showing that the canvass of said el
said election for a rural high school dis
trict stood as follows, to wit:
For rural high school district......145
lst rural high school district.... 59
ulie clerk at tills time certified to the
secretary of the duly organized board
of said rural high school district, and
also to the board of countycoinmission
ei s that tlie said rural high school dis
trict should be known as liural High
bchool District No. 1, of Bingham
county, Idaho.
In the matter of the diplomas award
ed Bingham county at the Alaska-Yukon
i'he above entitled matter coming on
this day for hearing, and the clerk ex
hibited to tlie board two diplomas a
warded to Bingham county at the Alask
lukori Pacific exposition held at Seat
tle, \\ ashington in 1909, as follows:
Diploma Gold Medal for exhibit of
Grains and Grasses.
Diploma Gold Medal for exhibit of
1'lour Mill products.
ervation of said diplomas, and that the
After consideration it is ordered that
tlie clerk purchase liâmes for the pres
same be kept in the office of this board,
year 1911 mattel of tl,al jurors for tlie
The following is a list of tlie names
of the persons drawn on tills date as
trial jurors dull g tlie year 1911
Amazon Precinct—John A. Glanzman,
Leonard Ball, D. c. Campbell, Jesse
Grow, O. U. Holm. •
A herd een Preci n c t—Ed wa rd
Charles li. Pearsall, Arclii
J. C. Hurt, J. P. Battel.
Basalt Precinct — Wm. Dve, Heber
Christensen, Christopher O. Merklev
James A. Quinn, George E. Lyons, Oscar
L. Inder, Jus. B. Tyalor.
Blowout Precinct—ll.K. Grove
Blackfoot Precinct No. 1— M. V. Hall,
Joseph T. Woodland, A. Whitten. Geo
Lit ingstone,
1! Ezell, A. B. Stephnes, T.H.Wilde!
John Dean, George A. Powell, Chas. M
Blackfoot Precinct No. 2—Harry Ben
nett, T. J. ltagan, Alfred Heatlev, E. T
Malcom W. H. Ennor, W. A. Blakes
lee, J. H. Jordan.
Blackfoot Precinct No. 3—E. Hallo
way, Fred P. Miller, W. D. Ziegler. Wm.
Drew, Belo Ball.
Blackfoot Precinct No, 4—James Cob
olcy, P. T. Mussetter, John P. Peter
son J. W. Staley. Peter B. Van Blaricon.
Coltman Precinct—\\ illiam H. Hall
Ira W. Casper. Jacob Judd.
Crowley Precinct-—J. X. Hoops, John
L. Seeaal 1.
Danilson Precinct—Paiph P. Davis. G
A\ . Stoweil.
Fairview Precinct—Wm. A. Poll, Jas
II. Emery, Edwin Allen, Lee Pobinson.
Grovleai.d Precinct—Charles F. Hall
man, Aroet C. Hale, Elijah X. Benjamin.
Gray Precinct—John P. Adsen
Higham Precinct—J. T. Caldwell. A
J. Bernerd.
Idaho Falls Precinct No. 1—Geo. Da
vis, Alma Newman, \\ i by W. Huffaker.
P. Buchanan, J. P. Lie ht. V, J. s. Mul
iver. Grant Hamm, J. W. Shipp, W s
Kedzie, Geo. Blunt, WIlford W. Lawson.
!.. c. Leedom, Uni. A. Ward, M. B
Idaho Falls I'reiinct No. 2—las. H.
U a Mon, Ben A. Jeune, Arthur Swanson,
J. U. Steelev, John <1. Johnson, Milrov
r. Marker. Warren Palmer.
Idaho Falls Precinct No. 3— Chas. E
Peterson, John H. Carrier, Andrew
Smith, «'has. W. Miller. William Saut
ter, Jains Nowlin, Joseph W. Culver,
Stuart Lee, Henry J. Wartchow.
iduho Falls Precinct No. 4—Albert C.
I- «mai, I. P. Fouiks, A. G. Lufgren.
Edward W. Safestrom, Axe! E. Ander
son Isaac Daniels, George H. Warner,
C. In Poulson, Barzilla W. Clark, Otto
B. Clark, Am
Kelley, Jus. B.
Iona Precinct—Di
brose E. Bounds.
Herbert, Joseph Ols .
.Rick Knife Precinct—Robt. McGavin.
Lincoln Precinct- Seymour Fuckrell,
Maurice Woffimlen, John F. Norton, An
-John England, Sr.,
4mith, Jos
drew A. Anderson,
Moreland Precinct
H. Grimmett.
New Sweden Precinct— D. II
Arthur W. Lundblade.
Poplar Precinct—Robert II.
eph C. Morgan.
Presto Precinct—Wi'ford M. Christen
sen, Enoch W. Hanson, Peter Monson,
John 1«. Blomquist.
Rich Precinct— Heber C. I'. Rich, Fred
s. Reddick.
Rose Precinct—Emeon Yancv, Chas
Riverside Precinct — Jno. »V. Britton,
ins. Wray, Wm. A. Crawford, Henry
Shelley Precinct— Poren Ynrgeson. Jos.
eph Holland, James Chadwick, Smith
Johnson, Ezra Christensen. Heber T
Child, James M. Mh kelson.
Taylor Precinct—Wm. Priest, Joseph
I Lords, Joseph Eliding, Charles L. Dial
Thomas Precinct—Philip Dance. Dan
iel P. Olmsted, Trenor P. Fac-kr 11 Pet
er Van Orden, Robert K. McMurdy.
W ood ville Precinct—James A. Montana
H. E. Gifford. M
-<rd, Tom
Hanson R. Wade.
Ordered tliat tl is
joiH-n until tomorrow
inet— John s. How
Albert S. Newman.
10 a. m.
Attest: F. W
on rd dn now ad
tlie 10th inst., at
D. HPFFAKER, Chairman
. JORDAN, Clerk,
Blackfoot, Idaho, Tuesday, Jan. 10, 191
State of Idaho, County of Bingham— ss.
l the
cut tlie :
wing pr<
as yesterd
ngs wer had, to-wit
in the matter of tin road petition
Albert Hjelm, et al. :
'llie above entitled matter coming
this day for hearing, and from an e
amination of said petition, same tippet
informal; It is ordered that the petition
be returned for correction.
In the matter of the herd petition of
Moses J. Wright, et al.:
A petition having been signed by a
majority of the qualified leectors^ re
siding within the boundaries of the pro
posed district, praying for the organiz
ation of certain territory into a herd
district in compliance .with an act of
the legislature of the State of Idaho,
approved March 5th, 1907; said petition
came on this day for hearing, and
after consideration, it is ordered that
the clerk of this board give due and
notice by posting in three conspicuous
placet within the boundaries of said
proposa herd district, and by publica
tion foi two successive issues in the
Id.iho Register, a newspaper of general
c*r< u'ation in Dir gham county, describ
ii'i; tlie boundaries of said proposed <lis
ti .cl. arid stating that the petition will
Le heard by the board of c/unty com
missioners at their regular April meet
ing, Tuesday, Ai 1 il 11th, 1911, at the
hour of 11 o'clock a. m., at which time
all parties will be heard for and against
the granting of said petition.
In the matter of the road petition of
John H. Stratte, et al.:
The petition in the above entitled mat
t-r con ing on this day for hearing, and
after consideration, it is ordered that A.
E. Christensen, Fred Gustafson and Bert
Greenwell be and they are hereby ap
pointed viewers.
In the matter of the bridge petition
of Mrs. C. V. Widrick, et aî. :
r i he petition in the above entitled mat
ter coming on this day for hearing, said
petition praying for the construction of
a wagon bridge at d certain point a
cross Willow creek, said petitioners a
greeing to furnish all necessary labor
for the construction of said bridge, pro
vided Bingham county furnish the ma
terial therefore; after consideration, it is
ordered that this matter be referred to
Commissioner Empey, with authority
to purchase said material, if he finds
the bridge to be a public necessity.
In the matter of the application of
J. S. Miller for cancellation of taxes.
J' : . application in the above entit
led matter coming on this day for hear
ing, and after consideration, it is ord
ered that $75.95 be accepted in full
payment lor taxes for tlie years 1902
and 1903 on lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, section
22, township 4 south, range 46 E., B.M.
In the matter of the application of
Carl Erickson for cancellation of taxes.
The application in the above entitled
matter coming on this day for hearing,
and after consideration, it is ordered
that $25.22 be accepted in full payment
for the taxes for the year 1902 on lot
2 and the east half of the southwest
quarter, southeast quarter of the north
west quarter, section 27, township 4
south, range 46 east, B. M.
In the matter of the application of
Wm. Scott for cancellation of taxes.
The application in the above entitled
matter coming on this day for hearing
and the above named applicant appearin
before said board requesting cancella
tion on part of the 1910 taxes against
what is known as the 1 ingree Town
site company: after consideration, it is
ordered that $75.CO be accepted in full
payment for the 1910 taxs against the
above namd company.
In the matter of the application of
L. D. Wilson for cancellation of taxes.
The application in the above entitled
matter coming on this day for hearing
and it appearing to the boar d that
Bingham county is the owner by tax
deed, of lots 5 and 6, block 15, River
side townsite.and it further appearing
that said deed is erroneous, it is
therefore ordered that Bingham county
execute by its chairman, a quit claim
deed to the said L. D. Wilson for the
above described property, upon the pay
ment of the original tax, plus all costs
and penalties which have accrued.
In the matter of the road petition of
Abram Hatch, et al.:
The petition in the above entitled
The petition in the above entitled
matter coming on this day for hearing,
ami after consideration, it is ordered
that A. E. Christensen, E. J. Jones and
R. X. West be and they are hereby ap
pointed viewers.
In the matter of the petition for
the appointment of an overseer for
Road district No. 9.
A petition having been filed praying
for tlie appointment of Carl Nelson as
overseer, and another petition praying
for the appointment of James Stangei
as road overseer of Road district No. 9
having been filed; after consideration,
it is ordered that James Stanger he
and he is hereby appointed overseer of
Road district No. 9.
In the matter of the road petition of
A. Flitton, et al.:
The viewers' report in the above en
titled matter coming on this day for
hearing, which said report does not
recommend the opening of the road as
prayed for in said petition for public
.ravel; after consideration, it is ordered
that said report be approved and the
petition as therein prayed for be and
he same is hereby denied.
In the matter of the petition for the
'ppointment of an overseer for Road
district No. 20.:
Tlie petition having been filed pray
ing for the appointment of R. L. Bybee
as overseer of Road district No. 20; af
tre consideration, it is ordered that R.
L. Bybee be and he is hereby appoint
ed overseer of said district.
In the matter of the road election
held in Road district No. 37:
The returns from the road election
he'd in the above named district having
been returned to the clerk of this board
bowing that C . E. Peterson and Lew
is Mottheart received the same numh
'r of votes for road overseer of said
list lift .The hoard proceeded in tl D
natter to cast by lot te» determine* said
ie vote, which result declared that L..
Mottheart was duly elected overseer of
'»aid road district No .37
In the matter of the approval of
bounty officers' reports:
The following named county officers'
•eports were on this elay examined and
«pnroved: C 10. Crowley, assessor and
collector: John T. DaniLon, sheriff;
Karl S. Fackrell, probate judge; F. W.
Iordan, clerk; Dr. W. E. Pa tiie, county
physician; Dr. Wm, Kinnicird, county
Ordered that this board do now ad
iourn until tomorrow, the 11th, Inst, at
10:00 a. m.
W. D. HUFFAKER. Chairmai
Attest: F. W. JORDAN, Clerk.
Blackfoot, ldal o, Jan. 11, 1911.
State of Idaho, County of IMnghair—:
The hoard of county commissioners
met on this day put suant to adjourn
ment, present tiie same as yesterday
'•he I lie following precei'ings were had
1 me matter of tlie approval of re
The rerort of John Boyle, water mas
ter of Blackfoot River Division No. 1
was on this day examined and approved
In tlie matter of tlie road petition of
I. W. Lindsay, et al.:
The viewers' report in the abovi
titled matter coming on tIris div
hearlng, and it appearing to the board
that there were no no«-consentlrg land
owners thereto, and that said report
recommends tlie onening of the road
>s described in said petition to public
travel: after consideration, it is m-der
d that the viewers' report be annrov
ul and tlie road as therein described
he and the same is hereby declared to
be a public highway. (For desorlntlon
ice road record.)
In * matter of the application of
C. E. wie.v. assessor, for the cancel
lation " -neollected taxes.
E. v rowley. assessor and colleet
on tlds day presented to the board
county commissioners a list of ran
ations on account of erroneous and
double assessments amount! g to $1,974
'I as shown on pages 300 to 303 of the
1910 assessment roll: after consideration
it is ordered that said cancellations h<
Mowed, and tlie assessor lie given ered
t for tlie sum of $1.973.21.
Pi the matter oftheroad petition of
Ad°m Mancey et al:
The viewers' report In tlie above en
titled matter coming on this d- v f or
hearing and It appearii g from said re
port that tin- expense of opening tin
end as prayed for is too great to instl
ty the same; after eoi
that said rep.
.1 th.
l in.
is it.
eby deni -d.
•d for b.
matter of ti e road petition
Carroll, .-t al.:
he viewers' report in the above en
■d matter coming on tlds dnv f.r
nrg, and it apnearing that there
non-consenting lar.l owners there
after consideration, it is ordered
port wiil be heard
that said viewers
an the nth day of April, at the hour
>f 10 o clock a. m., and the clerk i
^ ted , to , Klve notlce to the non-con
renting land owners accordingly
' l (' th si„ü?îl er °/ t, he r ° ad pétition
w. c. ajostiom, et ai.:
The viewers' report in the above en
-Itied matter coming on this dav for
hearing, and it appearing that there art
no non-consenting land owners hereto
After consideration, it la ordered that
the viewers' report he approved and
.hat the petition be and the same is
hereby granted, and the road as therein
lescribed be and th same is hereby de
-laic-d to be a public highway. Dama
ges are awarded as follows: C. C sToa
loin, $7o.00 and D. J. Murdock $75
(For desciiption see road record.) 1
In the matter of the road petition
G"o. E. McLean, et al.:
viewers' report in the above en
matter coming on this day for
heat ing, and it appearing that there an
"?J': m : COn A entlr }Z land owners thereto
after consideration, it is ordered that
he report be approved, and that the
petition be and the same is hereby
granted, and the road as described
therein be and the same is hereby de
dal ed to be a public highway. Damages
are awarded as follows: T R Jones
cord°)° <F01 descrl P tion see road
M. ln \Ve h ngen a lt er al. 0f the r ° ad ptition of
mh'T I'^ ers ' foPp't in the above en
titled matter coming on tills dav
hearing, and it appearing that there an
no non-consenting land owners thereto
utter consideration, it is ordered that
said report be approved, and that the
toad as described therein be and the
same is hereby declared to b a public
highway. (For desciiption see road r
In the matter of the road petition
Herman \\ asserman, et al.
In this matter, the viewers' having
an i . ni. 1 ! rep ° r . t , 1,1 î he «»titled matter
an, ] after consideration, it is ordered
that sanl report be laid over until
April meeting.
In the matter of the road petition
Mom Harper, et al.:
The viewers' report in the above
titled matter coming on this dav
learing, and it appearing that there ai
no non-contesting land owners thereto
after consideration'it is ordered that the
dowers report tie approved and tha
the road as described therein be and tli
same is hereby declared to be a puhli.
li^nwaj. Damages are awarded as fol
oh S: « in nr,' ' d ° nes ' *2.6.00: Richard Dri
record ) (F ° ! <îescli R ti o» see road
» ' l, 1 l; p . matter of the road petition of
A. F. Zitting, et al:
Tlie viewers' rerort in the above en
titled matter coming on tills day for
m. consideration, it is ordered
that tins matter be referred to Com
mlssioner Empey, and upon ids approva
the said road will he declared to
Public highway.
r niatte, ' of the road petition of
L l Il'ich, et al.:
Tlie viewers' report in the above
titled matter coining on this day for
sealing, and it appearing that there at
10 non-consenting land owners thereto
tftn- consideration, it is ordered that
the viewers' report be approved and that
lie road as described threin, be and the
hfghu 'v hereby declared to be a public
In tlie matter of the road petition of
Henry H. Berg, et al.:
Tlie viewers' report in the above en
-'tied matter coming on this dav for
earing, and it appearing to the board
t»at there are no non-consenting land
wiiers thereto; after consideration
is ordered tiiat the viewers' report be
tpi roved, and that the road as describ
tpi roved, and that the road as describ
ed therein be and the same is herebv
leclared to be a public highway. Darn
ages are awarded as follows: H.
»V ells, $40.00: Geo. M. T. Shelman, $80.00
and W. A. Coie, 5100.00. (For descrip
tion see road record.)
In the matter of tlie road petition of
Lhas. ,x. Carlson, et al, :
,, M Me viewers' report in the above en
titled matter coming on this day fc
hearing, and it appearp-g that there ar
no non-consenting land owners thei-etr
-liter consideration, it is ordered tha
die said report he approved and that th
road as described therein bo and tiie
same is hereby declared to be a public
ord ) Way ' <I,or desell P tio n see road ret
... ^'«matter of tiie road petition of
VV. AV. Wood, et al.:
The viewers in the above entitled
-natter having filed their report, which
re] ort does not recommend tlie open
mg of said road to public travel; after
onsideration, It is ordered that said
«Port be approved and that the petition
as prayed lor therein be and the same
s hereby denied.
In the matter of the road petition of
Arthur Broadhead, et a'#
The viewers' report in the above en
titled matter coming on tl is day for
caring, and it appearing from said re
port that there are non-eorsenting land
owners thereto; after consideration, it
is ordered that said report will be heard
,' n ™ tlle ? lth day of April at the hour of
1:00 o'clock p. m., and the clerk is di
■ected to give notice to the non-con
senting land owners aceordinglv
In tlie matter of the petition'to chang
tlie road through the Idaho Dry farm
an.] the remonstrance thereto.
M'he petition and remonstrance in the
'hove entitled matter coming on this
day for hearing, and it appearing to the
satisfaction of tlie board that the pi
titioners have failed and neglected :
otnply with tlie agreement had with t.
maid in the matter of changing sail,
oad, and it further appearing that suf
i ient time Las been given to comply
wth this agreement; it is therefore or
lered that all agreemnts and orders
ruide by this board in the matter of
said petition are hereby vacated and
annulled, and it is further ordered that
:l;is board that the overseer of Road
ist riet No. 22 proceed and take such
>teps as is necessary to re-open the
•ai l road through the Idaho Dry farm.
:o public travel.
< >* dered that this board do now ad
•ourn until tomorrow the 12th inst., at
*:00 o'clock a. m.
W. D. HUFFAKER, Chairmai
Attest: F. W. JORDAN. Clerk.
Blackfoot. Idaho, Thursdav, Jan. 12.*11
State of Idaho, County of Bingham—ss.
I he Board of County Commissioners
net on this day pursuant to adjourn
ment of yesterday, present same as oi
yesterday, when the following proceed
ings were had, to-wit:
In the matter of the appointment o
■ lurry C. Bucklin, sheriff, Moses J
■Aright, assessor aid ox-off), io tax col
ector, and F. W. Jordan, clerk and ex
ottic-lo auditor and recorder, haring til
ed applications for tlie appointment of
such deputies and assistants as the
business of their offices may reuire, and
it appearing that said applicants have
published notice of said applications as
reuired hv law; it is therefore ordered
that the sheriff be authorized to appoint
one deputy at a salary of one hurdrer
I $100.00) dollars per 'month, and two dep
iities at a salary of ninety ($90.00) dol
lars per month each: it is further order
ed that tlie assessor and ex-officio tax
collector be authorized to appoint one
deputy at a salary of ninety ($90.00) riol
lars per month; it is further ordered
tiiat the clerk of the district court and
ex officio auditor and recorder be auth
orized to appoint two deputies at a sal
iry of ninety I $90.00) dollars per month
?a«-h, and a clerk at seventy f '70.00 >
lollars per month, the compensation of
all such deputies and assistants to be a
charge against Bingham countv.
In the matter of the application of
t'ix F Ry. Co. for cancellation of
The application in the above entitled
ntt i- coming on this dav for hearing
uni it appearing to the board that the
•sspssor in the year 1909. assessed block
5 Original town, and it further appear
ng tiiat tlie said block is owned by the
'• S. I.. Ry. Co. and that the same had
been assessed by tlie State hoard of e
a'ization. and tlie taxes upon tlie same
living been received, it is therefore
rdered tiiat $28.18 he refunded to \v.
Anderson, who lias become the (lurch
s.iof said property at tax sale, June
-'9th, 1910.
the matter of the application o
Gutliiie for cancellation of tax. s:
ie application in the above entitled
natt.-r coming on tills day for'hearing,
nil it appearing to tiie board that the
tortheast quarter of the. southwest miar
-l- and lot 3, of section 18. township 4
mth, range 22 east, B. M., is Carey
lid and not subject to assessment, hut
hat said property was assessed for the
year 1W9; it is therefore ordered that
said taxes for said year on the above
described property be and they are here
by cancelled.
In the r.KPter of the application of
Johanna Carlson for cancellation of
The application in the above entitled
matter coming on this day for hearing,
and it appearing to the satisfaction of
the board that the above named appli
cant is a resident widow, and is enti
tled to exemption as such; it Is there
.ore ordered that the taxes for the
vear 1910 on lots 21, 22, 23 and 24, block
36 Crow's addition be and they are
hereby cancelled.
In tin- mutter of the application o
H«» ry Bovers for cancellation of taxes:
The application in the above entitled
matter coming on this day for hearing,
and the applicant having exhibited to
the board this day receipt No. 9X8 for
taxes of the year 1899 on lot 3, block
i9, Highland Park addition, and it furth
er appearing to the board that said pio
perty was sold for delinquent taxes for
the year 1899, and Bingham countv be
came the owner by tax deed; that said
Bingham county did on the 26th day of
July 1909, sell said property at public
auction, and executed a deed therefore;
tiiat said assessment and deed is erro
neous on account of double assessment;
it is therefore ordered that $21.80 be ro
unded to Harry Rhule and James Adam
upon the execution of a quit claim to tn
above named applicant Henry Bovers for
the above described property.
In tin- p.utter of the application of
the Idaho Falls Development company
for a quit claim deed:
The application in the alcove entitled
matter coming on tills dav for hearing,
and it appealing to the board that the
tax deed held by Bingham county for
lot 19 and 20, block 25, Scott's addition
is erroneous; after consideration, it is
ordered that Bingham county execute
to the said Idaho Falls Development
company, by its chairman and clerk a
luit claim deed for the above described
In the ratter of the application of
Swedish Evangleicol church for cancella
tion of taxes.
The application in the above entitled
matter coming on tills day for hearing,
and it appearing to tlie satisfaction of
the board that lot 25, block 20, Crow's
addition was assessed for the year 1907,
and was sold for delqinuent taxes; tiiat
said property for the year 1907 was
church property and was entitled to ex
emtion as such; after consideration, it
is ordered that the taxes on the above
described property for the said year he
and they are hereby cancelled.
In the Mattel of tlie application of
Synthia Norton for cancellation of taxes:
1'lie apnlication in the above entitled
matter coming on this day for hearing,
and it appearing to the board that the
above named applicant is a widow and
is entitled to exemption as such; after
consideration, it is ordered tiiat the
taxes for the year 1910 on tlie north
west quarter, less foity acres, of sec.
2. township 2 north, range 38 east, B.
be and they are hereby cancelled.
In the maltet- of the application of
tion of taxes:
tion of taxes:
the Lutheran church for cancella
M'he application in the above entitled
natter coming on this day for hearing,
and it appearing to the board that lot
block 27, Original Town was sold for
■ taxes fot the year 1899, and Bing
ham county became the owner by tax
deed; that said essessment was "erro
neous on account of said property be
ing entitled to exemption as church
property; after consideration, it is or
lered that Bingham county exeute by
its chairman and clerk to th Lutheran
church a quit claim deed for the above
described property, and it is further
ordered that the taxes for tit years
1899 to 1901, inclusive, be and they are
hereby cancelled.
Ordered that this board ilo now ad
ourn until tomorrow tlie 13th inst., at
9:00 o'clock a. m.
MV. D. HUFFAKER, Chairman
Attest: F. \V. JORDAN, Clerk.
Friday, Jan. 13th, 1811.
State of Idaho, County of Bingham—ss.
The Board of County Commissioners
met on this day pursuant to law; pres
ent the same as yesterday, when the
ollowing proceedings were had, to-wit:
In the MaGe. of the application of
Mary E. Heath for cancellation of taxes:
The application in the above entitled
atter coming on this dav for hearing,
and the applicant being the owner of
.ots 1 and 2, block 37 Original townslte,
and the said applicant being a resident
iduv. and is entitled to exemption
i such: after consideration, it is ord
ered tiiat tlie taxes on tiie above des
-1-ibed property for the year I960 be and
they are hereby cancelld.
In the matter of the application of
\lex Younie for cancellation of taxes:
Mhe app'uation in the above entitled
natter coming on this day for hearing,
and after consideration, it is ordered
that $45.39 be accepted in full payment
for all taxes upon the southeast quart
er of the southwest quarre section 4,
township 3 south, range 35 east, B. M.,
ot the year 1908 and the auditor is or
dered to receive said amount in full
In tlie natter of the application of
red L. Huston and D. G. Platt for
the Issuance of treasurer's tax deeds:
M'he application in the above entitled
matter coming on this day for hearing,
and said applicants with their attorney,
Otto E. MoC!iitr*h**An Tt'o,. o i'
Otto E. McCutchedn, Esq., appealing: be
fore said board and requesting that they
be permitted to redeem certain prop
erty which lies been deeded to Bingham
county by tax deed, upon the payment
Jt all tax es percentages and penalties
s provided by section 1554 of tlie Re
ised Statutes of tlie state of Idaho;
titer consideiattion, it is ordered that
id application he and the same is
ereby denied.
In the matter of the applications for
uemption of property held by Bing
am county urder tax deed:
The application in the above entitled
natter coming on this day for hearing,
*nd after due consideration of said mat
ter, it is hereby ordered bv this board
chat in all applications for the red^mp
ion of property, which is held hv Bing
:am county wherein the said Bingham
ountv has become the owner of said
property by tax deed, that th eelerk of
mis board who is ex-officio auditor of
Bingham county, refuse to furnish such
plicants for such redemption, a cer
ificate of redemption as required bv
Section 15 l 4- of the Revised Statutes
ot the State of Idaho, and that he also
eiuse to accept a tender or offer of
ivment for the redemption of all prop
ty held by the county under tax ti
tle, and sought to be redeemed as a
the matter of the application of
L *' cancellation of taxes
1 he application in the above entitled
matter coming on this day for hearing,
and it appearing to the board that there
is adouble assessment on the south half
township 2 north, range 37 east, B. M.,
for the year 1908, as shown at page 5S,
i' ne ;^ o an,3 11 a,S0 a * Rase 63, line 7 of
the 1908 roll; that said property on
account of double assessment became
delinquent and was sold for delinquent
taxes of the year 1908, and that Sum
ner Brown became the owner of said
L s therefore ordered that
$00.48 he refunded to Sumner G. Brown,
n the matter of the application of
county physician south of the base
Applications in the above entitled
matter having been made as follows:
^ -, E. Patrie for ^-575.00 per annum,
ami after consideration, it is ordered
that said contract he awarded to Dr.
L. Patiie, and it i s further order
that lie ne and he is hereby appoint
county physician of Bingham foi* the
rltory south of the base line for the
term of ^ two years or until further or
'en of this hoard, and that tlie con
act heretofore in force between said
y Meta n and tlie county be renewed
accordance herewith,
n the matter matter of the applientio
a county physician north of tlie base
Applications and proposals bavi >g been
mSL Dr. Win. Kiniiair.l
$'i(in.(.1) per annum, and 50 cents per
e one way for any distance necess-ir
traveled beyond a radius of ten miles
oni Idaho Falls: Rr. Mary B. Feiespel
$150.00 per annum, and it appearing
that it is to the best interest of Bing
ham county to accept he proposal of
Dr. AVm. Kinnaird: it is therefore or
dered tiiat he be and he is lier, hv ap
oointed county physician of Bingham
•ounty for the territory north of the
base line for the term of two years or
-*1 tlie further ordet of tills board
and it is further ordered that the con
tract heretofore In force between Bald
physician and the county be renewed
in accordance herewith.
In the matter of furnishing drugs and
medicines to Indigent persons south of
the base line:
In this matter Scott & Company hav
ing offered to renew the contract here
tofore in force betwen said company and
this county, and it appearing that such
renewel is to the best interests of the
county of Bingham, it is ordered that
said offer be accepted and the contract
for furnishing drugs and medicines to
the indigents of Bingham county south
of the base line is hereby awarded to
Scott & Company for $27.50 per quarter.
In the matter of furnishing drugs and
medicines to indigent persons north of
the base line:
In this matter the City Drug store of
Idaho Falls having offered to furnish
drugs and medicines for all indigent per
sons of Bingham county north of the
base line, it is therefore ordered that
said offer be accepted and the contract
for furnishing drugs and medicines to
indigent persons of Bingham county
north of the base line is hereby award
ed to the City Drug store at Idaho Falls
for the sum of $20.00 per quarter.
In the matter of county printing:
The above entitled matter coming on
this day for hearing, and on motion of
It. Jones, seconded by John Empey,
is ordered tiiat the Idaho Register
of Idaho Falls be designated as tlie of
ficial paper of Bingham county for the
year 1911 and 1912, and as such to pub
lish the Commissioners' proceedings
twice each nuarter and to receive the
sum of $120.00 per annum; also that said
paper publish the delinquent tax list for
the years 1911 and 1912, and mail a copy
of such publication to each delinquent
tax payer named therein, th compensa
tion thereof to be 25 cents for each
description, and it is further ordered
published for one issue in the Black-'
foot Optimist at Blackfoot, Idaho,, and
the Blackfoot Optimist to receive tlie
compensation of $60.00 per annum for
a period of two years. And it further
ordered- that al! printing books and
stationery for the use of the various
county officers be ordered hv tlie clerk
of this board, and said clerk is hereby
directed to distribute such printing as
an be done within the county as near
equally as possible between tlie following
to-wit: Tlie Idaho Register, The Morn
ing Post, Times Publishing Company,
The Blackfoot Optimist and Tlie ldalio
In the matter of tli application of G.
W. Sederberg for cancellation of taxes:
The application in tlie above entitled
matter coining on this day for healing,
and after consideration, it is ordered
that $14.50 be accpted in full payment
for the taxes for the year 1902 on tlie
northeast quarter, southwest quparter of
the northeas quarter section 24. town
ship 1 south, range 36 east, B. M., and
the auditor is directed to recieve tiie
above amount in full payment for said
In the matter of the petition of W.
I Willey, et al.:
A petition having been filed praying
that certain territory belonging to
School district No. 42 be annexed to
School district No. 56, which petition has
been disapproved by the county super
intendent: after consideration, it is
ordered that said petition be and the
same is hereby dented.
In tlie matter of the Groveland School
house: Complaint having been filed be
"oi'e this board wherein it is stated
tiiat the Groveland school house is in a
condition wherein tlie walls may collapse
at any time, and in sucli condition that
the lives of children who attend that
school are in danger; after considera
tion, it is ordered that 1'. J. Williams
be authoi ize.l by this board to make
an investigation of this matter, and to
employ the assistance of any competent
person to aid him in making an exam
ination of the same.
Mis. Dora France having filed her
application witii tills board asking to lie
awarded the contract for taking care
of county indigents, which proposal is
as follows, to-wit: $1.00 per day for
indigents not necessarily confined to
their bed , and $1.50 per dav for indi
gents while confined to the*lr bed: it is
ordered that said contract lie awarded
to Dora France, and that she receive
tiie above specified amount as compensa
tion therefore.
In tiie matter of tlie school petition
of Hugh Rowley, et al: The petition
I n nig been disapproved by tlie Countv
superintendent; it is ordered that saiil
I ( (ition be and tlie same is herby denied
in the matter of the application of
Ltrs. Rosness for cancellation of taxes:
It appearing to the board that the a
bove named applicant is the owner of
lots 44 to 48, inclusive, block 44. High
1,old Park addition, and that receipt No.
638 for tlie year 1903 exhibited to tlie
board on this date paid taxes on the
above described property' for said year,
•i»-' 1 R further appearing to the board
that at page 204, line 18, and again at
P'.igo 53, line 9, of the roll of said year
that tiie property yvas doubly assessed,
and tiiat through said double assess
ment said property became delinquent
and Bingham county became the owner
by- tax deed and said Bingham county
having disposed of its interest the 26
day of July, 1908, and that Charles Col
en nndj oseph F. Tolley are now in the
possession of said property by a deed
executed by Bingham county; that said
deed is erroneous on account of the dou
ble assessment, it is ordered that $2.20
b<- refunded to Charles Colen and Jos
eph F. Tolley upon tlie execution of a
quit claim deed to said Lars Rosness.
In the matter of the appointment of
Isar.c A. Parker as overseer of Road
district No. 17: it is ordered that Isaac
A Parker be and lie is herby appoint
ed as overseer of Iload District No 17
Ordered tiiat tills board do now ad j
jourii until • tomorrow, the 11th inst
at 9:00 o'clock a. m.
AV. D. HUFFAKER, Chairman
Attest: F. AV. JORDAN, Clerk.
Saturday, Jan. 14tli, 1911.
State ofl daho, County of Bingham—ss.
The Board of County Commissioners
met on this day pursuant to law, pres
ent tlie
ent tlie same as on yesterday, when
the following proceedings were bad
in tlie matter of the county board of
health: The county board of health
met on this day pursuant to law, pres
ent, AV. D. Huffaker, chairman, T R
Jones and John Empey, commissioners',
and Drs. W. E. Patrie and Wm. Kin
naird, when tlie following proceedings
were had, to-wit:
Ordered tiiat the respective countv
p hys cians of the north and south lialf
ot Bingham county, Idaho, be and they
are hereby allowed and instructed to em
ploy such help as they deem ncceessary
to prevent or control any epidemic of
contagious diseases within tills county,
huch help or assistance so employed to
be paid by Bingham county, Idaho.
Ordered tiiat tlie respective countv
physicians be and they are hereby
authonzed to have printed anv rules,
aus regulations or instructions for pro
per disinfection on cards or in pamph
let form, suitable for distribution Said
printer to be designated by tlie county
clerk and done at the expense of Bing
ham county, Idaho.
Ordered that the county attorney be
and he is hereby instructed bv tills
board to execute sufficient warrant of
arrest and use evry effort to procure an
immediate convection of any person m
persons tor any violation of the quaran
tine laws of tlie state, »vhenever so re
quested by tlie county physician of eith
r the north or tlie south half of Bing
ham county, Idaho.
_,° r ^ e . red t* lat the respective county
Physicians be and they are hereby in
structed to use ample disinfectants in
the proper quantity and manner on each
premises to be disinfected, sufficient
to safely prevent what is known as a re
currence. It is also ordered tiiat in the
event the owner or renter of tiie prem
ises are unable by l-.-ason of their pover
ty to purchase sufficient disinfectants
tlie county physician purchase tlie same
at tlie expense of Bingham county, l<j ; ,
ho. The said purchase of disinfectants
thall not be made at the expense ,,'f
tlie county unless necessary or t-xped -
ient. That tlie bill for said disinfect
ants bo rendered promptly at tlie end
if the quarter, properly itemized by slat
ing kind, quantity and for whom" u-.,,.)
and the date of the purchase. The board
«refers and wherever practical tiiat tlie
Dupive or the International solidified
formaline torch or disinfector lie used
in all interior of houses, and that for
Ccntinuecl on page 3

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