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BIG INTERESTS FORM COMBINE. Studebaker Wagon Company and E. M. F's. Automobile Concern To Consolidate. New York, Feb. 1.—A new Stude baker corporator», to take over the immeise wagon plant of the Stude bakers at South Bend, Ind., and the automobile plant at Detroit of the E. M. F. company, was announced to day. Kleinwert Sons & Co., of Lon don, are associated with Goldman, Sachs & Co., and Lehman Bros., in the purchase of $13,500,000 of seven per cent culminiative preferred stock of the new corpoation. Control of the new corporation, it is said to remain with the Stuide bakers interests. Arraingemnets have been made for chartering the corpora tion with an authorized capital of $45,000,000. Gas Waste in Cooking. The majority of women waste gas In cooking. The wasteful ones keep the burner on at full height all the time food is cooking, and oven burner turned on full until the food is taken out. When the boiling has started the gas may be lowered so that it merely maintains the boiling, and often the simmer burner is sufficient. In many instances the oven burner may be turned off before the food is done, and the heat retained in the oven will be sufficient for the proper cooking of the food. Mistaken Economy. It is often a mistaken economy to vise too large jars for preserves, jams and the like in the effort to save trou ble, tops, etc. A small family is not able to consume the whole quantity at a time, and the rest is likely to be wasted. Jellies often refuse to Jell when put into large receptacles. Cooking an extra supply of food in order to have enough to warm up or Tecook is often unwise, because the food the first time it is cooked is likely to be more wholesome than when all fried up in grease or stewed to toughness from second cooking. Cream Scones. Take two cupfuls of flour, four tea spoonfuls of baking powder, two table spoonfuls of sugar, four tablespoonfuls of butter, one-third cupful of milk or cream. Mix and sift dry materials (flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt). Cut in the butter with a knife; add the eggs, well beaten, and milk. Put on a floured board and roll to three-fourths of an inch in thickness Gut in squares. Brush whites of egg on them and then sprinkle with sugar. Bake in a hot oven over 15 minutes. You will find that these are quite dainty and delicious. Berries and Toast. Cut some slices of stale bread very thin and toast them a light brown, but ter quite thick, and line the bottom and sides of a pudding dish with them. Fill the dish with strawberries as full as it will hold and sift plenty of sugar through and over them. Set this in the oven for about half an hour. Serv* very cold with rich cream. Banana Toast. After the family are at the table, split a few bananas and boil them. Lay them on a little platter, previous ly heated. Butter them quickly and serve immediately. It will take three minutes to cook them, and they are de licious when hot. upon Conspuez the Coun*. Geraldine Farrar says: "Out counts!" And hands them a jar and a slam, By telling the world: "You can take it from me That a count never is worth a mo ment of any girl's time." A FAIR RETORT. Pat, who had a bad coin given to him, decided to try and spend it. He therefore went into a to' acconist and asked for a cigar. The shopman hand ed over the cigar, and Pat, putting the cigar in his mouth, tenderd the coin. He was making his way out when the shopman shouted: "Hey, man, do you know it is a bad one?" Pat turned round and said: "Never mind. I'll smoke it if it kills me." WISE JEWELER r Jeweler—Here's an engagement ring for $10. Special service, $10 extra. Young Man—What do you mean by special service? Jeweler—When the young lady drops in to find out the value of It we'U tell her from $6 j to $90. Why Hs Didn't. "Pa son writes for enough money to come home on." "An' if it wasn't fer one thing. I'd send it to him, b'gosh!" "An' what's that, pat" "It'd be just like him to take it an' come home." Her Fault, Anyhow. "Norah, 1 hate to do It, but you are fired. That breakfast was the last straw!" "But it was the missus cooked the breakfast, sor!" "I know it, and didn't I tell you never to let her in the kitchen?' Grandmother's Crullers. Beat two eggs and add a cupful of sugar, one cupful of sour milk, a tea spoonful each of cinnamon and salt, dissolve half a teaspoonful of water and add it to the other ingredients. Stir in flour until a fairly stiff dough is found. Roll out, cut in shapes or strips. If cut in strips twist into crul lers, and fry in smoking hot fat; drain, then sugar, and when cool place in stone jars. Dear Little Georgle. 'I think you will like our Georgle," said the fond mother to the new minis ter. "He's so polite, and so unusually choice in his use of language. Come here, Georgle, dear, and speak to Mr. Plnkley. He's our new minister, you know." "Shake hands, my little man," said the pastor, encouragingly. "You ap pear to me like a very good kind of a boy. Am I right?" "You bet yoÄ fuzzy Fedora you're right!" cried Georgle. "Say, old top, gimme a nickel!" Residence Property For Sale After the completion of my new residence, my property at the corner of Francis and Fisher streets, will be for sale, It consists of a nine roon house, all modern conveniences, good basement, barn, coal and wood house hen house, buggy shed, 110 fruit trees all good varieties. Terms to suit purchaser. R. E. Hansen,- Red Barn, Blackfoot, Idaho. tf ESTRAY NOTICE. Basalt, Jan. 17th, 1911. I have in my possession the follow ing described animal. One dark blu horse, about 14 years old and weight about 1,000 lbs. Brands block above T on left shoulder and 27 on left hip. if said animal is not claimed and all charges paid before 30 days from dat of this advertisement the same will be sold at constable sale. HANS JOHNSON, Give Us Your Order There are a number of faccy stock nd poultry raisers in this county, who use stationery with the names of the various kinds of stock raised. We have made special arrangements a stock cut hc.ues by which we an furnish everyone a, cut of their fancy animals and fowls at a very low cost. Consult us before giving an order for your next stationery and we can save you money. tf WARRANT CALL County Treasure's office, Blackfoot, Bingham County, Idaho, December 20 1910. Notice is hereby given that the following Bingham County Warrants will be paid on presentation, if pre sented within sixty (60) days from the date of this notice: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Registered Numbered April 14th, 1910 46 to 163 Incl. July 19th, 1910 164 to 225 Incl ROAD FUND. July 19th, 1910 193 to 257 Incl. Oct. 14th, 1910 258 to 339 Incl. BRIDGE FUND. July 19th, 1910 25 to 63 Incl. SCHOOL DISTRICT WARRANTS. District No, Warrants Numbered 5 13940 11 15077, 15097, 15273 19 13973 24 14937, 15185, 15186, 15187, 15188, 15240. • 26 15180, 15181 28 14071, 14110, 14118, 14152, 14190, 14216, 14259, 14260, 14322, 14387, 14412, 14568, 14582, 14579, 14580, 14731, 14762, 14751, 14840, 14858, 14927, 14921, 14984, 15020, 14930, 15006, 15106, 15107, 14874, 15138, 15143, 15145, 30 13635, 13634, 13638, 13633, 13632, 13636, 13671, 13659, 13662, 13661, 13660, 13644, 13673, 13689, 13688, 13718, 13746, 13747, 13768, 13816, 13815, 13814, 13810, 13809, 13826. « 34 14383 36 14385 39 12898, 12897, 13002, 13008. 40 15136, 15150. 45 14464, 14490, 14550, 14604, 14949, 14971, 15021, 14928, 14927, 15133, 15132, 15134, 15135, 15131, 15139, 15276. 50 14993, 14994, 15073. 54 14899. 56 14004. the B. 32 D22-2m GEORGE B. PINTLE. Treasurer Bingham County. C. V. FISHER, Deputy al or NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 01701. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at Blackfoot, Idaho, January 16, 1911. Notice is hereby given that OSCAR F. RICE, Of Springfield, Idaho, who, on Jan uary 29, 1907, made desert land en try No. 4356, serial No. 01701, for SWVi NWVi, section 25, township 4 south, range 32 east, Boise meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described, before register and receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Blackfoot, Idaho, on the 7th day of March, 1911. Claimant names as wlntesses: James M. Rice, of Springfield, Id aho; Oscar S. Rice, of Springfield, Id aho; Louis A. Nugent, of Otis, Idaho; Harry Hamilton, of Springfield, Ida ho. HENRY W. KIEFER, J-19-5L Register. the by set To so ALIAS SUMMONS. In the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District. County of Bing ham, State of Idaho. R H Stone, plaintiff, vs Esther Stone, defendant. The State of Idaho sends greeting to the above îmmcd defendant: Ycu ara hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff in the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District., State of Idaho, in and for the County of Bingham, end to ans wer the complaint filed 1 therein within twenty days (exclusive of -he day of service) after the service on you of tiii3 summons, if served with in this Distrct; or if served out of of this District; forty days Said action is brought to recover a decree of this court dissolving the bands of mutrimony heretofiore ex isting between yourself and the plain tiff on the ground that you willfully deserted and abandoned plain tiff and still continue to so desert and abandon plaintiff. And you are hereby notified, That if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint as bove required, the said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the com plaint, besides the costs of this act ion. Given under my hand ar.d seal of the District Court of the Sixth Judi cial Distrct of the State of Idaho, in and for the. County of Bingham, this 11th day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hun dred and eleven. F. W. JORDAN, Clerk. By Geo. B. Riches, Deputy Clerk. J. Ed. Smiith, Atorney for 'Plain tiff. Residence and P. O. Address, Idaho Falls, Idaho. D12-6L NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Serial No 09619. Department of the Interior, U. S. Iond Office at Blackfoot, Idaho, January 13, 1911. Notice is hereby given, That Lar enzo R. Thomas of Blackfoot, Idaho, the legal assignee of B, A. Mason, the assignee of P. H. Seymour, ad ministrator of the estate of John B. Winn, deceased, has on this date filed in this office his application to enter under the provisions of section 2306 and 2307, Revised Statutes of the United States, the South half of the Northeast quarter ( S V6 NE V4 ) of Section 18, Township 4 South, Range 32 East, Boise Meridian, Idaho. Any and all persons claiming ad of of V4 verslv the above described land or ^ . desiring to object because of the mineral character of the laind, or for any other reason, to the dispos al to applicant, should file their af fidavits of protest in this office on or before the 4th day of March, 1911. HENRY W. KIEFER, Register. First publication, Jan. 19, 1911. Last publication, March 2. 1911. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Serial 01152 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. S. Land Office, at Blackfoot, Idaho, December 28, 1910. Notice is hereby given that Madon na E. Reddick, of Pingree, Idaho, who, on October 21, 1907, made Desert Land Entry No. 4519, Serial No. 01152, for NE Vi S'Vy 4 , SEV* NW *i, NWVi SEVi. Lot 3, Section 4, Township 4 South, Range 33 East, Boise Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above des cribed, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Blackfoot, Ida lu, on the 21st day of February, 1911 Claimant names as witnesses: John R. Cushman, of Springfield, Idaho. Frank Thompson, of Blackfoot, Ida ho. Warren W. Bales of Pingree, Idaho John Josephson, of Pingree, Idaho. HENRY W. KIEFER, D29-6t Register. Butter Wrappers at this office. Delinquent Notice The Watson Slough Ditch Comp any, a corporation, principal place of business, Thomas, Idaho. Notice: There is delinquent upon the following described stock on ac count of assessment No. 10, levied by the board of directors, the amount set opposite the names of the res pective stockholders as follows: To whom issued. No. Shares. Amt. G. O. Daily 80 $5.07 V. C. Holland 60 7.50 And in accordance with law and the order of the board of directors, so many shares of each parcel of stock as may be necessary will be sold at Thomas on Saturday, the 4th day of February, 1911, to pay said assessment, cost of advertising and expense of sale. E. CLEARY, Secretary, The Watsom Slough Ditoh Co. Dated Jan. 5, 1910. J5-5t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Serial 04626 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. S. Land Office, at Blackfoot, Idaho, January 10, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Elbert M. Hall, of Blackfoot, Idaho, R. F. D. No. 2, who, on June 27, 1908, made Homestead Entry No. 13040, Serial No. 04626, for NWV4 SEVi; NE Vi swy*; SEVi NWVi, Sec. 30, Township 2 south. Range 34 East, Boise meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Commuta tion Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before regis ter and receiver, U. S.' Land Office, at Blackfoot, Idaho, on the 10 day of March, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: J. B. Hall, S. M. Rose, Ellen Hall, Thomas Good, all of Blackfoot, Idaho. HENRY W. KIEFER, J-12-5t. Register. of No. of W. 3 ed NOTICE. Serial No. 09559. N. E. Vi N E. Vi. Section 19, Town ship 3 South, Range 41 East. S. E. Vi N. W. Vi, N. E. Vi S. W. Vi S. W. Vi s. W. Vi, Section 32, Town Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Notice is hereby given that the State of Idaho on the 31st day of December, 1910, filed in this office a list of lands No. 09559, selected by its State Board of Land Commissioners for Indemnity purposes under Section No. 4, Act of July 3rd, 1890, as follows: and S. E. 1 / 4, Section 20, Town ship 3 South, Range 41 East 3 ship 3 South, Range 41 East Copies thereof by descriptive sub divisions have been posted in tills of fice for inspection by any person inter ested and tiie public generally. Within tiie next sixty days from tiie date of tiie first publication hereof, pro tests or contests, against the claim of tiie State to tiie tracts, or sub-divisions herein described, on the ground that tiie same is more valuable for mineral than for other purposes, will be receiv ed and noted for report to tiie General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure to protest, or contest the claim of the State within the time spec ified, will be considered slfflclent evi dence of its non-mineral character, and tiie selection being otherwise free from objection, will be recommended for ap proval. HENRY W. KIEFER, Register. (First Publication. Jan. 19. 1911.1 (Last Publication, February 16, 1911.) NOTICE. Serial No. 09560. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Notice is hereby given that the State of Idaho on the 31st day of December, 1910, filed In this office a list of lands No. 09560, selected by its State Board of Land Commissioners for Indemnity purposes under Section No. 4, Act of July 3rd, 1890, as follows: N. E. Vi N. W. Vi, Section 17, Town ship 2 South, Range 41 East. S. E. Vi S. E. Vi, Section 18, Town ship 2 South, Range 41 East. E. Vt N. E. Vi, S. E. Vi N. W. Vi. E. V4 S. W. Vt, S. E. Vi, Section 19, Town ship 2 South, Range 41 East. S. W. Vi. S. W. Vi S. E. Vt. Section 20, Township 2 South, Range 41 East. Copies thereof by descriptive sub divisions have been posted in this of fice for Inspection by any person inter ested and the public generally. Within the next sixty days from the date of the first publication hereof, pro tests or contests, against the claim of (Via C(o (a (n (lia (rant ü np u 11 1 e State to the tracts, or sub-divisions I nein described, on the ground that I ■ ' the same is more valuable for mineral than for other purposes, will be receiv ed and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure to protest, or contest the claim of the State within the time spec ified, will be considered sifficlent evi dence of its non-mineral character, and the selection being otherwise free from objection, will be recommended for ap proval. HENRY W. KIEFER. Register. (First Publication. Jan. 19, 1911.) (Last Publication, February 16, 1911.) NOTICE. Serial No. 09561. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Notice is hereby given that the State of Idaho on the 31st day of December, 1910, filed in this office a list of lands No. 09561, selected by its State Board of Land Commissioners for Indemnity purposes under Section No. 4, Act of July 3rd, 1890, as follows: N. E. V4 N. W. Vi. Section 30, Town ship 2 South. Range 41 East. N. W. Vi N. E. V». S. E. Vi N. E.V4 N. E. V4 N. W. Vi. Section 32, Town ship 2 South, Range 41 East. N. E. *4, N. W. Vi. E. Vi S. E. Vt. Section 33, Township 2 South, Range 41 East. W. V4 N. E. Vt. Section 34, Township 2 South, Range 41 East. Copies thereof by descriptive sub divisions have been posted in this of fice for inspection by any person inter ested and the public generally. Within the next sixty days from the date of the first publication hereof, pro tests or contests, against the claim of the State to the tracts, or sub-divisions herein described, on the ground that tiie same is more valuable for mineral than for other purposes, cri and noted for reoort Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure to protest, or ,, will be receiv t to Hie General will be considered sifficlent evi e of its non-mineral character, and selection being otherwise free from claim of the State within the time spec ified, dence tiie selection being objection, will be recommended for ap PrOVah HENRY W. KIEFER, Register. (First Publication. Jan. 19. 1911.) (Last Publication, February 16, 1911.) contest the Serial No. 09555. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Notice is hereby given that the State of Idaho on the 31 day of December, 1910 filed in this office a list of lands No. 09556, selected by its State Board of Land Commissioners for Indemnity purposes under Section No. 4, Act of July 3rd, 1890. as follows: N. E. Vi. E. Vs N. W. %, N E Vi S. W. Vi. S. E. (4, Section IS, Township 3 South, ltange 41 East. N. E. %, Section 32, Township 3 South Range 41 East. N. W. (4 S. E. (4, Section 29, Town ship 3 South, Hange 41 East. Copies thereof by descriptive sub divisions have been posted in this of fice for inspection by any person inter ested, and the publl generally. Within the next sixty days from the date of the first publication hereof, pro teses od contests against the claim of file State to the tracts, or sub-divisions herein described, on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral titan for other purposes, will be receiv ed and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, 1). C. Failure to protest, or contest the claim of the State within the time spec ified, will he considered slfflclent evi dence of its non-mineral character, and tile selection being otherwise free front objection, will be recommended for ap proval. HENRY W. KIEFER, Register. (First Publication, Jan. 19, 1911.) (Last Publication, February 16, 1911.) NOTICE. Serial No. 09573. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office. Notice Is hereby given that the State of Idaho on the 31st day or December, 1910, filed In this office a list of lands No. 09673, selected by its State Uoan. ol Land Commissioners for Indemnity purposes under Section No. 4, Act of July 3rd, 1890, as follows: S. E. Vi N. E. Vi, W. Vt S. E. Vt. S. W. Vi N. W. (4. Section 33, Township 3 South, Range 42 East. N. E. Vi, E. Vs N. ,W.(4 S. W. Vi, N. % S. E. Vi, Section 34, Township 3 South. Range 42 East. Copies thereof by descriptive sub divisions have been posted in this of fice for inspection by any person inter ested and the public generally. Within the next sixty days from the date of the first publication hereof, pro tests or contests, against the claim of the State to the tracts, or sub-divisions herein described, on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for other purposes, will be receiv ed and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure to protest, or contest the claim of the State within the time spec ified, will be considered slfflclent evi dence of its non-mineral character, and tiie selection being otherwise free from objection, will be recommended for ap proval. HENRY W. KIEFER, Register. (First Publication, Jan. 19, 1911.) (Last Publication, February 16, 1911.) NOTICE. of of 14, E. Vi V.. ed Serial No. 09558. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Notice is hereby given that the State of Idaho on tiie .'list day of December, 1910, filed In this office a list of lands No. 09558, selected by its State Board of Land Commissioners for Indemnity purposes under Section No. 4, Act of July 3rd, 1890, as follows: S. % N. W. U, S. W. Vi < W. V. S. E. Vi, Section 12, Township 2 South,"Range 41 East; W. Vi N. E. Vi, N. >/■ N. IV. Vi, N. E. Vi S. W. Vi, N. W. Vi S. E. Vi, Section 13, Township 2 South, Range 41 East. S. '-i X. E. 14, Section 17, Township 2 South, Range 41 Enst. Copies thereof by descriptive sub divisions have been posted in tills of fice for inspection by any person inter ested and tiie public generally. Within the next sixty days from the date of tiie first publication hereof, pro tests or contests, against tiie claim qf tiie State to tiie tracts, or sub-divisions herein described, on tiie ground that tiie same is more valuable for mineral than for other purposes, will be recelv i d and noted for report to tiie General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure to protest, or contest the claim of the State within the time spec ified, will be considered slfflclent evi dence of its non-mineral character, and tiie selection being otherwise free from objection, will be recommended for ap proval. HENRY W. KIEFER. Register. (First Publication. Jan. 19, 1911.) (Last Publication, February 16, 1911.) NOTICE. Serial No. 09556. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Notice is hereby given that the State of Idaho on the 31st day of December, 1910, filed in this office a list of lands No. 09556, selected by its State Board of Land Commissioners for Indemnity purposes under Section No. 4, Act of July 3rd, 1890, as follows: S. E. Vi S. W. Vi, S. E. V4 S. E. Vi. Section 2, Township 3 South, ltangp 41 East. S. U N. E. Vi, N. E. Vi S. E. Vi S. W. (4 S. E. Vi, Section 3, Town nip 3 South, Range 41 East. S. W. Vi N. W. V4, Section 4, Town ship 3 South, Range 41 East. E. Vt S. W. Vt. Section 7, Township 3 South, Range 41 East. N. W. Vi S. W. V4, N. Vi S. E. Vi. S W. Vi S. E. Vi, Section 15, Township 3 South, Range 41 East. N. % N. W. Vt. S. W. Vi N. W. Vi. Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 41 East. Copies thereof by descriptive sub divisions have been posted in this of fice for inspection by any person inter ested and the public generally. Within the next sixty days from the date of the first publication hereof, pro tests or contests, against the claim ol tiie State to the tracts, or sub-divisions herein described, on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for other purposes, will be receiv ed and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure to protest, or contest the claim of the State within the time spec ified, will be considered slfflclent evi dence of Its non-mineral character, and tiie selection being otherwise free from objection, will be recommended for ap proval. HENRY W. KIEFER. Register. (First Publication, Jan. 19, 1911.) (Last Publication, February 16, 1911.) NOTICE. To the Probate Court of the County of (Ingham, State of Idaho. In the matter of the Estate of Heze klah J. Campbell, Deceased: Notice Is hereby given that U h. Campbell has filed In this court a dec ument purporting to be th last will and testament of Hezeklah J. Campbell, deceased, together with Ills petition for the prohate of said will and the issu ance to him of letters testamentary thereon; and notice is further given that Monday the 13th day of February. 1911, at ten o'clock a. m., of said day. j at the court room of said court, at j the court house in the city of Black I foot, county of Bingham, state of Ida , ho, bave been appointed as the time and place for proving said will and : when and where any person interested In said estate may appear and sho\v cause, if any lie has, why the pra\ei >r j hearing said application for the 1 of letters testamentary thereon. the said petitioner should not be grant ed Dated tills 23 day of January. 1911. J. H. ANDERSON. Judge, and Ex-of J26-3t. flcto cleik of said court. Serial No. «9552. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Notice is hereby given that the State of Idaho on the 31st day of ..December, 1910, filed in this office a list of lands No. 09552, selected by its State Board of Land Commissioners for Indemnity purposes under Section 4, Act of July 3rd, 1890, as follows: S. W. Vi N. E. Vi, N. W. 14 N. W. 14, S. Vt N. W.Vi N. W. Vi S. E. (4, S. E. Vi S. E. Vi, Section 8, Township 4 Soutn, Hange 41 East. •N. Vt N. E. Vt, N. V4 N. W. Vi. S. W. Vi N. VV. >4 W. Vi S. \V. (4. N. Vt S. E. V.. S. W. Vi S. E. Vi, Section 11, Town ship 4 South, Range 41 East. Copies thereof by descriptive sub divisions have been posted in this of fice for inspection by any person inter ested and the public generally. Within the next sixty days from the date of the first publication hereof, pro tests or contests, against the claim ot the State to the tracts, or sub-divisions herein described, on the ground that tiie same is more valuable for mineral than for other purposes, will be receiv ed and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure to protest, or contest tiie claim of the State within the time spec ified, will be considered slfflclent evi dence of its non-mineral character, and tiie selection being otherwise free from objection, will be recommended for ap proval. HENRY W. KIEFER, Register. (First Publication, Jan. 19, 1911.) (Last Publication, February 16, 1911.) NOTICE. Serial No .09553. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Notice is hereby given that the State f Idaho on tiie 31st day of December, 1910, filed in tills office a list of lands No. 09653, selected by its State Board of Land Commissioners for indemnity purposes under Section No. 4, Act of July 3rd, 1890, as follows: N. W. Vi N. E. Vi. -S. >2 N. E. Vi, N. W. Vi, S. Vi, Section 25, Township 4 South, Range 41 East. Copies thereof by descriptive sub divisions have been posted in tills of fice for inspection by any person inter ested and the public generally. Within the next sixty days from the date of the first publication tiereof, pro tests or contests, against the claim ol the State to the tracts, or sub-divisions herein described, on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for other purposes, will be receiv ed and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure to protest, or contest the claim of the State within the time spec ified, will be considered sifficlent evi dence of its non-mineral character, and the selection being otherwise free from objection, will be recommended for ap proval. HENRY W. KIEFER, Register. (First Publication, Jan. 19, 1911.) (Last Publication, "February 16, 1911.) Serial No. 09554. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Notice is hereby given that the State of Idaho on the 31st day of December, 1910, filed in this office a list of lands No. 09554, selected by its State Board of Land Commissioners, for indemnity purposes under Section No. 4, Act of July 3rd, as follows: All Section 14, Township 4 South, Range 41 East. Copies thereof by descriptive sub divisions have been posted in this of fice for inspection by any person inter ested and the public generally. Within the next sixty days from the date of the first publication hereof, pro tests or contests, against the claim ot the State to the tracts, or sub-divisions herein described, on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for other purposes, will be receiv ed and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure to protest, or contest the claim of tin* State within the time spec ified, will be considered sifficlent evi dence of its non-mineral character, ami the selection being otherwise free from objection, will be recommended for ap proval. HENRY W. KIEFER, Register. (First Publication, Jan. 19, 1911.) (Last Publication, February 16. 1911.) Serial No. 09557. Department of tiie Interior, United States Land Office. Notice Is hereby given that the State of Idaho on the 31st day of December, 1910, filed In this office a list of lands No. 09557, selected by Its State Board of Land Commissioners for Indemnity purposes under Section No. 4, Act of July 3rd, 1890, as follows: N. Vt S. W. Vt. S. E. Vt S. W. Vi. W. Vi S. E. Vi. Section 22, Township 3 south. Range 41 East. S. E. Vi S. E. Vi. Section 23, Town ship 3 South Range 41 East. N. E. Vi, N. Vt N. W. Vi S. E. Vi. Section 24, Township 3 South Range 41 East Copies thereof by descriptive sub divisions have been posted in this of fice for inspection by any person inter ested and tiie public generally. Within the next sixty days from the date of the first publication hereof, pro tests or contests, against the claim ot the State to the tracts, or sub-divisions herein described., on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for other purposes, will be receiv ed and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure to protest, or contest the claim of the State within the time spec ified, will be considered sifficlent evi dence of Its non-mineral character, and the selection being otherwise free from objection, will be recommended for ap proval. HENRY W. KIEFER, Register. (First Publication, Jan. 19, 1911.) (Last Publication. February 16. 191D NOTICE. Serial No. 09576. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Notice is hereby given that the State of Idaho on the 31st day of December, 1910 filed In this office a list of lands No. 09576, selected by its State Board of Land Commissioners for Indemnity purposes under Section No. 4, Act of Julv 3rd. 1890. ns follows: All Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 42 East. Copies thereof by descriptive sub divisions have been posted in this of fice for Inspection by any person inter ested and the public generally. Within the next sixty days from the date of the first publication hereof, pro tests or contests, against the claim or the State to the tracts, or sub-divisions herein described, on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for other purposes, will be receiv ed and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure to protest, or contest the claim of the State within the time spec ified, will be considered sufficient evi dence of its non-mineral character, and the selection being otherwise free from objection, will be recommended for ap prox al. HENRY W. KIEFER, Register. (First Publication. Jan. 19. 1911.) (Last Publication, February 16, 1911.»