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WILL CHANGE NEXT MONTH DR. F. H. POOLE, NEW SUPERIN TENDENT OF INSANE ASYLUM WILL TAKE CHARGE OF THAT INSTITUTION NEXT MONTH. Dr. P. H Poole, of this city, who returned recently from Boise, will as sume his duties as medical superin tendent of the state asylum for the insane at Blackfoot on March 7. Or dinarily the busin ss dt the asylum is closed every quarter, and if this plan were followed it would carry the change of administration forward to April 1. But as there is an extensive farm operated in connection with the asylum, and it is essential to have the farm work started at the earliest date p rmitted by weather condi tions, dt is thought best by all con cerned to have the change of ad ministration March 7. The present administration, of the asylum started March 6, two years ago.—Pocatello Tribune. NEGRO UNDER ARREST. (Deputy Sheriff John Ellis return ed yesterday morning from Butte, having in custody Will Thomas, al ias Stack, alias a few other names, the negro who is bellev- d to have robbed the residence of F. H. Hill iard in this city last week dt close to $500 worth of diamonds and jew els. Bob Brown, a colored messen ger boy, was arrested here for com plicity. Thomas gave the jewels to Brow® to dispose of and with the proceeds fled to Butte, where he was at once arrested on télégraphes ad vic s from Pocatello. The sheriff's office recovered the pawned diam onds,w atch and part of the jewels, the only thing missing being one brooch pin and a pearl handled revol ver. According to Deputy Ellis, Thom as has served a term in Utah (for burglary and t n years in Montana for th-j same offense. There is strong evidence to support the theo ry that Thomas was the mam who robbed the home of Mrs. Jennie Laughran, burglarized an adjoining residence, ar.d stole some furs from the home of Dr. William Cureton.— Pocatello Tribune. Pa's Ultimatum. "Our Thursday, Saturday and Mon day morning' papers have checked up shy for the last three weeks regular ly." "Do you believe they are being stolen, pa?" "I know Kitty's beau calls Wednes day, Friday and Sunday nights. I want him to go home earlier or to stop taking our paper with him." Disillusionment. "The average person gets two hard jolts early in life and after that he ex pects to be deceived more or less to the end of his days." "And the two Jolts?" "The first comes when he learns that there is no Santa Claus and the wind when he discovers that circus •lero don't always stick to facts." FAITH IN PINS. § Mrs. Youngwed (three a. m.)—And to think 1 pinned my faith to your high sense of honor! Mr. Youngwed (loaded)—Justsh like —hie—a woman; thingingsh that pins —hie—will holdsh anything—hie—and alwaysh. The Melancholy Days. "The melancholy days have come— The saddest of the year." But buckwheat ca' c and 3 tuer kraut Will help to bring us cheer. A Stinging Answer. New Method Parent—So you be lieve still in the rod by way of de veloping children? Old-fashioned Teacher—I believe it Is the natural way to make them smart Merely a Suspicion. "If so many noblemen who come over here are broke, how do they manage to feet across the water?" "Don't know', I'm sure, but I've segn waiters on board trans-Atlantic liners who had quite an air." Russian Taffy. Three cups light brown sugar, one half cup condensed cream, butter size large walnut. Boil until will form a soft ball in cold water. Nuts can be added. When done pour into buttered pans; cut into squares wh'en cold. ; PROFESSIONALCARDS DR. FRANK A. SLOAN Osteopathic Physician Office: Boyle Building (with W. A. Beakley.) Phone 163. Residence 356 E Idaho St. Phone 125 Blackfoot - Idaho Courteous Prompt BINGHAM COLLECTION AGENCY Handle All Honest Claims Office over Palace Drug Store. Phone 120, Blackfoot, Idaho. Efficient Firm F. W. KIEFER Locating and Consulting Engineer State License, No. 209. BLACKFOOT IDAHO DR. W. E. PATRIE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over the State Bank MAIN STREET. BLACKFOOT Office 'Phone, 106. Residence, 75 Res: East Main and Bridge, facing track DR. H. A. HALSEY, Physician and Surgeon Telephone 230 Millick Block, Blackfoot, Idaho. F. W. Mitchell C. E. Bryant DRS. MITCHELL & BRYANT Behley Block Phone 18 BLACKFOOT - - . IDAHO DR. J. B. COOPER, Phyiscian and Surgeon No. 312, Near Red Barn BLACKFOOT, IDAHO. HANSBROUGH & G-GON ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Practice in State and Federal Court* Mllllck Block BLACKFOOT - - . IDAHO LORENZO R. THOMAS Land Attorney Practice before the U. S. Land Of flee and Departmnet of Interior. Register U. S. Land Office from 1897 to 1907. All land office bus! ness given careful attention. Look for the sign near the Land Office, Blackfoot, Idaho. C. S. BEEBE. Attorney at Law Blackfoot Over Palace Drug Store Phone 120 E. M. KENNEDY Auctioneer General Sales Agent Blackfoot .... Idaho Harness, Saddles and repairing neatly done by LEO HENISH Bridge St. Blackfoot, Idaho For Hot and Cold Baths, Good Barber Work, Go To The BRIDGE STREET BARBER SHOP, Tom Reel and Max Smith barbers. Blackfoot, Idaho. KARL S. FACKRELL, Attorney At Law. Office over State Bank, BLACKFOOT, - - - IDAHO. SMOKING MEAT THE NEW WAY. Ton don't need a smoke house. Apply WRIGHT'S SMOKE — a liquid — giv ing two coats, which will impart the rich aroma and delicate flavor of hickory smoke to the meat, keeping it sound, sweet and insect free indefinitely. Sold for 14 years all over U. S. and Can ada. Get the genuine. Fully Guaran- - teed. Sold only in square quart bottles with metal cap. Ask vour druggist for "Wright's Smoke". Made only by E. H. WRIGHT CO., k«bmi city, Mo. Sold and Guaranteed by PALACE DRUG STORE. At Cutler Photo Studio. Is where you can get your pictures enlarged correctly end you need not pay one cent until you get a picture that suits you. Don't give your order to agents who pest you for hours but give them to Cutler who will take care of your picture cc.d who Is always here in your home town. He guarantees to suit you or will ask no pay. You can also get picture frames of any kind or size made to order. Cutler's is the place for everything in the picture line. Next door to post office. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Final Proof. I, Herman R. Scholz, of Aberdeen, Idaho, who made entry No. 327, an der the provisions of atn. act of the legislature of the state of Idaho, com monly known as the "Carey Act,'' ap proved March 2nd, 1889, which em braces E ^ of 'S. W. *4 of section 15, of township 5 south, of range 31 E., B. M., do hereby give notice of my Intention to make final proof to es tablish my claim to the tond above described and that 1 expect to prove that I have resided on, '«claimed and cultivated said land as required by law, before Paul A. Fugate at Aber deen, Idaho, on February 20th, 1911 by two of the following witnesses : W. M. Estes, of Aberdeen, Idaho, L. C. Blades, of Aberdeen, Idaho, Al bert Lottls, of Aberdeen, Idaho, Paul Sholz, of Aberdeen, Idaho. 9-4t. H. B. Scholz, Entryman. WARRANT CALL. County treasurer's office, Blaek foot, Bingham County, Idaho, Feb ruary 4th, 1911. Notjce is hereby given that the fol lowing Bingham County and School District warrants will be paid upon presentation, if presented within sixty (60) days from th date of this notice: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Registered Numbered July 19th, 1910 226 to 353 Inch Oct. 14th, 1910 354 to 774 Incl. Jan. 14th, 1911 775 to 1185 Inch ROAD FUND Oct. 14th, 1910 340 to 421 loch Jan. 14th, 1911 422 to 637 Inch BRIDGE FUND July 19th, 1910 64 to 118 Inch Oct. 14th, 1910 119 to 171 Inch Jan. 14th, 1911 172 to 202 Inch SCHOOL DISTRICT WARRANTS Dist. No. Warrants Numbered 5 13958 13966 14092 14122 14141 14144 14159 14168 14311 14300 14320 14321 14361 14370 14388 14397 14402 14419 14470 15553 14472 14506 14749 14747 15598 14836 14850 14844 14845 15626 14887 14S85 14981 15025 15040 15071 15070 15114 15158 15176 15224 15345 15346 15351 15375 15397 15422 15540 15654 15662 15664 15695 15696 14142 12 15242 15291 15617 15618 13 15314 15394 15704 14 14962 15075 15113 15167 15353 15510 15508 15509 15639 15 14613 14609 15012 15141 I5I49 15148 15269 15554 15581 15624 15625 14591 18 15112 15274 15273 15428 15591 15679 15716 19 13972 13971 13969 13992 14010 14016 14030 14091 14127 14125 14124 14131 14130 14148 I4I69 14147 14227 14222 14242 14253 14243 14244 14257 15675 15674 14340 14374 14414 15678 15677 14404 14420 14470 15676 15570 14479 14510 14599 14616 14603 14623 14625 14642 14698 14767 14738 14790 14868 14869 14865 14952 14953 14954 14907 14943 14942 14974 15217 15218 15219 15178 15179 15284 15285 15286 15293 15263 15265 15264 15358 15369 15368 15370 15410 15414 15415 15416 15417 15418 15443 15441 15498 15497 15545 15562 24 15344 15342 15343 26 15426 15481 15543 15589 15656 15655 15694 15693 27 15592 30 13843 13822 13839 13840 13846 13852 13851 13880 13878 13879 13946 13993 14046 14027 14054 14053 14052 14066 14067 14064 14085 14133 14121 14120 14274 14278 14287 14280 14281 14282 14283 14284 14800 14803 14787 14449 14530 14599 14560 14576 14448 14577 14578 14581 14588 14454 14589 14590 14595 14600 14461 14614 14622 14672 14685 14460 14704 14717 14765 14763 14764 14455 14769 14770 14760 14456 14782 14469 14467 14485 31 15120 15295 15362 15361 15363 15634 15635 15687 15686 34 14382 1438i 14380 14728 14729 14734 14891 14970 14986 15034 15056 15103 15102 15137 15151 15245 15424 15231 15230 15387 15391 36 14466 14571 15062 15063 15168 15169 15714 15171 15184 15318 I56I6 39 13051 13184 13395 13396 13707 13708 13990 13991 14070 14090 14185 14184 14267 14547 15333 14719 14919 14941 14967 15235 15236 15228 15349 41 15586 15707 15600 15681 15682 15683 43 14856 14862 14940 14996 15019 15121 15170 15159 I5I56 15334 15385 15395 15486 15523 15597 15672 15712 44 15144 15524 15401 15400 15477 45 15453 15451 46 15226 15337 15423 15320 15559 53 15204 15229 15339 15348 15446 15538 15541 54 14972 15160 15280 15281 15279 15316 15315 15434 15517 15515 15516 15514 15527 15596 15282 56 14231 14232 14233 14410 14389 14457 14484 14939 15032 15254 15268 15329 15564 15593 57 15518 15666 15699 15700 15715 75 14935 MARY A. THOMPSON. Treasurer Bingham County F9-2m. Per C. V. FISHER, Deputy. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice is hereby given that at . m. on the 10th day of March, 191 t Blackfoot, Couir.ty of Binghan I proof will be submitted of the com pletion of works for the diversion o 3 cubic feet per second of the water of Seventy Creek, in accordance with the terms and. conditions of < certain promit heretofore issued b; State Engineer of the State of Idaho. 1. The name of the person or cor porationholding said permit is James Hunter. 2. The P. O. address of such per son or the place of business of such corpora tien is Blackfoot, County of Bingham, State of Idaho. 3. The number of such permit is 5.866, and the date set for the com pletion of such work is March 25, 1911. 4. Said water is to be used for ir rigation and domestic purposes. 5. Said works of diversion, will be fully completed on the date set for such completion, and the amount of water which said works are capable of conducting to the place of intend ed use, In accordance with the plans accompanying the application for such permit, is 3 cubic feet per sec ond. 6. The amount of lands for which said water is available is 160 acres, particularly described as follows: S. W. V*. Sec. 32, T. 2 S., R. 40 E., B. M D. G. MARTIN, F2-5t. State Engineer. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. The Watson. Slough Irrigation com pany, a Corporation, principal place, of business, Thomas, Idaho, Notice is hereby given that at a me ting of the board of directors ol the above named company, held on Wednesday the 8th day of February, 1911, assess ment No. 7 of $1.25 per share was lev ied 011 the capital stock of this com pany, which is now due and p. yabl to E. Oleary at Thomas, Idaho. Ai.y stock on which this assess ment remains .unpaid 011 Thursday, the 16th day of March, 1911, will be delinquent, and will be advertised for sale according to law. The Watson Slough Irrigation Co. E. CLEARY, Secretary. Dated, Feb. 8th, 1911. 10-5t. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 0739. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Blackfoot, Idaho, Jan uary 25, 1911. Notice is hereby given that FRED E. NEFF, Assignee, Of Aberdeen, Idaho, who, on March 5, 1907, made desert land entry No. 4373, serial Nio. 0739, for SW V 4 , sec tion 11, township 5 south, range 31 east, Boise meridian', has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Register and Receiv er, U. S. Lind Office, at Blackfoot, Idaho, an. the 2nd. day of March, 1911 Claimant names as witnesses: Nelson McCauley, Charles R. Pear sall, Asa F. Morrison, Jesse Gilbert, all of Aberdeen, Idaho. HENRY W. KIEFER, Register. First Publication, Jan. 26, 1911. NOTICE. Serial No. 09564. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Notice is hereby given that the State of Idaho on the 31st day of December, 1910, filed in this office a list of lands No. 09564, selected by its State Board of Land Commislsoners for Indemnity purposes under Section No. 4, Act of July 3rd, 1890, as follows: All Section 13, Township 3 South, Range 41 East. Copies thereof by descriptive sub divisions have been posted in this of fice for Inspection by any person Inter ested and the public generally. Within the next sixty days from the date of the first publication hereof, pro tests or contests, against the claim of the State to the tracts, or sub-divisions herein described, on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for other purposes, will he receiv ed and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure to protest, or contest the claim of the State within the time spec ified, will be considered siffleient evi dence of its non-mineral character, and the selection being otherwise free from objection, will he recommended for ap proval. HEN BY W. KIEFER. Register. (First Publication, Jan. 19, 1911.) (Last Publication, February 16, 1911.) NOTICE. Serial No. 09575. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Notice Is hereby given that the State of Idaho on the 31st day of December, 1910, filed In this office a list of lands No. 09575, selected by its State Board of Land Commissioners for Indemnity purposes under Section No. 4, Act of July 3rd, 1890, ns ft,.! iws: All Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 42 East. Copies thereof by descriptive sub divisions have been posted In this of fice for inspection by any person inter ested and the public generally. Within the next sixty days from the date of the first publication hereof, pro tests or contests, against the claim of the State to the tracts, or sub-dlvlsions herein described, on the ground that the same Is more valuable for mineral than for other purposes, will be receiv ed and noted for renort to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure to protest, or contest the claim of the State within the time spec ified. will be considered siffleient evi dence of its non-mineral character, and the selection being otherwise free from objection, will be recommended for ap proval. HENRY W. KIEFER, Register. (First Publication^ Jan. 19. 1911.) (Last Publication, February 16, 1911.) TheP( eople's Exchange JOHN OBORN r o Store at Snake River Bridge Eggs....... Round Steak Front quarter untrimmed . . . Pork, shoulder. . Pork, Ham. . PHONE 71 Picnic Ham......... PHONE 71 Winter Goods Now In. We handle two of the best brands of rubber goods "HOODS" and "SHAWMUT" Most complete line of Men's and Boy's Winter Caps Shelley Mercantile Co. Simmons & Allen City Transfer PHONES Simmons' 153 Red Alle i's 78 Black Office - - - 236 ELK COAL SOLD AND DELIVERED Orders for Sunday Must be in by 9 O'clock A. M. P= EVERY DOLLAR YOU PUT IN THE BANK STRENGTHENS THE WALL BETWEEN YOU AND ADVERSITY BLACKFOOT STATE BANK BLACKFOOT, IDAHO =0 rwAimO- 'i RIDER AGENT IN EACH TOWN and district to --- «—« — — a —,—r. n --— ----- » — — » w ride and exhibit a sample Latest Model ••Ranger'* bicycle furnished by us. Our agents everywhere are making money fast. Write for full particulars and special offer at once . NO MONEY REQUIRED until you receive ana approve of your bicycle. Weship to anyone, anywhere in the U. S. without a cent deposit in advance ,Prefay freight , and allow TEH DAYS' FUEL TRIAL dining which time you may ride tne bicycle and put it to any test you wish. If you are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to I Keep the bicycle slop it back to us at our expense and you will not be out one cent. BflflTApy DDIPCC W e furnish the highest grade bicycles it is possible to make ■ MwIVIII illlVuv at one small profit above actual factory cost. You save fio to fa middlemen's profits by buying direct of us and have the manufacturer's guar» antee behind your bicycle. DO NOT IHJ Y a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone at any price until you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of factory fnces and remarkable special offers to rider agents. vnil Mill I DÇ ACTnVKIirn When you receive our beautiful catalogue and ■ VU WILL DC tld I Vil I On bill study our superb models at the wonderfully lo?u Prices \\c can make you this year. We sell the highest grade bicycles for less money than any other factory. We are satisfied with $ 1.00 profit above factory cost. BICYCLE HEALERS* you can sell our bicycles under your own name plate at double our prices. Orders filled the day received. SECOND 11 AND HICYCLES.^ We do not regularly handle second hand bicycles, but ally have a number on hand taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we clear out promptly at prices ranging from S3 to S 8 or SIO. Descriptive bargain lists mailed free. AAACTrD DD/llfCC »ingle wheels, imported roller chain* and pedals, parts, repairs and WAU I CR'DHIIlYLUf equipment of all kinds at half the usual retail Prices. 50 HEDGETCORN PUNCTURE-PROOF * SELF-HEALING TIRES'* SAMnc PMR The regular retail price of these tires is S3.50 per pair , tut to introduce we will Sell you a sample pair tor $4.60{cash with or der $4.55). NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES NAILS, Tacks or Glass Trill not let the air out. Sixty thousand pairs sold last year. Over two hundred thousand pairs now in use. DESCRIPTION: Made in all sizes. Itistively and easy riding, verydurableand lined inside with a special quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small punctu*-.*s without allow« •ng theairtoescape. We have hundreds cl letters from satis fied c-uaioinersstating that their tires haveonly been pumped uponceor twice in a whole season. They weigh no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. The regular price of these tires is |S.j>o per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider of only $4 8 o per pair. All orders shipped « 80 TO INTRODUCE, ONLY Notice the thick rubber treed "A" and puncture strips "h" end **D," also rim strip "H** to prevent rim cutting. This tire will outlast any other make—-SOFT, ELASTIC and EASY RIDING. same day letter is received. We ship C O. D. oa approval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. We will allow a cash discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price 94.55 per pair) if you send FULL CASH WITH ORDER and enclose this advertisement. You run no risk fa sending us an order as the tires may be returned at OCR expense it for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank, if you order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer aud look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give US your order. We want you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. TfAfO don't buy any kind at any price until you send for a pair of Tr Vl/U IvCCI# fffffiO Hedgethorn Puncture-Proof tires on approval and trial at the special introductory price quoted above; or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue which describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices. but write us a postal today. DO NOT THINK OF BUYING a bicycle nJ%ß fVC/f fr#11# or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful offers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it NOW* J. L MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL