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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
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The Blackfoot Optimist Entered as second class matter De cember 3, 1907, at the postoffice at Blackfoot, Idaho, under the Act of Con Cress of March 3, 1879. Published Every Thursday SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year in advance ..............12.00 Six months ........................ 1-00 Three months .......................05 Member of the Eastern Idaho Pres» Association Optimist Publishing Company, Ltd. KARL P. BROWN. Manager. J. L. M. M. NAMING THE FARM. Givt the farm a namj ar.d ke p the farm up to the name. A name gives distinction. It is an expression of honest pride, it shows an interest in the place. It means something more th;in so many acr s of brown earth, a ■dwelling ar.d barns. It means a place that one feels is in best sense, the home of himself and his family. Sen timent gathers around it and crystal lizes so that at least the owner does not so much ask in declining years, "How much'can I get for my farm?'' but, "Who is goirg to succeed me on it?" And that means much, for it means a deepening andi strength n •tng of home ties and those of local ity. all of which i3 greatly needed in our American rural life. ■But the practical reasons as well as sentimental it is wise to bestow a name upon the farm. No sel'f-res p oting man would give a good 1 .name to ihis farm and then not keep the ■farm in good condition'. The sense of pride in the fitness of things would impell th- farmer and his fami ly to do their best. That would mean better cultivation, houses and barns painted, fences in repair, better stock and better crops, and a moe attract ive appearance within andi wdthuot the dwelling. There is scarcely a farm, however situated, but some appropriate name may be given. The landscap-, a spring, clump of trees, position, his toric associations are among th' many things that may suggest a mam and always 1 remember that it is with the farmer more than any one else rests th solution of the problem of arresting the drift citywards. An attractive home, a home that has a distinctiveness about it goes a long ways towards the solution.—News Miner. be be in A HUSTLING REAL ESTATE MAN. Bob Fleming came to our city just ten months ago, ai id, went into the real esttate business end about the 1st of November he took tthe agency of the H. C. Dipple addition to this city. He formulated a plan to Bell lots to the working man, bey, woman and girl on installments of a small cash payment of five dollars dow.i, and five dollars a month. The pur chasers have «io taxes or interest to pay intil their contractt is paid out and the deed given. This plan of sell ing lots has been very successful, both for seller and buyer, As well as Bob He has sold, lots to many young fel lows and girls who are working for wages w,ho have them almost paid for and who say they never missed the 15 cents a day anid now have become property holders upon small savings, fc,very man, boy and girl who is earning even a very small salary, should get in on this plan and buy a lot lroiu iioD. He says he has about 35 left out of the hundred. Bob guarantees everyone who buys on his plan that if the buyer desires to dispise of his interest in his con tract before it is paid out, that he will make him fiity per cent upon the amoui t he has invested. That is to say: Suppose a mam makes four five-dollar payments In four months, Bob will get him thir ty dollars for the assignment of his contr-ct to the one who purchase: it. There has been several contracts that have been, turned in In just this way and in every case Bob has deliv ered the goods just as he said he would. He is certainly a live wire in the town lot business. ■Several people living in the west end of the city mear Bob's home are anxious to have Bob put up for their councilman in their ward. He would make a igood one. Below is a list of names of some who have purchased homes from him NAME No. LOTS. Morris..............' ' •• W. H. Bandrow .............4 Earl Fraker.. .. •• .. •• .. • Jamee Humpry............•• 2 Mrs. Fowler............. Lizzie Fraker.. .. •• ••..... Dan Fraker.......... ,W. (R. Jones.............. C. Davis.. .......... • Wallace Toleman........ C. F. Smith.............. 1 Frumk Smith............. Joseph Taylor............ Miss L. Kennedy.......... E. Taylor.............. James McKie............ J. P. Sorenson.. .......... Dave Elliot.........." Hathaway................ 1 Norse Holt...... 1 J. ID. Pattern,t..............2 L. A. Van de ........ .. •• 8 M. M M. Dorrerer............acres.. 4 ,Chas. Evans................1 Total. 45 SCHOOL NOTICE. On Monday, Ml.rch 6th, there will be classes open to beginners be classes open to beginning pupils in both Central and Irving buildings. Any pupil who is six y ars of aige may be entered at thht time. No other opportunities during the school year will be afforded. It was thought best to postpone the startimng of these classes until th bad, weather was over so that these pupils could come regularly after once^ent ring school. W. D. VINCENT, Superintenden FAIR VIEW The Beautiful Addition to POCATELLO Adjoining the City on the north—Only eight blocks from the im mense O. S. L. R. R. Shops and nine blocks from the splendid Public Schools—Cement walks and city water now only a few -................ -■ .......—— blocks away — Shade Trees in Front of Every Lot 1500 Carolina Populars purchased for spring planting, under guarantee by a responsible nursery man, will be irrigated and cared for this year at the company's expense. The uniform growth of these trees will double the value pf the lots and make " FAIRVIEW " the most beautiful part of Pocatello. Every lot is nice and level and sold on the EASY PAYMENT PLAN $5.00 Down and $5.00 Per Month No Interest No Taxes $100 ALL LOTS THE SAME PRICE $100 « One lot with a beautiful $2000.00 home and another lot with a nice $1500.00 home will also go at the uniform price of $100 Real Estate bought at the right time and the right place will make money faster and safer than ......■--- - —---- - = anything on earth ......— ■ - POCATELLO IS THE PLACE AND NOW IS THE TIME C. W. GRAY General Sale Agent Is in the city for a few days at the splendid offices of the Citizen s Realty Co. Full information and a beautiful booklet will be given to all interested in this splendid proposition 8CHOOL NOTE8. Now for the big debates. Black foot vs. Idaho Falls at the Methodist church on Friday evening, February 17th. Admission 25 cents to pay the expenses of the visiting team. On the same evening our negative team will debate Rigby high school at Rigby. These debates are attracting great interest throughout the com munity. Arrangements have been completed wih the state librarian to locate one of the traveling library stations at Central school. This will add greatly to our present stock of books. It might be of interest to note that the present school library Is furnish ing reading matter to more than four hundred different persons in the district. Miss Carlton has been kept out of school a part of this week on account of sickness. R. N. West and Supt. Vincent made a hurried visit to Idaho Falls on Tues day of this week to look over the new Bast Side Ward school of our neighbor town. They were tnet at the train by the school board of Ida ho Falls, and Supt. Crandall and, Mr. Munsen, the architect of the building. A tour of inspection' was at once be gun. The Idaho Falls people may well be proud of their mew building for it is a model of convenience and neatness. It is modern throughout and as fine a graded school building as the west affords. This is quiz week, hence rather un eventful. The High School chorus has been, practicing some new 6ongs for Fri day evening. The short term will close on March 171i. This new feature of our course has proven very popular and given three and one half month sof school ing to a number of young men who could not enter for a whole year's work. It is proposed to make this a permancr r feature of high school work in the future. Has Purchased Brick Shop. J. H. Bright, of Greely, Colorado, purchased the brick blacksmith shop, on Idaho Btreet, last week from Pet er H. Andersaa. Mr. Bright is an ex pert in his Unie, and 1» preparing to do all kinds of high class smithing. NOTICE. The social meeting of the Current Eventt club will be held at the home of Mrs. C. A. Hoover, Wednesday evening, February 22. E.M.Kennedy auctioneer Will be glad to date you for a Real Estate Sale or General Farm Sale. All Sales get my personal attention until fiinished. Blackfoot, - Idaho PHONE 113 BLACK ^ Advertise In the Opitmlst. It pays.