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CITY DIRECTORY POPULATION OF BLACKFOOT. 4000 ' Mayor, R. N. West; Chief of Police C. F. Hilliard; City Attorney, G. F. Hansbrough; Leading Newspaper The Blackfoot Optimist. Grove City Cemetery—Owned by the city, W. Priestly, Sexton. Commercial Club—L. R. Thomas, president; C. S. Beebe, secretary. LODGES With the total membership, time of meeting aw) the names of presiding officers and secretaries: The Royal Highlanders.—Meet ev ery second and fourth Wednesday of each month. F. C. Barker, I. P. ; Ethel Thompson, secretary. I. O. O. F.—Every Thursday even ing. E. M. HuUbell, N. G.; G. H. Holbrook, secretary Refbekah—Second andi fourth Wed nesdays of each month. Ethel Thom non, Mrs. B. W. Holbrook. G. A. R., Geo. H. Thomas Post.— Meets first Friday in each month at the Armory. E. E. Thompson, com mander, W. A. Crawford adjutant. Grove City Lodge No. 33, A. F. «nid A. M.—Meeting (regular) second Friday in each month. Percy Jones, W. M.; W. D. Gagon, Sec'y. Esther Chapter No. 14 Order of the Eastern Star, 80.—First and third Wednesday. Mrs. Katie Chap man, W. M.; Percy Jones, Sec'y. Knights of Pythias—First a<nd third Tuesdays of each month. Frank Farmer, Guy Dipple. M.\ W. A. 150—First and third Mondays. Geo. Ezell and S. B. Willis W. tit W. 86—Second and fourth *. V. Van Gramer, C. C.; G. W. G lan ville, clerk. Royal N 'Ighbors, 85—Mrs. T. H. Christy, M v s. Lena Gaumer. Women of Woodcraft—Second and fourth Mondays. Guardian Neighbor—Ethel Thomp son. Past Guardian Neighbor—Mrs. M. E. Larocque. Advisor—Mrs. Jessie Richardson. Magician—Mrs. V. Van Bramer. Current Event—President, Mrs. Mat tie Wilson; Vice-President Mrs. Susie H. Biethan arid Mrs. Minai B. Rock wood; Secretary, Mrs. Nan B. Curtis: Treasurer, Mrs. Inez W. Simmons. V. I. S.—President, Mrs. J. W. Chapman; Vicee-President, Mrs. R. N. West and Mrs. Jessie Woodln; Treasurer, Mrs. Geo. F. Gagon. Meet ings are held the first Tuesdays in each mnoth in the City Hall on Tay lor St., Everybody invitedl to at tend. CHURCHES Methodist Church—Morning service, 11:00; Sunday School, 10:00; Junior League 4:00; Epworth League, 7:00; Evening Service, 8:00: Ladies Aid, Wednesday afternoon. C. A. Edward pastor. Baptist Church. Corner University Ave. and Bridge street. Morning worship 11:00 a. m. Evening serv ice 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning 7:30. Ladies' Aid Wednesday afternoon 2:30. Choir practice Fri day evening. 8:00. Visitors always welcome. Parsonage 'phone 228. W. R. JEWELL, Pastor. L. D. S. Church, First Ward.— This church will hold meetings every Sunday during the following hours: Sunday school from 10:00 to 11:45 a. m.; afternoon services frrtm 2:00 to 3:00; evening service will commence at 8:00 p. m. A general invitation is extended to all. No charges con nected with our services. Bishop, F. C. eParkinson; R. H. Clayton, Frank Hesse, Bishopric of Ward. Catholic Church—Services are held at the Catholic church by Fathe Fuchs of Idaho Falls on the first second and third Sundays of each month, services at 12:15 and 10:45. St. Paul's Episcopal Church—Sun da" morning § I = 3 s s 2 □ 2 2 Q S 2 service at 11 o'clock; j evening service at 7:30 o'clock. These services will be conducted on the second and four th Sundays of each month. Rev. J. E. Williams, Rector. New Short Line Time Card West Boum>— No. 1, 8:05 a. m. No. 3, 9:34 p. m. No. 113, 3:15 p. m. No. 15, 1:08 a. m. East Bound— No. 4, 10:21 a. m. No. 2, 12:25 a. m. No. 114, 12:12 p. m. No. 16, 12:44 a. m. Mackay Branch— Depart 8:25 a. m. Arrive 6:25 p. m. Freight leaves 9:00 a. m. tri-weeklj Shipments must be billed the prev ious day. No passengers carried. SHIPPERS NOTICE Freight going north must be biflled the day before, freight going south ecei/vedl until 9:00 a. m. for ship ent the same day. EXPRESS OFFICE. Express office hours 8:00 to 5:30; eight office hours 7:00 to 5:00. Shi' pnts north must be delivered th before. iiiiiiiiimicp! oimmiiiiiic 1HAWKEYE § Optical Co. I I IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO I = Dr. 0. M. Drake Dr. A. E. Vaa Harter = 3 Modern and Complete. By □ s s s using the latest and best in- a 2 strmnents with scientific and 2 □ practical training we give you Q 2 the best of service and comfort. 2 2 Your correction obtained with- 2 Q out asking a question. We □ S take every case for one year 2 2 and give a written guarantee. 2 aiiiiiitiiiiiiniiiiiiiwiiniiimiimiuiiiiiiiiiime POSTOFFICE HOURS Week days from 8:00 a. m. until 6:00 p. m.; money orders from 9:00 until 5:30; Sunday mails are handled as usual; delivery windows open fret 10 to 11 a. m. INTERNATIONAL AVIATION MEET, SALT LAKE CITY April 5th to 10th, inclusive. Ex cursions via Oregon Short Line. Tickets on sale April 3rd to 8th, in clusive, limited to April 15th, from stations north of Oigden, and south cf Spencer, Idaho. See agents for rates and further particulars. M23-2t. SPRING CLEAN UP NOTICE All property owners are notified to clean up their entire premises im mediately. C. H. HILLIARD, M23-2t Ohief of Police. CONFERENCE RATES Via the Oregon Short Lice Rail road for April Mormon Conference. Tickets on s'ale from all points north of Ogden up to Spencer, Idaho, April 3rd to 8th, inclusive, limited ta April 15th. See agents for rates and fur ther particulars. M23-3 JACK FROST ON BLACK LIST Smudge Pot Will Be Used As Never Before to Save Valuable Crops. If the efforts which are being made by John U. McPherson, state horti cutturalist, are successful, there will be a system of smudging and other forms of protecting orchards In. the state this year which has never been equaled and which will mean the sav ing of thousands of dollars to the growers. Co-operation is the thing which will be impressed by Mr. Mc, who has been successful hi obtaining E. A Beals, district weath er forecaster for the northwest with headquarters' at Portland, to appear in Boise some time this week to talk to the growers on the need of co-op eration tail fi'gihtlinig frosts and on the success which has been obtained in this regard by the growers in oth er parts of the northwest. The exact date of Mr. Beall's appearance here has not been decided ais yet but will be announced' later. Mr. McPherson, has likewise been able to secure the co-operation of Forecaster Wells of the Boise bu reau ca di he proposes to carry the campaign against Jack Frost through out tiho state. It ifc his aim to get the growers, not alone in the Boise vaUey,tout kn the siti-te to hear Mr. Beals and he will tryi to make ai date for him at Twin Falls in order that the growers in that district may get the benefit of Mr. Beals' advise. "The growers are not working to gether ai.:d this condition will have to be done away with before permanent effect can: be ,obtained. About 10,000 acres of fruit land' are represented by the growers of the Boise valley and in the event we can get the fight D. .W Standrod And Company Bankers Capital $100,000 C. W. Berryman, President G. A. Robethan, Vice Pres C. V. Fisher, Cashier W. F. Berryman, Asst Cash DIRECTORS: D. L. EVANS, D. W. STANDROD J. N. IRELAND, G. A. ROBETHAN C, W. CERRYMAN E LACKFOOT, IDAHO against tllue frost started in the val ley it wiCl rapidly spread to other sections of the state where fruit is being raised'. "Wih the co-operation of the weather bureau there is no reason to believe that Idaho will mot do as good work ini fighting the frosts as any of the other fruit growing districts in other states have done up to this time.''—Twin Falls Times. RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY SCHOOL TRUSTEES Blackfoot, Idaho, Mtrch 15, 1911. Your committee on resolutions re spectfully present the following re port: Resolved, That a vote of thanks be extended to the pastor, Rev. Ed wards, and the trustees of Jason Lee Memorial church, for their courtesy ij granting the use of the church; To the ladies of Current Everts club of Blackfoot tar the substantial and satisfactory manner in which they supplied the wants of the inner man; To the mayor of Blackfoot, Mr. R. N. West, for the hearty welcome and the use of the keys to the city; To Com rade Crawford for his encouraging response; To Prof. Rowdon and the Commercial Club of Blackfoot for the splendid entertainment; T.» Miss Wood, Miss Daley, Miss Shepherd and Prof. Axline, for leaving their distant homes to bring to us their messages of irspdraticn. Resolved, That we commend the ac tion taken by County Superintendent Miss Beach, in bringing together the trustees of the county and that we pledge ourselves to co-,operate with her in everything tending to the bet terment. of the schools of Bingham county. Be it further resolved, That we re commend iiu permanent organization of the IrusUes of Bingham county in order that wo me y act as a unit to suggesting needed school legislation and in nil n atters tending to the imi teraient of our schools. H. k. WILLIAMS, Ch irman,, District No. 43. CHARLES CR1DDLÉ, District No. C. J. LUNDÔERG, District No. ARTHUR J. SNYDER, District. No. 42. Committee. 45 18. WILL HAVE TO DRAW MORE PICTURES • - Austin Baker, m Cherokee Indian, who was .recently released from the co/ulnity jaiill after serving a year for stealing a Navajo blanket, is in the toils again. On Tuesday, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, he stole a horse, which was tied at the rack on the west side of the Idaho Lumber com pany's office, and' which was the property of ai Mr. Irwiin. He rode the horse to Shelley and there sold it to Fnaink Belcher, the latter giving a check for the price of the horse. Soon. after purchasing the horse Belcher learned that it was stolen and the Indian, 'having re turned to Blackfoot, was followed by Dim to this city. W. H. Kesti er, deputy sheriff, engaged in conversa tion with the Indian and telling him of the stolen horse, offered him $50 for information that would secure the horse. The redskin told thrt he k ew where the horse was, aind was than arrested and placed in jail. Wednesday afternoon, he confessed that he had stolen the horse, and an effort will be made to have him tried in a federal court and sent to the United States prison at Leawenworth, Kansas. Baker is quite an artist and hss decorted the interior at the jail with hds drawings of wild life. He is a had actor, and seems to enjioy life in Jill as he spends all his idle moments trying to break in whenever he is released. JE No delays when, we handle the job Transfer Work The skillful, expert kind of work done in a workmanlike "on time'' way that'll suit you in every respect. BAGGAGE REMOVED HOUSEHOLD GOODS REMOVED Get our rates before you hire any body. W. P. Sewell Office Phone 23 Residence 219 Red I PROFESSIONALCARDS | OR. FRANK A. SLOAN Osteopathic Physician Office: Boyle Building (with W. A. Beakley.) Phone 163. Residence 356 E Idaho St. Phone 125 BLACKFOOT, .... IDAHO F. W. KIEFER Locating and Consulting Engineer State License, No. 209. BLACKFOOT IDAHO DR. W. E. PATRIE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over the State Bank MAIN STREET, BLACKFOOT Office 'Phone, 106. Residence, 75 Res: East Main and Bridge, facing track DR. H. A. HALSEY, Physician and Surgeon Telephone 230 Millick Block, Blackfoot, Idaho. F. W. Mitchell C. E. Bryant DRS. MITCHELL & BRYANT Behley Block Phone 18 BLACKFOOT - - - IDAHO DR. J. B. COOPER, Phyiscian and Surgeon No. 312, Near Red Barn BLACKFOOT. IDAHO. HANSBROUGH & G-GON ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Practice in State and Federal Couru Millick Block BLACKFOOT - • - IDAHO LORENZO R. THOMAS Land Attorney Practice before the U. S. Land Of fice and Departmnet of Interior. Register U. S. Land Office from 1897 to 1907. All land office bust ness given careful attention. Look tor the sign near the Land Office, BLACKFOOT,.....IDAHO E. M. KENNEDY Auctioneer General Sales Agent BLACKFOOT, IDAHO PELKEY BROTHERS CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Figure with us on anything you in end to build. P. O. Box 310. BLACKFOOT, IDA. W. A. BEAKLEY, Attorney At Law. Practices In All Courts. BLACKFOOT, IDAHO. LEO HENISH Harness, Saddles and repairing neatly done by Bridge St. BLACKFOOT,.....IDAHO BBRIDGE STREET BARBER SHOP Hot and Cold Baths, Good Barber Work, Tom Reel and Max Smith barbers. BLACKFOOT......IDAHO KARL S. FACKRELL Attorney At Law. * Office over State Bank, BLACKFOOT, - - - IDAHO. CHIROPRACTOR DRUGLESS METHOD. Local examinations ere unnecessary as they are distaseful. I am pleas ed to explain my method to all inter ested. I use no drugs, ino knife. If you are sick and have tried every thing else, and did not receive help try Chiropractic and get well. DR. H. W. Gaumer, Exchange Building Office 223. Res. 218 Blk. ALL BIDS REFUSED The bids for transcribing the rec ords of Bingham county for the new county of Bonneville, were opened Wednesday by the county commis sioners at their special session, and it boinig found that the bids were too high, they were refused. There were ' but two bids made in proper form j and that could be considered by the I commissioners. Are You • a Farmer • Look at Our Line of Farm Implements Oliver Chilled Plows (both gang and walking) Potato Planters, Binders and every known Tool used on a Farm. THE Shelley Mercantile —- COMPANY ===== PER BOX ^ 5 ^ If we charged more for we would only improve our profit—it couldn't improve the quality nor the wear. To show the good faith of this statement we sell you Wunderhose with the specific understanding that if a single pair punch through sole, heel or toe within four months after purchase, you arc entitled to new hose free without quibble or question It must be a source of unending satisfaction to every mother to knotv that darning can be completely eliminated from the household cares. Stockings cf the children, the husband, the daughters and herself can be depended upon each week to be as free from holes us on the date of purchase. D. H. BIETHAN Î iü TOB SOLI HEU. WARRANTED TO WEAR. Simmons & Allen City Transfer PHONES Simmons' 153 Red AHe.i's 78 Black Office - - 236 ELK COAL SOLD AND DELIVERED Orders for Sunday Must be in by 9 O'clock A. M. ANDERSON & HELIG % General Blacksmiths and Horseshoers Best of Work at Reasonable Prices North Main Street. BLACKFOOT, IDAHO.