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O. S. L. Watch Inspector State Registered Optician «IIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIiailllllllllllDIIIIIIIIIIIIQC SQIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIICO 1 BLACKFOOT 5 ■- - - 2 ■■ ■ I ' ■■ ■ I j ...Day by Day... ....................................... ♦aiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiimiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiic? Little events in the whirl 1 I •. 5 :nt topics. :: :: = of We are making a big reduction on 6hade trees. W. A. Yaunde tf If you wish to vote at the city election, you must register. M. Dorrerer, shoe repairing, 58 Bridge street, rea tailor shop. Phone 217. tf See W. A. Yaunde for home grown nursery stock and choice shade trees. tf We now have a full line green veg etables and fruit. DeKay & Davis Oath Grocery. Wanted—By young married man, position on ranch, or will lease.— Richard Johnson, City. M16-2t Attorney Carl Smith, of Preston, was transacting (business at the laind office Monday morning. Hats that would make you look sweet enough to kiss and twenty years younger, at Jackman's. Secure the sale of your place by ♦giving Parkinson Realty & Invest meVit Co. an option for spring busi Ebesa GuJJ'' Dipple is in Boise this week, t; ydng'.out with the Boise ball team, and mVking arrangements for the coming ; aoson with that team. Single ^ comb White Orpington chickens for sale. Thoroughbred stock, Kelkr-Strauss strain. S. W. Wilson, Bruwn-EJldredge Co. M16-2t Prof. Dalby, of Ricks Academy, was in town Tuesday endeavoring to in terest Blackfoct parties in a home talent play, to be given by the pupils of the academy. ' E. W. Rowles returned from Cali fornia Sunday. Mrs. Rowles and son Kdwaird, accompanied Mr. Rowles on the return trip as far as Saf.t Lake, and will spend several diaysi there.. Ail 8 V 2 pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kinney at Nampa, Monday, March 20th, fend has already been named! Melville. Many friends in Blackfoot offer congratulfetians to the proud parents. T. W. Shelley, of Shelley, was a visitor in town Monde y , conferring with Lev & Morris, the cement con tractors, for a building to be con structed at Shelley, and which will be occupied te® a store. County Superintendent Alice Beach i° visiting school!® in the towns of Aberdeen, Springfield a.r.d Pingree this week, and will be the guest over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Jones at the big Picigree hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Howard, for merly of Blackfoot, but now of Santa Ana, California, have a fine baby hoy born March 14. Mother and child are doi;g fine and with proper care Mr. Howard will recover. James Just of Preston, member of the state asylum board, was in town Tuesday attending to matters pertain ing to the institution. Mr. Just is a painstaking official laud is a credit to the democratic adininistratiou. Charles Hoa.lst, of Moore, Who has spent the last two months in Oregon, passed through this city, en roui home last Monday. Mr. Hoalst is one of the large land owners resid ing cm the Big Lost Rjv er, having sev eral fine farms there. Mrs. J. O. Morgi in entertained a number of the ladies of the neigh borhood, at her beautiful home, Mon day afternoon, as af arewell courtesy to Mrs. Hoover. The time was passed most delightfully in visiting and a delicious luncheon was served. Barney Coffin and wife of Downey, are the guests of Mr. Coffin's sister, Mrs. John D. Kent. Mr. Coffin is located on the bench land northeast of Downey, where they dry farm and the wheat grows tall and heads out abundantly. Couinty Attorney Good, who has been afflicted with infantile paralysis is steadily regaining the use of (his limbs, under the treatment of Dr. \V. H. Gaumer, the chiropractic, and hopes are strongly entertained of his entire recovery. The pastor of the Baptist church is preaching a series of Sunday eve ning sermons preparatory to Easter. The subjects are as follows: "The Friendship of Jesus,'' "The Com passion of Jesus," "The Authority of Jesus," "The Sacrifice of Jesus,'' and ; "The Lordship of Jesus.*' The sec ond af these series will be inext Sun | day evening. George Courto, brother of Peter urto, the man who was drowned in e Snake river, arrived in baw'.n last hursday and the funeral of the late eter Courto was held Saturday in undertakiug room of Brown dredge, under the auspices of the ern Woodmen of America- ln ment was made in the Grove City etery. JACKMAN'S Ladies' Furnishings Hay for sale. Right price. L. M. Capps. tf If you wish to vote at the city election, you must register. Chickens wanted at the Idaho Cafe. 12 Vè cents live weight. tf Special prices in odds aind ends of stationery.—Palace Drug Store. If you wish to vote at the city election, you must register. We carry all kinds of vegetable and flower see -s.—DeKay & Davis, The best line of drugs In the city is to be found at the Modern Phar macy. 'Phone 83, Delray & Davis» tor your gree vegetables and fancy groceries. 'Phone 83. Go to the Blackfoot Grain and Pro duce company fof Hiawatha lump and nut coal. 12. Just received, at A. L. Hugh's, new and up-to-date line of hat pins, belt buckles and jewelry. Take your girl to the Modern Pharmacy and show her you are right at the soda fountain. The soda water fountain at the Modern Pharmacy is now in opera tion and the cooling beverage Js an tap. Sheriff F. E. BeKay left Monday for Salt Lake where he has two men under cover and will return in a few days. If you wish to vote at the city election, you must register. Pure bred White Leghorn and Rhode Island Red eggs for sale; $1.00 for setting of fifteen eggs. O. J. Cob b'ey. M2-4t If you wish to vote at the city election, you must register. We have one or two first class farms for rent. Flartiea desiring such will do well to call on Parkinsan Realty & Investment Co. tf Lost—An Aire4ale Terrier; black and tan; collar With name John D. Brown and license tag. Suitable re ward if returned to Brown-Eldredge Furniture Co. A. F. Wadley, representing the Gem State Rural, one of the best agricul tural publications in the west, was a visitor in this city Tuesday made this paper a call. Mrs. Joseph Bithell and daughter. Alothea, who ere spending the win ter in Santa Aria, California, with Mrs. Bithell 's parents, will leave in a few weeks for their home in Black foct. Red Spot Rubber Boots, worth two pair of any other kind, cost but a little bit more. Don't be talked into the other kind, as the Red! Spot al ways gives satlsfactioon. At Bie thiains'. M16-6t C. W. Pace, of Delta, county, Colo rado, arrived, in this city last week and will make gingham county his future home. M>r. Pace has not yet purchased a, place but expects to en gage in farming. Mr. Watt, cf the Salvation Army of Butte, will deliver ain illustrated lecture at the Baptist church next Saturday evening, March 25. The subject will be "Love and Sorrow." Admission, 25 cents. The lenten taai given by Mrs. J. J. Guheen for the benefit of the Altar society Tuesday afternoon, was a fin ancial as well as a social success, $6.50 being raiscldl The dining room was decorated in pink, earn!. lions be ing arranged in stumming effect. Mrs. Guheen was assisted by Mrs. Kiefer, Mrs. Boyle, Miss Alma Anderson, and Miss Olston who played beauti fully on the piano in the afternoon. Sheriff H. C. Bucklin, of Idaho Falls, was a visitor in the city Tues day, while en route to Twin Fails. Mr. Bucklin states that the old post office building is being rapidly con verted! into a court house. The large burglar proof vault which was used by farmer post office officials, does away with the necessity of building a place of safety tor the court haus documents, and a building suitable for a jaffl will be erected in the rear so that all offices will be virtual, under one roof. CARD OF THANKS. After an all wise providence has takera from us our husband and father after going through the sorrows inci dent to the death of a member of a family, we feel deeply the kindly re gard of all our neighbors amid friends in our hour of need, and wish to take this method of thanking every one who bo kindly assisted us during I the sickness and after the death of | Thomas Harvey. Mrs. Lenette Harvey mad family MiBs Dcrca Harvey. E.M.Kennedy AUCTIONEER Will be glad to date you for a Real Estate Sale or General Farm Sale. All Sales get my personal attention until fiinished. Blackfoot, - Idaho PHONE 113 BLACK V- ---------------- J EDITORS DAY IN BLACKFOOT. The city was highly .honored Tues day by several editors of the neigh boring town®, and all came without knowledge of the others arrival. L. L. Dillingham, of the Mackay Miner, arrived Monday night en route to Boise, and shook hands with the"pro tesjh ' until a south bound train bore him toward the capital city. Chu®. Sumner of the Idaho Falls Post, transacted business at the court house, and Editor Toner of the Aber deen Times, came in on the afternoon train from Pocatello, and remained until Wednesday morning, returning to his home over the Moreland-Aber deen road. The boys all looked happy and prosperous and may the sun always shine on both sides of their street for they are three good scouts. WILL HOLD LARGE PUBLIC BALE W. W. Stephens of Route 3, • will hold a public sale at his place on April 3rd, at which time he will sell a large number of horses, cattle and a quantity of farming implements. ARE STARTING OFF WELL Pelkey Bros., who moved to Black foot from Kans.s during the winter, have started off remarkably well here, having contracts for a large number of buildings already. These gentlemen are hustlers Eind go out after the work. A BUNCH OF FINE HOGS Mrs; Fred T. Dubois shipped sever al fine Poland China hogs to parties residing in Idaho, during the past week. Mrs. George Tolmie of Shel ley received one, C. M. Gilkie of Burley purchased one and R. E. Shoultz bought two. CONFERENCE RATES Via the Oregon Short Ll'.e Rail road for April Mormon Conference. Tickets ora sale from all points north of Ogden up to Spencer, Idaho. April 3rd to 8th, inclusive, limited to April 15th. See agents for rates and fur ther particulars. M23-3t LOST—One black horse, white spot in forehead, one white hind foot, wire cut on left knee, nip on nose, tall and slim, weight 1100 lbs. I will pay a liberal reward for any infor mation as to his. whereabouts. A. A. ZIEGLER, R. F. D. 1, Blackfoct. GRAND FATEHR'S CLOCK March 15th, 1911, Grant Hoit of this city received an old-fashioned wall clock from Marietta!, Ohio, that his grand father bought when Grant's father was six years old, in 1842. Grandfather Holt used this clock thirty - seven, after which Grant's father used it thirty-two years. At his death he willed it to Grant, and the clock is keeping as good time yet fee anybody's clock. Any and eil who want to see the clock are welcome. DEATH OF MISS RETTA MECHAM. Sunday morning at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moroni Mecham, occurred the death of Miss Retta, Oldest daughter. The cause of her death was heart disease amd her age was sixteen years. In her tak ing away a flower of rare quality was plucked from the home. She was one of the intelligent, womanly young girls of the community, a gem that can never be replaced and Mr. Me chi.iin and family have a host of friends, who join with them in their sorrow. The funeral services were held Wednesday morning, interment taking place in Basalt. FOR THE HIGHLINE CANAL There are four cars of lumber In town at the present time, enroute to the proposed line of the People's High Vine Canal era the west side of the river. The line will be fourteen feet higher than the original Peo ple's cantil, and will reclaim thous ands of acres of the desert west of Grovelaud, Moreland, and Porterville. It passes through some of the finest territory tributary to Blackfoot and means an additional amount of popu lation to Bingham county. In all probability the canal will be com pleted! within the next two years, and a portion of lit will be in condi tion to furnish water this year. The lumber is being furnished by L. C. Rock wood, Manager of the Weeter Lumber company of this city. BROWN-HART CO. \Y/E have bui|t up an immense business and made many friends by our policy of always considering quality first and price afterward. There is no question in our minds but what this is appreciated by the people of this city—in fact, it is proven by our ever increasing business and the constant de mand for Brown-Hart Quality merchandise. We are better prepared to cater to your spring and sum mer wants this season than ever befoire, by buying a larger and more complete assortment in all departments than we have ever carried, and that means the largest selection of merchan dise in this section of Idaho. A department store in the large cities can show no more complete line. Our prices are all marked in plain figures and only a legitimate profit is asked—no more than we are honestly en titled to, and in this respect we wish you to distinctly under stand that when we have a sale on any article at a certain per centage off the regular marked price, it is absolutely bona fide and you are getting just what we claim. Friday and Saturday Special For these two days only we will put on sale our entire stock of new 12^c and 15c Ginghams at, per yard................ Boys' Suit Special We still have a few Boys' Suits from 3 to 9 OneHalf Price Also the Boys' plain bottom Knee Pants, worth 7 5c and 85c, which we will O £ close out at, per pair............ we will con We have the best $3.00 Hat in America. This hat is sold in most places at $3.50. Sortie get $4.00 for it, but ' tinue to carry it in all shapes at.... ....... Stetsons in all shapes. TELEPHONE 166 For the Leading Grocery Quality and Prices are Guaranteed Try our Club House Goods C. W. BERRYMAN, JR. Eggs for Sale. Indian Runner Ducks, Pekin Ducks, Toulouse Geese, Golden Wyandotte, Buff Orpington Chickens. Bingham Couinity Nursery Company. M30-tf HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. The BVackfoot High School won a clean cut victory over the Alumni brothers in debate Friday evening at the Methodist Church. Canadian rec iprocity was the question for discus sion The high school lads on the negative were masters of the situa tion from the begining to hte end. They out argued their older and more experienced rivals, as evidenced by a unanimous decision of the judged. There was a keen rivalry and much enthusiasm an both sides. The Alum ni were represented by W. Oirr Chap man and Rlchlard Stevens and the high school by Kenneth Parkinson, Erbie Downing and George Dari. The school boys feel more thaï» proud to htave vanquished, so decid edly, a foe that has in all previous contests been the victors. The de bates held this winter Rave added greatly to interests in debate amd at the same time made it possible tot the boys to gain the necessary ex perience to cope successfully with finished debaters like Chapman land Stevensi The V. L S. will hold its annual election of officers at the city hall Tuesday, April 4th, ait 2:30 p. m. Spring Goods Have been arriving daily for the past month and at this time our stock is complete in all departments. Our Dry Goods department is full of the new nov elty spring Silks, Wash Goods, Ginghams, Percales, in fact anything you might desire in this line, at sur prising low prices. Just a Word About Our Shoe Department This line has always been a winner with us we always have the new stuff at the right prices. You can get just the Shoe you want from us for eithes Man, Woman or Child, at prices for less than any mail order house in the United States and quality far better. We have the swellest line of Strap Slippers in the town which you should see before purchasing. L C. KINNEY & SONS CO. The Busy Store