Newspaper Page Text
LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE FOR BIDS Bids for furnishing the Idaho In sane Asylum, at Blackfoot, Idaho, with the following supplies, will be re ceiv-ed until 10 o'clock a.m. on Man day, April 10, 1911, biy the Board of Directors of the Idaho Insane Asy lum: Groceries 2.000 lbs. coffee, commercial blend. 50 lbs. coffee, M. & J. 150 lbs. soda crackers, 5-lb. boxes. 1.000 lbs. corn meal, half white and half yellow. 10 cases canned corn. 4 cases dried currants, 1-lb. cartcins 20 lbs. chocolate, %-lb. cakes. 1 aase cocoanut, Schepps. 1,500 lbs. germade. 500 lbs. hominy. 400 lbs. lard composition, 50 J lb. cans. 5 ctases concentrated lye. 300 lbs. macaroni. 2.000 lbs. oatmeal. 6 cases canned oysters. 1.000 lbs. rice. 4 oases seeded raisins, 1-lb cartons. 300 lbs. sago. 6.000 lbs. sugar. 2 oases chloride of lime. 6 cases gloss starch. 2 bbls. wheat starch. 5 cases Sapolio. 10 cases laundry soap. White Rus sian. 5 caess toilet soap, Ivory. 10 lbs. barber soap. 2,,000 lbs. dairy salt. 2.000 lbs. stock salt. 5 bbls. corn syrup. *j00 ilbs. chewing tobacco. 500 libs, smoking tobacco. 200 libs, tapioca. 6 hall{ chests tea, English Break fast. \ 18 dlo'Z. ilyouse brooms. 2 doz. wli lsk brooms. 6 doz. scrubbing brushes. 1 doz. flooV brushes. 1 doz. radiator brushes. * 1 doz. hair brushes. 6 doz. mop sticks, parafine. 6 doz. mtoip sticks, scrubbing. 100 lbs. parafine. 10 cases peaches, ciairned. 10 cases peas, canned. 4 cases salmon, canned. 1 case sardines. 10 cases tomatoes, canned. 4 cases radio. 10 lbs. mustard, ground. 5 lbs. cinnamon, ground. 1 case toaitih picks. 1 case baking powder. Clothing 4 gross men's cotton hose.. 2 gross ladies' cotton hioise. 1 gross suspenders. 40 suits, men's. 30 pairs trousers, 1 gross pairs overalls. 1 doz. pairs rubber boots. 4 doz. pairs heavy shoes, men's. 6 doz. pairs medium shoes, men's. 6 doz. pairs shoes, ladies'. IV 2 gross pairs slippers. 2 gross pairs canvas gloves. 4 doz. men's- hats, wool. 12 doz. men's hats, straw. Hardware 1 doz. shovels, round pointed, long handled. Yt doz. shovels, square, long bandied. 4 doz. buckets, hand made, No. 22 galvanized iron. 2 doz. dust pans, heavy. 1 doz. wash basins, white granite. 2 doz. hay forks, 4 -tines. tè doz. manure forks, 5 tines. 1 gross table knives, malaca. 1 gross table forks, malaca. 1 gross tea spoons, malaca. 2 gross table spoons, mailaca. Yz gross tea spoons, silver. 2 doz. giarceni hoes, 4 and 5 inch. 16 monkey wrenches, 4 6-inch, 4 S-inch, 4 10-inch, 2 12-inch, 2 14-in-ch. 6 doz. granite -chambers, No. 2. 6 doz. papers sewing needles, as sorted sizes. 4 gross safety pins, assorted sizes. 3 doz. papers household pins. 12 gross shoe strings. Miscellaneous 2 leather satchels, 14 inch. 20 gallons chloro naptholeum. 20 gallons capital cylinder oil. 2 gallons separator oil, 1 quart cans. 20 gallons engine oil, 1 gallon cans. 15 gallons castor machine oil, 1 gal lon cans. 20 gallons kerosine, Headlight, 5 gallon cans. 10 gallons gasoline, 5 gallon cams. 500 tons RM coal. 2 gro-ss cob pipes. 6 doz. wood pipes. 4 cases toilet paper, Onliwon. 4 doz. plates, china, 7-inch. 6 doz. plates, china, 8-inch. 6 doz. butter chips, china. doz. vegetable dishes, china, 10-in 10 doz. saiuce dishes, china. .12 doz. glass tumblers. 6 doz. cups and saucers, china, gross soup bowls, white granite, IHiPPerman. doz. writing tablets, doz. fine combs, doz. coarse combs. ■doz. feather pillows, 2Ys lbs. barrels turpentine, doz. cuspidors, fiber. mattresses, cotton felt, 30-lb. 2 Yi feet wide. . mattresses, cotton felt, 30-lb. LEGAL NOTICES. base, 3 feet wide. 1 gross assorted thimbles, noce large. 3 doz. pitchers, white granite, 4 quairit. 2 doz. pitchers, china, 2 quart. 1 doz. pitchers, china, 1 quart. 6 wash boards. 2 butchers' cleavers, 10-inch. Yz doz. butchers' steel, large. 2 drums caustic soda. 2 barrels Wyandotte soda. 2 doz. pairing knives. Dry Goods 1.500 yards unbleached muslin, 6-4. 400 yds.- pillow slip tubing, 42 inch. 400 yards bed ticking. 1,200 yards Canton flannel, heavy. 100 yards oil cl-ath, table white. 6 doz. window shades, Hartshorn spring roller. 12 gross white pearl buttons. 12 gross smoked pearl buttons. 12 gross agate buttons. 6 gross pants buttons. 1.500 yards cheviot. 500 yards gingham. 400 yards toweling, crash. 1 bolt cheese cloth. . 50 doz. spools sewing thread, as sorted sizes. 12 doz. spools darning cotton. 400 yards denim, heavy. 2 gross handkerchiefs, mens, Tur key red. 1 gross ladies' handkerchiefs, white 200 yards bobinette, 36 Inches wide. 6 doz. napkins. , 100 yards table cloth. Samples must accompany each bid except where -the article or brand is especially called for. Preference will In ail cases be given- to Idaho bid ders, all things being equal. Unaccepted samples will be re turned to the biddier at their ex pense when requested. All goods F. O. B. Blackfoot, Idaho. Bids inus-t be sent in sealed enve lopes, addressed to the Board of Di rectors of -the Idaho Insane Asylum, Blackfoot, Idaho, aind marked "Bids for Supplies.'' All goods -to be delivered within ten days except as otherwise may be specified or in the judgment of the Board of Directors a longer -time is justifiable. All bids must be accom panied with a sufficient bond to be approved by the Board of Directors, said bond to be conditioned to fur nish articles as provided for in this advertisement. The board reserves the riglht to reject -any and all bids. A meeting of the Board of Direc tors will he held at -the Idaho Insane Asylum, Blackfoot, Idaho, on Monday, April 3, 1911, for the purpose of con sidering -bids and awarding contracts for the same as above enumerated. JAMES E. STEELE, Secretary. Approved-, March 8th, 1911, by the State Board of Examiners. JAMES H. HAWLEY, Gio-vernor. W. L. GIFFORD, Secretary of State. D. C. McDOUGAL, Attorney General. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Final Proof) I, John Becker, of Aberdeen, Idaho, who made entry No. 141, under the provisions of an act of the legislature of the State of Idaho, commonly known as the "Carey Act," apprfoved March 2nd, 1889, which embraces NE 14 of NE 14 of section 8, of towin ship 6 S., of range 31 E. B. M., do hereby give notice of my intention to make final proof to establish my claim to the land above described, and that I expect to prove that I have resided on, reclaimed and cul tivated s'aid land as required by law, before Paul A. Fugate, agent State Land Bclard, at Aberdeen, Idaho, on the 26th day of April, 1911, by two of the following witnesses: John Toevs, Henry C. Wiebel, T. J. Wedel, J. P. Wedel, -all of Aberdeen, Idaho. JOHN BECKER, M23-5L Bntrym&n. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Blackfoot, Idaho, March 16, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Fannie E. Bowman, of Lewiston, Utah, who, on April 28, 1906, made Desert Land Entry No. 4213, Serial No. 04844, for SEY* SE!i Sec. 11, SW% SW»4, Lots 3 and 4 Sec. 12, W Ys NW% Sec. 13, Tp. 6 South, Range 31 Ea®t, Boise Meridian-, has filed notice of intention to make Fin-a-l Five Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before L. E. Sigmond, U. S. Commissioner, ait American Falls, Idaho, on the 28th -day of April, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: G. W. Parsons, William A. Boman, William L. Reece, John C. Bomian, all of Boman, Idaho. HENRY W. KIEFER, M23-5L Register. INTERNATIONAL AVIATION MEET, SALT LAKE CITY April 5th to 10th, inclusive. Ex cursions via Oregon Short Line. Tickets on sale April 3rd to 8th, in clusive, limited to April 15th, from stations north of Ogden, and south of Spencer, Idaho. See agents for rates and further particulars. M23-2t. LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Hearing Petition for Spe cific Performance In the Probate Court of Bingham County, State of Idaho. In tihe matter of the estate of Isaac Ericson, deceased. Pursuant to an- order of the above entitled court, made this first diay of March, 1911, notice is hereby given that Monday, the third day of April, 1911, at ten o'clock of that day, and the court room of the above entitled court, at Blackfoot, Bingham county, Idaho, have been appointed as the time Bind place for -the hear ing upon the petition of Walter Buoot for the specific performance of contracts for the conveyance of real estate, as follows: To said Walter Bumot, the cast half of lot four (4) and the west half of Hot four (4) and the southwest quarter of then orth west quarter of section two (2), in township three (3) south, of range thirty-four (34), east of the Boise meridian, In Bingham county, Idaho, according to the provisions of the contracts therefor. Reference is her by made to said petition for futher particulars, rnadi notice is hereby given that any person interested in said estate may appear at the said time and place and! file written ob jections to the granting of on- order authorizing and directing Zada B. Ericson, as administratrix of the aforesaid estate, to execute to said petitioner a deed, as aforesaid, ' to said real estate, and the specific per formance of said contracts and ma be heard and may produce witnesse in support of his objection. Dated March 1, 1911. J. H. ANDERSEN, Probate Judge and Ex-Officio Clerk of said Probate Court. Ml-5t ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the Probate Court of Bingham County, State -of Idaho. In the matter cf the estate of Eph H. Watson, deceased. It appearing to this Court, by the petition this day presented and filed by A. S. (Dickinson, the administra tor of the estate of Eph H. Waitson, deceased, that it is necessary to sell the wihole of the real estate of siaidi decedent, to pay -the debts of deced ent, and the expenses and changes of a dm i-nis-tratlomi, It is therefore ordered -by this Court, that all persons interested in the estate of said deceased appear before the said Probate Court on Monday, April 17, 1911, at ten. o'clock a.m. of said day, at the court room of said Court, at the court house in the city of Blackfoot, Bingham county Idaho, bo show cause why am order should mot be granted to the said administrator to sell so much of sa'i'd real estate as shall be necessary, and that a copy of this order be pub lished at least four successive weeks in the Blackfoot Optimist, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the s-a'id 1 county. Dated March 13, 1911. (Seal) J. H. ANDERSEN, M16-5t Judge of said Probate Court. Palace Drug Store• •••••• PRESCRIPTION WORK A SPECIALTY A full line cf Toilet Articles, Perfumes Druggist Sundries NOTICE FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that I will receive bids for transcribing the records of Bingham county for Bonne ville county, up to the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. March 21, 1911, at which time all bids will be publicly opened and the contract let, if any bid be found satisfactory. All books will be furnished for transcribing, using what is known a-s the loose leaf records. Bidders are required to submit separate bids on 600 page records, where it Is neces sary to transcribe records at large, and upon 600 page records where printed form is used. All transcrib ing to be dome with typewriters us ing indellible ink rbbom. All bids must be sealed and ad dressed to the Auditor of Bingham county, acd marked "Bid for Trans cribing." Bidders are required to accompany their bid with a certified check upon some bank im Bingham county in the sum of five hundrde dollars, conditioned that the bidder, if he be awarded the contract, will LEGAL NOTICES enter into a contract with the re corder of Bingham county for the transcribing fo s'a-id records. The successful bidder will be re quired to enter into a contract with, and furnish a good and sufficient bond, to the recorder £0 Bingham county in the sum of three thousand dollars, conditioned upon the faith ful performance of hi-s contract for the transcribing of said records. The recorder of Bingham county reserves he right to reject any or ail bids, if none be found satisfac tory, and immediately let a contract to the lowest responsible bidder. J. T. CARRUTH, M2-16 Auditor Bingham County. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Final Proof) I, Harry C, Errett, of Ping-ree, Ida ho, who made entry No. 489, un-dier the provisions of am act of the legis lature of the State of Idaho, common ly kn-own as t-he "Carey Act,'' ap proved March 2nd, 1889, which em braces NWV4 of SW14 of Section 5, of Township 4 S., of Range 33 E. B. M., do hereby give niatiice of my In tention to make final proof to estab lish my claim to -the land above de scribed, and that I expect to prove that I have resided on, reclaimed and cultivated said land as required by law, before L. R. Thomas, Agent State Land Board at Blackfoot, Ida ho, on 3rd of May, 1911, by two of the following witnesses: T. R. Jornes, R. J. Ward, J. R King, W. H. Clyne; all -of Pinlgree, Idaho. HARRY C. ERRETT, M 30-51 Entryman. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice is hereby given that I, Al bert Moore, convicted of grand larc eny, at the January term, 1907, in the Distr'ct Court of the Sixth Judi cial District, in and for the County of Bingham, and sentenced 1 on Jan. 26th, 1907, to serve a term of ten y ars imprisonment in the Idaho State Penitentiary, situated at Boise City, County of Ada, State of Idaho, will make -application to the Honor able State Board of Pardons, at its next regular m eting after the expir ation of the legal publication of this notice, for a full and absolute par don. ALBERT MOORE, T16-5t P. O. Box 122, Gooding, Idaho. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Estate of Mary Lu et ta McLean, de ceased : Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned-, George E. McLean, ad ministrator of tihe estate of Mary Lu etta McLeami, deceased, to the credi tors of, amid all persons having claims against said deceased, tk> exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within ten months after the first pub lication! of this notice, to said ad ministrator at the office of Karl S. Fackrell, the attorney fer said ad ministrator, to, Blackfoot, Idaho, the same being the place for the tran saction of the business of said es tate to the County of Bingham, State of Idaho. Dated March 25-th, 1911. GEORGE E. M'LEAN, M30-4t Administrator. NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETI TION FOR PROBATE OF WILL In the Probate Court of Btogbam County, State of Idaho. In the matter of the estate of Alice Montgomery, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that Mon day, the third day of April, 1911, at ten o'clock a.m. of said- day, and the court room of said Court, -at the court house, in -the city of Blackfoot, coun ty of Bingham, and state of Idaho, have been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said Alice Montgomery, deceaesd, and] for hearing the application -of William H. Montgomery for the issuance to him of letters of administration, with the will annexed thereon. Witness my hand and the seal of saCd Court this 14th day of March, 1911. (Seal) J. H. ANDERSEN, M16-3t Judge of said Probate Court. FOR 8ALE—A BARGAIN Two five acre pieces of lamd, 8 blocks from the post office, at $1,000 each; all cultivtated and fenced-; terms, $200 d-own, balance 1, 2 or 3 years at 8 per cent; good water right and level as floor. First come, first served. Be in a hurry. They have got to be sold. R. G. FLEMING. GOLDEN SEAL POLISH Cleans everything. Try it, and use no other. Free sample at Bietham's. M23-4L Butter Wrappers at this office. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of . the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Blackfoot, Idaho, March 7. 1911. Notice is hereby given that WIL LIAM A. PRESTON, of Yuma. Idaho, who, on February 19, 1906. made Homestead Entry No. 10752, Serial No. 03061. for Lots 1, 2, 3, 4; SWH NEii ; NWü SE%, Secion 12, Town ship 5 South, Range 31 Eastt. Boise Meridian-, bias filed notice of inten tion to make Final Five Year Proof, to establish claim to tthe land above described, before Register and- Re ceiver, U. S. Liimd Office, at Black foot, Idaho, an the 26th day of Apr ill, 1911. Claimant names tas witnesses: John Lindsay, of Yuma-, Idaho-; John- E. Kelley, of Blackfoot, Idaho; John Phillips, of Yuma, Idaiho; Mal vin Strang, of Yuma, Idaho. HENRY W. KIEFER, M9-5t Register. SCHOOL HOUSE FOR SALE Notice is hereby given th-at the frame school building of District No. 2. known os the Riverside district, will be sold at public auction on Friday, March 31, the sale to take place on the grounds. There will als« be offered for sale two lots consist ing of about two acres of land, upon which -the building -now stands. The building will be soldi with or without the lots. The trustees reserve the right to rejeet any or ail bids. Sale to be held at 2 o'clock p.m. BRIGHAM WHEELER, JOHN W. BITTON, , W. A. CRAWFORD. * M2-30 Trusees. HOW A MANUFACTURER LET THE CAT OUT A farmer living a few miles north of town ordered a stove -from a "catalog house'' in Chicago. The concern boldly proclaimed that it manufactured its own stoves and that they were offered- at "factory prices.'' The customer wiaited ineairly two weeks for the stove to be delivered, and in the meantime -the whole fami ly shivered. At last the stove came and the bill of lading showed that it was shipped by -a stov-e factory in Detroit. A careless shipping clerk "let the cat out of the bag'' by for getting to use -the mail order con cern's s-hpiping tag. Maybe that farmer wasn't wrathy. He sneaked up to the ioo-1 hard ware sec-re -and looked- around until lie found exactly t-he same stove. He looked at -the price and almost fell over backward when he found that the "mail order'' stove, counting the freight charges, had cost him $2.75 more thun the local dealer -asked. The fact is t-hat 90 per ce t of the mail order houses ar-e nothing more than retailers. The customer has to pay the high local freight nate where as the retailer, who gets the car load rate, can and tactually does sell cheaper -than the mail .order con cern®. It is true hta.t some articles can be bought cheaper from mail or der houses titan from retail dealers, but nine times out of ten the retail ers undersell mail oirder concerns. INDIANS RAISING SUGAR BEETS T-hiat the red man is fast losing much of th-at stately, wild hauteur which gained for him the sobriquet "The Noble Red Man,'' is evidenced by tlie fact that Field Superintend ent Cobbley of the Utah-Idaha Su gar company has been among them securing contracts for be-et acreage, and hue been quite successful, hav ing a number of the erstwhile bratves on his list, who -have signified an in tention to cultivate the festive beet the same Us other farmers. And in this, while not so picturesque as they are on -their cayuses, roaming the suge brush covered dells, yet they display a greater nobility than be fore, for they are a passing race, their day as savages is done, and they are adopting the pursuits of the white man because of necessity, and in suppressing their natural aversion to work and its attending confine ment, -they are putting forth a man ly effort that makes them in very truth "The Noble Red Man.'' MAY LEASE LARGE ACREAGE State Representative Peter G. John ston is endeavoring to secure about 1,000 Here® of the reservation adjoin ing Blackfoot, which will be convert ed into an alfalfa field, end upon which the Jolmston-Seversen com pany will feed sheep. It Ls nc-t known exactly what method will be pursued by Mr. Johnston to secure this amount of acreage as under -the lease terms one person can lease but 160 acres. In the event of this lease being made a- large tract of land will be placed under cultivation immedi ately and thut will tend to attract the attention cf other people to the fer tile bottom lands lying at the door of the city, and which are now un occupied. Our entire stock of millinery is to be sold at greatly reduced prices, to make room for our spring goods. Jackman's. LEGAL NOTICES WARRANT CALL. County treasurer's office, Black foot, Bingham County, Idaho, Feb ruary 4th, 1911. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing Btoig'ham County and School District warrants will be paid upon presentation, if presented within sixty (60) days from th . date of this -notice : CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Registered Numbered July 19ith, 1910 226 to 353 loci. Oct. 14th, 1910 354 to 774 Incl. Jan. 14th, 1911 775 to 1185 IncL ROAIDi FUND Oct. 14th, 1910 340 to 421 loci. Jan. 14th, 1911 422 to 637 Incl. BRIDGE FUND July 19th, 1910 64 to 118 Incl. Oct. 14th, 1910 119 to 171 IncL Jan. 14th, 1911 172 to 202 IncL SCHOOL DISTRICT WARRANTS Dist. No. Warrants Numbered 5 13958 13966 14092 14122 14141 14144 14159 14168 14311 14300 14320 14321 14361 14370 14388 14397 14402 14419 14470 15553 14472 14506 14749 14747 15598 14836 14850 14844 14845 15626 14887 14885 14981 15025 15040 15071 15070 15114 15158 15176 15224 15345 15346 15351 15375 15397 15422 15540 15654 15662 15664 15695 15696 14142 12 15242 15291 15617 15618 13 15314 15394 15704 14 14962 15075 15113 15167 15353 15510 15508 15509 15639 15 14613 14609 15012 15141 I5I49 15148 15269 15554 15581 15624 15625 14591 18 15112 15274 15273 15428 15591 15679 15716 19 13972 13971 13969 13992 14010 14016 14030 14091 14127 14125 14124 14131 14130 14148 I4I69 14147 14227 14222 14242 14253 14243 14244 14257 15675 15674 14340 14374 14414 15678 15677 14404 14420 14470 15676 15570 14479 14510 14599 14616 14603 14623 14625 14642 14698 14767 14738 14790 14868 14869 14865 14952 14953 14954 14907 14943 14942 14974 15217 15218 15219 15178 15179 15284 15285 15286 15293 15263 15265 15264 15358 15369 15368 15370 15410 15414 15415 15416 15417 15418 15443 15441 15498 15497 15545 15562 24 15344 15342 15343 26 15426 15481 15543 15589 16656 15655 15694 15693 27 15592 30 13843 13822 13839 13840 13846 13852 13851 13880 13878 13879 13946 13993 14046 14027 14054 14053 14052 14066 14067 14064 14085 14133 14121 14120 14274 14278 14287 14280 14281 14282 14283 14284 14800 14803 14787 , 14449 14530 14599 14560 14576 i 4448 14577 14578 14581 14588 14454 14589 14590 14595 14600 14461 14614 14622 14672 14685 14460 14704 14717 14765 14763 14764 14455 14769 14770 14760 14456 14782 14469 14467 14485 31 15120 15295 15362 15361 15363 15634 15635 15687 15686 34 14382 14381 14380 14728 14729 14734 14891 14970 14986 15034 15056 15103 15102 15137 15151 15245 15231 15230 15387 15391 15424 36 14466 14571 15062 15063 15168 15169 15171 15184 15318 I56I6 15714 39 13051 13184 13395 13396 13707 13708 13990 13991 14070 14090 14185 14184 14267 14547 15333 14719 14919 14941 14967 15235 15236 15228 15349 41 15586 15600 15681 15682 15683 15707 43 14856 14862 14940 14996 15019 15121 15170 15159 I5I56 15334 15385 15395 15486 15523 15597 15672 15712 44 15144 15401 15400 15477 15524 45 15453*15451 46 15226 15337 15423 15320 15559 53 15204 15229 15339 15348 15446 15538 15541 54 14972 15160 15280 15281 15279 15316 15315 15434 15517 15515 15516 15514 15527 15596 15282 56 14231 14232 14233 14410 14389 14457 14484 14939 15032 15254 15268 15329 15564 15593 57 15518 15666 15699 15700 15715 75 14935 MARY A. THOMPSON, Treasurer Bingham County F9-2m. Per C. V. FISHER, Deputy. PATCNWCfiK AN ANCIENT ART It Had It* Origin Many Age* Age hut New Is An Am««' Ina« InatftwtieA« The Idea that patchwork had Its origin In America 1« net founded on fact. À thousand years before tha Christian era a queen of Egypt went down the Nile to her last resting place Under a wonderful canopy of skins that were dyed and pieced to gather In a mosaic pattern. Years be fore this work had reached perfection and acquired a definite place among the arte. Then, too, patchwork qullta were made in England In the Eight eenth century, aa wltneae the linea written by Cowper to a Mrs. King upon receipt of "A kind preeent of a patchwork quilt of her own making.'* Patchwork Is distinctly sn Ameri can institution. In this big new coun try, where women's work was never done, where even the few conveni ences of the day were lacking, women had no time to spend on any but tha practical things of life. The mothers of thla nation left behind them no wonderful historical needlework, like the Gobelin tapestries of France and the beautiful laces of Italy. There were all too few to attend to the spin ning and weaving and household di> ties In the homes where dwelt not only the large family, but the hired help aa well—Uharlotte F. Boldte mann in Woman's Home Companion. Ladies' sewing or card table, new» strong and beautiful: sold or rented for card parties. Also folding chair» for rent at Biethan's.