/ THE BLACKFOOT OF Republican Alt nsT VOL. IV NO. 38 OFFICIAL PAPER OF CITY OF BLACKFOOT AND OF BINGHAM COUNTY, IDAHO. BLACKFOOT, BINGHAM COJUNTY, IDAHO, THURSDAY, AUGÜST 17, 1911 $2.00 PER YEAR BUNGALOW MAN PROVES TO BE SMOOTH SKINNER H. C. Page, Wanted in Many Western Towns for Crooked Work, Operates in Blackfoot for a Brief Period and Makes a Hasty Get-Away. Khane two or ^three weeks sgo there of °* appeared in Blackfoot a quiet retir ing gentleman, from no bne k/new where hut presumably from Les Ang ellesl After surveying the field Ifor a few days In compainy with a fc):y about 14 years of age who accom panied! him to the. city, and! was sup posed to be his son, they decided that Bllackfbiat was an excellent field fcu which, to b'lgin their operations. Hence, the Ulunching of the Bungailo Homes company with the aforesaid getrjtiksman, Mr. H. C. Page, tlias nu merems other cogn| mens as it was af terward learned ta the sorrow quite a fbw of the business the city. Then the manager of this j new ciepcern rented the best suite oif offices- -to be found', had a quantity of classy literature and at Itionery print- j ed'telling of his wonderful plans,that the Buirugalo Home company prop.sod to -build from $1000 t:i $2000 real! mod ern four and five room O.llifornia bun gjalows in nr. y part of the city and on any kind of terms. Someth,inig for | ■noth ini 3. As !. Uways ini such cases business in the bungait iw lino flourish ed frcmi the begininii-g. In course of a few days- -be had 1 purchased the nec essary lots, presumably without the necessary cash to produce for the said lots, as h- - failed to produce the coin of the realm for anything pur chased cto-er thi |nj hlsi mealls and the necessary building permits- to all' iw of the siti.irt cf the Ibiunigia'iows iby that wel-1 known organization operat ing throughout siuto-erai Idalho with hei id offices in BlackC.ct, branch of fices: at Idaho Fall's. Twin Falls i l id Pocatell-o. Things were cominfe fine for Mr. Page, alias (?) , he had suc ceeded in the siliert tiime of his stay in the. city in so ii. grt Mating him THOS. LEMON PASSES AWAY. After Three Weeks of Suffering End ing in an Operation to Relieve Him He Died Peacefully With His Wife and Family at His Bed Side.— He Was an Early Settler. Thos. Lernen died -tliii-s morning at 10:30 o'clock of gangrene of the bow el to which tlie ap-pendix is' attached. Over three w-eeeks ago he was taken very s ricus'ly sick, fl flowing an ex posure, ai d suffered greatly fr m in fl-ammatiry rheumatism at his farm rear Moore. On 1st Saturday ihe was brought -to this city by Mrs.Lem on, where lie cou'ldi be under the oon sltant care -oi? a dl ctor, but shortly after c: mtlog here he w-as attack d with appendicitis and suffered great ly fur ia- day or so and finally Doctors Poole, Baker and Patteiraon decided that an oper tic in was the -cnly chance -to si >ve his 'life and on Tu s day mcrui: g he submitted t)'-'' the sur geon's knife and the operati' n re vealed the fi:et -that some of the or gans of the p| tient had become gan grenous- and displaced by the draw ing icf a discicsed appendix r« id all hope for liis recovery was abandoned. After the operation the patient was röli-ev-cdl d. imucih suffering and he lived two d' ys, tlie end coming at 10:30 this morning, peacefully, with his wife and children gathered around Ills b-edsi-d-e. Tin retai ins lay at the Anderton Hofei il.t this city and cn Saturday af terniocim they will be removed to the M ethediat ohurch pad Rev. Hartshorn will h-c'-d religious services, after which they will be taken to tlie Hi u:> ton cem- telly and laid to rest b-y tne side if a brother. MC. Lemon w is one of the early settlers cf tire Lost River valley a d aieo one of the fCremos-t men of this s.Lctii.n of the country. He had a gi. null ii, kindly -disposition and' cherish ed a warm friendship for mankind, making friends and scu-teiring siui.i sliine us toe journeyed through KJe. He was a s.eit made man, who had roughed it fr m boyho.d, wiccumula ting a coof-ortable allotment of world» iy goods and providing generously ter lila family. He was an active men and a builder in i-is community tak-1 ing I n i| L rest ia ail that transpired about him and a studeint cf politic! ' of.airs cf his country. In his deat.i i the fanuJ.y is- bereit of a kind nus bai,.d i-sidi father and the community of a sincere friend. Everything possible to relieve him elf suffering a >d pr -long his life, was mad. .but w- uk> a wül and deaitih claim ed him afoer a long journey,occupying 57 Vi years. The f unity has the sym pathy cf die community'.— Mackay Miner. _ Death of Aged Lady. Mm Parmeiia T jCe tr, of Sail Lake, died at the age of eighty-feur years, Saturday m: ruing, and the body was shipped to Moore, for interment.The deceased was the omther of tihnrteein ohiMrd i, one -if whom is W. F. Tay lor, a stockmen cf Moore, who was formerly of the firm of Miller, Stone & Taylor elf this city. Funeral ser vices were held Monday morning aindi internment tick place it Moore, on that day. self in the confidence of the public that mldney had! 'began to floiw in the ehialmnefe tin It Ind direct to hiis private colfltere and: if all reports arc in a semblance true he succeeded in bilk ing quite) (aj /number of. the bui.yh.ias.sl men of the town. But sad to relate the Western Union wire gl.it busy and; uipcm request or the authorities at Biillli/;:gs, Monti, fria, Mr. Page was arrested (by Deputy Sheriff Kestner an a change of gTb'nd larceny p ref erre by) riihe Moaîlaiita officers. Mir. Piage requested! that he be allowed to; send El message to the First National bank ait Ei billig;; and thl ft hie be permitted t I secure setae papers from his office > Q puty Kestner gave him permissioiai to- accompany Jailer Jackson to town tlo' titimsaeit his necessary business fee , 0 re being locked uip awaiting the br rival! ictt Officers from the north. Upon ^ arrival av- r town Mr. Pi \ge wasi permitted t 1 go to his office while .Jailor Jackson took breakfast at the Idi Iho Cafe. His- business tnai: siacted and the office boy sent to- barn for a rife P|.|ge boidl'jy walked drrwtn from his o-ffiioe into Row! es' clothing store, cashed a $20 check, walked out und an. und back cf -the block and met the rig and proceeded to vamoose. Mr. Rockwoicidl 'cf the Gem State Lumber comp: n-y gave the alarm and the use was immediteC-y t tke :i up, but the bungalow artist succeeding lin iciut .vittiirg the sleuths made a clean get away. Mr. Green received a letter from Page mailed iin Ogid w Wednesday evening offering un- expianatici :i and saying that the money invested in the bungalow would; be returned hlim, .mid further than that it seems as if ai'.H traces of the 'last ertisit to strike the- town has b -en lest. , „ . .. 'Me oil 3:30 p. m. last Siaturchy, i (ft r RARE ANIMALS WITH THE GREAT LONDON SHOW. The Lanidlon Sih-.-ws exlnibit the on ly great blue if . cad, rib-ncsedi bab it'.;' in captivity. He Is a giant in size, and 1 is pcissi;-seed cf the sitrentitlh of a hundred men. D iked with r 're itiinits 1 wdlUh go-rg'eous colors and with indes cribable liues, be grins- at the start led thousands, a (äegiettnrute man or a redeemed brut-e—Which iis he? Seien tisitsi -have not answ .red -the q-uesition. He has pas-id ibhrcug-h tr.iinin-g schLiol f-o-r animals and has -thrown aside many imtlics and notions of the brute creation, a id taken an many antics idi syner ci-es of finite main. He is a once :a; w-ond'er and a mysitery, ai d his qu© r grimaces and wise expres sions provoke smile® and serious re flections from the simple minded .m-d the phi lbs! phical. To see this rare freak o|f nature is- waver tr. fl irget it. Hioiw 's Great Ixi-ndon Shows Con solidated, 'recording to the general v-eirdiiet is -tihie Greatest Circus Alli ance the w- ir.id has ever k own, will be iin Blackfo it, August 30. Death of Olive Bell Faulconer. OMve Biell FTaulconer, wife of S. J. Faulconer, residing a short dist nice ir.i artiiiw-et ft of town, passed. An im this an, illness lasting some six micmiths Immediate cause of -death was chroni i ephritis! Mrs- F 1 rjlcoiic-r was born at Pleas ant View, ilediana, 48 yet rs ago,after words removing to Kansas fr m whic place they moved -to B.i ckll nt abcut six years ago. Deceased ichv s a husltl loi J, tlvrce chiidron and a host of friends to mourn her untimely death. InteirmeUt in Grove City eemitery, Sunldhy, August 13, at 10:30 a. m. Baptist Services. Services next Sunday at the Bap tist church morning and evening. Un ion Youlng Pocple's service at 7 tl'clock. 'In th ■ evening the pastor begins a series elf se-rmc-ns on the ge.ner.il theme: "Is Ohristianity Practical?'' subtopics are Modiern Business'' .The id ityi mnid Modern Amusements, tianity ar.idl Modern Politics tianity Lind the Home;" and "Christi 1 « ity "Gh-ristfan ' "Chris "Chrilsi "Chirs S-pecial tiani-ty aind the Ijnrger Lif. music each ©vo ting. W. R. JEWELL. Game Warden Braley Makes Capture. Game Warden Br Hey has returned fnern a week s trip through Custer county where he arrested three men for killing deer in violation of the state game l iws. Fin s of $50 each were paid by the guilty partit s. The Over siezed were s' id and the funds received from such sale turned over thi -the state. Me. Br P, y states that the depart mcl it has arranged to pl .ee a suffi cient Ccroe of men in the field on Sopteanber 1, to see that no ducks are killed contrary to law. Mre. C rl Furey cf Mackay is vis it img at th.' home of A. N. Anderson. FRED MURPHEY'S NEW BOISE STORE Finest Smoke House West of the Mis sissippi Owned in Capital City by a Pocatello Man. More than three thousl-hö people, visited Boise's new cigar entre lhst Saturday evening between 6 and 9 p. m. The occasion w\.s the dermal open ii g of what is undoubtedly the finest equipped 1 retail establishment _______ ________________^____ and Mr. Murphey has r ceived many expressions of goodwill from the ! Biaise citizens, ©x-tundtag to him a hearty welcome in the business field. iru Che west,and the owner, Fred Mur-1 pheiy lof Pocatello, is -to be cembratal exted. The store is situ 1 (ted on Boise's most prominent street, and. occupies the entire floor space lo-f a building 116 fecit iui length. From the front of the building to to: card rooms in the rear, every thing is solid miaihog tiny and plate glass! A public writ j-U room, with desks, stationery,etc., iccupies a space between the a..rd retems and- -huimidlor. Acrossi from -writing room is a public reading noon wh re the latest magiazK.es, perfodd cate and dirtily papers' are on file. In these rotms the fluors are covered with carpets of finest material. At -the opening, Si. turday, Mr. Murphey, in eV ting dress, stood at the entrance and gave a welcome to e..clh guest, then iutr.duced- them to managet Roy Grayer-ft who- conducted them through the store, giving to the men their choice of cigars and to thi la dies camati|:inls. Mtore than two thous and ©igUrs- and s-ixity-flive dozen car uatiotis were given away dur! g the three, hours. The opening, was eh iin melnoe success from every viewpoint —Thursday's- PLci.italilo Tribune. Saloons and Other Business. Prior to the local option election in this city, the cry was- r-lsedi that in the event of the oranity going -dry, there would- be empty buildings, ev ry where, and that business w-. iui-d be at a stand still. Storage as it may seem to the advocates of the open sa loon, there has been more demund fo 1 present -time, Käackfo-ot is store r ioinsi in Blackfo it tham has been known for years, and on : needs onily to ride ever the country .ind visit the smaller towns t..i leant that at alnucht every cross roads, there is a store building,which, has h en erect ed in -the last two years. We are not tdivocoibin-g -local .pU-oin for it is a huge j. ke and will never be any thing etse, ibut aside fr-im the gener 1 business, d-epr -ssion that pre-vaiis throughout the United 1 States at the I'.lOt cry ing Ifor lack of business or over tlie f- et th-at her buildings are empty. Oui tihe other hand there is in f a habitable building iw town thi. t is un occupied, and then ; are a number of store rooms in course of construct! ui at tihe presd it time. Three store ro uns were vacated by s li.ons when they were compelled to close and all Of th -m were immediately filled by other lin-as of business. The Gesas saitoun has ai fine restaurant in it.the Murphey saloon has a drug stock, an the old Office soloon is occupied by a fine picture show. The manahem tut of tihis place of aniusetnci t is to be ciLingratulated upon the quality of show they are producing and the f et that they are catering to the tastes df tlie people by having closed a soft drink rcSi irt uid installing a moving picture house, thus improving tlie mural status of the location. HAVE PURCHASED RANCH NEAR MORELAND Mrs. E. J. Potter, iSlr., : uid daughter Mliss Hazel, who have been visiting their sons and brothers near More land' for som : time p st, recently pur chased a piece :f land near More la d, and Willi become residents «f this curniminity. R. Reuff, i ilsio of Rock tiprinis. a brother-in-law of the Potter brothers, has also purchased a f rm in that vicinity aud will reside -on it -in the future. Former Resident Dies in Havre,Mont. Th-- H- vre, Ma t., Piaindealer of the 12th inti, contains an account of the death of Secret- u*y f State A.N. Yoder, who died suddenty in the af torni-tn of the preceding Sunday. lu 583 Mr. Yoder came to Blackfoot re-in Salt L ke. and 1 was- employ d in die railroad service at the time. He .va® a pr-imi/ment ledge nu n and was also natively engaged in politics. At the time of his death he w- s camping with a party otf friends at Unionville, a summer resort n- ar Helen l Has Opened A New Shop W. E. H-.rris, formerly with the PioKieer Drug store, has op ned a pressing, cleaning and rept-Hring shop on North Main street, and is prepar ed t> db any kind of work -in tin t lire for either ladies or gentlemen. Mr. Harris is a clean, gentlemanly young man who will ml. ke a succ ss of this lame if he keeps up his go-d work. Eighth Grade Examination. An examination Cor eighth grade pupils will be held at the court house in Blackfoot ori August 24, 25 : nd 26, 1911. AUCE BEACH, Co. Supt of Schorls Phone crd' Ts promptly attended to at the Miedern Pharmacy. tf MRS. M'ARTHTR VISITS HER RELATIVES HERE Mr. and Mrs. Early Entertained Whist Friday Evening in Her Honor. Mrs. A. W. McArthur of Braider, Colo., who is visiting her sister, Mrs. P. W. H were, and her brother, J. Early, in this city, has been the gues of honor since 'her arrival v it a num b r Of delightful affaris. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Early & itertoin ; ed four tables elf bridge at their pret tly home on Bridge street for the pie sure of Mrs. McArthur. The noms- were beautifully decorated with yell.iw flow- re, yellow a|n|d green being the color scheme throughout. Mrs. Blanche E'ldfredige i.lnid Mre J.G. Brown won the favors £:ir high score. Punch was served duirinig the evening acid dia-inty refreshments at -tlhe dosi i:f the games! One ,cif the bright of the so.son's parties was tlhe Ken sington giv-etm Monday afternoon for Mrs. Me Arthur at tlhe home i:f Mrs. Eldredge. The spacious roans were filled with 1 idles wihJos-c dainty needle work did not keep -them so occupied that there was irot plenty of visiting accomplislhed. The aftern on's pie ures were greatly enhanced by instru m intal selections by Misses Cl ira Hbilmesi, Anna Kktor and M -rie Mil lick and vocal numbers by Mre. Wil bur Craig flbid the Misses Anna and Mimnie Kiefer In solo unldl duet. Mrs. Craig also greatly pleased her audi ence with a novel whistling solo.pl'.! ly ing h r own acci inupamimemt. The guest of ho dr received a beautiful candlestick as -:•< sravenir of the ocr He Should Move- East. There is a main in Blackfoot who conducts a- business., which -dépendis emtiret'.y on tile travelling public H sup-part. This man uses am unlimited amount of sta-tia ery, and there ere three pruning offices iin -town, but h sends east for everything he inieeds- in the printing line. He claims he saves $60.00 peii 1 year by see dling east. In the cours- 1 of a year two. newspaper casioii. DeHicious refreshments served - ],ix>prietors ini O wn are prahably ask , eî j fufty tiim-es, white arciund the de j pot,which place in this particular line j s the best tin pat-roniz . and so far ! a s the editor oif this paper is col -cern ! ed, we have always said t-h 't one . was as- good asi tin- other, n it caring j to knock a hi -m-e firm. If a newsp . ! per man sent -out,of town for what he consumed it would not be long be for ; he wi -uid no-t have advertising. By tihe way, tliis same go t insuras his r.wr.i property, because lie happen ed! to- be an agent of an insurance comp ny. but is engaged in another line! Yet the th- ■ insurance agents of the tow'll patrol iize his place l:s fre q-uenitly as they do any Cither. It will be a pleasure to steer business from this shrimp dll the future. Chief of Police Collecting Street Tax. lb common with other cities throughout tihe country Blackfoot has an :r-diiiance requiring the paynrut of $3.00 t: eh year by every male in habitant o-f the ei -rpi irate limits be tween the ages of 21 ; uid 50 years. If said city tax is mot paid by tihe parties- entitled to pay the s me ther is a -penalty of 50c p r dya -suited af ter September 1st ufcitil paid. Family Reunion Next Month. hT-e R. K. Homer family reunion will be held at the home of George A. Lutz, two miles north of town: September 2nd. Mrs. Homer, aged nta ty-five years, who resides at Rigby is maw at the home of Mr.Lutz nd will remain until a.ter the re tortion. A BOUNTIFUL HARVEST AROUND PORTERVILLE. Oscar Eamiies, one - J' the pr:.-ini li ent ranchers of the Porterville dis trict was a ci flier at this office Sat urday, and stated that crop eol.d'i* tiona- - re exeelfent in tliat vicinity. •Mr. Barn- s -has fourt en acres c-t po tatoes in, ail loi kir g fine. A Neat Piece of Work. Benj. Lev, the cement ©: ntractor, has just completed a very meat foun dation on the new thei ter block, be dntg erected by E.A. Johns-' n oil West Pacific street. Fred Murphey of Pocatello, was business caller in- t-h-- city Friday. Notice for Publication. Departme -t ctf the Interior. U. S. I-and Office at Blackfoot, Idaho, July 13, 1911. Notice is h rtby given, that May fc-rdi L Lockyer, of She Hay, Idaho, who, on September 24, 1907, made De sert Land Butiry Nia 4507, Seri-'l No. 0996, tor S'/ 2 NE %; NW 1 , 4 SEli.Sec li in 26, TV.rwnsliiip 2 South, Range 38 East, Boise Meridian, has filed notice cf i: iteation tfu make Fina/( Proof, ti'i (-sti biish claim to the land above Ues crib d, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Blackfoot,Iid/ho, on tlie lôtii di y of September, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Wil liam Joaes, William Ylcunlg, Henry Jemmett, Fred Benin« tt, ail of Shelley l&uho.. HENRY W. KIEFER, J3#-5it Register. FIRTH, THE TOWN OF PHENOMENAL GROWTH Where But Two Years Ago There Was But One Building, Now Many Structures Dot the Townsite. the st for a ira ly r in Elvdieuce of the £ «rt. that the couni try around Btack.toot is gr-owK g is every hand, but r.o where so inu-cih i s ait the town icf Bli-ith, locat'd the Shi rt Lien nUl-n ad, ei-ev-. -n miles n.i'jrtheast of town. Two years iugo this little city, had no depot, cine store, which burned di nvo, a pla-:.'-e wiiere meals were si rvtU' ai d m few scatticrCuP' bdl'Idlnga north of the pres nit i| wn. Today it ci ni beast i f nitre new buildings tha>;i any other town either large or small alcr.ij the ri oud ii I -praiFortk in tin the -pc-pu"ati,on-. 'he o Dipa-ny known as Gorgiatcllo Co., are cam-pieting a, -two story ce -'-'-i- n.ock uui,Idling, which will I - -d t r several piunp'.isies! itihe first J.'ocr -:.ts a tenir -rail st! ire, with a base :. under the -a) ? Ci.rte structure,wihic'h wilffi' he Jltiliiiz di as- a tii-c-re roum.'llliie seekmd llo-cr is sl:i arranged 1 that cl (ni be pnrtltKineld 1 olff fer a lodging •house, but at present wlEl lb® -usts'd for atai rànusement hall C-org| t?ilo Go!, consistai of some of the most sub sltaiiftk II men cf the district, ai «. have > <1 rtpi-etir head, \or pmfi dient, H-. P. ,WhttmiSl, secretary-, G. C. Whltmill, wegrjpj manager, C. J. Jiuhinson. me building is 30x60 lainid the l linuscv ment hiall win- have a -hardwo- d fleer, one of the finest in the country. J. T. Jensen co ducts a btacfcsmlith sihep tilil It is one of the best equipped, general wa|g|.n repair and -blacksmith Jlic-ps in the state. Mir, Jensen is i.tn ortdat in *via line and has built up for -himself a business that demanded c unmcidDotis qui irters, and wtith this he erected a cement . of i-dca in vieiw buildK.lgi 40x26. His forges are lim sti ted on cement bases an;id tilic ap p-üto.ltim nfaä of the entire sho-p are modiern in- every respect. The Western Mill & Elevator crim pel y completed witihdn the 11 Lt year war-cihousie which has a fiel, r space of 86x40 fe t, with ia, ibiasement that wild! hoildl thirty cars of spuds. Thisi firm délais ta, ail klilnds- of farm prod ucts- I ind are amply pr -pared to han dle their share of«the bountiful en ps Council Proceedings. City council met with Mayor O ipps in the eiurtir; present Clerk Holbrook., Attorm y Beakitey, couinciflimen Heck, Gibb®, R ckwood, teGuur, and Yiciumi Minutes of toe previous meeting of tlie council was read by the clerk l aid adopted as r' near Kiture Jichini K Rotortson, John Drew H R Whitmil and M.'D.A dres- will build residences in Firtih, land 1 t ill of them will be of i latest desiii-lni. ! John Drew, another Jdve wire, is building a oem u;t bi ck -building 22x 44, with a good basement. This build ing will be i.ccupled' by a luncili.cigi tr, , candy and seft dWi k stiora It will j iuai/io a fine plate glass front, und he 1 modiedni in all its, equipment, I - a Firth affords a good lucattem fra drug store and physicil in, a iiotel,liv ery Warn and butcher shi p and per a Mis- seok'lhg a Itealtcii for i uiy of these- San- s of business-, ccuJd «.let do bfciti're than in this; embry-a city. The (Short Line showed iits faith ia (te Llulture l If Flr-llh bus it year iiy lor eating a $4,000 dtepet there. This r ii road shipped 700 cars of -produce fron Firth last year. Li.mig live the town of Firth and all her pr- igreseive, husto-ing eltiz ns. School Announcements. Tho Blackfoot soil* l tfe will oipem tn Tuesday, Septum her 5, at t) o'clock a. ui. AM cihiildiren who are between eight amdi edUhteen y< ans, who have mot finished the eight grade, are <1 impell «1 l>y I iw to enter schc'.il at that. time, I The teaching fi.rce for -tlie year wiilll b as ftiltows: Mites Eva Hub he'll, Miss K therlne Lynch, M-isis BUa Stytfiieild,' M-iss Grace Wrigt.t, Miss Gentrudie Backus, Miss Frances Cairii Con, Miss Mary Nicihcfis, Miss A nu Doyle, Miss Viva Tilton, M-iisa Oaas-Le Wrdgilit, Miss- Hattie Gurtiart, Misa Alba Quillen, Miss Leah Gr 'ham, Misa Ethel Howard, Miss Jemn-ie Ger b hart, Mites Lillie And reem, Mre Lu lall E. Smith, Miss Berenice P.diner, Mi«» Ethel Richesl In,M-iss May Back us., Mr. Harry J. Lee, Ohas. McDcrn aid, P. H. Bomsci. i ! nIJ a teacher in majunall training wlio has mot 1 is yet boon selected. | Those who 'have rooms to r but <|ji teachers or pupils will confer a favor - by /making toe foot kmiwin tlo tihe the schools, (Tthose Ichlidren, who are -to j < xamUnaticins tor an advance grade or ; to in ke igi I d conditions from last suiperimtendiont of city schools. ) There ' ire a «lumber df d.ys and girls from the adjoining ci:wintry efis U'iK-te wh. wish places t» work for I their board and room. If ' iny of toe ! families«; in town wish h, lip i f tliis kind they should make tilie fact know! I at I pee t;i thes*; in charge of tf ikie year, will meet at the Central schocfl building on Saturday, Sept «ruber 2tid, tit 1:15 p. m. All pupils wiil be held cut of classes until such exainina tii ins ' re passed. The school wagon will run eb last year, cov .ring the si me route a# Jthe same hj lurs. AW pupils on the Irvii g sidle of thej railroaji will attend th it school, ex cept those in toe seventh grade. All pupils who ci line in the wa.i.tm and ill to/Lh rs coming from out of toe city limits, except such as were giv toi permissiton Hast year to attend Central, will meet at the Irvifcg build ing. All other pupils will meet ftt toe Central building iin the n oms used for the r spective grades during toe first te rm i tf last year. te not purchase books until y-oiu have ai list from a teacher. There will be 'no school «n Monday, Septemlbor 4th as that is Labor Doy lit is earnestly request* Idi that all puipiis inter schi:i:4 the first day and be regular in littet, dance. W. D. VINCENT. Superintendent of Schools. Shot Gun for Sale. Batavia Leader, d ub'.e barrel, 12 g uge, hammer'ess with safety, case. $35 make for $15. Can be seea at Optimist office.