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The Blackfoot Optimist Entered as second class matter De cember 3, 1907, at the postoffice at Blackfoot, Idaho, under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Published Every Thursday SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year In advance ..............$2.00 Six months ........................ 1.00 Three months .......................86 Member of the Eastern Idaho Pres* Association Optimist Publishing Company, Ltd. KARL P. BROWN. Manager. Notice for Bids. Sealed bids for construction of cement street and alley crossings as follows: Two street cuaeirgs on E. side of Spruce, crossing Btic$and Judicial. cine a'n > crossii.g S side Biidge between Spruce and Pine. Omé street crossing on S. side Bridge crossing Spruce. Three street crossings on N. side Ju dicial crossing Shillings, Unlverslty.Stout and Fisher avenues. Three street crossings N. side Bridge crossing Shillings, University, Stout and Fisher avenues. Three street crossings on N. side Pa cific street, crossing Shillings, University Stout and Fisher avenues. One street crossing on W. side Shil lings avenue crossing Judicial street. One street crossing on W. side Shil lings avenue crossing Bridge street. One street crossing on W. side Shil lings avenue crossing Pacific street. One alley crossing on N. side Judicial between E Main and Shillings avenue. One alley crossing on N. side Judicial between Shillings avenue and University avenue. One alley crossing on N. side Judicial between Stout and Fisher avenues. One alley crossing on N. side Bridge between Main and Shillings avenue. One alley crossing on N. side Bridge between Shillings avenue and University avenue. . , One alley crossing on N. side Bridge between University avenue and Stout avenue. One alley crossing on N. side Bridge between Stout avenue and Fisher avenue One alley crossing on N. side of Pa cific between E. Main and Shillings ave. One alley crossing on N. side Pacific between Shillings avenue and University avenue. One alley crossing on N. side Pacific between University avenue and Stout avenue. One alley crossing on N. side Pacific between Stout avenue and Fisher avenue Änd any other street or alley crossings that may be needed during year 1911, same crossings to be made according to the following specifications: 1. All concrete to be composed of liver gravel or pit gravel with all sand and loam screeend out, and clgan coarse sand substituted at the rate of one < 1 ) part of sand to two (2> parts of gravel, four (4) sacks of cement to he used to evTry yard of gravel: concrete to be ttioroughly mixed and placed in the forms in a state of slush. 2. Top of finishing coat to be compos ed of clean coarsn sand two <2| parts and one (1) part cement, to be two (2) inches thick and placed on concrete while same Is in a soft wet state, and left in a rough state. 3. Cross walk to be cut into sections not exceeding eleven fill feet in length by a I inch by 12 inch board, said board to remain in crossing permanently Concrete In main part of cross walk be six (6) Indies thick excursive u. lop coat, and to slope down to a full depth of twelve (12) inches at section hoards, to be eighteen (18) inches deep at gut 4. Cross walk to be full specified width at the exposed top (five (5) leet where same joins on to business walk, four (4) feet where joined to residence \l alk) to be sixteen (16) inches wider at at the deepest point, to be built in twelve! (12) iuch forms and to be full depth of saiii forms at the sides to have' si* (6)1 Inch flat footing at the base. , *l l| The space udenr each section be tween the deepest points to be filled wi'h gravel and sand free from dirt. Work must be begun within ten days of receiving contract, and all bids must Et p^r square foot. City reserve« All, right to reject any and all bids, same to be presented to City Clerk before or on Tuesday, August 22nd, 1911. GEO. H HOI.BROOK, igtH II City Clerk. Real Notice of the Levy and Sale of Eatate Under Execution. A. G. Edwards, plaintiff, VS. ' Thomas L. Jones and Mary A. Jones, husband and wife. Sheriff's sale. By virtue of and execution issued out of the District Court of the Sixth Judi cial District, County of Bingham,State of Idaho, wherein A. G. Edwards is plaintiff and Thomas I,. Jones and Mary A. Jones, husband and wife are defend ants, upon a judgment rendered the 5th day of June A. D. 1911, for the sum of Thirteen Hundred Thirty Six and 92-100 ($1336.92) dollars United States gold coin together with Five Hundred dollars ($500.00) attorney's fees, besides costs and interest, 1 have this day levied upor all the right title, claim and interest of said defendants, or either of them, df, in and to the following described real estate, to-wit: North half of the North west quarter and the Southeast quarter of tlie Northwest quarter and Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter and Lo Î of fiction 17, all in To(fnsfcl | Fiv," •outh of Range 32 east of the Bol» t Eloridian, together with all the tene ments, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In any wise ap pertaining, anti owned by Thomas L. Jones and Mary A, Jones, husband and wife and all the above described prop erty being in Bingham County, Idaho. Public notice is hereby given that I will on Wednesday. 20th day of Sept.A. D. 1911, at two o'clock p. m. of said day in front of the Court House door of The P. & O. Line of Farm Machinery We have just received our immense stock of this kind of goods HARROWS PLOWS BUGGIES WINONA WAGONS A Bigger and Better Stock than Ever C. F. HENDRIE Bund Bros. Bldg. Corner of Ash and Judicial Streets the County of Bingham, sell at public auction, ofr lawful money of the United States all the right, title, claim and Interest of said dele ft tnts Thomas L. Jones and Mary A. Jones, husband and wife, ,<sr either of them of, in, anc| toi toe above described property, or so much thereof as may be encessary to raise sufficient money to satisfy said so,, with interest and costs etc. to the highest and best bidder. Dated thisl4th day of August, A. D. 1911. A17-4t F. E. DEKAY, Sheriff. By W. H. Kestner, deputy. Order To Show Cause on Petition for Order of Sale of Real Estate. In the Probate Court of Bingham Coun ty, State of Idaho. In the matter af the Guardianship of ti* Estate of Ralph Larocque, a minor It appearing from the petition of Mar tha Larocque, the Guarulan of the es tate of Ralph Larocque, a minor, that It is necessary and would be beneficial that the whole of th|e real estate of sa<li minor should be sold. It is therefore ordered that the next of „till oi said ward,) to wit. Edwin A. Larocque, Ferry Larocque, Emery La rocque, Josephine Forbes and Blanche Jenkins, and all persons interested in said estate, appear before this court at the Court room of tHe Court at Black foot, Idaho, on the 18th day of Septem ber, 1911, a% 10 o'clock 'a. m.i o(j said day, to show cause, if any they can, why such sale should not be ordered. Dated August 16th, 1911. [SEAL] J- H. ANDERSEN, Augl7-5t Judge of said Probate Court. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U.S.Land Office at Blackfoot, Idaho, August 17, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Henry Jem mett, of Shelley, Idaho, who, on Sept ember 3, 1907, made Desert Land Entry No. 4508, Sf.-lal No. 02.37, for Lot l,Sec. 32 SW'ASWVi Sec. 28: Lot 4 Sec. 29; Lots 1 and 2, Section 33, Township 2 South, Range 38 East, Boise Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make tin al proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Re p.-lver U S Land Office, at Blackfoot, Idaho.'on the 18th day of October, 1911. Claimant names as witensses: Bert Bates, William Jones, Hyrum Croft, Maj I. Loci \ er, all of Shelley, Idaho. H. W. KIEFER, Augl7-5t_ Register. Allas Summons. In the District Court of the Sixth Judi cial District of the 1 and for the County of Bingham. William R. Jones^plaintiff, Unknown Heirs and' Unknown Devisees of Peter Morris, deceased;unknownhells and unknown devisees °f Cjotilde Four nier. deceased; unknown hells and un known devisees of Hippolyte furnier, deceased; Eulalie Durand;unknown heirs and unknown devisees of Eulalie Du rand, deceased; unknown heirs and un known devisees ot Mi;s.^Hllÿ>oJj|t e _ nier, deceased; Mrs. Clot ill Durand Four nier: unknown heirs and unknown de I nier: unknown heirs ami unknown ■« vtsees of Mrs. Clotill Durand Fournier, deceased; Elisa Chretln; Mane Chenet; Leon Fournier; Emilfe Fournier, and Ferdanan Chenet, and unknown owneis of the Northwest quarter ot the South east ouarter, and Lots Three, Foul,and Five, the Southwest quarter ot the Northeast quarts', and Lot Two, ana the East Half of the Northeast quarter, all in section Seventeen, and the -North Half of the Northwest quarter, and the North Half of the Northeast quarter of Section Sixteen, all in To\vnshtp Two South, of Range Thirty-eight East the Boise Meridian, in Bingha— " County, me ... c .......... - k _ - Idaho,and decreed water rights in Blaik- 1 toot River appertaining thereto,and Lots Nine and Ten. in Block Fifty-nine, in Shilling's Addition to the City of Black foot. Bingham County, Idglio, Dettjnd- • ants. Alias Summons. . ; The State of Idaho sends Greeting the above-named Defendants. You are hereby required to appear l in an action brought against above-named plaintiff, in the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District ot the State of Idaho, in and tor the I oun ty of Bingham, and to answer the com plaint this day filed therein, and hereby referred to, within twenty days exclus ive of the day of service, after the sei vlce on you of this summons, it served within this District; or it served out of this District, within forty days. This action is brought to obtain a de cree of said Court quieting the title to certain real property in Bingham Coun ty. Idaho, described in said complaint land herein above specifically described, Sn this plaintiff: that said defendants ibove-named and each and every or them and the Unknown Owners of sain property herein and in said complaint described each be required to set forth the natuVe of their claims in and to said property, or any part thereof, and that hi y adverse claims to plaintiff in said property be determined by decree of this Court, and that it be adjudged and decreed that plaintiff is the owner In fee of said property and the whole thereof, and that none of the defendants have any Interest therein, and that each of said defendants herein be forever bar red from asserting any claim or claim 3 adverse to the plaintiff therein oi to any plaint" h a^ J ptaintlfCs^'aifse' 1 of" acUion,that ! past, through \dmself f and te his ye p a re 8 dects sors in interest, has been the owner in | fee of and in the exclusive possession . and entitled to the exclusive possession , of said described property and the whole thereof, and during said time have paid all taxes thereon and exclusively con trolled the same, and that defendants each claim some right or interest or ti tle Hierein adverse to plaintiff, but each and every of said '.claims is wholly without right, either in law or equity. And von are hereby notified that If you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, the said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In his said complaint. Given under my hand and the seal ot Given under my hand and the seal ui the District Court of the Sixth Judicial strict of the State of Idaho, In and for the County of Bingham, this tenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and eleven. ISEALI J. T. CARRUTH, Clerk of said District Court. John W. Jones, residence and P. O.Ad dress. Blackfoot, Idaho, Attorney for Plaintiff. Augl7-6t Notice of Contest. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Blekifoot, Ida ho, July 27, 1911. To, Elias E. Phillips of Blackfoot,Ida ho, Contestée: You arc hereby notified that John T. Da ni Ison who gives Blackfoot,Ida ho, as his posit-office address, did eta July 13, 1911, fill in this office his duly corroborated application to con test and secure the cancellation of your Honneeteadl, Serial No. 05897 made May 26, 1909, ter the. SEVi of Section. 9, Township 2 South, Range 33 East, Boise Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said Elias E. Phillips has whol ly abandoned said land, and has fail ed to fstbllsh and maintain residence thereon, and has whcBily failed to cul tivate same or any portion thereof, and has placed no Improvements thereon. You are, ther efore, further notified that the said allegations will be taken by this office as hawing been co.tfeesed by you, arid/ your said' en try will be canceled thereunder with out youT further rllgiht to be heard therein, either before th.s office or tin appeal, lif you fail to file in this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown 'below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and rgs ■ - . „ 'ponding to -these allegations OÏ catt test, or df you fall wflthin (that time to file iu f/liiiisi office due proof tblat you have served a copy of your an swer eta tlhe saidl contestant either iu person or by registered! mail. If this- serviiio; ds mfcde by the delivery of a- copy of youi answer to the con testant dtii person, proof Xf such ser vice must be either the said contest ant's written acknowledgment of his receipt of the copy, shqjfing -the dato of its receipt, or the affidavit j the person by whom the delivery . ... ^ .___ was made stating when and where the copy was -delivered; if maidte by registered mail, proof of such service must consist of tho affidavit of the person by whom the copy was maile aii.ld th.s affidiavit must be accom panied by the p stim.ster's receipt fot* the letter. - You rihoriid state in your answer 1 jjj . ot tile post dt'floe to which youldesllire future notices to be sent » ; lo 27, HENRY W. KIEFER, Register. Date, of first publication July 1911. Date of second publication August 3, 1911. Date of third publication August 10, 1911. Date of fourth publication August 17, 1911. Notice for Publication. f or W%.SIW!4, Section 6; NW% NWV ! ßtec-bi-on 7, TowwsP.iiilp 1 South, Range j 38 East,, B| to--. Meridian, has filed no | ^ f infbent'on to make Finall Proof, . , establish cl 0111 tD- the land above 1 Depa-riimonlt of t-he Interior, U. S. 12 -nd Office at Elackfaot, Ida hi .July 12, 1911. Notice is hereby givam -that Met*a Mare Chirisitemsien, of Shelley, id alibi, '.•.Ulla, on July 18, 1892, ml.ide Desert Land Entry No. 1710, Serial No.08609, idiosicribed,, -before Register and Receiv (er, U. S. Lej.idl Office, a/t Blackfoot, Idaho, on tihe 12th û y of September, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses:Gust T. NeCiso-n, Peter Oist.n, A. E. Christ ensen, James Christensen, I..-U of Shelley, Idaho. HENRY W. KIEFER, J20-5H Register. , Notice of Private Sale by Receiver Up to 10 o'clock A. M. of August 19, 1911, the undersigned lteceiver of W. H. Scott, doing business as Scott at Co., at Blackfoot,Idaho,will receive bids for and offers to purchase the stock and fixtures of said W. H. Scott, in his hands, as now constituted, subject to the follow ing conditions: All bids or offers must be in excess of $5250, and reimbursement to the Re ceiver of rent paid for the building con taining the property, pro rata for the month of August, from the time of making the bia or offer. All persons making bid or offer will be required to enter into written contract by its terms subject to the approval of tlie District Court and providing for the payment In cash of the amount bid upon approval bv the District Court, and said contract to contain reasonable provisions as agreed upon between tlie Receiver and such bidder or purchaser The property may be examiend at any reasonable hour by application to the Receiver or his attorney, also invoice, and the Receiver will gladly give any Information In his power in tlie aid of such bidder or purchaser relative to the said property, reserving the right to re quire a reasonable deposit b> certified check as an evidence of good faitli and to reject all bids or offers in less amount than above stated. J. H. EARLY. C. S. BEEBE, Receiver. Attorney for Receiver. A10-2t Teachers' Exajmi nation. An ex uninaticn fc-r first, second third grade certificates will be held at the court house ia Blackfoot, on Augtist. 24, 25 clad 26, 1911. ALICE BEACH, Co. Supt. of Schools. GOLDEN STAR FURNITURE POLISH One lady says: The best I ever used. Another lady says: I tried the sample, it heats all. I want two bot tles. You try It. For sale at Bie thajis. HOWES GREAT LONDON BLACKFOOT, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30 INTACT. COMPLETE AND UNCHANGED FROM ITS TOUR OF THE WOHLD DW abfing and overshadowing every other tented exhibition. The Largest And Most Perfect Show Continent. The Traveling Amusement- Sensation <0/* The Da^" T. e M«uchs^ oUPREfQE Bewildering Production Ever Seen InThis REAIH^w- \\\\ I • I . 1 • i/L hi,'ll ? >' 1 isaJII I h't 'Jit "MM Ms 1 m 5 yj.n v i ■4k mi 20 Funny clowns soLeape! 100 ACROBATS ioHigh SchoolHorse AND 50 LOFTYTüNBLERS 200 GREAT, ACTS IOOO HD Animals from all Parts eTu r Turn rnuTiNC mtc The Marvelous Eddys theMonarchs Supreme, THE ROYIL YEDD0 J1PMESE YROUPE DIRECT FROM Y0K0H0MI. 200 European Novelties. 400 People. 250 Horses. Troupe of Performing Elephants, Performing Lions, Camels. THE DUBLIN GRAYS. THE BLACK HUSSARS. 3 BANDS. ROYAL ROMAN HIPPODROME. TRAINED ANIMAL EXHIBITION. Free Street Parade, 10 A. M. 2 Exhibitions, Afternoon at 2, Night at 8. GOING AWAY? Arrange with us for the proper handling of your baggage. BAGGAGE TRANSFER Careful handling. Get our rates on the service you reed. We do every description ol transfer work Office Phone 23 Residence 219 W. P. SEWELL Big Clearance .Sale SUMMER DRESSES All ladies' dresses from $2.00 to $20.00 to be sold at HALF PRICE! All children's dresses at ONE THIRD marked price. D. H. BIETHAN EXCURSIONS EAST. Via Oregon Short Line—Union Pac ific. Special low rates to Cheyenne,Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and many other points. Tick eta ou sal- May 2iHh, 24th, 26th and 27th—June 3rd, 7th, 10th, 14th, 17th, 21st—July 6th, 22nd, 26th—August 16th, and September 2nid and 9th. Limit October 31st, "with diverse routes and stopovers. See agents for rates cad further particulars. M4-S6 A BARGAIN New Five Room Modem House, $ 1850.00 One-third cash, or will trade for good team and small cash payment. If you want a good house, this is your chance. IDAHO IRRIGATED LANDS COMPANY James Duckworth, President P. <t. Johnston, Vice-Pres. W. H, Snyder, Secretary OI HECTORS Jas. Duckworth G, Johnston, Nofear Davis W. H.Snyder. Jas. G. Johnston Blackfoot Mercantile Company, Ltd. General Merchandise N0FEAR DAVIS, Manager Graia and Produce Bought end Sold Blackfoot, Idaho Capital Stock $50,000.00 To the Public: Y OU'RE cordially invited to make our Store your headquarters whenever you are in town, whet her you wish to buy or not. We are always at home and if you cannot come and see us Ring up Phone 121. You will find us always on hand to serve your best interests. We carry a general line of Notions and Dry Goods, Hats and Shoes, Groceries and Queens Ware, Hardware and Machinery. 'And can always take your Butter, Eggs and other Farm Products in exchange. Y ours truly, BLACKFOOT MERCANTILE CO. HIDES! HIDES! Don't give your hides and pelts away. We pay 16c per lb. for dry hides. 9c for shecip pelts, 5cc tor cleaui rubber boots and shlces. BRANCH OF THE Great Western Hide Co. M. VOLPERT. Mur. Telephone 156 red; P. O. box 22. CHIROPRACTOR DRUGLESS METHOD. Lo«al examinations are unnecessary as they are distaseful. I am pleas ed to explain my method- to all inter ested. I use no drugs, mo knife. If you are sick and have tried every thing else, and did not receive help, try Chiropractic and get well. DR. H. W. Gaumer, West Pacific Street Office 223. Res. 218 Blk.