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«mm I PROFESSIONALCARDS | vHw wwmmmm<l DR. FRANK A. SLOAN Osteopathic Physician Office: Boyle Building (with W. A. Beakley.) Phone 163. Residence 356 E Idaho St. Phone 125 BLACKFOOT, .... IDAHO F. W. KIEFER Locating and Consulting Engineer State License, No. 209. BLACKFOOT IDAHO DR. W. E. PATRIE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over the State Bank MAIN STREET, BLACKFOOT Office 'Phone, 106. Residence, 75 Res : East Main and Bridge, facing track HANSBROUGH & G-GON attorneys-at-law Practice in State and Federal Couru Mllllck Block BLACKFOOT - - . IDAHO LORENZO R. THOMAS Land Attorney Practice before the U. S. Land Of fice and Departmnet of Interior Register U. S. Land Office from 1897 to 1907. All land office bus! ness given careful attention. Look for the sign near the land Office. BLACKFOOT,.....IDAHO W. A. BEAKLEY. Attorney At Law. Practices In All Courts. BLACKFOOT, IDAHO. KARL S. FACKRELL Attorney At Law. Office over State Bank, BLACKFOOT, - - - IDAHO. Lumber f« Sale Almut 30,000 feet at a bargain - - For particn 1 a rs write - - JAMES W. WELCH, Box 200, BLACKFOOT, IDAHO, or see him personally at ranch near Blaekfoot. The Best Way to lengthen out our clays is to walk and that on good walks. White & Keith Cement Contractors build the best walks. Everything in cement work from fence posts to buildings. (T E.M.Kennedy AUCTIONEER Will be glad to date you (or a Real Estate Sale or General Farm Sale. All Sales get my personal attention until finished. Blaekfoot, - Idaho PHONE 113 BLACK D. W. Standrod And Company Bankers Capital $100,000 C. W. Berryman, President G. A. Robethan, Vice Pres C. V. Fisher, Cashier W. F. Berryman, Asst Cash DIRECTORS: D. L. EVANS, D. W. STANDROD J. N. IRELAND, G. A. ROBETHAN . W. BERRYMAN BLACKFOOT, IDAHO Tk O. S. *L. Watch inspecta State Registered Optician ajiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiaiimiiiiiim Miiimiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiintiiiiiiiimai I BLACKFOOT r* _______ _ I ...Day by Day... ..................................iiiiiiaiiiiMiiiiic* •HiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiimiiiniiMiwiiiia.......nine« jjttle events in the whirl i of current topics. :: £ Cattle contracts fer sale in office. All summer dresses at half Biebh&n. paper hanging arid a gênerai lim: of house dec! rl ting. tf Master Roy Thompson icif Pocatello is visiting his gradnmother on .South University avenue. Miss Frances Pettibewe arrived from Oregon Und is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Star Willis. Mrs. E. A. Qoud has for her guest thiis manfdh, her niece, Miss- Sihirlin KWhl, ictf Wanlkgectn, 111. Mrs. E. E. Slherman left Saturd! y fiiir California where she win visit ihcr mother for several weeks. , Dr. V,. C. White, graduated veterin ar£ati, City Livery Barn, Phone 50. Residence phon : 251 black. tf Mrs. Frank Be- mett and littl ; son this tf price. A10-2t Mrs. T. Hopkins and children spent Sunday in Idaho Halils. The Madfern, Plhcirmacy for every thing (n the drug live. tf IDrink at the Count:1in of Che Mod ern Pharmacy and keep young. tf Have you seen the summer dresses Chat are on s lie at Bietban's A10 2t If you are hot co il of f at the Mod ern Pharmacy fhunt lin/nome better .tf AM cHilldrens dresses at one-third off marked price Blethan st Aid 2t F. H. Montgomery of Idaho Falls, was hi town Monday purchasing horses. Dcn't let cannin® worry you. Ber ryman carries Mj is|::i.: t Economy and Blclhram jars. tl Mrs. Mary Rlcibertsian of Spanish Fork, Utah, is the guest of her sou, C. A. Robertson. , F. C. B| irker & Co., da painting, Dieronoiit are visiting Mrs. Bennett's mother dm I da hi. ; Falls this week. R. W. West, one of the compote, t clerks at Boyle's, will sp nd his va cation camping in WuHverine e-nyon. Misses Aurlia iti.d Mercedes Kent, of Lewiston, Utah, are the guests of their uncle, John D. Kent in this city H K. Wiley, one of the hustling citizen® of Sprii. gfield.wa® 8-mong the busin ss visitors in the city last Frl day. FOR SALE—The White House,near fair grounds, also, small twD-roam house to- r nr.Enquire of James- Butt cane. J 27-itf Mrs. Paul DeVrendt of Pocatello, spent Sund: y at the home of her parelits,, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mess 11 n in this city. WANTED 1 —A psitiicm as house keeper, la town or country, -town pre ferred. Please write Mrs.Bngielsgjerd, R. F. D. No. 1. Miss Aline Quamtrell returned home Sunday from Herbert, Idaho, where , i « « she has ibn-en visintmig h-er cousin for sever.:4 weeks. Pkuuil Sti'ickler, who now resides on tlie A. N. Ani-.'arson ra/nieh on Lost river came d : c.wn Tu sday night cni routie to P catella M. J. Thorne, tr..»veiling agent for the Inter-Mountain Nursery Co.,was in the city Monday looking after the Interests of that c unp.iny. Mrs. Harry Holden and little son pissed through the. Grove City Sat urday on route to Mackay where she willl visit her brother Chase Clark. P. A. Fugate, cashier of the bank of Aberdeen, was a visitor in Btlack foot Friday, while enroute home fr.m Canada, where he spornt about ten days. Mrs. Dlvtoey cf Pocatello, visited a coupto cf days this week with Mrs. W, Blley. ECte is j-ust returning from her old hi ime, oRokland, where She r,*ently buried her aciu Charles. R. H* CtajjTton left Monday morning Cor the Teton oclunltry.wlhere he spent several days this week hunting, chick ens. At Sug r City he jclined a num ber off gentle min bound on a similar missio a Mrs. Chairiie Davis met with a aér ions accident Thu red. |y, while stand ing om, a cellar do r, a board gave w:|y 1 ttlng her down to the bottom She sustained several of the cellar, bruises. Miss Grace Shep rd, state superin tendent of schools, called a masting of the county superintendVats, held to Pocatello Monday, at which Miss Affltoe Bench led this, cit|>; was fin attendant. H. B. Nelson, the horse man, arriv ed in town, M.indAy, from his st-ible in Los Angeles, and will purchase an ithar bunch ctf horses for that mar ket. A. S. Booth of that city accom panied him. A. D. Quant roll returned the first of the week from a business, trip to Twin Falls. While to city Mr. Quamtroll had the misfertune of slip from a buggy and receiving a tad/ly bruised fl:<ot. Misses Hazel Plcitter «md Nita Roiuff, of Moreland, will attend the Sacred Heart Academy ft Ogden this winter. This is the young ladies last year to the institution Of learn ing, as they will graduate In the spring. Mrs. Jed Jones eff Malad, who has 'been the guest df her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Leigh, for seveir.1 weeks, returned to her home Saturday morn ing accampairii~'d by her brother,Earl Leigh, who will remain in Mlu-lad un til the school season (pens. J. E. Cowles of this city, left Sun day for Rigby, where he was called by the illness of his father, who re cently w nt there to visit ai daughter. Mr. Cowles te an aged man and the fatigue incident to a trip fncm Ogden bo -this country, is thought to hove caused his present illness. THINK WHAT A CLEAN SHAVE MEANS PALACE SHAVING PARLORS C. L. COLLINS, Proprietor HAVE THEM ALWAYS Frank Jordan is in the city from Idaho Falls. Wihen in need of a house decorator call tin Barker & Co., North Main street.. tf Dr. Poole' te visiting L. E. Dilling ham at Mackay this week. E. A Box .was registered at the Bannock in FcIcateU'-la Mtoialay. L. M. Earl's, Sr., of Idaho Halls was in the city Kin business Friday. Jothn T. Damilson and son spent a couple of days in Pocatello this week. Mrs. R:ibert McCracken eind child ran elf Boise are visiting at I the Ezell home. Economy, Mason and Schram fruit Jkrs at Berrymami's and now is bhe time to buy. tf Ed McKenna spent Tuesday ini Po cat lio and was registered £Jt the Po catello House. It is never so crowded! but that you can be waited on ut the Modern Phar macy fountain. tf WANTED—Horses to pasture, W. L .Route 4, quarter mile west , Ob' 01111 ' 8, store. A3-tf ' ^ lrs - Then. Snyder, who was opéra tod 0:11 several weeks ago Is now able i home (gain. . Mrs.H.Cherry is spending the week l 1 . 1 M'-jekay, the guest of heT daughter, I ^^bold. ^ n*. EtfwlliSnow, o II B is ie ihrtf H . ne guest dt Mrs. J. J. Guheen I woek ' AS®J? lto ,. l ? onig f r ' who ^ been ,* ?? . yoc ^ w *fh a drug firm to Port I « ^ h 0111 « so;.n. .. MloGoi ^^n left Friday morn ^ Arco wliere hel 'wfl'M,* «(peindre we .^ k or ®/nld jhunting. I I ! Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Fisher spont Bin iday on tihe Lost River, enjoying the trout fishing in that streun, i Mrs. John T. Danilstn and child» ren left 'Saturday moil, dug for Boise, where they will visit a few dj,'ysi Mrs. Mae Rosein and Glendi ra Mai c °™ b ctt « spending Che week down at Aberdeen,, the guest icf Mrs.Skeen. 1 , banning has no hl.irrors for the lady wh*J uses Economy, Mason or Schu.m fruit jars. Berryman has Cham.- tf Little Mary Virgil da Hart gave a partly IJoi her ml iny little fri inds Mon day afternoon in honor of her third bintlhldlay. Judg.i Stevens, tard T. R. Jones left today for Parker Mine and will-l be joined at Mackay by Dr.Plummer and Robert Miller. I. N. Ireland-, Judge D. W. Standrod of Pocatello, and C. W. Berryman,Sr., visited the Crystal Springs ri-nch near Tilden, Friday aBternoon. J. M. Livingston and 1 sons off Abcr ^ J°wn Friday and un Tin a ithifl 'ifthAr And 4>niP r ,i'niA whiiiP'h Ici.ldiedl a thr ,sher and engine, which they will operate in the Aberdeen country this fall. Miss Pearl Taylor, who hrs been visiting in the northern part of Idaho, shopped off here Friday to visit her brother, Tom Taylor, before r turtuing to her 'home in Salt Lake. Miiss Ellis, icf S-lalhh F.. Ills, who ihns been assisting in transcribing the rec ords of Bingham county, sprained -her wrist Friday end retur. ed to her home in that city to the afternoon,. Bishop J. R. Williams ar.d County Assessor H her C. C. Rich, with their families spent several days in the head of Wolverine ci myon last wedk and the first part of this week. Mr. Austin, proprietor of the green house on South Main street, is mak ing a mumlber Af additions to Ibis place and will soon be prepar'd te, supply ta, larger patronage than in the -past. We now prepared to draw your plains and specifications ifi tr anything you might went in ward, brick, con crete or steel construction. Pelkey Brothers, architects, office 360 South University aveune. Ö J. E. Mbynahan, representing ei oommriss ion house of Pocatello, arriv ed in town last Friday, and rented the Montgomery building icin the east . , . . .____ Main street, where (he will do» a general d',mmissi;:in business. Miiss Shirlie Kiehl went to Idaho Flails Tuesday tri spend a few days witih her cousin, Mrs. King, who will accomp ny her back to this city Sat urday, w»h re she wtll visit her moth er Mrs. E A. Doud for several days. O. F. Smith of the Blackfo it nur sery has purchased the eelebnted p icing stallion Kam T. Sam Is a game race horse which never was traekOii until he was nine years cCd. rmd with 60 days trail ing made a r cord cf 2:23%, and has, dome »a: mille ini 2:17. Sam will make tlhe season of 1911 at the Blaekfoot Nursery. 24 Special Excursion to Shelley Saturd'-y and Sunday, August 19th amd 20,th on the occasion of the Stake Quarterly Conference of the Black foot Stake. ■ Regular trains will leave Blaekfoot for Shelley on Saturday and Sunday at 8:48 a. m. and 3:15 adu 9:40 p.m. In cddltion, oa Sunday, a special trail will leave Blaekfoot for Shelley £t 1 o'clock p. m., and will leave Shelley to return to Blaekfoot at 9:30 p. m., at the close of the conference. Every body welcome. Elders Haber J.Gr:mt and B. H Roberts of Salt Lake will be the sp'i.ikers. Fhre for tbe round trip, 70 cObts. JAMES DUCKWORTH. JOHN F. SHELLEY, HEBER C. C. RICH, A10-2t Stake Presidency. The Model Grocery Everything Up-to-Date C W. BERRYMAN, JR. Mrs. W. C. Johnson returned' from Pocat dlo Sunday night,where she has been the guest of friends for the past week. Miss Mary C. Ricbesom, tuf SILLouis, wlho is 'tl j te ch music in the public schools of Blaekfoot the coming year •te bore laying plans tor the opening of this Lew wierk. She will idlevote a part off lior time del the tajehing of private pupils and is organizing her class this week. Miss Rich,ion comes 'to Blaekfoot highly ree unmeiided '.lad wM, no doubt, bedefue a valuable asset to tlie Black,.,cot schools. Notice of Annual School Election, Notice is hereby given: That on Tues day, tlie 5th day of September, lSll.the annual School Election In and for Inde pendent School District No. 8, Bingham county, Idaho, will be held at Blaekfoot, flgaho, a t the Central School Building in said School District. Said election will be held for the pur pose of electing two Cl) school trustees for said school district to serve three years. Thbi polls will he open at one o'clock p. m. and close at five o'clock p. m. of said day. Given under my hand and the seal of said School District tills 15th day of August, 1911, U. L. ARCHER, A17-3t Clerk of said School District. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U.S.Land office at Blaekfoot, Idaho, Aug. 5, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Adalf Claassen, of American Falls, Idaho, who, on Feb. 29, 1908, made Homestead En try Stiilal No. 04208,, for SE%, Section 21. Township 6 S., Range 30, Boise E. Meridian, lias filed notice of intention to make Final commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above des cribed, before B. E. Sigmond, U.S.Com missioner, at American Falls, Idaho, on the 5th day of October, 1911. Clfttmatn names as witnesses: Frank Brooks, of Aberdeen, Idaho; Cornelius Tiahrt, of Aberdeen, Idaho; John Zent zen, of American Falls, Idaho; Albert H. Deisv, of Aberdeen, Idaho. HENRY W. KIEFER, AuglO-Dt Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U.S.Land office at Blaekfoot, Idaho, Aug. 2, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Charles B. DeGraff, of I'ocateilo, Idaho, who, on August 10th, 1906, made Desert Land Entry No. 4284. Serial No. 0387,for NW14 Section 20, Township 5 South, Range 31 East, Boise Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above describ ed, before Register and Receiver, U.S, Land Office, at Blaekfoot, Idaho, on the 5tn day of October, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: August Erickson. Alexander E. Livingstone,John M Livingstone, all of Aberdeen, Idaho; Geo. IV. litter, of Salt Lake City, Utah. HENRY W. KIEFER, Aiittl0-5t _Register. Dr. Abbott will be at the Cottage Hotel Sept. 12-13-14-15 Supplied with a full line of Optical Goods. Prepared to correct all errors of refractions. If your eyes trouble you or your vision is in any way impaired See Me Permanently located at Idaho Falls HAWKEYE OPTICAL CO. A POINTER h « («191001 It** tt# ON JEWELRY As the discriminating sense of smell enables the game dog to locate the right kind of birds, so does the cultivated taste enable us to select the kind of Jewelry that will bring pleasure to every hunter after Watches, Diamonus, Rings, Scarf Pins, Cut Glass and table Silver ware. Everything we buy is the same artistic design and made of GUARANTEED METAL. W* 4« all kia4 af repairiag A. L. HUGHES, Jeweler IWMMW I ii 3 IIIIIIIIIIIIUWVMMUIIIIMIIIIICO» iiiiiiiiiimtiwoeuwa RFTII t JUST A FEW LEFT! S Must Be Sold at j BARGAIN PRICES! j Men's Suits j At Special REDUCED Prices j I Low Shoes and Oxfords I u rj I Prices Cut Deep—Some at HALF Price I ALL STRAW HATS GO AT HALF PRICE! E.W. Rowles / Proper Clothes For Men Bridge Street Near Postoffice iiiiiimniiti iiimiiiiiiicoM «OlllllllllltllCI Fice I „«J Why Beau Brummell Died a E A LAS, that the best dressed gentle man in Europe should die a pauper! It was due to careless buying. If an article looked well, Beau Brummell bought it, asking noth ing about its wearing qualities. Nowadays the leaders of fashion are more sensi ble. While insisting on per fection in fit and elegance in finish they also demand util ity. ffiifodeilwtte. is the Amer ican gentleman's idea of usefulness and beauty com ^ bined in a sock. Had there been ffi Bhdeaftoafe in Beau Brummel's da y he would have been the first to see their beauty — their wearing qualities would have saved him a fortune in hosiery bills. Try our feather weight gauze in one of many beautiful colors and be convinced that ffighdefflioaftare guar anteed socks for parncu l^lar men. Pi R U 0 X TOUR PAIRS a 'MJ SINGLE PAIR 254 D. H. BIETHAN uper '—J