OCR Interpretation

The Blackfoot optimist. [volume] (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1907-1918, August 17, 1911, Image 4

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091195/1911-08-17/ed-1/seq-4/

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CoirnfTTtsionerm Proceedings.
State of Idaho
County of Bingham: es.
The Board of County Commissioners
9net on this 10th day of July pursuant
to law. Present W. H. Stuffelbeam,chair
man, T. R. Jones and T. J. Bennett coin
missioners, and J. T.' Carruth, clerk,
when the following proceedings were had
In the matter of the application of Geoj
E. Tolmie for correction of 1910 taxes
on sheep.
The above matter coming on for hear
ing at this time and it being shown to
the. satisfaction of the' Board 'that the
said applicant had been assessed $184.82
for taxes on his sheep for the entire
year of 1910 and said applicant having
ranged his sheep in Bingham county for
only a portion of the year,and it further
appearing that the said Geo. E. Tolmie
had applied to the assessor in 1910 for a
statement of the amount of taxes due.
and the assessor sent him a statement
of taxes due on real estate and not of
the amount due on preditory animals,
and through such error the above taxes
became delinquent and a penalty added
thereto, it is therefore ordered that the
said Geo. E. Tolmie pay to the assessor
the sum of $92.41 in full payment for
taxes on his said sheep for the year 1910
and that the balance of the $184.82 to
gether with the penalty thereon, be and
the same is hereby cancelled of record.
In the matter of Equalization of Assess
ments of 1911.
The Commissioners sitting as a Board
of Equalization proceeded to equalize the
assessments of the year rail, taking the
roll of said year and considering same
name by name, and without concluding
same, further consideration was contin
ued until tomorrow the 11th inst.
Ordered that this board do now ad
journ until tomorrow the 11th inst at
8:3U o'clock a. m.
July 11, 1911.
State of Idaho
County of Bingham: ss.
The Board met sitting as a Board of
Equalization pursuant to adjournment
of yesterday, present the same as on
yesterday, when the following proceed
ings were had to-wlt:
In the matter of the Cansellatlon of
taxes for the year 1911 on the capital
stock of the Blackfoot State Bank.
The above matter coming ott for hear
ing and it appearing to the satisfaction
of the Board that said Bank was insol
vent at this time and would probably be
unable to pay their liabilities in full it
is ordered that the said taxes be and
the same are hereby cancelled for the
year 1911, as per sworn statement on
file in said matter.
The equalization of the 1911 assess
ment roll was resumed, name by name
and without concluding the further Ç^n- i
sidération was continued until tomorrow
the 12th inst.
Ordered that this board do now ad
journ unail tomorrow the 12th inst.
Wednesday, July 12, 1911.
State of Idaho,
County of Bingham, cs.
The Board of County Commissioners
met on this day pursuant to adjourn
ment of yesterday, present the same as
yesterday when tiie following proceed
ings were had to-wit:
In the matter of the Petition for the
Creation of a Joint School District No.
26 from certain territory located In
the County of Bingham and in the
Bounty or Bonnevine,
The above entitled matter coming on
for hearing, and the Board being fully
advised, it is ordered that the sunile be
allowed, with boundaries as follows:
Commencing at the point where Snake
Hiver crosses a line directly south oi the
center of Section eighteen (18) two one
ill north, range thirty seven t37) thenct
north to the center of section eignteeii
(18) thence west one half Osjmile to
the section line, thence north olid (1)
mile, tiience east one half i I mile to
the center of section seven (7) thence
north (Vi) one fourth mile, ti.ence east
one and one fourth tlVi) miles, theme
south one fourth (*/.,) mile theme east
to the Snake River, thence following
tnat rvier southvRst to the point ol be
ginning. . .
In tne matter of a change of boundary
line of Scr.ool District No. 28.
The above entitled matter coming oil
for liiearing, and the Board being fully
advised, it is ordered that tile same be
itliuweu WlLU buuutlui icS us lui.ows,
Commencing at tiie northwest corner
of ^Sec. 4, Twp. 3 A., R. 33 E
l eii
and extending soutii twenty nine
to the southwest corner of Sec.
2/ S.. L. 33 L., B. iVi., thence eas
and one hall (10 Vu) mi*\es to tiie
east corner of tiie southwest quar
Sec. 30. twp. 3 S.. li. 35 E., li
thence north on tiie half section
fifteen miles to the intersection with the
Bonneville, Bingham line ât the north
east corner of tne northwest cormr
quarter of Sec. 1»,' twp. 1 A., R. 3a E.,
B. M., thence West six and one lia 11
ttiVfe) miles on tiie Bonneville, Bingham
county line to the southwest corner of
section 7, twp. 1 A'., B. 34 E., B. A4.,
tiience north on said county line, four
teen (14) miles its intersection with tiie
Uremont county iiqo at tne noiineast
corner of Sec. 1, twp. 3 A'., li. 33 iv, B.
M.. tiience west on the Fremont coun
ty line lour (4J miles to tile point of
In tne matter of change of boundary
line of School District No. 33.
The above entitled matter coming on
for hearing and the Board being tuny
advised, tiie same is hereby order» d al
lowed with boundaries as follows, to
Commencing at the northwest corner
of 1 Sec. 6. twp. 1 S., it. 43 E., B. M.,
and extending east twelve (i3| miles to
the northeast corner of See. 1, twp. 1 s.,
It. 43 E., B. M., thence, south eighteen
(18) miles to tne southeast corner 01
Sec. 36, twp. 3 S., It. 43 E., B. M.,ther.ee
west to tiie border of Gray's Bake
tiience skirting said lake to one John
Grays Outlet tiience following tiie inean
derings of said creek to the Bonneville
Biiignam county line, thence north on
said line to the point of beginning.
In the matter ot change of boundary
line of School District No. 39.
Tne above entitled matter coming on
for hearing and tiie Board being îuliy
advised the same is hereby ordered al
lowed with boundaries as follows to
Commencing at the northwest corner
cf the northeast quarter of See. 10. twp.
J S., K. 37 E., B. Ai., and extending east
ope mile; thence south one half mile to
the center oi Sec. 1, twp. 1 S., R. 37 B.,
B. Al.. thence east one and 01 i hail
miles to the Base Bine at the north
west corner of .See. 6, twp. 1 S., li. 38
K., B, AB, thence east on Base Bine
which is also the Bonneville» Bingnam
county line, twelve miles to the north
east corner of Sec. 1, twp. 1 S., It. 39
thence south on said county line four
and one half miles to the southeast cor
ner of the northeast quarter of See. 35,
twp. 1 S., li. 39 E., B. Al., thence west
14 miles to the southwest cornier of the
northwest quarter of See. 36, twp. 1 S.,
li. 17 E., B. Al., thence north one half
mile' tiience west one half mile to the
southwest corner 01 the southeast quar
ter of Sec. 33, twp. 1 S. t li. 37 E., B.AB,
thence north three miles to the point of
In the matter of a change of boundary
Ine of School District No. 49.
The above entitled matter coming on
for hearing and the Board being fully
advised the same is hereby ordered al
lowed, with boundaries as follows to
Commencing at the northwest corner
Of Sec. 34, twp. 1 X., It. 37 E., B. Al.,
and extending east on the Bonneville,
'Bingham county line one (1) mile to
the northeast corner of said See. 34,twp.
1 N., R. 37 E., B. Al., thence south on
the Bonneville Bingham county line four
and one half (4Vfc) miles to tne south
east corner of the northeast quarter of
Sec. 13. twp. 1 S. f li. 37 E., B. AB, thence
west one and one half (IVi) miles to the
southwest corner of the northeast quar
tei of Sec. (li twp. 1 S., K. 37 E., B.M.
thenoe north one half mile (Vi*) to the
northeast corner of the northwest quar
ter of Sec. 11, twp. 1 S., li. 37 E., B.AB,
thence wt*st one half tVsD mile to the
southwest corner of Sec. 3, twp. 1 S., R.
37 E., B. AR, thence north two and one
half (2%) miles to the northwest corner
of the southwest quarter of Sec. 36, twp.
1 !N.,' R. 37 E., B. Al., thence east one
(1) mile to the southeast corner of the
northeast quarter of Sec. 26, twp. 1 X.,
R. 37 E., B. Al., thence north one and
one half miles flVil to point of begin
In the matter of change of boundary
line of School District No. 43.
The above entitled matter coming on
for hearing and the Board being fully
advised the same is hereby ordered al
lowed with boundaries as follows, to
wit: •
Commencing at the northwest corner
of Sec. 28, twp. 1 S., Range 27 E.
M., and extending east two miles to the
northeast corner of Seoi 27,, twp. l
R. 27 E., B. M., thence south one half
mile to the northwest cornel* of the
southwest quarter of Sec. 26, twp. 1
R. 7- E., B. M., thence east on the half
section line fourteen (14> miles to its
intersection with the Bonnevine, Bing
ham county line, at the northeast corner
of the southeast quarter of Sec. 25, twp.
1 S., R. 29 E., B. M., thence south on
the said county line to wiitere it turns
at'the southwest corner of Sec. 21, twp. 1
S. , R. 49 E., B. M., thence east, on said
county line twelve (12) miles to where
it turns at the northeast corner of sec.l,
twp. 2 S., R. 41 E., B. M., thence souln
on said county line nine (9) miles to the
southeast corner of Sec. 13, twp 3 S., R.
41 E.. B. M., thence west (approxlniute
lyj sixteen and one half miles to the
Blackfoot River; thence following the
meanderings of said River to its inter
section in Sec. 14, twp. 2 S., R. 37 E., B
M.. with a line running north and 89
rods .east of the western line off said
Sec. 14; thence north on said quarter
section line f approximately i one and
one eighth miles to the northeast cor
ner of the northwest quarter of Sec.
11. twp. 2 S., R. 37 E., B. M., thence
west three and one fourth miles to the
southwest corner of Sec. 5, twp. 2 S.,
R. 37» E., B. M., thence east one mil«
to the northeast corner of Sec. 5, twp. 2
S. , R. 37 E., B. M., thence north two
miles to the point of beginning.
In the matter of change of boundary
line of School District No. 51.
The above entitled matter coming on
for hearing and the Board being fully
udvided it is ordered that the sume be
allowed with boundaries as follows, tu
commencing at the northwest corner
of the northeast quarter of Sec. 18, twp.
1 N..U. 35 E.,B- M., and extending east
on the Bonneville, Bingham county line
eleven and one half (11V4) miles to the
northeast corner of Sec. 13, twp. 1 -V.
R. 36 E., B. M., thence south one half
(%) mile; thence east one half mile to
the cfcnter of Sec. 18, twp. 1 N., R. 37
E., B. M., thence south to Snake river
(approximately V» mile) thence following
tiie meanderings of said river to its in
tersection with the base Blue widen al
so the south boundary line of Sec. 36,
twp. 1 N., R. 36 E., B. M., thence west
on the skid Base Line | approximate..) ,
eleven and one fourth (11)4J miles to
the southwest corner of t..e oo-uie».,.
quarter of Sec. 31, twp. 1 N., R. 5 E.,
B. M.. thence north on the naif sec
tion line four miles to the point of be
In the matter of the Road Petition of
G. L. carison et al.
The above mutter came on for hear
ing this day, the parties interested ap
pearing before the Board in behalf of
said petition, and tiie board being fuliy
uuv i 8etl la tne premises, it is ordered
jouru until tumor
9.90 **
that, said petition be granted, with the
understanding that tiie land owneis ua
jacent to said proposed road donate the
land and Uo the necessary wont as
agreed upon in said petition. Tiie coun
ty is to fence the road on the land of
iSam Loyd, and the following lanu own
ers adjoining said road, Canson, liai per,
Vv bias and Tayior ana June# are to
move and buila lences at their own ex
pense along tiie road on their lanus.tne
county is to pay i'eier Larsen whatever
damages is agreed upon by an arbitra
tion committee to be appointed as fol
lows: T. it. Jones to represent/ tne
county, Peter .Larsen to represent ms
interests and tiiese two to select a thud
member and each party agrees to a blue
by the decision of this committee. ine
county is to bridge and culvert tne hec
essar.y places op said road.
In the matter of equalization of 1911
Tne commissioners sitting as a Board
of Equalization, resumeu the
of tiie lull assessment roil ana witi
concluding the iuriner coi.siuerution
same was continued until tomorrow
lain inst.
Ordered that this
.State of Idaho,
County oi gingham, ss.
| Tiie Board of County Commissioners
met on this day pursuant to aujourn
I meat of yesterday, aii coinmiöaiunt is
ami the Ciera being picseiit, when the
I following proceedings weie nad lo-wu;
! in tne matter ut equalizing aao*j^iMu.,ij.
j The Coniinissloiieis sitting as aboard
of Equalization resumed tiie matter of
equalizing tne assessments ol lull, name
<til 6
concluding su
une uu
oek a. m. jo
iy 14 co
Board do n<
uw ad
iv a. in. July
14 tli,
Friday, July n, a., 11.
State of Idaho,
County ui oiiighani: ss.
The Board of Comity Commissioners
met on this day pursuant to adjourn
m-ut of yesteiday ah members und tue
clerk being present, when the loiiuw
ing proocieedlngs were had to-wit;
In the matter of official Bonds of Road
The following Road Oversells having
liled their oaicial bunds, the same were
on this uay approved;
Carl Nelson,l District Xo. 10.
George Vv. Cunningnam, District Xo.
Wm. Al. Dye, District Xo. 3.
J. Al. Bivingston, District Xu. 19.
Win. Twitcniell, District Xu. 6.
Geo. H. Eongliuist, Distiiet Ao. 3.
A. J. Mattel field, Distiiet Ao. 18.
B. A. Nugent, District Xo. 17.
Vv alter Vv. Bales. District Ao. 15.
C. 11. Nielsen, District Ao. 4.
G. Vv . 1'uirish, Distiiet Ao. 7.
In the matter of approving Reports of
County OTficers.
Tiie lollowii.g reports for the quarter
ending June 3uth, 1911 having been sub
mitted same were 011 tins day approved.
F. E. DeKay, Sheriff.
J. T. carruin. Clerk, Auditor and Re
J. 11. Andersen, probate Judge.
Alice Beach, Bounty Supei liuei.deht.
Dr. VV. E. Rati ie, County Physician.
Ordered that this Board"
journ until tomorrow at 10
Sa turd a;
State of Idaho,
County of Bingham: ss.
ine Board of county Commissi outers
met on this day pursuant to adjourn
ment of yesterday, present tiie s mue u>
on yesterday, when the following pro
ceedings were had to-wit:
In the matter ot a county Stenographer.
Attorney J. E. Good tippearea bei ore
the Board and requested tne i>uaia to
appoint a County Stenugi aphei, w iden
matter was taken under advisement.
In the matter of rights ot way for road
as per meeting ot May 12th, 1911.
The matter 01 securing right of wav
for public roaus from Moreiand to Riv
erside and from Aioreiand running west
erly, the board having lieretoioie per
sonally investigated the advisabilities 01
opening said roads as per petitions con
sidered at a special meeting on Ai a y
13th, 1911, and believing said roads shuu
be oj^iied, the Clerk is hereby instruct
ed to notify the County Surveyor to file
his report of the proposed road and to
turnish the county attorney with all nec
essary iuiorinuiiou and that the said
county atorney is hereby authorized to
take tiie necessary steps to p. ocu.e the
rights of way for said propos» d roads.
In the matter of the application of A. S.
Dickenson for refund of taxes far S.L.
A. 8. Dickenson appeared before the
Board at tnis time in the above mattci
and presented the claim of the said S.E.
Payne, in which he claimed to have pah
double assessment of taxes lor tue yeai
1901. but there not being sufficient evi
dence to snow that tile saku taxes had
been paid twice, tiie application is with
In the matter of Purchasing a water
heater for the County Jad and otner
The above matter coming on for hear
ing and it appearing to the Board that
tiie jail is in need of a water heater,
and clean ami sanitary bedding, the
Board ordered that thie bedding now in
said jail b beurued ami that the clerk
be and he is hereby authorised to pur
chase new bedding for said jail and also
to purchase a water heater through H.\
Curtis for said jail.
,n jthe matter of Repairing Furnace in
It is ordered that the clerk employ N.
F. Boyle & Co. to repair the furnace in
tiie County Jail at a reasonable cost to
said county.
In the matter of raising the ealary of
the Deputy Clerk and Recorder.
It is hereby ordered that the salary of
Jessie Loyd, deputy Clerk and Recorder
I be raised from »90.00 to >100.uo pel
month, beginning from July 1st, 1911.
■- *■*-- —*— * - -
In the matter of petition of &. K. Loy
to build bridge across Irrigation canai.
The above matter having been laiu
over from a previous meeting came on
for hearing and the Board ot deren thaï
)io action be taken on same at this
time but that the matter of having
rights of way secured for a public roau
leading to and from the farm of said E.
R. Boy be investigated by commissioner
Jones ana reported to the Board at th
earliest convenience.
In the matter of Approving Road Over
seers Reports.
The following overseers having pre
sented their reports, same were app»ov
ed and ordered filed:
Walter W. Bales, District Xo. 15.
B. G. Mosley, District Xo. 30.
P. C. Feisted, District Xo. 14.
C. H. Nielsen, District Ao. 4. \
W. M. Twitchell, District Xo. 6.
Geo. H. Boughurst, District Xo. 3.
Geo. VV. Cunningham, District Xo. 5.
Wm. M. Dye, District Xo. 3.
Carl Nelson, District No. 10.
B. J. Porter, Distiiet No. 11.
J. J. Peterson,^ District No. 12.
Abe Hatch, District No. 13.
J. Al. Bivingston, District No. 19.
W. A. Edwards, District No. 21.
G. Vv. Parrish, District No. 7.
A. J. Satterfield; District Xo. 20.
James Wray, District No.. 16.
In the matter of the Petition of Aber
deen Townsite Co. et al.
The above petition praying for the
opening of a road running north from
Springfield in which tne petitioners
agrees to furnish a right of way 50 feet
for said proposed road, without cnarge
to the county, said petition is granted.
In tne matter of appointing a Justice of
the Peace and a Constaole for Aber
deen precinct.
The above matter coming on for hear
ing at this time and it appearing that
said officers be appointed it is hereby
ordered that Nate Nucomb be and lie is
hereby appointed Justice of the Peace
in and for Aberdeen precinct, and C. e.
Stonehacker is appointed constable for
said precinct.
In the matter of appointing a Road Ov
erseer for District No. 1.
James Chadwick overseer of road dis
trict No. 1 having failed to file his
bond, it is ordered that he be released
as said overseer and it is furtiier order
ed that John McGary of Shelley be and
he is hereby appointed as overseer of
tiie said district No. 1.
In the matter of tne Road petitions of
Marcus Blenkle, et al.
The above matter coming on for- hear
ing at this time and the Board , being
fully advised in the premises, it is or
dered that the roads hereinafter des
cribed be and the same are hereby de
clared to be public highways of Binghan
County, Idaho same to be fifty feet 111
Commending at the southeast corner
of section thirteen, tp. 2 south of range
33, east B. Al. and running uue east 10
the southeast corner of section iniecu
in township 3 soutii of range 34 east
B. Al.
Also commencing at the southeast cor
nel of section tliii teen, tp. 3 soutii,range
33 E. B. Al. running tiience* due soutii
one iniie, tiience due east three n.iies 10
tiie southeast corner of section twenty
one tp. 3 soutii, range 34 E. B. Al.
Also commencing ut the southeast cor
ner of section eighteen, tp. 3 soutii,
range 34 E. B. Al. kind running uue
soutii one miie to the southeast corner
of section nineteen in said township
«nid range.
Also commencing at the southeast
ner of Section seventeen, tp. 3 soutl
range 34 E. B. Al. and running «
souui one mile to the southeast coi
of Section twenty, said township
Ordered that this Board do now
journ until Alonday, July 17th, lull at
11 a. 111.
Alonday, July 17, 1911.
State of Idaho,
County of Bingham: ss.
The Board of County Commissioners
I met on this day pursuant to adjouin
J 1 neu t of yesterday, all members of the
I board and tiie cierK. being present, When
i tne following proceeuings were iiad *to
i wit:
j In the matter of cancellation of 1910
1 taxes of Geo. W. Thayer.
; The above matter mining on for hear
ing and it appearing to the board that
1 me above taxes for the year 1910 should
not have been assess» d as the property
assessed was a homestead entry and ti
tle did not pass to the said applicant un
lil June 191U it is therefore ordered that
the said taxes, together with p na.t.v,
amounting to $38.u5 be and the same is
hereby cancelled.
In the matter of telephone service for
the various county offices.
Air. Gree.n, local manager of the li.
Al. Bell Telephone Co. appearing before
the Board ami offered to install a Ti uhk
in tiie Sheriff s office with switch boanl
and phones in the following ofiices at
the following prices:
Sheriif's.oifice, trunk board and
station ........................$88.00
Assessor s office, station .......... 13.00
Bounty Attorney's o.lice, station.. u.uO
Probate Judge's office, station .. 12.00
District Judge, station ............ 13.00
The independent line to remain in the
Clerks office without charge to
county for rental.
in the matter of the sand road from
Yorks ranch to O. S. L. Railroad.
The above matter being fully discusse«
and Road Overseer \\ in. Tw iteneil re
ported that said road could be repair
ed and put in good condition for $70.00
it is ordered that the said road oWrseer
be instructed to make said improvements
at the above cost.
m tne matter of the Road Petition of
Adam Yancey.
The above matter coining on for hear
ing at tills time and the Board being
fully advised in the premises, it is or
dered that the road hereinafter tes h
ue and th(e same is hereby declared to
be a public hignway 01
same to be fifty feet in width.
In the matter cf Poor Farm.
A petition was at this time presented
to the Board signed by taxpayers in the
vicinity of Basait, praying n,, 1..»
quiring by Bingham county, of .suffic
ient land to be used as a poor farm,
tne matter was do \ cousiuc* cd aim t*».v
en under advisement.
In the matter or ivirs. Perley E. West
for caring for Indigents.
The above matter came on for hear
ing at this time and it appearing to the
Board that Mrs. West aforesaid, had
taken care of Airs. Blood, who had been
ill and witlyout means of support during
the past quarter, it is ordered that the
«did Airs. Perley E. West be allowed the
sum of $50.00 for such services during
the past quarter and $30.00 for the en
suing quartet*.
In the matter of Mrs. W. O. Young In
Tiie above matter coming on for hear
ing at this time and it appearing that
Airs. \V. O. Young of Moreland, is in
practically dstitute circumstances, it is
ordered that she be allowed $50.00 for
the present quarter and that Eluda v
Welker Co. be authorized to furnish
merchandise in the above amount.
In the matter of the application of
John F. Shelley to redeem Lots 7. 11
and 12, Block 2 in Basalt.
The above matter coming on for hear
ing at this time and it appearing ""to the
Board from the various assessment dolls
of the years from and after 1905, that
Bingham county had been the purchaser
of said delinquent taxes, ami that said
lots had been abandoned and were
worthless as town lots, it is ordered
that $13.84 be accepted as full payment
tor Bingham county equity in all delin
quent taxes, and that all other delin
quent taxes, and penalties be cancelled
of record.
It is further ordered that $5.98 be ac
cepted as Bingham county equity in all
delinquent taxes on lots 11 and 13 in
block 3. Basalt and that all otelir delin
quent taxes be cancelled of record
in the matter of the allowance of claims
Claims against the county were at thii
term allowed on the current expense
fund amounting in all to the sum of $11.
6^9.33 said claims being numbered from
3 d 8 to 449 and the amounts being set
out in the proper column of the allow
ance book ut pages 63 to 64 and the
clerk is hereby directed to draw war
rants for the amounts of such allowance
(. lainis against the County were at
tills ttem allowed on the road expense
fund, amounting in all to the sum of
I11J945.64 said claim being numbered
from 159 to 411 and the amounts being
set out in the proper column ot the a(
lowanee book at pages ns to 121 and
the cleik is hereby directed to draw
warrants for the amounts of such allow
Claims against the county were at
*.us term allowed on the Rrdige fund
amounting in all to the sum of $4,531.16
of '
nd i
said claims being numbered from 108 to
150 and the amounts blelng set out in
the proper column of the allowance book
at pages 180 and teh clerk Is hereby di
rected to draw warrants for the amount;
of such allowance.
Ordered that this board do now ad
journ until Monday the 24th of July,
1911, for the purpose of hearing any and
all persons whose assessments had been
Monday, July 24,1911.
State of Idaho,
County of Bingham: ss.
The Board of County Commissioners
met on this day pursuant to law, con
vening as a Board of Equalization for
the puropse of hearing any and all per
sons whose assessments had been raised
at the previous meeting of said boam
all members and the clerk being present,
when the following proceedings were
had to-wlt:
In the matter of a reduction in the as
sessments of the property of the es
tate of Alice Montgomery.
The above matter coming before the
hoard at this time and W. H. Montgom
ery appearing as the représenta ti\*e of
said estate request the board to reduce
the taxes on Lots 4 and 5 Assessors
Plat,the value on said tract having been
fixed by the board at $14,909.99 after
due consideration it Is ordered that the
value of said tract of land be and the
same Is hereby reduced $2209.00 and the
value fixed at $11,809.00,
There being no other persons appear
ing before the board, and no petition
for reduction of assessments filed and
It appearing that there Is no further bus
iness to come before the board at this
time it is therefore, ordered that this
board do now adjourn.
Current Expense Fund
258 F. E. DeKay, sal. sheriff, Apr.
29, 1911.........................$150.00
259 W. H. Kestner, deputy sheriff
Apr. 29. 1911.................... 100.00
260 D. F. Jackson, sal dputy sher
' iff. April 29, 1911................. 90.00
261 H. C. C. Rich, sal. assessor lau.oo
262 F. D. Bennett, sal. dep. asses
sor, April 29, 1911.............. 90.00
263 J. E. Good, sal. Co. Atty., Apr.
29. 1911...................... 125.00
264 Alice Beach, sal. Co. Supt.,Apr.
29. 1911.................. 83.35
265 J. H. Anderson, sal. probate
Judge. April 29, 1911 ............ 100.00
266 J. T. Carruth, Co. Clerk, April
29, 1911 ........................ 150.00
267 Jessie Richardson, sal. dep.clerk
April 29, 1911 .................. 90.00
268 Bettle Ezell, clerical assistance
April 29, 1911 .................. 42.50
269 Laura Pennington, clerical assist.
Patrie, Co.' Phys,April
April 29, 1911 ................
270 VV. H. Stuffelbeam, Co. Com.
April 29. 1911...................
271 T. R. Jones, Co. Com. Aprill
29. 1911 ................. ....
i. j. Bennett, Co. Com. April
29, 1911.
273 VV. E.
29. 1911 ..............
274 A. E. Christensen, Co. Sue. Apr.
29. 1911 ........................
. ompson, Co. Treas.
Vpril 29, 1911 ..................
276 J. T. Carruth, Co. Clerk, Mac
31. 1911 ....................... 150.00
277 Jessie Loyd, dep. clerk, Mac 31,
1911..................... 90.00
278 Bettle Ezell, clerical assistance
May 31, 1911 .................... 67.50
279 F. É. DeKay, Co. Sheriff, Mac
31. 1911 ........................ 150.00
280 VV. H. Kestner, dep. sheriff,
May 31, 1911 .................... 100.00
281 D. F. Jackson, dep. shelff, Aiav
31. 1911 ........................' 90.00
282 H.
C. ' Rich*
assessor, May,
283 F.
dep. assessor
1911 ..
................ 90.00
284 J.
E. (
Good, Co.
Atty. May 31,
285 J
. H.
Andersen, Probate Judge
May 31. 1911 .............
286 Alice Beach, Go. Supt. *.
11*11 ..................
287 Mary A. Thompson, Go.
May 31. 1911 .............
288 A. 10. Ghristensen, Go.
May 31. 11*11
lay 31,
10. Patri
Go. Ph\
31. 1911 .............
290 10. T. Peck, Go. Gorn.
1911 .................
291 \V\ H. Stuffelbeam, Go. G
May 31. 19 iJ...............
292 T. J. ijr. nnett. ('o. Gom. :
31. 1911 ...................
293 T. R. Jones, Go. Gom. Ala
1911 ....................
294 F. 10. DeKay, sheriff, Jul
1911 ...................
295 W. il. Kestner,/ dep. shej
July 1, 1911 ................
29o D. K JacKson, dep. sheri
July 1. 1911 ...............
297 H. G. G. Rich. Go. Asses
July 1. 1911 .................
trennet t, dep. asses
1911 ...............
Good, GO. Att
. May
May 31,
July 1,
Supt. July 1,
Probate Judge
Clerk, July*
............ ]
July 1
299 J. E
1911 ..
30u Alice Beacii,
301 J. H. Anders
July 1. 1911..........
302 J. T. Carruth, Co.
1. 1911 ............
303 Jessfc Loyd, dep. *
1. 1911.......................
304 V\. H. Stuffelbeam, Co. Com.
July 1. 1911 ..................
30;> J\ il. Jones, Co. Com. July
1. 1911 ........................
306 T. J. Bennett, Co. Com. July
1. 1911 ........................
307 VV. E. Patrie, Co. Pnys. July
1. 1911 ........................
3o*v w., E. Christensen, Co. Sur
July 1, 1911....................
309 Aiary A. Thompson, Co. Treas.
July 1, 1911 ....................
310 E. T. Peck, Co. Corn. Juiy 1,
1911 ......................
311 VV. A. Vanderwood, dep. sher
iff, July 1, 1911 ................
312 Sarah H. Rowberry, indig rent
.July 8, 1911 ..................
313 M. B. Bundlie, rent indigent
July 8. 1911 ..................
314 L, K. Thomas, Ju. Cert. July
8. 1911 ........................
315 L. R. Thomas, retn eflect .. ..
July 8, 1911 ..................
316 Geo. S. Samsel, mdse indigent
July 8. 1911 ..................
/.SI( u. P. Davis, lent indigent,
j July 8. 1911 ....................
j 318 Idaho Dev. Co. rent indlgvnt,
July 8, 1911 ....................
319 g. ii. Hillman, refund tax,
July 8. 1511....................
320 (j. T. Peterson, registrar,July
8. 1911 ......................
321 li. e. Chaffin, lauor, Juiy 8,
1911 ........................
322 Airs. A. G. Nelson, indigent
July 8, 1911 .................... 22.85
323 Hennepin Bridge Co. salary,
July 8, 1911 .................. 200.00
324 IXenenpin Bridge Co. salary
July 8. 1911 ................. 100.00
325 Jason McCarroll, affidavits,
juiy 8. lull .................. 12.50
326 Aberdeen Times printing,
July 8, 1911 .................. 1.75
327 Aberdeen Times, piinting,
July 8. 1911 .................. 10.75
328 J. W. Ezell, labor court house
July 8, 1911.................... 30.00
329 VV m. Drew, labor court house
July 8. 1911 .................... 25.00
330 F. C. Kakeer, labor court house
July 8. 15li.................... 16.80
331 Blackfoot Fuel & Ice Co., coal
indigent. July 8. 1911 .......!.. 3.50
932 Beo. D. Barnard At Go., sup
plies. July 8, 1511 .............. 11.25
«•33 Times Pub. Co., supplies,J uly
o. 1911 ......................125.80
ill Llano Meat Alarket, snerifi ex.
Jni\ 8, 1511 .................... 3.50
35.5 Louis relt, Juror Cert. July
1011 ...................'... 43.20
33b Clara Bros., plumbing, July 8,
1911........................ 12.15
337 Dibble A Zu vit z, auto hire,
Juiy 8. 1911 .................. 66.75
338 Dibbie <v Zavitz, auto hire,
July 8, 1911 .................. 25.00
339 K. ai. B. T. Co., phones, J uly t
8. 1911..................... 140.35
340 J. T. Danilson, services, July
8. 1911 ...................... 22.00
341 Blown-Hart Co., mdse, indig.
July 8, 1911 .................. 50.00
342 Commercial Hotel, Jurors Meals
Juiy 8, 1911....................'48.00
343 D. H. Biethan, \v it. Cert.
Juiy 8. 1911 .................... 2.00
344 bushong At Go. supplies asses
sor. July 8, 1911 87.9."
345 Bushong At Go., supplies Pro
bate Judge, July 8, 1911 ...... 51.90
34o Bushong At Go., supplies clerk,
July 8, 1911 .................. 14.10
34 7 Bushong At Go., supplies treas.
Juiy 8. 1911 .................. 62.25
348 Blackfoot Water W orks, water
July 8. 1911 ................ 37.60
349 Hans Johnson, J. P. lets,
July 8. 1911 .................. 2.50
350 w in. Anthony, Witn. Cert.
July 8, 1911 .................. 4.0u
351 Landon J. Rich, J. P. Fees,
July 8. 1911 .................. 4.55
152 Mrs. Carson, care indigent,
»13 C. A. Edwarns. Assist Co.
2?upt. Ju y 8. 1911................ 19.00
354 J. H. Bright, supplies court
house, July 8, 1911 ............
355 Ross Chalmers, Juror cert.
July 8, 1911 ....................
356 DeKay & Davis, supplies court
house, July 8, 1911 ............
357 Shelley Pioneer, printing,
July 8. 1911 ....................
358 Childrens Home Finding Soe.
appropriation, July 8, 1911 ......
359 First National bank. Juror cert.
July s, 1911 ..................128.10
360 Am. National Bank, Wit. Cert.
July 8, 1911 .................. 2.25
361 Alice Beach, Expenses Co.
Supt. July 8. 1911 .............. 36.55
362 VV. J. Mallory, dèp. assessor,
July 8. 1911 .................... 80.00
363 L. J. Bich, dep. assessor, July
8, 1911 ...................... 33.00
364 L. J. Rich, J. P. Fees
July 8. 1911 .................. 4.70
365 John Stuffelbeam, constable
fees. July 8, 1911 ............ 22.00
366 F. E. DeKay, board Co. Pris. 200.00
367 F. E. DeKay, board Co. Pris. 150.50
368 F.. E.. 'DeKay, Excess Ex---- 200.00
369 F. E. DeKay, Excess Ex..... 104.38
370 Bettle Ezell, clerical assist.... 2.50
371 Hans Peterson, assign acct,.. 1.60
372 J. H. Hansen, constable serv. 8.00
313 VV. E. Patrie, expenses ...... 20.00
374 C. A. Edwards, services...... 10.00
375 W. H. Anderson & Co. supplies
Co. Atty....................... 13.50
376 R. E. Hansen, livery Co.Surv. 3.50
3<7 W. F. Martin, coal court h... 73.50
3 78 C. E. Kinney & Sons mdse
indig....................... 47.40
379 D. W. Standrod & Co. Jr cert. 14.40
380 R. H. Cost, receiver, Jr cert. 4.50
381 Geo. Drew, labor court house 200.00
382 Geo. Drew, labor............. 40.00
(Original bill for $249.00)
■383 Bpn Lev», repair court house 12.75
384 Percy Jones, printing Co.Supt. 3.00
385 VV. J. Mallory, care indigent 30.00
386 F. W. Mitchell, med serv indig 5.00
387 Laura Pennington, clerical assh.c 6.00
388 Blackman & Griffin, flag C.H. 13.00
389 White & Keith, cement walk
court house .................... 200.00
390 White Hi Keith, cement walk
court house .................... 47.53
391 H. W. Curtis, supplies C. H.. . 31.4a
3»2 Idaho Register, p. luting clerk 122.00
393 Smith Premier Co.,' machine court
stenographer ..................100.00
394 D. W. Standrod & Co., Jr.cert 14.40
39a Percy Joues, printing assessor 7.25
396 Clara Rich, clerical assist, as
sessor ...................... 50.00
397 E. J. Jones, labor court house
uiil ................. .... 5.00
J. H. Hansen, quar. officer.. 32.60
3a9 Leo Henesii, wit. cert......... 8.25
400 Lindsay Welker Co.mdse indi. 44.85
401 Lindsay Welker Co.mdse inuig 11.30
402 W. E. Patrie, mileage ....... 31.00
403 J. F. Kinney, repaiis Jail.... 12.95
404 G. VV'. Stowall, quar. officer 76.00'
405 Wm. Bartlett,' diep. assessor.. lla'.OO
406 A. O. Pease, dep assessor____ 77.50
407 Chase Rich, dep. assessor.... 130.00
408 W. G. Graig, dep. assessor.. 200.00
409 \V\ G. Graig;, dep. assessor.. 25.00
410 W. F. Berryman, Jr. cert..... 200.00
411 W. F. Berryman, Jr. cert..... 200.00
412 W. F. Berryman, Jr. cert..... 200.00
413 W. F. Berryman, Jr. cert---- 200.00
414 W. F. Berryman, Jr. cert____ 155.80
415 VV. F. Berryman, Wit.cert... 83.75
416 Glass & Prudhomme & Co.
supplies clerk .................. 171.41
417 Republican Printing: Co. Ptg.
supplies clerk ..................185.25
418 W. A. Vanderwood, dep.sher. 36. i0
419 Pioneer Binding: & Printing: Go.
I supplies Co. Supt............. 40.20
! 420 Blackfoot Optimist, printing.. lo2.bO
i 421 Brown-Hart Go. mdse Jail....- 19.50
! 422 Simmons & Allen, express Go.
! Supt....................... 2.75
1 423 Shelley Livery & Feed Store
I Livery Go. Supt............... 8.25
424 D. C. Wood, right of way .. 50.00
i 425 Ala ry \\ arren, care indig..... 15.00
1426 H. T. Child, J. P.- Fees...... 6.00
W27 G. F. Hilliard, team hire.... 15.00
! 428 W. P. Sowell, lahor C.H.yard 5.00
429 M. L. Hare. J. 1'. Fees...... 3.45
430 Aberdeen Times, ptg.assessor 3.15
431 V\. H. Scott, per contract.... 41.75
432 J. L. ouGd, expenses........ 3.00
433 Brown & Lldredge.mdse C.H. 52.15
434 Bannock Engineering Co. sur. 50.00
43a il. C. Ricn, expenses........ 2oo.uO
436 H. C. C. Rich, expenses ...... 25.28
437 T. R. Jon w s, ex. Co. Coin/.. V6.*J
438 Shelley Alerc. Go.mdse indig. 50.oO
439 Blackfoot Merc. Co., mdse ind.
440 W . H. Stufielbeam, expenses
Co. Com.......................
441 T. J. Bennett, expenses Co.
4 12 waiter Hodge Son,expense
Assessor ....................
443 *J. Al. Latimer, refund ......
444 Breeden Gif ice Supply Co.
supplies clerk ..................
415 Beatty Baum Chemical Co.
Supplies Jail....................
446 Lawyers Cooperative Pub.Go
Supplies Go. Atty...............
4 4 < Basait Merc. Co.mdse indig«
448 A. E. Cnristensen, expenses,
July 14. 1911, $116.75,allowed----
44o au s. 1'. E. \\ est, care iudig...
Total ......................$11,679.23
State of Idaho,
County of iBiigham, ss:
w enerebycertny tiie foregoing claims
Nos. from 258 to 449 inclusive were al
1 lowed tor the several amounts set oppus
ite their resi^ective names in proper col
umn of allowance book on cui rent Ex
pense mud at tne regular July meeting
of the Board of Cou.ity Commissionss.
Witness oui»* liaiinS mis litn day ,* ui
Juiy, 1911.
Taylor At Hep wort a
'A ay lor Hepwoi tn
Co. maiei*.
Tayior w nepwijrin
i 111
Vv ceter Lumber co.
Vv eeier Lumber Co.
ZvO. \J\J
Vv eeter Lumber Co.
(0.2 (
» l td .
115 Idaho Lumber Lc
117 Beach Aug. Go., Culverts
118 Beacn Mtg. Co., cmverts
ixu j^eacn Awg. Co., Culverts
lzu Beacn Awg. Co., cinverts
IZi Beacn Awg. Co., Coverts
Beacn Ailg. Co., G mveils
co., culverts
Co., cm veils
Awg. co., cuiverts
LViig. Co., Cuiverts
. . . . 2J0.UJ
1-3 Wpul.ll Ailg.
124 Beacn Aiig.
lzb Beach Awg. Co., Cut
129 c. A. Taioot, labor .........
130 c*eo. FuEiiss, lauor...........
131 ldano waiaoer co., material.
. „2 -t. Al. Ha ten, labor.........
153 Idaho Lumber Co., material .
iuiiiiU wuinoer Co., material .
135 A. F. Boyie Ac co., mateiial.
iou John Grluitt, lauor...........
$189.4o,° allowed for ...........
138 xvoerdeen Haruware
io9 fr. r. r ui'inss, lauor
140 -Aberdeen Hardwaie
m Aue>uccii waiuware co., nans
14- Iowa Lumber Co., mateiial..
v' 98.65, anowed for ..............
143 Uay Aiaxter, lauor ............
j $4 corgateiio Co., materials ----
no An ucese, lauor ..............
146 rust National uan.x,a&sgn acct
x-t « rctti- n. Auncrsou, bs.ntiuig
148 ping.fcj Tuwnsite Concernent
149 j. w. v aiicr, laoOr ..........
mu layior ac Hcpwortn Co..mater
Total ..........................+4,o3i.it»
^ tute of Idaho,
comity of Bingham, ss.
we hereby cciiuy mat the foregoing
•laims aus. Horn i08 to lau !**u-Svc
were allowed lor tiie seveiai amounts sc
opposite tiioil* respective namts ln tue
proper column of allowance book of the
Britige fund ut the régulai
ou. uu
»»itenss my
April, 1911.
9. oo
mou ut me t eguiai a uij met.-«.
tiie Boaid of Comity Commission
hand this 17th day
Commissionei s.
Roard Fund.
159 J. T. Alfred, labor .......... J7.50
100 Lavern Alerkley, labor ...... 2.00
101 l'l td Tvvitciie.i. luoui- ...... 4 . jo
162 John Jensen, labor ............ 4.00
no Eu
164 Blackfoot Merc.Vo. assn, acci
165 L. D. Giassburn, labor .....
166 James Hull, labor ...........
167 Joe Lacour, labor .... .....
168 U. A. Allred, labor .........
*169 Joe Lacour, oveiseer .....
170 R. E. Hansen, team .......
171 C. F. Hilliard, ' overseer
172 V\ ill Drew, labor .............
173 G. VV. Parrisn, overseer .....
174 Will Drew, labor ...........
175 J. H. Kendlebury, labor ...
1(6 James Hun, lauoi ...........
177 J. H. Jensen, labor .........
178 Thomas Harper, labor .......
179 Bernat Bros., blacKsmitbing.
180 D. W. Standrod At Co.assn ac
181 J. H. Bright, repairs .......
M. Co., supplies
Dahman, labor .....
.. 117.50
Lahman, labor .....
.. 30.UO
Dauman, labor .....
.. ;;7.50
\\ eishman. labor
Just, labor .........
Earl, labor .........
. . 20.90
Twitchell, oveiseer
190 Robert Murphy, labor
191 Ellis Hall, labor
192 W'alter C. Roy, labor ..... 7.50
193 Ernest Hale, labor .......... 4-*o
194 Ed Parrish, labor ............ 20.o0
195 L. D. Glassburn, labor ...... o-OO
196 James Hull, labor ............ 96.25
197 Lee Faulconer, labor ........ 3.50
198 C. M. «tanger, labor ........ 8.50
199 J. M. Livingstone, overster.. »9.00
200 Ay W. Hale, labor .......... 3.88
201 cnauncy Christensen, labor.. -J.oO
*202 W. W. Young, labor ........ 2.50
303 Vv. R. Livingscone, overseer.. 12.00
204 Wm. Jones, labor ............ 16.00
206 Fred C. Satterfield, labor ---- 36.00
206 John A. Brown, labor ...... 25.60
207 Dan Condlin, labor ......... ..
208 Durwood Peterson, labor ...... 20.50
209 J. Williams, labor .......... 9.00
210 Geo. Joens, labor ............
211 Henry Jones, labor .......... 28.50
212 S. F. Hatch, labor ............ 40.50
213 James K. Livingstone, labor. 8.00
214 C. W. & M. Co., assign acct. 36.00
215 L. A- Carbrldge, labor ...... 36.00
216 T. G. Satterneid, labor ...... 20.75
217 D. H. Biethan, assign acct... 30.00
118 Edgar Hale, labor ............ 2.26
219 D. vv. Standrod & Co.assign a 13.oo
220 Landon J. Rich, labor ........ 11.80
221 David Wlltambth, labor ...... 3.00
222 D. W. Standrod,right of way 20o.uo
223 D. W. Standrod, right of way 75.00
224 Beach Mfg. Co., road mach. .. 200.00
225 Beach Mtg. Co., road mach.. 84.36
226 D. VV. «sandrod & Co.assign a 9.00
227 M. Wenger, labor.............. 2.00
228 H. J. Hjeim, labor .......... 75.00
239 Russel Grader Mfg. Co. mach.. 145.00
230 Am. Falls Canai ot P. Co,grad 100.00
231 H. L. Chaffin, labor .......... 4.00
232 James Gilbert, labor ........ 7.12
233 John Kiel, labor............. 2.50
234 S. F. Hatch, labor .......... 5.00
235 Bond Bros., labors .......... 15.26
3ao Abe Hatch, overseer .......... 87.00
237 John GrUfint, labor .......... 10.25
236 Ernest V« elis, labor .......... 43.bO
239 nosea Beig, labor ............ 277.00
240 Jake Bairu, labor
241 e. E. vv anoads, labor .....
242 A. J. Satterfield, overseer
243 J.# R.t Williams, labor ...
244 Nets Anderson, labor .....
-43 4-hhip Anuerson, lauor
246 G. P. Parsons, labor .....
es Heim er, lauor
248 Abe BroadtTent, labor ........ 12.00
249 B. Sheiinan, labor ............ 2.50
-ou j. a. Snyuer, labor ........ 18.75
2i5l P. C. Foisted, overseer .... 59.oq
zaz a. H. Allred/ labor ......... . 9.00
2a3 J. J. Peterson, oversell- .... 58.50
zu4 win. P. cnristensen, labor.. 7.12
25a Lot P. a dtA.iis, moor .......... 3u.u0
256 Lot P. Adams, labor ........ 13.00
257 Shelley Merc. Co.assign acct.. 200.00
zao öiijuey ivierc. Go. assign acct 200.00
2a9 Mieiivy ivierc. lu. acsign acct l.oO
-du iRuuins Dye, labor .......... 13.00
261 W m. M. Dye, overseer ...... 20.00
202 Ricnaid T. Dye, labor ........ 7.50
203 il y ruin Johnson, iDuor ...... 4.00
204 hyrum Croits, labor ........ 3.50
• j*) i. 2 \. Pacaei, labor .......... 10.50
•66 J. P. Collins, labor .......... 0.00
i67 James Just, labor .......... 20.00
268 c. V. risner, assign ........ o
-»>9 Joseph Aieesick, labor ........ 4.00
2i0 J. c. Jomistoii, lauur ........ 33.75
;71 Anderson Bros. Ban a assn act loU.88
2 Leo Gushua, labor .......... 2.50
2<3 Louis Felt, labor ............ 23.50
214 aacOu wainey, l«.uor .......... l2.b0
-.j vi.iii les Ai. JohnsoinHabor .. 4.00
2 7 76 wm. E. Johnson, labor ...... 7.00
Voat, labor ........ 2.50
278 C.» L. Dial, labor ............ *.uo
2<9 James Carson, labor .......... 5l.2o
zou o. l . Bssicy, lauor .......... 577.75
281 Ai. A. Aiuntague, labor ...... 15.00
zs2 .joiiii llaiv.y, i.*uoi .......... o.oj
2fe3 John Hardy, labor .......... 6.00
284 Shelley Merc. Co, assign .... 27.20
285 First National Bank, assign.. 200.00
2s6 First National Bank, assign.. 159.877
287 T. VV'. Shelley, assign acct .. 10.50
288 C. W. Ac M. Co. assign acct.. 114.00
-o» ooren \orgensen, lauor ........ 7.12
290 Arnold Baxer, labor .......... 12.00
2i»l Pni.ip Longhurst, labor ...... 6.00
2b2 John Hardy, labor ............ 9 6.50
293 Aephi Denning, labor ........ 24.75
294 Harris At Cox, labor .......... 102.u0
295 Geo. H. Longhurst, overseer 60.00
296 Wm. Christensen, assign .... 3.75
297 Alartin Jurgensen, labo: .... 23.to
298 C. V\. At Al. Co. material .... 11.00
299 John Biomquist, labor ...... 27.57
300 Alva Leavitt, labor .......... 9.00
301 Dean rarrer, labor .......... 10.40
302 Lars »Sorenson, lauor ..........
303 G. A. Bifford, lauor ..........
3o4 Joe Tayior, labor ............
305 lieber Cmistensen, labor ....
306 Carl Nelson, overseer ........
307 Emil Sundquist, labor ......
308 John Robertson, labor ........
309 Albert Ziegler, labor ..........
310 James Haie, labor ............
311 Carl Sundquist, labor ........
3i2 (». R. Aloses, labor ..........
13 Earl Weber, labor ............
314 R. H. Cost, receiver assign..
315 Alva Leavitt, labor ..........
316 O. vV. Longhurst, labor ......
317 R. H. Cost, receiver, assign..
318 11. H. Cost, receiver, assign..
319 U. ii. Cost, receiver, assign..
320 li. H. Cost, receiver, assign..
321 U. Vv. Tayior, labor ..........
322 9 loyd Porter, labor ..........
323 Ira Corey, labor ..............
324 W m. Brins#, labor ..........
* <26 Abe Scott, labor ............
326 \v m. l ia. it, lauor
32 7 Albert Ziegler, labor ..........
328 w m. Nigntin, lauor ..........
329 Ora Hallo way, labor ..........
330 Levi Bruce, labor ............
331 bum Guiuner, labor ..........
332 Albeit aGrdner, labor ........
333 Eugene Pope, labor ..........
334 James Larson, labor ..........
335 Sam Chapman, labor .........
336 JohnNeider, labor ............
33 Ï Herman Gardner, labor ......
338 Anna Jackman, labor ........
339 Joseph Vv arren, lauor ........
340 Walter Jackman, labor ......
341 Geo. Porter, lauor ............
342 Ray Taylor, labor ............
343 Charles Taylor, labor ........
344 Joe McKercher. labor ........
345 J. G. Johnston, labor ........
346 L* J. iVirtti 1 , overseer ......
347 A. L. Shelrnan, .Hghti of way.
ÎR8 Hans Peterson, assign acct...
349 x\. l). t^uautieii, assign acct..
350 Hans Peterson, assign acct...
3ol D. VV.Standrod At Co.assign act
352 John Sorenson, labor ........
3p3 James E. Vv ray, lauor ........
364 F. T. HalveVsun, labor ........
355 Grover N. Yv ray, labor ........
356 Thomas Chamberlain, labor
357 Harry Hamilton, labor ......
358 Fred Probst, labor ............
3o9 Lars D. Lai son, labor ........
360 Landen J. Rich, labor ........
361 L. R. Huether, labor ....
362 Emanuel Seefriet, labor
363 Luuwig Huetlier, labor ......
364 H. VV. Huether, labor ........
3oo c. J. Hughes, labor ....... ]'
366 iowa Lumber Co. material'.*.
367 1*. 11. Troutner, labor ........
368 VV. A. Edwards, overseer
309 Harry Barker, labor .....
370 Scott Black, labor .........
3 ( 1 Carl Anderson, labor
o-o i? 11 ! 1 , 0 f^tnds Co.mater..
3(3 1?. H. feisted, labor ..........
w a i^ er Bales, overseer ! !
3 »5 O. F Smith, mateiial ____
'A k 12. illnu..!/.. !.. 1 . ...
B. G. Aloseléy, labor ........
377 B. G. Aloseley, oveiseer ....
378 Iowa Lumber Co. material
319 Dan Oi instead, labor ........
38tr w. A. Goodwin, labor .7.7.7
& Co.assign act
382 B.W.Standrod & co.assign act. xoo.vo
---tv J*.-Standrod Ac Co.assign act. 194.75
D W standrod A: Co.assign act. 193.6 4
•kt&nurod & Co.assign act. 199.25
vw- H Co.assign act. 165.95
^vv f^.-fetani rod & Co.assign act. 183.75
vwa ^ VV.Standrod Ar Co.assign act. 180.00
vSÜ fî '' standrod Afc Co.assign act. 153.75
B.VWötandrod & Co.assign act. 191.00
H-VV standrod A: Co.assign act. 152.5
392 D. W.stanurod Ac Co.assign act. I81.OO
3»3 D.W .Standrod & Co.assign act. 197.00
mu- n!).• Standrod At Co.assign act. 193.26*
99 p. W.Stanurod Ac Co.assign act. 196.25
9b I). VV St λ iwll-lt.l A'. I 'XX ODOII. >W.t E >t .1 ■-»
mu? ^ Standrod At Co.assign act. 52.37
duv' ».standrod At Co.assign act. 188. « 6
?.u p-W.Standrod At Co.assign act. 191.25
«JS P-»'. Standrod At Co.assign act 187.uu
1HV r -Standrod At Co.assign act. 200.00
jJJ. 1 p.W.Standrod At Co.assign act. 172.o(i
Î/*; P-W.Standrod At Co.assign act. 191.12
p W.Stundrod At Co.assign act. 188.50
• J P-W.Standrod At Co.assign act. 199.80
S-W.Standrod At Co.assign act. 195. «6
406 D.W.Standrod & Co.assign act. 197.12
IaZ p-W.Standrod At Co.assign act. 197.10
408 p.W.Standrod At Co.assign act. 193.30
409 H. C. C. Rich, Jr. labor ____ 7.50
410 John A. Jolley, labor ........ 2 00
411 Everett Blood, labor ..........
• $11,945.64
Total ................
State of Idaho,
County of Bingham, ss.
We hereby certify the foregoing claim«*
No. from 15» to 411 inclusive were al
lowed ton tiie sevedd amounts sre: on
posite their respeclve names in the pro
per column on the allowance book on
Road fund at the regular July meetimr
of the Board of County Commissioner,?
Witness our hands this 17th dav nf
July. 19111 . *
Miss Flora Johnson spent Stturday
in Pocatello, as the guest a! \i~
Louis Els'.

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