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MONEY TO LOAN! We now have plenty of Money to Loan on Irrigated Farms. Parkinson Realty & Inv. Co. o3iiimmiiic]iiiiiiiiMiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiicx miiiiiimmuiiiiiimwuiiiimiiiiiEJiimmiiiica IBLACKFOOT 1 ...D ay by Day. Little events in the whirl = of current topics. :• § ... ..............................................c+ «iitiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiitiMuiiimiiiiiicS Fruits of laîl kinds 'now on sain at DeKay & Davis. tf The best THREE DOLLAR HAT in America— Brown—Hart Co. C. V. Hansen, of Mackay, was business visitor in Pocatello and Idaho Falls the latter part of last week. Do not forget that you can find just "What you are looking for at A„ L Hughes, Jewelry store at the lowest prices. 25 per cent off on china. N. T., R. P., T. P. and P.P Fackrell of Thomas, attended the. funeral of a relative near Salt Lake, Utah, last Sun day. They returned to Blackfoot, Sun day. Neil F. Boyle returned Tuesday from California, where he has spent several "weeks with the Kennedy-Boyle-Younie families, all of whom will return in the near future Mrs. J. M. Stevens, Mrs. Duckfacrth and Mrs. L. R. Thomas, all of whom have recently been operted upon, and who are at present in the cityi hospital, are improving as rapidly as can be ex pected. When you want a reliable medicine for a cough or cold take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It can always be de pended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by the Rockwood Pharmacy. Charles Fisher, Jr., entertained a number of his little friends last Tues day afternoon, the occassion being his birthday. Everyone in attendance had a bully good time, and wished Charles would have a birthday every week. If your children are subject to at tacks of croup, watch for the first sym ptom. hoarseness. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse and the attack may be warded off. For sale by the Rock wood Pharmacy. R. L. Strunk of this city attended the Senior Ball at Pocatello, given by the Academy of Idaho Seniors at the McNichols & Wright's hall, Friday ev ening of last week. He reports the ball a complete success, financially as well as socially. Lovie Zendt Purcell, the famous c^n tralto of tbe Schubert Lady Quartette, has one of the deepest voices ever give to a woman, and is the only lady vocal ist able to sing an octave below middle C in concert. Her voice is very pow erful and yet so melodious that her strongest tone loses none of its sweet ness. Hear her February 7th., at the Isis theatre. Here is a remedy that will cure your «old. Why waste time and money ex perimenting when you can get a prep-, oration that has won a world-wide rep utation by its cures of this disease! and «an always be depended upon.? It is known everywhere as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and is a medicine of real merit. For sale by the Rockwood Pharmacy. ClQ % gy « S a* ST LACKFuDT IDAHO 5 ^ Sr % ***#£ (JUTO^ THIS SIGN LOOK FOR EAST 90 29 lake City Dr. F. J. Alexander OPTOMETRIST Of the aboove Company will be at The COTTAGE HOTEL, BLACKFOOT, Monday and Tuesday, January 21st and 22nd, Prom 10 GO a. in. to 8.00 p. m. J. W.Thompson of Sugar City was in Blackfoot last week. James Good is confined to his home on account of illness. Charlie Simmswas a business visitor to Pocatello, Tusday. Money to loan on farm and city property. C. F. Molden. tf Miss Ethel Thompson was a visitor in Pocatello over Sunday. Phone orders promptly attended to at the Modern Pharmacy. tf Mrs. Helen Stark, is a guest at the Luhi Smith home from Pocatello., Atty. Harry Holden was a business visitor from Idaho Falls this week. Always In. the lead in the grocery business. DeKay & Davis. tf Mrs. Eva B. Smith returned from lier ranch at American Falls, Monday. Did you notice Brown—Hart's win dows lor bargains in ready to wear goods ? Ike Deck of Star Valley, is in the city, coming here to consult with L Gaumer. Now- is the time to order fruit trees at the Blackfoot Nursery for the com ing season. tf. Brown—Hart's are- still closing out all heavy suits and overcoats at a big discount. Robert Cooper returned from an ex tended trip to his old home in Texas and Mexico. Miss Marie Weise was a guest of her parents at Thomas from the Acad emy of Idaho. Dr. V. C. White, graduate veterinar ian, Red Barn, Phone 138, Residence phone 251 black. tf. Mrs. E. 1'.ixton and children, went to Rigliy, Saturday to attend the funeral of the former's mother. We have one store in Biackfoct that is putting out real bargains every day at Blown—Hart Co. Miss Hazel Potter, has returned from Rock Springs, Wyo., where she spent ^he holidays with her mother, Mrs. C. W. Berryman, Sr., returned, Wednesday from an extended visit with her daughter in Oakland, Cal. Mrs. A. L. Penningltcn returned froi Pocatello. Tuesday, after spending sev eral days on her ranch near the Gate City. Miss Lydia Quantrell returned, Wed nesday from Herbert, where she has been the guest of her sister, Mr. Rob't. Leatham. Mrs. A. P. Killian, of Martin, who has been under the care of Dr. Gaume in this city for some time past, is inn proving in health. Let it rain.—We have rain coats and umbrellas for sale.—Brown—Hart. Get a few of those dollar shirts at Brown— Hart's. Mrs. W. H. Kahler returned from Ogden and Salt Lake, where she and her little daughter, have been visiting friends since Christmas. Its too bad but Mrs. Eva Smith t compelled to sell her stock of millin ery entirely below cost, to meet the demands in other channels. Bert Read of Idaho Falls, beat his wife to such an extent that the .latter is in a critical condition. Head will be given punshment by the courts. A number of the school teachers are going to give a leap year party tomor rom night, on the condition that they can get enough men to attend. There some doubt as to this, but a man would be a dead one who wculd not at tend a party given by the girl teach ers of the Grove City. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Lutz left Tues day for St Anthoney to attend the funeral of Russell Thomtcn, a nephew of Mrs. Lutz, who dird at Bozeman, Mont . recently under mysterious cir cumstances. The particulars surround ing his death could net be learned in .ime for publication. Write Chambers Medicine Co., Doo ley Block, Salt Lake City, for a sam ple ■ ths'r g • ranteed Dyspepsia Tablets. N.i cure, r.o paj is just what we mean when we say we guarantee those tablets. Write their physician for advice. Sold exclusively and guar anteed by. Rockwood Pharmacy. Mrs. Dick Macguire of Shelley, was the guest of Miss Puss Wright, Fri day,. Charles Sims spent two days this week in Pocatello, attending to busin ess matters. Fred S. Logue, of Long Valley, has announced his candacy for the nomina tion of state auditor on the Republican ticket. Our assortment of groceries and every article connected therewith, is thoroughly up-to-date. DeKay & Davis. tf Mrs. May Scott Workman, of Em f , was in Blackfoot Tuesday attend-! ing to business in connection with her property here. The arrangment for gymnasium classes for men and women at the high! school will be made Tuesday night. All interested please call at the building on that evening. R. T. Adams and wife of Delta, Col., returned last week from Delta, Colo., where they visited two weeks, during which time it was from seven to elev en below zero. Fremont Stake of the L. D. S. Church has just completed a taber nacle at Rexburg. that cost $30,000. It is one of the most perfectly arranged edifices of the kind in Idaho. Miss Puss Wright entertained a( num ber of lady friends last Friday even ing. Among the out-of-town guests was Mrs. Dick Macguire of Shelley. Cards was the entertainmet of the ev ening. „ County Superintendent Alice Beach is visiting schools over the county. It takes worse weather than we had the past week to keep Miss Beach from attending to the duties of the superin tendent's office. Mrs. W. A. Gayle and daughter Miss Mildred, of Challis, who have been vis iting at Pocatello and Dubois,, visited a few days with Mrs. Van Bramer, of this city while on their way to their home in Challis. The club of Commerce of Billings, Mont, is preparing to errect an alfal fa palace near the union depot in that city for the purpose of advertising the fact that the state is the only simen pure alfalfa raiser of the West. .1. A. Martin, manager of the C. W. & M. in this city, received a check, the amount of which was most classy, as an uunual present for the company. It came as a token of the high regard in which Mr. Martin is held as a man ager. Now is the time to get your watch or Jewelry repaired,, while we have time to give them a good test. My work guaranteed. I make no charge for cleaning your jewelry and making it look like new. A. L. Hughes. Jeweler. "I was permantly cured of Kidney and Bladder trouble by using three 50c boxes Chambers' Kidney and Blad der Pills. My trouble was of twelve years' standing.'' Name furnished on application. Sold exclusively and gua anteed by. Rockwood Pharmacy. Killed ir, a Cave In of Sand Pit. Curtis Bullock, aged 32, married wit five children, was killed in the cave in of a sand pit at Idaho Falls Wednes day. January 10. His partner George Chase, married, aged 30, was severely injured but will recover. Address At Methodist Church. Will Gibson will deliver an address at the Methodist cU|urch Sunday morn lug. His subject will treat of the Men and Religion Forward Movement. At night Rev. Yaggey of Aberdeen, will address the people, his subject being ' Phillip Brooks." A* Little Minister at Jewells. Last Monday night a son was born to the Rev. and Mrs. Jewell, at their j home on University avenue, it being their first child. Father gurgles with delight when he talks about the little gem that has come to the Jewells, and iis expansive smile is even covering a greater expanse than ever. Well, old man, wait until he is aboiut three months old and can say "Splug" and "Goob'' and a lot more bright things and you'll think he is the greatest one ever. R. E. HANSEN SELLS R. E. Hansen, who for the past year has conducted the Red Barn, recently building a fine residence on the south end of a block of lots where the barn stands, Wednesday closed a sale by which R. T. Dye, cf Basalt, and Wel come Chapman became the owners of all his holdings in Blackfoot, including the barn, residence and livery equip ment. The consideration was $16,000. Mr. Hansen will remove to California owing to his wife's health. Mr. Dye is a well known rancher and politician of this county. Mr. Chapman has been j manager for the past | Mr. Hansen's manager for two years and is a bustler. Both men are welcomed to our city as business men. Mr. Hansen will retain his raric cs in this county and does not expect to remove from here permantly. F COMING - ] ~ ........ I ISIS THEATRE ONE WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, JANUARY 22 Maud Henderson Company I I Guaranteed Attractions. Programs Changed Nightly. Vaudeville Between Acts. Seats on Sale at T. A Hayes*. Admission 50 Cents. Curtain Raises Promptly At 8:30. Doors Open at 7:30. BIETHAN'S LADIES' COATS LADIES' SUITS LADIES'SKIRTS Will be Sold at " 7 ----- Half Price UNTIL FEERUARY 1ST hair are entirely dead, their follicles closed, and the scalp has become glazed BALD HEADS NOT WANTED. Baldness Is Toe Generally Considered ■ 8ifln of Advanood Ago. A bald-headed person does not have an equal chance with one blessed with healthy head of hair, because bald ness is too generally accepted as an Indication of age. Many large corpora tions have established an age limit, and refuse to take men over 35 years of age as new employees. Probably 65% of bald-headed people may regain a good head of healthy hair if they will follow our advice and ac cept our offer. We have a remedy that we positively guarantee to grow hair on any head, unless the routs of the and shiny. We want people to try this remedy at our risk, with the distinct understanding that unless It does ex actly what we claim It will, and gives satisfaction in every respect, we shall make no charge for the remedy used during the trial. We know exactly what we are talk ing about, and with this offer back of our statements no one should scoff, doubt our word, or hesitate to put our remedy to an actual test. We want every one who is suffering from any scalp or hair trouble, dan druff. falling hair, or baldness to try our Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. We want them to use it regularly—say until three bottles have been used—and if it does not eradicate dandruff, cleanse and refresh the scalp, tighten the hair in its roots, and grow new hair, we will return every cent paid us for tbe remedy for the mere asking. There is no formality expected, and we exact no obligation from the user whatever. We make this offer with a full under standing that our business success entirely depends upon the sort of treat ment we accord our customers, and we « tore' m^e^a^ "ot f er unless we were positively certain that we could substantiate it in every particular. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies In this community only at our store—The Rexall Store. Palace Drug Store. WANT ADS Furnished rooms for rent. Batway 609 S. University ave. L. P. Good Jersey bull calf for sale. In quire, A. L. Potter, Route 1. Jll-4p. For Sale or Trade—160 acres in Al berta, Canada, for farm in Bingham county. John Hall, R. F. D. 2, Black foot, Idaho. tf. Lost—Bald face 2-year old, red heifer. Been gone since last spring. Notify Grover C. Kirkpatrick, Box 21 Blackfoot, Idliao. For Sale:—Good substantial frame building, lathed and plastered, 25x25 feet, already proped up and ready to move. James Hunter. For Sale:—A dandy little place. 20 acres, 5 room house, 8 acres alfalfa, 200 fruit trees, strawberries, raspber ries. Two miles from Blackfoot. Will NOTICE TO BLACFKOOT SCHOOL PATRONS On Monday, January 20th., therd will be organized classes for beginers at both the Irviug and the Central school; No pupil will be admitted who is not six years old at the time of entering. This is the state law and we are forc ed to adhere to it, as we are short of room in the primary grades. W. D. Vincent, Supt. of Schools. ■W GOING AWAY? Arrange with us for the proper handling of your baggage. I BAGGAGE TRANSFER Careful handling. Get our rates; on the service you need. We do| every description of transfer work. ■ Office Phone 23 Residence 262 ! W. P. SEWELL' sell at a bargain. R. F. D. 3. John S. Griffing, Jll-tf For Sale or will trade for Mares:— I have five lots in Sterling, on the Mereland-Aberdecd railroad, which I will sell for cash or trade for good, sound, heavy mares. Karl P. Brr.-vp Blackfoot Idaho. tf. To Exchange, for geod horses, har ness, wagon, farming machinery:—A small ranch in Eastern Oregon, on the State line near Weiser, Idaho. Pro ductive land for all kinds of grains, fruits,, vegetables and mêlions. Low taxes, plenty of water, good market and two good schools near. Address. Glean Spicer, Blackfoot, Idaho. Jll-2q COAL COAL COAL -Always on Hand- » Best Grades, Best Weights, Best Treatment At GEM STATE LUMBER Company Phone 21 DANCINC LESSONS Private and Class McVicar's Dancing Academy West & Boyle Bldg. Residence 10 E. Main, Phone 222 HALL FOR RENT