Newspaper Page Text
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Final Proof) I John O. Johnson, of Blckfoot, Idaho, R. F. D. No. 4 who made en try No. 503 and 505 under the provis ions of an act of the legislature of tho ; State of Id ho, common!) known as the "Carey Act,'' approved March 2nd, 1889, which embraces NE Vi SW 1 4. N 4V 1 ,4 SWVi. o£ section 2S, of town ship 2 S, of range 34 H. B. M., do hereby give notice cf mV i tention to make final hroof to'establish my c 1 i : to the land above described, and that I expect to prove that I h vo resided on, reclaimed and cultivated said land as required by law, before Lorenzo R. Thomas, at Bint kfoot, Idaho, or. the ! by t wo of the following witnesses. Jarred A. Lie, J rred L.eRoy Ivie, I Chas. F. L nib, Brigham Robinson, ] ail of Blackioot, Idaho, R.| F. D. No. 4 Jan.4-F8. John O. Joh:sen, | Entryman NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Final Proof) Department of the interior, U. S. L: nd office at Blackfoot, Idalio, Dec ember IS. 1911. Notice is hereby given that William W. Twitehell, Jr., of Presto, Idaho, who, on January 3, 1907, made Home stead Entry No. 11372, Serial No. 03 435, for NEV4. Section 7, Township 2 South, Range - 37 East Boise Meridian, lias filed notice of intention to make Final Five-Year Troof, to establish claim to the land above dsecribed, be fore Register & Receiver, Ik S. Land Office, at Blackfoot, Idaho, on the Gth. day of Februuary, 1912. Claimant names ns witnesses: William Pratt, Christ Peterson, Jame Peterson, Francis Just all, of Black foot, Idaho. Henry W. Kiefer D21-5L Register. —----—*-- if you suffer from Heahache, eye strain; nervousness or Poor vision, con suit Dr. Scarborough, the eyesight spe. ialist who will be at the Cottage hotel, all day Monday, Jan 15th, 1912. He relieves these troubles by removing the cause. t nt * ' il I NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT The Duncan Ditch Company, a cor poration, principal place of business, Thomas, Idaho: Notice is hereby giv tn, that at a meeting of the board of directors of the above named company held cn Saturday the 6tli, day of Jan uory 1912, at Thomas, Idaho, assess ment No. 5 of 75 cents per share was levied on tho capital stcck of this com pany, which is now due and payable to Mrs. Mary Williams, at Thomas, Idaho. Any stcck on which this assessment remains unpaid on Saturday the 10th., day of February 1912, will be delinqu ent, and will be advertised for sal ac cording to law. Mrs. Mary Williams, Secretary, The Duncan Ditch Com pany, Dated January 8tli., 1912 Jll-5t --*-- NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCT ING BRIDGES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That tbe Foard of Comity Commissioners of Bingham County, Idaho. will receive sealed bids for tlie constructing of 4 steel ami concrete bridges in Bingham County, I.Val.o, as per plans and specifi cation's now. on file with the cift-rk of said Board. ... Said bids will lie received op to the hour of 10:30 O'clock a. m. on tlie 2Gth.. day of January. 1911, at which time they wiil be opened and considered by tlie said Board. Tlie Board reserves tlie right to reject any or all bids submitted. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract with the coun ty and to give a good and sufficient bond for tlie faithful performance tliere of. tlie Said bids are to lie addressed to Clerk of tlie Board of County Coimnls loners, Blackfoot, Idalio, and marked ''Bids for Bridges." J. T. l.'arruth, Clerk of said Court. Jll - 25 NOTICE OF LEVY AND SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER EXECUTION Geo. F. TV right Plaintiff vs Sheriff's Sale. Neils Monson Defendant By virtue of an Execution issued out of the District Court ol tlie Sixth Ju dicial District, County of Bingham. State of Idalio, wherein Geo. F. Wright is the , Plaintiff and Neils Monson is the De- | fendant, upon a Judgement rendered on ■ the 23rd day of Julv. 1909, for tlie sum : of ($299.99| Two Hundred Nlnty-nine i and 99-100 Dollars, lawful money of the I U. S. with interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, together with six anil 30-100 ($0.30) dollars eosts and ac- j curing costs, I have this day levied up- ! on all the light, title, claim and inter est of the Defendent in and to the ■ following described real estate tu- wit; \ Lot 13j Three, of Block (3) Three Govvshen Townsite. Southeast Quarter (se 1 -4> or South- 1 west Quarter (SW 1 -4> and tlie South half <s 1-2) of the Northwest Quarter (nw 1-4) of Section 23. Township .1. one, South of R 37 E. B. M. Containing 120 acres. Tubllc notice is hereby given that I will on Monday, 5th day of February, 1912, at 10 o'clock of said dav in front of the Court House Door of sai.l Coun ty of Bingham sell at Publio Auction, for lawful money of tlie U. S. all the right, title, claim and interest, of the Defendent, Neils Monson. of in and to the above described property >ai! the same being in Bingham County. Idaho) or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgement, with costs, interests, etc. Dated this 10th dav of January. 1912. F. E. DcKAV. Sheriff of Bingham county, Idaho Jll-Fl notice FOR BIDS FOR PLACING GRAVEL ON PUBLIC ROAD Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Kinghant County, at a special meeting called January 26th, 1912, will -receive bids for the placing of gravel on the public road near the Sugar Factory. The distance to be graveled being about three-fourth of a mile in length. Sufficient gravel to be furnished to cover said road at a depth of from four to six inches deep. Any bidders wishing to deliver tbe gravel during the winter will not de re qulded to spread same over the road, but simply dump it at the side of tlie road. Said gravel must be screened on screens of two inch mesh and bids are to be submitted at so much per yard. AU bids must be addressed to the Clerk of said Board and marked "Bids for Grave..- ^ T CARftUTH, Clerk Board Co. Commissioners. Jll-25 TO CREDITORS Court of the County of Blnghiim. suite of Idaho. in lliv 11 au or oftho e stato of Oharlos 15. Montgoin *ry doooased. by the undersign Not lev i ho roby telven cd , Sill Hi* Mo ntpromery, Admlnistratrix, of lie cNtalo of 'Imrios B Montgomery, de conseil, to tin orodi tors >f. and all persons ImviiiK' claim s a irai list t ie .-aid decoa-od to exhibit tl Oil) with the leeeasary vouchers within tei m nit iis a ft 0 the first puhlioa tion of till S J) »t ico. to Ml d Administratrix. tin* < tile of Heakie v and KinerUrk in ne i>eillg tin* place mack foot I<i 1 ! 10, til*' Ml for ( he tn list ction of the businc.-" of said lia ted tl iis 1th day of January, lid 2. ^.\ lu :: MON l'< iUM KRY. __ Administratrix O R D N A N C E NO. 1 5 2 an ordinance of the city of BLACKFOOT PROVIDING FOR A LICENSE FOR AUCTIONEERS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BLACKFOOT, IDAHO; PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION HEREOF, AND PRO ViOING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED L.Y THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BLACKFOOT. IDAHO. Section I. That ,-Virj „ei'-.. II outraged iic'ii v?i i. 'T i .i ~e 11 i i ut in any Iml tili, room n 1 no Insure. Ol ill or il poil t v a h)!!^ st r* e rv ware. Via ware p('reelaiu wa re. cut lory. niiMitiire. -a* ils. brlc-ti-brn«*. fi . -S. il ai he:' roods, dr> L'oods . clot lilmr. 1.0 Ills', slu «e-. not ions, ki roeerie' . hardware, e infers, wl.a i ! led " Patent Medicine. ■\pres-dy provided le -hall he is-u v d for a I.inn* less than Olio month; provided. inn: herein slia 11 lx ' ooiLstrued to apj. ilninliners, coi mine rcial travelers. s«di or ol hcr perso ns s< olioittng ord-Ts fm I t H I.* or sell! mr i>; v sample; and pro furl her 1 lint n Ot ill m t heroin shall in st rued to app! y to farmers engatred tr lint any t hi lot. wii, raiseil, prtiMUt mad. on their Section 2. T Turn •liât IS. person, persons or oration violai imr n my of the provisic »tli- I his ordinal lie guilty of to exceed $1 mice Is so vi const rued a That tl.i issue of til Ida! Mon 1, sdemeauor, and lined i ami each day this ord ;d shall be and is hen separate offense, ordinance be published in < official newspaper of Bluckfi I: Passed, approval and adopted nary. 11112. A I, MX YorXIK, President of the Council. U. H. HOLBROOK, Clerk. S JT, i oi h-j Id .'.i ■il or hull NOT1CE CF PROPOSAL TO ISSUE Î19.OC0 BUILDING BONDS AND $5,003 RUFUNDING BONDS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 28, IN THE COUNTY OF BINGHAN, STATE OF IDAHO, AND INVITING. BIDS THEREFORE. STATE OF IDAHO, COUNTY OF BINGHAM, Ss. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 28. Pursuant to the authority and direc tion conferred upon the board of trua of School District No. 28, in the "certatn^ew'tk^ïèld 'hi e «U ^respect's In .ititct compliance with law at the Brick School House ill Moreland, in Bingham, county, Idaho, in said school district on Monday, to-\vtt: the 15th.,-day of Janu D. 11)12, between the hours of 1 o'clock p. in. and 5 o'clock p. m. tautli izing the Issuance of the bonds herein after mentioned) and a certain resolu tion and order duly adopted by said board of trustees at a special meeting thereof duly called and held at the ot fice of the clerk of said board in More land, In said sc hool district at the Jiour .f s o'clock p. ni. of the day and date iforesaid pursuant thereto, authorizing and directing the Issuance, execution and sale of certain bonds of said setiool dis trict to an amount aggregating the prin cipal sum of $25,000, to-\\it. Building bonds of School District No. 28, in the county of Bingham, state of Idalio, aggregating the principal sum of $10,000, comprised of 19 bonds numbered from 1 to 19, botli inclusive, of the de nomination of $1,000 each, dated Jan uary 16th, 1912, absolutely due and pay able January 15, 1932, redeemable at the option of said school district on July 15, 1931 or upon any interest payment date thereafter, bearing interest at the rate of six (6) per centum per annum payable semi-annually January 15 and July 15 in each year, both principal thereof and interest thereon payable at tiie National Bank of Commerce, in tlie j cUy and state of New York, u. S. A; bonds of School District | and Refunding No. 28, in tlie county of Bingham, stale of Idaho, aggregating tlie principal sum of ....... ..... e.l from 1 to 6, both inclusive, of tlie denomination of $ 1,000 each, dated Jan nary 1 1912, absolutely due and paya ble January 15. 1932. redeemable at' tlie option of said school district on July 15, 1931 or upon any interest pavment date thereafter, bearing interest at the rate of six (6) per centum per annum payable semi-annually January 15 and and July 15 in each year, both principal thereof nnd interest thereon payable at tlie National Bank of Commerce, in the I CUV and^tete tlie purpose of providing i and furnish a school Brick School ho : i I j ! ■ \ 1 Said ............ ... , , - —- ihu„uiiii» house adjoining the' Brick'school H.onse j ill .md le 'o' H said sc hoot s Diet; ' a n d^ sa U i 1 refunding bonds are being issued 'and i sold for the purpose of providing funds '•> ..... ...» Fiovining minis | etofore Issued i uid the lawful ; rldenced thru to redeem and refund a like prineii iaTATand vali^bonds t ^ r '^L.P a .b I ' bl 'j ! by sai.l school district ^ud valid indebtedness < NOTIGE IS 1 HEREBY i (,1\ I..V that sealed bids for each series I m bonds aforesaid, in whole or in part I " dl be received at the office of tho I ,k of the undersigned board of tins-. inHuSJÄ Ä v. 'iÄ .IT ÄÄ distn.-t until Friday, tc-w u. the loth.. ö i*'l it" i > 'c h ick ' a'.' n, A ' lJ ' at th, ' lloul I.sell series of bonds aforesaid will be delivery at the sale, namely:- the dav. da.. aforesaid: THEREFORE, all hid« or offers to purchase mus out condition or qualification ; cnniranled I v cash or an un certified check payable to ti the county treasurer of said full amount oi >\ ID ED, however, that . time of their hour PR of bonds, or any part thereof, shall not he sold for less than their par value, and provided further, that said hoard of trustees reserve the right to reject any and al! bids and to sell said hoods at private sale if tFey d- m it for tlie best interests of sai.l school district POAI'D OF TRUSTEES OF SC'HOOI, 2$ IN THE UOTT.VTV STATE OF IDAHO, i, v XnsAY. ('hairman. tenders, au» r oi Bingh sai.l bid. niSTHU'T OF BINGHAM. (SEAL) Attest: BRIGHAM ROBINSON. Member. . ENGLAND. He Jan. 18. 25. Bob. 1. 8 and 15. _ NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF H. R. BOICE, ET AL FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF A HERO OIS IN b lackfoot precincts TY, E |DAHO FOUR ' bingham coun | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That a petition signed hi a malorltv of the qualified electors of Blackfoot Pi-eoinets one and four, Bingham Countv the 1 rJi a a be / n ., filp d with the Clerk of Board of County Commissioners of th n , f01 ' th, ' organiza tion of a 'Herd Distriet'' under the of°\'he°Rta?e f A rt , of Legislature 1007 I ; abo j approved March t (>7. with boundaries as follows, Southeast corner of township two (2) to-wit Beginning at the Section thirty-five. 1Z1 South of range thirty-five (35) East of Boise Meridian. Running thence e«°s r » tl, r-" lth se r t '? n »nes to the North east Corner of Section twentv-six ,2 b) TLW l<1 »î?g ^ Sh,p w. nd .. ranBe ' 'hence due M est. with township lines to the East ern Bank of Snake River, thence In a Southwesterly direction along the edge of said river with the meanders of said Snake River to a point where the same crosses the South boundary line of sec tion thirty-three (33) of said township and range, thence due east with, section lines to the place of beginning. And notice is further given that said petition will be heard by the Board of County Commissioners of said County, on Thursday the 15th., day of February, 1912 at the hour of 10:30 a. m. of said day. at the office of said Board in the Court House at Blackfoot. Idaho, at which time all persons interested will he heard for and against said petition. Att. st niv hand and official seal at Blackfoot, Idaho this 17th., day of Jan uary 1012. .1. T. CARBUTH, Clerk of tl e Board of County Com missioners. I".-. JESSIE T.OVD, Deputy. Jan. ll-lS-25-Fob. 1. A S'. Ill'Ll Fllll i'd of Thomas is dig 'll for P. H. Wheeler on p ^pr perly. Si;,, r r, olio of our oh; m iters, v, ho wes mcn issue has rolurr.c'J • Jins fairly goad, lay school and meeting I David Gi ging ft now the latter's Misa Mai trict tinned in to lier hit At .the lust S'inùiy. Jesse Alien, Alfred Hofer, Kob'.Tt II. Hoar, all of Blackfoot were lb ' home 'il, .nonaries and cHlated' c.n i In -pel prineipl. s very nicely. i Your .'.jt respondent was informe l that Nets Sornsen, Jr., of Wapello lias '.uirehasi d a hme here on the townsite and will move here about March 1st., to he ( iese to his farm, cne mile and a half west Tïr.i"$day night of the 11th, Inst!, a social was held at the home cf C. S. Dalton. Fifty persons were present and games of different kinds were in dulged in ar.d a nice lunch was. served to close (lie proceedings at about 12 o'clock. Last fall a number of farmers, on this side of the river got together and or ganized themselves in a body to dis pose of their own produce, which- was mainly potatoes. They selected a man to find the best market f;.r such and found by such methods that the farmtr would realize the middle-man's profit. r Ts organization wishes to announce through your widely circulated paper that they will hold another meeting in Riverside hall, January 25th., at 1U o'clock p. m. and invite all the farmers around the neighborhood to come and <ake part and affect a more extensive organization in order that the farmer may receive better returns for his pro ducts. Remember the date and the lirai. * MORELAND * 4-4'4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4>-$-4 Tlie young ladies prepared a picnic and met with tlie wood haulers on Fri da. y i ght and participated in a dance add enjoyed tlie good things of the board. Last week Bishop England invited everybody to turn out and get wood for the Eclesiactical Hall. A number responded and the result is a stack of wood sufficiently large to last one year. 1 piomotois of the il if alia mill I .and the beople cannot get together cn the mill /proposition, but some of tlie farmers are strongly advocating the I., , themselves T ,,, . . , ., I nay, Jan. la., another bend election Ua! held which carried by a larger mr* i joritv. Owing' to some technical point the bond election that was held here some t'mo last summer, voting to increase the school bonds of district No. 28, W'3 t onsidered void. Consequently, on Mon ju, The old bond of $6,000. will be j taken lip and $19.000 will be left to ,,e lLsed in bul,dln K aIld finishing an i up to date school building, .... „ . ,. .. . | Thftt there w ui be a Methodist coming There was a meeting held at Riverside a short time ago and a number of representative men from the west side of tlie Snake river belonging to different dencmina i ; summer is new the fact ! church built bore during the i I I I ! t,on8 wUh Rev - s - K Yoggy mot t0 ' ! gether and after discussing the ques ; tion, concluded to erect a church at j a cost of *1.500. Tile building will bo a cost of $1,500. erected on property belonging to Mars Jacobson of Moreland. It is under . Tacobson ot Mcreland. It is under-1 — «» «—« -* M work on the edifice will be commenced, so?n after weather conditions will per mit. —---■*——— .5. «5. *ä» <• *:* *:* 4- 4* *** *t* PRESTO Clark Williamsrn, of Pocatello spent last week here, a guest at tlie home of Hishley lit others. Willis iiighley is at home again af ter rp.quling several weeks with his sister at Indian Valley. Mrs. T. S. Stevens returned to her home at Blackfoct, Wednesday after visiting a week with old friends In this locality. Donald Tolmie was up from Black loot where he is attending the High school and spent Sunday with his motlior here. Miss Aura Brenton, who teaches the primary grade at the upper Presto school spent the week's end vacation with relatives at Blackfoot. Persons troubled with partial par alysis are often very much benefited by massaging the affected parts thor oughly when applying Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment also relieves rheumatic pains. For sale by the Roc wood Pharmacy. . • The Model Grocery Everything Up-to-date C. W. BERRYMAN, J i . ; % PROFESSIONALCARDS * W. A. Beakley, Jas. L. Emerick: BEAKLEY & EMERICK Attorneys At Law. Practice in All Courts ; BLACKFOOT, IDAHO. F. W. KIEFER Locating and Con sulting Engineer. | State License No. 209 BLACKFOOT, - - • IDAHO. DR. FRANK A. SLOAN < Osteopathic Physician OFFICE: BOYLE BUILDING (WITH W. A. BEAKLEY.) Phone 163 Residence Phone 125 BLACKFOOT, - - - IDAHO. DR. W. E. PATRIE Physican and Surgeon OFFICE OVER STATE BANK Phone, 106 Residence, 75 BLACKFOOT, IDAHO. HANSBROUGH & GAGON Attorneys-at-Law Practice in State and Federal Courts MILLICK BLOCK BLACKFOOT, - - • IDAHO. LORENZO R. THOMAS Pracice before the U. S. Land of fice and Department of Interior. Register U. S. Land Office from | 1897 to 1907. All land office busi ness given careful attention. Look for the sign near the Land Office. ' BLACKFOOT, - • - IDAHO. W. ORR CHAPMAN Attorney-at-Law TURF EXCHANGE BUILDING BLACKFOOT, IDAHO. H. W. GAUMER Doctor of Chiropractic OFFICE WEST PACIFIC ST. OPPOSITE ISIS THEATRE Fhone 223 Residence 218 BLACKFOOT, - - - IDAHO. KARL S. FACKRELL Attorney-at-Law OFFICE OVER STATE BANK BLACKFOOT, - - - IDAHO. WILLIAM A. LEE Attorney-at-Law OFFICE OVER THE PALACE DRUG STORE Phone 120, Residence 203 BLACKFOOT,' - - - IDAHO. If Chambers' Coid Tablets don' "rsstrs; rus "s .5 phar ibn ey DENVER EXCURSION January 13th. Via Oregon Short Line-Union Pacific for National Western Stock Show. Low rate with limit of January 2Stii. See agents for rales and further par- ticulars. Jau.4-13. - 4, ---- LOST In one day I lost *a severe cold by taking Chambers Cold Tablets, guar- anteed to cure a cold in one d?y, and any case of La Grippe in three days, or your money refunded. Roekwocd Pharmacy. -- <t—- LOS ANGLES EXCURSION February 3rd. From Salt Lake City via. S. P. L. A & O. S. L. Railroad. Rates apply iront Salt Lake only but see Oregon Short Line agents for further particul ar c Jll-Feb3. Mrs. A. A. Tabor, of Crider, Mo., had b.-en troubled with sick headache for about five years, when she began taking Chamberlain's Tablets. She has taken two bottles of them and the have cured her. Sick head ache Is caused by a disordered stomach for which these tablets are especially in tended. Try them, get well and stay well. Sold by the Rockwood Pharmac One Kilowatt-Hour OF ELECTRICITY ELEVEN CENTS COSTS Subject to Ten Per Cent Discount for Prompt Payment of Bills. For Less Than The Cost of at Good Cigar You Can Operate a Flat Iron two hours. Run a Washing Machine five hours. Run a Sewing Machine twenty hours. Heating your Shaving Water every morning for a week. Toast two hundred Slices of Bread. Run a small Fan four days of ten hours. Light two thousand Cigars. Warm Baby's Bottle twenty times. Operate your Curling Iron every morning for a month. OP era * e a forge blower ten hours continuously. Keep a heating pad warm continuously for twenty hours without the bother of re plenishing as when a hot water bottle is used. Modern Electrical Appliances are Convenient--------Safe------Sanitary. Idaho Consolidated Power Co. Security Stock Foods For Stock and Fowls Are the Best Known Foods and Bring Best Results. They consist of Poultry Powders, Roup and Cold Remedies, Lice Powders, And Gas Colic Cures. For Sale By The Blackfoot Mercantile Company A Utah Physician's Fame It was a Utah physician who, after devoting years of study, succeeded in concentrating ingredients which never failed to cure coughs and colds. Chamber's Cold Tablets are guaranteed to cure all affections of the throat and lungs. If you will go to the dealer whose name is attached to this advertisement, he will tell you that the proprietors of Chamber's Cold Tablets authorize their agents all over the United States and Canada to sell ms prescription on a positive guarantee to cure a cold in twelve hours, and any case of Grippe, however obstinate, in two days, or your purchase price will be cheerfully refunded. These tablets do not gripe or nauseate, nor do they leave any bad effects. Don't permit your case to de velop into pneumonia or, worse still, consumption. We don't ask you to accept our word as final. Ask our local agent, or ask your physician if he would not prescribe these tablets or give them to his own children. Ask any person who has ever used them what they think of Chanber's Cold Tablets