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THE BLACKFOOT OPTIMIST MONDAYS OFFICIAL PAPER OF CITY OF BLACKFOOT AND OF BINGHAM COUNTY, IDAHO. THURSDAYS VOL V NO. 20 BLACKFOOT, BINGHAM COUNTY, IDAHO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1912 $2.00 PER YEAR ROOSEVELT LIKE BARKIS, IS WILLING Will Accept Presidential Nomination if Tendered Him in Convention.:— Letter of Nine Governors Answer ed While away from New York. New York, Feb. 25.—"I will accept the nomination for the presidency if it is tendered me and will adhere to this until the convention has expres sed its preference," is Colonel Roose velt's reply to the letter of seven Rep ublican governors asking him to stand for nomination. The eagerly awaited reply was giv en out tonight at Colonel Roosevelt's offices in his absence on a trip to Boston. It was unexpectedly! brief, but definite. The letter is as follows: "New York, Feb. 24, 1912.—Gentle men: I deeply appreciate your letter and I realize to the full the heavy res ponsibility it puts upon me, express ing as it does the carefully consider ed convictions of men elected by pop ular vote to stand as the beads of gov erment in their several states. Direct Primaries Wanted. 'T absolutely agree with you that this matter is not one to be decided With any reference to the presonal preferences or interests of any man, but purely from the standpoint of the interests of the people as a whole. I will accept the nomination for presi dent if it is extended to me, and I will adhere to this decision until the convention has expressed itd prefer ence. One of the chief principles for which I have stood and for which I now stand and which I have always endeavored and always shall en deavor to reduce to action, is the genuine rale of the people, and there fore 1 hope that, so far as possible, the people may be given the chance, through direct primaries, to express their preference as to Who shall be the nominee of the Republican party. b:-'i i. r j iL'.u tin ; jr*'*? r\ » ♦ , 0 > *1 • 1 Ö 0 4 '! I'i ■Ç5 ;. I 5!) , . : .»•« n RS8 [v lS cl®»« » Residence Lots, situated ia the crater of the residence portion of ;Blackfoot. These lots are all within five blocks of the post office, five blocks of the Blackfoot Irving school house, six blocks distant from the Central school building, sod all close to residences of E. M. Kennedy, Ç. W. Berryman, Hon. Fred T- Dubois. L. R. Thomas, P. G, Johnston and others. These lots afe 115x25 in size. — Good water rights furnished with each lot, and a dean Title furnished. Latelycement side, walks and city wafer system has been in ' r *f .stalled within one antf one-half block, soon to be extended through property: The same are to be sold ob eàty paymeatsto right parties. NOW HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY y.>: * TT T, i" j w ranees v pa w em tra» . • as am pg) living outside of town who have to SCHOOL to procure tWo of these CLOSE IN LOTS,' Build 4 small dwelling thereon and enjoy city advantages. YOUR can trach school in from five to ten MINUTES from the locality, of these choice LOTS. For SPECULATORS therfc is no better opportunity to score TUrge profit by buying LL^Äwvfö^ deB * *** ** GREATLY H* VAUJE owing to their location rad to the fad that ^are pïrtof^e ' r: a • övT •v .* 1 —ti-.f j % !Î--' % n' Dwelling House Wül I* Given *way to some one o f th e buy er» of the»»lot». AS TP WHOM WILL HAVE THE CHOICE ÖFTAKIMG THE HQ )sE AMD TWO,LOTS instead of two other lots, the'BUY|ER5 of thé LOTS are to DETERMlNE among themselves. Particulars wjjl pp furnished qpqjri request. --------------- ------------------------- r u': . 1 *. fcwjfcr. r » v The Price of These Lob Is $12$ Each, Good Dwelling House Free. _ wwww; ä . Two LOTS sold to one person, nor m6re tbraFoUrLots to one party; The objéd heb« ip build up this addjboora rapidly as has bran done in the bail kathe mm. » other Blackfoot property. * i .Call atJTR$T NATIQN^L BANK and examine ,(he title, look at the Dwelling, look over (he L,OTS, and then Get in'on the Ground Floor and reap the Reward; Wc wfité ln - : -* - <*: »55*: I.E , 1 , I • k\ J r ■ 3. t'j ti » Owner and Salesman. r ■ r I ,a '' A T* 5 • it''-. ¥ -'7 (f) pftl-T* a Very truly yours. "THEODORE ROOSEVELT." "The Honorable Willian E. Glass cock, governor of West Virginia, Charleston, W. Va; the Honorable Chester Adrich, governor of the state cf Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb; the Hon orable Robert Bass, governor of the state of New Hampshire, Concord, N. H. ; the Honorable Joseph M. Carey, governor of the state of Wyoming, Cheyenne, Wyo.; the Honorable Chase S. Osborne, governor cf the state of Michigan, Lansing Mich.; the Honor able W. R. Stubbs, governor of the state of Kansas, Trpeka, Kan.; the Honorable Herbert S. Hadley, govern or of the state of Missouri, Jefferson City, Mo." The above-named governors assem bled at Chicago two weeks ago and drafted a letter to Colonel Roosevelt, asserting there was a popular demand for him to be president again and urging him to declare himself as to whether he would accept the Repub lican nomination, "if it came unsolic ited and unsought. '' Governors Meet For two weeks Colonel Roosevelt cqnsidered the letter, indicating plain ly that he had no intention of making a hasty reply. The governors' letter follows: "Chicago, 111., Feb. 10, 1912—We, the undersigned Republican govern ors, assembled for the purpose of considering what will best insure the continuation of the Republican party as a useful agency for good govern ment, declare It our belief, after a careful investigation of the facts,! that a large majority of the Republican voters of the country favor your nom ination, and a large majority of the people favor your election as tbe next president of tbe United States. (Continued to page four) <f Important Meeting of Citizens! Every tax payer, property owner and person, both men and women, interested in the welfare of Blackfoot, is re quested to come to the Isis Theatre, Monday After noon at 1:30 O'clock. A matter of vast importance to all will he presented for consideration. Be prompt. J LOOKING AFTER SCHOOL BUSINESS Jcbn Hansen, Ed. Wadsworthl and S. O. Robinson, trustees cf school dis trict No. 10, were here Monday and Tuesday, arranging for the transfer of the district books trem Bingham to Bonneville county. WANTED ! 500 CHICKENS t r •" r Highest Merket - Price KARL P. BROWN OPTIMIST OFFICE. ILLUSTRATED IDAHO PRESENTS A VERY BEAUTIFUL EDITION The February-March Issue of Illus trated Idaho is just being distributed H. K. Silversmith, editor, and N. C. Villeneuve, cartoonist, who recently vis Ited the towns of tbe Upper Snake river valley, writing up the various districts and cartooning the residents, arrived in Blackfoot again Tuesday, bringing with them the evidence of their handiwork in the shape of a twen ty page edition of Illustrated Idaho Vith & general account of the progress made in all the communities. From » mechanical standpoint, as well as edi torially, the paper is fine and the two rustlers who promoted the idea, are to be congratulated for their efforts. INCREASING WORKING FORCE The Utah Idaho sugar company in this city, are Increasing their work ing force at the factory, preparing for the ensuing campaign, which is ex pected to be larger than ever ebfore.. ♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦+*♦♦♦ ♦ "Competition is a ruthless 4* cut-thrcat method which is re ♦ sponsible for panics, sweat ♦ shops, child labor and other ev 4> ils, which has produced the two ♦ extremes-millioniares and paup ♦ ers—and which m^ans death ♦ and destruction to trade, while ♦ co-operation locks toward more ♦ staple conditions and a more ♦ equal distribution of wealth.'' ATTEMPTED JAIL BREAK FRUSTRATED BY JACKSON Last Saturday afternoon When Depu ty Sheriff Dave Jackson went into the cell room of the county jail, he found James Sheldon and William Butler quietly endeavoring to gopher out of the jail by digging cut the brick wall at the rear of the cells. They had evidently been working at odd times as they had about one dozen bricks pried loose. The route they had pick ed out for gaining their escape would have taken them to a solid stone wall which is a part of the big vault in the court house, and their progress would necessarily have been slow. The two men are the brace of birds that broke into Rowles store and were cap tured by Sheriff DeKay at Pocatello. They recently plead guilty to a charge of grand larceny and stand a chance of being sentenced to several years In the stir at Boise. Both men are now In the exclusive set at the jail, occupy ing steel cages, entirely alone and are having their meals served in their priv ate apartments, where they will prob ably remain until the arrival of tbe traveling guard from the pen, BILL INTRODUCTED FOR NEW SCHOOL Washington, February 26th.—Repre sentative French bas introduced a bill providing that lands and buildings and other property •fcnnerly used as a school for tbe Lemhi Indians of the Lemhi reservation shall be donated to tbe state of Idaho to be used as a reform school. HAPPENINGS ABOUT THE COURT HOUSE The ense cf the Iona Mercantile com pany of Idaho Falls, vs C. L. Myers of Aberdeen, was tried Mcnday. It In volved the recovery of the price of four potato diggers purchased from the company by Mr. Myers. The plaintiff was given a judgement of |50. DEEDS FILED Joseph D. Muir to Albert G. Hamp ton SEVi NE% NEÎ4 SW% and lots 2 3 and 4, Sec 18 Tp. 2 SR 26 EBM. Progress Euilding Co., to Blackfoot Merc. Co., part blk., 31 Danilspn ad dition. Nora M. Jones to Chas. Young, SE % NW>/ 4 Sec. 2 Tp. 3 SR 33 EBM. Snake River Valley Irrigation Co., to Wm. Hartstack, et al, NM> SE(4 Sec. 34 Tp. 1 SR 37 EBM. John Dick to Alice Berdshall WVfc NW14 Sec. 35 Tp. 37 EBM G. G. Wright to W. C. 9utall W^ NWÎ4 Sec. 14 Tp. 1 SR 37 EBM. Malvina Anderson to Bingham county 114 acres Sec 17 Tp. 2 SR 36 E. Northwestern and Pacific Hypo to Marie Jensen, part of NW% Sec. 17 SR 37 EBM. James Cobbley to A. G. Hampton, SE % 8W14 Sec. 34 Tp. 2 SR 36 E. W. A. Goodwin to John H. Stander N** SW14 NW14 Sec. 12 Tp. 3 SR 35 EBM. Edward J. Turpin to W. A. Good win SW14 NW* Sec. 16 Tp. 3 SR 34 EBM. Fredrick Codier to Jerome B. Brad ley, NB14 NW% Sec. 23 Tp. 2 SR 34. Pareon Man waring to Houston Chur chill Co., S% NW14 Sec. 20 Tp. 2 S R 33 EBM. Jens C. Sorenson to Dan Williams, part NE14 Sec. 18 Tp. 1 SR 37 E. State of Idaho to Alf C. Coney, N-' W% Sec. 9 Tp. 6 SR 31 EBM. » ON OFFICIAL BUSINESS G. H. Smith returned Tuesday morn ing from Salt Lake, where he went on business of an official nature for the sugar factory.