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* 4 THE BLACKFOOT OPTIMIST MONDAYS OFFICIAL PAPER OF CITY OF BLACKFOOT AND OF BINGHAM COUNTY, IDAHO. THURSDAYS VOL. V NO. 22 BLACKFOOT, BINGHAM COUNTY; IDAHO, THURSDAY. MARCH 7, 1912 $2.00 PER YEAR DELEGATES TO THE COUNTY CONVENTION The primaries in the various pre cincts of the county were held Tues day, for the purpose of selecting d le gates to the county convention. A complete list has not been secured at the present time but the following are given. Riverside, George B. Wintle and Brig. Wheeler; B'ackfoot First Ward, H. W. Kelfer, Frank Hesse, A1 Mi',1er, J. O. Morgan, Dr. C. A. Hoover, W. A. Vanderwood; Second Ward, Georse Gagon, C. W. Berryman, Jr., O. Buch- anan, J. T. Danilson, James Duck- worth; Fourth Ward, No election he'd. Will be appointed by precinct commit- teman; Third Ward, E. M. Kennedy, Belo Ball, J. D. Kent. Danilson Pre- cinct, A. J. Snyder, George E. Mc- Lain, Shelley, Ras. Christensen, W. R. Jones, Editor Dooley, Soren Yorgenser, Joseph Holland; Thomas Precinct Fred Tildon, D. J. Murdock, P. C. Fei- nted. - ■ <i GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC Boise Feb. 17.—The year 1911 has passed into history and with it many that were near and dear to us hare gone the way of the world. In all the days of the year passed every sound of retreat and the firing of the evening* gun haa been a sad reminder, that one or two more have joined the ranks of mighty hosts that, have gone before and are now resting on the eternal camping ground. . , It Is. a matter of grave concern as to whether the death made .vacancies in our ranks have been filled by rec ruits and restorations, or whether we have been content tp close and short en them by side stuping. There yet remains to us a short time in whiçh to strengthen our. forces. Will we do ItT There are still hundreds, out that hare not, of jot# years, lent their sup port to the Grand Army, whan every day of their Uvea, they are receiving benefits from, the work and toO of those that never say falL The Pgn^ons t V . 5 jhg j%^|ia, 9 r, Phan and aJI *f ,#»..ftmy. and Navy, the home «xemptfti to oatt redes epd tbmr, families, the qfflces, for Headquarters an«} the jibe**! ap* proriatiog % ft nufttenanef. all com* from and tbroqgh ttie work of the Grand the Republic,. Tft Committee* the^Senat». and the House of Representative» in Contrées, and the Committees of the Legislature in, each state north of Mason and. DEk On'e line look for the members of the Gfand Army and ask them what they wint and are guided by their requests, in, shaping legislation tor their appro val „ M We 0 Comrades outside of the G'reng, Aréy would realise that they are responsible for niany failures to get what we air« entitled to*, and wh ask again, to cosse and join us and we will do you good. Th# Department. Commander wants the names of a good number of C6m Not the Oldest But the cleanest, Best and Greatest Quantity of Niwsey Stock in The Great Snake ftiver Galley, Idaho. Our trees are All Grown at an altitude of 4503 feet. By Bingham Ca. Nnttertei, Blackfoot, Idaho. We Won't be Undersold. W.A&ISV rads from each Post that will attend the National Encampment as he wish es to recommend them for appointment on the Staff of the Commander in Chief; and he wishes the Post Com manders to write this office at as ear ly a date as possible. The Department Commander, Presi dent of the Woman's Relief Corps and the Assistant Ajutant General will try to visit all the Posts in the Departmeit if possible, and hope to make this year the best of all. We are still in hopes that we can organize a Camp pf Sons of Veterans in each county seat in the state; and ask the sons to have the records of their fathers' services so that they will be prepared to join, when the Installing officer makes his appearance in your city. Quartermasters are requested to send in at once the names and Post office addresses, of all suspended and dropped members as the Department Commanded wishes to write each one a personal letter. Please be prompt in this matter. By command of M. W. WOOD, Official : Department Comd. ALFRED ANDERSON, Assistant Ajutant General , . .. ITINERARY The Department Commander, Presi dent of the W. R. C.,.and Asst Adj. General will visit th G. A- R- Poets and Corps, leev&tng Boise March 14th, at 2:40 a. m., Arrive at Twin Falls 2:35 j>. m. Leave Twin Falle. 7:16 a m., March ldth. . Arrive at Pocatello 11:16 a m. Leave Pocatella 8:45 p. m., 15th. Arrive at B^ackfoct 9:40 p. m., 16 th. LeaVa.B^iwKfpot 8:18 a m, 17th. Arrive Idaho Fan« 9:07 a m , 17th. Leave Idaho FOBS 0:07 a a,, 19th. Arrive Armstead 1:43 ,p. m., 19. Leave. Armstead and arrive at Salmon 4:45 p. m., 20th. The Department Commander win he WPJPFS& to SkßSV* M Veterans a any place where there are fifteen qr more enrolled. .The Department President ct the Vf Oman'« Relief Corps, Mrs. L. M. Nee« bltt, wllj lie prepared |p inetiutte a Women's Reliep Corps at any of the above pamed place», where there aire no auxiliaries at the present time. Tft members of Staff in the above pieces win, be expected to make the necessary arrangements toy meetings, and meet the Department Officers on their arrival By. Commend of Officia): department Commander ALFRED ANDER80N, Assistant Adjutant General - r * v. ..... LITTLE GIRL BABY FOR FISHERS Mr. and Mi£. Pearl Fisher hare a little baby girl, àt , their home which came Sunday morning. This is their first born and of course it is the fin est. On earth. Its mamma m nice lady. very ~ Evangelistic Cathpaign begins i—— REV. GEORGE W. TAYLOR The gre^t evangelist, Rey. Geo. W. Taylor, and his singer, Pipf. Çlarçnce . & Lane, arrived today and will "begin the great Campaign tonight.., ( j The first three meetings, Thursday, J Friday and Saturday evenings, will be \ In the Methodist Church.. Then b® In* j ning Sunday morning «,t 'll o'clock ard • Sunday evening at 7:30 and every ev-i ening thereafter, the meetings will he ! Ip Progress Hall over the Pest Office. I The exclusive ubg of! the hall has-teen | secured for the entire month if March. . It Is being fitted up to seat comforts i ___A i' i 1 ,. ... bly about 800 people. Provision Is be-.tra. v V-~ . •* i ' î t\ 1 i -I M-T " Î5 *S BY RAIN !:* San Francisco, March 1^— The long est period of winter drought knewn in California in the last ten years was ended today by a rain storm which swung into tho.'southern end pf the state from the Southwest shortly be fore daybreak and worked Steadily north. It is due in the central portion of the state today, according to Prof essor A. G. McAdle, in charge of the United, States wqather bureau here and will bring reliif to all the parched valleys of nerthen Càlliforoisl before tomorrow, night The .storm crossed to southern Nevada and a slight fall of snptw is recorded la, the Sierras. "This means the ending of the dry sppll,'' said professor McAdle, "as there is every Indication that suff cl «nt rain will fal) tp, save the C r P* and other storage probaly will fallow, ike outlook is good for à fairly heavy snowfall in the mountains. .lit ' , ART EXHIBITION The Current Event Club will hold an Art exhibition some time in April, having arranged for a ccllectlcn of or iginal oil paintings also a collection of water colors and etchings; thesq works pf art are a lopn collection, sent out by the- Club Women ct Illinois, and we feel that our. city is very fortu nate In securing them for three days A, more extended notice will be giv en later, as to exact time, admission, .«feu... th# hearty eo-opperaüon of every pqrspn in tJfys .city tp help make this exht bitkm a success. > ^ : Mrs. G. F. HANSBRUÖCH, Presidnet RATTLESNAKE V.ENOM A CONSUMPTION CURB Washington, March 4.— Rattle snake venom has been used successful ly as a cure for tuberculosis, according to a report,, tp the Maryland state . . . ... „ - , - boanTof ; health. Dr. Joseph H. Tkftmp. ■on car Hyatts ville, Md., claims to have treed himself entirely from the hacjlU of tiie disease by tajectiens of shake vehom breught là tablet form from South America. maNch like lion alL right Thq flrst day of March and each successive day so far has certainly bqen doing the lion stunt very credit ^ y - Ü* IM g* ntermittqnt ngrs of snnshtae. Little drifts of snow Mokes a feller klnd'a wish Tbit Winter sure froUId gb. ing made for a Chorus Choir of 7Ç to . 100 voie«. The best mue'eal talent of the city is being enlisted. Mrs. Taylor, who is master of the cornet. will be assisted by. an orchestra of lo cal taieijlt The Campaign from the j very start promises to be a great alie cess. Much interest is air ady being man ifested, and it is expected, that the Methodist Church will be crowded ta the doore Thursday evening; at the op: éning meeting. Come and hear the great evangelist; and the new orches ~ ' • ' Song service begins at 7:30. BURLEY TO ,HAVE,BIGGEST SUGAR FACTORY ÏN WEST A-'.rr.' Sait Lake City, Feb,. 29.—David Ec 1 'lCH, cf the Amalgamated Sugar Com pany, annoum ed here today that work will be~in at once oh the erection of .a. sugcr fact ry near liur'eÿ, Idaho, which when completed will be thq largest su^pr factory in the wosL Five thou sand acres of sugar beete already have bevn confracLd ior five years. . D. S. Spenctr announced that the Oregon s'hort Line Railroad company would build a branch from Burley to the fac tory. MOVING PICTURE SHofr . (Mackay Miner) W. ( A. Vanderwood of Blackfoot, is arranging to open a moving picture show Ip this city if suitable building arrangements can be made. At pres ent he Is figuring with a gentleman on erecting a building for this pur pose and if the arrangements are satis factory the building will be under course of construction within a few day». Associted with Mr. Vanderwood In the venture are some Blackfoot part ies, and the show, as planned is to be all that any city affords. IN REPLY TO INQUIRIES Mrs. Henry Dann of Riverside, who Is. the author oif the popular novel en titled "MajeUa, or Nam* Jess and Blind* has just received a supply of these books from the East. Mrs. Dann, who was formerly Miss. Ella Maude Stew art of Pennsylvania wrote this ciéver hit of fiction, during her early girl hood and , most of the soenes ore laid near her former heme. The books are nrir-on sole at the Rockwood Phar macy. M7-21p.o Gv S. L. HAS BOUGHT IDAHO SOUTHERN Reliable Information hgs been g|y en to the Ploneer-Reccrd to the ef tect that the Oregon Short Line has taMltn up Ule optkm whlch lt hu been holding for some time naet rn what holding for some time past cn what h known as th# Idaho Southern railway. This line operates now be tween Gooding and Jerome on the north side of the Snake river and between Milner and Oakley on the scuth side. married weonesoay evening Robert C. Dixon of Blackfoot and Mhrç Bertha „ J. Bitten pf ,Riverside were married Wednesday gvqnlpg by tiev. W. R. Jewell at the Baptist par sonage. The young people will leave for à wedding trip to thé coast CAUSE OF EAST BUTTE SMOKING THRU WINTER N. P. Guyor passed through here last Friday on his way home from s lied. Camplnllville is northw st pf the l \v town of Rockford, instead of south west, as stated in last week's i .rue. Tho people of this vicinity experien ced a regular blizzard the 2nd of March The only thing it lacked to equal a Nortli Dakota storm was tho therein ni ter not being down to 40 degrees below. The base ball fans are be. inning to talk nud by the looks of things Camp bellville will have one of tho best teams of the county in the field. They have plenty of good timber avai'abie, most of them being all round players. The nine spoken of are N. P. Guyer, Dave Crawford, Frank and Henry ^° n occ ** r tooat any time. Keller had a rather chilly MrlMIM (UI0 Hnv Wo» nuW Um rection and got lost among the sage ex perience one day last week. He has been hauling posts from the East Butte of the Twin Buttes. On his first trip he jwss tild that he could save three or four miles by taking à cut-off go ing tehfci He triad to find the cutoff a^d finally came out at Wheeler Brea,, r^pph, and the storm and darkness was upon him and instead öf turning Bou,th is he supposed he took a westerly di Sova, B. W. and N. J. Campbell, Phil- ; lip Killed and Wm. and Ed. Weiand. j Keep the ball rolling boys. We want ! all the life we can get in this vicln | ity this summer. There are several others that can be drawn on If the a ! bove is not sufficient. The only det riment that the boys will find is that they will be so busy improving their places that it will be hard to find the time to play ball. We noticed a clipping In the Optim ist recently from the Mackay Miner In regard to the East Butte smoklhg. Sev eral of the boys have been cutting posts at the fbtit of thle Butte all win ter and Investigated the rumor. They found à deep hole near thé top of the Butte. During a soft speTl of weather and in the spring the enow melts and nine down this hole causing great vol umes of steem to rise, which resembl es smoke at a distance. The water muet run somewhere near the hot place Some people ore afraid that an erup kresh. Hq turned np at .Thyior'a shack about two mijes from the lares pot knotting whore he was. He left the shack twice to find . his. way home and both times the horses landed him back to the same stack. He thought it was about time to camp fer the night, It was then post midnight He made himself os comfortable os could be at the shack and the next morning struck out again. About flour miles from home he met R. W. and R. J. Campbell go ing to the lares and they told him whqre he was and put him on the road home. He says the next time he will U8e hl8 own judgement instead ei takin g others' advice. BUYS A HALF INTEREST. IN A GROCERY STORE , of Harden BeU, In the Cash Grorery totcreet of Roy De Kay but after giv en March lat, and the firm name will hereafter be Barker ft Davis, John Davis re taining hie Interest Mr. Bark er is wqll known In Blackfoot and vic inity had he and his partner are p'eap ont men with whom to transact busi h«ss. Mr, Rell recently purchased the tag the occupation a trial for about one month decided that he would not continue and he expects to return to the fhrm. The .new firm consists of a bunch of, hustlers and wlU get their shore of the trade... A cor of immigrants passrd thrrugh Blackfoot,..Wednesday arming enroute to, Aberdeen., where they iqey purchase land They came from Kansas. ==?= RASPBERRIES My yield last year was 1128 qts In 383 hi lift. 2420 hills to acre (set 3x6) make 600—24 cup cases of berries per acre. Write for des cription and price of this new ktad. T^ie 1 have ever grown for bom# br market Also have best Gooseberry, Dewberry, and Strawberry plants for Rocky Ml. States. Address ALVIN ALLEN, Box 14x Hyrum, Utah. u HAPPENINGS ABOUT THE COURT HOUSE CASES POSTPONED The second case a aiiiBt June Hamp ton of Shelley for bootlegging, has been continued until the next term of of the district court, owing to the fact that th e state chemist could not be secured as a witness. Tho case of Wm. Bergman, of Shel ley, for grand larceny, was postponed because Bergman 1 b in a hospital In Idaho Falls, undergoing an operation for appendicitis. The case of plenn C. Eothweil vs to ascertain whether Carey Act lands are assessable for last years' taxes will be tried today. ; Bingham County and H. C. C. Rich, DEEDS FILED Joseph H. Gooch to Marry A. Gooch, Lots 5-6, Blk 1, Riverside. Marry A. Gooch to Eph Larson, lots 5-6, Blk 1, Riverside. L. R. Aldrich to Leah Graham, EH SEH of NWH EH NEH of 8WH Sec. 8, Tp. 3 SR 34 E. James Just to Geo. Heatcn, NH SW H. Sec. 23 and NH SWH. Lot 2. Sec 24, Tp. 2 SR 36, EBM. Geo. Heaton to James Just, SH of SEH, Sec- 23 andNH SW%, Lots2. Sec. 24, Tp. 2 SR .36 E., and SEH of Lot 2, Sec. 24 Tp. 2, SR 36 E. James Just to Francis H. Poole, 1-3 Intcsest' in SEH. &c. 23, NEH Sac. 26, Lots 1-2, Sec. 25. Cbas. 8. Smith to Joseph H. McCow an. Lots 1-2-3-4 6, Blk, 52, Donniison. . Joseph H. McGowan to Chut I« Clark#, Lets, 1-2-3, Bik. 62, Donniison. Chas. L. Clarke to A. D. Quantrell, Lots 1-2-3, Blk. 53, Dqonilson's Ad. 3 Chas. S, Smith to Edward Thoregen* et al, Lots 9-7, Sec. 4 and NEH. Sec. 3, Tp. 2 SR 36 B. . Lauro E. YouRle to .Clqya Stewart, part Blk, 110, Danilson addition. , . J. E. Patterson to Shelley J. F. lot 2 Blk. 5. WoodvUle. James A- Montague to J, B. Patter son, Lot 2, Blk 5, Woodvllle. ! Frank Ç. Hukerd to David Ferma n, part NWH, Soc. I, ». 1 §R 37 B. a United States to tym. w. Twltcheà part NEH Sec. X Tp, ^SR 37 E Wm. W. Twltchell to Investors Ml*, ft Security Co. part NEH Sec. 7, Tp. 2 SR 37 EBM. Geo. M. Rupp to Blackfoot Merc. Ca Lot 2 Blk 4, an Blk 6. Groveland. H. W. Curtisto C. L Smith, Lot 1 2 3-4-6, Blk 62, also NWHSEH Bee. 14 Tp. 2 SR 36 B. t James B. ftvitt to Lee C. Müler, part NWH Sec. 25 Tp. 2 SR 34 81 v Harry F. Weston ta Wm. C. Jucksrh H lot 1 to 10 also 17 to 20, Blk 61. State of Idaho to F. L Robf in WH NEH of NWH Sec. 36 ft. 1 SR 36 18 *V L. Robbins to S. J. Knox. WH NWH Sect 36 ft, 1 SR 36 E Danilson addition. ' ' United States to John A. Bjcstrom, Lot 1 See. 2 ft. 3 SR 33 E Blackfoot Mercantile Co., to Jos HI Cutler part Blk.. 31 Daniison. Jos. H. Cutler to Blackfoot Mere Co., part Lot 1 Blk. 3 Danilson. SJostrom John ft. to Idaho Irrig» tien Ca SWH NWH Sec. l Tp. * SR 33 E Geo. Y. Pugmlre to Northwest Dec Tweed and Pacific Bank SEH NWH NWH SEH NH SWH Sec. 35 ft 1 SR 3 R Thos. Hall to 'Anderson Bros. NH NEH Sec. 29 NWH NWH Sea 28 SWH SWH B« 21. Tp. t NR 37* Jos. M. Conger to R c. Dixon, part Blk U0 Danilson. D. P. Hagan, to Adolph M. Nelson 0 H NEH Sec. 29 1 8R 37 east ^ John M. Munsen to Union Cental Life Inc. C. WH SEH Sec. 22, ft 8 4SR 34 EBM. WILL PLANT Ff^S MILLION TROUT State Game Warden Ben R. Gray will plant five million trout spawn tai the Whrm River Hatchery, just as soon is th# snow plow which Is nevw open« ing the park road, will have the roo4 opened as far as the hatchery. M* Gray passed through Blackfoot rac«% 1y on his return from a trip over th» snow to the wilds of Fremont county. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Yaunie returned fti# .week frpm, Gglifcrcia,..where,.they spent several weeks amoUS friends.