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Tonight - The Dixie Jubilee Singe rs at High School Auditorium THE BLACKFOOT OPTIMIST MONDAYS OFFICIAL PAPER OF CITY OF BLACKFOOT AND OF BINGHAM COUNTY, IDAHO. THURSDAYS VOL V NO. 29 BLACKFOOT, BINGHAM COUNTY, IDAHO, MONDAY. APRIL 1,1912 $2.00 PER YEAR TO THE WOMEN TUESDAY. APRIL n /-'i \-.Ome OF WOODCRAET UoUCc Special Music. Z. LOIT10 DEATH OF N. A. JUST OCCURRED LAST THURSDAY Coming quickly and unexpectedly to Uis host of friends, the death of N. A. Just, of Presto, is a shock to all. He died in the Holy Cross hospital in Salt Lake, Thursday, ten days after an opertion performed, from thq effects of which he was recovering. A day before death came the deceased wa9 taken with pneumonia, and Mrs. N. A. Just was informed by letter of the change for the worse, but before the letter arrived a telegram preceeded it informing the family of Mr. Just's ser ious conditicn. Mrs. Just arrived in Salt Lake six hours before the death of her husband. Nels A. Just was bcrn in Denmark sixty-five years ago and came to the United States cross ing the plains with a hand cart company of fifty-seven people. He located on the Blackfcot river forty-two years ago. Upon receiving word of the death of their father, Francis Just and Mrs. Reed went to Pocatello, meeting the body of their father and Mrs. Just re turning from Salt Lake. Following a long family custom life long neighbors and friends laid the body away on the big hill overlooking the ranch house, which nestles in the valley of the Blackfcot and which has been the home of the stalwart man. and a good little help mate, who have brought in to the world a younger generation that are taking up the life work of the parents as the latter's wort is done Of the family surviving the father, there are James, Francis and Mrs. Ag nes Just Reed, all of whom are resid ents of Presto. In the death of Mr. Just this state looses a conservative business man, a stalwart citizen and a man who has put forth the best''ef forts of his long life in developement work in this, his chosen home. fr BREED TO QUALITY FOR A CLASSY ROADSTER, SADDLER OR PFAL RACE HORSE—BREED TO— PRINCE ARGOT HAL Registered Morgan. Terms $20 cash, for the season. For Particulars, etc., see— CHRIST 1 4 The "Isis Theatre" TWO NIGHTS ONLY AND SPECIAL MATINEE Saturday at 2:30 p. m M Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6 ~~^ COMING _ HIGH CLASS ATTRACTION. THE GREATEST DRAMATIC EVENT OF THE ENTIRE SEASON. R. A. Johnson presents MR. SANFORD DODGE, Supported by MISS ADELLA NICKERS ON, and a Splendid Company in his NEW PLAY— Ap?u y 5 The Right of Way Sir Gilbert Parker's wonderful story drama' ized by Eug. Presbrey. What is Love— What ia Life—What is Death—What is R ght— What is Happiness, and Is there a Hereafter?. Come and see the questions answered. Matinee Merchant of Venice. JULIUS CAESAR. SATURDAY NIGHT Special Scenery and Electric Effects A Guaranteed Attraction, Crowded Houses Everywhere SEATS NOW ON SALE AT HAYES CONFECTIONARY RESERVED SEATS 75^ D. SPAULDING DIED SUNDAY IN CHICAGO Chicago, March 26.—Following a phone call from his room in the Bre voort hotel, asking for ice water, George D. Spaulding, a land agent form Chattanooga, Tenn., was found dead in »his bed about 3 o'clock Sun day morning by Patrick Hunt, a bell boy. Apoplexy is thought to have been the cause of the death, though the disordred condition of the victim's room when the body was discovered led to an investigation on the ground that a crime might have been com mitted. Police of the central depart ment said Sunday night that there was nothing to Indicate ether than a natural death. Spaulding registered at the hotel Saturday atterncon and was heard from only once, when he called the office requesting ice water, shortly be fore 3 o'clock Sunday morning« When Hunt went to the room with the wa ter he found the dcor locked and no answer came to his knock. He repeat ed the knock and, still received no answer, had-a chamber maid open the dcor, Spaulding was found lying across the foot of the bed, unclothed, dead. No marks cf violence were on the body, which was taken to the un dertaking rooms cf the Western Cas ket company, 88 East Randolph St. An inquest was held this morning at 10 o'clock. Spanlding was about 55 years of age. STATE SUMMER NORMAL SCHOOL, POCATELLO, IDAHO* The State Summer Schcol under the direction of- the Commission of Sum mer Normal Schools of tlie state of Idaho will be held at Pocatello, begin ning -June 24th, and continuing six w eeks. This important news for the teach ers of this community who desire to have free professional training and for these who desire to improve in their chosen calling. The school will be conducted in the buildings of the State Academy. This entire state plant, Dormitories, Science Laborator ies, Library, Domestic Economy Laboratory Agricultural Equipment, Mechanic Art Shop, Gymnasium, Ten nis Courts, etc., will be at the dispos al of the students of the Summer Nor mal. The academic and professional sub jects required-for state and county cer tificates will be offered, la addition an opportunity will be given to do special work in Manual Training, Do mestic Economy, Drawing, and Music. Advanced professional work will be offered for the more experienced stud ents. Those who are interested may write for circular. Score cards, stationary, tablets, mod ern tally cards at the Modern Phar macy. tf "The Right of Way" is a power ful, interest-stimulating drama intro ducing rapid movement and acute sit uations and a succession of picturesque effects.' It is the story of the degen- 1 eration of a man through drink and his regeneration through a life spent in the service of others, and particularly in the radiating glory of a pure wo man's, unselfish love that dispels the gloom that envelops a noble man's soul and saves him from himself. Interest is principally centered in two strangely contrasting figures — Charley Steele, once a brilliant lawyer and Joe Portugais, a man of nature in the most uncouth aspect. In the earl ier scenes of this strong, pulsating play, the heartless synicism of the jad ed man of the world; Charley Steele, almost revolts one, just as much as one finds joy in the beauty of his real nature as shown by the change .that comes after the accident that tempor arily deprvies him of his memory. The awakening of his love for the coun try maid, Rosalie, instead of his wife whom he has found a frozen fact in his world, is exquisite in its simplic ity, its sincerety and its truth, and affords one of the most pathetically sweet tales told on the stage. The other chief character—Joe Por tugais, has earlier in his life killed a rival; has been tried and acquitted through the legal skill of Charley Steele, but deep down beneath the sur face beats a heart, loyal stead fast and unselfish. There is an inten sely interesting love story running through the play which involves the girl Rosalie, Charley Steele and his wife. WERE MARRIED THURSDAY FRIDAY, APRIL 5th., "THE RIGHT OF WAY" Last Thursday evening J. N. Ingiet and Katherine McC'.aron, both of Mac kay, came down on the Salmon River branch train, were united in marriage by Judge J. M. Stevens in the county clerk's office about 7:30 and returned to Mackay the next morning. $10 dresses at Jackman's for $6.50. Millinery trimmed to suit at Jack man's. Roses, even blue ones, a< the Biack foot Nursery. tf. Thomas Tollison has just finished a bouse at Firti^. First class in everything is the Bark er £ Davis grocery. tf. Tom Collins is building a house on a city lot at Firth. Cameras and camera supplies at the Rockwood Pharmacy. For lowest prices on nursery stock see W. A. Younie. mlltf A new line of Ansco cameras at the Rookwocd Pharmacy. Latest styles of up-to-date stationary at the Modern Pharmacy. Bfest of King Lump Coal at Bond Bros. & Co. Phone 16S. tf. Gee. that's a' swell hat. She says she bought it at Jackman's. L. J. Firth and H. J. Witmill aro building now houses at Firth. Tally and place cards. All kinds, for all oesession8. Modern Pharmacy. Buy groceries of Earker & Davis. Cheap, cheaper, cheapest in town. tf. Ring 103 for your next order of coal and get the best ooal on the market, tf The Barker £ Davis grocery is the place to buy. Give them a trial order. No, she 'ahlt any Chicago chicken. She just buys her hats at Jackman's. Call for prices on your next order of coal, at Bond Bros. £ Co. Phone 103. For lowest prices on nursery stock see Bingham County Nursery. mlltf Sow clean seed. Get a "Winner'' cleaner and separator. For Sale by C. F. Hendrie. tf. Mrs. Rosa Forbes left Wednesday for Salt Lake, where she will be the guests of friends. That girl ought'a always let Jack man's sell her hats. She l;oks like the real money now. Exclusive agents for the Victor-Vlc trola hcrnless machine and records at the Rockwood Pharmacy. Bdward Smith of Raymond, Cana da, is the guest cf his brother, G. H. Smith of the Pratte ranch. I have for sale, 300 bushels of clean select Swedish cats. Also 1,000 lbs., of Barley. C. E. Kinney & Sons, M28-2 A new lot just in. Best Calicos 5c per yd. Apron check ginghams 6c per yd. 10c percales at 8c per yd. Bieth ans. Our King Lump is the best COAL on the market. Try it once, and be convinced. On hand at Bond Br s, & Company. tf. « JULIUS CAESAR Tuesday night the Grace Opera House was well filled with an appre ciative audience to witness Sanford Dodge and his excellent company in "Julius Caesar.'' The entire cast did well, but Mr. Dcdge as Marc Antony deserves especial mention. It is like ly to be a long time before Fort Mor gan has the opportunity of witnessing as good a presentation of such a great tragedy as this again, but rest as sured the next time Sanford Dodge comes this way standing reem will be at a premium.—Fort Morgan (Colo.) Daily News. At the ISIS Saturday night, April 6th. ALBION STATE NORMAL Special Six Weeks' Course. April 15 to May 22. The special six weeks course for teachers and -prospective teachers to conform with requlrments of new school law will be held between above dates. All work required for getting or renewing any ^rade of county cer tificates wiR be given. Special oppor tunities for vocational work. ..Expenses light: $2.00 enrollment fee; board and room at either dormitory. $4.00 per week in advance. Students will fur nish their own texts. State texts will be used as a rule. For further particulars address G. A. Axiine, Pres., Albion, Idaho. It Mormon conference rates Via Oregon Short Line For Spring Conference. Tickents on sale from peints north of Ogden, April 2nd, to 6th., inclusive, limited ts Apr il 15th. See O. S. L. Agents for rates and further particulars, M14-A6 $16.50 dresses for $10.50 at Jack man's. Try our "Shumate Safety Razor Strope." The Modern Pharmacy. For thorough Vacuum Cleaning and the famous Diamond Velvet Castors, drop a postal to Julius LemperH, at Blackfoot. Sam T., the pacing stallion, will make the season of 1912, at the nurs ery of O. F. Smith. Service $15 for the season. ' tf. On the square, she locks like a six teen-year-old this spring with that Jackman hat on, and they say she is past thirty. T. J. Kerr of Challis, arrived in town Friday enroute to Salt Lake, where he contemplates undergoing an operation for rupture. Ed. Morgan, a brother of Geo. L. Morgan of Mackay passed through Blackfdot this morning enroute to Mac kay for the summer. Mr. Morgan has been visiting in lilincis for over a year. Er. and Mrs. Claude Ferguson, At torney and Mrs. Katerndalh of Idaho Fails drove down to Blackfoot in the doctor's aute, Friday night and were the guests of Attorney and Mrs. J. E. Gosd. We have had and will c.ontinue to have plenty of money to lean on im proved, irrigated farms. Our interest rates are the lowest and our options to repay are the best Our check is ready when papers are signed and abstracts approved. The Idaho Irri gated Lands Co., 23 Bridge street. M4tf MET AND CHOSE DELEGATES The democrats of Biugham county held a convention of delegates Satur day ofternocn for the purpose of choos ing delegates to the presidential nomi nating convention to be held in Couer D ' Alene on June 3rd. At the conven tion Saturday there were thirty-six out of forty-one present These chosen to go to the state convention are S. J. Rich, J. R. Foulks, J. W. Jones, F. E. DeKay, Wm. McKnight, Chas. Criddlc, .J. T. Carruth, T. J. Bennett, Harry Hurst, F. D. Halverson, W. H. Stuffelbeam and George Longhurst. The delegation was sent un-instructod for anyone. QUIET HOME WEDDING (Mackay Miner) Last Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents in this city occured the marriage of Miss Ruby G. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Niles, to Mr. Raymond L. Randall, of Blackfoot, Rev. Cook of the Methodist church performing the ceremony. The services were wit nessed only by the members of the bride's family and a few close friends. The happy young couple departed on Monday's train for their home in Black foot Both are highly respected young people with many friends with whom the Miner joins in, extending best w .£ t es. » EGGS FOR HATCHING White Orpingtons, White Leghorn*. Won all prizes at South Eastern Idaho Poultry Show. $2.00 per 15. M28-2t. Christ Jeweler; . - 4 * ARBOR DAY ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby designate Friday, April 26, as Arbor Day in Bingham County. It has been suggested by our Governor and the State Beard of Education that we make this a "clean up'' day, as a tree planting day. I further sug gest that those rural schools which close before this date, observe an earl ier date that would be most convenient to them. ALICE, BEACH, M28-A25. Co. Supt. of Schools. ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce to the people of Blackfcot, .and vicinity that we have decided to carry in connection with OUR PRODUCE shipping business a line of commercial coal, and will endea vor at all times to have in stock the BEST grades obtainable, and will sell at reasonable prices. Our location is on South Taylor St., on the track, and we now have in stock the best (KING LUMP COAL) on the market. We wish to state, that we will make delivery of as y order within the City Limits. Cosntry trade earnestly so licited. With the hope of securing at least a portien of your trade, and a guaran tee on OUR PART of FAIR treatment We remain, Respectfully at your ser vice. BOND BROS. £ CO. LTD. Wi-tf. 'Phone No. 193. We have plenty of 8 per cent MONEY TO LOAN! I On farm and city property. can be secured in from ► three to five days from date of application. Parkinson Realty & Inv. Co. E The Independent Implement House We have Moved Into the Stude | baker Building on Taylor Street, $ And are prepared to supply your wants in Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Potato Plant ers, Harvesting and Threshing Machinery, Wagons, Buggies, Windmills, Gas Engines, or Pumping Plants of any kind. We handle only Standard and Reliable makes of Ma chinery, always fully guaranteed. C. F. HENDRIE. ! BALL TEAM AT FIRTH Last Thursday evening there waa ball team organized in the town of Firth. $150.00 was secured by sub scription to support the team. There are a lot of good sports around that town, who are not afraid of their mon ey and who will always take a chance when there is something worth while. She may not know much, but ahe buys her hats at Jackman's and looks good. Now is the time to order fruit tree* at the Blackfoot Nursery for the com- - ing season. tf. For rent. 8mall room with full bate ment, for warehouse or storage purpos e*- Christ Jeweler. M28-2t Want Ads FOR SALE:—A dozen fine large hens. See Grant Holt, R. F. Q. No. 3. tf. FOR SALE:— Furniture for a five room house. Inquire 372 Taylor street. tf. GIRL WANTED:—At once to do housework at Sheriff DeKay's. Best wages paid. tf FOR SALE:—Horse broken to drive single, double and to ride. Inquire 372 Taylor street. HORSES TO PASTURE—500 horses and cattle wanted for summer pasturage. Enquire O.A. FOR SALE:—Five inches of irriga tion water in the West Side Ditch Company's canal. J. L. Emerick, Office over Boyle's Hardware. tf. LOST:—One pair specaticlcs in black case. Finder leave at this office and receive reward. 2t-p. Found:—Boys' good shoes that can be sold, sizes 8J/ 2 to 13 at $1.50, 13J/ 2 to 2 at $1.75, 2 to 7 at $2.00. A splen did chance for the money. Biethans. A1-3t-M. FOR SALE:—One % Jersey bull, 3 years old, weight 1,200. Good and gentle. W. A. Houdrickscn, R. F. D. No. 2. One mllo south Riverside. A l-4t. p FOR SALE:—Five bred pcland china, brood sows that will farrow abouti May 1st. Address J. O. Patterson* Shelley, Idaho. Route 2,B cx 53. tf. Albert Hansen of Blackfoot and G. WANTED:—Lady or gentleman, for t:cal representative of an eastern firm. Guaranteed salary or commis sion, Also a traveling manager on a guaranteed-salary and expense. Ad dress or call on Bert W. Bruce, at room 5 Commercial Hotel, Blackfoot* Idaho. ltp. FOR SALE:—330 acres of land, all in cultivation, water right, Idaho Ir rigation district, good cattle range adjacent, two and one half miles' from Short Line loading station ab Firth. Terms to suit purchaser. The land ranges in value from $20 to $60 Frank Just, Shelley, R. F. D. No. 9