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The Blackfoot Optimist Entered as second class matter De cember 3, 1907, at the postoffice at Blackfoot, Idaho, under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Published Mondays and Thursdays. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year in advance ..............$2.00 Six months ........................ 1.00 Three months .......................66 Member of the Eastern Idaho Press Association Optimist Publishing Company, Ltd. KARL P. BROWN. Manager. THEY CAN'T CUT CLOSE ENOUGH Since the first day of last January a man by the name of J. U. Alluard, cf Evanston, Wyoming, and the local democrats have been sparing to get possession of a democratic paper In Blackfoot. Alluard has waited the ac tion cf the democrats and the demo crats have awaited the action of All NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Notice is hereby given that at 2 p. m., on the 10th., day of May, 1912, at Springfield, County of Bingham, State of Idaho, before Landon Rich, N. P., proof will be submitted of the compI~ tion of wcrk3 for the diversion cf four fifths of one cubic foot per second of the waters of Claypool Springs, in ac cordance with the terms and condi tions of a certain permit heretofore issued by the State Engineer of the State of Idaho. 1. The name of tha person holding said permit is Sarah Pearl Corbridge. 2. The postofiice address of such person is Sterling, County of Bing ham, State of Idaho 3. The number of such , permit, is 7320, and the date set for the com pletoion cf such work is May 20, 1912. 4. Said water to be used for irriga tion and domestic purposes. 5. Said works cf diversion will be fully completed on the date set for such completion, and the amount of water which said works are capable cf conducting to the place of Intended use, in accordance with the plans accom panying the application for such per mit, is four-fifths of one cubic foot per second. 6. The amount of lands fer which said water is available is 40 acres, particularly described as fellows: SE % Of NE >4,' Sec. 32, Tp. 4 S„ R. 32 EBM. A. E. ROBINSON, A-5t. State Engineer. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT omce of Grove Oity Dltcli Co., Ltd.. Blackfoot, Idaho. Dear Sli—You arc hereby notified that the Blreotors of the Grove City Ditch Co., Ltd., levied assessment No. 12 of SI.50 per share on the stock of said company on March 88, 11112. Said assessment becomes delinquent af ter May I. 1912, and If not paid linfore that time will be advertised and sold. W. F. BERRYMAN, K2flti Secretary and Treasurer SECOND CALL FOR A LIMITED NUMBER OF INVESTORS KENNEDY SECOND ADDITION TO OPENED UP close in Residence Lots, situated in the center of the residence portion of Blackfoot. These lots are all within five blocks of the post office, five blocks of the Blackfoot Irving school bouse, six blocks distant from the Central school building, and all close to residences of E. M. Kennedy, C. W. Berryman, Hon. F red T. Dubois, L. R. Thomas, P. G. Johnston and others. These lots are 115x25 in size. Good water rights furnished with each lot, and a clean Title furnished. Lately cement side walks and city water system has been in stated within one and one-half block, soon to be extended through property. The same are to be sold on easy payments to right parties. NOW HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY For those living outside of town who have children to send to SCHOOL to procure two of these CLOSE IN LOTS, build a small dwelling thereon and enjoy city advantages. YOUR CHILDREN can reach school in from five to ten MINUTES from the locality of these choice LOTS, For SPECULATORS there is no better opportunity to score a large profit by buying some of these lots and holding a short time, as no reasonable MAN can deny that they GREATLY ADVANCE IN VALUE owing to their location and to the fact that they are part of the UNEXCELLED THRIVING CITY OF BLACKFOOT. LOTS, Ân Elegant and Comfortable Dwelling House Will be Given Âway As a bonus to some one of the buyers of these lots. AS TO WHOM WILL HAVE THE CHOICE OF TAKIMG THE HOUSE AND TWO LOTS instead of two other lots, the BUYERS of the LOTS are to DETERMINE among themselves. Particulars will be furnished upon request. Good Dwelling House Free. The Price of These Lots Is $125 Each, $10 down, $15 on or before May 1st, balance at the rate of $5 per Lot per month. Ï O INTEREST, NO TAXES TO PAY until you have made your last payment and the Lc!' are yours. NOT LESS THAN TWO LOTS sold to one person, nor more than Four Lots to one party. The object being to build up this addition as rapidly as has been done in the past by the owner on other Blackfoot property. - * Call at FIRST NATIONAL BANK and examine the title, look at the Dwelling, look over the LOTS, and then Get in on the Ground Floor and reap the Reward; or write AUTHORIZED SALES AGENTS IT 1 ¥ A TWÏl^ 1 r* 1 W ParkiMonllealty an^^nve^JtoenH^o.^' LANtj OWIlClT cUlCl SälCSRlSlIls ard. Alluard has spent quite a sum in options on this paper and in tele grams to the managt r, tut has not at any time produced enough cf the ma zuma to close a deal, and last Friday he was interviewed by a local demo crat in Pocatello and there made the statement that he was not looking for a country weekly but was desirous of purchasing a daily in a large city. The statement reminds the writer cf cne Wood, who started to revolutionize the newspaper business in Pocatello, and Southeastern I afco general'y by getting the old Po. a e la Advance plait putting in an expensive machine and then locking for more papers. He lasted about two months on what mon ey and credit he had. The democrats f Bingham county want a paper, but it. is generally believed that they sprained their wrists pretty badly the time they dug up $125 for the Aber deen Times, and it is not thought that there is enough belief in their chances cf winning even a few county offices, to risk any amount of money on a newspaper propositicn again. ALIAS SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, COUN TY OF BINGHAM, STATE OF IDA HO. Mary B. Killingsworth, Plaintiff, VS Z. Bunting, Laura Issabella Bunting, Chas. W. Bunting, Lyman J. Bunting, Albert A. Buntlna andthe unknown heirs of C. Bunting, deceased, anà the unknown devl.ees of C. Bunting, deceased, and John Bunting, Admin istrator of the estate of C. Bunting, deceased, and C. Bunting & Company, and C. E. Thum, Receiver of C. Bunt ing & Company, Defendants. • SUMMONS THE STATE OF IDAHO SENDS GREETING TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby required to appear In an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff in the Dis trict Court of the Sixth Judicial Dis. trlct, Stete of Idaho, In and for the County of Bingham, and to answer the complaint filed thevln ta copy of which is hereto attached) within twenty days (exclusive of the dav of service) after the service on you of this summons, if served within this District: or if serv ed out of this District, within forty (Jays. And you, and each of you are here by notified that a complaint has bsen filed against you In the above-entitled court, praying that a certain mortgage given by one Jo' n Cowan and Nan nie O. Cowan, his wife, to C. Bunting & Company, convv 1 g Lots 1, 2. 3. and 4 In Block 55 of toiiillings' Addttinu to Blackfoot. Bingham County. Idaho, be set aside and canceled of record. It is alleged in the cqmplalnt that said mortg age was given and executed February 3rd, I8S8, and that thereafter, on or a bout April 3rd. 1S91, said mortgage was paid by S. H. Days and Sample Orr, that said mortgage has never been re leased of record and remains as a cloud upon plaintiff's title. And your are hereby notified, that If you fail to appear and answer the s'H complaint as above ren-lred. the said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint filed herein. Given under my hand and s^al of the District Court of the Sixth Judicial Dis trict of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Bingham, this 4th, day at March in the year of our Lord one thou sand nine hundred and twelve. J. T. CARRUTH, Clerk. W. ORR CHAPMAN. Attorney for Plaintiff Residence and P. O. Address. Black foot, Idaho M14-A4. NOTICE To School Patrons : Your attention is hereby called to the fact that the Annual Sthocl Elec tion of all rural school districts is held on the third Monday in Aprl 1 . This year the date comes on April 15th. ALICE BEACH A-4-8-0. Supt. of Schools. Our King Lump is the best COAL on the market. Try It once, and be convinced. On hand at Bond Bros, & Company. tf. WARRANT CALL County Treasurer'» Office. Blackfoot, Bingham Co., IJaho, March 10th, 1919. Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing Bingham County Warrants will be paid on presentation, if presented with in sixty (60) days from date of this NotlOe: Current Expense Fund Registered, April 14th, 1911 Numbered, 1 to 257 Inclusive. Road Fund Registered, October 10th, 1911: Janu ary 8th, 1912. Numbered, 412 to 509 Inclusive. 610 to 636 inclusive. Bridge Fund Registered, April 14th. 1911. Numbered. 15 to 41 Inclusive. School District Warrants e School District No. 2: 367. 369. 391. 486, 478, 477. 480. 482. 499. 607. 603, 587, 638, 626. 562, 637. 642. 661, 658. 704. 767. 865. SS6. 838. 837, 841. 840. 829. 953, 1018. 1015, 1033. School district. No. 7: 750. 751. 760. 902 956, 1003, 1145. 1186. 1193. School district No. 1st: 410. 414. 413, 418, 445, 540, 554, 556, 612, 660. 671. 672, 674, 739. 798, 913. 912. 911, 1013, 1060, 1128, 1181. School district No. 15: 15758. 15877. 15886, 31, 27. 139, 296. 299, 464, 522, 543. 544. 720 . 759. School District. No. 30: 15191. 15221. 15239, 15265. 15253. 15454. 15455 . 15534, 15531, 15533. 15530. 15532, 15529. 15567. 15601, 15606. 15615, 15595, 15628, 15692. 15740, 15767. 15768, 15 7 69, 15770. 15804, 15843, 15841. 15832, 15866, 16022. 16025, 16021, 16024. 16051, 16052, 16058, 16046. 16107, 16118, 16123, 16122, 16133, 16188, 16184, 16185, 16187, 16169, 12, 13, 14, 15. 22, 38. 40, 43, 41. 91, 9?. 106. School district No. 34: 16098, 16125. 18. 103. 120, 122, 167, 177, 208. 233. 249, 355, 257, 364. 286 274. 281. 389, 293, 294. 297, 307. 308, 317, 364. 38», 388, 392, 390. 387, 420, 429 423, 424, 509. 531. 532. School district No. 36: 1C016. 16646. 15650, 16110, 386, 378. 456. 466, 519. 584. School district No. 39: 15603, 166(1, 15724, 15836. 15889, 15892, 15893, 15997, 16130, 16190, 16191. 20, 81,- 129, 218. 422, 471 472, 497, 539. 3791, 630. 576. School district. No. 40: 901. 920, 99«, 1122. 1155. 1156. School district. No. 41: 16056. 16104. 45, 149, 150, 196. School district, No. 42: 663. 664, 654, 816. 898, 93*. School district No. 43: 16078. 16103. 23, 36, 48, 72, 104. 132, 174, 186, 229, 453, 505. 613, 640, 652, 676, 747. 756. 1048, 10«. 1100. School district No, 45: 627. 698. 629, 644, 643, 651, 649, 545, 677. 780, 803, 804, 792. 783, 791. 795, 782. 790, SIS. 819. 828, 961, 1008. 1009, 1910, 1011, 1030 802, 781, .960. 1031, 1110 1136 1064, 1062, 1063 1084, 1099, 1129. 1130, 1131. 11«, 1069. 1153. School district, No. 50: 1043, 1044, 1045. School district No. 54: 355, 357, 385. 376, 405, 402. 454. 458. 56. School district No. 56: 38«, 381. 384, 455, 355. 468. 439. 534. 2160, 606, 688, 703, 687, 733, 778. MARY A. THOMPSON. Treasurer, Bingham County, Idaho. Per. C. V. FISHER. M14-M14 Deputy. The Model Grocery Everything Up-to-date C W. BERRYMAN, JR. DANCINC LESSONS Private and Claes McVicar's Dancing Academy West & Boyle Bldg. Residence 10 E. Main, Phone 222 HALL FOR RENT NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Final Proof) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Blackfoot, Idaho, March 25, 1912. Notice is hereby given that John H. Br;adbent of Sterling, Idaho, who, on May 7, 1910, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 08067, for EV 2 SW%; SV 2 NWVt, Section 20, Township 4 South, Range 32 East, Boise Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Of fice, at Blackfoot Idaho, oa the 24th, day of May, 1912. The claimant names as witnesses: Robert Stone, Edward Parsons, A. J Satterfield, L. Bronson all of Sterl ing Idaho. Henry W. Kelter, M28-5t.p. Register. NOTICE I have for sale 33 desirable residence lots, a seven room house with bath, toi let, city water, phone, electric lights. Will sell half block with house or full bleck on reasonable terms. See J. C. Fisher on premises or C. V. Fisher at the Standrod Bank. There is also a good cement cellar. 4° 0 ON SAVINGS COMPOUNDED TWICE A YEAR. UNDER STATE SUPERVISION. Our Usefulness DOES NOT CONSIST MERELY IN SAFE GUARD ING THE FUNDS OF DEPOSITORS. WE HAVE ASSISTED MANY MEN IN BUILDING UP A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS, TN FACT ONE OF THE PRINCIPAL FUNCTIONS OF THIS RANK IS TO LOAN MONEY FOR THE DEVELOP MENT OF ENTERPRISES IN BLACKFOOT AND VICINITY. OUR RESOURCES ENABLE US TO EXTEND EVERY ACCOMMODATION TO PATRONS CONSISTENT WITH CONSERVA TIVE RANKING. CHKOKTNG ACCOUNTS ARE INVITED IN ANY AMOUNT AND4 PER CENT INTEREST IS PAID ON SAVINGS AND CERTIFICATES OF DE POSIT. D. W. STANDROD & CO. BANKERS BLACKFOOT - IDAHO U. S. 'DEPOSITORY For POSTAL SAVING FUND coal and wo«d house, under one roof, handy to the dwelling. M4-A4 J. C. FISHER. - * - ARBOR DAY ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby designate Friç'ay, April 26, as Arbor Day in Bingham County. It has beeh suggested by our Governor and the State Board of Education that we make this a "clean up'' day, as a tree planting day. I further sug gest that those rural schools which close before this date, observe an earl ier date that would be most convenient to them. ALICE BEACH, M2S-A25. Co. Supt. of Schools.