/S $1 a est: ni Jî"' TTTrï .*"1 Let's boost the town we live in make it brighter—cleaner—more attractive. Let's prove that we are proud of it and make visitors respect it. Well kept homes and business blocks make a town look pros perous and prosperity attracts outside dollars. Mr. Property Owner :— Are you doing your share—is your property a credit to the town ? IVhy not boost your town and your property too, by the use of good paint f PAINT MACHINE MADE ready for your use, will increase the selling value of your property and add years to its usefulness. We are enthus iastic about Rogers Paint and we want a chance to talk paint with you. Blackfoot Hardware & Electric Co. - Blackfoot, Idaho When You're Nervous Whatever the cause-—overwork, worry, grief, loss of sleep, ex citement, business troubles, stimulants, narcotics — there's one medicine that will help you. Dr. Miles* Nervine Dr. Miles' Guaranteed Medicines. has relieved thousands of cases of headache, dissinesa, irrita bility, sleeplessness, hysteria, epilepsy. .Buy a bottle of your druggist and start on the road to better health today. You'll Find Dr. Milea' Medicines at your Drug Stof^ ■ " Dr. Miles' Nervine Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment Dr Miles' Tonic Dr. Miles' Blood Purifier Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets Dr. Miles' Tonic We are in the market for all kinds of fat stuff Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton, Chickens, etc. Also Eggs and Butter Highest cash market price always paid. We are making pre-war prices on all meats. Pacific Meat Market + x--x--X"Xx--X'-x--xx--x.-x-'X'-x-'X--x«xx-**x-*-h-* OUR PRICES: I I Brice men's half soles and £ heels ... ..$2 00 and $2.15 à Ladies half soles and heels, $1,50 Men's rubber heels ................0ij c *t' Goodyear rubber heels .... yQc 75c ? Ladies' rubber heels ........... -'--50c X We have just received a ship- X ment of ladies' and men's shoes T at greatly reduced prices. X \* On Main St. Opposite Depot Î Electric Shoe Repairing Ship By Truck Office and Warehouse, Corner Broadway and 2 Idaho Street J Furniture and Piano Moving $ General Hauling I White Transfer and Storage Co. ± Office Phone 48 Residence 434 « I BONDED WAREHOUSE Soap Mentioned In Bible. The word soup Is to be found In the Bible, In Jeremiah, Chap. IL, verse 22, which reads: "For though thou wash thee with nitre, and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity Is marked before me, salth the Lord God." The word will be found In one other passage, namely, In Malachl, Chap. III., verse 2 : "But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he Is like a refiner's fire, and like fuller's soap." 8lavery In Scotland. Less than a century and a qnartor ago the workers In the coal mines and salt mines of Scotland were legally bound to the places In which they were employed, were bought and sold with them, and when they attempted to escape were pursued, arrested and returned. Their children, If once em ployed, became subject to the same servitude. Shocks From Pens. "When plants die, they give off a large amount of electricity. If 500 peas boiling In a pot all died at the same moment they would give a cur rent sufficient to electrocute the cook," said Sir J. C. Bose, In a lecture on growth of plants, to the students of University college, London, recently. You enn deceive a lilac plant with chloroform, he said. Usually It sleeps In winter and blossoms In the spring, but If given a dose of chloroform In winter it blossoms on awakening from the chloroform sleep. NOTICE FOR BIDS Sealed proposals for carrying the United States malls, including par cel post, between the post office at Blackfoot and the Oregon Short Line Railroad station, each way, will Ibe received by the postmaster at Black foot, until June 3, 1921, Further information may be had and blank bids be secured from the postmaster upon application there for. GREGORY JONES, ' Postmaster. better tea Some tea is black, some tea is qreerr —but if its TTiluilla qou can be sure its better tea. MR.B0YLEG0MEST0THEFR0NT Tells His Friends and Neighbors of His Experience. Every Blackfoot resident should read what Mr. Boyle says, and fol low his example. He has used Doan's Kidney Pills and speaks from ex perience. Is there any need to ex periment with imitations or untried medicines? C. E. Boyle, prop, plumbing shop, W, Bridge St., says: "Heavy work has often got my kidneys out of order. I have had nervous headaches and my back has pained ahid ached considerably across my kidneys. A box G r so of Doan's Kidney Pills, which I got at Powers' Pharmacy, has never failed t<, rid me of the complaint. I have great faith in Doan's." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same taht Mr. Boyle had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. T. CALI FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that River side School District No. 2 will now receive bids for the construobion of a school building on Riverside school site. All bids to be marked "Bids for Erection of Riverside Sohool House," and be in the hands of the clerk at time specified below for opening same. Contractors wil please notice that an addena to the original speci fications may be secured from the undersi gned. Bids will be opened at the River side school house at 3 o'clock p. m Friday, May 27, 1921. The hoard reserves the right to re ject any or all bids and let the con tract as seems best in their judg ment. H. M. WRAY, Clerk of School Dist. No. 2, Bingham Co., Idaho, Phone. 420-R-2. M-20-27-2L NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Final Proof) I, Oris C. Inskeep, of Pingree, Ida ho, who made Entry No. 56S under the provisions of an act of the Leg islature of the 'State of Idaho, com monly known as the "Carey Act," approved March 2nd, 1899, which embraces NIE 14 NW%, of section 28, of .township 3 south, of range 33 East B. M., do (hereby give notice of my intention to make final proof to establish my claim to the land above described, and that I expect ito prove that I have resided on, reclaimed and cultivated said land as required by law, before iLorenzo R. Thomas, Car ey Act Commissioner, at Blackfoot, Idaho, on .the 22nd day of June, 1921, by two of rtlhe following wit nesses: ORIS C. INSKEEP, Entry man. C. A. Swope, of Blackfoot, Idaho; Ernest Reynolds, of Pingree, Idaho; Earl Reece, of Pingree, Idaho; Wal lace Ropp, of Pingree, Idaho. M20-27 J3-10-17 5t. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION Notice is .hereby given that a teach ers' examination on Third grade sub jects only will ibe held in the Court house Friday and Saturday, June 3 and 4, 1921, beginning promptly at 9 a. m., each day. Teachers expecting .to enter teach ing profession this year are further notified that this examination and CLASSIFIED Ten cents per line first insertion; five cents per line for each subse< quent insertion. Pure Bred Rose Comb Red's, also S. B. Anoona eggs, $1.50 for 15. E Prouse, phone 421-R 2, Blackfoot, Route 3. Ml to Junel5 pd SETTING EGGS—Shepherd Anconas Blue Ribbon laying strain, $1.25 for 15, $7.00 per 100». C. C. Barth, R. F. D. No. 3. 3-4 to 6-4 pd Pure Bred Cockerejs for sale. Fisher Commission Co. tf HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTING attachment; works on all sewing machines. Price $2.00. Personal checks 10 cents extra. Light's Mali Order House, Box 127, Birminghajn, Alabama. A13 to J24 7t pd WANTED—Clean rags for wiping machinery. Cash. The News of fice. tf WHY BE SICK for we GUARANTEE results or your MONEY BACK Drs. Whisler & Whisler BACK BONE SPECIALISTS Palace Drug Bldg. Phone 355-J Limited to 40 Patients Daily of nine weeks' attendance at an Idaho summer school is compulsory. GRACE FAULCONER, County Supt., Bingham County, Ida ho. M-20-27 J-3-3t NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS, Notice is hereby given that the board of directors of the Blackfoot Irrigation company have extended the time during which the stock holders in said company may pay their assessment, from April 16, 1921 to May 26, 1921, and that on the latter date all delinquent stock will be advertised and sold. By order of the Board of Directors made at a meeting held at the office of John W. Jones, in the City of Blackfoot, Idaho, on the 30th day of April, 1921. GEO. T. Cobbley, M6-13-20-27 4t Secretary. ALIAS SUMMONS. In the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District of the State of Ida ho, in and for Bingnam Cou|ity. Frederick M. Green, Plaintiff, \q Clara Nash, A. T. Nash, known also as Albert T. Nash, her husband; Julia M. Hall, O. C. Hal'!, her bus band; The American Falls Realty and Water Works company, a corpor ation; Charles H. Schroeder, Lydia Schroeder, his wife; Evans Bank of American Falls, Idaho; Phoenix Mu tual Life Insurance Co., of Hartford, Connecticut, a corporation, Defend ants. The State of Idaho sends greetings to Clara Nash, A. T. Nash, known also as Albert T. Nash, her husband; Julia M. Hall, O. C. Hall, her hus band; The American Falls Realty and Water Works .company, a cor poration; Charles H. Schroeder, !Ly. dia Schroeder, hiis wife; Evans Bank of American Falls, Idaho; Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Hart ford, Connecticut, a corporation, the above named defendants: You are hereby notified that a complaint has been filed against you in the District Court of the Sixth Ju dicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Bingham, by the plaintiff herein, and that you are hereby directed to appear and answer said complaint within twenty days of the service of this summons if served within said Judicial Dis trict, and within forty days if served elsewhere, and you are furtlher noti fied that unless you so appear and answer said complaint within the time specified that the plaintiff will take judgment against you as pray ed for in said icomplaint. The object and prayer of said com plaint is to foreclose that certain mortgage given by defendant Nash and husband to William L. Linke, dated August 9.th, 1915, and assign ed by Linke to plaintiff herein, cov ering and conveying E J /j of SW14, sec. 26, Ey 2 of NW14, sec. 35, Twp. 5, So., R. 30, E. B. M., Recorded in Book 34, Page 322, Bingham County Records. Witness my hand and the seal of said District Court this 2nd day of May, 1921. F. M. FISHER, Clerk. By LEXA BENZLEY, Deputy Clerk. (Seal) W. C. LOOFBOURROW, Attorney for plaintiff, residing at Am erican Falls, Ida. M6-13-20-27 J3-10 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned, administrator, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against Eugenia Josephine Spanbauer, deceased, to exhibit such claims, with the necessary vouchers, within ten months after the first pub lication of this notice to the said ad ministrator, at the office of the pro bate judge Blackfoot, Idaho, at which said office the undersigned selects as his place of business for the re ceiving of any and all claims against the said estate of Eugenia Josephine Spanbauer, deceased. CARL G. FRIEDEL, Administrator of the estate of Eu genia Josephine Syanbauer, deceased. Dated and First publication May 13th, 1921. C. O. BENTING, Pocatello, Idaho, Attorney for said administrator. M13-20-27 J3-10 oooooooooooooo © Grove City Circle No. 431 © © NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRAFT © O Meets the Second and Fourth O O Tuesdays in each monrtlh at O O I. O. O. F. Hall, Blackfoot, O O Idaho. O O Visiting Neighbors Welcome O O Mary E. Jones, Guardian O MARY E. JONES, O O Guardian Neighbor O O MARTHA QUIJLLIN, Clerk O OOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooooo © Pioneer Camp No. 8230 O © MODERN WOODMEN OF © O AMERICA O O Regular meeting nights, first O O and third Mondays, I. O. O. F. O O Hall. Visiting Neighbors Wei- O O come. O © 0. J. Hallberg T. J. Johnson..© O IConsu Clerk O OOOOOOOOOOOOOO miiimiimiimiiimiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiimiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiii'. 164 North Broadway Phone 475 I BLACKFOOT UNDERTAKING COMPANY § Embalmers and Funeral Directors 1 Ed. L. Egli, Manager Blackfoot, Idaho | ...........iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ......mu.............................iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinijiii the 16, on of of \q of a in of of Distributors for Exide Batteries Service on all Makes Edwin Taylor, Prop. AUTO ELECTRIC CO. mmmmimmmmmimmmiiimmmii I Dr.R.N, Jackson 1 HOPKINS BLOCK = All Calls Promptly Attended, 5 Day or Night, City or Country i Phone 43 imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *X-*XX , X"X"X"X'-X"X-*X-X'*X , .X~J* Blackfoot Meat Market i A Good Place to Trade A. MILLER, Prop. Phone 85 Free Delivery *X-*X~M* , X-X- , *X , *X--X":"X-"X~X*4-X 000000000000000 O O © MRS. BELLE GEORGE WOOD © © Teacher of Vocal, Piano, Q 0 and Art. O © Studio Above Rialto Thea- O © tre, Room 6 O © Phone 721 O © Begin at Once O © SHE GETS RESULTS Q o o ooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOO O o ? G. F. HANSBROUGH O ° Attorney at Law O ° Millick Block O 0 Blackfoot, Idaho O O © oooboooooooooo DBS. FLODQUIST & BROWN Chiropractors Lady Nurse in Constant At tendance Phone 551 Main Street Across from Depot. Over City Grocery We Are in Business for Your Health © © O O O O O O O O O © O O O O O ooooooooooooooo O o © ROYAL NEIGHBORS OP O © AMERICA, 3058 O O Meeting Nights. Second and O © fourth Wednesdays of each O © Month, at Odd Fellows' Hall, O © Blackfoot, Idaho. ® © Visiting Members Invited ® O Jennie Rossiter, Clerk. O © Achsa J. Boling, O © Oracle. O © o ooooooooooooooooo Minimi mini ilium nun I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SALES! 4* E It is my business to sell your = |j goods for more money. 5 ! Farm, Live Stock, and all Ano- S E tion Sales—none too big, none ÊË E too small to receive my best E E attention. * §j I W. D. FIERCE I licensed Auctioneer g I Phone 253 Blackfoot, Idaho | ........................... iiiiimiiimiimimi We need your old rags and will pay cash for them.