* i** Î ** î * * 3 * *$**}* * 3 * «$«*$« •$**$— $ « »I 1 » $ « i Results Count Blackfoot, Idaho, February 17, 1921. Dr. Flodciuist:— Dear Friend: After looking over the calendar, I find it has been something over a year since you gave me treatments for appendicitis, and I can truthfully say 1 have never had the slightest attack of it since, and thanking you a thousand times for what you did for me. I remain as ever, (Signed) JESSIE GREEN, Box 373, Blackfoot, Idaho. Drs. Flodquist & Brown "Tfie Licensed Chiropractors'* FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Over City Grocery Phone 551 Omjosite Dep°t 4* j. ^Mè'hborhooà oooooooooooooo o o o CENTERVILLE NEWS. O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOO (Intended for last week.) Mrs. Sam Kirk spent last Satur day shopping in Pocatello. Ben Arvish visited at the parental home, Tuesday. Avery Hughes had the misfortune of getting something in his eye last week, and had to consult a doctor. Miss Agnes Peterson is assisting Mrs. Willi Brown for an indefinite time. Mrs. Chhrles Hughes and son, Avery, and daughter, Miss Mar CENTRAL MEAT MARKET L. B. Dore& Sons, Prop. Blackfoot, Idaho •î •j**2**j*»2*^2**2*»j*«j****«j ••x~x~ A Few Bargains We have on hand at the present time the follow ing ranges at bargain prices: ONE COPPER CLAD RANGE ONE ROUND OAK RANGE THREE MAJESTIC RANGES TWO ELECTRIC RANGES We also have on hand for immediate sale at an I attractive price, ONE SHOP TIRE VULCANIZER. | Our store is ladened with numerous other bar | gains in both new and second hand articles. I 17 C*C**GL New and Sec i *x->*x->.:**x~x-:— x-x* PERCENT DISCOUNT ! on the following list of tires: î I 30x3 Fabrics .......................................................... $11.65 30x31/2 Fabrics ...................................................... 13,20 31x4 Fabrics .......................................................... 17.75 32x31/2 Fabrics ..........................................'........... 17.75 32x4 Fabrics .............................. 22.75 33x4 Fabrics .......................................................... 23.50 32x3% Cords .......................................................... 29.25 32x4% Cords .......................................................... 41.00 34x4% Cords .......................................................... 46Ï50 Good Year Cord and Fabric U. S. Cord and Fabric Miller Cord and Fabric I Guaranty Mileage from 6,000 to 10,000 No Extra Charge in Changing Your Tires BUCHANAN Motor Co. West Bridge Street Phone 44 . ? ■fn Ï ou'Il e njoy the sport of rolling 'em with P. A.! Prince Albert is solj in toppy red bags, tidy red tins t hund 6ome pound and half pound tin humidors and in the pound crystal glass humi dor with sponge mcistener top. - ■» lb 1*1 ' • FAIRST thing j'cu do next I —go get some makin's papers and some Prince A lbart tobacco and puff away on a home made cigarette that will hit on all your s moke cy linde rs ! No use sittfng-by and say ing maybe you'll cash this hunch 1 omorrow. Doit while the going's good, lor man-o man, you can't figuie out what you're pa seing by ! S uch flavor, such coolness, such more-ish-ncss—well, the only way to get the words em phatic enough is to go to it and know yourself! And, besides Prince Albert's delightful flavor, there's its freedom from bite and parch which is cut out by our exclusive patented proc ess! Certainly—ryou smoke P. A. from sun up till you slip between the sheets with out a comeback. Prince Albert is the tobac co that revolutionized pipe smoking. If you never could smoke a pipe — forget it! You can—AND YOU WILL —if you use Prince Albert for packing! It's a smoke revelation in a jimmy pipe or a cigarette! Copyright 1921 t jy R J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Winston-Salem. N.C. the national joy smoke to the stork as he was afraid that since the Carlsons were new in the neighborhood the bird carrying the precious burden might become lost. The Doctor also made another trip out on Saiturday. Airs. Peter Bartausky and her lit tle son, Joseph, made a trip to Black foot on Saturday. Joseph has some sort of Infection of the eyes and 'his mother thought it wise to have it attended to. While in town Mrs. Bartausky did her shopping and had a pleasant visit with other friends from the other side of the river who were in town also. Mrs. Clara Jensen was a Firth vis itor on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fraile visited witjh Airs. Fraile's brother on Sunday. James and Glenn Pratt were in Firth on Sunday after a gas engine for James Pratt's well. Byrd Trego, editor of the Idaho Retpulblican, motored out thru Presto Sunday afternoon. Fred Hoover of Firth has been out working for Willis Higley the past week. Adolph Bartausky was a business visitor in Bdackfootl on Saturday. Mrs. Fraile, Anna and Edith Maicik ie have been helping James Mackie cut seed spuds several days. Mr. Mackie will have unite a large acre age in potatoes this year. The moving picture show at Firth has been host to all the children at free shows on Saturdays for several weeks now and every Saturday a number of children from this neigh borhood have attended. Messrs Hurt & Hutchinson and tihe other business men of Firth are making themselves solid as good fellows with the kid dies of all tlie surrounding territory. Mr. and Mrs. William Mackie were callers at the Bithell home in Wapello on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fraile were callers at the G. O. Jensen home on Friday evening. M. A. Jensen made a trip .to the hills with his cattle on Tuesday. W. E. Hall returned from the bills on Wednesday. The farmers of Lower Presto say •£X-X-X-**-X-*X-*X X-X-.X—X-X-M-X. *j» EAST To— OMAHA— MINNEAPOLIS— ST. PAUL— CHICAGO— MILWAUKEE— ST. JOSEPH— KANSAS CITY— ST. LOUIS— FORT WORTH— HOUSTON— MEMPHIS— NEW ORLEANS— and other points. OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD (Union Pacific System) Rates apply from most stations in Idaho, depending upon point of ori gin and destination and rout«. Tickets good three months—but not to exceed October 31st. DAILY— June 1st to August 13th. See Agents for details. $ • I t ■'•X-X"X-d-->-X-X-X--X-X-l--X~X"X--X--X-X-X--X-4 they have hardly time to breathe so if any of the town people have more breath to spare than it hey need it willl be thankfully received. In the mean time they are keeping up a steady go, hoping that the rush sear son wilil eventually be over and if la bor counts tlhen surely there ought to be a bounteous harvest this fall. Beautiful Tropical Plants. Most plants in the tropics have two fruiting seasons and millions of seed lings start, but few ever get sufficient foothold to develop beyond the first stnges of plant growth. But the one that does can utmost be seen to grow. Their upper leaves are all on a level and glow with the most beautiful tints. The branches of the different trees are so Interlaced that It Is im possible to distinguish which flower and leaf belongs to which tree. PIANO AT SACRIFICE PRICE. We have a strictly high grade piano In storage In Blackfoot. No reasonable offer refused for quick disposal. Easy terms if responsible. Write at omce if Interested to The Denven Music Company, Denver, Col orado, AIti-13-20-27 J3-10 6t