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Bingham County News BERKLEY WALKER, Publisher Entered as second clasa matter December 3, 1907, at the postoffice at Blackfoot, Idaho, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. "HAULIN' WATER" An earnest statistician has discovered that the American people trans port from the producer to the consumer, in the process of distribution of foodstuffs 2,000,000,000 tons of waber annually. Aside from the fact that this item constitutes waste at so much per IK)und paid for the food, there is a considerable freight bill to be added. From behind the smoke screen of "sanitary" advertisers of small sealed packages of food at drug prices, be it known that modern methods 6f de hydration could save this country the interest on its war debt, and add immeasurably to the harrassed consumer's ability to ,pay his income tax. Most fruits and vegetables may be dehydrated, packed in lined barrels in bulk, retaining all the flavor and food value, and sold at a fraction of the cost of fancy dressed-up packages. Dehydrated foods keep indefinitely. They may be store din small space, and their use would enable t/he average consumer to take advantage of favorable price. The custom of canning these products with the water has enabled the ambitious sugar operators to lay the annual tribue or from a few cents to 100 per cent on the price of sugar with the approach of the canning season. Nature dehydrates her bounty at the close of the growing season, for winter consumption. It would seem to be a wise move to get Uncle Sam's latest advice on the dehydration of foods. We are all fairly well fed up on H20. CAN MAKE A LAWN IN A FEW WEEKS A new quick method of establishing stands of sod on lands, and more es pecially on golf greens where the grass gets severe usage, has been work ed out by botanists of the United States Department of Agriculture. Bent grasses, which grow from runners, are principally used in the method. A quantity of healthy sod is stripped at a depth of approximately 1 1-2 inches tyhich gathers in most of the grass roots with as little dirt as possible. The sods are run through a feed cutter which is so arranged as to slit them into ribbons about two inches wide and the ribbons are shredded by hand, leav ing a mass of grass roots. These roots are sowed broadcast on the ground, -which has been carefully prepared by plowing and harrowing; and if a golf green is desired it is usually covered about an inch deep and rolled. For ordinary lawns it has been found sufficient to broadcast the sod shreds and harrow or disc them in. By this method a good stand of sod has been obtained in as short a time as three weeks. The method has been used on golf courses throughout the country. A green of the public golf course in Potomac park, Washington, D. C., prepared in this manner, is regarded as one of the finest in the country. HAIL INSURANCE Is effective 24 hours after order, and expires October first, except- Ij! ing policies covering fruit, October fifteenth. * PREMIUM CHARGED $ is for the term, therefore it will be no less if you order later in the ¥ season. Call at my office or telephone me. Y J. H. EARLY 33 West Bridge St. TelephotiCHi Oiiice 97 , lies. 271 •* ! V'T ffe j fln r „ esESsc v.i 1 '"^~iTiiirif'TiTrnrfciflfrTMinTi~''Miii'iii ^ 'mm m Am* LECTURERS OF NATIONAL PROMINENCE __ Stefansson, noted explorer of the far North, who brings a remarkable illustrated lecture on "My hive 1 ears in the Arctic;" Tom Skeyhill, Anzac soldier-poet and adventurer, just back from Russia with a great story about latest developments in Bolshevik-Land; Peter Clark Macfarlane, prominent author and contributor to leading national magazines; Capt. T. D. Upton, formerly Organizer of Mu nicipal Recreation. Grand Rapids, Mich.; D. J. Cronin, speaking on "The Weeds and Flowers of Lit erature," and Burnell Ford, electrical scientist and inventor, demonstrating the marvels of electricity. A BIG PLAY PRODUCTION The Keighley Broadway Players, a New York Company with an all-professional cast, will present on the fifth night one of the greatest comedies of täte present day, "Nothing But the Truth." This big faroe success was first presented on Broadway by Willie Collier, achieving a record run. HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR SEASON TICKET? It in the ''Open Sesainp'* to a Week of Genuine Kntertainment Adults, $2.72; Students, $1.50, Child's, $1.00 No War Tax A WEEK OF SPLENDID MUSIC 1 wo concerts will be presented by Lieurance's Little Symphony, an orchestra created and coached by Thurlow Lieurance. noted American composer. At the evening concert Jane Peterson, prominent Chicago contralto, will appear as soloist. Two concerts by the Jugo-Slav Tamburica Orchestra, an organization from Lastern Europe. Two concerts by the Orpheus Fopr, official quartet of the Or pheus club of Los Angeles and rated as one of the foremost male quartets in the country. Two pro grams by the Roach-Freeman Duo and two programs of solo work and community singing directed by Walter Jenkins. AN ABUNDANCE OF ENTERTAINMENT The inimitable Ada Roach is coming! Her dialect stories and character sketches are among the best being presented on the platform. Ruth Freeman too is an entertainer of note. Then there is t/he big play production and distinct entertainment value in over half of the lectures of the week. It is an evenly balanced program. You'll like it through and through. MAKE CHAUTAUQUA WEEK YOUR VACATION WEEK BLACKFOOT, JUNE 21-27 WORLD WAR VETERANS HOLD FIRST NATIONAL CONVENTION The World War Veterans, an or ganization of former fighters of the World War, which has always stood foremost in the battle for the rights of the people and especially for the Ex-Service men will hold their first national convention at Chicago, July 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. A program has been arranged for the Vets for the full four days of the Convention and on the 4th a real old fashioned "Main Street" 4th of July celebration. Congressman Schall of Minnesota will deliver the oration of the day. Mayor William Hale Thompson of Chicago will deliver the address of welcome. All Veterans of the World War are invited to attend. The member ship is open to all former fighters of the Entente Allies, who are citizens of the United States of America and have an honorable discharge from the military service. Be there Veterans, spend the full tonr days, let's get a little action on that National Bonus, enjoy the big gest time of your life in helping make the organization that will be the coming heavyweight of the coun try. Chicago will bë ÿours. Nothing is too good for us, eh, well, let's have a little of it, let's go. Special headquarters have been opened at Room 706, 166 West Wash ington St., Chicago, 111. Send all letters to 505 Temple Court, Minne apolis, Minn., until June 20th and then send them to our Chicago office. We're off. Be in Chicago to get all the information, July, use any method, but be there.—(Contributed. FEEDING PIGEONS IN WINTER Failure to Provide Proper Kind and Quantity of Grain In Winter Causes Falling Off. Neglect in feeding the right kind and amount of grain to pigeons In cold weather Is often the cause of the marked falling off in the production of squabs In winter. More time and effort is required to. feed and manage pigeons at this time of the year, but the owner is well paid for the extra work. DEFECTIVE TREES FOR FUEL Specimens Not Suitable for Good Tim ber Should Be Removed and Used to Cut Fuel Bill. It is just as possible to roiriove weed trees from the wood lot ns ir is to weed the garden ; besides, the wood from the crooked, defective trees, and those that are not good timber spe ! «des will make good fuel. s ni ni a I'i it »il I * \m / MU' M II !» i.H'iV! 1 n/f £ I I I i ii l ^ \ m 'I Wut A i , ft*? « r Y :V Q m I a Fve tried them___ but give me a Camel I'm through experimenting. No more switching. No more trying this and that. It's Camels for me— every time. a Ô kiO 1 C freshing! So smooth! So mellow mild! Why ? The answer is Camels exclusive expert blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos. There's nothing like it. lie other cigarette you can buy gives you the real sure-enough, all-day satisfaction that comes from the Camel blend. Camel is the quality cigarette. Give Camels a tryout. Buy a pack today. Get your information first hand. You'll tie to Camels, too. - « m V.« i m 5 mmz M ? < R. J. REYNOLDS Tobacco Co. Winston-Saisr.i, N. C. HANDY DUST BOX FOR FOWLS Confined Hens Should Be Given Oppor tunity for Bathing—It Discour ages Vermin. When the flock is confined in laying houses the hens miss the opportunity afforded when they are on range to pick out a likely spot and take a dust bath. It is just a» important to a hen's well-being that she be able to take a dust hath when cooped up as well as when on range. Besides, it provides her with the sort of ammunition which nature intended she should use in com bnting vermin and natural parasites. Hens that have ample facilities for dust baths will not be "carried off" by lice. Meet on Common Level. There is one field In which the wise than and the fool meet on a common level. That Is when they fall in love and take their pens in hand.—Oregon Journal. Prices Are Goods Are Down Cheaper QUALITY ALWAYS , Seeger-Bundlie Co. "Everybody's Store" Goods Are Prices Are Cheaper Down Testing Oil Quality. One test to ascertain the quality of lubricating oil is to heat a small quantity and hold a flame to the thin smoke which arises. This smoke will flash or catch fire for an instant, and If the oi! is of a good grade will flash much quicker than a poor grade. ♦J***-» *** ♦% •% »% »*«• ► * , I 4 *J**I* *******5**5* Closing Out SCREEN DOORS AT COST BLACKFOOT HDW. & ELECTRIC CO From Salt to Vinegar. It Is a Fuie with the Mohammedans to begin a meal with salt and finish with vinegar. If they begin with salt they think they will escape the con tagion of seventy diseases. If they finish with vinegar, their worldly pros perity will continue to Increase.