SAYS PARK ROUTE IMPRACTICAL (From Salt Lake Tribune of June 11) Southern California, through Char les E. McStay, representing the Auto mobile Club of Southern California, one of the largest mptoring organi zations in the world, voiced the first real objection to the preseut routing of the park-to-park highway at the opening of the second annual con vention of the National Park-to-Park Highway association yesterday after noon in the Hotel Utah. ''This is my first expenience when a wheel was built that it did not possess a hub and «pokes," Mr. Day said. "Never in the world can the idea of a 6000-mile trip of this kind be sold to the ,public. The circuit, as it is, must be divided with a spoke to the northwest ito Mt. Rainier park, on the south to Grand Canyon, on Farm Loans fames wanting Farm Loans this spring, will do well to call T on us wathln the next ten days, and arrange for same. We have $ < » Plenty ot money and can take care of your requirements on short •fc . • notice. v :: F. C. Parkinson Loan & Investment Co. Î • • T X**X-^*X-X"XX*X"5~X*"5~X-X'*M-*X~X**X*4-*X~X**X--X*-X*M**X"X~X* i X*-X We are in the market for all kinds of fat stuff * Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton, Chickens, | etc. Also Eggs and Butter | Highest cash market price always paid. We | are making pre-war prices on all meats. f Pacific Meat Market Ship By Truck I :: $ Office and Warehouse, Corner Broadway and Idaho Street Furniture and Piano Moving General Hauling White Transfer and Storage Co. Office Phone 48 Residence 434 BONDED WAREHOUSE '!"I**M»*!«!«*!**>* I TO7 DiP zmr Your Last Chance To Buy a Piano or Player-Piano at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES WILL COME TO A CLOSE JUNE 30TH COME IN TODAY! DON'T WAIT! Only a few instruments left, but they MUST be sold. Get yours before they are all sold. THIS MONTH ONLY Sale Lasts Only 5 Days More >? Clive Music Sto g BRIDGE STREET re BLACKFOOT the North to Yellowstone park and Glacier park, on the east to the Rocky Mountain National park and on the southwest to Yosemite Na tional park. "Salt Lake is the hub of the wes tern machine. At Washington the board of strategy of the United States army has indicated that should the Pacific coast ibe attacked, it would be abandoned and the forces would fall hack to Salt Lake, the natural base. "The present route is too imprac ticable to be followed by more than one in a thousand. You of tihis ter ritory will be taxed to the utmost to provide accommodations for the trav elers we will send to these parks over direct routes, but I doubt very much that you will be overtaxed with tour ist travel should the present system be continued." Mr. Day then went on record against the present park-to-park route as a final choice for travel. "I think I am supported by Utah and Idaho," he said. The continued applause from the large number of delegates present from the two states indicated affirm ation. Misunderstandings and arguments waxed somewhat hot in the session of the credentials committee, which was arranged to consider the cre dentials of all the delegates present, and to ascertain their eligibility for participation in the discussion of tfoe highway affairs. MOTOR TRUCK SPEED Motor truck speed, says E. H. Gere of Flint, Mich., in The Efficiency Magazine, is a hobby with him, but his hobby takes the line of not to get speed but to reduce speed. "One man will come along and tell I you." he says, "that if you buy his tires you can travel 18 miles an hour, another 20 miles and so one, but the question has occurred to me as to the actual harm it does to the motor. We all know that it is go ing tjo shorten the life of the motor if you are going to "step on it" day in and day out." Mr. Gere then cited the case of a truck, which was run at its govern or speed of about 12 miles an hour. When it went to the repair shop af ter one year's use it was found that the truck cost $250 more than its en tire earnings. "By fortune, or otherwise," he adds, "we cut the speed of our truck from governor speed down to eight miles an hour—and we took the gov ernors off. From Shat time on we have run our trucks eight miles an hour. "And that truck last summer cleared nearly as much as any other two in our entire fleet. On one job this truck never lost a day in five and one-half months. The minute the governor gives me the least bit of trouble, out it comes—I am the governor of our fleet." THE YEAR OF THE GREAT REST Seven years ago the world war be gan and since that time production has been under high pressure. Now things have slowed down. They have tged. In a sense, 1921 is a rest year, a sort of Sabbath time, when tlhe need of greater production as well as the inclination toward stren uosity, is absent. We see signs of this on every hand—in unemploy ment of labor, in reduced output of factories, and more or less curtail ment of agricultural activities. Prob ably this is a natural thing, and a good thing. It gives us a chance to take up the slack, to gather u,p the loose ends occasioned by a long per iod of high pressure production. Some corn growers who already have their cribs full are resting part of their acreage and restoring fertility by clover that is to be plowed un der. Orchardists whose fruit buds have been killed by frost are cuttng back their trees. Everywhere fences are being repaired, buildings being, re-roofed and painted, pastures being cleaned up, fence corners mowed, lawns trimmed. The wise farmer is not pessimiste now. He Is giving his place a sort of Sunday "shine" and general renovation as he waits for the revival which will follow the readjustment.—Farm Life. SOME GIRL I know a girl in Arkansaw Who can saw more wood than her paw can saw. Who takes a little drink, And spends a little chink, And chaws more tobaccer than her maw can chaw. HE ADVERTISED "There was a man in our town, And he was wonderous wise, He swore by all the dogs that be, He would not advertise. At last one day he advertised, And thereby hangs a tale— The ad was set in nonpariel. And headed 'Sheriff's Sale.' " NOTICE OF THE TIME AND PLACE SET FOR HEARING THE PETI TION FOR THE PROBATE OF WILL AND FOR THE ISSUANCE OF LETTERS TESTAMENTARY THEREON. In the Probate Court of Bingham County, State of Idaho. In the Matter of the Estate of Charles W. Kirk, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that a pe tition for the probate of the will of Charles W. Kirk, deceased, and for tihe issuance of letters testamentary thereon to Alice J. Kirk, has been filed in this court, and that Saturday the 9th day of July, 1921, iat 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the court house of said court, in the said county and state, have been set as the time and place for the hearing of the said petition, when and where any person interested may appear and contest the same, and show cause, if any they have, why said petition should not be granted. Said will is written, signed by the testator, and attested by two sub scribing witnesses. Dated this 20th day of June, 1921. (SEAL) J. E. GOOD, Probate Judge and Clerk of said Court,. June 24 July 1-8-31 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Bingham In the Probate Court of County, State of Idaho. In tiie Matter of the Estate of Adam ; Yancey, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, by the un dersigned, Alice Yancey, administra trix of the estate of Adam Yancey, Deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within ten months after the first publication of this notice to the said Alice Yancey, at the office of A. S. Dickinson, Esq., Eccles Block, Blackfoot, Idaho, which office the undersigned selects as her place of business in all matters con nected with said estate. Dated June 9th, 1921. ALICE YANjCEY, Administratrix of the Estate of Ad qm Yancey, Deceased. A. S. DICKINSON, Attorney for Administratrix. J 10-17-24 July 1 4t. ALIAS SUMMONS In the District Court of the Sixth Ju dicial District of the State of Ida- I ho, in and for the County of I ( ho, in and Bingham. . E. M. Kennedy, Plaintiff; vs. Reub en C. Jensen and Fred W. Kiefer, ' Defendants. The State of Idaho sends greetings , ot Reuben C. Jensen and Fred W. i | Kiefer, the above named defendants. ' You are hereby notified that a complaint has been filed against you iu the District Court of the Sixth 1 Judicial District of tlie State of Ida ho, in and for the County of Bing ham by the above named .plaintiff, I and you are hereby directed to ap pear and answ v • UU CO.VU LU up ver the said complaint. within twenty days of the service of this summons if served within said Judicial District, and within forty days if served elsewhere. This action is brought for the pur | pose of collecting a certain promis jsory no'e and enforcing a real estate j mortgage both dated March 3, 1920, I at Blackfoot, Idaho, made and deliv i ered by the defendant, Reuben C. Jensen to the plaintiff, E. M. Ken ! nedy, in the sum of $900.00 with in i terest at ten per cent per annum, WHY BE SICK for we GUARANTEE resin s or your MONEY BACK Drs. Whisler & Winslet BACK BONE SPECIALISTS Palace Drug Bldg. Phone 255-J Limite. t to 40 Patients Daili I j ! j : j j | . attorneys fees as provided in the note, and costs, said mortgage hav ing been duly recorded and affecting ! Lot 16, and four feet off the South side of Lot 15, Block 46, of Shillings ! addition to the City of Blackfoot, ! Bingham County, Idaho, together wt>h water rights and appurtenances. It is alleged that said note and mort gage are past due and no part thereof paid. The plaintiff prays for judgment and the usual order of sale of the premises and for foreclosure, as will more fully appear by reference to the complaint on file in said action to which reference for further particu lars is hereby made. And you are further notified that unless you so appear and answer said complaint within the time here in specified, the plaintiff will take judgment against you as prayed in said complaint. Witness my hand and the seal of said District Court this 14th day of June, 1921. F. M. FISHER, Clerk (SEAL) By LEXA BENZLEY, Deputy. Thomas & Anderson, Attorneys for Plaintiff Residence and P. O. Address, Black foot, Idaho. June 17-24-July 1-8-15-22 à^june ^9^1* ALIAS SUMMONS. In the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District of the State of Ida ho, in and for Bingham County. O. M. Corwin, Plaintiff, vs. Gott leib S. Mayer and his wife, Lina C. Mayer, and Elmer R. Oles, Defend ants. The State of Idaho Sends Greetings to Gottleib S. Mayer, and his wife, Lina C. Mayer, and Elmer R. Oles, the above-named defendants. You are hereby notified that a complaint has been filed against you in the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District of the State of Ida ho, in and for the County of Bing ham, by the above-named plaintiff, and you are hereby directed to ap pear and answer the said complaint within twenty days of the service of this summons, if served within said Judicial District, and within forty days if served elsewhere. And you are hereby notified that said action is brought for the pur pose of foreclosing a certain real es tate mortgage given by the defend ants Gottleib S. Mayer and his wife, Lina C. Mayer, to the plaintiff herein. And you are further notified; that unless you so appear and answer said complaint within the time herein specified, the plaintiff will take judg ment against you as prayed in said complaint. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said District Court this 8th day F. M. FISHER, Clerk. By LEXA BENZLEY, Deputy. (Sea!) O. A. JOHANNESEN, Attorney for Plaintiff, residence and address, Idaho Falls. Idaho. June 17-24 Julyl-S-15 5t I ana answer satd complaint within twenty days of the service of this I ALIAS SUMMONS. In the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District of the State of Ida ho, in and for Bingham County. Wells-Dickey Company, a corpor ation, Plaintiff, vs. Pasquale Di Ben zo, and Viola Di Benzo, Defendants. The State of Idaho Sends Greetings to Pasquale Di Benzo, and Viola DI Benzo, the above-named defendants. You are hereby notified that a com plaint has been filed against you In the District Court of the Sixth Ju dicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Bingham, by the above-named plaintiff, and you are hereby directed to appear and answer said complaint within summons, if served within said Ju ( And you are hereby notified tihat said action is brought for the pur . - - - d ' c ' ad District, and within forty days ' if served elsewhere. , - — i pose of foreclosing a certain real es ' * a * e rnor fS a S e given by the defend a . n ^ Pasquale Di Benzo, to the plain * lere * n> 1 And you are further notified: that unless )' 0l > so appear and answer said complaint within the time herein I s P e( *'ified, the plaintiff will take judg ment against you as prayed in said By com Plaint Witness, my hand and the seal of tlle said District Court, this 8th day of dune ' 1921. F. M. FISHER, Clerk. LEXA BENZLEY, Deputy. (Seal) O. A. JOHANNESEN, Attorney for Plaintiff, residence and address, Idaho Falls. Idaho. June 17-24 Julyl-S-15 5t NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT. I In the District Court of the Sixth j Judicial District of the State of Ida ho, in and for the County of Bing ham. American Falls Motor Company, a corporation. Plaintiff, vs. Rei W. Brown, Defendant. Notice is hereby given that on the 27th day of May, A. D. 1921, an at tachment issued out of the above named court in the above entitled ! action against the property of the j said defendant for the sum of Eight Hundred Forty and Ninety-five one hundredths ($840.95) Dollars. In Witness Whereof. I have liere : unto set my hand and affixed my j official seal this 27th day of May, A. D. 1921. F. M. FISHER. Clerk. By LEXA BENZLEY, Deputy*, j ( Seal) MAURICE M. MYERS, Attorney for Plaintiff, address Am | erican Falls, Idaho Junel7-23 Jull 3t = E § E 00030000000000 © Pioneer Camp No. 5230 © O MODERN WOODMEN OF © O AMERICA © O Regular meeting nights, first O O and third Mondays, I. O. O. F. Q O Hall. Visiting Neighbors Wei- O O come. O © 0. J. Hallberg T. J. Johnson..© O IConsu Clerk O OOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooooo © Grove City Circle No. 431 © © NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRAFT © O Meets the Second and Fourth O O Tuesdays in each montlh at O O I. O. O. F. Hall, Blackfoot, O O Idaho. O © Visiting Neighbors Welcome © O MARY E. JONES, O O Guardian Neighbor O O MARTHA QUBLLIN, Clerk O OOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooo ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA, 3058 Meeting Nights. Second and fourth Wednesdays of each Month, at Odd Fellows' Hall, Blackfoot, Idaho. Visiting Members Invited Jennie Rossiter, Clerk. Acksa J. Boling, Oracle. ooooooooooooooooo Distributors for Exide Batteries Service on all Makes Edwin Taylor, Prop. AUTO ELECTRIC CO. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I Dr.R.N. Jackson | = HOPKINS BLOCK 1 = All Calls Promptly Attended, 5 = Day or Night, City or Country E 1 Phone 43 1 ...................ilium............. *X*X"X**X'*X"X-*X"X**:**X"X-*X* , X"5 Blackfoot I Meat Market ? • 5 - A Good Place to Trade * A. MILLER, Prop. •j- Phone 85 Free Delivery 1* A -X'-X*X--X"X"9-X-*-X~X~X~X"X~X oooooooooooooo o O G. F. HANSBROUGH © Attorney at Law © Millick Block © Blackfoot, Idaho OOOOOOOO o o o o o o DRS. FLODQUIST & BROWN Chiropractic Specialists Hours 9 to 12; 1 to 5.30; Evenings 7 to 8:30 Sunday by Appointment Only Lady Nurse in Constant At tendance Phone 551 Main Street Across from Depot. Over City Grocery We Are in Business for Your Health HllllillllllllllilllllHillltillltilliiiiiiiiiiiiit SALES! It is my business to sell your }jj goods for more money. § Farm. Live Stock, and all Aue- E tion Sales—none too big, none 5 f°o small to receive my best E attention. " ~ W. D. PIERCE § Licensed Auctioneer E Phone 253 Blackfoot, Idaho | iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmüiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiï