'4 UP 400 } JmSL / \ Give Her Hosiery There isn't a woman among your friends, who, if she were asked to write a list of things preferable to all others would !l not include hosiery. Pure thread Silk Hose ...... $2.00 Heavy Silk Hose .......... ^.„.$2.75 Extra Heavy Silk Hose ,...$3.50 ; ; Out size Silk Hose ............ $3.50 ;; Silk and Wool Hose .......... $2.50 ; ; Beautiful Lisle ..................... 65 Shirts For Men Men like useful gifts, and of ;; all the useful gifts most liked, Shirts are the top of the list. Good Silk Shirts ................ $6.00 ;; Silk Stripe Shirts .............. $4.50 ;; Madras .............$2.00 to $3.50 : Percale ..................$1.25 to $1.75 It is so easy to select something practical and useful that it is not only a waste of money but a reflection upon the taste and in telligence of the recipient when you give him or her some unuse ful trinket which is seldom used and quickly discarded. GIVE AS YOU WOULD LIKE TO BECEIVE Such presents are easy to buy for these holiday stocks offer such a broad collection of practical gifts that your entire list can be checked off without any provoking anticipation as to whether each present will suit or not. They always suit. They are always welcome, for sensible people like sensible gifts. A Nice Sweater is not only a practical gift but !! an expression of warm friend ship, which the giver holds for the recipient. Priced from ! ! $2.00 in boys' to $15.00 in Men's Lingerie Pretty Blouses To know whether or not a pretty blouse is an approp riate gift, just reverse the principle, imagine how you would welcome one of these yourself on Christmas 'morn ing. Good Silk Blouses are priced from $4.95 to $15.00 rri« lies FOR MEWi and :: « ► BOYS nice Ties :: are^always àppre- : : ™ i: ciated. yjj Our showing is :: complete a n d priced from 50c to $2.00 And then with jj all the other good things, we have •; TOYS for the children. T oys that kiddies like you'll find here. !: Give Her Handkerchiefs ;■ An easy gift to select—espec ;; ially when you have such a splendid assortment from ;; which to choose. Always ac ;; ceptable and one never has ;; too many. In boxes for kiddies 35c to 50c Boxes for grownups ..........................35c to $2.75 Single Handkerchiefs ..............................5c to $2.00 A GIFT OF THOUGHT ;; * A gift which shows care and ;; thought and which only can be expected from a good woman :: friend. Silk Vests............ $3.50 to $6.00 Silk Gowns........ $5.00 to $10.50 Bloomers .............. $3.75 to $6.00 Camisoles.............. $1.00 to $2.50 A Wooltex Coat or ii Suit is Welcomed by Every Woman. If you want to give something extra. Make it Wooltex Any Coat or Suit on our Racks at One-Half PRICE Hand Bags You can't hardly select anything more practical or more pleasing than a pretty hand bag. And they are reasonably priced too $1.25 to $5.75 Lovely Embroidered Things Made by hand and in good ma terials are always : - acceptable to the I housewife. We're selling : ; all hand embroid : ; ered work at One-Half Price Values are genuine 1921 Prices, Not War Time Prices Reduced Slightly. Kinney Mercantile Co. Blackfoot, "Always Reliable' Idaho ÏDertyCbrfeftnail Vv IT »