With Brunswick Tires You'll Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and Boyles Gasoiltire Service Wish You a HAPPY AND PROSPER OUS NEW YEAR » ♦ .H"M' 'K" M ' -M' -M' -H 1 -M* Automobiles AT YOUR OWN PRICES— AND YOUR OWN TERMS I will offer at public auction a few rebuilt and overhauled cars in Front of the Watson Garage on Saturday, December 17 at 2 o'clock. A few of these cars to the highest bid : ■ ders. 10 Per Cent Cash, Balance until next Fall, on ap- «■ proved security. Saturday, December 17, 1921 2 O'Clock J. B. DeHART OWNER COL. PIERCE, Auctiooneer. Beet hauling for the 1021 season b«s been in progress at Rupert for the pjist week. The highest yield so far reported is that of Joe Krivanec, who his harvested 28 tons from one acre on liis farm east of Rupert. Field men f' r tiie beet company estimate nil av erage of 20 tons per acre on 28 acres planted fo beets on the A. A. Kielil i l no. This is expected to lead in aver age for the larger lields. i BATTERIES REPAIRED PROMPT SERVICE -, Blackfoot Storage Battery Co. | "THROUGH SERVICE WE GROW" FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF NEW BATTERIES THE BATTERY THAT STANDS ALL TESTS Mr. Farmer— We alv prepared to haul your potatoes, grain and other produce to market. White Transfer and Storage Co. Office ajid BONDED warehouse, comer Idaho and Broadway. Office Phone 48 Rffliinnim 434 The effect of rains during August and September In the principal eastern potato states is now apparent in the October estimate for the United States of 345,587,000 bushels, an Increase of 22.587.000 bushels over September. However, this year's crop is still short 82.413.000 bushels of the 428 million bushel crop of 1020 und 25,413,000 bushels below the 5-year average, 1015-1910, of 371 million bushels. MILLIONS LOANED 10 II. S. FARMERS 8TOCKMEN ALSO PARTICIPATE IN CREDITS EXTENDED BY CORPORATION Northwestern States Fare Well In Distribution of Vast Sum of Money Given Out to Aid Farmers Washington—More than $22,600,000 in credit has been extended farmers and stockmen during the two and one half months since congress authorized the war finance corporation to make advances for agricultural and live slock purposes, according to figures announced Sunday. Reports of the corporations' actlvi ties since August 24 showed a total credit in excess of $22,663,000, estima ted with about eighty-two financial in stitutions in nineteen states for muk lng loans to farmers and stock raisers States in which corporation advances for these purposes have been made in elude: Montana, South Dakota, Ari zona, Idaho, Nevada, Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming. Tbe eighty-two advances range fron a few thousand dollars up to one oil $15,000,000 to a cooperative associatioi in Minnesota, North and South Dukotu to assist in marketing grain. Funds for the advances, official^ said, are obtained from the corpora tion's balance with the treasury, which at tlie time ihese operations were bet gun totaled about $430,000,000. Applications for agricultural and livestock loans are coming in steadily, it was stated. In addition to its do mestic finaneng, officials said, the cor poration is continuing to finance American products for export to for eign markets. JUGO SLAVIAN KING ENTHRONE Alexander Pledgee Himself Befor Parliament and Is Cheered Belgrade, Jugo-Slavin—King Alex! ander assumed the throne of Jugo Slaviu Sunday. He took the oath he lore parliament. Extraordinary pre cautious had been taken to guard tli king. Alexander rode to the parliameii: building in an open automobile accom punied by Premier Pacnitch und wus cheered. The king, who was ultired in a gen eral's uniform, mounted the rostruiji and declured: "1 swear to maintain the national ' unity and independence of the state I and the integrity of its territory anil j govern according to the constitutioji and tlie luws. 1 will always have be fore me and in all my uspirutious till* good of my people." All members of the diplomatic corps, headed by H. Percival Dodge, Ameri can minister to the kingdom and thp Serbs, Croats and Sloven*.*, were pres ent, together with deputies in tlie pic turesque costumes of the country. BEEF REACHES PRE-WAR PRICES Wholesalers Declare Meat as Cheap As It Was In 1914 Chicago — Tlie average wholesale price of carcass beef is back to the level prevailing in 1914, according to figures made public Sunday In a rè i iew of the meat and livestock situa tion during October, issued by the In stitute of American Meat Packers. The average wholesale prices of car cass beef in 1914 approximated 121 cents, tlie report says, while al tlie en|d ! of October, 1921, it was between 11 und 12 cents. Some grades, howevt are selling higher, while others me 1 selling lower, it is stated. A normal volume of production ht been maintained in tlie packing indu try for tlie first nine months of 1921,tL compared witli tlie first nine month ol' 1913, says tlie statement. total ot till kinds of federal inspec ted meat animals for tlie first nine months of 1921 is given at 47,184,934, j while for the same period in 1913 tlie number was 41,323,010. Government figures showing stocks ' of meat in cold storage, indicate there! was no heavy surplus feft on hand its u result of the volume of production, the report says." Canr.Ja To Fight Smugglers Regina, Sask.—Plans for combating the smuggling of liquor into tlie Uni ted States were taken up here Ttms