BINGHAM COUNTY NEWS Official Paper of Bingham County PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY PRICE—$2.00 PER YEAR BLACKF00T, BINGHAM, COUNTY, IDAHO- FRIDAY. DEC. 16. 1921 VOL XVI. NO. 13 Humbert Ï2 "1 Like YOU, Santy!" • ' 1 ~U U -, & >.i ; > >, £4 m of be the 26, gal be r . V n ErF* ■ W M ^ Av n rtt w«YJt proclamation by » THE GOVERNOR This year, tühe twenty-fifth day of December, or Christina*, and the tint day of January, 1922, New Year's Day, fall on Sunday, and, since the statutes of the State of Idaho makes no provision ifihat a legal holiday, occurring on that day be observed the following day, NOW, THEREFORE, in order to avoid misunderstanding or uncer tainty, by the authority vested lu the governor of the State, I, Cj C. Moore, acting Governor of Idaho, do hereby proclaim Monday, December 26, 1921, and January 2, 1922, le gal holidays, to be observed' in ithe celebration of Christmas and the New Year. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the State of Idaho. (SEAL) Done at Boise, the capitol, this ninth day of December, A. D., 1921. JD. C. MOORE, Acting Governor. ATTEST: ROBERT O. JONES, Secretary of State. METHODIST CHURCH L AST week we gave a little of the plans proposed for some of the Christmas activities. Here is given a program which, when worked out, to its fullest ex tent will by far outclass anything recently delivered in this church. It will be held on the evening of Christmas day: Hymn, "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear;" Anti phonal Reading; Hymn, "There's a Song in the Air ;" Prayer for the Children of the World; Prologue to the Pageant; Pageant, "Carrying Christ to Every Child;" The Christmas Offering; Hymn, "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing; Benediction. LUTHERAN CHURCH, BLAOKFOOT C HRISTMAS Day services at 11 a. m. We invite all our people to come and hear the Advent and the Christmas message. Christmas program will be held Monday evening, December 26, at 7 o'clock FIRST WARD, L. D. 8. O N Monday afternoon, December 26, the First Ward, L. D. S. will give a Christmas program for the children with a Santa Claus. Dancing. Program will begin at 2 o'clock. m '\\x\ auiOCASTEAsh ■' ..... -1 A3 âvïCX-sS?/-' ! ! V-XrJ AUTOCASTER. ! ■ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ' H ' ♦ ♦ QUyriHtmaa |lrngranta in lilarkfuut (EljurrlwB : ♦♦♦' » ■ ♦♦ ♦♦♦■ MH LUTHERAN CHURCH, FIRTH E ARLY morning services Christmas Day, 6 a. m. „ Children's program Christmas Day, 6:30 p. m. This is Children's Day and let us bring the chil dren to hear the message of the Christ child. "Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made unto Hod. Ari d the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds thru Christ Jesus. ' Phil. 4:4-7. BAPTIST CHURCH T HE Baptist Church has not fully de cided as to the date of their Christ mas program for the children, but it will be held either Christmas eve or Christ mas morning. A program with a Christ mas tree and a treat for the children will L. D. S.—SECOND WARD T HE Christmas Day program will be gin at 10:30 a. m. Christmas morning under the direction of the Sunday School. Dramatization of the Birth of Christ will be given, with girls in white as angels; the appearance of the shepherds, and the disappearing of the angels singing, the Shepherds finding the Christ child in the manger. The wise men following the star, all acted out. There will be a child ren's cradle song, the Xmas choral by the boys and three pantomines and short speeches. The regular afternoon services on Christmas day; the singing will be giv en by the ladies' chorus. Solo and speech by William Thompson. At 7:30 the Xmas program will be carried out under the aus pices of the M. I. A. Everyone welcome. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH T HE Christmas program will be given at St. Paul's Church Christmas eve, Saturday, Dec. 24th. A complete program will be given by the children. CATHOLIC CHURCH A short program with a Christmas tree will be given at 2 o'clock Wednes day afternoon, December 21st. Treats for the children will be distributed. THE COMING CHRISTMAS In your section of the city or in the near vicinity there are many poor little children who are not go ing to have much or a Christmas day unless it oomes from outside their homes. Why not form a tittle community club in your neighborhood tor the purpose of giving Christmas cheer to those lees fortunate ones? You may be unacquainted with many persona living near you who -might he glad to contribute to the Christmas fund, but that should not deter you from dalllngon them and telling them of the plan. Moat anyone would -be glad to conitrlibuite to a Santa Cl au« Club and perhaps all it needs to grot started is for you «0 get out of your selfish shell. It Is not too Boo-n to start for it will take some time to appoint and get committees to work on the dif ferent phases of the proposition, who are to be remembered -and what would please them moat and how to get everything together. Make Christmas a real one this year in which the spirit of the day prevails and la carried out. You will get -more Joy than you can give this way and it means a lot to the youngsters. * w r\a (il L A m Xmwi 'I U M yf fe® w