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Idiko Republic»» THE BINGHAH COUNTY NEWS Official Paper of Bingham County PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY PRICE—$2.00 per year BLACKF00T, BINGHAM, COUNTY, IDAHO, FRIDAY, DEC. 23, 1921 VOL. XVI- NO. 14 {.CHANGES IDE IL CHANGES MADE TO BE EFFEC TIVE DECEMBER FIRST AND SIXTEENTH SUPERVISED BY H. E. BALLAfiD EIGHT ROUTES HAVE CHANGED OR RE ORGANIZED BEEN Nampa, Idaiho, Dec. 20, 1921.— Editor Bingham County News, Dear Sir: Effective December 1st and 16 th, numerous changes have been made In (the rural delivery service from Blackfoot, Firth, Shel ley, Idaho Falls, Rigby and [Lorenzo. The routes, ,except at Firth, have been in operation for many years with but tlittle Ohanige, while the country served lhas rapidly develop ed, leaving many families at long distance from mall facilities. The Changes made provtae an improved and adequate service for every part of the (territory. The changes which have been made include: The extension of the short route ^ from Firth, established a year ago, to serve territory adjacent ito the village on the south side of the riv er formerly served from Blackfoot and Shelley. Readjustment of Blackfoot No. 3 so as to give Improved service to many families. Rearrangement of Routes Nos. 1 and 2 from Shelley. Reorganization of the entire ser ■ vice from Idaho Falls except No. 5, providing radically improved ser vice for about 160 families. Rearrangement of No. 2 from Rigby, extending delivery to the Buck school corner and to several •other localities which have been In adequately served. Slight changes in the (Lorenzo route, improving service and reduc w ing expense to the department. Changes In the Roberts-Lewis ville-Menan star route so as to per mit delivery to many families di rectly west of Lewisville Changes In the star route from St. Anthony to Teton and Newdale, bo as to provide prompt and suitabl e service to those off tees. These changes were brought about by Mr. H. E. Ballard, former ly post office Inspector at Boise, W and now engaged In private practice as an expert in rural delivery or ganization. Chnges proposed by Mr. Ballard were approved by In spector J. B. Dods of Pocatello and bave been placed In effect as origin ally submitted Departmental action has 'been hastened by the assistance of Con gressman Smith. ISIS ANNOUNCE CONTRACTING BIG PIC TURES FOR SEASON The Isis, this coming season, will offer the best of phlotoplay »trac tions only, as the followng list of films contracted, will bear witness: The entire output of Fox films, which includes Tom Mix, William I Farnum, Buck Jones and Pearl White. Robertson Cole Distributing Cor „ poratlon with Doris May, Pauline Frederick, Hayakawa. Gasner productions. Cabanne productions. Vltagraph films with Earle Wil liams, Wm. Duncan, Alice Joyce, Colhoune, Corrine Griffith. Universal films with Harry Carey, Priscilla Dean, Frank Mayo, Her bert Rawlinson. Hodkinson films with all the great strength of this organization behind them. Arrow pictures with all of (the James Oliver Curwood pictures Greater Features several big pic tures. BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday morning the Sunday school will meet at 10 o'clock for the Christmas Lesson. At 11 a. m. the pastor "'ill preach on the sub ject, "The Christmas King, the On ly King." In the evening beginning at 7:00 o'clock the Christmas program will be given by the Junior and Primary boys and girls of the Sunday school, A beautiful tree has been provided and a treat will be given to the younger members of the school. A free will offering will he received for the starving children of Europe. Christmas seldom comes on Sun day. Come and enjoy this great day with us. _ E. O. BUTLER, Pastor STATEMENT ISSUED BY COLLECTOR OF REVENUE "Important changes in income tax procedure directed by Commis sioner David H. Blair are embodied in a treasury decision effective De cember 16, 1921, which provides for the prompt adjustment of claimg for refund and abatement of federal taxes. "Heretofore when an overassess ment or an overpayment was dis closed by the audit of an income tax return, the taxpayer was invit ed to file a claim for the abatement of the overassessment, or the refund of the overpayment. When received the claim was reg«tered and filed awtay until reached in due course for consideration. Because of the large number of such claims filed, delay In adjustment necessarly re sulted. "After December 15th taxpayers will not be advised of their privi lege of filing a claim for the re fund of taxes whch have been paid in excess of amounts legally due, but instead will receive a certificate of overassessment and a check in correction of the errors, or if an as sessment is overpaid against the taxpayer for income or excess prof its tax, the overpayment will be ap plied as a credit against the assess ment and the balance Immediately refunded. This will be of distinct financial advantage to both the taxpayer and the government. It will- do away with the necessity for the taxpayer filing a claim for re fund and will greatly reduce the amount of work to be done by the bureau in adjustment of claims. "Taxpayers may continue to file claims for abatement and refund but it is expected that the number of such claims filed each month will be greatly reduced. Efforts are now being made by the bureau to adjust within six months all claims now pending and the reason is to keep the work current. "The Revenue act of 1921 pro vides that under certain conditions interes shall be paid upon claims from the date of the payment of the tax to the date of the allowance of the claim. The new procedure should greatly reduce the amount of interest which the government must of necessity pay upon the claims for refund." n METHODIST CHURCH The stage is set for a program extraordinatry for Sunday; (this be ing Christmas day, the music will be unusual in variety but appro priate to the time- A glance at it will decide that. The service will be at 11 o'clock sharp following Sunday school session at ten. Congregational Singing, "Joy to the World." Processional, "ark, the Herald Angels Sing." Prayer and Ohant. Anthem, "There Were Shep herds." PBalter, Christmas. Gloria Patri. Double Male Quartet, "Silent Night." Vocal Solo by Miss Virginia Pierce. Offertory. Double Female Quartet, "The Newborn King." Sermon, "Taking Christ to the Child." Double Male Quartet, "Watch man Tell Us of the Night." Benediction followed by Old Hun dred, a doxology. Mrs. Ruth Parkinson bas charge of the music. In the evening the elaborate pro gram of the Sunday school of which the pageant is the chief feature, will be rendered, a large platform baving been erected for that pur pose. Mrs- Captain Allen has had the training of them who partici pate. On Saturday evening at 7:30 the primary department cf the Sunday school has its Christmas program, the Kan Doo class, Mr. Ira Corey, presdent, furnishing the treat. On Sunday afternoon, Dr. Gilll lan, accompanied by the Epworth League committee, Miss Olive Eck ersley In charge, will hold a song service at the Stata ïnstltution at 3 o'clock. This has proven a pleasant religious recreation for our young people who serve the shutins thus every month. the DEATH OF THOMAS CLARK Thomas Clark, one of Blackfoot's Oldest citizens, passed awy at his home on East Court street last Tues day. Mr. Clark had been 111 for some time and his death wag no sut. prise to his family. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Mary Clark and ! three sons and four daughters. Fu \ neral services will be held Thursday j at two p. m. from the Second Ward church. Interment will be in the Grove City cemetery. j - | Bring yoor next order of M i Printing to this office. We do satls factory Job work. Phone 11. ÿmezæsœwMms&M —ii...,«—i ii' n |io H if ! # A fßerry OHfriHttnaa aiiù a ijappu Nnu $ear _\Y A The Bingham County News extends to its many friends and patrons the season 's greetings and wish for you the merriest Christmas and a New Year filled with Joy. —Editor. il lUSOTMEii i viitMMiii ; 'y i A ! * I ö I £ I GEORGE CHESEBRO IN NORTHWOODS PICTURE George Ohesebro, the well known delineator of trong character roles has been given a genuinely *dramaiti|c part in the lead of "The Recoil" which is termed a story of th# Mounted Police in the Northwest. This picture is playing Saturday only at (the Isis theatre. It otters Mr. Ohesebro in an exceptional part and he has been surrounded by an unusual cast. The locale of the production s true to the story and offers many Ibeautifull shots of the country described as the north, wolods. In the early stages of the pro duction Mr. Ohesebro is seen in the atmosphere of the college which both he and his brother attend. They are both in love with the same girl, Amy Crosby, but by a He his brother succeeds in winning her and after their marriage departs for the nortwoods to hew out their fortune. In the meantime Mr. Ohesebro In the part of Mac McLeod has become! O o O prominent in politics and is an in-j fluential member of the bar. He centers all of his affection on his mother but is never quite able to forget Amy. Don does not find that things run so smoothly among the big trees and is induced to gamble and from there to make good his losses he takes to burglary. How be Is shielded tby his broth er, the abduction of his wife and the drama that is enacted with the Mounted Police after Don, form one of the most thrilling episodes of Ijthis production. PRAY ER SER VICE There will be prayer services (at the Baptist church Thursday even ing. This week's topic deals with the convictions necessary for Chris tians to have if they be soul win ners. The special Study, (based on the Bible and supplemented by Dr. Sdarbough's book. "With Christ Af ter the Lost," is well worth your time and trouble to attend all the meetings ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Sunday, December 25. Holy communion 8:00 a. m. Holy communion and eermon 11:00 a- m. All are cordially invited. R. S. BTRINGFELLOW, Rector. at Senator L. R. Thomas returned Tuesday evening from Boise where he has been spending a few days at tending to business ! -—\i <■ S£\e ! i | ; I oooooooooooooooo O O o ROCKFORD O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Wednesday, December 14th, Miss Florence^Waltera of Rockford and Mr. George Quipton of Bloomington were married at 7:3(1 p. m by Bish op Williams of Thomas, The young couple will make their borne at Bloomington. Wednesday evening ait 11 p. m. a crowd of young people ", chivaried Mr. and Mrs. Quipton Arthur Manwarring Uf Grove land was a Rockford visitor Mon day. Wednesday evening most of our young people attended the enter tainment given by the Primary as sociaton of Rockford {Uid Thomas, at the Thomas (meeting house. The house was filled to Its capacity and the entertainment was enjloyed by all. Considerable credit is due the officers and teachers who presented the same. t The children of RockfoTd are re joicing over their new school wa to and gon which conveys <nem from the distant farms. Nearly every day men are seen going to the lavas after wood. It is a blessing for the farmers when dual s so high, that wood is so eas ily obtained. Little Melba Anderson has been on the sick list the past week. Miss NoTma Anderson, who has been in the Blacktoot (hospital for the past seven weeks, returned to her home Saturday, her health be ing much improved. \ Miss Vera Cameron s^ent Sunday with her parents at Thomas. About two inches of snow fell in these parts Sunday. It looks as if we might have a typical Xmas. The deacons were around the past week collecting f^at donations. The Rockford school children will give a program at the school house Friday evening, to Which the public is invited. More snow fell Monday so that the young petoiple are enjoying the sleighing. Several young people called at the home of the Misses Flora and Ellen Anderson Friday evening and had an enjoyable time. Games were played and the young folks enjoyed popping corn and making candy. WILL WRITE EDITORIALS Students of the University of Idaho are getting busy on editorial writing, in a contest conducted by PI Delta Epsilon, national journal istic fraternity. "The Practical Value of a Cultural Education" is to be the topic. oooooooooooooooo', oj O FIRTH ° ! O o , oooooooooooooooo The Firth high school basketball team are making a good showing, and without a doubt will make a good showing this winter. A card party was given by Albert Burkman last Saturday evening. Mainy young folks attended and all had a splendid time. A Christmas .program will be given by the grade and high school, Saturday evening at the Idylwild hall. This entertainment promises to be equal, if not better than the one given by them last year. Miss Edith Christensen a/nd L. E. Kelley spent last Friday evening playing cards with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Gushwa. Henry Landon has been handi capped the last few days, a horse having fell with him hurting fais ankle. _ Mr. L. L. Hurt was baddy burn ed on (both hands last week when (the side curtains of his car took fire and he tried to extinguish ifihe blaze by pulling the curtains off. He succeeded in saving the car, ihowever. Mr. and Mrs- Elmer Taylor, and Miss Eva Dye were Blackfoot visi tors Friday. It is reported that Alveolda Lan den and her small brother, who are in (the hospital at Idaho Falls, are doing nicely and will soon be out again. The Luther League met last Fri day evening with Mrs. G. Piltin srud. There will be a Christmas pro gram given at the Church on Sun day evening. Potatoee are moving very slowly here and the price is unsteady. Here's hoping tha/t the sale will be better after New Years, as Firth hag tons anid tons of spuds. Mr- E. G. Pence, local manager of the National Park Lumber Co., is leaving for Mackay to spend the holidays. M. H. Shirley will run the yard during his absence. The local high school basketball team will play Shelley here Satur day night, Dec. 24th. oooooooooooooooo o o o RIVERSIDE O o o oooooooooooooooo A short drama was staged by the M. I. Associations .at the stake tab ernacle Friday night, under the auspices of the Stake mutual Im provement associations- Those that took part are to (be complimented upom the clever manner of produc tion. The Primary association expects to put on a bazaar and program on Thursday afternoon and evening. Luncheon will be sold and a dance (held in tihe evening. Lawrence Halverson returned home Saturday afternoon after ful filling a two years' mission In Cali fornia. He was the speaker at the services Sunday afternoon and gave a short synopsis of his labors While away. John Lee has spent several days In Idaho Falls and vicinity this month, returning home Wednesday night December 14. Upon his re turn home he found the pig which was bitten by a rabid coyote sever al weeks ago, suffering with the rabies. The pig would sit up and bark and howl like a coyotte and make a noise which would sound like a lot of pupjxy dogs close by. Mr. Lee shot the pig and cremated the carcass. Mr. L. D. Wilson has been very ill for some time and last Friday all of his Children were called to his bedside. The school (trustees moved the benches, school furniture, etc., Into the new school house last Saturday and school is now In session in the new building which is a credit to the community. Mr. and Mrs. R- F. Dickson have bad a very sick child for the last week, but it Is now on the improve. After spending several weeks in Utah visiting relatives and friends Miss Iretta Gardner returned home Sunday. She reports having had a delightful trip. A reception In honor of Lawrence Halverson was given Tuesday night in the hall with a large crowd pres ent. A short debate, also a farce en titled "Turn Him Out" were given and the crowd responded very ef fectively with outbursts of applause and appreciation. A pano solo by Zula Halverson and a reading by i Vatia Taylor were also given. Danc ing was indulged in after the pro | gram. John R. Stocking and wife, ; Joseph A. Cutler and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Maughan of Blackfoot I were present. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berryman and Miss Verna Willlomson will spend the holidays In Ogden with Mrs. Berryman's parents. PSEUDO SECRET SERVICE MAN TRAILED BY SUPPOSED CON FEDERATE AND NABBED Singular Story of Plots and Counter plots Revealed. Suspect Trailed All Over World and Finally Caught In Russia Warsaw.—.Plots and counterplots, reading like n chapter front fiction, were iiAolved In the search for clews In many parts of Europe by American secret service agents which resulted in the arrest here Saturday of Wolfe Lindenfeld, alias William Linde, In connection with the Wall street bomb explosion in New York In September, 1020. Llndenfeld has fully confessed the authorities aay, naming the ring leaders In the plot which, he declared, was aimed at J. P. Morgan, the lntfer nnl machine exploding prematurely. According to Sylvester Ooagrove and Paul Altendorf, who trailed Llndenfeld the suspect has named five principals in the plot, now In Europe, who re ceived $30,000 from the Moscow Third Internationale through New York com munists. Llndenfeld has declared his willingness to return to New York as soon as ossible and turn state's evi dence. The Polish authorities say he was exposed in 1000 as a Russian sec ret ngent and fled to America at that time, returning to Europe last spring. Altendorf came to Europe in Febru ary last, while Llndenfeld came *>ver In March. During the summer Alten dorf, living In various communistic centers, obtained n clow which led him to seek Llndenfeld's acquaintance. As a result, Cosgrove arrived In Warsaw two months ago, posing ns having con nections with communist groups In America, and was Introduced to Lin denfeld by Altendorf, After estab lishing his acquaintance, Cosgrove sug gested to Llndenfeld a scheme whereby by giving Information In regard to the Wall street explosion, he could receive a large share of the rewards offered for the arrest of the plotters, without risk to himself. Polish operatives shadowed Linden field and the Pole«claim that while Lln denfleld was prelending to play to Cos grove's hands he was at the same time double crossing the Americans, ('lews developed while trailing Llndenfeld led the police agents to arrest a number of communists who are alleged to be spies working .against the interests of Poland. MARRI AGE LI CENSES John Slefrled, Blackfoot .... 22 Matilda Fockner, Blackfoot ..........19 Justin C- Wlxom, Blackfoot ........22 Loraine Shoemaker, Blackfoot ....19 G. S. Lindgren, Idaho Falls ........25 Sophia Wilson, Springfield ..........26 Carl Trolln, Blackfoot ..................24 Grace Ziegler, Goldberg .... 18 Marimlno Salas, Pioneer.............22 Rosa Consoles, Blackfoot .... ...........18 Geo. Quinton, Bloomington ..........28 Florence Walters, Rockford ..........17 CO-EDS WILL DEBATE Debating opportunities for uni versity women are opened up by the organization of a triangular league between the University of Washing ton, University of Idaho and Whit man College. SPRING CARNIVAL PLANNED An all college carnival to open social activities of the second semes ter 1« planned by the University Christian Federation at (the Univer sity of Idaho. LEARN HORRORS OF ARMENIA Horrors of famine In the new East were described to University of Idaho students by Dr. Sherman L. Devine of Spokane, northwest chairman of the Near Bast Relief. LADIES UNION The Ladies Union of the Baptist church met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. B. Stevens. Articles for the bazaar were com pleted and arrangements made for the supper to be given in connection with the bazaar Saturday, Dec. 17 in the church basement. The Bills Auto Company of this city received the following tele • gram from the Ford Motor Company ! hi Salt Lake: Newspaper article rumors regard { ing price drop January first abso , lutely unfounded. None contemplad | ed- No hesitation denying. Peas in formation local papers.