Bingham County News
R. N. LUDI, Editor and Publisher
«Entered as second class matter December 3, 1907, at the postoffice at
Blackpool, Idaho, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
o o
o o
Alice Yancey, Mary Packham, Jes
sie Mason, and Hose Lindsay, at
tended the Relief Society Board
meeting at Blackfoot, Saturday.
Patriarch Andrew C. Jensen and
wile have returned home, after
spending two months in Brigham
City with their daughter, Mrs. Wil
liam Cotter.
Mrs. Samuel Seanions has return
ed home from Logan, where she was
called to attend the fuueral of her
mother, Mrs. Nyman.
The stork visited Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Lindsay and left a boy.
Mother and child are doing nicely.
Calvin Reynolds and Zella Sea
mons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Seamons, were married Wed
nesday in the Logan temple. Cal
vin and Zella are two of our prom
inent young people, and v/e wish
them much happiness in their wed
ded life.
After a long illness, Nels Soren
son, of Logan, formerly of Grove
land, died Wednesday, March 22nd.
Arras Warren and wife are re
joicing over the arrival of a fine
boy. Mother and child are doing
The Relief Society 'convened on
Thursday at 2 o'clock
Bertiha Jensen presiding. Singing,
"Ever to Thee Will We Pray," pray
er, Jessie Mason, singing, "Hope of
Israel," current, events, Beatrice
Bird, lesson, Cora Jones, singing,
"The Happy Day Has Rolled On,"
Benediction, Dora Wilde.
Tuesday night. March 21st, Hor
ace Hale was given a welcome-home
party. The program was as follows:
Singing, "There G Sunshine in My
Soul;" invocation, Joseph Jensen;
The Leading Value
vs. Lesser Value
hm always been easy to get the latter. We are making it
easy to get the former.
Merely because moderately-priced clothes are in demand, we
are not willing to offer you "moderately-priced clothes.*' It is
in haimony with this store's policy to offer you the greatest
value possible at a moderate price. Only then are we satisfied—
because we know then that you are.
In the superb style and guaranteed all wool quality of
Styleplus Clothes $25, $30, $35
this high point of value is realized.
Get these known-value clothes. We've your model, your
pattern, your size, at your price. Cast your eye over the new
Spring Models and you will agree that you can profitably cast
your lot with Styleplus, at this store.
OTHER MAKES AT $13.75 to $20.00
D , Kinney Mercantile Co. r ,
Kegal J , Gordon
' ' Always Reliable
Msoes i.o.o.F.Bidg. Blackfoot Laps
■ inging, "O Ye Mountains High;"
eornic paper, Hossel Barrus; vocal
and Bertha Jensen; remarks. Bishop
Bowker; piano solo, Veda Bowker;
j remarks, Horace Hale; piano solo,
r.avell Jones. The program was fol
1 lowed by a dance. There was a
J large attendance and all enjoyed
duet, Mrs. Arden Hale and Mrs Ar- 1
vin Hale; comic paper, Orson Man
waring; piano duet. Flora A. Havens
themselves immensely.
Miss Phyllis Packham was given
a surprise party last Friday even
ing at lier home. The evening's
entertainment consisted of music 'by
her brothers, Orson and Wallace
Packham, games, and the serving of
delicious refreshments.
O o
o o
Will Allred, of Lewiston, Utah,
spent the week-end here on busi
ness. He left here Monday.
Mrs. J. W. Sprague, who has been
very ill during the past week, is
recovering nicely.
John Gough was in Aberdeen vis
iting on Monday.
Miss Grace Jones returned from j
Moreland Saturday, after a pleasant
visit there with her sister, Mrs. Ada
Carl Arnoldug left here Monday
for Salt Lake City, Utah, after
spending the week with Thomas
Sidney Holmquist was an Aber
deen visitor last week.
Mrs. F. Sackett was called to
Provo, Utah, Friday, by the death
of her father.
The Misses Sarah Gough and
Pearl Phillipps, of Aberdeen, spent
Sunday here with friends and rela
Mr. and Mrs. Everette Colborn
took a number of their cattle on the
reservation last week.
Dewey Hunt, of American Falls,
arrived here Wednesday to look af
ter his cattle.
Miss Mae Jones, of Aberdeen, Ida
ho. -pent Sunday here visiting wltih
A surprise party was given on
Miss Afton Nugent Monday evening,
A crowd of her friends met at the
home of Miss Mae Hutchinson, then
left for Miss Nugents home and
gave her a pleasant surpirse. Play
ing games was the main feature of
the evening, and dainty refresh
ments were served at a late hour,
after which the crowd departed for
their respective ihomes.
Gabriel Holmquist made a trip to
Blackfoot Monday of* this week.
A dance will be given at the
Springfield church on Friday even
ing, March 31st.
Gib Hunt left last week for his
home in American Falls.
Charley Bartlett, of Tyhee, Idaho,
spent several days here last week,
looking Ifor sheep.
H. C. Griffin of Boise was a Black
foot business visitor, Wednesday.
Altar Society of the Catholic j
church met at the home of Mrs. El- !
Sarah Lucille Scott, the two. day
old infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
David Scott, died Monday, March 27
at the family home in Wapello and
-was buried Wednesday in the Grove
City cemetery. Brown- Eldrege lhad
charge of the funeral.
mer Stephens Wednesday afternoonj
The afternoon was spent in sewing
ifor the bazaar to be given very soon.
After the meeting very delicious re
freshments were served.
rlllfj RELIEF /
»Legal Guarantee Given»*
No need of Knife —no pain—continue work.
Ask to sec Gle-o-nis Pile Treatment.
The Brown-Hart Company
"The Home of Popular Prices"
The soft draping qualities of Zion Lace
Curtains can be attributed to the excellence
of the material.
The designs are original, Every room in
the house can be made beautiful by some ap
propriate pattern from this line. We have
the curtains by the pair, or tlie material by
the yard.,
Colonial Drapery Fabrics
Cretonnes, Art Tickings arid Printed Terry's are used in connection
with Lace Curtains, and are very moderately priced.
You are Welcome Whether you Purchase or not.
The regular monthly Missionary
meeting of the Methodist church was
held at the home of Mrs. M. E. Off
icer Wednesday afternoon. The les
son o n India was lead by Mrs. J. D.
Gillilan. After the business meet
ing very delicious refreshments were
served. A large crowd was present.
The body of Mrs. Hattie Gardner
wife of Joseph Gardner, deputy
sheriff of Butte, who died at a local
hospital on Monday was shipped to
Arco, Thursday morning, where bu
rial will take place. She was 42
years and 11 months old. Brown
Eldrege had charge of the body.
The Baptist Women's Missionary
Circle gave a pageant Wednesday ev.
enlng at the church entitled, 'Others'
It was very well played and was both
interesting and very pretty. Rev.
Butler and Rev. Gillilan made a few
remarks following tue pageant, af
ter wfliich refreshments were served.
The Current Event Clulb will meet
Monday, April 3rd, g,t three P. M.,
at the Commercial Club rooms. An
nual election of officers and leaders
du., are also d.Unqu.nt at till,
time. A good program is promised
and a good attendance is desired.
The Wives, Daughters and Mo
thers of the American Legion mem
bers are meeting this evening at the
American Legion Hall to organize an
Auxiliary to tlhe American 'Legion,
which will be to the American Leg
ion what the Woman's Relief Corp
was In the past to the G. A. R. A
large and enthusiastic meeting is
expected as many of the prominent
women of Blackfoot are taking a
very earnest interest in the work.
You can tell 'them a mile, by their
satisfied smile; perhaps after while
you'll give Is a trial, then you will
smile like our customers. Radiator
repairing and recorelng.—Nugent
Metal works.
The Annual School Meeting and
Election will be held in the various
Common School Districts on Satur
day, April 15ch.
Nominations for trustees must be ,
in the hands of the clerk qf the |
♦board not later than April 8th. No
nominations may be made at tlhe an- j
nual meeting, but this does not pre
vent any qualified voter from writ
ing in the name of any qualified
elector of the district for whom he
wishe s to vote as trustee.
It is the duty of every qualified j
voter to attend the annual school [
meeting. Let ns have a full vote !
this election.
County Superintendent of Schools,
Bingham County, Idaho. M31 A7-14
Notice is hereby given that I the
undersigned Sheriff of Bingham
County, Idaho, will sell at public
auction, to the highest bidder for j
cash, at the farm of M. E. Guyman, |
about three mile s west of Moreland,
Idaho, on the 10th day of Mav, A. I
D., 1922. at 11:00 A. M. of said day,
the following described animals, I
to-wit :
One Brown Horse, weight about !
1000 lbs., wire cut on left front foot,'
[branded CM on right thigh.
Sheriff. !
M30 A6-13-20 4t Deputy.
85c a
zer, T
J—Cattle ifor summer herd.
head per month. Best
on the desert. Wm. Del
iber, Idaho. Mch 24 tf
er, co
M el sei
*<E—Holstein cow and heif
ming fresh soon. Edwin
tack, Rt. 2, Blackfoot. tf
31—for want ad service,
vill buy, lsell| or rent an.y
or will find you employ
r an employee. Phone 31.
IMER—Have you a steady
or the summer? If not,
472-w, R. C. Fisher. 2t pd
FOR SALE — Sheppards Anacona
hatching eggs, $1-00 per 15; $6.00
per 100. C. C. Barth, Rt. 3,
Blackfoot. M'ch 31 to May26 pd
tM ,An s Ärr
E * at
and put it in good order at the same
time. Why mot give ue a trial?
Nugent Metal Works.
Sale By
Finley A. Bell, Plaintiff, vs. Isaac
Sorensen and Alveretta Sorensen,
husband and wife, M. M. Farmer,
E. E. Farmer, H. G. Johnson and
Mary G. Johnson, husband and wife,
and D. w. Standrod & Company, a
Corporation, Defendants.
Under and by virtue of an Order
of Sale and Decree of Foreclosure
and Sale, issued out of the District!
We Have
The Greatest Tire Values in town
The BEST 30x31 at any price
Highest Quality Fabric. Now
Plus Tax
"Most Miles Per Dollar"
Vulcanizing and Tire Service. So. Broadway
Court of the Sixth Judicial District,
County of Bingham, State of Idaho,
on the 27th day of March, A. D„
1922, in the above entitled action,
wherein Finley A. Bell, the
named plaintiff, obtained a Judg
ment and Decree qf Foreclosure and
Sale against Isaac Sorensen and Al
veretta Sorensen, husband and wife,
M. M. Farmer, E. E. Farmer, H. G.
Johnson and Mary G. Johnson, hus
band and wife, and D. W. Standrod
& Company, a corporation, defen
dants, on the 18th day of March, A.
D., 1922, for the sum of Eleven
Hundred Fifty-Five and 13-100
($1155.13) Dollars in United States
gold coin, besides interest, costs and
counsel fees, amounting to $170.60,
which said decree was, on the 18th
day of March, A. D„ 1922, recorded
In Judgment book 5 of said Court,
at pages 108-110, I am commanded
to sell that certain lot, piece or par
cel oif land, situate and lying in
Bingham County, State of Idaho, and
bounded and described as follows:
East Fifty-four (54) feet of the
Lotis Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19)
and Twenty (20) of Block Ten (10)
in Shilling's Addition to Blackfoot,
Bingham County, Idaho, according
to the recorded plat thereof.
Public notice is hereby given that
on Tuesday, the 25th day of April,
A. D., 1922, at Ten o'clock A. M. c*f
that day, in 'front of the Court
House door of the County of Bing
ham, I will, in obedience to said or
der of Sale and Decree of Foreclosure
and Sale, sell the above described
property, or so much thereof as may
he necessary to satisfy said judg
ment, with interest and costs, etc.,
to the highest and best bidder, for
gold coin of the United States.
Dated March 28, 1922.
M31 A6-13-20 4t Deputy.