OCR Interpretation

The Idaho Republican. [volume] (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1904-1932, October 18, 1918, Image 8

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091197/1918-10-18/ed-1/seq-8/

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See These
War Time Dresses
A real wartime dress—not a'uni
form, but a smart, serviceable and
economical creation. Buy ser
viceable garments that wear and
give satisfaction. This is true
economy. These models will filb
almost every wartime need, and
yet they are so reasonably priced.
These dresses—in serge, so pop
ular just now—is a splendid ex
ample of smartness and simpli
AT $17.75
The Brown-Hart Co.
The Home of Popular Prices
» 4- I 4 * fe l 4' b fr I 4 »I4141 4- 1 4- I 4- I 4 *
Ellingson and
bore were Idaho
not loaf around
as there
' t
% 4. I 4- 1 4- I 4' 14 ' i4 *' 14t fe- i -». i ^. i .» i » ] l
Mr. and Mrs..John Woods of Idaho
Falls were Shelley visitors on Sunday
last, ""■v *
Word was recently received from
Earl Schureman saying, that he was
in New Yorw City and was starting
home. Earl has seen much fighting
in France and the people of Shelley
should give him a warm welcome
home and s >w him that we are
proud of him „.ud what, he has done
for the good old U. S.» a.
W. H. McCleary and family were
down from Idaho Falls last Sunday
Mr. Waller has been seriously 111
with the influenza for about ten days,
but the last reports -gre that he is
Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Mb
Falls visitors last Sunday.
E. C. Miller, our Jeweler, has been
ill for the past few days, but. is Im
proving at the present writing.
The Shelley farmerettes are sure
doing their bit Many women and
girls of Shelley are working in the
harvest fields. Many of the younger
children are also working ln the po
tatoes. Everybody capable should
help harvest the beets and potatoes
for the scarcity of labor is increas
Clifford Dean and William Flyg
both recently came home from Salt
Lake City, where they have been In
the S. A. T. C. at the University of
Utah. There being no school or drill
ing at the university until the danger
from influenza is overcome.
The pool halls will remain closed
until further order from thq govern
ment. People may go Into the pool
halls for a drink or ice cream, but
should absolutely
such places as long
In any danger of the'Spanish influ
enza spreading. The picture show
will not open until notified by the
government that they can do so.
Many Shelley people attended the
carnival and round up at Blackfoot
last week, and reported havlpg a
good time. Many people said the
round up was very Interesting.
Hans Larsen and wife were down
from Idaho Falls on Sunday last.
Don Sanderson was confined to his
bed with a bad cold for several days,
but is up and around again.
John F. Shelley left for Long
Winter R ates
at Hotel Eccles
Rooms without bath.
Rooms with shower bath
single $5; double $7
..single $7; double $10
Rooms with tub bath, ...single $9; double $12
/Commencing October 15, 1918 and continu
ing during the' winter.
OTTO MAAS, Manager
Beach last Saturday.
He will stay
with, his family there for the winter
providing hie business affairs-do not
call him back here again.
Doctors Cutler and Roberts were
called hurriedly to the sugar factory
last Sunday afternoon, when a
was gased in the lime kiln. He
In a serious condition when the doc
tors arrived, but he received the best
of attention and is now getting along
as well as could be expected. His
name has not been given.
C. S. Foster rfecently received word
from his son Porter at Camp Fre
mont, Cal. saying that he Is enjoying
his work in the medical corps and is
in the best of health.
Mr. McIntyre of the Western
Building & Loan Co. wap In town re
cently on busness. He thinks Shel
ley will make a nice city in time to
It is reported that there are sev
eral cases of influenza in Jameston.
Everything should be done that is
possible to keep the disease from
Many farmers around Shelley who
farmed on an extensive scale this
year are making some good money
and most of these farmers invested
liberally in the fourth liberty loan.
Buy Boq^s!.. Don't Listen to Got.
man Peace Propraganda
Don't slack up on your subscrip
tion to- the fourth liberty loan just
because the 'enemy is talking peace,
but buy and buy again all the bonds
you absolutely can and the allies will
get peace without consulting the
kaiser and his bunch.
we fall In the fourth liberty Joan
will only prolong the war, and sac
rifice more of our soldiers lives in
stead of our dollars. Buy bonds un
til it hurts and hurts! It Is your
duty as a true American, as a lover
of peace, as a sincere believer in the
freedom of mankind to do so! Don't
slacken because there is a chance of
peace but subscribe, make the 4th
Liberty Loan go far over the top and
mak peace sure! The government
bonds are the safest Investment on
io'^IiS d£ S??
No! J
should woJE The vJune eV a e n r H yb °„^
alik« ara wnrlrin^ al j£ 0 d
and J?? h rd , in „ ^ ra " ce
d theif^now ^he mRe(fme d
war and am eaw? to nlav^hAi/nirt u
Loyal Americans back h
oyai Americans, back the good old
boys In Kh>kf to the last drop
blood, and help them back the
mans into Berlin.
People of Shelley, when your
Cross calls for donations or
money, give liberally! Your
are giving their blood liberally
the cause of freedom to all humans.
■♦■ 1 4 1 » 1 1H1 ♦ I » I + 1 fr | +
■ 1 4 JfrI 4- I4 ' H ♦ I » I » j »
Mrs. H. R.* Chappell and son
have returned from a visit in Wyom
Mr*. Von Lostiwicka and
John went to Blackfoot to spend
school vacation with her husband.
Charles Show has purchased
hay and pasture of C. C. Loveless
feed his ahep this winter. The
is said to have been $15 per ton.
Among those who attended
round up at Blackfoot this week
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hutchinson, Mrs.
Mont Rich, Dean Grover, Mrs. H.
Chappell and son, Mr. and Mrs.
nest Wells and children, A. Rupe
the Misses Louise and Fannie
hick, Frank Gravatt, Frank Westfall
and Mr .and Mrs. EJarl Taylor
J. P. Hutchinson of Riverside came
down Saturday to vacinate his calves
that are being pastured here.
G. L. Andrews and Sam Cooper
were vacinatlng and branding cattle
at the Cooper ranch Sunday.
Joseph Coumerilh came down from
Blackfoot Saturday to spend a
days at his ranch:
Miss' Nozzle Boling, one of
teachers, went to Blackfoot Satur
day to spend her vacation with
uncle, Mr. Hampton, and family.
John C. Phillips made a business
trip to Blackfoot the first of
week. He returned Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs Ray McIntyre have
rented the Charlie Shaiw ranch. They
have moved in and taken possession.
Mrs. Verda Watts expects to leave
soon for California, where she
visit with her husband at Camp Fre
Oscdr Rice Jr. is reported to
very ill
The Colubus Day program given
by th%school children Friday after
noon was very well rendered and
well attended. The junior four min
ute contest held between the three
upper rooms was the main feature
the program. A preliminary contest
was held Tuesday afternoon in each
room and the first and second win
ners contested for final honors Fri
day. Those contesting from Miss
Hale's room were Anna Zeigler, fifth
grade, Myrtle Pugmire fourth grade;
from Mrs. Andrew's room Arvel Cor
bridge and Frank
tatOMflour T» Sffilfto comedo Black!
^ nam6 of Germany, ' but before
the war we Imported considerable of
this delicious product from the
twelve-hundred potato flour mills of
hat country ' and lt commanded very
l gh prlces ln AmeHca .to mix with
wheat flour to make a better bread
than could be made from wheat flour
alone. x
During the war the industry has
been transferred to America by the
erection of a few mills, and they are
making good ln a way that arouses
interest of conservative folks who
not usually take up with new
things until they have run the guant
of every phase of opposition. The
towns of Bemidger, Minnesota, and
Idaho Falls, Idaho, are among the
dozen that have new mills just
getting into successful operation, and
town In South Carolina in estab
lishing a mill for making flour from
sweet potatoes.
The use of culls, and cut or broken
potatoes for making flour is one of
larger considerations that appeal
the grower of, potatoes, for lt
enables him to market all of his
without any temptation to de
from perfect grading of his
number one variety. It also enables
farmers to market every potato crop
raise, for lt greatly aids In stab
ilizing the market. We are informed
under present conditions, culls
number two potatoes would com
about 85 cents per hundred
pounds, and bread would be better
having five percent potato flour
It. j
The Industry Is gaining so much
in America that practically all
brewers in the country are look- j
Herr both of
and Cecil Conor and
from the eighth grade.
The judges decided In favor of Arvil
Corbrldge, who received the certifi
cate sent out by the government, and
Is now a full fledged Junior Four
Minute Man. Cecil Conor received
second honors
G. A. Line and Vince Marriott are
on a deal where Mr. Line is negoiat
ing for the purchase of Mrs, Afar
riott's ranch.
ll grade
Ward f

jfr»I 'fr hfrl 4 ;$ 4' 14 » 14I4 - I 4- I4 1 »14
• W 4' I4 ' l - »I 4' I4 *' 1 4' I '» 1 4' 1 4' 1 4 1 -»
Mrs, Fred Lee and Miss Buttler
spent Tuesday and Wednesday In
Blackfoot taking In the round up.
Quite a number of the farmers are
working in the potatoes and beet
Miss Mary King made a business
trip to Blackfoot Saturday.
R. P. Evans- and Adrian Siesser
left Saturday evening for Salt Lake
to enlist as Red Cross motormen but
failed to pans the examination.
The wheat crops are looking fine
ln this locality, and the fall grain Is
from two to four ihches high.. The
potatoes are turning out very good.
There were fifty wagon loads of
wheat In Taber Friday and before
long there will be twenty or more
ears shipped from here this season.
J. G. Wagner visited with home
folks this week. >
Mrs. Sieseer received a telegram
Wednesday reporting the death of
her sister Mrs. H. C .Watson of Span
ish Influenza at Sphingfield, Mo.
Fred Lee and two children
working ln the potatoes at Moreand
this week. s The hogs that were In
fected with cholera are all O. K.

J. A. Stewart has had a little
with the Non-partisans and has
eluded that it is a queer co-operative
mutual benefit society, where a man
has to give up his individuality
become a mere cog in a wheel to
tain his good standing with them,,
and he quit. It was rumored that
they exerted considerable pressure
to try to keep him in the league,
it was reported also that they made
some sort of veiled threat about what
would happen if he left them.
made inquiry to find out Just what
it all amounted to and the following
statement by Mr. Stewart is in
swer to the inquiry:
Blackfoot, Idaho, Oct. 14, 1918.
To whom it may concern:
I joined the Non-partisan league
under the impression and representa
tions ,of the organizers that
league was a non-political organiza
tion and that its chief objects were
to benefit the farmers by co-operative
legitimate work' on their part, and
not a political league to array one
class against another as I no#
lieve this organization to be. I was
assured by the organizers that
league would not be used for politi
cal purposes. This representation
have now found to be without foun
I am first of all an American and
no organization can direct either
threats or otherwise how I shall
ercise my right of suffrage and citiz
In this county the activities of the
Non-partisan league are directed
chiefly, as far as I have been able
to learn, thru James Fbndlebury, W.
C. Sollenberger, and E. A. Doud and
they take their inspiration from A.
C. Townley and his agents.
1 had a conversation with W. C.
Sollenberger in which he told me that
I should "stick'' to the league and
vote for its candidates; that I was
young man of influence and ability
and if I did not "stick" my career
would be ruined and I would be
"dead one." The threat did not in
timidate me because I alone would
suffer the consequences of my action,
if the threats were attempted to be
carried out. I reserve the right to
exercise my franchise in harmony
with patriotic impulses and sound
discretion. Because I could not do
that and remain a member of the
league, and for the other
stated. I have severed by connection
with the league.

J. A. SI m WART.

Your pantry shelves next winter
will have a much greater influence
upon the outcome of the battles over
in Europe than you perhaps imagine
It has been stated that the amount
of canned food on the market next
year wilt be but a small percentage
of the normal amount The govern
ment has contracted for much of the
factory product for our army and
navy. With the prospect of a de
creased amount of canned food un
less ^ie housewives come to the fore
with their home product, there may
be many under-fed people In the
United States. To a person who has
had too little food, or not the right
kind of food the 'World looks pretty
gloomy, and the letters that will be
written to the soldiers abroad by
those people will reflect their feel
ings. Army officers abroad have
stated that men fvho worry about
their home conditions do not make
good soldiers, and that letters from
home are a great factor in the effici
ency of the troops: which hitches
the pantry shelves up directly with
the fighting line. If you don't have
good food ,you can't write cheerful
letters, and if soldiers don't have
cheerful letters, many of them can't
do good fighting, and if they can't
fight, who's td lick the Hun? There
fore, for their sake, for'your sake
and the country's sake, can!
ing to the potato flouring mills to
buy their breweries, for it happens
that they make ideal mills for pro
ducing potato flour. This clrcum
stance brings one condition where the
wets and drys will both be glad to
solve the problem of how to turn
brewing property to beneficial use.
At Blackfoot we have a packing
plant west of town and a canning
plant that are for sale, and a deal
Is now pending by which the bet
ter -one of the two may be turned
Into a mill for makjng potato as
soon as the machinery can be made
and Installed. • It is exceptionally
well situated as to water and rail
facilities, and we shall hear more
of lt later.

Only a few days ago Mr. S. J.
Donaldson, organizer of the Non
partisan league and manager of the
Society of Equity, called at the Re
publican Office and talked, of league
matters and in criticising Governor
Gooding's attitude toward the league
and LeSeuer, said that LeSeuer has
nothing to do with the league. He
said that LeSeuer had once been an
attorney for the Great Northern Rail
road for some years, and that he has
been an attorney for the I. W. W.
men, but has nothing to do with the
The Editor of this little paper was
very much surprised at Mr. Donald
son's statement, but had confidence
ln his Integrity. Since that time we
hlave been watching for Information
on this subject, and find In Townley's
sworn statement made a short time
ago, that Arthur LeSeuer was the
"Executive secretary."
Perhaps Mr. Donaldson can ex
Father Gresl, Dorsey Spethens
Merril Boyle and Elmer Stevens leff
Tuesday morning for a hunting trip
on the Salmon river. They expect
to remain for several days.

Word has been received here by
Mrs. W. 'Bridges of the death of Mrs.
Frank Seigel at Nampa. The Selgel
family were former residents of
Blackfoot and were In business here
for some time.
The cause of her deiath was paral
I. O. Purcell of Okeene, Okla., was
planning to start a new newspaper,
and was shut off by the new order
war industries board making reduc
tions in the amount of print paper
consumed, which forbids establish
ing a new newspaper anywhere.
then bought out a small paper, the
Longdale News, thinking he would
take the little old paper anjl build
it up and.again the war industries
order shut him off, for every pub
lsher is forbidden to increase the
volume of his business, and must
duce the amount of print paper used,
taking July consumption as the basis,
Now that Purcell has bought the lit
tle paper he can take his choice be
tween throwing it away and operat
ing It on the reduced basis for the
period of the war. That is what-he
got for going into something he did
not understand, and at a time when
experienced publishers were looking
for a way to let go.
Blackfoot publisher Restrained
Editor Trego of the Idaho Republi
can of Blackfoot, was planning
change his paper from a semi-weekly
to a tri-weekly on the twenty-third
of September, but the order not
establish any new papers went into
effect the first of September and
when he applied for a permit to go
on with his plans it was refused. He
had not gone to any special expense
for the increased service, more than
to train some additional help, and
that was not considered of sufficient
importance among "previous ar
rangements'' to justify letting him
go on with an increased consumption
of print paper at a time when orders
were being given to reduce consump
tion to 85 per cent of what had been
used. The triweekly will be post
poned until after the war.
Some .t'ewspapers Quit
The Dutch Anzeigler of Freeport,
111., and old German paper that had
served that country for sixty-six
years, has closed its doors.
The Transcript of Little Falls,
Minn., has quit on account of the con
ditions brought on by the war.
The New Era of Davenport, Okla.,
the Enterprise of Carey, Nebr,. the
Pioneer of Ray, New York, the Sent
inel at Cheyenne, Okla., the Kirklin
Journal, the Morristown Sun and the
Flat Rock Herald of Pennsylvannia,
have closed and the Daily American
a Non-partisan paper for whioh ma
chinery was bought in August, has
opened at Grand Forks, N. D. The
Post at Mankato, Minn., went into
bankruptcy but a new company is
being organized to try again.
All over the country, the publisers
of newspapers are literally crying
for help*. and are advertising their
plants for_sale.
An architect Is working on plans
for a heating plant for the city hall
including the apartment in which the
fire equipment is stored. -
Recommends Opening Streets
The committee reported that addi
tions to the city left the following
streets and blocks needing to be
opened or added to the city: Wash
ington street from Stout street east.
East Main from Monroe street north.
Lots 5 to 12, block 75, Shilling's ad
dition. All of block 11 and fractions
of 12 and 13, Elmwood. Pacific
street from Adams eas along the
north side of blocks 7, and 14, Mc
Donald's addition. Blocks 71, 72,
73, 76 and 77, McDonald's addition.
All the tracts known as Robinson's
six acres on South University. It
was left to the city attorney to pre
pare the steps necessary to make
these tracts parts of the city.
Ordinance No. 220 providing for
the sale of bonds for $95,000 to be
used for the purchase and improve
Ing the water system was read the
third time and was approved and
published In this issue, providing for
an ■ election on Tuesday the nine
teenth of November. The vote In
council was unanimous. ~
The receipts from the carnival
company last week were $396.27,
placed to the credit of the fire, de
partment. The expenses were
$iul,50, leaving $228.77 net.
Notice Is hereby given to the stock
holders of the High Line Lateral
Ditch company, Ltd., a corporation,
whose principle place of business Is
in Blackfoot, Bingham county, Idaho,
that there will be a stockholders'
meeting of said corporation, held at
the meeting-house in the village of
Moreland, of what Is known as
Keever station, in said Bingham
county, Idaho, on Friday, the eigh
teenth day of October, 1918, at the
hour of 1 p. m., among other things
for the purpose of voting upon the
adoption of the proposed amend
ments to the articles of incorpora
tion, authorizing the board of direc
tors to borrow money to refund the
companys indebtedness and perfect
its record title and take any and all
other action necessary, proper, or
convenient to effectuate such pur
pose. The amendments and resolu
tions proposed and to be voted upon
are the following:
1. That all corporate stock of this
corporation, Issued and outstanding,
and all treasury stock shall be re
tired and in lieu thereof two classes
stock shall be issued and provided
v{ v 1 t0 b ® Preferred stock,
which shall entitle the! holder thereof
the right to the delivery and use
water out of said canal system,
equivalent to one cubic inch per
second of time fer each two shares
Btock now held by such stock
holder in the corporation, upon th^
condition and in the event that be
fore the Issuance of such preferred
stock to such stock-holder he shall
convey, by sufficient deeds or con- of
tracts of conveyance to said corpora
tion, a weter right In the People's
Lanai & Irrigation Co., equal to one
cubic inch of water per second of
time for each two shares of stock
surr-adered and retired out of the
water appropriated by said People's
anal * Irrigation Co - abou t Feb
tuary 1894, and decreed to It by the
District Court of the sixth Judicial
District of the State of Idaho about
December 1910 in an action com
monly known as the Snake river
water suit.
2. To issue shares gt common
| stock to the present owners cf stock
was in this corporation, in lieu of their
present-holdings, which stock shall
of ' entitle the holders thereof to the
j right to have conveyed thru said
canal system the same amount of
water that their present Btock en
He titles them to have carried thru said
the .system, with the further "condition
that fn the event the holders of said
stock shall convey to said corpora
tion a water right in said People's
Canal & irrigation Co. or any other
the water right of equivalent quantity
re- and value, such, common stock may
be surrendered and preferred stock
issued in lieu thereof.
lit- 3. To amend the articles of incor
be- poration by changing the number of
shares and the par value thereof, and
the to create the two .classes of stock
above enumerated, and to provide for
did the relative rate of assessment upon
each class of stock in such manner
and to such extent as may be neces
sary and convenient to effectuate the
proposed changes herein enumerated.
4. To amend or change the cor
to porate name, particularly by elimin
ating the word in the title thereof,
limited, or otherwise to simplify and
to shorten said corporate name,
5. To authorize and empower the
board of directors, by the adoption
go of suitable resolutions or by-laws, to
He refund any or all of the corporation
indebtedness ,and to borrow money
for such purpose in an ^nount not
to exceed $80,000, and to execute to
the Inter-National Mortgage bank of
Spokane, Wash., or to any other loan
or trust company, bank, or person,
such trusts deeds, bonds or deben
tures of this corporation in order to
secure said loan ,as may be deemed
necessary, proper, or convenient for
securing the same,
6. To authorize the corporation to
receive, take over, hold, and own all
water rights conveyed by its several
stockholders, out of and from the
-rights so held by them in the said
People's Canal & Irrigation Co., and
to issue to Its stockholders, in con
sideration therefore, preferred stock
in this corporation, which stock shall
carry with it the rights and interests
specified in paragraph 1 hereof, as
full consideration for the transfer to
it of said water rights, and to here
after receive a conveyance of a like
amount of water from any and all of
its stockholders, holding . common
stock, and to issue preferred stock
in place thereof as provided in para
graph 3 hereof.'
7. To authorize and empower the
board of directors of this corpora
tion to take all action necessary or
proper to perfect a record title, and
vest the same in this corproation to
the riguv of way canal system and of
said water rights, and to take all
proceedings required and ' found
necessary or convenient to convey to
and vest in said corporation a com
plete and perfect title to all water
rights now owned by the several
stockholders of this corporation, and
to convey the same and all other
corporate property by mortgage or
trust deed, as security for the loan
herein proposed, the proceeds of the
same to be applied to refunding the
corporate indebtedness, in so far as
may be done, in the form of time,
interest-bearing obligations, and pro
vide for the creation of a sinking
fund, to meet the interest and prin
cipal of such indebtedness, as it ma
We, the undersigned, respectively
president , and secretary of the High
Line Lateral Ditch company Ltd., a
corporation, do hereby certify that
the above and forgoing is a true and
correct copy of the amendments and
resolutions, authorized by the board
of directors of said corporation, to
be submitted to the stockholders, at
some stockholders' meeting at a
meeting of said board, held at Black
foot, Idaho on the seventh day of
September, 1918, at which all the
members of said board,were present
and voted for the same and further
directed that said stockholders meet
ing be called at the time and place
herein, before stated, for the consid
eration of the same by such stock
holders, and further directed that
notice of said stockholders meeting
be published for 30 diays in the Idaho
Republicaa at Blackfoot .Idaho, and
that personal notice of such meeting
be also mailed to the last known ad
dress of said stockholders.
In witness whereof we have here
unto affixed our official signatures.
President of the High Line Lateral
"Shall the mayor and common
council of the City of Blackfoot is
sue the negotiable coupon bonds of
Bald city ln the amount of ninety
five thousand dollars ($95,000) to
provide money for acquiring, by pur
chase or otherwise, a waterworks
plant for said municipality, and a
water supply therefor ,and for con
structing, enlarging, extending, ro
pairing, altering and improving said
Said election shall be held and the
vote upon said question shall be
taken within the respective wards
said city at the following deslg
nated places, to wit:
First ward, high school building
second ward, county court house
third ward, Irving school building
fourth ward, city hall,
All persons who at the time of said
election are qualified electors of said
City of Blackfoot, and who are tax
payers therein, and none others
shall be qualified to vote at said elec
tion on said question. The voting at
said election shall be by ballot
(Signed) ROY S Dele AY
14-iOmf CttyClyk.
Ditch company Ltd.
Notice of Special Municipal Bond
Pursuant to the laws of the State
of Idaho and Ordinance No. 220 of
the City of Blackfoot, in the State of
Idaho, notice is hereby gjpen that
special election will be held in the
City of Blackfoot, within the respec
tive wards of said city, at the voting
places hereinafter designated, on the
nineteenth day of November, 1918,
beginning at the hour of 9 o'clock
a. jn. and closing at the hour of 7
o'clock p .m. of said day for the pur
pose of taking a vote of the quali
fied electors who are taxpayers In
said city, upon the following ques

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