OCR Interpretation

The Idaho Republican. [volume] (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1904-1932, November 19, 1918, Image 5

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091197/1918-11-19/ed-1/seq-5/

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Advertisements under
this head will be charged for at the
rate of 10 cents per line each Issue.
The Republican will not be ro
eponalble for more than one Inser
tion tor errors In classified adver
FOR SALE—Miscellaneous
FOR SALE—50 old ewes, prices rea
sonable'. T. P- Fackrell, 2 miletf
south of Pingree.
adv. 18a-2m
Forrest Trego, Blackfoot, Route 4.
adv 18-2p.
one medium sized beater for sale
at the Republican office.
LOST—Three year old roan sad
dle horse with bald face, white hind
legs, dark brown spot on back.
Strayed from Patterson ranch at
Presto. Notify E. P. Morris, Shelley
Idaho, Route 2, Box 53, or McDon
ald's Real Estate office, Blackfoot,
and receive reward.
adv. 18a-l
WANTED—Salesmen for Art and
Business Calendars, Leather Goods
Advertising specialties. All bus
iness will "hum"—Liberal com
mission; exclusive territory. Per
manent position.—Economy Ad
vertising Co., Iowa City, la.
Fort Hall Indian school, two auto
tires with license attached; in
holder and locked. Reward will
be paid for their return. Notify
A. C. Pearson at sheriff's office at
Idaho Falls.
adv. 16a tf
acres irrigated land,
cash rent suitable. A. Lang, R.2.
adv. 18-2p.
Crop or
The influenza ban will be lifted Id
the state of Idaho, Sunday, Nov. 24.
On that date all public assembleges
such as churches, picture shows,
schools ,etc. will be opened.
School will start Monday, Nov. 26.
Life insurance. Beebe, adv 166tf
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Stewart of
Blackfoot, have four sons In the
service ,and the Salt Lake Tribune
of last Friday publishes their pic
ture* in uniform. Their names are
Lieut. Frank P. Stewart, Corparol
Robert Percy Stewart, Privates
Clarence J. and Thomas J. Stewart.
There is another son at home who
Is ready to go, and all of them, in
cluding the father, have constantly
held to the view that they wo.ild go
the day they were wanted.

Books on tne war at the public
library in the city hall at Blackfoot.
■ 4 -
The hereinafter figures were taken
from the special auditors' flndcial re
port of Blackfoot now on file with
the city officials. Study these fig
ures carefully. There is a great deal
of information therein that is of
vital interest to you.
Outstanding warrant in
Redemption of warrants fourteen
months behind issue.
Bonded Indebtedness
(Twenty year bonds)
9 6 , 000.00
67.000. 00
21 . 000 . 00
Issue 1906
Issue 1909
Issue 1912
Issue 1916
Total -
Annual Interest on bonds $5,949.50
(Exclusive of paring bonds)
. There should be on hand In sink
ing fund for redemption of bonds
Actual cash balance in sinking
The unpaid portion of the paving
bondB, $50,175.63 are not included
with these bonds as they are taken
care of by abutting property owners.
Appropriation made by
1917-1918 ordinance .
1918 warrants Issued to
date .1.
Interest actually paid in
1918 on warrant redemp
tion .
Interest on proposed bond
issue, assuming a mini
mum rate of 5% per cent. $5,225.00
Annual bond redemption
(sinking fund) on basis of
twenty year issue .
Will the water system net the city
annually this amount? Has is oc
cured to you that the present water
company has made no repairs or ex
tensions of service in the year 1918?
In the year 1916 there were war
rants outstanding with no funds to
pav, which led to issuing of bonds
for the amount of $22,250.00. Mr.
Taxpayer, are you going to again is
sue bonds to take care of floating
warrants and provide a sinking fund?
Inasmuch as the present levy of
15 mills apparently does not cover
current expenses, the rate will neces
sarily have to be shoved up to 18
mills, the limit, and this will only
provide funds for current expenses.
What about your sinking fund?
If the flnancies of a commercial
institution were in the shape that
those of Blackfoot are, you know
what would happen. You would
lock the door, turn the key over to
the creditors and beat it.
Is it practical to contract more
debt when we have made a miserable
failure in the handling of those we
now have?
Continued from pace one
city of 160,000 people it had a
gravity system from up the Potomac
river with 192 feet altitude, and
used a 36-inch main. He thinks a
16-inch pipe would carry 1000 inches
of water on such a descent as we
have from the head of Lincoln creek.
When asked what kind of pipe
should be used Dr. Hoover said red
wood staves. It would last longest
and be by far the cheapest. Red
wood, he said, would not rust out,
and that is petrifies with age.
Bing in your spuds. We are pre
pared to handle them any time at
the highest market price.
Stone, phone 23, Clark Fuel & Ice
D. A.
■ 4 -
Dr. B. H. Hudson, who has been
in SanFranclsco taking examinations
for military service, has not as yet
been released from the service.
In the meantime he will take a
postgraduate course In Chicago.
He will return to Blackfoot the
fore part of January and will open
an office over the First National
- 4 -
American Troops Operating in Country
for Many Centuries the Scene
of Wart and Revolutions.
American soldiers during their brief
leisure moments are wandering
through ruins and over fields made fa
miliar to students of history by cen
turies of wars and revolutions. Some
Of them have already fonght on the
scene of some of Napoleon's operations
In the region of the Marne.
Some are training over ground where,
the Normans fonght the French and
where the French fonght the Span
iards. Later they will perhaps be
marching In line of battle over the
inntry where the French and the Ger
mans have fought again and again and
where they will help the French and
the British end the last of the wars to
devastate the valleys of France for
centuries to come. *
Nearly the entire history of France
Is pictured all over the areas occupied
by the Americans in ancient churches,
which, along with object lessons in his
tory, will give the attentive soldier an
enlarged appreciation of art and archi
Asked to what extent the men were
profiting from these opportunities, an
officer of the American forces said that,
after getting located, the soldier takes
the first opportunity to explore tha
neighborhood. To use one of the Brit
ish terms that are taking root among
the overseas men, they "push off" into
all the nooks and corners. If their con
ceptions of what they see are often
vague at first they soon get the habit
of observation which develops into
taste and, in a goodly number of cases,
becomes a study.
• THE ■ _
In all the world there Is no vice,
Leas prone to excess than avarice;
It neither cares for food nor clothing,
Nature's content with little, that with
most palatable salad
is the following:
Take a cupful of
crab meat, the
canned variety, cut
with a sharp knife
Into small pieces,
add an equal amount
of finely diced tart
apple, season with
salt and a few dashes of paprika, add
a half-cupful of mayonnaise and serve.
A little chopped green pepper may be
added for variety.
Ham With Cider.—Slices of cold ham
are heated In cider which has been
thickened with cornstarch. Serve pour
ed over the ham. A half glassful of ap
ple or currant Jelly with a half cup
ful of water and a tablespoonful of
cornstarch makes a good sance.
Cheese and Pepper Fondu.— Use two
tablespoonfnls each of chopped red
and green peppers, two-thirds of a cup
ful of corn cake crumbs, the same
amount of scalded milk and cheese,
one-half teaspoonful each of salt and
paprika, a few grains of mustard and
two well-beaten eggs. Grease a baking
dish and sprinkle with the finely
chopped peppers. Add the scalded nillk
to the grated cheese, seasonings,
crumbs, and beaten egg yolks; mix
well, then fold In the stiffly beaten
whites. Turn Into the baking dish and
bake in a slow oven twenty-five min
Chocolate Molasses Cake*.—Take
one-third of a cnpfnl of molasses, one
sixth of a cup of boiling water, on ta
blespoonfnl of shortening, one-half
cupful of flour, one-fourth cupful of
corn flonr, one-third of a teaspoonful
of soda, the same of salt and cinna
mon, one and a half squares of melted
chocolate and a half teaspoonful of
vanilla. Beat thoroughly after combin
ing as usual, and bake In small greased
muffin pans.
Coconut Biscuit—Sift two cupfuls
of barley flour with four teaspoonfuls
of baking powder, a half teaspoonful
of salt, two tablespoonfuls of shorten
ing and one cupful of fresh grated co
conut. Add the , coconut, milk for
the liquid and roll out one-half Inch
thick. Brush the top with milk and
inke moderately twenty-five minutes.
. v
it«Ml W«rG»nton,
Situation in British Politico That Hu
Never Before Oocurred le Among
the Feasibilities.
Herbert H. Asquith, former premier,
is often mentioned as a possible addi<
tlon to the present cabinet The Man
chester Guardian points out that if this
happens Lloyd George will have two
former prime ministers among his sub
ordinates. There is no former instance
of tills state of things in modern his
tory, and it is a long time now since an
English government contained in a
secondary place even one former pre
The classical cas6 occurred about the
middle of last century, and Is furnish
ed by the gume of see-saw which was
played by Lord John Russell and Lord
1846-52 Lord John Russell was prime
minister and Lord Palmerston foreign
secretary, and In the government of
1859-65 their two positions were ex
actly reversed.
It was Lord John Russell's excep
tional fate to be prime minstsr from
the age of fifty-four till that of sixty,
to be in and out of subordinate office,
under Lord Aberdeen and then under
Lord Palmerston, from sixty to seven
ty-three, and at that age to be prime
minister again.
If Lloyd George gets Mr. Asqnlth as
well as Mr. Balfour he will have all the
living former premiers except one, the
exception being Lord Rosebery, whose
period of office—15 months—was so
short as to compare with the mete
oric premiership of the age of Can
In the' government of
Fireflies 8eem to Have an Understand
ing as to When to Begin
an Illumination.
Various observers testify to the fact
that myriads of glow worms very oc
casionally indulge in synchronous flash
ing with very beautiful effect. It Is
thought by some* that this phenom
enon is accidental, although in this
light some cases would seem incred
John V. Purcell of Washington
D. C., records that in the town of Co
tabato, island of Mindanao, P. L, a few
years ago there were two trees about
the size of apple trees and perhaps a
hundred yards apart, and every eve
ning these were filled with fireflies
which flashed in unison, first one tree
lighting up and then the other. There
must have been several thousand in
sects In each tree, yet the synchronism
was so perfect that rarely or never
did a single firefly flash at the wrong
"To the best of my recollection the
Illumination period lasted about two
or three seconds and the dark periods
perhaps twice that long. I can posh
tlvely vouch for the accuracy of the
foregoing, for It seemed so strange and
produced so beautiful an effect that I
thought It one of the most remarkable
things In the Philippines, and it mude
a deep impression on me."
War Brings Peace to New York.
All Is peace In New York's toughest
district since the war. A year or so
ago any person who wandered through
the "Gas House" district, on First ave
nue from Seventeenth to Twenty-sec
ond street, at night usually came away
minus his watch and roll and with a
battered countenance. Many were the
actual and alleged breaches of the
peace laid to the young manhood of
this section of the city. It ran the
■gamut of everything from riot to mur
der. Today all this is changed. Since
the "Gas House" gang has donned the
khaki there is an air of refinement and
culture in the district. Men neigh
bors meet on friebdly terms and
clothes-line fights and feuds between
the women are only memories. Gone
is the old order of things material.
Fights have given way to celebrations
in honor of the lads from the district
now fighting in France. There are
171 of them from this section and
the other night a service flag was un
furled. It showed five gold stars.
Two thousand men, women and chil
dren, many of them mothers and fa
thers, lifted their voices in a pean of
Twice Cited for Bravery.
To have been cited by the French
for bravery twice since his arrival in
France In January Is the record of
Professor Stephen H. Bush of the
University of Iowa. In the wake of
the first official announcement came a
lengthy cablegram with the details of
hlsysecond citation. "Courage and ten
acity in bringing in wounded over ex
posed places" were conspicuous on the
part of Professor Bush, who Is work
ing for the Y. M. C. A. with the Mo
roccan divisions.
The cablegram further declares that
the "French are devoted to Professor
Bush and the other Y. M. C. A. work
ers In his division and are gaining a
high opinion of Americans through con
tact with them." Professor Bush is
head of the department of romance
languages at the university.—Iowa
University News Letter.
Marked Oats.
The appearance of the letter B on
oats coming up this season, which is
astonishing people in the rural regions
of Wisconsin, Is less mysterious than
what Is said to have happened at Zan
zibar, where, so report avers, a fish
was caught with two inscriptions in
Arabic characters on its tail. These,
as deciphered by scholars, were re
spectively "The work of God" and
"God alone." However, the Zanzibar
narrative is a fish story.—Milwaukee
Evening Wisconsin.
Novel by William De Morgan Ha*
Counterpart in Real Llfe-$tory
of Engliehman.
A little more thnn ten years ago n:
Englishman, deep in the sixties, woi.
great renown by going to a hospital.
His illness, though severe, was ordi
nary enough. The use he made of hH
convalescence distinguished him.
Propped up In bed, Wllllum De Mor
gan wrote his first novel. When he
was entirely recovered, he wrote an
other, which was destined to curry or
his fame around the reading world.
The book told .the story of an engi
neer returned to London after man.'
adventures. There a mishap in tie
tube caused him to lose Ills memory
In the dazed state he lived a new life.
By chance he met his former wife, fell
in love with her and married her again
Strange as was De Morgan's tale
critics said only be could make it con
vincing—London itself has duplicated
it from life.
John Arthur Lewis, a returned sol
dier, was lately haled Into court for
absconding with money he had col
lected for his employers.
His Innocence was easily proved. On
the collecting trip he had been struck
by a van and injured. Bereft of his
memory he wandered over England,
arrived at his old home, and was in
troduced by his mother to a young
woman, said to be his wife.
He refused to accept his past until
one night the German airmen dropped
bombs, and the shock of the explosion
restored his memory. Then all came
back, even the uncompleted day's
work of last August
History here modifies the ancient ob
servation as to truth and fiction. Truth
Is not stranger than good writing.
Rather the artist senses probably
ahead of the facts and later reality
corroborates him. Who knows not at
least one Enoch Arden? Tennyson
guessed them all.
And Incidentally Druggist Knows
More About United 8tates Cur
rency, 8o It's Even Break.
The druggist at the corner was pass
ing some copper money in change for
a broken dime, the big part of which
had been spent in chocolate candy, to
an eleven-year-old lad.
"There's yonr three pennies change,"
said the druggist.
"Wotcher glvln' us?" said the small
"Your change, three pennies.
"No, y'r not Them's not pennies.
You ain't got no pennies In the
"I've more than a hundred of 'em In
the cash register."
-PH bet yoa ain't got one, let alone
a hundred," said the boy. "I'll bet you
five soda waters."
"I'll take you," said the druggist.
"I'll prove it right now. Read what
it says on that money. Don't It say
'One Cent?' You don't find any pen
nies in our coins. Our teacher told
The druggist acknowledged his error.
"Now," said the boy, "come on with
your soda water. Gimme two glasses
chocolate to begin with."
Just What to Do.
Commander Capsicum, who looked
after the submarine defenses at little
Winklevllle, had spent the morning
instructing the mine-sweeper's crew in
their duties.
"Now, you see," he said, fingering
his models, "you ram a sub like this.
Do you want to ask me any ques
"Please, sir," piped some son of a
sea cook, "what shall I do if I see a
The instructor gazed at the man
with sparks coming out of his eyes,
and the rest of the class thought out
all the horrible stories of the punish
ments Nero inflicted" on those who
crossed him.
"Do!" roared Qnpsicum, when he
found Ms voice, "do, man, do! Why
follow the-thing home and take
its name and address !"•—Pearson's
Efficiency Can Be Overdone.
It may be that the new and much
vaunted religion of efficiency can be
carried too far. A little less of It, at
times, might work no great harm. Not
that we would decry efficiency, mind
yon. Doubtless It Is a fine thing. But
look what It has done to the Ger
The idea we are trying to get at la
that if a man follow always and eter
nally the cast Iron rules of efficiency,
It Is apt to make him stale as any
other steady diet would do, or to
weary him as It would weary him to
be always prim and sedate and al
ways to wear stiff collars and tight
shoes.—Los Angeles Times.
Use Wireless Lamp.
A Wireless signal lamp has been de
vised for various kinds of war work
which enables the users to keep up
communication under conditions where
It would be difficult or impossible to
stretch telephone or telegraph wires.
A barrage fire, for example, would be
no hindrance to signaling by this new
apparatus. It can be used between
a ground station at the battle front and
an airplane a considerable distance
away, flying over enemy territory.
"Suppose all the doctors have to go
to war?"
"I don't care. Mr. Hoover doesn't
let me eat anything that disagrees
with me."
ike mam
In life's universal garden
We have each to hoe our row.
And to make life worth the living
Wo must hoe, hoe, hoe.
HERE are many poe
sibllitles In small
amounts of left-over
._ „
one may have a
large variety from
which to choose.
fish. In these days ;
of much canning,
Shepherd'* Pie.—
Take two cupfuls of
. flaked fish; place in
a baking dish. Cover with a sanee
and one of floor, a half teaspoonfol
of salt and a few dashes of pepper,
with a capful of beef soup broth,
Cover the saoce with a mashed potato, j
brush with cream and bake brown In
Fish Turbotm-Scald a cupful of
«* £2* "* *Wj *" <£
scalded cream and atlr until It thick
ens. Add four tablespoonfuls of bread
the oven.
crumbs, set over hot water and cook j
for five minutes. Take from the fire, j
add two cooked egg yolks, two cupfuls j
of fish, a tablespoonful of chopped ;
parsley and salt and paprika to taste.
Fill greased shells or souffle dishes.
brush over the top with beaten egg and .
brown In the oven. I
Delmonleo Halibut—Beat the yolk !
of an egg Into a half cupful of mashed
potato. Melt two tablespoonfuls of
butter, add a tablespoonful of corn
starch; stir until smooth and thick
over the heat, after adding two cupfnla
of rich milk; take from the fire, add
another egg yolk, two cupfuls of cook
ed fish and the seasoning needed. Fill
a greased baking dish with alternate
layers of potato and fish. Cover the
top with buttered ctumbs, sprinklej
with parmesan cheese and bake 20
minutes in a hot oven.
Codfish Balls.— Wash and pick over
one cupful of codfish, shredding it into
small pieces. Add fish to two cupfuls
of diced potatoes, uncooked. Cook
untll the potatoes are tender, drain,
mash and beat with a fork until light.
Add a tablespoonful of butter, two
, . i „_-_ „„„ K '
tablespoonfuls of cream one beaten
egg and salt and paprika to taste.
Make Into balls, cover with egg and
crumbs and fry in hot fat.
A little leftover salmon mixed with
coconut, cabbage and a chopped pickle
to give an acid touch, and dressed
wlth a plain boiled dressing, is a good
salad combination.
fltJtUt Tj'WurtfG
Give to your friends a cordial wel
come, Instead of a variety of cakes
and pastry.
The smile of the hostess Is the cream
Of the feast.

LACE a slice of to
rn a t o on nicely
browned and but
tered toast, sprinkle
Jsalt 1 paprika 01 'and
^f Pr
with bits of butter.
Place in the oven
until the cheese is
Cream of Turnip
and Potato 8oup.—Pour three cupfuls
of scalded milk over one-fourth cup
ful of mashed potatoes and three
fourths of a cupful of mashed-turnip.
Strain through a flue sieve. Melt a
tablespoonful of butter, stir til a
tablespoonful of flour, and cook until
bubbling hot and smooth after adding
the hot milk mixture. Serve very hot
with rye bread croutons. If the soup
1 b too thick add a little more milk.
This year there-was a bumper crop
of tomat<£8 In most localities. After
all the pickled, canned, and spiced to
matoes are put up, use the rest for:
Home-Made Tomato Paste.— Wash
and scald the tomatoes without peel
ing them. Strain through a fine sieve
to remove all seeds, then boll until
thick. Put Into glass Jars and keep
cool and dry. This paste Is a most
valuable addition to the fruit closet
as It Is fine for flavoring soups and
sauces. It Is condensed so that a
little goes a long way lu flavoring.
8ca!lop of Egg Plant—Chop the
remnants of friend egg plant rather
coarse. Arrange in ramekins In lay
ers with well-battered cracker crumbs.
Pour enough milk over so that it can
just be seen and brown In a hot oven.
This dish resembles oysters In taste.
Victoria Meat.—Melt three teaspoon
fuls of butter, stir In three teaspoon
fuls of flour, one-fourth of a teaspoon
of salt, n little paprika, bay leaf, and
two slices of onion; add one cupful of
stock and one-half cupful of tomato
juice, stirring constantly,
slightly thickened add four mushrooms
cut in pieces, one and a half cupfuls
of meat cut in pieces and a cupful of
cooked drained peas,
seasoned stock this is a most tasty
dish. Serve In croustades or timbale
With highly
Red +ers
(By Mrs. Byrd Trego)
A visit to headquarters on Bridge
street found Mrs. Nolan holding full
possession, with no helpers.
She was making one of those de
layed Belgian dresser and passing
sweater yarn to all callers who ex
pressed a desire to knit.
..nile it is true that we may be
^missed from furtner activity In
Red Cross work ,it is also true we
must fl n i 8 h the duties that await
us in the work room now.
With a worl dso torn and bleed
ing, it is difficult to rostore to living
conditions those who have suffered
until reason seems at times to have
heen deprived of. Our boys over
p0 j n t where we may quit with an
honorable discharge. Suppose we
try to clean the workroom by Xmas.
j Late information says we have
until November 30 to make ready
| those little blessings, officially
kn ™ n as Christmas boxes for Uie
Ly U,e P (ir"i),d i).iift anTtcll
jies of FrancC( French and trench .
Now, listen please. There are a
j number of good people somewhere
j who are not working officially for
j Uncle Sam. They may be with some
; of the Y. M. C. A. or K. C. or some
tb * n 3,°( the sort. These are not
. g p rov j s j on made and a bulletin is
I sued on the subject that may be
! found at the post upon inquiry,
This method will be the surest way
to get information,
(Continued from page four)
he turned the worst looking quarter
of a block into one of the nicest
groves and lawns in the town. He
| gave the town pure drinking water
in place of the contaminated l/plioid
stuff they had been drinking, but he
could not develop fho system as fast
as the den|ands of the times called
Each winter, during the social sca
son ike newspaper would publish a
b)t of polite stuff about the elabor
ate entertainments and pink teas g.v
en in the homes oMhe leading peo
ple> and in the sp/ng go lhr V t he
s j ree t s and alleys and observe that
these same per/le had the worst old
back yards and rottenest old tiolels
in the town. The newspaper was
considered spineless, and leading
people, had no fear that it would pub
P* ctures of the awful mess in
* be rea , r « f . their . P°P ula ? abodes :
Women's clubs and aid societies and
the W. C. T. U. did a great deal of
work that ;vas called "uplift," and
to "ameliorate" conditions, whatev
er that mean$, but it never tackled
the rotten stuff in the rear of the
When the sewer system was built
it served all the older parts of the
town and where it was settled up
thickest, but people farther out help
ed pay for it and have waited from
year to year for the system to grow
out to them. It is now proposed to
buy the water system and expend
$25,000 extending it so it will reach
as many homes as possible on the
■ 4 -
.1 .J. Fearheller, auctioneer. Sat
isfaction guaranteed. Phone 33W
adv. 18 tf.

or 252.
? l,re breds and 12 Shropshire bucks,
^-yenr olds. These rams are fat and
j n g00( j condition.
Parley Price, Blackfoot, Route 3,
Phone 311j3.
Nine Hampshire Bucks, 2-year old
meaaS will
nL always 'Be
y Complete -
j yfe\i-we
t «
is complete unless the proper
meat is served, and we heartily
agree with them. If you want
to purchase meats whose ten
derness and flavor quality ap
peal to a connoisseur you Bhould
visit this Bhop at once and make
your selections.
The Ouality Shop.
L. 3 ; DORE & SONS
Club Cafe
I have purchased the CJub Cafe
and removed 'It to De Kay's
Cigar Store... Try It.

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